Some argue that there are days when we can learn about what awaits us in the future. One of them is the evening and night of January 13th. This is one of the Terrible evenings, such as the evening on Andrei and Rozhdestvensky. On January 13, on the evening before the old New Year, the girls traditionally tell fortunes. We have collected the 10 most, according to experts, reliable ways divination, which makes it possible to find out what awaits in the future.

1. Fortune telling on grains

This divination allows you to get answers to the most exciting questions. any cereal is poured into the jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken out with the left hand and the grains are counted. An even number means a positive answer to the question, an odd number means a negative one.

2. Divination for kings

On the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, put on a pillow playing cards with pictures of kings. In the morning, pull out one card without looking. Whichever king gets, so will the husband: spades - the betrothed will be old and jealous, clubs - a military man, the king of hearts - young and rich, and the king of diamonds - desired.

3. Divination on the ring

Players take turns rolling the ring across the floor. If it rolls to the door, this girl will soon get married.

4. How to find out the name of the future husband

Finding out the name of the future husband is easy. It is enough just to go out into the street and ask to call the first man you meet his name.

5. Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune-telling is relevant not only to the Old New Year, but also on the night before Christmas and at Epiphany. Fortune telling on mirrors is considered very dangerous, so not every girl agrees to tempt fate so much. Two mirrors are taken (large and preferably of equal size), set against each other, illuminated by two candles; it is best to hold the mirror against the illuminated wall mirror so that a long corridor illuminated by lights forms from the directed mirror in the wall.

The fortune-telling girl must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two close friends. At the same time, friends are strictly forbidden to look in the mirror, approach the fortuneteller or talk to her. And at the end of this mirror corridor, the betrothed should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only the betrothed ... but also all kinds of evil spirits.

6. Fortune telling on wax and milk

For this divination, you need to pour milk into a saucer and leave it on the threshold. Take the cinders of wax candles and melt on the stove in a metal bowl. At the same time, you need to say: “Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax.” uttered the last word from the spell - and pour the wax into the milk, carefully examine the resulting figures.

7. Divination for a love dream

Another classic simple fortune-telling for the Old New Year, which will also appeal to modern young ladies. Before going to bed, eat something salty and in no case drink water. Going to bed, say: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink!". Whoever comes to drink you, you will marry him.

8. Divination by threads for marriage

A simple divination, which is popular in our time. The girls who have gathered for divination cut the threads of the same length and at the same time set fire to them all together. Which of the girls will burn out the thread faster, that first one will be married. The sequence of burning threads in the hands of girls will show the order of their marriage.

9. Divination by barking dogs

At midnight, you need to gain courage, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting snow with a knife. At the same time, do not hesitate to cast a spell: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me, what kind of husband will I get? Should you laugh or cry?" After saying these words, shut up and listen carefully for any dogs barking nearby. If a vicious jerky bark is heard, it means that future husband will be strict and gloomy.

If the dogs bark merrily and loudly, then the husband will also be cheerful and kind. It is very bad if a dog howl is heard during fortune-telling. This suggests that the marriage will be short-lived and very quickly the young wife will become a widow. If the dogs do not bark at all, this means that this year you will not have to wait for marriage.

10. Fortune telling on the gender of the unborn child

You need to thread the ringlet and slowly lower it into a glass of water. Then, just as slowly, pull it out and bring it to the palm of your girlfriend. If the ring makes circular movements, a girl will be born. If it starts to swing like a pendulum, then it's a boy.

Anyone who is interested in history will be interested to see what it is. Very bright work.

Divination for the old New Year - a great opportunity for a girl to know her future. Action intensifies this holiday magical powers. That is why our ancestors strictly honored and observed all the traditions of celebrating the old New Year. If a girl wants to find out about her betrothed, then it is recommended to perform a magical ritual with a mirror. There are also simple rituals: divination with a sock, a match and a ring.

Fortune telling on the betrothed on the cards

On the night of the thirteenth to the fourteenth of January, the Old New Year is celebrated. On this day, girls tell fortunes to find out what the future holds for them. If the ceremony is performed correctly, you can see the image of the future spouse and learn about the qualities of his character. Our ancestors from generation to generation passed on rituals that lift the veil of secrecy before the future of man.

Cards are one of the most popular divination methods. If you treat them correctly, they will tell the girl about her betrothed. "The ritual for kings" is performed by girls most often. This is due to its simplicity and high reliability. First you need to purchase a new deck of cards. Four cards of the king must be put aside from it. Before going to bed, the girl puts them under her pillow. In the morning, you need to choose one card and read its meaning:

  • The king of spades personifies an adult mature man. The chosen one of the girl will be a man older than her in age. In a relationship, he will be the owner, attacks of jealousy are not uncommon.
  • Card-clubs - military. Profession man associated with military service. Perhaps he will go to the army or become a student at a military school.
  • The red king is the most auspicious sign for a young girl who dreams of a strong and reliable man. This card portends marriage to a young and wealthy guy. Next to such a person, you can not worry about your future.
  • The king of diamonds portends an acquaintance with a man, in marriage with whom peace and harmony will reign.

The magical properties of the mirror

At all times, people attributed to the mirror strong magical properties. Suffice it to recall Russian fairy tales, in which a mirror could tell a person his future. This explains its popularity in various rituals. The simplicity and effectiveness of divination allows it to be carried out without pre-training.

Before proceeding with fortune-telling, you need to know about the negative side of this rite. It may not be safe. But this warning rarely stops women who dream of knowing their future.

The ceremony takes place at midnight in a dark room. The woman must be alone in the room. If strangers are present next to her, then she will not be able to get an answer to her question. Dim light is allowed in the room, as thick darkness can greatly frighten a young lady.

For the ceremony, you need to prepare two mirrors. They do not have to be identical to each other. You will also need two candles, which should be on a stand. In the absence of a candlestick, you can use a glass or glass. Mirrors should be opposite each other on a flat table surface. There should be candles on the sides of one of the mirrors. The girl should pick up a smaller mirror and stand with it in front of the second mirror.

During this ceremony, a "magic corridor" appears. Through it you can see the appearance of the narrowed one. Aloud, the girl should ask her betrothed - mummers to appear in the mirror. Do not rush, the image will not appear in one moment. You have to take a good look in the mirror. The most patient girls after a while will be able to see the outlines of a male appearance.

Do not look in the mirror for too long, it is fraught with bad consequences. If a girl becomes ill during fortune-telling, she should immediately interrupt the ceremony. It is not worth risking your health and testing Fate. It is necessary to finish the ceremony with the phrase: Keep away from me! It must be spoken loudly and clearly. If this is not done, terrible images may appear in the mirror.

Easy divination: with a sock, with matches, with a ring

Fortune-telling is described above, which not every girl will decide to carry out. For less determined persons, there are simple rituals. They are not fraught with danger, and are carried out quickly and easily.

Fortune telling with a sock will allow you to see your future spouse. It is best to use stockings, which must be purchased in advance on the eve of the holiday. Before going to bed, the girl should put them on and say: betrothed-mummer, come undress me. At night, she will have a dream in which a man will take off her stockings. It is with this man that she will connect her fate.

On matches, you can also guess. To do this, one match is installed on the sides of the matchbox. They personify a fortune-telling girl and her beloved. Matches are lit. You need to pay attention to how they burn. If the firebrands are facing each other, then this good sign. The couple is waiting for a long living together.

If a girl has rings, then she can perform a magic ceremony with them. He will predict what the new year will be like for her. Buckwheat is poured into a bowl, then rings should be put in it. Important nuance: The container must be deep. Then you need to take a handful of buckwheat in your palm and try to grab the decoration. If the ring is expensive and elegant, then life will turn out well.

There is an interesting divination with water. For him, you will need two glasses, one of which is filled with water to the brim. The girl slowly pours water from one glass into another, while making her wish. If a couple of drops of liquid spill, it will surely come true.

On the night of January 13-14, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in the old style. Fortune telling for the Old New Year falls on the period of Christmas time, which means - at the time Christmas divination. Vasiliev's evening was recognized as special, when the result is considered highly accurate, even prophetic. This is January 13th. Therefore, unmarried girls, using various fortune-telling, try to find out the name of their betrothed, whether they will get married in the coming year, and also how many children they will have.

1. Divination for the future with cups

For divination, you will need several cups corresponding to the number of fortunetellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in the cups, a little water is poured into one cup. WITH eyes closed each of the fortune-tellers in turn chooses a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for the wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

2. Divination for the future with candles

You will need a bowl of water, shell halves walnut in quantity equal to the number fortunetellers, and the same number of small candles or their pieces. Candles need to be inserted into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

The girl whose candle burns first will be the first of the fortune-tellers to marry. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns last will be the last to marry. If someone's shell with a candle sank, that girl will not be married at all.

3. Fortune telling on wax

For divination on wax, you will need two wax candles, one of which needs to be lit, and pieces of the other put in a spoon and, heating the spoon over a burning candle, melt the wax. After that, the melted wax is quickly poured into a glass with cold water and by the light of a candle, the future is judged by the figure formed.

4. Divination YES-NO

Over a jar with any cereal or grain is held left hand palm down. Concentrating, you need to ask a question that interests you. After that, take a handful of cereals from the jar and pour it on the table, then count the number of grains. If the number of grains is even, this means a positive answer - YES, an odd number means a negative answer - NO.

5. Fortune telling on the number and gender of future children

On Christmas Eve, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken from the cold and the future children are judged by the ice surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

6. Divination with a chain

When everyone is asleep, you need to take gold chain, rub between palms, hold in right hand, shake and throw on the table.

A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected; stripe - luck; node - difficulties and illnesses; triangle - love success; bow - wedding; snake - betrayal; heart is love.

7. Divination with a mirror

This divination is considered the most mystical. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the midst of midnight. Important condition- No one else should be in the room. It is necessary to carefully look at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes, it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather, the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass. The girl should start to avoid him so that he disappears, saying "Stay away from me!". Otherwise, evil will materialize.

Well, who does not like to lift the veil of the future? Even those who are skeptical about fortune-telling are not averse to having fun with this fun, especially on holidays, in a good company of friends. Of course, the beautiful half of humanity is more fond of fortune telling. Almost no bachelorette party is complete without fortune-telling for a narrowed-mummer, for love, for success, and so on.

And, it is highly likely that this is embedded somewhere in the genetic memory, because, unlike us, our distant ancestors from special attention and they took divination seriously, although for most of us it is just a tribute to traditions.

For most of the Christmas holidays, they guessed, including the New Year, which in the old days was celebrated on January 14th. A Orthodox Church on this day celebrates a great feast - the Circumcision of the Lord.

According to church canons, fortune-telling is a sin. But with the advent of Christianity, pagan and church traditions were closely intertwined, and this is unlikely to be changed, because it lasts for centuries.

The ancient Slavs believed that divination for the Old New Year 2018 have special accuracy, due to the fact that special mystical forces descend to Earth. The girls prepared for this time in a special way. They seriously tuned in during the day, giving the impression that they were not of this world. They didn't talk much that day, trying to tune in to the coming night in order to get in touch with these mighty forces.

What is funny, with the advent of Christianity, the girls first went to church, stood in the service, even asked the Saints for help, bought wax candles for their divination, although the church did not approve of this. That is why, when they began to guess, they covered the icons. It was believed that if they were covered, then they would not see that someone was breaking the rules.

It was believed that this day is especially suitable for divination for the groom, wedding, children - in general, for women's happiness. And there was a belief that it was on this day of all the Christmas "fortune-telling" days that you could get the most accurate answers to these topics, up to how tall the narrowed one would be, what color his eyes and hair would be, and even what day the meeting would take place. . So don't miss the chance to get in new year's eve exact .

How to Prepare for the Ritual

In addition to the fact that all day long they mentally tuned in to the upcoming night fortune-telling, they prepared special equipment in advance. These are bowls, rings, scallops, candles, mirrors, and so on, depending on what type of divination they were going to use.

The prerequisites were:

  • be sure to undo the braids and leave the hair loose;
  • clothes had to be loose, without knots, belts, jewelry;
  • it was imperative to remove all jewelry from yourself: earrings, beads, rings;
  • fortune-telling had to take place in complete silence and a dark room, even if the company was going. It was impossible to break the solemnity and grandeur of the moment with laughter - this could frighten away mysterious forces and not only not get what you want, but generally earn punishment;
  • it was equally important to conceive the question correctly, otherwise the answer could be unexpected or completely wrong, and the prophecy did not come true.

The best divination

There were a lot of fortune-telling methods and it was possible to guess at least all the existing ones or stop at the one that you liked more. Of course, if most of the answers various fortune-telling coincided, it was believed that it would 100% come true. And if not all, but the majority, coincided, then there may be obstacles before the prediction comes true. Well, if the answers were different all the time for all fortune-telling, then it was believed that something might come true, but not this year.

The most popular divinations that evening were:

Ships of fate

They took walnuts, separated the nucleolus from the shells and used the latter in divination. Each of those present was given pieces of candles of the same size, which they put in shells. After that, they collected a container of water and launched “boats” into it. In whose boat the candle burnt out first - that one and the first to marry among all those present.

Wheat-sister, give me an answer - will it come true or not

For this fortune-telling, they took a container with grains of wheat, put their left hand on it, made a question or wish to themselves, and then sentenced the words written above: “Wheat-sister ...”, scooped up a handful and threw it on the table. After that, the grains were counted: if the number came out even, then it would come true, if not even, alas! Those grains that fell from the table were not considered.

How many kids - girls and boys

Arriving at a bachelorette party, the girls poured some water into a small container, put a ring in it and put it outside the window in the cold, and after a few hours they took it away and watched how the ice lay down. They ran along the surface with a finger, counting the tubercles and depressions. Tubercles - boys, hollows - girls.

wax tide

In this way, they predicted the future. However, the girls of those times, according to legends from grandmothers and mothers, knew the meaning of each figurine. Nowadays, it is also relevant and in general, your subconscious mind will tell you which figure has poured out and what it means. The main thing is to catch the first thought that comes to mind.

So, for this fortune-telling, they took a bucket of water, drowned the wax over a candle and poured it into the water, and from the resulting figure they found out what to expect in the future.

shoe happiness

The well-known divination on shoes, which were thrown over the left shoulder from the yard onto the road and looked at the direction of the toe. Where he indicated - from there and the groom to wait. And if he fell with his toe to the hut, then this year one could not dream of marriage.

What you heard - to be

The girls walked around the village, quietly sneaking up to the window of the houses and listening to what they were talking about. If something good was said, it means that next year we should expect good things, about bad things - bad things. They laughed - to joy, swore - to quarrels, talked about wheat, bread, food - for money and wealth.

Fortune telling on the groom on objects

Sand, pebbles were poured into the container and various objects were placed: a hook, bread, a key, a ring. And then they pulled out the object, and then, before transferring the container to the next one, they put it back and mixed it. Hook - the husband will always be with his wife on the hook and will love and listen to her, bread - wait for a wealthy groom, a ring - a beautiful one, a key - a poor one.

Three slivers

They took three chips from a log. On one they put a red mark, on the other blue, and the third was left as is. After that, each girl pulled one of the three chips several times with her eyes closed. For the first time, the security of the narrowed was determined: pulled out with a red mark - there will be a rich man, with a blue one - a poor man, not painted - an average income. For the second time, pulling a sliver, they determined the appearance: with a red mark - a handsome hand-written man, with a blue one - not handsome, without marks - an ordinary one.

Divination in solitude

By 12 at night, all the girls tried to go home to continue to guess already alone. The most mysterious, mystical and dangerous was considered fortune-telling on a mirror. But the spirit of adventurism and curiosity was stronger than the danger.

Through the Looking Glass

Exactly at midnight, you need to sit in front of the mirror, concentrate, be sure to be alone, in complete silence and carefully peering into the mirror, say three times: “Appear narrowed!” After some time (10-15 minutes), the mirror began to change color and a demon appeared, which took on the guise of a groom. After they saw the face of the betrothed, they immediately had to start driving the evil one away with the words: “Chur, me! Disappear unclean! ”, Otherwise, he could take on his appearance and materialize, while taking away the beauty, youth, or even the soul of the girl.


In a sleeping house, in complete silence with a lit candle, put on a chain, scroll three times on yourself clockwise, take it off, shake it in your palms and drop it on the floor. If it falls around - wait " vicious circle"And troubles, a stripe -" a streak of luck "if the knot is tied - troubles or illness, and it falls in a triangle - to success in love and personal life. Well, if a bow or a heart, then by all means for the wedding.


On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year-2018 is celebrated. This time is also called Vasiliev evening. It is believed that today, January 13, after sunset, you need to guess, because the predictions will be the most truthful. site has collected several simple tips and fortune-telling, by which everyone can try to find out their future.

How to make your cherished desire come true?

It is believed that if you make your own cherished desire on the night of January 13-14, then it will surely come true. To do this, you need to be alone with yourself and mentally visualize the cherished desire, sincerely believe in its implementation. It is strictly forbidden to use the “not” particle when making a wish, as this will disrupt the process of embodiment.

When making a wish for the Old New Year 2018, you need to be in a good mood. On paper, you need to write “My wish will come true!”, And therefore burn or bury this sheet away from home. No one should know how you made your cherished wish for the Old New Year 2018. After a few days, you need to remember the wish made for the Old New Year-2018, imagine every detail in your thoughts. Then it will certainly come true.

How to prepare for divination

It is advised to tune in to a serious mood, girls need to let their hair down, untie all the knots on their clothes, remove the belt and other decorative elements, bracelets and rings. You need to mentally isolate yourself from reality and accurately formulate the question you want to get an answer to.

Divination on paper

Take a piece of paper and crumple it up. Place it on the bottom of an upside-down plate or saucer and set it on fire. After that, bring the saucer with burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn it until some shadow appears on the wall, the near future is judged by the outlines.

Divination for the future with cups

For divination, you will need to take bowls corresponding to the number of fortunetellers. They need to put a ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onions, salt, pour water into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of the fortune-tellers, in turn, chooses a cup. If a ring comes across, then this is for wealth, if bread - for prosperity, a coin - for wealth, sugar - for fun, onions - for tears, salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

Divination with a mirror

In absolute darkness, you need to sit in front of a mirror with a candle in the midst of midnight. The main thing is that there is no one else in the room. It is necessary to carefully look at the reflective surface. In about five minutes, it will fade. Then the betrothed will be reflected behind the glass. The girl should say "Chur me!".

Divination on wax

For divination on wax, you will need two candles, one of which needs to be lit, and pieces of the other put in a spoon and, heating the spoon, melt the wax over the burning candle. After that, the melted wax is poured into a glass of cold water and, by the light of a candle, the future is judged by the figure formed.

Divination for future children

On Christmas Eve, you need to pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it in the cold. Before going to bed, a glass is taken from the cold and the future children are judged by the ice surface formed in it. The number of tubercles indicates the number of boys, and the number of pits indicates how many girls there will be.

Divination by the book

Take any book and ask a question. After that, name the page number and the line number on it. The fact that in this place is written in the book and serves as an answer.

Divination with a chain

When everyone falls asleep, you need to take a golden chain, rub it between your palms, hold it in your right hand, shake it and throw it on the table.

If a circle is formed, closed troubles are expected, a stripe is luck, a knot is difficulties and illnesses, a triangle is love success, a bow is a wedding, a snake is betrayal, a heart is love.