Which woman will be the most faithful friend in wealth and poverty, good and evil, in sickness and health, and which one is better not to mess with in principle - our Horoscope of the best wives will tell.


Capricorn is a principled wife. The Capricorn lady has a clear idea of ​​​​what a marriage should be, and she will not back down from it. Therefore, Capricorns never marry anyone for some stupid love, oh no. Young ladies-Capricorns are well aware that marriage will be happy only if the spouses are molded from the same dough. The problem is that Capricorn itself is not made of dough at all, but rather of hardwood. And, rest assured, she will finish her Pinocchio to the ideal - even with an ax. True, in the process, the chips will fly and knock down bystanders, but then peace and harmony will reign in the Capricorn family forever and ever. Amen.


Aquarius is Schrödinger's wife. It looks like it's there, but at the same time it's like it's not there. In the sense that rodents commit suicide in the refrigerator of the Aquarius lady every day, from the pan forgotten on the stove, pasta winks imposingly at the husband of Aquarius, and the cat cannot always climb into his pot without climbing equipment. And all because Aquarius believes: life is too short to spend it on a base life. Family life- it's joy, laughter and fun! So a husband and an Aquarius wife are never bored. Honestly, he, poor fellow, barely manages to recover between two sessions of unbridled fun.


Pisces is an actress wife. The husband never knows what she's really thinking, and naturally has no idea what she's been up to all day. But he himself always has something to do: firstly, he has been trying all his life to figure out what his sweetheart really is. And secondly, he must work as a stone wall, earner, owner, lover and interesting interlocutor. Because if Rybka is not provided, not protected, not appeased, not entertained and not thrown gifts at her feet, she will wag her tail and goodbye. You ask what Pisces herself does in marriage? Oh, the hardest part. She Decorates Being With Herself. Literally non-stop.


Aries is a wife-rival. Young lady-Aries - Strong woman, and she does not need all sorts of weaklings in husbands, of course. She needs a strong man, a staunch fighter, able to withstand the daily mini-apocalypse: the temperament of the young lady-Aries is not entertainment for everyone, frankly. Therefore, when Aries finds a man who can stand it, she immediately becomes a sweetheart and marries him. And then the most interesting begins: the fight was equal, two Aries fought. No one will ever win, because both Aries and her husband will pump strength endlessly and by the silver wedding, perhaps, they will receive medals with the inscription: “Strength. Level: God. But they won't calm down, of course.


Taurus is a motivating wife. Level 80 motivator. Young Taurus ladies usually marry pretty gouges, because gouging is very pleasant to love: it is always fun with them. But love is love, and you always want to eat. And the Taurus lady wants not only to eat, but also a dress. And a house. And a typewriter. And for everyone to envy her. Therefore, gouging, who fell into the hands of Taurus, very quickly gets acquainted with a wide range of her motivating techniques: she masterfully saws. She is brilliantly manipulative. She is a master of blackmail. And yes, she also knows how to stuff needles under her nails. Well, but gouging will soon become rich and successful. If survive.


Gemini is a mirror wife. An almost mystical entity, mysterious and dangerous. There are women next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women next to whom a man feels like a failure, and there are twin ladies. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the Gemini look to the very essence, feed from the hands of other people's internal monsters and scratch them behind the ear. That is why the twin ladies are the most happy wives: to know all the most secret about yourself are only very, very ready good men. Holy people, basically. Yes, like saints: somehow they endure the internal monsters of Gemini, whose name is legion.

Cancer is the perfect wife. It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer lady to marry, but if she succeeded, she will show herself in all her glory: she is smart, beautiful, hostess. Ideally leads the house, flawlessly nurtures the kids, makes friends with her husband's relatives. Always support a loved one, always please him. Because family is the most important thing. Most importantly, she said! And who will skimp on their family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And he will show the brat where the crayfish hibernate!

a lion
The lioness is the wife-queen. Lionesses marry only those who are able to provide them with a kingdom immediately, immediately. Well, then all his life to conquer new lands for the glory of his queen and multiply the army of loyal vassals. That is why living with a Lioness is, in principle, very convenient: a man with conquering ambitions is a strong man, and a Lioness does not tolerate any competitors next to her. Therefore, everyone should mind their own business: the Lioness - to shine, the husband of the Lioness - to provide her with everything that is necessary for this. You can meet at gala receptions once a week, yes.


Virgo is a smart wife. Very clever. Damn smart! She understands everything, she never needs to explain anything. You can talk to her about everything. She will always support, always give wise advice. She is loved and best friend, so Virgo husbands usually do not have friends. And they, the poor fellows, have no one to even cry when the Virgo is attacked by foolishness. After all, when the Virgo is attacked by foolishness, she uses her giant mind to pick out her gentle, soft brains as sophisticated as possible for her husband. But then she will apologize, of course, and admit that she was wrong. Like any clever woman.


Libra is a cat wife. A sweet, charming, spontaneous, but absolutely useless creature in everyday life. On the other hand, what is a house without a cat? An empty, cold house, a bad apartment. And by the way, cats are not as simple as you think: if the young lady Libra is not groomed, not cherished, not carried on her arms and not allowed to occupy the entire bed, she will be offended and leave without a hat on a cold night. And it's useless to ask her what's wrong, because: "Oh, that's it!"


Scorpio is a witch wife. A real witch, no joke. He will bewitch anyone, and then conjure him fame, success and wealth. Everyone envy the husband of the Scorpio young lady: she is an incredible beauty, she is amazingly sexy, she is smart, she is the embodiment of perfect woman. And the husband of Scorpio is the embodiment perfect man: he is smart and charismatic, and generally incredibly cool. Well, because, in essence, he has nowhere to go: “Dominate and humiliate!” - Here life credo Scorpio young ladies, and whoever did not survive is not a horseman. Se la vie.


Sagittarius is a fighting friend: with her you can go into fire, into water and into reconnaissance. He hides behind his husband's back only because it is more convenient to feed him cartridges from there. Yes, it is important to understand that the Sagittarius husband really always needs cartridges. Firstly, he needs to shoot competitors who are not at all worried about the fact that the Sagittarius lady is, as it were, married. And secondly, one must somehow save oneself during family quarrels. Although - let's be honest - it's useless to shoot back from an angry Sagittarius lady. Not even a fact that an explosive grenade will help. Here is perhaps a plaintive cry “I am to blame for everything, and you are right, right, dear!”.

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Having decided to link our fate with this or that person, we try to learn as much as possible about him in order to finally make sure that he suits us in his own way. inner qualities. In this regard, it is useful to look into the horoscope and find out which representatives of the signs of the Zodiac, according to astrologers, are the best husbands and wives.

Best wives by zodiac sign:

5. Leo is a wife-queen

Every man dreams of getting such a beauty as a wife. This is an elegant young lady who knows her worth, has a delicate taste and incredible charm. In the surrounding men, the Lioness wife causes admiration and envy. But it's not only Nice picture. Such a woman knows how to create home comfort, and even though she does not like to cook too much, the table set by her attracts attention with exotic and incredibly delicious meals. But the main quality of the Lioness is that she is the strongest motivator for her man, which means that her husband is able to reveal his full potential with her.

4. Gemini - a mystery wife

This woman will never cease to amaze her husband throughout her life. First of all, she sees through him, which means she always knows what is happening in the soul of her beloved and how to help him. This is a mystery that for her man is revealed daily from a new, unusual side. The Gemini always has order at home, and the kids are clean and fed. Moreover, the husband does not have to wonder where his clean shirts and socks are. They always lie in a certain place and they are always in abundance. It can be said that with a Gemini wife, a man receives not only home comfort, but also a riddle that he will solve as much as he lives.

3. Taurus is a dream wife

A woman born under the sign of Taurus is a classic version of a beloved wife with whom you plan to live your whole life. She will surround you with care and affection, become a vest in which you can cry and a lover with whom you can not only have hot sex, but also be frank. Such a wife herself can perfectly provide for the family, but her main advantage is the ability to motivate her man, develop with him and achieve common success. With such a motivator, even the most unpromising and uninitiative man will become successful.

2. Pisces - wife-nirvana

If you do not want to get married just because you are afraid to break your feelings about the harsh life, choose a Pisces woman as your wife. This young lady is incredibly feminine and defenseless, next to her I want to be a strong and courageous man, surround her with care and make her happy. Next to the Pisces woman, men show all their best qualities and become proud of themselves. But the main advantage of the wife of this zodiac sign is that next to her you will never pay attention to everyday life and small daily problems.

1. Cancer is the perfect wife

Those who are looking for their ideal in family life should pay attention to the Cancer woman. She does not trust her chosen one for a long time, but if she trusts completely, you simply cannot find a better wife. Such a wife will endow a beloved man with affection and care, will protect him to the last and will never doubt him. She will create real comfort in the house and most importantly, she will never change or betray. Such a wife will follow her husband to the ends of the earth. The only condition for this is to sincerely, with all your heart, love your Rakinya.

The best husbands by zodiac sign:

5. Virgo is a devoted husband

Men of this sign cannot be called romantics from God, but they have such important quality like devotion. Virgos are not heroes-lovers, they are looking for the only one with whom they are ready to live until the end of their days. At the same time, men of this sign are clean, always ready to help their beloved with household chores and look after the kids. It is possible that such a husband will seem boring and conservative to some young ladies, but this person is aimed at creating strong family and is always ready to compromise for the sake of harmony with his beloved.

4. Libra is a romantic husband

Women are always drawn to romance, regardless of age. That is why they should turn their eyes to the Libra man. It is he who will write declarations of love on the pavement, compose songs for his beloved and make a marriage proposal on the panoramic platform eiffel tower. At the same time, the representative of the Libra sign will be one of the best husbands - caring, helpful, understanding. He will not encroach on the personal freedom of his chosen one, and therefore there will simply be no scandals about jealousy in their family. True, the Libra man himself is very loving, which means that the wife needs to constantly feed her husband and maintain interest in herself so that he does not look at others.

3. Taurus is a reliable husband

Reliability is one of those qualities that characterizes real men. Taurus possess it to the full, and therefore one of the most best husbands. Having fallen in love once, they carry this feeling through their whole lives, and for the sake of preserving the family they are ready to forgive their beloved a lot. At the same time, Taurus are the real masters in the house, who, if necessary, will take care of all the housework, allowing their beloved to develop as individuals. In general, with such men it is warm and cozy. What else do you need for a happy family life?

2. Capricorn - support husband

Capricorns are considered to be closed and unsociable personalities. However, this is a philistine opinion, which is not shared by close people at all. In the family, Capricorn is the main support and support, especially for the wife. For his woman, such a husband will become absolutely everything: a friend, adviser, mentor and passionate lover. Capricorns are very integral personalities, whose energy is aimed at development, which means that they will stimulate the development of their beloved woman. Such support from the Capricorn man often leads the family to prosperity.

1. Leo is the perfect husband

Leo can be called an ideal husband. Such a man loves his beloved woman to the depths of his soul, appreciates and understands her, and also protects and protects from all troubles. Leo a big heart, he selflessly loves his family, and does not have a soul in children. In any situation, he remains a faithful and reliable man, a real head of the family and a true friend. Having fallen in love once, a woman will never be disappointed in Leo and will not look for love on the side. Perhaps the Lions manage to combine all the best male qualities, and that is why, next to such a husband, the beloved wife herself becomes a lioness - refined, well-groomed and knowing her own worth. But more importantly, next to such a man, a woman feels like a woman!

Which woman will be the most faithful friend in wealth and poverty, good and evil, in sickness and health, and which one is better not to mess with in principle - our Horoscope of the best wives will tell.


Aries is a wife-rival. The young lady-Aries is a strong woman, and she does not need any weaklings in her husbands, of course. She needs a strong man, a staunch fighter, able to withstand the daily mini-apocalypse: the temperament of the young lady-Aries is not entertainment for everyone, frankly. Therefore, when Aries finds a man who can stand it, she immediately becomes a sweetheart and marries him. And then the most interesting begins: the fight was equal, two Aries fought. No one will ever win, because both Aries and her husband will pump strength endlessly and by the silver wedding, perhaps, they will receive medals with the inscription: “Strength. Level: God. But they won't calm down, of course.


Taurus is a motivating wife. Level 80 motivator. Young Taurus ladies usually marry pretty gouges, because gouging is very pleasant to love: it is always fun with them. But love is love, and you always want to eat. And the Taurus lady wants not only to eat, but also a dress. And a house. And a typewriter. And for everyone to envy her. Therefore, gouging, who fell into the hands of Taurus, very quickly gets acquainted with a wide range of her motivating techniques: she masterfully saws. She is brilliantly manipulative. She is a master of blackmail. And yes, she also knows how to stuff needles under her nails. Well, but gouging will soon become rich and successful. If survive.


Gemini is a mirror wife. An almost mystical entity, mysterious and dangerous. There are women next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women next to whom a man feels like a failure, and there are twin ladies. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the Gemini look to the very essence, feed from the hands of other people's internal monsters and scratch them behind the ear. That is why the twin young ladies are the happiest wives: only very, very good men are ready to know all the most secret about themselves. Holy people, basically. Yes, like saints: somehow they endure the internal monsters of Gemini, whose name is legion.


Cancer is the perfect wife. It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer lady to marry, but if she succeeded, she will show herself in all her glory: she is smart, beautiful, hostess. Ideally leads the house, flawlessly nurtures the kids, makes friends with her husband's relatives. Always support a loved one, always please him. Because family is the most important thing. Most importantly, she said! And who will skimp on their family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And he will show the brat where the crayfish hibernate!

a lion

The lioness is the wife-queen. Lionesses marry only those who are able to provide them with a kingdom immediately, immediately. Well, then all his life to conquer new lands for the glory of his queen and multiply the army of loyal vassals. That is why living with a Lioness is, in principle, very convenient: a man with conquering ambitions is a strong man, and a Lioness does not tolerate any competitors next to her. Therefore, everyone should mind their own business: the Lioness - to shine, the husband of the Lioness - to provide her with everything that is necessary for this. You can meet at gala receptions once a week, yes.


Virgo is a smart wife. Very clever. Damn smart! She understands everything, she never needs to explain anything. You can talk to her about everything. She will always support, always give wise advice. She is both beloved and best friend, so Virgo husbands usually do not have friends. And they, the poor fellows, have no one to even cry when the Virgo is attacked by foolishness. After all, when the Virgo is attacked by foolishness, she uses her giant mind to pick out her gentle, soft brains as sophisticated as possible for her husband. But then she will apologize, of course, and admit that she was wrong. Like any smart woman.


Libra is a cat wife. A sweet, charming, spontaneous, but absolutely useless creature in everyday life. On the other hand, what is a house without a cat? An empty, cold house, a bad apartment. And by the way, cats are not as simple as you think: if the young lady Libra is not groomed, not cherished, not carried on her arms and not allowed to occupy the entire bed, she will be offended and leave without a hat on a cold night. And it's useless to ask her what's wrong, because: "Oh, that's it!"


Scorpio is a witch wife. A real witch, no joke. He will bewitch anyone, and then conjure him fame, success and wealth. Everyone envy the husband of the Scorpio young lady: she is an incredible beauty, she is amazingly sexy, she is smart, she is the embodiment of an ideal woman. And the husband of Scorpio is the embodiment of an ideal man: he is smart and charismatic, and generally incredibly cool. Well, because, in essence, he has nowhere to go: “Dominate and humiliate!” - this is the life credo of the Scorpio young lady, and whoever did not survive is not a horseman. Se la vie.


Sagittarius is a fighting friend: with her you can go into fire, into water and into reconnaissance. He hides behind his husband's back only because it is more convenient to feed him cartridges from there. Yes, it is important to understand that the Sagittarius husband really always needs cartridges. Firstly, he needs to shoot competitors who are not at all worried about the fact that the Sagittarius lady is, as it were, married. And secondly, you have to somehow save yourself during family quarrels. Although - let's be honest - it's useless to shoot back from an angry Sagittarius lady. Not even a fact that an explosive grenade will help. Here is perhaps a plaintive cry “I am to blame for everything, and you are right, right, dear!”.


Capricorn is a principled wife. The Capricorn lady has a clear idea of ​​​​what a marriage should be, and she will not back down from it. Therefore, Capricorns never marry anyone for some stupid love, oh no. Young ladies-Capricorns are well aware that marriage will be happy only if the spouses are molded from the same dough. The problem is that Capricorn itself is not made of dough at all, but rather of hardwood. And, rest assured, she will finish her Pinocchio to the ideal - even with an ax. True, in the process, the chips will fly and knock down bystanders, but then peace and harmony will reign in the Capricorn family forever and ever. Amen.


Aquarius is Schrödinger's wife. It looks like it's there, but at the same time it's like it's not there. In the sense that rodents commit suicide in the refrigerator of the Aquarius lady every day, from the pan forgotten on the stove, pasta winks imposingly at the husband of Aquarius, and the cat cannot always climb into his pot without climbing equipment. And all because Aquarius believes: life is too short to spend it on a base life. Family life is joy, laughter and fun! So a husband and an Aquarius wife are never bored. Honestly, he, poor fellow, barely manages to recover between two sessions of unbridled fun.


Pisces is an actress wife. The husband never knows what she's really thinking, and naturally has no idea what she's been up to all day. But he himself always has something to do: firstly, he has been trying all his life to figure out what his sweetheart really is. And secondly, he must work as a stone wall, earner, owner, lover and interesting conversationalist. Because if Rybka is not provided, not protected, not appeased, not entertained and not thrown gifts at her feet, she will wag her tail and goodbye. You ask what Pisces herself does in marriage? Oh, the hardest part. She Decorates Being With Herself. Literally non-stop.

Interpersonal relationships between men and women are something that is not always possible to build the first time and painlessly. Therefore, we bring to your attention the rating of the best wives according to the signs of the Zodiac. We are sure that you will recognize yourself in these descriptions.

12th place - Scorpio
In last place in our ranking of the best wives is Scorpio. Despite all her virtues in the form of beauty, intelligence and charm, the Scorpio woman is still worst wife. And all because they dream of subjugating a man. Usually, those who start to fight with this state of affairs become depressed under oppression and may even lose their male power.

11th place - Pisces
Proven by experience family relations that marrying a Pisces is useless. They easily manipulate men, hypnotizing with their whims and slightly depressive states. But still, many men become truly dependent on Pisces and rarely decide to divorce, even in advanced cases, because without Pisces they begin to break down.

10th place - Leo
Leo begins the top ten ranking of the best wives. Having decided on a wedding with a Leo girl, you need to be ready to satisfy her appetites and regularly increase your earnings. She is sure that she should be the brightest, so she adorns herself with diamonds and luxurious dresses at the expense of her lover. With such a woman, one must always be on the alert.

9th place - Sagittarius
Sagittarians as wives also leave much to be desired. As a rule, before the wedding, they say that they do not need wealth, but only the love of a person. But in the end, the man next to his Sagittarius wife becomes resigned, his voice in decision-making is not taken into account. These relationships are obviously not for everyone.

8th place - Gemini
Among the advantages and at the same time negative features of the Gemini wife is that she literally sees through her husband. Even the smallest lie will not remain unnoticed by her. Many say that Gemini in marriage resembles a despot mother, which also greatly injures the male psyche.

7th place - Aries
If you like living on a volcano, feel free to marry an Aries. The intensity of emotions and passions is what will accompany in a relationship. Such women are confident in their irresistibility and believe that they are a gift of fate to her husband. But still, there is a lot of benefit from them in a relationship: as a rule, Aries take up the re-education of a spouse, making him better.

6th place - Libra
Many men consider Libra to be the ideal wife. They perfectly combine the opinion that a woman should be a mistress, a mistress, a beauty and at the same time childishly naive. True, Libra is not without a flaw: sometimes, nevertheless, they turn into a malicious shrew, tormenting their spouse with constant suspicions and claims. But this is fixable after a few days of rest.

5th place - Virgo
The top five wives of our rating are opened by Virgo. She is an almost perfect woman. Next to her, a man feels like a getter, a protector and can quickly fulfill himself, because he was put "at the head of the pack." But still, first you need to persuade the Virgin to get married, and this is not as easy as it seems.

4th place - Taurus
Taurus women are also great at wives. Everything is stable in their marriage, but you need to be prepared for the great meticulousness of such young ladies: this can get boring over time.

3rd place - Capricorn
Girls under the sign of Capricorn are absolutely sure that they are perfect in everything, like their life, so they should marry only an ideal man. Their picture of the world will not be destroyed if they meet the right man. They will definitely make good couple and will be a reliable support in everything.

2nd place - Aquarius
In second place in the ranking of ideal wives is Aquarius. It is proved that men literally dream of getting such a woman as their wife. And there is a reason for this: Aquarius is always happy with life, radiates positive and youthfulness even at a late age. The main task men in this case is to show that their realization is in marriage, because Aquarians are very freedom-loving and independent.

1st place - Cancer
Cancer becomes the owner of the title "Ideal Wife". From childhood, such girls dream of a magnificent wedding and their own family. They read a lot and watch the right movies on how to make relationships perfect. In general, they are doing great. They and their marriages are usually very happy. Of the minuses of Cancers, one can name the fact that they sometimes love their husband too much, encroaching on his freedom.

The truth is said that the sign of the Zodiac greatly affects the character of a person and the personality as a whole. It is enough for experienced people to look at the habits and manner of communication of a person and it is easy to determine which constellation patronizes him. Which woman will be the most faithful friend in wealth and poverty, good and evil, in sickness and health, and which one is better not to mess with in principle - our Horoscope of the best wives will tell. Find out how a woman will behave when she gets married. Well, either check yourself, or your girlfriends.


Aries is a wife-rival. The young lady-Aries is a strong woman, and she does not need any weaklings in her husbands, of course. She needs a strong man, a staunch fighter, able to withstand the daily mini-apocalypse: the temperament of the young Aries lady is not entertainment for everyone, frankly. Therefore, when Aries finds a man who can stand it, she immediately becomes a sweetheart and marries him. And then the most interesting begins: the fight was equal, two Aries fought. No one will ever win, because both Aries and her husband will pump strength endlessly and by the silver wedding, perhaps, they will receive medals with the inscription: “Strength. Level: God. But they won't calm down, of course. She is sincere and straightforward, active and assertive. If she wants her own, she acts directly, decisively. She wants to be liked without affectation and various female tricks, but just like that. For beautiful eyes, the Aries Woman in her personal life will be active and natural. She will not hide her likes and dislikes and may be the first to declare her love. Weak men fly towards her like night butterflies into the light. The strong feel that they will have to make war with her, but they can rely on her. The Aries woman can be both a feminist and a man-hater, but she is never a hypocrite and does not stoop to petty squabbles. If she decides to "live man's life”, then brings grief to herself and others, and then her husband is a weak-willed creature on errands, but there is no happiness. When “it’s unbearable to get married”, it’s just as easy for her to go down the aisle as not to commit this act. She has too many things to do and desires.


Taurus is a motivating wife. Level 80 motivator. Young Taurus ladies usually marry pretty gouges, because gouging is very pleasant to love: it is always fun with them. But love is love, and you always want to eat. And the Taurus lady wants not only to eat, but also a dress. And a house. And a typewriter. And for everyone to envy her. Therefore, gouging, who fell into the hands of Taurus, very quickly gets acquainted with a wide range of her motivating techniques: she masterfully saws. She is brilliantly manipulative. She is a master of blackmail. And yes, she also knows how to stuff needles under her nails. Well, but gouging will soon become rich and successful. If survive. The Taurus woman is jealous, treats a man as her property. He does not forgive betrayal, because he idealizes life and tries to live according to the rules and laws of decency. It is distinguished by great stubbornness and desires to exist in accordance with its inner law. A sense of duty towards loved ones is her indispensable character trait. For the same reason, she is afraid of sharp turns in life and stands guard over stability. The Taurus woman is looking for a reliable, wealthy man and agrees to devote her life to him. She does not skimp on promises alone, she will not perform feats in the name of a brighter future. The Taurus woman herself knows how to be a worthy friend, a good housewife, a faithful wife and a demanding mother. This talent is given to her from birth. And also she knows how to save and accumulate, save and protect, console and inspire a man to actions She is attracted to real men, courageous and reliable She knows how to create comfort, lead household and like it, as if born specifically for family life and love.


Gemini is a mirror wife. An almost mystical entity, mysterious and dangerous. There are women next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women next to whom a man feels like a failure, and there are twin ladies. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the Gemini look to the very essence, feed from the hands of other people's internal monsters and scratch them behind the ear. That is why the twin young ladies are the happiest wives: only very, very good men are ready to know all the most secret about themselves. Holy people, basically. Yes, like saints: somehow they endure the inner monsters of Gemini, whose name is legion. Gemini women agree to admit that there is something in astrology, but men will be chosen at their own discretion: democratic, practical and carefree. And no one will be denied attention. The main thing is that he should be smart and fit ... Formalization of relations in this case is the key to success. Perhaps, by today's standards, this is for the best. But it's one thing to have a light flirt, and it's another thing when the relationship takes on depth. Here Gemini, well, just none. It is difficult for them to establish deep emotional contact with a partner. It's not that they don't want it. They just don't understand what in question. Gemini women should be aware of this disadvantage or advantage of theirs (it all depends on how you look at the situation). Yes, and their gentlemen will not hurt to have information on this subject, so as not to demand from their beloved that she cannot.


Cancer is the perfect wife. It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer lady to marry, but if she succeeded, she will show herself in all her glory: she is smart, beautiful, hostess. Ideally leads the house, flawlessly nurtures the kids, makes friends with her husband's relatives. Always support a loved one, always please him. Because family is the most important thing. Most importantly, she said! And who will skimp on their family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And he will show the brat where the crayfish hibernate! The Cancer Woman is distinguished by significant changes in mood and, oddly enough, is very practical in the realities of life: in relation to marriage, family, everyday problems, property, housing issue. classical astrology claims that Cancer women are subject to the influence of the most feminine planet - the Moon. This luminary just endows them with the named qualities. She is an adherent of peace and harmony, family traditions and values. It combines rigor and romance, intelligence and feeling. This is a good and caring mother, a faithful wife. Such a woman has a strong sense of duty. Her family and home often come first. Cancer women really know exactly what they want from life and from their chosen ones. This woman chooses a man who can be relied upon and who would provide for her.

a lion

The lioness is the wife-queen. Lionesses marry only those who are able to provide them with a kingdom immediately, immediately. Well, then all his life to conquer new lands for the glory of his queen and multiply the army of loyal vassals. That is why living with the Lioness, in principle, is very convenient: a man with conquering ambitions is a strong man, and the Lioness does not tolerate any competitors next to him. Therefore, everyone should mind their own business: the Lioness - to shine, the husband of the Lioness - to provide her with everything that is necessary for this. You can meet at gala receptions once a week, yes. The Leo woman loves social life, entertainment, wealth, strives for a high position and leadership role. Likes to be the center of attention leadership position. She is quite pragmatic, realistic, energetic and conceited. The Leo woman has a developed will, can stand up for herself, her family and her ideas about life. Her attitude towards children can be a benchmark if she intends to have children. Possessing great internal energy and ambitions, the Leo woman cannot fully realize herself in the family, therefore she will strive for active life outside the home - at work, in sports, anywhere. She often crushes her husband under her and takes control of all family affairs into your own hands. As a rule, this is how unhappy families arise. The Leo woman chooses either a strong man endowed with power and wealth, or someone who is easy to push around. She does not show special astrological predilections, because, as already noted, she never performs a marriage act spontaneously, at the call of her heart or because of a whim. In addition, it easily formalizes relationships based on the common benefit and convenience of coexistence.


Virgo is a smart wife. Very clever. Damn smart! She understands everything, she never needs to explain anything. You can talk to her about everything. She will always support, always give wise advice. She is both beloved and best friend, so Virgo husbands usually do not have friends. And they, the poor fellows, have no one to even cry when the Virgo is attacked by foolishness. After all, when the Virgo is attacked by foolishness, she uses her giant mind to pick out her gentle, soft brains as sophisticated as possible for her husband. But then she will apologize, of course, and admit that she was wrong. Like any smart woman. The Virgo woman is either very neat or sloppy. Either striving for ideals, or immersed headlong into the routine of life. She is more of a moral model than its opposite. Usually she keeps the house in perfect order and lives according to legal rules. The Virgo woman is emotionally restrained, often indecisive, love plans, and lets things take their course. This person has a fine mental organization, and she can be offended by a careless word. The Virgo woman trusts the mind along with the heart. Therefore, he feels more than others his insecurity and the gap between the desired and the actual. To cope with this psychological misfortune, she tries to occupy herself with deeds, worries, responsibilities that are endless and permanent. The Virgo woman is modest, shy, but often forgets about it. She chooses a husband who meets her requirements and ideas. And therefore often disappointed in men.


Libra is a cat wife. A sweet, charming, spontaneous, but absolutely useless creature in everyday life. On the other hand, what is a house without a cat? An empty, cold house, a bad apartment. And, by the way, cats are not as simple as you think: if the Libra lady is not cared for, not cherished, not carried on her arms and not allowed to occupy the entire bed, she will be offended and leave without a hat on a cold night. And it's useless to ask her what's wrong, because: "Oh, that's it!" The Libra woman has a strong sense of beauty, but she can appear cold and aloof. This makes her look like the Snow Queen from the famous fairy tale. She has the art of pleasing, because she is also under the auspices of the planet of female beauty and beauty in general - Venus. There are always men around her. She can also be the standard of female beauty. However, she, showing friendliness and conformism, confuses love and a good attitude towards herself. The Libra woman begins her adult life early. She chooses her husband herself and enters into marriage more than once.


Scorpio is a witch wife. A real witch, no joke. He will bewitch anyone, and then conjure him fame, success and wealth. Everyone envy the husband of the Scorpio young lady: she is an incredible beauty, she is amazingly sexy, she is smart, she is the embodiment of an ideal woman. And the husband of Scorpio is the embodiment of an ideal man: he is smart and charismatic, and generally incredibly cool. Well, because, in essence, he has nowhere to go: “Dominate and humiliate!” - this is the life credo of the Scorpio young lady, and whoever did not survive is not a horseman. A Scorpio woman can simultaneously show a feminine character and show strong-willed qualities. She would like to spend her energy outside the home and preferably for peaceful purposes. Women of this type are endowed with a special flair and intuition. Scorpio instinctively knows who her chosen one is. She chooses a man for herself The fresh cavalier only vaguely assumes something about future prospects, and our villain sees in advance what and how she will have with him. She is especially not mistaken in assessing men. Scorpions are jealous to the point of madness. A Scorpio woman can influence her man with feminine charms quite effectively. He does not have to be nearby for this, her thoughts about it are enough. Cleopatra pushes proud Antony around like a little boy, and does not part with her poisonous snakes. The Queen of Sheba is not afraid to challenge Solomon himself. The enamored Margarita knows better than the Master himself what he needs, and is ready for him both in fire and in water. The queen of the night, Scheherazade, has been fooling the stupid voluptuary Shahriyar for a thousand and one nights. Everything gets out of hand. Fairy tales full of romance, adventure, mystery and erotica sound in the impromptu salon of our madam. She is a witch, I'll tell you a secret. The one that makes friends with the devil and flies on holidays on a broomstick Conspiracies, curses, herbal medicine - all this is in her part. She attracts men to herself like a magnet or, conversely, repels them immediately. This is due to the sensual vibes that emanate from her. She's like a vampire, but it's not her fault, because she's a vampire by birth. Deadly fatal beauty - it's about her! Poison and eat. Like a black widow spider eating her lover after a night of love.


Sagittarius is a fighting friend: with her you can go into fire, into water and into reconnaissance. He hides behind his husband's back only because it is more convenient to feed him cartridges from there. Yes, it is important to understand that the Sagittarius husband really always needs cartridges. Firstly, he needs to shoot competitors who are not at all worried about the fact that the Sagittarius lady is, as it were, married. And secondly, you have to somehow save yourself during family quarrels. Although - let's be honest - it's useless to shoot back from an angry Sagittarius lady. Not even a fact that an explosive grenade will help. Here is perhaps a plaintive cry “I am to blame for everything, and you are right, right, dear!”. A Sagittarius woman should from time to time skydive, run, ride horses, ride skiing. Foil combat, orienteering, shooting at live targets are preferred. Then she will have good mood, excellent appetite and a healthy complexion. Not every man is suitable for the role of a husband for Sagittarius. She herself prefers to choose a gentleman for herself, and she tends to command her husband. Bluestocking, an eternally busy, clumsy commander, finds herself a kind-hearted husband and a person equal in spirit and convictions. But this spouse will then wash diapers, cook dinners and run around the shops and ask: “Where have you been?! Are you late for work again?!” If you are going to get married, get married, and don’t get married ... The Sagittarius woman is a person who is fond of, it doesn’t cost her anything to fall in love at first sight or make enemies for herself because of naive innocence and unfeminine manners. She treats marriage without trepidation and languor. The archer jumps out early in marriage, gives birth quickly, soon finds out how much a pound of family life is, and learns poorly from her mistakes. She enters the state of marriage easily and naturally. For example, having met her husband on the beach, at a party, while climbing to the top, and starts family life right away - where she stands. She is ready to treat sex as sports, bodybuilding, shaping and tourism. The Sagittarius woman is not inclined to bind herself with obligations and impose responsibility on herself. Her parents are often divorced, and her own family life is full of surprises. She is not ready for the feat of the mother-heroine. The monotony, including family life, she endures painfully. The feeling of freedom is as necessary to her as air.


Capricorn is a principled wife. The Capricorn lady has a clear idea of ​​​​what a marriage should be, and she will not back down from it. Therefore, Capricorns never marry anyone for some stupid love, oh no. Young ladies-Capricorns are well aware that marriage will be happy only if the spouses are molded from the same dough. The problem is that the Capricorn itself is not made of dough at all, but rather of hardwood. And, rest assured, she will finish her Pinocchio to the ideal - even with an ax. True, in the process, the chips will fly and knock down bystanders, but then peace and harmony will reign in the Capricorn family forever and ever. Amen. The Capricorn woman, even without studying Carnegie, is easily oriented in everyday psychology. If she wants to influence her husband and the game is worth the candle, she will smile at him, call him by name, listen to his problems, explain why her husband should be fine with her ... She is a demanding mother, keeps her children in strictness, takes care of their education, upbringing and perspectives. Maybe the child will not have enough love and affection, but the psychological attitude in which he grows up will make his fate meaningful and productive.


Aquarius is Schrödinger's wife. It looks like it's there, but at the same time it's like it's not there. In the sense that rodents commit suicide in the refrigerator of the Aquarius lady every day, from the pan forgotten on the stove, pasta winks imposingly at the husband of Aquarius, and the cat cannot always climb into his pot without climbing equipment. And all because Aquarius believes: life is too short to spend it on a base life. Family life is joy, laughter and fun! So a husband and an Aquarius wife are never bored. Honestly, he, poor fellow, barely manages to recover between two sessions of unbridled fun. The Aquarius woman does not succumb to difficulties and is not afraid male work. She is easy-going and easy to communicate with. However, it is always unpredictable and original. For example, Playboy model Nicole Wood has three cherished dreams at once, vividly characterizing the nature of a young girl. By all means make a career, be sure to have a home, family and children and ... fly a fighter. The Aquarius woman is an independent, independent, sociable, optimistic person. It always arouses the interest of men. She has a developed mind and wit. Always comes to the rescue, sympathizes and tries to understand. She is characterized by friendliness and goodwill. The Aquarius woman falls in love easily and suffers from male selfishness. Confuses friendship with love, from which there are many disappointments. It can be in very strange relations with men and enters into a marriage of convenience, by conviction and out of curiosity. He does not like prejudice and hypocrisy, does not recognize monotony in his personal life. She is also an idealist. Marries many times. The institution of marriage is an anachronism. Sooner or later, any Aquarius woman will agree with such a statement. The average Aquarius is married at least twice or does without this disgrace at all. The recent scandal, at the center of which was the Princess of Monaco Caroline, only confirms the ephemeral nature of relationships with men. The husband was again caught with his mistress.


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