If you do not live near warm ocean or a water park something you might not have seen seahorses or sea dragons to see just how amazing these tiny creatures are. Long, elongated, like those of a horse, their heads give them an almost mythical image. In reality, they are not immortal, and besides, many die during the storm. Sea "horses" hide with the help of excellent camouflage, long spikes and ribbon-like outgrowths make them invisible in their natural underwater environment.

The size of seahorses is from 2 to 20 centimeters. Seahorses like leafy sea dragons and sea needles carry their offspring in special bags where the female spawns. The burden of maternal care falls on. With such entertaining and interesting facts as well as amazing pictures of seahorses we invite you to familiarize yourself.

Seahorses (Hippocampus) - gentle and beautiful creatures got their name from the ancient Greek "hippo", which means "horse" and "campos" - " sea ​​monsters". The genus Hippocampus includes 54 marine fish species.
The spotted seahorse in the photo is 15 centimeters long and lives up to four years.

Spectacular rainbow seahorse in Hamburg, Germany.

Leafy sea dragons at the Georgia Aquarium. Sea "monsters" live at southern shores Australia and are masters of disguise. Seemingly harmless, the sea dragon is a real predator - it feeds on small fish and shrimps.

The weedy sea dragon is endangered. With small tubular snouts, relatives of seahorses suck in tiny prey, sometimes various debris gets there.

Leafy sea dragons at Birch Aquarium, San Diego, California. They can grow up to 35 cm in length. When the males are ready to mate, their leafy tails turn bright yellow.

The Black Sea seahorse is a rare sight in shallow waters, Romania.

Leafy sea dragon in an aquarium, Atlanta. In nature, they live in the tropical coastal waters of South and Western Australia.

spiny seahorse(Hippocampus histrix) gets its name from the spikes that stick out of it. Usually lives in - from 3 to 80 meters. One of the most large species seahorses and can grow up to 17 cm.

Seahorse at the Oregon Aquarium. Sea Horses are not good swimmers. The other is the only species of fish when males carry unborn offspring on themselves.

Weed sea dragon near seagrass, Sydney, Australia. Brown algae and reefs serve as good camouflage for them and protection from predators.

At first glance, pregnant seahorses, but they are not. bellied seahorses(Hippocampus abdominalis) separate view and one of the largest, can reach a length of 35 cm.

The spiny seahorse, like most of its brethren, is threatened with extinction. The human appetite for exotic fish is on the rise, which is why skates have been listed as protected by the Convention on international trade types wildlife and flora endangered.

Leaf sea dragons, like their relatives, weed dragons, are very caring fathers. They bear offspring on themselves. born fry immediately become independent.

Pipefish Another one distant relative seahorses. This creature has a longer, straighter body with tiny mouths.

Another one of the seahorse relatives at the Wilhelm Zoo, Germany.

Macro photo of a gray and yellow seahorse at the Zurich Zoo. While eating or interacting with other relatives, these fish make a "clicking" sound.

Say love between them ...

Leafy sea dragons dance at the Dallas Aquarium. The only working fins are on the chest and back, because sea dragons are not very fast - 150 meters per hour. Individuals were observed that spent up to 68 hours in one place.

A pygmy seahorse camouflages itself against soft coral near Cebu, Philippines. Pygmies reach a maximum length of 2.4 cm. The zone of residence is from southern Japan to northern Australia in reef areas at a depth of 10-40 meters.

Sea needle - Solenostomus paradoxus - off the coast of Thailand. Close relatives of seahorses come in a variety of colors and sizes, ranging from 2.5 to 50 cm.

Excellent disguise.

Weed Sea Dragons close-up. Left: Shelly Beach weed dragon, Australia; right: eggs on male dragons.

Morning mating dances of seahorses.

The skinny body of a weedy dragon "flies" through the water. The body of the sea dragon and its color develops based on environment, food.

The skinny and toothless marine needle has a snake-like body.

Seahorses are voracious. The absence of a stomach and teeth makes them constantly eat. In this regard, they consume up to 50 shrimp per day.

Before mating, the courtship ritual of seahorses lasts several days. Few couples stay together for life, most stay together only during the mating season.

Nature miracle.

The perfection of nature.


Friendly family.

Schultz's sea needle - Corythoichthys schultzi - in Egypt.

Different types of seahorses and dragons.

Seahorses are the slowest marine fish.

Only 1% of fry grow to adults.

Seahorses are masters of camouflage.

The pygmy pipit is one of the smallest vertebrates in the world against the backdrop of soft corals.

Stunning shot: a kiss of lovers.

The beauty of a leafy sea dragon.

The needle family includes: seahorses, seapikes, leafy and weedy sea dragons.

Spiny seahorse.

Proud loneliness seahorse.



The seahorse looks more like a chess piece of a horse or a gargoyle from a Gothic cathedral than a fish. Unlike other fish, it swims vertically, moves its eyes freely as if, it does not have a tail in the usual sense of the word, but it has a neck unusual for underwater inhabitants ... In addition, the males of these strange fish themselves bear offspring - how can you not be curious about this phenomenon?

let me introduce myself

Seahorses (Hippocampus) are small fish the average size which, depending on the species, ranges from 1.5 to 30 centimeters. They are found in tropical and subtropical seas, and inhabit warm shallow waters - thickets of algae and. Life expectancy up to 4-5 years.

evolutionary passport

The seahorse is a member of the needlefish family. The typical needlefish is also quite unusual and has an elongated body, a long tail without a fin and a tubular stigma. If you put this fish vertically, bend its head and twist its tail in a spiral, you would get sea ​​Horse. Scientists believe that this happened 25 million years ago, when skates separated into a separate genus. Most likely, this was a response to the occurrence of large areas of shallow water, which was caused by tectonic events of the past.

How does a seahorse swim?

The swim bladder of the fish is located along the entire body and is divided by a septum that separates head part from the rest of the body. At the same time, the head bladder is larger than the abdominal one, which provides the skate with a vertical position when swimming. The skate also moves in the water column, mainly vertically: by changing the volume of gas inside the swimming one, it sinks or rises.

The horse uses a long, flexible and finless tail as an anchor: with it it clings to ledges of corals or algae, it can also hug a girlfriend, but it is completely unsuitable for rowing. This role is partly taken over by a mobile dorsal fin, as well as paired pectoral fins, which, despite the name, are located on the sides of the body.

This carelessness of the seahorse is caused by its unwillingness to compete with someone in speed or swim against the current, because it avoids strong underwater currents and prefers familiar terrain to everything else. So most of the time the seahorse spends clinging to the coral or algae with its tail and carefully examining everything around.

What's on the menu?

Skates don’t particularly need to hunt: you sit in one place, and slowly swims past and asks for lunch yourself. The tubular mouth of the skate, so unlike the flapping fish mouth, works like a pipette: by moving the gill covers, the fish creates a thrust that can suck in a careless crustacean from a distance of up to 4 centimeters. In the oral cavity, the caught prey is filtered and sent to the throat, and the water drawn in with it is discharged through the gills. In general, their skate can be called a voracious predator: it is able to eat for 10 hours a day, eating up to 3600 crustaceans and shrimps.

Chameleon of the underwater kingdom

The horse does not know how to flee and is not poisonous, but it has a whole arsenal of tricks hidden away. To begin with, there are chromatophore cells in the skin of the fish, thanks to which they are so diversely colored and can change their color depending on the background. It is not easy to see an almost motionless fish of a bizarre shape: either it is hiding in the thickets, or slowly drifting under the very nose of a predator, like a fragment of algae.

The seahorse's unusual eyes help to keep track of the situation: they do not seem "fishy" at all, since they can move independently of each other. So one eye can keep an eye on potential prey, while the other eye can keep itself from becoming prey.But, on the other hand, there are not so many people who want to eat a seahorse in the sea.

Bone plates and spikes protruding from under the skin of a small fish make it not very tasty (and this is not counting the internal skeleton). Under this pile of thorns, there is quite a bit of edible food - after all, the skate does not need developed muscles (it hardly swims), nor a supply of fat (food is always available in abundance). Nevertheless, there are gourmets and skates - rays, large crabs and some other predators.


The only thing that can make a seahorse show agility and even dancing ability is mating games. Male seahorses outwardly differ little from females - except that they are slightly larger, and there is a special organ on the abdomen - a brood chamber, somewhat similar to a kangaroo bag. During the breeding season, the walls of this pocket swell, it becomes clearly visible and attracts the attention of females.

Having come close, the fish intertwine their tails and slowly walk up and down the sea “lawns”. In the process of courtship, the male can even change his color to match the body color of his girlfriend. Then the pair begin to click, tossing their heads and touching the spikes on the body with bone crowns. Finally, the female lays the eggs in the male's pocket, where they are immediately fertilized. Some types of skates put an end to their relationship on this, others remain together all their lives ...

Sea "colts"

The "pregnant" extreme father takes care of the offspring from two weeks to two months. The vascular tissue of the brood chamber actually performs the function of the placenta, supplying the eggs with oxygen and nutrients. And in total, the “fish daddy” can carry more than a thousand babies in his pocket.The fry are born with a characteristic body shape and ready for independent life, but they are still able to straighten up, clearly demonstrating a direct relationship with the common needlefish. The male continues to take care of the offspring even after birth: in case of danger, at his signal, the fry hide the brood pouch.

What threatens the seahorse?

IN Lately exotic fish is subject to intensive fishing, and almost all species of skates known today are listed in the international Red Book in the status of "vulnerable" and "threatened". They are used in traditional medicine Asia, sold to lovers of unusual aquarium animals or served as a delicacy for $ 800 per serving. In addition, their populations are affected by pollution of the seas and the destruction of coral reefs due to global warming.

The message about the seahorse can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about the seahorse for children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Seahorse Report

Seahorses belong to the class bony fish. In total there are about 50 species. Sizes of seahorses can be from 2 to 30 cm, depending on the species. A typical seahorse can live up to 5 years.

Their body shape is similar to a chess piece of a horse. Numerous long spikes and tape-like leathery outgrowths located on the body of the seahorse make it invisible among algae and inaccessible to predators.

The habitat of seahorses is tropical and subtropical seas.

Seahorse description

The head of these fish looks like a horse, but there are no scales. Their body is covered with hard bony plates. With its tail bent forward, the monkey-like seahorse clings to the stalks of sea grass. The eyes of the seahorse rotate in any direction, and if one eye looks to the right, the other at this time may stare at something to the left. This is very convenient for the skate, as it can simultaneously inspect the algae from all sides in search of food and follow the enemies, who themselves are not averse to having lunch with them.

The seahorse does not like to swim and spends most of its life clinging to algae with its tail. It swims slowly and only in search of food, during the wedding and escaping from enemies.

It is interesting to watch how the seahorse swims. A large swim bladder located in the head of the skate helps it to maintain an upright position. It does not move horizontally, but jerks up and down, moving diagonally in the direction of the target.

What do seahorses eat?

Seahorses lead a benthic lifestyle, feeding on plankton and small invertebrates.

seahorse breeding

Also, these animals unusual way breeding. When the eggs reach the desired stage, the females begin to compete with each other for male attention. Having achieved location, the female lays part of the eggs in a special bag, which is located on the male's abdomen. There, the eggs are fertilized. The male carries the eggs until the young are born. They can be from 2 to 1000 individuals. If many cubs are born, their father may even die. During the breeding season, the fry hatch every 4 weeks. Immediately after birth, they are left to their own devices.

Interesting facts about seahorses

  • The horse is very bony, so it is only hunted by the large land crab, which can digest it.
  • The eyes of seahorses are similar to those of chameleons and can move independently of each other;
  • The seahorse is a master of disguise. Their scales can become "invisible" - merge with the environment;
  • Their mouth works like a vacuum cleaner - they suck up plankton to eat.

We hope that the above information about the seahorse has helped you. And you can leave your report about the seahorse through the comment form.

In the depths of the sea lives many unusual and interesting creatures, among which special attention deserve seahorses.

Seahorses, or scientifically hippocampuses, are small bony fish of the sea piper family. Today there are about 30 species that differ in size and appearance. "Growth" ranges from 2 to 30 centimeters, and the colors are very diverse.

The skates do not have scales, but they are protected by a hard bone shell. Only a land crab can bite through and digest such “clothes”, therefore skates usually do not arouse interest in underwater predators, and they hide in such a way that any needle in a haystack will envy.

Another interesting feature of skates in the eyes: like a chameleon, they can move independently of each other.

How is the fish in the water? No, it's not about them.

Unlike other inhabitants of the sea, skates swim in an upright position, this is possible due to the presence of a large longitudinal swim bladder. By the way, they are very inept swimmers. A small dorsal fin makes fairly fast movements, but this does not give much speed, and the pectoral fins serve mainly as rudders. Most of the time, the skate hangs motionless in the water, catching the algae with its tail.

Every day is stress

Seahorses live in tropical and subtropical seas, prefer transparent calm water. The greatest danger for them is a strong pitching, which can sometimes lead to complete exhaustion. Seahorses are generally very susceptible to stress. In an unfamiliar environment, they do not get along well, even if there is enough food, in addition, the loss of a partner can be the cause of death.

There is not much food

The seahorse has a primitive digestive system, there are no teeth or a stomach, therefore, in order not to die of hunger, the creature has to constantly eat. According to the way of feeding, skates are predators. When it's time to eat (almost always), they cling to algae with their tails and, like vacuum cleaners, suck up the surrounding water, which contains plankton.

Unusual family

Family relations among skates are also very peculiar. The second half is always chosen by the female. When she sees a suitable candidate, she invites him to dance. Several times the steam rises to the surface and falls again. the main task male - to be hardy and keep up with a girlfriend. If he slows down, the capricious lady will immediately find herself another gentleman, but if the test is passed, the couple proceeds to mate.

Seahorses are monogamous, meaning they choose a mate for life and even sometimes swim with their tails tied together. The male bears the offspring, and by the way, these are the only creatures on the planet who have a “male pregnancy”.

The mating dance can last about 8 hours. In the process, the female lays the eggs in a special bag on the male's abdomen. It is there that miniature seahorses will form for the next 50 days.

From 5 to 1500 cubs will be born, only 1 out of 100 will live to adulthood. It seems not enough, but this figure is actually one of the highest among fish.

Why are seahorses dying out?

Seahorses are small peaceful fish that have suffered greatly because of their bright and unusual appearance. People catch them for various purposes: for making gifts, souvenirs, or for preparing an expensive exotic dish that costs about $ 800 per serving. In Asia, dried seahorses are used to make medicines. 30 species out of 32 existing are listed in the Red Book.