“This year, 20 regions should switch to a new scheme for managing solid domestic waste (MSW). Ivanovo and Arkhangelsk regions, Kamchatka, Krasnodar region, Magnitogorsk in Chelyabinsk region and Crimea, says executive director of the association Clean country” Ruslan Gubaidullin. - The rest of the subjects will be connected as soon as they are ready, but from January 1, 2019, everyone without exception should start the “garbage reform”. The government delayed it for 2 years (originally the changes were planned from January 1, 2017), so that all regions should have time to prepare.”

Clean up the country?

Serious changes await us. Now management companies are engaged in garbage collection, and the price is “hidden” in the total payment for housing services, which can be from 10 to 100 rubles. per 1 m2, depending on the house and city. None of us even know exactly how much we pay for garbage today. But, as soon as the removal of solid waste migrates to utilities (electricity, gas, water, heating are also there), the amount will be known, and we will start paying the regional operator.

“The garbage business is now mostly gray. The reform should put things in order in this area, clear the country of garbage. There will be new modern safe waste processing plants and landfills,” says Ruslan Gubaidullin. — All collected funds for waste will be accumulated by the regional operator: he will be selected on a competitive basis for 10 years, he will be responsible for the full cycle of solid waste management — from removal to processing. This means that the state will be able to control cash flows, check whether the funds are accurately spent on the construction of a new waste processing plant or not. The reform will put an end to the shadow business. There may be several regoperators in a region. For example, there will be seven zones in the Moscow region, one in the Vladimir region, and three in the Kemerovo region. Each will have its own tariff. Most likely in major cities it will be slightly less than in sparsely populated areas, where garbage will have to be transported over longer distances. It’s like with the water tariff, which is usually 2-3 times lower in cities.”

Issue price

Under the new law, everyone will have to pay for garbage, including those living in the private sector. For the villagers, this, of course, will be an unpleasant surprise, because many of them have never paid for waste - they burned garbage, dumped it in ravines, etc. The regoperator will set the amount that will have to be paid for cleanliness. In the Ivanovo region, which is going to switch to the new scheme this summer, a tariff of 104.6 rubles has been proposed. per month per person. “The contribution is the same for the entire region. This means that a family of 5 people will have to pay 523 rubles. per month, and for a large out of ten - 1046 rubles. Where do people in the countryside get that kind of money from? - speaks co-chair public organization Ivanovo region Dmitry Safonov. — In February 2017, we analyzed payments for garbage of 600 houses in Ivanovo and district centers and came to the conclusion that with the introduction of the new tariff, they will increase by 2-2.5 times. I do not want experiments to be started in our not very rich region, so they asked to postpone the reform or reduce the tariff. The governor said that he would think until the end of June. The tariff has not been finalized.

In other regions, they are also thinking about the tariff. It is necessary that the figure suit both the regional operator and the population not be too shocked. Amounts from 50 to 150 rubles are discussed. per month per person. However, experts believe that at first they will not raise the tariff so as not to provoke discontent.

Olga Bistyaikina asked for help. 4 people are registered in the apartment of the Bistyaykin family: the head of the family, Olga, her husband, son and granddaughter. In fact, only 2 people live in the apartment. The son and granddaughter are studying and living in other cities.

In August 2018, the Republic of Mordovia changed the procedure for collecting fees for the removal of MSW, instead of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, the tariff began to take into account the number of residents. This change resulted in an almost 3-fold increase in the cost of services for the Bistyakinys. Utilities send a fee not for 2, but for 4 people. But after all, in fact, garbage is taken out only for a married couple.

Most Russians face such problems. From January 1, 2019, residents of all regions of Russia will receive receipts with a completely new tariff for garbage disposal (MSW). “MSW removal” will now be called “MSW removal” (municipal solid waste). The payroll will also change. On average, the national tariff will increase by 12%. This is due to the new system for handling household waste: it is planned to recycle it, and not just take it to landfills.

"Garbage reform" is regulated federal law and involves the creation of a single regional operator in each subject. In other words, one subject of the Federation is one garbage collection company. Basically, it's a monopoly. The Russian government thought that this way there would be no confusion in this market. According to the law, before July 1, 2018, all regions of the country had to hold a tender and decide on a regional operator.

Which changes?

Previously, the payment for the removal of solid waste was part of the tariff for the maintenance and repair of housing. Now it will be a separate line.

Tariffs and the procedure for their approval are changing. If now the tariffs for the export of solid household waste(MSW) is established by all and sundry: local governments, management companies, the owners themselves at the general meeting. Now, special regional waste management operators will set the tariff for the removal of municipal solid waste at a meeting of the tariff commission.

If before the removal of solid waste was calculated by the area of ​​​​the apartment, now the fee will depend on the number of people living in the apartment. The more people, the more you pay.

And tariffs will be set uniform for the entire region. If now you can find tariffs calculated “by heads” (per person), “by cubes”, “by squares”, “by standards”, “by agreement”, “by contract price”, then from January 1, 2019 the regional operator should establish a single calculation method for all apartment buildings.

Some regions have already switched to new system export of solid waste.The Republic of Mordovia was one of the first to choose a regional operator. As early as July 24, 2017, the competition commission of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities and Civil Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mordovia chose REMONDIS Saransk LLC as a regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste. It was the only regional operator that participated in the competition.

How can service costs be reduced?

Fee for apartments with big amount prescribed will increase significantly. For example, a family of 4 people on average in Russia will pay 600 rubles for garbage collection.

There are problems with the calculation of fees for the removal of MSW (solid municipal waste - now it is called that way).

And such cases are not uncommon. It happens that the information about those who checked out of the apartment has not been updated for a long time in the passport office. It is in the passport office that the employees of the Criminal Code apply for information for calculating payments for MSW (for gas and electricity, too).

What if you actually live alone, but counted you for five? How can I confirm the number of residents?

The algorithm of actions is explained by the lawyer of the Center for the Protection of Citizens' Rights "Fair Russia" Olga Vavilina.

If in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation the MSW service is calculated taking into account the number of people living in the apartment, and in fact there are fewer people living in the apartment than registered, then in order to reduce the cost of paying for the line in the "MSW removal" receipt, it is necessary:

1. Contact the Criminal Code / HOA, and agree on the time and date for the specialists to leave (a special commission may be created) to your home to draw up an act on the establishment of citizens actually living in a residential building of an apartment building -You can download a sample document from this link. .

2. An act is drawn up in the apartment, it must indicate from what date this or that person does not live in the apartment.

3. Sign the act by all parties, if the owner of the dwelling (permanently resident consumer) refuses to sign the act or the owner of the dwelling (permanently resident consumer) is absent from the dwelling at the time of drawing up the act, a note is made in this act (act, including signed by neighbors ).

4. MC / ERC (single settlement center) recalculates the MSW service on the basis of the act.

Having completed all the steps prescribed by the algorithm, the Bistyaykin family from Saransk was able to halve the fee for the removal of solid waste. The public utilities completed the recalculation for two months - August and September 2018, and also began to calculate the fee for the removal of solid waste for the next 6 months in a new way. According to the legislation, the recalculation of the amount of payment for utilities is carried out (subject to the above conditions) exactly 6 months in advance, no more.

The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation adopted a law on the rules for the provision of services for the cleaning of municipal waste, and also introduced mandatory registration of payment agreements.

From January 1, 2017 to the payment receipt utilities V apartment buildings introduced a mandatory column for garbage collection. The owners of private houses receive separate receipts, they also need to conclude an agreement with a company that will be engaged in the removal of household waste from the villages, and it does not matter which houses are cottages in the city or ordinary log cabins in the village.

The calculation is carried out according to the tariff established by the local administration in accordance with generally accepted standards - until 2015, the amount was based on total square meters, and the garbage had the term "solid household waste".

Since 2017, household waste has a new definition - MSW "municipal solid waste", and the amount is calculated for each person living in the house, square meters no longer relevant. People laugh - how much garbage do you need to accumulate to justify the monthly costs?

Since 2016, they are also considering the introduction of new MSW programs and the possibility of connecting a person to each region who will personally deal with waste disposal. The maximum service life of a scavenger is 10 years. The operator for disposal and order will be selected by the regional authorities through a competition, and the residents of the houses will be required by law to conclude an agreement with him and make timely payment for the work. Thus, regional control will be respected. But will it?

Exceeding the monthly amount for garbage collection is unacceptable, but amounts for disposal, disposal or waste treatment may vary.

Apartment buildings that entered into a state contract before January 1, 2016 will not conclude it with the operator until the agreement expires. The service fee will continue to be included in the general receipt, while apartment owners who have concluded an agreement with the employee will transfer money to another account.

Residents of apartment buildings do not have the right to refuse the operator (Article 161 Part 12), the same applies to owners of private houses (Article 30 Part 5). By 2019, all regions of Russia will be connected to the new system.

On the other hand, no one can force you to enter into an agreement if you do not want to. Also, no one can demand money through the court without an officially confirmed document. At the same time, you are not obliged to explain where you put the garbage, but you must follow the safety rules and have your own container.

Residents who independently deliver garbage bags to city containers (applies to private houses, where the containers are very far away and you need to travel by car) may also not conclude the service. An agreement is required if there is an organization responsible for garbage collection in the village, and you throw the garbage into the bins installed by the organization.