The actress believes that Maxim Shchegolev helped her return to life.

Maxim Shchegolev's birthday was another reason for his beloved Theona Dolnikova to show her feelings. She posted on Instagram joint photo and congratulated Maxim on his birthday.

« In general, everyone congratulated you yesterday, so I congratulate you today ??? Baby, happy birthday! @maximvale Let it continue like in this photo! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to believe in a miracle again and for our little baby, the best on the planet ❤️ I love you”, thanked her beloved Theon Dolnikova.

Recall that in February, Theon gave birth to her first child. So far, he and Maxim, who was already married before and has three children, have not registered their relationship. But this formality does not interfere with their relationship. Dolnikova and Shchegolev look really happy, although a year ago the actress was in a very depressed state.

Before meeting with Maxim, Teona was engaged to Nikita Bychenkov, things were going to the wedding, but her fiancé died. Dolnikova could not recover for a long time after this loss, but Shchegolev's care and love allowed her to return to life and become happy again. And now, when the son was born, Theon flies on wings at all.

The only thing that upsets the actress so far is excess weight which she gained during pregnancy. When Theona saw almost 70 kg on the scales, she panicked. " This is a disaster, I have never weighed so much in my life! But! I believe in myself! I believe in my willpower!» Dolnikova chose ... buckwheat as the ideal product for the diet in the near future. In addition, the list of what you can include: fermented baked milk, kefir, turkey. It is recommended to categorically refuse the sweet Teone, but on the contrary, drink more water to stimulate lactation.

The filmography of Maxim Shchegolev is constantly replenished. A textured man is good in any incarnation, whether he is a member of a criminal community or an intelligence officer, a cunning lawyer or an oligarch.

Now, the actor admits, he has everything one can dream of - children, a beloved woman, work. It is not difficult to be successful everywhere when the work you do is a pleasure. Although sometimes, when fatigue sets in, Shchegolev regrets that there are only 24 hours in a day.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Valeryevich Shchegolev was born on April 20, 1982 in Voronezh, where he spent his childhood, and there the actor began to make his first plans.

Unlike most of his colleagues, he did not rave about the stage since childhood, on the contrary, he planned to acquire a more “mundane” medical profession. However, dreams were shattered on the rock of a complex introductory system medical universities as well as high competition. And then Shchegolev decided to try his hand at the Voronezh Academy of Arts. For Maxim, moreover, it was a chance to "slope" from the army.

After a year, the young man is transferred to the 2nd year of GITIS, under the caring wing of the “mustachioed nanny”, who played a significant role in the formation stage creative biography Maxim.

After some time, the venerable mentor invited the young Shchegolev to play with him at the Theater of the Moon. There in 2002 he made his theatrical debut. young actor.

After graduating from GITIS in 2003, yesterday's student is again fabulously lucky: he enters the creative laboratory famous director Anatoly Vasiliev at the Moscow Art Theater School. Annual training ends with Vasiliev taking young artist to the troupe of the School of Dramatic Art.

The premiere production of Maxim was the play "The Night is Tender", which became very popular among the audience.


Shchegolev's cinematic path is not as cloudless and pure as the theatrical one. The actor began acting as a student, despite the fact that they offered only negative roles or inconspicuous episodes, as in the Moscow Saga or Blind. In the full-length version of the painting "In the First Circle" Maxim embodies the image of the executioner. In the series "?" he plays the part of a bad car salesman.

These images were a mere trifle compared to the first serious role that Shchegolev received in the television series The Young and the Evil. The picture is a 150-episode dynamic action movie that tells about a standard criminal set - murders and drug trafficking.

Maxim became recognizable thanks to his roles in Russian television series, including Karpov, I'll Come Myself and Lone Wolf. The melodrama "Marriage by Will" brought him the first television award - the Golden Rhino Award. And for his role in the film "Second Wind", he received a medal from the Ministry of Defense.

The actor does not abuse popularity, he says, it is simply impossible. The viewer has the opinion that artists bathe in luxury. But there is money when there are shootings, in other periods they do not earn anything.

Over the years, Shchegolev began to participate in projects only with the permission of his confessor. If the priest does not allow it, neither the fee nor other circumstances will force him to agree to the role. And since God created a woman and a man separately, there will be no trying on female images either.

Elena Velikanova and Maxim Shchegolev in the film "Diamonds of Circe"

The creators of the films see in Maxim for the most part a guardian of law and order. Such were the characters in "Profile of the Killer", "Cop", "Insomnia", "The One Who Is Near".

The detective "Sphinxes of the North Gate" again brought Maxim and Elena Velikanova together on the same platform. Their characters will become the main actors in the next films of the cycle about an art critic and a policeman - “Hotel Toledo” and “Master of the Unicorn Hunt”.

By the end of 2019, NTV plans to present the Battalion action movie. The events of the picture cover the period of the collapse of Yugoslavia, Shchegolev will appear in the form of a scout Russian army embedded in the ranks of the Kosovo rebels.


  • 2006 - "In the first circle"
  • 2011 - "Girl Hunt"
  • 2011 - “Marriage by will. The Return of Sandra"
  • 2012 - "Karpov"
  • 2013 - "Bombilla"
  • 2013 - "The Power of Faith"
  • 2014 - "War Correspondent"
  • 2014 - "A Woman in Trouble"
  • 2015 - "Spellbound"
  • 2015-2018 - "Molodezhka"
  • 2016 - "Double Life"
  • 2017 - Diamonds of Circe
  • 2017 - "Prompter"
  • 2018 - Poisoned Life
  • 2018 - "Sphinxes of the North Gate"
  • 2019 - "Battalion"

Beginning see:

At the Moscow Film Festival, not only actors and directors shone, but also eminent fashion designers. For example, Bella Potemkina:

Bella Potemkina in a green dress of her own design

Valentin and Marina Yudashkin. Someone, but the master knows how to sew haute couture evening dresses...

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the festival in the company of actress Anna Skidanova.

Anna in a light jersey dress with a voluminous golden stripe. The outfit is a cross between an evening and just a weekend dress.

Actress and producer Marina Orlova wears a beautifully low-cut dress that helps create the look of a 1950s star.

The director and actress Yuliya Aug appeared in the image of a pretty Kustodievskaya merchant's wife... But not so long ago her roles were lyrical and romantic heroines...

Julia Aug with young actresses. By the way, the girl in blue, choosing a dress in a fashionable "linen style", got a little carried away...

An evening dress may only slightly resemble a shirt, but it should not be a shirt, even an expensive one, with linen lace ...

Olga Zaitseva in a beautiful embroidered dress. The photographer caught her in some strange pose, but it's not that important. Something else draws attention - curled curls and makeup made Olga older than her age, and even a girlish dress did not help. She looks much younger in her dressed-down appearance. Although it is not so difficult for a woman born in 1982 to look young ...

Photo from Olga's Instagram

But the dress is original...

Lada and Vyacheslav Fetisov with their daughter. The outfits of mother and daughter successfully overlap.

Director and actress Vera Glagoleva appeared in black. Many ladies have chosen this color, but for Vera, the choice is not the best. At the closing of the festival in bright Vera looked better...

"Lilac couple" - Alexander Kuznetsov with his wife ... Comment or not?

And here is the "secular observer", brawler Bozena Rynska... Well, what can I say? "I'm God!!!"

TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya in an unexpectedly closed outfit, however, against the backdrop of deeply decollete ladies, this looks original.

Marusya Zotova, actress of the humorous sketch program "Give youth!" Marusya's dress is coarse, but beauty saves the day...

Anna Peskova

Irina Medvedeva, actress of the program "6 frames". Fashion experts found Irina's outfit too intricate, but as an evening dress it has a right to exist.

Ekaterina Volkova. Ekaterina's dress is too everyday, mundane, the colors "Turkish cucumbers" have long been perceived as festive.

Daniil Strakhov with his wife Maria Leonova. Maria chose an outfit in the style of Marlene Dietrich of the 1930s ... Originally, especially, there were very few women in trousers.

Evelina Bledans is always bright and self-confident.

Ekaterina Melnik. The dress is good, the figure is slender, the girl is beautiful, but perhydrol curls spoil her appearance a little ... A good hairdresser can make the color of dyed hair not so primitive, more natural.

Ksenia Knyazeva. The intricate embroidery on the dress gets lost in the photo... white on white is never easy.

Marat Basharov with his girlfriend Elizaveta Shevyrkova, who is in deep interesting position(now we can already say that the situation has been successfully resolved)

Elena Kuletskaya for the first time after the birth of a child came out into the big world. In the photo - Elena with her husband Stanislav Romanovsky.

Pavel Tabakov and Maria Fomina

Beauty Aglaya Shilovskaya

Teona Dolnikova and Maxim Shchegolev. Theon's bow is too big... And the companion had to put on shoes, through "I don't want", even if he resists...

Julia Beretta in an evening trouser suit.

Anna Melikyan, director, screenwriter, producer, author of melodramas beloved by many women, for example, the film "About Love". White dress, rather modest for an evening, and the lack of "abundance" in jewelry (attention to only one gold bracelet, but it's worth it) - everything is very intelligent.

Anastasia Makeeva in an outfit in the color of a summer pioneer uniform. But since the bottom is a long skirt with a train, and the top is a knitted T-shirt, the combination turned out to be not so successful ...

One of the main failures of the red carpet of the festival is Elena Kondulainen's outfit. Alexander Vasiliev called it "not at all glamorous: ridiculous, overloaded and too pretentious." The fashion specialist also noted the actress's hairstyle, "which is more suitable for a barmaid" ... Well, a chignon that does not perfectly match the shade of native hair, and therefore is too obvious in the hairstyle, is really not the best choice.

Elena Kondulainen with her son

Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) with his wife Elena. Well, judging by the red sneakers, the dress code for Vakulenko is not written. And Elena Vakulenko has an interesting option - a dark office vest, turning into an evening dress. Creative.

Iosif Kobzon with his wife Nelya. The singer's wife is tastefully dressed as always, but... there are many ways to cover her neck if she behaves so treacherously...

Natalya Andreichenko and her friend, sculptor Georgy Pototsky
I wonder how a lady feels when everyone around is in evening dresses, and only she is alone in a stretched knit? However, fashion connoisseurs considered that Natalya's outfit did not exceed the permissible proportion of freakiness, but the shoes were a real failure ...

Natalya Belokhvostikova with her daughter, director Natalya Naumova. Natalya Sr. is wearing a calm light dress with ethnic motifs - good option for a lady of elegant age, but without pretensions.

The Strizhenov family with their daughter Sasha. Ekaterina is usually dressed by her sister, a professional designer. The dress on Ekaterina Strizhenova is original, there is nothing like it on the red carpet; but I don't want to reproduce it.

Yana Dobrovolskaya. The dress is beautiful, but almost a wedding one ... Still, a veil on the head - and you can go down the aisle.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Anastasia Rogozina. Who would explain to all the girls that if the dress is not to the floor, but to the ankle, you need to carefully monitor how you put your feet. Not necessarily in third position, but heels out to the sides, toes to each other - not an option ...

A guipure dress, the cover under which is the most minimal mini-skirt, and the rest is completely transparent, apparently, gives an interesting effect when walking, when slender legs flash under the lace ...

An interesting dress built on contrast. But the leather belt is rough for shiny silk ...

The appearance was killed by a too deep neckline ... If the dress started 8-10 cm higher, everything would be fine.

Natalya Bochkareva - bright, beautiful woman... But the evening dress was chosen unsuccessfully - it should not sit on a female figure like cellophane on a sausage...

In addition, photographers will always find such an angle to emphasize what they want to hide ...

Irina Grineva in a designer dress with a landscape pattern. From a distance it looks like the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, which is emphasized by the tiara resembling a kokshnik...

Hereditary beauty, daughter of Tatyana Lyutaeva Agnia Ditkovskite in a dress that caused great controversy. Someone found it stylish - how could it be otherwise with a dress from Louis Vuitton.
I am one of those who categorically did not like Agnia's outfit; it is even difficult to recognize her in this form. The entire avant-garde of the famous brand was expressed only in a white-and-green stripe on the bodice, suggestive of the style of tracksuits ... And what does the blue-red shoes have to do with it?

Victoria Solovieva, actress of the Lenkom Theatre. She had few roles in the cinema so far, but in the film "Sunstroke" Mikhalkova Victoria attracted the attention of the audience.
The simplicity of her black dress is redeemed by a radiant smile...

Solovyov in the film "Sunstroke"

I can’t imagine foreign actresses who came to the festival, but I can’t ignore our beloved Aunt Sonya! She is our...

They seem to be from two completely different worlds. Teona Dolnikova is a musical star, and Maxim Shchegolev is an actor whose popularity is associated with TV shows.

Photo: Egor Vasiliev

But when I see how they communicate with each other, I get the feeling that these people have been together all their lives and that it could not be otherwise ... Teona and Max talk about their relationship for the first time today. By the way, they came to the interview with their small child.

WITH how much now?

Theon: Four and a half months.

And you always take it with you?

T: Practically. My mother went to Germany, she spent almost five months with us. I then had an incredible expanse, I could get enough sleep, go anywhere. And now - everything: my mother left, Maxim is on the set all day, so I'm everywhere with the baby.

So it's great that Maxim is on the set all day long.

Maxim: Yes, thank God.

T: It's better to miss a person...

M .: ... than he will be an eyesore. ( smiling.)

T: No, Maxim just hates being at home.

M .: I like to be at home, I just don’t like to mess around. For me, idleness is an absolutely unbearable existence.

Do you have such periods?

Sometimes, but they usually do not drag on - I'm lucky in this regard - and I go crazy from inaction.

Do you have such Small child, the same "action" every second!

M.: I'm talking about professional inaction. It is clear that being with a child is a joy, to participate in his growth, feeding, walking ...

Understand. Listen, how did fate bring you together?

M .: I remember the first time we met, in 2001 or 2002. I then studied at GITIS with Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov. Theona came to visit us - she was friends with my classmates. I go outside and she's surrounded huge amount guys, everyone is smiling, laughing. I didn’t immediately recognize her, they say to me: “Well, it’s Theon!”

Were you already famous at that time?

T .: Then the musicals were in full swing: "Metro", "Notre Dame" ...

M .: Theon was already a star, she participated in Notre Dame. And she threw me: “Hello”, smiled her radiant smile, my heart trembled, but that was it. She ran away with this guard in the other direction.

Theon looks at Maxim in surprise... Don't you remember anything like that?

M: She has White list. (Laughs.)

T .: No, I remember that I came to see you at the play "Romeo and Juliet" at the Theater of the Moon.

M: That was later.

T: Possibly. But I remember it very well, it was absolutely amazing, because there were only guys playing there. Romeo and Juliet respectively.

And you, Maxim, who did you play?

Juliet's mom.

Not bad! Such a powerful mom, a bodybuilder mom.

T: He was unrealistically handsome.

M .: I had long hair, and now the remains are sweet, as they say.

T: You are still beautiful. ( smiling.) But this is the first meeting. And such a thorough one happened last year.

M.: Oddly enough, fellow students influenced our meeting for the second time. I have a classmate Zhenya Koryakovsky, he made a film and showed it at the Yermolova Theater as part of the DOKer project. He invited both me and Theon.

T .: We have been friends with Zhenya for a long time. And so we both came to the show. It was terribly cold, it was February. And there, in the foyer, I saw this man with huge eyes.

M .: I had such a beard! ( Shows.)

T .: And there is something about him ... I didn’t just look at him and think: “What a cool guy!” I don’t know, I just felt somehow good, calm. There are people who radiate some amazing energy, and you want to at least stand next to them.

Did you stand?

She stood. And he was so touching. Zhenya was very worried, he was shaking, but Maxim kept walking around and brought him coffee and tea. It was so cute and I thought how amazing he is and wonderful person! And that's it. We looked at each other a couple of times in the hall and parted ways. A few months later, I accidentally saw a very familiar face on Facebook. I went to Maxim's page and just liked the photo.

Was that enough?

M: More than.

T .: And now we have a child! And if a child asks where babies come from, I must say...

M.: ...Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg!

T .: In general, you just need to like a photo on Facebook.

M .: We began to correspond, then Theona came to me at night for film set. It was cold, she came by taxi, waited an hour and a half for me when I was free.

T: More! Maxim said that he was hungry, and I brought him some nuts, blueberries. (Turning to Maxim.) You were fasting then. In general, I decided to feed the person.

M .: At first, I remember, I had a wild clamp. The shooting took place behind the hostel of VGIK, Teona and I had no options to hide in warm place, and we played football with some kind of can.

What do you mean, play football?

T: Well, we just walked around and kicked pebbles and cans to keep warm.

M .: I am still ashamed when I remember this meeting of ours. Well, that is, when you think about the first date, you imagine flowers in tons, wagons. And here we were both just like tin soldiers.

T: Two thirteen-year-olds who don't know what to talk about.

M .: We are so cold, I remember those icy hands.

T .: Well, I wanted to be beautiful: I put on sneakers in the cold, because sneakers for me are the greatest beauty. ( smiling.)

M .: And you also had a turquoise R'n'B-style bandana.

Aren't you afraid to simply catch a cold in these sneakers?

M: She is a fearless person.


M: Absolutely! Afraid only of himself, like everyone else talented people and I think this is the main problem.

T: I'm afraid and I don't like myself.

And you, Max?

M: Oh, I'm still worse.

T .: In general, two loneliness met.

M .: Well, we are working, of course, on ourselves. But so far it's not working out very well. Our profession is stupid: you are always looking for yourself, and then you run away from yourself, then you come to the point that you need to understand who you are and accept yourself. This realization came to me a year ago.

What do you mean?

The fact that you have to accept yourself like this: tall, balding, with joints. Accept that you are not the smartest in the world, that you are not the most talented in the world. I experimented a lot on myself, from long hair to the shoulders and ending with a bald shave. Experimented with weight. For example, now I weigh one hundred kilograms, and I used to weigh one hundred and twenty-two. I tried to be what I wasn't. And only now, thanks to Theosha, he began to calm down. She seemed to take me to a mirror and show me the real me.

T: I'm crying now.

Is being tall a bad thing, Max?

M .: Oh, how many problems I had in childhood because of my height! Even the exit from the trolley bus each time ended almost with a concussion. I grew up in Voronezh. Of course, our trolleybuses are the same as in Moscow, but I was always on the verge of an accident. And then, I was also thin when I arrived in Moscow, I weighed only seventy-two kilograms. That is, it was just such a skeleton. I remember when I started experimenting on myself. Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov, in his second year at GITIS, came to our dance lesson: we are all at the barre, in these tight leggings, in T-shirts. He looked at us and called us to his office. He says: “Maxim, do something with yourself. Either you start to swing, or we will part. And I started a different life.

Listen, I still touch on one painful topic. I can't forget, Max, your interview in some publication about parting with actress Yulia Zimina. It was such a cry of despair on your part - sadness, resentment, an absolutely naked nerve. I didn’t know you then and was sincerely surprised how such a brutal man can be vulnerable and sentimental.

It was, it was, yes. Do not know what to say. There was such a difficult period, a difficult parting. Of course, I also broke firewood in due time. Now, if some kind of assessment is made, then I understand that from the very beginning there were a lot of mistakes made, which later turned out to be impossible to correct. And they accumulated, accumulated, like a lump. I have no grievances, no complaints, I thank both that person and God that this period in my life was and I was happy.

Before that, you also had different periods: you were married twice, and you already had three children before meeting Theona.

I have only been married once. Tanya Solntseva and I had a student story, fireworks, fireworks, and that's it. There is no mind. He is not there now, but then certainly only hormones. But we want a baby.

T .: Ilya is already fifteen years old!

You are communcating?

M: Yes, of course. I try to make everything go well, so that neither the children nor their mothers have a hard time. I try my best, and then let the mothers decide for themselves. But the children, thank God, are still living in peace, in love, asking about each other. Luchik (Luke, son of Maxim and Theona. - Note. OK!) until he asks how the sisters and how the brother is, but the sisters are always interested in him.

And your daughters...

From actress Alla Kazakova. We worked together with Anatoly Vasilyev in the theater: there was a moment when I combined my service in the Theater of the Moon and with the great master Vasilyev (until he stayed to work in France).

Yes, such diametrically opposed creative territories! .. And you and all your former relatives in good relations?

I participate in the life of both children and their mothers, I help everyone.

Theon, didn’t this moment bother you, purely in a feminine way? Three children, parental obligations...

T: To be honest, I didn’t think about it at all. I didn’t really know who Maxim was - I don’t watch TV at all. When I found out that he had three children, on the contrary, I thought: cool! The person already knows how and what to do. To be honest, I have never seen fathers who have ex-wives, were so attentive to their children and even to ex-wives. This fact makes you respect a person even more, this is really a very rare quality. I am glad that I do not have complexes in this regard. For example, Ilyusha's mother, Tanya Solntseva, I knew even before the birth of their son with Maxim. She auditioned for a role in the musical "Metro", we crossed paths several times. We were not friends, but we crossed paths. Now Tanya and I communicate periodically, sometimes on Facebook I ask her how things are when they come to visit.


T .: I don’t know Alla, but the girls also came to visit us.

I watch how touching Max is now feeding his son. Is this a common practice?

M .: Yes, and my favorite!

T .: As soon as Maxim has a day off, he immediately rushes to take care of the baby, because he misses him.

Was it the same with older children?

M: Yes, of course! I remember myself with some bottles, I remember walking, how I took my daughters to the forest. As soon as you go out with a stroller, they are already sleeping.

What is the difference in age between daughters?

They are the weather. This summer will be nine and ten.

T .: Adults are already girls.

M .: In my past relationships, before meeting Theon, children became a problem, I was reproached for seeing children so often. For example, I can stay overnight with children, in their nursery, and I have never considered this something shameful. I understand that my ex-wives and I are not enemies, because we have more serious tasks than personal relationships. So, I received reproaches: “Why do you visit children so often?” I said that I want to stay there, because there are days when the girls have school in the morning, then one has to be taken to ballet, the other to music, then taken away. He said that I needed a day that I could spend there inside and out. I heard "no" to that. And Theona somehow humanly immediately said: “Of course, what’s the problem?”

T: Well, I said that if you have to stay with the children, then you have to stay.

M .: With Teosha, this does not become a problem in principle, which in itself is a huge offset for her! You understand that this person is with you, he feels you and you do not need to come up with any schemes. And before, I had to lie, say that the shooting shift was delayed, and so on. And here there are no problems, and neither with Theon, nor with her sister, nor with her parents. They all ask me about my daughters themselves.

T .: My parents adore both Maxim and everything connected with him. Situations in life are different, but we must try to be wise, honest. And in my life there were not very honest relationship Unfortunately, we are not all angels. And so I decided that I didn’t want to lie ever again, even if it might hurt me. Let them tell me that they cheated, fell in love with another, anything, but let there be honesty. Then I will decide how to react. If you really love a person, some things can be forgiven.

M: I totally agree with you.

T .: I don’t understand what kind of family you can talk about when there is no trust. And if there is no trust, then I don’t understand what kind of family it can be.

Theon, there was a very difficult period in your life. You lost your fiancé: Nikita suddenly died on tour from a stroke...

Yes ... Of course, we also had a difficult relationship, but I used to live in America, I was married.

This is what I didn't know. A ex-husband -


M .: So she is not divorced! (Theone.)

Why are you silent? She is still married to an American!

T .: ... Maxim said displeasedly. Well, you know, you have three kids and I have an ex-husband!

Why aren't you getting a divorce, Theona?

At some point it was impossible, then Nikita was gone and I didn't care anymore. It probably sounds kind of strange, but for the last few years I didn’t really care what happened. After Nikita's death, everything happened automatically for me.

I worked in order not to just go crazy, I had a lot of performances and practically had no free time. On stage, I poured out everything that happened to me. Fortunately, I still have such roles, for a gap, I “died” every evening. Oddly enough, it helped me: death on stage helped me live on.

At that moment, I apparently had a rapprochement with Nikita. I was covered with fear, I read esoteric literature on the topic of leaving the body ... I wanted to see him, ask him some questions, I dreamed about him all the time. And now he dreams periodically, but especially during that period. Every time I dreamed about him, I asked him why he died. And at that moment he had some very strange look, he began to look at me very intently and smile ... I'm telling you now, and my hair is right on end.

I also have goosebumps.

And not once did he answer this question to me, it was always silence. Various mystical things happened. There were moments when I was practically on the verge of life and death, my blood pressure dropped in general, and suddenly at that moment one of Nikita's friends called: “Teona, are you all right? I had a dream about Nikita, crying, saying that Teona needs help, she is very ill "...


T: Of course, I know that many do not believe in dreams.

M .: She is talking about me now.

T .: Yes, but I understand that a person cannot just see such a dream.

Were you alone at that time?

I lived with Nikita's mother. I lived with his mother for a year. I understood that I could pull myself out, but she alone could not.

How noble of you.

M .: A unique case: they are still friends. Nikita's mother comes to visit us.

What did, Theona, help you change this situation?

T .: A lot of people, when something like this happens to them, try to step back, to occupy themselves with something that can distract them from pain. I didn't distract myself from the pain. Whatever I did, everything had to do with Nikita. I played performances for him, everything that I lived, let's say, I lived in his name. He was with me every second, in my head. If I wanted to cry, then I sobbed; if I wanted to scream, then I screamed. Thanks to this, three years later - he died on June 14, 2014 - I already see the light. Probably like this. The first year after his death, I saw the inscriptions “Come into the light” everywhere. In perfect different places. It was so weird! And also thanks, probably, to such small things, I pulled myself out into the light.

Tell me, have you already changed by the time you met Max?

Yes of course. It’s hard for me to judge my inner positive, but it was definitely another step.

M .: Well, anyway, there was, you know, behind the person ... not a shadow, but some kind of dense air.

T: Mirage.

Did you feel it keenly, Max?

M: Of course. The same is evident when a person seems to be with you, but it seems not. But I tried not to get into Theona's personal life. She herself told me everything.

At what point did this happen?

T .: That's what I liked from the very beginning: Max and I were immediately very frank with each other, that is, we shared both past relationships and what did not suit us in past relationships.

M .: We have already lived, we are no longer young. ( smiling.)

T .: Who is this middle-aged?!

M .: I am no longer there, but you, of course, are thirteen. No, I mean that we had some experience behind us.

T .: I wanted simplicity in relationships.

Did Max help you psychologically?..

T: be cured? In fact, if such things happen, they stay with you throughout your life, you can’t get them anywhere. But nevertheless, of course, I looked at life differently. First, a ray of light appeared, our Ray. A child is generally space. And of course, I am extremely grateful to Nikitos' mother for the way she took it all. She accepted Luka as her own grandson, she treats Maxim very tenderly.

Theona, are you going to divorce your American husband?

As soon as possible. ( Smiling.) I need to come there because he and I got married in Kansas, where his parents live. This is not an easy process.

Max, are you okay? Do not seek to register your relationship as soon as possible?

M: I don't care, to be honest. I know the story is over. I know Josh, I know what he looks like, I know he has another woman. I even know what Josh's grandmother looks like. Well, yes, there was a story, but only a piece of paper remained from it. After all, I myself was in a relationship, while being an officially married person. Now my beloved person is next to me, our little boy is next to me, and this is most important. Understand, Vadim, I am in no way promoting an open relationship. In fact, I'm for the family, I'm not for the freedom of relationships. I think, documentary confirmation it must necessarily be at a time when people understood their intentions, finally decided that it could not be otherwise.

Wait, I'll ask a question: are you still undecided?

M .: I have decided, but I can’t put pressure, impose my opinion on Teona. Little whether that still will happen! ( smiling.) Most importantly, we have a son.

T .: Well, he's just so pretty, our son. It has everything I dreamed of. All my life I dreamed that I had dimples on my cheeks. I have never had them, but our son has. I dreamed that I had grey eyes- My son has gray eyes. What else do you need? Practically perfect man! And if you go back to marriage ... What difference does it make, there is a signature or, as it is called, a stamp in the passport, or not.

M .: Yes, there will still be a stamp, calm down!

T: Yes? I don't know, Max hasn't proposed to me yet.

Is it true?

M: I want.

What's stopping you?

Nothing interferes. Nothing stops.

T .: Wait, Luka will grow up, he will carry a veil from behind.

M .: First, Theon must get a divorce.

T: In fact, I was told that a marriage not registered in Russia does not work in Russia, so I can easily get married. ( Smiling.)

M .: And if we want to sign in the States, what then? So I'll make you an offer, let's say, in New York, and then what should I do?

T .: We will come to America with Maxim so that he can meet Josh and his whole family. There are no people in my life with whom I am in some kind of hostile relationship, thank God. Josh has an absolutely amazing family, his parents adore me, they write to me every day, asking how Luka is, how is Maxim.

Just some unique unity of everyone and everything! And how long, Theon and Max, have you been together?

T: A year and a half.

M .: What a year and a half? A year and three months. On April 1, you first came to my site at night.

T: Yes, you will laugh! Moreover, our baby was due on April 1st. And I say: “This is going to be the coolest April Fool’s joke!” But in the end, the son appeared two months earlier.

M: He made up his mind.

T .: He could not stand it, he decided that he urgently wanted to visit his parents, and was born in January.

Tell me, Theona, are you already working? Or still immersed in motherhood?

I almost never rested in my entire life, all the time theater-theater-theatre. And now I thought that I deserved a couple of months just to be with the baby. It's an incredible thrill. Of course, I won't spend a year. Literally a week after giving birth, I was asked to appear in the musical "Crime and Punishment" by Andrei Konchalovsky, last year we had a premiere. An amazing performance, of course, but I can't yet. I want to be in perfect shape.

And you are not in perfect shape?

I gained a lot.

So you can't tell.

I have a thin face - this is my secret. I need to lose another fifteen kilos. Already got rid of ten, fifteen more - and it will be perfect.

Is it possible?

Of course available! Willpower is needed, well, turn on your head. I now go to the psychologist.

For what?

Well, he is a psychologist by profession, and the clinic is connected precisely with weight loss. I was invited, and I thought: “I’ll try, why not?” And indeed, it has changed my attitude to food in general. Moreover, Maxim is very supportive, he does not go to the clinic, but at home he tries to keep a diet.

Here I am listening to you and I want to wish, my dears, that your family idyll continued for as long as possible!

T: Thank you, Vadim! It's true happiness - to meet your man.

M .: Don’t think, we, too, are sometimes overwhelmed. Of course, I understand Theon: I'm not at home, she, poor, yearned, bored. I leave-arrive at night, had breakfast and ran away again. She just doesn't see me. As a result, during the shift, you will call a couple of times, write briefly. And I feel that she seems to be saying: "Well, that's what you are doing to me, just to unsubscribe."

T: These are the little things in life. Nothing, I'll buy myself a backpack for the baby ...

And go.

M .: And on the way, for sure!

Photo: Egor Vasiliev. Style: Irina Svistushkina

Makeup: Marina Ikaeva/Giorgio Armani Beauty

Hairstyles: Timur Sadykov, Natalia Abdalova/Redken

Maxim Schegolev - famous person in Russian cinema. This talented, bright theater and film actor has incredible charisma and a memorable appearance. He plays so realistically that many people say that his characters seem to come to life on a movie screen or on a theater stage.

In his young years, the artist Maxim Shchegolev achieved a lot, and most importantly, the recognition and love of the audience and fans. Such people are the present and the future of Russian cinema and theatrical art. Maxim Shchegolev is loved, they watch his work, they are waiting for new and new roles.

It is safe to say that there is no woman who would not turn her attention to a tall brunette with a beautiful, athletic figure. Many are interested in such physical parameters of a famous actor as his height, weight, age. How old is Maxim Shchegolev can be calculated, knowing the birthday of a young actor.

Maxim Shchegolev's height is 191 cm. Weight is 92 kg. To date, the actor Maxim Shchegolev is 36 years old. As you can see, the man is quite prominent. He has a bright appearance and incredible charisma. The network is full of photos depicting Maxim Shchegolev, a photo in his youth and now is one of the most frequently viewed.

According to the sign of the zodiac, Maxim Shchegolev is Aries. This is probably why the actor is quite temperamental and impulsive. Quickly grabs any business, easily gets used to the role, purposeful.

Biography of Maxim Shchegolev

The biography of Maxim Shchegolev began in a quiet provincial town Voronezh. The actor was born on April 20, 1982. in downtime Soviet family workers. Father - Schegolev Valery Konstantinovich. Mother - Shchegoleva Irina Alexandrovna. Brother - Shchegolev Sergey Valerievich. It is known that Maxim Shchegolev's father died in 2007, and his mother lives in Voronezh.

Maxim Shchegolev's childhood passed in the city of Voronezh. It cannot be said that the boy dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood. Not at all. Maxim Shchegolev initially thought about the profession of a doctor, but did not dare to enter a medical institute because of the great competition. And so that youth would not pass in the army, he went to study at GITIS.

Filmography: films starring Maxim Shchegolev

The professional growth of Maxim Shchegolev developed under the influence of talented directors Roman Viktyuk and Ginkas. After graduating from GITIS, the career of a young actor went up. And already at the age of 36, the filmography of Maxim Shchegolev includes more than 45 films and series.

It should be noted that the first significant role was in the film "Young and Evil" (2006). And then there were such film projects as "SK", "Karpov", "Sklifosovsky" and many others.

Personal life of Maxim Shchegolev

The personal life of Maxim Shchegolev is also quite interesting. Famous actor turned out to be a loving person. He was married 4 times. Most likely the reason for this is his incredible energy and charm. Although, it is worth noting that Maxim Shchegolev was officially married once.

The last chosen one of the actor was Theona Dolnikova. Maxim Shchegolev and Teona Dolnikova for a long time hide their relationship. Now there are a lot of joint photos on the Internet. It is known that in February 2017, a young couple had a son.

Family of Maxim Shchegolev

The family of Maxim Shchegolev is now, of course, large. The main thing in family relationships Maxim considers mutual understanding, respect and trust. These are the main indicators for building an ideal relationship. Maxim all the time, since childhood, dreamed of a big happy family. Perhaps part of his dream came true. He has wonderful children from different marriages.

Now the young actor is in a civil marriage, but he assures that the stamp is neither for himself nor for him. civil wife does not mean anything. There is love, and this is the main thing.

Children of Maxim Shchegolev

Maxim Shchegolev father of many children. He has two boys and two girls. The youngest son just turned one year old. And may the children of Maxim Shchegolev be born into the world from different women Father loves them all equally. Maxim keeps in touch with each of his children. All his children are quite developed and delight their parents with their successes.

Of course, Maxim Shchegolev tries to devote as much of his time to his children as possible, but this does not always work out due to his workload. But still, children can be proud of their talented father.

The son of Maxim Shchegolev - Ilya

The son of Maxim Shchegolev - Ilya - the first child of the actor. The boy was born on August 2, 2002. At this time, Maxim Shchegolev was in a civil marriage with a talented actress Tatyana Solntseva. Now Ilya is 15 years old, he lives with his mother. Very developed, tries to study diligently. In many ways, he takes an example from his father Maxim Shchegolev.

Actor Maxim Shchegolev maintains a relationship with his first son, Ilya, tries to meet with him often. The artist understands that a son needs a father, how important male upbringing is, especially for a boy.

The son of Maxim Shchegolev - Luke

The son of Maxim Shchegolev - Luka - is the fourth child and the second son of the actor. I was born recently, February 25, 2017. in a civil marriage Maxim Shchegolev and Theona Dolnikova. Luka is now a year old. Young parents have already christened the baby.

The child has just begun to learn about life, he is very pleased with his famous parents. Maxim and Theon affectionately call their baby Luchik. On his day off, Maxim Shchegolev loves to take care of his son, play, take walks in the fresh air. “This time is priceless,” Maxim assures.

Daughter of Maxim Shchegolev - Maria

The daughter of Maxim Shchegolev - Maria - the second child of the actor. Masha was born on July 13, 2007. Then the young actor was officially married to a young actress Alla Kazakova. The girl is now 10 years old. Together with his younger sister, he lives with his mother. Children often see their father, at their request.

In general, Father Maxim Shchegolev often comes to visit them, and sometimes even stays overnight. Usually sleeps with the girls in the nursery. Maxim tries to take an active part in the upbringing of little princesses, and, of course, gives expensive gifts.

Daughter of Maxim Shchegolev - Ekaterina

The daughter of Maxim Shchegolev - Ekaterina - is the third child of the actor. Also appeared in the legal marriage of Maxim Shchegolev and Alla Kazakova. Katya is almost a year younger than her own sister Masha, she was born on July 20, 2008. Girls are the weather. They grow up in love and affection, do not fight among themselves. They love and are very proud of their father.

Of course oh future fate It’s too early to talk about girls, but since they were born in a family of talented actors, it can be assumed that, perhaps, their future life connected with the film industry and theater. And parents will definitely help them.

The ex-wife of Maxim Shchegolev - Tatyana Solntseva

The ex-wife of Maxim Shchegolev, Tatyana Solntseva, became the first chosen one of the young actor. This was the first serious relationship of Maxim Shchegolev. Young people met when they were students. It was a firework of feelings and great passion. Maxim Shchegolev and Tatyana Solntseva played together in the Theater of the Moon.

The union lasted several years. And even though the couple did not legally formalize their relationship, they eventually had a desired child, the boy Ilya. After the birth of their son, the couple decided to separate. Now Maxim and Tatyana are on friendly terms.

The ex-wife of Maxim Shchegolev - Alla Kazakova

The ex-wife of Maxim Shchegolev is Alla Kazakova. They met at the theater of Anatoly Vasiliev. Young people met for a long time, about two years. And on June 10, 2006 they played a wedding. We celebrated at home, but there were a lot of guests. We didn't go on our honeymoon because we were busy with work.

In this marriage, two charming little girls were born - Masha and Katya. Maxim Shchegolev was very happy. Relationships in marriage seemed ideal, so the divorce of Maxim and Alla in 2010 was unpredictable. The couple still do not name the reason for the breakup of the family. Some media outlets suggest that Maxim Shchegolev's affair with TV presenter Yulia Zimina served as the reason for the divorce.

The ex-wife of Maxim Shchegolev - Yulia Zimina

The ex-wife of Maxim Shchegolev is Yulia Zimina, an artist. The couple met on the set of the TV series Carmelita. For about 3 years they hid their relationship, but almost immediately began to live together as one family.

Later, Maxim Shchegolev said that their family relationship was quite tense. So, Julia ignored his friends and relatives, called the actor's mother and children names. Perhaps that is why Maxim decided to put an end to it and left, leaving the jointly built house to his common-law wife. The marriage was not officially registered.

Now the actor Maxim Shchegolev does not hold a grudge against Yulia Zimina and sincerely wishes her happiness.

The wife of Maxim Shchegolev - Theon Dolnikov

The wife of Maxim Shchegolev - Theon Dolnikov. Teona is a dancer, singer, musician. 3 years younger than Maxim. For some time, the couple hid their relationship. Now Maxim and Theon live in a civil marriage. A year ago, they had a son, they named him Luke. For the common-law wife of artist Maxim Shchegolev, Teona Luka is the first desired child. There are many joint photos of the couple on the network, you just need to type Maxim Shchegolev and his wife photo 2016-2017. It is also known that Teona Dolnikova has an official husband in America, this is precisely what is an obstacle to legalizing marriage with Maxim Shcheglov.

The couple considers trust to be the main thing in family relationships. Nothing will work without him.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Shchegolev

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Shchegolev can be easily found. The actor's Wikipedia page is located at:,_Maxim_Valerievich. Here you can get acquainted in detail with the main points of the life and work of the artist Maxim Shchegolev.

The actor's Instagram page: instagram maximvale, full different photos. From them you can easily find out about the creative projects of the actor, events in the family. Here Maxim is happy to answer various questions from his fans.

It is pleasant to note that with age, Maxim Shchegolev has not lost his charm. His roles never get boring. Even in negative characters, the actor tries to find positive features trying to live their life "from the inside".