“The soul is by nature a Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which, after many centuries, V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing like that. The soul is by nature a heathen." And so the pagan struggles with the Christian in our man, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many are wondering whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross ik. Does not pass along with someone else's cross and someone else's fate or someone else's sins?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross due to the fact that the sins of a person who has lost the creed will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, It’s also enough to ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, can pass to an innocent person , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own life hardships, which must be carried with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in prayers: "Lord, have mercy," which in Greek sounds like "Kyrie elaison." Elayson is translated as "oil", and olive oil is the first human medicine in the world.

It is impossible that the pectoral cross, which was found and put on, influenced by itself on the character of a person, on the addition of sins or on getting rid of them, and also in some magical way draws a line of life's path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to personal, conscious actions of a person, good or evil, can change a person or affect life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross protects a person from evil spirits in the same way as the sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it is unable to change its purpose as a protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered to be Orthodox

For a Christian, the main key aspects are important. The cross must be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed form;
  • with the inscription "Save and save" on both sides, and not on decorative stones(preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), children are recommended simple, not encrusted with precious stones;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated, if bought in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • the material of manufacture does not matter. And also, the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, however, it happens that the creed may be lost. You should not be dramatic about this and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with the found cross. Priests Answers

If a person himself found an Orthodox cross on the street, the priests recommend that it be consecrated without fail, since it is not known whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • to give to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the material opportunity to buy it;
  • wear yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous in the question of a found or lost cross, as well as in the question “where to read the Gospel”, “which hand to put a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why shouldn't virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then it would only be worth acquiring a thing belonging to a righteous person, as a person would involuntarily have a halo above his head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose crosses, so that one's own sins could be thrown off, like an unnecessary burden, onto others.

Important! The fear of other people's crosses is an absolutely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and has nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross

According to Orthodox canons, a pectoral cross on a chain has a special power. It not only accumulates the positive energy of a person, but also repels the negative influence.

For complex questions, get an answer from a priest. Read whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross.

Everyone should have their own creed. The church believes that it is necessary to wear an undershirt every day and not to enter the temple without an attribute on a chain.

A lot of myths and signs have been collected around personal jewelry, but the church denies all pagan trends.

Important! It is popularly believed that if the cross darkened or became covered with a black coating, then several strong energy attacks were inflicted on the person's personality.

Perhaps with malicious intent in relation to the individual, rituals, love spells, defacement and other ceremonies were carried out.

By folk omens, you can not wear a pectoral cross to anyone except the owner of the jewelry.

In a small pointed decoration, not only information about the past and present is stored, but also the predestined future.

In ancient times, it was believed that if you wear someone else's underwear, then you can take away the fate of the former owner.

However, the church has a different opinion on this matter: you can wear body jewelry, give it to another and temporarily hang it on the neck of a loved one.

Even the clergy themselves give their own vests to ordinary parishioners or non-believers in order to give a piece of their own faith.

There are a few special cases:

  1. Wear the cross that your mother put on your neck or close relative during your illness. In this way kindred spirit wants to give a piece of positive energy for a speedy recovery.
  2. A priest's gift may indicate that the holy father wants to strengthen a person's faith and support him in a difficult moment.

In this case, gifts are not only possible, but must be accepted. You should be wary of such generous gifts from a stranger with a negative aura.

Due to the ability to absorb any energy, the precious metal can be harmful to health.

What to do if you find someone else's cross at home: the priest's answer

Sometimes when moving or just cleaning the apartment, you can find a piece of jewelry lying around on a shelf or on the floor.

The church has one opinion on this matter: a relic that does not belong to your family should be taken to the temple:

  • Approach the holy father, tell about the find.
  • Consecrate the product with holy water, read a prayer for purification together with the clergy.
  • Decide for yourself: keep the jewelry for yourself or donate to charity in the temple.

Important! In everyday life, there is a saying "to take on someone else's cross." This phrase came with paganism, when people accepted Christianity, but remained under the influence of the old faith.

In those days, it was believed that to evoke someone else's underwear was to accept the fate of the person who wore it earlier.

If you are not going to wear a cross, but you don’t want to donate precious metal to charity, then there are several options:

  • Consecrate the cross, free it from the old energy of the owner and present it to the goddaughter or godson.
  • A cleaned undershirt can be given to a person who needs faith.
  • Give to a person who needs money or who lacks health.

Folk signs say that if someone else's cross is found at home, then one of those who came wants to bring damage to the family and destroy happiness in the house.

The more you believe in such conjectures, the more they tend to come true. By getting rid of someone else's cross, you will also cleanse your thoughts.

Important! Ask family and friends. Perhaps someone just dropped the decoration.

Why you can not wear the cross of a dead person

There are various rumors about the decoration from the body of a deceased person. According to popular beliefs, one should not wear an undershirt, so as not to take away the fate of the owner.

The Church answers this question in two ways:

  1. If the person was a believer and with positive energy, consecrate the cross and chain with holy water on your own or in a church. Without fear, such a piece of jewelry can be worn.
  2. Cross bad man carries evil. This decoration absorbed all his thoughts and anger throughout the life of the deceased. It is better to consecrate such an ornament and donate it to the church.

The cross can be left in the house, but not worn, but placed in a beautiful box and passed on to the next generation as a family heirloom.

According to Orthodox canons, a person is buried along with his personal cross.

Why crosses dream: dream book

Dreams are the embodiment of the past, present and even future of a person. Seeing the sign of the cross in a dream is not a simple sign, but a warning.

Acquainted with detailed description dream book values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be in the table:

What did you dream Meaning
Found a cross You are in danger or something wants evil, but you will be able to avoid the harmful effects
The image of the decoration of four, six or eight corners Higher powers protect from ill-wishers. Perhaps in life you will have a real protector
Find your own bodysuit Do not despair, do not look at the many obstacles, but keep moving towards your goal
Find a married lady Family troubles and illnesses of children
Find a chain Evil does not sleep and will try to lead you astray
Golden undershirt Expect joyful events
From another material Wait for trials that will bring relief
Find someone else's cross Someone around wants harm to your family

Important! The church does not support the interpretation of the dream book. These meanings come from astrology.

How to clear a cross on a chain from someone else's energy

Most effective method- seek help from the church. At the request of the parishioner, the priest will conduct a cleansing ceremony, read a prayer and return the jewelry to the owner.

You can perform the ritual yourself:

  • Take holy water from the church.
  • Read the prayer and immerse the cross in water for a few days.
  • Leave the dishes at the icon.

On the seventh day, the product will be cleared of someone else's energy.

Useful video

The cross is put on by the priest when performing the Sacrament of Baptism. It testifies that a person has become a Christian and a member of the Orthodox Church. Jesus Christ said: “Whoever wants to follow me, turn away from yourself, and take up your cross, and follow me” (Gospel according to Mark 8, 34).

When consecrating this creed, the clergyman, through prayer, asks God that the cross would keep both the soul and the body from all evil forces. This applies only to members of the Church. Quite often, young mothers put a cross on a newborn to protect him from everything bad. But for an unbaptized child, this is the same as wearing ordinary jewelry.

There are cases when an adult, not being baptized, walks with a cross around his neck. If this is just a tribute to fashion, then such an act is unacceptable. If a person is a believer and plans to be baptized in the near future, wearing a pectoral cross is not a sin. It should be remembered that the unbaptized are not allowed to participate in the sacraments of the Church.


Good day! I have this question. My beloved girl gave me her pectoral cross, in which she was baptized as a child. It shocked me - in a good way. That she loves me so much and trusts me so much. But I am unbaptized. But a believer. Not to a particular religion. I just believe that our Father is God. I feel it. And being baptized in our church costs about 400 rubles. I was told that I could not wear a cross until I was baptized. How does the church view this?

You are a believer. You need to go to the temple and be baptized as soon as possible. Lack of money cannot be an obstacle to receiving the saving Sacrament. The money that a person makes during registration is only a type of donation that is necessary for the upkeep of the temple. In Moscow, in some churches, at the entrance to the baptismal room, you can see the inscription: "for the poor, the Sacrament of Baptism is performed free of charge." I hope that your church will meet you halfway.

Pectoral cross…

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Question to the priest

Number of entries: 16441

Can I divorce my husband if we are married and live together? The reason for this is distrust of her husband. I'm afraid to do something stupid, and it's easier to live like that, debunked. please send a reply by e-mail

This is an incredible request! There is no divorce. Can only be terminated civil marriage(divorce), and, consequently, the church. If you do not trust your husband, and there are reasons for this, then talk to him, set your own conditions to preserve the family and trust. Live, finally, a couple of months apart, think about the future. If it's just jealousy, then go to the temple for confession. Get rid of passion.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Dear father! Help! I have an unusual question. I am now 50, unmarried, no children. She was baptized as a child and went to church. TO…

girls, let me put in my word, so to speak, a look "from the inside."

firstly, in general in churches and from childhood, and secondly, I have been working at the church for two years now.

so that's about baptism.

the so-called categorical conversations before baptism will soon become mandatory in all churches for those who are going to be baptized themselves or baptize a child (if you baptize a baby, then godparents must be present at the conversations).

I know that in Yekaterinburg it is not the first year that the cycle of conversation before baptism consists of 12 conversations. in the near future everywhere 2-3 conversations will become mandatory.

As for the presence of my mother at baptism and relatives in general, it is not forbidden in our church. I was baptized in the summer when my classmate's son was baptized. there were also godparents, and she and her husband and their parents.

we are allowed to take pictures, it’s just desirable without a flash (in general, they ask you to turn off the flash so as not to interfere with a bunch of flashes to the priest)

classmate's son...

To the reader's question, Fr. VITALY, cleric of St. George's Church vi Kishi no va:

- In principle, there is no church charter that would oblige all baptized people to wear a cross. But, if a person does not wear it, this shows an irresponsible attitude towards Christ, a non-serious attitude to life. Referring to what to wear cre…

I am not baptized family circumstances but I believe in God and Orthodox Church, I secretly go to church pray to God. I want to wear a cross. Is it possible for me to wear a cross without being baptized, since I do not have the opportunity to be baptized yet? What should I do? And how are 17-year-olds baptized?

I go to school in 11th grade

Marneuli, Georgia

Dear Marina, it's good that you believe, want to be baptized and pray to God. Since you have such extraordinary circumstances, you can start wearing a cross even before Baptism. But after all, a baptized Christian not only wears a cross, but can also participate in other Sacraments: confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ ... From your brief letter it is not clear what kind of circumstances prevent you from being baptized, but do not prevent you from wearing a pectoral cross and even secretly, but walking in church. Maybe it makes sense to talk to the priest in the church where you go to pray, or go specifically to ...

In life there are different situations, falling into the hands of other people's things is no exception. If to you randomly got someone else's cross, do not rush to put it on right away, first figure out if it is possible to wear someone else's cross, chain and other jewelry. For years, various sites and forums have been talking about this issue. Unfortunately, there is no exact and unambiguous answer yet, since each person has his own opinion and life principles. Therefore, we have prepared an article in which everyone can find out the opinion of the church, superstitious people and psychics about wearing someone else's cross.

What does the Church think about this?

The clergy all unanimously repeat that it is possible to wear someone else's cross, they assure that there is nothing to worry about. The cross on the neck of an Orthodox person, first of all, indicates that he is a believer. Many people think that the cross is a magical attribute, and this opinion is erroneous. The priests say that a believer must be strong, but there is no need to believe in various superstitions. The Church never pays attention to omens and superstitions.

The opinion of psychics and superstitious people

As for this category of people, they have a different opinion about wearing other people's crosses. The first thing they pay attention to is the fact that the cross receives the energy of its owner, therefore it can convey troubles and illnesses. Old people often said that with the help of a cross it was possible to cause damage, also that a person who wore someone else's cross lived the life of its first owner completely. To believe in these stories or not is up to you, of course.

Psychics say that you can’t wear someone else’s cross, if you were given it or it was inherited, then before putting it on gently, visit the Church and consecrate the cross. Psychics also warn that in no case should you pick up a cross, and if you could not pass by, then it is better to take it to the Church. If you are a baptized person, in no case should you throw away the cross, this is one of the most important rules.

If you have not found the answer to this question for yourself, then you need to rely on personal opinion and foreboding. Therefore, if you are afraid to wear a cross received as a gift or inheritance, you can donate it to the Church, or consecrate it. Remember that the pectoral cross is a symbol of the fact that a person believes in God and is ready to accept His protection in this form.

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Is it possible to wear someone else's cross?

If someone else’s pectoral cross fell into your hands, and it doesn’t matter how it happened - whether it was given to you, inherited or found, then the question arises about the possibility of wearing it. About whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, people ask on forums and websites. There is no single answer to the question. Let us highlight the common opinions on this subject: the opinion of the Church, psychics and superstitious people.

What does the Church think?

When clergymen are asked whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross, the answer is often unequivocal - yes, you can. For Orthodox Christians, the cross around the neck is not a magical attribute or something like that. The cross around the neck of an Orthodox is a symbol of faith.

The belief that together with someone else's cross you take over the worries, troubles and fate of the former owner is based on a misinterpretation of the words of the Bible. The Bible says that Jesus called everyone to take up their cross and follow Him. The cross in this context refers to the trials that have befallen the believer. The pectoral cross worn at baptism has nothing to do with it.

The clergy urge not to pay attention to superstitions and signs, the Church denies them. As the priests say: a believer should not be superstitious and be afraid of something.

What psychics and superstitious people say

Their opinion is different from the opinion of the clergy. Many believe that by putting on someone else's cross, you adopt other people's ailments or troubles. There are stories among the people about how a person, having put on someone else's cross, repeated the fate of the previous owner. There are cases when, with the help of a cross, they caused damage. To believe or not is a personal matter for each person.

Psychics recommend not picking up other people's crosses on the road, and especially at intersections, damage can be reduced to them. They advise not to accept crosses as a gift from people who are hostile and do not wish you well.

If you raised the found cross or accepted the thing as a gift, then there are two options for solving the problem: take the cross to the church and give it away, or not give it away, but consecrate it. You can’t throw out a cross, especially if you are a baptized person.

If the cross was inherited

In some families, valuable items or jewelry are passed down from generations. An inherited pectoral cross can be worn after being consecrated in a church. If you do not go to church, then hold the cross under running water to wash away other people's energy.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross or not, everyone has already found for himself. If doubts or fear gnaw at you, consecrate the object in the church or donate it and nothing bad will happen, because the pectoral cross is a symbol of faith in God and a sign that you accept His protection.