“You can’t say that it doesn’t work, but permanent place he doesn’t, he gets a job somewhere, and after a while he quits, immediately gets a job somewhere else. Well, let him look. He is a mathematician with a business streak. My sister Oksana tells him a lot, they solve some issues together, I don’t interfere. He also has a creative note - he recently brought some DJ for the club, he even made good money on it. But I told him: “There is no need to waste time on this. Do some serious stuff." Jean is not going to marry yet. Although I don't mind. But he understands that he himself must support his family, and for this he needs to get on his feet. Therefore, they live for the time being and live ”(the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved hereinafter. - Approx. ed.), - the presenter said in an interview with Woman’s day.

Lera's relationship with her son has always been excellent. A boy was born in a marriage with Sergei Lenyuk, a musician of the group " Tender May". A few years ago, my mother bought an apartment for Jean next to hers, so that even after the young man gets on his feet, he could often communicate.

“Son Jean calls every day, comes to visit - we live next door. I am aware of everything that happens in his life. Lives with a girl, happy with everything. What are you doing? As the son says, by searching for oneself. This, I confess, annoys me a little. He is 26. I bought an apartment in Moscow at that age. Even a little earlier. But what can I do? The generation is different now. Jean has everything. Mom bought him an apartment, a car, helps. He himself complains: “I have no incentive,” Lera said a year ago.

The actress never advertised her personal life and did not post pictures and videos with her child on social networks. She said that by doing so she tried to protect the child from excessive attention and all the unpleasant things that could be connected with this, and, as it turned out, not in vain.

Recently, Lera Kudryavtseva posted a photo of an adult child with a dog on her Instagram. "My man!!! Sonulya For the first time allowed himself to be photographed this exclusive, ”the star signed the photo. The picture caused a lot of comments from subscribers of the star. Many users have found a lot common features at the leader and young man: “cosmic eyes”, “son looks like you”, “mother's bottomless eyes”, subscribers wrote.

But there were also ill-wishers who left very unpleasant reviews: “It looks older than mom”,“ an unpleasant guy ”,“ with a dog on the same face, ”and stuff like that, not to mention the discussion of hairstyles and excessive thinness. Although these signatures are more like envy, because at 46 Lera Kudryavtseva does not at all look like the mother of such an adult man.

But still, Lera did not like such captions, and she replied: “I posted a photo of my son on Instagram, now imagine what a stress it is for a kid to read inadequate comments. And he humble guy and I will never show it again, because I insure against inadequate ones. Everyone found even what is not there - both thin and bald and sick. Son, you are the most beautiful for me: kind, helper and protector. I will kill for you! Sorry for posting the photo! Pay no attention, live and rejoice!”

It turns out that not showing your children to the general public is the right decision of the TV presenter. It is known that unflattering reviews affect children with an immature child's psyche extremely negatively. And for parents, children and in 30 years - children.

For many fans of TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, the news that the celebrity has a 26-year-old son, Jean, came as a surprise. Lera gave birth to her only heir in her first marriage from the musician of the Tender May group, Sergei Lenyuk.

Now Lera is married to hockey player Igor Makarov, who is only three years older than her son. In many interviews, the TV presenter notes that she is very happy in marriage with an athlete. And recently, in an interview with journalists from the Antenna publication, Kudryavtseva spoke frankly about her relationship with the heir.


As it turned out, the star fully provides for a 26-year-old man who lives separately from star mom along with his beloved. Lera said that she bought an apartment for Jean next to her housing in order to see him more often. In addition, she gave her son an expensive car.


Kudryavtseva regretfully summed up her story by saying that her son still does not work anywhere. “I am aware of everything that happens in his life. Lives with a girl, happy with everything. What are you doing? As the son says, by searching for oneself. This, I confess, annoys me a little. I bought an apartment in Moscow at his age. But what can I do? The generation is now completely different, ”the TV presenter complained.

However, the other day Lera decided to make a gift to her fans and for the first time posted a photo of her son, 27-year-old Jean Lenyuk, on her Instagram. "My favorite man! Synulya. For the first time I allowed myself to be photographed. This is an exclusive, ”Kudryavtseva signed a photo, in which the guy is depicted with a dog.

Jean Leniuc (Photo: Instagram)

However, after some time, the TV star regretted her act, because subscribers began to write negative things. In Instagram Stories, Lera once again posted a picture of Jean, but this time with her comment. “Now imagine how stressful it is for a kid to read inadequate comments. And he is a modest guy and I will never show it again, because I insure against inadequacies. All found, even what is not. And thin, and bald, and sick. Son, you are the most beautiful, kind, helper and protector for me and for me! I will kill for you. Sorry for posting the photo. Do not pay attention! Live and be happy, ”Kudryavtseva said.

The family of Lera Kudryavtseva (Photo: Instagram)

Earlier in an interview, the TV presenter said that her son calls her every day, comes to visit, because they live nearby. “I am aware of everything that happens in his life. Lives with a girl, happy with everything. What are you doing? As the son says, by searching for oneself. This, I confess, annoys me a little. He is 26. I bought an apartment in Moscow at that age. Even a little earlier. But what can I do? The generation is different now. Jean has everything. Mom bought him an apartment, a car, helps. He himself complains: “I have no incentive,” says Lera.

At that time, Jean did not have a permanent job, but this did not bother his mother. “He is a mathematician with a business streak. My sister Oksana tells him a lot, they solve some issues together, I don’t interfere. He also has a creative note - he recently brought some DJ for the club, he even made good money on it. But I told him: “There is no need to waste time on this. Do some serious stuff." Jean is not going to marry yet. Although I don't mind. But he understands that he himself must support his family, and for this he needs to get on his feet. Therefore, they live for now and live, ”Lera admitted in an interview with Woman's day.

Lera Kudryavtseva, like most domestic celebrities, decided to meet New Year at home with your family. Leray's company was made up of close friends and, of course, her beloved men - husband Igor Makarov and son Jean Lenyuk.

Lera Kudryavtseva with family and friends // Photo: Instagram

"My family! New Year!" - Lera signed a touching series of pictures in which she poses with her closest people.

This year, Lera Kudryavtseva presented the followers with a special gift - she showed how her adult son Jean Lenyuk looks now. The young man celebrated his 27th birthday in April last year. He does not like publicity at all and tries to stay in the shadows as much as possible. But in honor of the most magical night of the year, Jean still allowed his mother to take a picture of himself and show the fans.

"My favorite man! Sonny! For the first time I allowed myself to be photographed! It's exclusive" boasted Lera Kudryavtseva.

Lera became a mother very early. She was not even twenty years old. Jean's father is the ex-husband of the presenter Sergey Lenyuk. Sergey was a member of the incredibly popular Laskovy May collective in the past. The marriage of celebrities did not last long, but they managed to maintain a normal relationship.

Lera Kudryavtseva is a professional in her field, which she not only knows well, but also loves. One of her latest projects, "Million Dollar Secret" became the main TV hit of the season. And this is no coincidence, since the spectacular blonde is friends with many celebrities who have become star guests of her show, and besides, she knows and feels how to talk to everyone so that a person wants to reveal their secrets.

By the way, all winnings go to charity. In the spring of 2017, a new show "The Stars Came Together" started on NTV, in which Lera performs in tandem with. With all her busyness, Kudryavtseva finds time for her personal life, but often, taking care of her family, she forgets about herself. Despite the fact that the husband is much younger than the TV star, they are happy and love each other. The spouses do not mind having children in their family, however, so far all the rumors about Lera's pregnancy are not valid.

The future TV presenter was born in 1971 in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakh SSR. Her parents were engaged scientific activity. The family also grew up elder sister Oksana, who is now in business. Her father dreamed of a son, but a second daughter was born. Having recorded the baby under the name of Valery, he raised her as a boy: the girl played chess with him, went hunting, watched hockey and football. It is no coincidence that in the boyish company she was always her own person. In childhood, Lera was fond of choreography, so after graduating from school she was educated at a local cultural and educational school, and then moved to Moscow, where she entered GITIS.

In the photo Lera Kudryavtseva in her youth with her mother Alexandra Ivanovna

Soon she was already dancing in pop groups with Igor Sarukhanov, Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Bogdan Titomir. Thanks to her friendship with Kudryavtseva, she passed the casting and began to host the Party Zone program. She was also a VJ on the Muz-TV channel, hosted programs on TNT and TV-6. Together with she was the host of the New Wave and Songs of the Year contests. Over the years of her career, Lera also tried her hand as an actress, playing in such films as "Streets of Broken Lights-7", "All the Charm of Love", "The Most best movie 3-DE", " Short Course happy life"and others.

While studying at the cultural and educational school, Kudryavtseva met the musician of the Laskovy May group, Sergei Lenyuk. At that time, she loved the hits of this group and played their songs from morning to evening. The 18-year-old handsome man fell in love with a girl from a deep province and often came to visit her. In 1990, the lovers got married and left for Moscow. In the same year, their son Jean was born, but the young couple could not stand the life and family problems. In addition, Lera could not cope with the popularity of her husband and his many fans.

TV presenter with her second husband Matveev Morozov

After a divorce from her first husband, she was in no hurry to marry a second time, and only in 2004 did her wedding with businessman Matvey Morozov take place. This romance was very swift, and she almost did not know her husband. It turned out that the man was connected with crime, and soon he was sent to prison.

In 2008, the blonde became close to Sergey Lazarev, with whom they hosted the New Wave contest in Jurmala for several years. Despite the age difference of 12 years, the lovers got along very well, but she did not wait for a marriage proposal. In 2012, the TV presenter decided to end a five-year relationship with the singer.

After breaking up with former lover there was a crisis in her personal life. Kudryavtseva dreamed of meeting a serious man with whom she could create strong family but she was disastrously unlucky. She saw her future husband, hockey player Igor Makarov, in a restaurant. The young man walked past her several times, and then plucked up courage and offered to go to dinner with him. Since that evening, the lovers almost never parted, and in the summer of 2013 their wedding took place. Fans were happy for the TV presenter, whom they dreamed of seeing as a mother for the second time. There are often reports in the press about the pregnancy of a TV star, but Lera herself does not confirm these rumors.

With third husband Igor Makarov

IN free time spouses often do not want to leave the house to enjoy each other's company. They can lie on the couch all day and watch TV, but they also choose the time to go to a restaurant or a movie. Over the years married life they studied each other's characters and habits, thanks to which there is harmony and trust in their family. The parents of her 29-year-old husband live not far from them, so often everyone gets together. The 45-year-old TV star looks amazingly young and has a model figure, her height is 167 cm, and her weight is approximately 51 kg. Kudryavtseva herself claims that she does not play sports at all and does not go on diets, and also rarely goes to beauticians. a big role in her excellent appearance plays heredity and good genetics.

In the photo Lera Kudryavtseva with her son Jean

Her son graduated from college at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then entered the Plekhanov Institute, however, his studies did not work out, and he left the university. The star blonde often teaches him about life, but the young man is looking for his calling, so he has not yet decided on his favorite business. Recently, Lera gave Jean an apartment, which she furnished to her taste.