Folk omens about animals exist in order to understand and decipher what our smaller brothers want to convey to us. Throughout the existence of the human race, animals have always been with us. And since we cannot understand animal language, it remains to be content with observations and our guesses.

What are omens and superstitions?

Let's define the difference between omens and superstitions. So, signs are the right and necessary advice, but superstition is a veiled, but serious human fear. If a sign gives us the right to choose how to act longer, then superstition sounds like a sentence, if this happened, then nothing can be changed.

Every culture has its own superstitions and signs. Each of us knows about their existence, but to believe in them or not is a personal matter for each person. However, even avid atheists are wary of black cats on their way and become nervous if they accidentally spill salt on the table.

The very first signs were noticed in ancient times and exact time their appearance is impossible to know. At a time when mankind was far from scientific knowledge and discoveries, it was by superstition that it was possible to determine what was happening around. These observations are so imprinted in the memory that even now, during the great scientific technologies, many are turning to the same constant signs and most of them come true.

Knowing certain signs, we can not only predict the future, but also try to change something. And any superstition gives a clear understanding that nothing can be corrected. Whether or not you believe in seriousness, they will still affect your life. Perhaps we should think that it was not in vain that our ancestors made observations and passed on their knowledge from generation to generation.

Modern people try to find answers to all their questions themselves. But do not forget that all everyday rituals are already signs. For example: daily brushing of teeth, if it is not carried out for several days, then caries will form. Also with spilled salt, meeting a black cat and a bird flying into the house, in any case there will be consequences.

To avoid negative impacts will accept and superstitions in your life, you should know a few rules:

Learn the main signs;

Learn to neutralize them;

Be able to interpret correctly.

  • The frog brings good luck to the house.
  • A person who has eaten a baked rabbit is granted beauty.
  • The howl of a dog for trouble.
  • The dog digs a hole - it will rain.
  • If the dog whines, this is a disease.
  • The loud song of the frogs on the pond - wait for the rain.
  • High mounds of moles to worsen the weather.
  • If the cat jumps through the windows, there will be guests.
  • I met a wolf on the road - not good.
  • It is a great sin if a woman kills an animal.
  • A nursing owner must not be present at the slaughter, otherwise he will suffer for a long time.
  • To protect the house from enemies, you need to get a pure black animal.
  • Washing with a paw, the cat washes guests.
  • You give a cat - you get paid.
  • The squirrel crosses the road to misfortune.
  • Bird droppings on the shoulder - wait for the profit.
  • Swallow in low flight - the rain will come.
  • If a chicken sings like a rooster, trouble awaits.
  • A flock of crows on the roof - expect a quick wedding.
  • Found a fly in the soup - expect a gift.
  • If you want to be healthy, don't kill spiders.
  • For luck hairy caterpillar throw it over your left shoulder.
  • Ants in the house are good.
  • Crickets sing loudly, for good weather.
  • For happiness, get a tricolor cat.
  • The horse dreamed - expect betrayal.
  • A dog in a dream to true friends.
  • Unfortunately, I saw a bat.
  • Chipmunks scream loudly before a thunderstorm.
  • portending strong wind- Sheep knock their foreheads.
  • If the winter is harsh, the hares will settle in the garden.
  • A cow gives less milk in anticipation of frost.
  • A bite from a dog should not be shown, otherwise it will fester.
  • The dog climbs into the water, expect rain.
  • If the dog eats grass, the harvest will be plentiful.
  • Chickens raise their paw - to frost.

There are still a huge number of signs, such as, or signs during pregnancy. The main thing is not just to be interested in their influences, but also to try to change something. Knowing that everything in the world is interconnected, our ancestors made observations, and our task is simply to trust and use this knowledge.

Folk signs about the weather by animals help to predict future events and predict the changes in climatic conditions associated with them.

Notes on pets

Pets, who are constantly next to the owner, help to judge the upcoming weather changes.


Cats predict the onset of frost if:

  • cuddle up to a warm radiator in an apartment, sit on a warm stove in a house or are not ready to crawl from their master’s knees, curling up in a ball,
  • hide their nose in wool
  • cover the nose with a paw.

A cold snap is also indicated by the gnashing of cat's claws on the floor, wall and furniture. In summer, this portends strong winds, in winter - a blizzard. The cat, which has turned to the window and put its back under the warmth of the sun, says that the cold will drag on.

If a cat cleans its paws with its tongue, this is a clear day.

A cat spread on the floor is waiting for a thaw, and its long wakefulness and long sitting on the windowsill will tell you about the onset of heat. This is due to the increasing solar heat.

According to the dilated cat's pupils, an increase is judged atmospheric pressure.


Dogs are animals whose behavior is highly predictive of upcoming weather changes:

  • curl up and hide their nose - this is for the cold,
  • they stretch out and spread their paws around - you have to wait for heat,
  • the rains promise dog skating from side to side,
  • a dog that eats snow and scratches its back in winter predicts the coming of frost.


Farmers who own livestock have weather signs based on animal behavior.


Horses usually eat grass for future use and wheeze, shaking their mane, before the rain comes. In sunny weather, they snort and lie down on the ground.


the day before pouring rain farmers are seeing a decrease in milk yield. Before the upcoming frosts, a herd of cows usually rush home.


Anticipating the coming frosts, sheep and lambs huddle together. In the summer, before the rains, their coat becomes soft, and in warm and sunny days getting rougher. Before strong winds in rams, an increase in pugnacity is noted.


Preparing for thunderstorms or a strong hurricane, pigs begin to drag straw and foliage into the barn, and in winter, before a blizzard, they squeal loudly.

Wild animals

Hunters predict weather changes by the behavior of wild animals. So, about the change of heat to bad weather he says:

  • frequent change in the location of large animals: elk or deer,
  • disturbing whistle of chipmunks,
  • frequent appearance of moles on the surface, they leave behind high heaps,
  • active construction of rafts by beavers at night,
  • lizards motionless basking on stones,
  • frogs that have come ashore.

Be warm if:

  • squirrels are jumping briskly through the trees,
  • the frogs croak loudly.

In winter, voles, which begin to get out of the snowdrifts, will tell you about the onset of a thaw, and mice squeaking under the snow and hares that come close to a person’s dwelling will tell you about the upcoming frosts.


By the behavior of domestic and wild birds in the world they judge the weather for the coming days.


As a harbinger of warmth, according to folk beliefs, the chicken begins to shake its paws, and the singing parrots and canaries are silent. Before warming, the rooster gets up earlier than usual, and chickens and ducks do not go indoors.

If poultry gather in groups on a hill, this means that they are waiting for prolonged rains.

wild birds

They say about bad weather:

  • sparrows bathing in the sand in autumn,
  • bullfinch singing in winter,
  • the nightingale that sings non-stop at night,
  • swallows flying low.

Before the warmth, the cuckoo calls all night, and the sparrows scurry between the trees. About the upcoming clear day The birds sitting on the top of the trees will also tell you.

To know accurate forecast The weather today is not difficult at all. Not many of us are ready to trust the experience of distant ancestors in order to independently predict this or that. weather phenomenon, and why, just turn on the TV to get the most reliable information on this issue. Keeping up with the times modern people every day they are more and more moving away from nature, which, in spite of everything, continues to send them its signals, using the language of ancient signs and observations diligently collected by our distant ancestors.

Surrounding us in Everyday life animals can serve as wonderful harbingers of weather changes, one has only to look closely at them. Sometimes such a weather forecast can turn out to be much truer than the promises of weather forecasters based on the use of the most modern technologies.

natural instincts

Determining the weather with the help of signs related to the behavior of animals is very simple. Many of them hide in secluded places before the onset of bad weather or behave restlessly. . One has only to carefully observe them, and then correctly interpret their behavior. Animals are able to predict not only bad weather, but also clear sunny days, then they behave calmly and with all their appearance show a person that everything is fine.

Cat observations

These animals are perhaps the most sensitive to change. weather conditions. Many folk signs are associated with them, here the most common of them:

  • If the cat sneezes, then it will rain;
  • Licks his fur - invites bad weather;
  • It scratches behind the ear - to be snow or rain;
  • Licks the tail, so you should wait for a blizzard;
  • Curls up into a ball - there will be frost;
  • In a dream, he hides his muzzle in his paws or under his belly - bad weather and cold will soon come;
  • If the cat sleeps sweetly, turning the abdomen up - to be warm and hot sun;
  • Raises the hind leg, which means there will be windy weather;
  • Smoothes the hair on the head while washing with paws - the weather will be good;
  • Sharpens claws on the legs of a chair - to variable weather phenomena.

dog observations

Faithful four-legged friends feel good temperature fluctuations, both in the air and on the surface of the earth, therefore they can also accurately predict the weather.

  • If the dog sways in different directions, lying on its back, there will be windy weather;
  • Lying on the grass - to be rain and wind;
  • Rolling in the snow - to a blizzard;
  • They chase each other in the snow - a thaw will come soon;
  • The dog curls up in a ball - to the onset of cold weather;
  • If it eats snow, the weather will worsen;
  • If you eat grass in spring or summer, you should wait for rain;
  • Riding on his back in winter - to the onset of frost;
  • If it gets into the water, it will soon rain;
  • When the dog begins to eat little and sleep a lot, the weather will soon change for the worse.

Other animals

If it is possible to observe forest dwellers or any other domestic animal, You can, at least every day, make your own personal weather forecast. Because it's so simple and fun.

  • The squirrel that nestled too low feels frosty winter. If she makes her house high, the winter will not be too severe;
  • Wood chipmunks always scream loudly before a thunderstorm;
  • Rams and sheep push their foreheads - be a strong wind;
  • Hares get closer to human habitation - to a harsh winter;
  • Horses wheeze loudly before bad weather, with the onset of heat they begin to snort, and on the eve heavy rain shake their head and throw it back up;
  • Anticipating dampness, the horses lie down on the ground. This usually happens in the summer. IN winter time such behavior portends rain;
  • If the singing of frogs has died down in the swamp, it means that frost will soon come;
  • A loud frog choir on any body of water signifies the approaching heavy rain;
  • Cows before the rain begin to actively graze the grass, as if trying to eat for future use;
  • Any livestock that huddle together feels the onset of bad weather;
  • Almost all cows begin to lose milk before rainy weather;
  • If moles rake up heaps higher, it means that bad weather is coming soon;
  • Mice running out from under the snow anticipate a quick thaw;
  • A strong squeak of mice is heard in anticipation of a severe cold snap;
  • Domestic pigs feel strong frosts well and closely huddle together;
  • Before the storm, you can see how the pigs begin to actively pull the straw and burrow deep into the depths.

Passing from one mouth to another, weather signs associated with animals have survived to this day. To believe or not to believe is a personal matter for everyone. However, to touch the deepest folk wisdom, through unity with nature and our smaller brothers, many will like it, making each of us a little more attentive to the world around us.

For our ancestors - hunters, cattle breeders, farmers - the weather had a vital importance. It will rain in time, there will be bread in the fields, and cattle in pastures, and an animal in the forest. A drought will begin, frost will hit early or a thunderstorm will break out in the middle of a hayfield, do not expect good. Therefore, in ancient times, each diligent host knew at least a hundred weather signs and actively used them. Animals were considered especially faithful "barometers".

Furry, scaly and eight-legged weather forecasters

Even official science does not deny the fact that animals and birds are endowed with sensitivity to changes in nature. They learn about the approach of an earthquake almost faster than seismological sensors. Capture the slightest fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. Much earlier than a person, they notice a change in soil temperature, air humidity and wind direction ... Or maybe they have an additional sixth sense! In any case, it makes sense to take a closer look at the behavior of a pet. It can be not only entertaining, but also useful.

How to determine the weather by the behavior of domestic and wild animals

Most of the signs went to the beast living side by side with man. It is clear: whoever was seen next to him more often was watched more closely. And the first in a row of fluffy weather forecasters is a tailed and mustachioed exterminator of mice, without which not a single peasant farm could do.


The cat tidies up its paws - hope for good weather

  • If a pet cuddles up to a warm radiator, persistently climbs onto the master's knees, curls up in a tight ball, hides its nose in wool or covers its muzzle with its paw, frosts are coming.
  • If it freely spreads on the floor, a thaw will soon begin. Well, when at the same time the cat diligently washes its muzzle with its paw - you can safely tune in to fine days. Even if a storm with hail rages outside the window, they do not last long.
  • The cat begins to scrape with its claws everything that turns under its paw: the floor, walls, front door? In summer, the sign portends a strong wind, in winter - a blizzard.
  • If Murka sits on the windowsill and looks out the window for a long time, warm weather will set in from day to day.
  • It will turn its tail to the glass and expose its back to the sun's rays - the cold will drag on. If it happens in winter, expect snowfall.
  • When the “room tiger” sleeps soundly and sweetly, and plays with pleasure while awake, folk signs predict sunny weather and thaws. Or you take good care of your mini-predator, and in your house he is healthy and happy.
  • If a cat licks its tail, chews grass, or sneezes, rain is to be expected. Sometimes cat vomiting is also considered a sign of wet weather, but here it is better not to rely on the wisdom of the ancestors, but to take care of the health of the pet. There is a possibility that she ate something wrong.

Some believe dilated cat pupils help to determine the increase in atmospheric pressure. You can conduct an experiment by personally checking Barsik's "testimony" with the official barometer data. But make allowances for the accompanying circumstances. Perhaps only the lighting is to blame for the size of the cat's pupil.


In winter, dogs frolic in a blizzard, in summer - in the rain

No less accurate weather forecast for tomorrow is given by another closest friend of man.

  • The dog curls up in a ball - to a cold snap.
  • It stretches out on the ground, spreading its paws in different directions - to warming.
  • Lying on his back, waving his head from side to side and rolling from side to side - to rainy weather.
  • If the tailed predictor chews grass, enthusiastically digs holes in the garden and plays with other dogs, the omen portends bad weather. It will be all the more likely if the animal begins to beg for additional portions of food, as if trying to work up fat before cold and slushy weather.
  • The dog scratches its back on the crust and eats snow - frosts will begin.


Cows lean heavily on food - wait for rain

  • Cows and horses try to eat before the rain.
  • In the evening on the eve of a heavy downpour, the cows' milk decreases.
  • The cow voluntarily hurries from the pasture to the barn - the first frosts are approaching.
  • If a horse snores and shakes its head, it smells rain; if it snorts, it smells sunny weather.
  • The horses lie down to the heat, to the cold they remain standing.
  • Before a strong wind, the rams become pugnacious, and the donkeys begin to wail.
  • Sheep and pigs huddle together, anticipating a cold snap.
  • Sheep wool becomes softer in wet weather, and when rain is not expected, it becomes coarser.
  • If the pigs drag rags, straw and leaves into the pigsty, they are preparing for a thunderstorm with a violent wind. If they squeal often and loudly, there will be a blizzard.

Wild animals

Chipmunks move to higher ground before the flood

  • Large forest inhabitants - deer and elk - do not find a place for themselves before bad weather and often change their “deployment”.
  • Chipmunks whistle anxiously in the rain, and scream in a strong storm.
  • If the moles climb to the surface, leaving behind high heaps of earth, there will be a downpour.
  • Do beavers work at night? They are in a hurry to prepare for the rise of water - they are waiting for a thunderstorm.
  • Frogs come ashore before heavy downpours.
  • If in the evenings a many-voiced frog concert sounds over the water, tomorrow will be a good day.
  • When lizards foresee wet weather, they freeze on large stones, as if in a hurry to bask in the sun.
  • If you are lucky enough to spot a squirrel nest, estimate how far it is from the ground. Closer to the top of the tree - the winter will be mild. If the animal decided not to climb high, crack this year in severe frosts.
  • When warm days are coming, the squirrel is lively and jumps a lot in the trees.
  • If in severe cold the tailed lover of nuts took it into her head to run over the crust, this sure sign that the thaw is not far off.
  • The same promise and voles, in the dead of winter, got out from under the snowdrifts.
  • But if the mice squeak under the snow, not trying to look out into the white light, they smell an increase in frost.
  • Hares before cold winter trying to get close to the human settlement.

A sign from the inhabitants of the steppe: before a snowstorm, saigas en masse run into the bush in search of shelter.

Domestic and wild birds

A chicken holding its paw portends a cold snap

  • A chicken clenches one paw when it senses a cold snap.
  • In winter, the rooster begins to sing earlier than usual - it celebrates the coming thaw.
  • When it rains, chickens and ducks do not rush to shelter? And don't be in a hurry, the clouds will soon dissipate.
  • But if the ducks crowd on a hill, the rain will be long and heavy.
  • Domestic singers - canaries, parrots and other cute living creatures - are sadly silent? Don't count on warmth.

Other feathered forecasters

Many have known since childhood: before the rain swallows fly low

  • Migratory birds before a harsh winter stay closer to the ground, before a warm one they rise high into the sky.
  • If the nightingale sang all night incessantly, he tried for the future: for several days in a row the wind would not allow the poor fellow to perform his arias.
  • In winter, sparrows burrow into the straw before a snowstorm.
  • In the summer they make noise and bathe in the sand, promising the connoisseurs they will accept the rain.
  • Before a drought, flocks of sparrows get excited and scurry from tree to tree.
  • The bullfinch sings - the blizzard calls.
  • Magpies hide under roofs before bitter frosts, and swallows before a storm.
  • If the cuckoo cuckooed from morning to evening, a thaw will come. It's funny that in America this prediction is read exactly the opposite: the cold will come if the cuckoo calls all day long.
  • Rooks return home a month before the snow melts.
  • If swallows appeared, soon there will be the first spring thunderstorm.
  • Birds gather on the upper branches of trees for warming.


The chirping of a grasshopper promises good weather

  • Every insect feels the approach of rain - the mosquitoes are getting angrier, earthworms get out of the ground, dragonflies rush about, flies buzz furiously and rush into the house, ants close the anthill, fireflies do not burn, and bees do not fly away from the hives.
  • If ladybug easily took off from the hand, sunny weather will last until the evening. If it hesitates, crawls over the body and tries to hide in the sleeve or hide between the fingers, it will start to rain.
  • The spider sat in the center of the web - it will be warm. Hiding on its edge or crawling under a leaf - it smells bad weather.
  • The abundance of night butterflies speaks of a cold snap.
  • The loud choir of grasshoppers in the evening portends good weather.


In Japan aquarium fish kept in offices as weather forecasters

  • The fish jumps out of the water - the rain cannot be avoided. Everything is logical: midges fly low in humid air, and scaly hunters are right there.
  • If your aquarium loach fish is acting restless, expect bad weather.
  • Before a thunderstorm, decorative catfish lie motionless for a long time in one place or, following the example of a loach, fuss and rush from corner to corner.

Signs of the peoples of the world

Their nomads, tillers and dashing hunters can be found among the ancestors of any nation. That is why signs about the weather - original, amazing, funny - are in every country. For example:

  • The British believe that a cricket can successfully replace not only a barometer, but also a thermometer.. One has only to count how many times the little singer will chirp in a minute, and you will know the air temperature. Naturally, in degrees Fahrenheit, since the Celsius scale is not popular on the British continent.
  • On the sea coast of France, tricolor cats are respected for their ability to sense the approach of a storm. In addition, they believe here: if a cat rubs its nose with its paw, it predicts the wind, if it scratches behind the ear, it predicts rain.
  • If leeches hide under shore stones, Germany is preparing for a thunderstorm.
  • If the ducks in the yard began to desperately flap their wings, rain or snow is expected in Bulgaria.
  • There is a similar sign in India, but there the role of the predictor of rain is assigned to a chicken with spread wings.
  • In Iran, they believe that sheep spin with their ears, smelling bad weather.
  • In Spain, they start looking for an umbrella when they hear a goat sneezing.
  • In Ireland, it is customary to trust not a horned dereza, but a singing sandpiper. If you shouted - wait for the flow of water from the sky.
  • In China, they know: midges in a cloud - rain is inevitable.
  • But in Holland it is considered a bad omen to hear midges buzzing in January. The year will be lean and therefore hungry.
  • In Japan, they are vigilantly watching whether coastal fish go to the open sea. The shoals stretched away from the land - there will be either an earthquake or a tsunami. In any case, no good.
  • An American omen says: pikes lie on the bottom before bad weather.
  • The Brazilian will be upset when he finds an anthill in the bed of a dried up river - this sign portends 12 months of drought.

Video: Folk ways predict the weather in modern world

In the modern world, some signs lose their meaning along with climate change. Others are changing. But most of them have survived to this day, confirming their truthfulness and sharp observation of the ancient "naturalists". Knowing them, and using some from time to time, does not hurt anyone.

Today, to find out the exact forecast, you just need to go to the appropriate website on the Internet. Previously, every evening and every morning, everyone was waiting for the weather to be announced by a pretty girl on the screen, and even earlier, people watched external environment to understand what kind of weather conditions await them. So there were folk signs about the weather according to animals, plants and natural phenomena.

Animal Behavior Weather Prediction

Animal watching

Of course, earlier, when people encountered the forest more often, they watched forest animals and figured out what the weather would be like for them. Today, when most people live in apartments, far from wildlife we have no choice but to monitor the behavior of our pets.

However, this can be very an interesting activity. We are constantly watching our beloved domestic cats and dogs, birds. So, what else should we include and include a slightly different vector of observation. Namely, how does the behavior of our pets depend on the upcoming weather conditions? First, consider signs about the weather according to the behavior of animals, the most common of them.

Notes about dogs

These animal weather signs will be most interesting to read to someone who has a dog in the house:

  • If your dog curls up in the fall, it means waiting for bad weather, this usually happens before frost.
  • The dog, on the contrary, lies on the floor, stretched out to its full height, which means that it will soon become warmer than it is now on the street. The dog smells it.
  • The dog stretched out to its full height, rolls from side to side and waves its head in different directions, which means, most likely, expect rain and strong winds in the coming days.
  • The dog on the street actively chews grass, digs holes all over the yard and now and then asks for an additional portion of food, which means cold snaps are coming. Thus, the animal tries to gain fat in order to endure the cold, such behavior is inherent in instincts.

The dog is actively scratching his back, trying to eat snow, which means that soon there will be even more severe frosts.

Signs with cats

Changes in the weather can be predicted by the owners of cats:

  • By the cold weather, cats, like dogs, try to sleep curled up in a ball.
  • The signs associated with the behavior of the cat say that if the cat is looking for a place to hide, then it says that the heat will come soon.
  • You can start getting warm clothes if the cat is cuddling up to you all the time and trying to fall asleep right on top of you. Some people think that in this way the cat shows love. It, of course, can be so, but also, in this way, the cat is trying to warm itself from your body.
  • And if the cat, on the contrary, avoids contact with you, tries to lie down, away from the person, then it will soon be very hot and the cat simply does not need you as an additional source of heat.
  • Folk signs related to the behavior of animals on weather changes say that if a cat sneezes, then it will rain soon.
  • All the cats in the world, like the dogs, on the eve of hot weather, stretch right on the floor and expose their belly. If a very strong heat is coming, then the cat lies down right in the draft.
  • If, when folding into a ball, the cat also hides its nose in its paws, it means that there will soon be severe cold snaps.
  • Folk signs associated with animals say that if warm and calm weather is coming, then the cat licks itself and actively smoothes the hair on its head.

Signs with livestock

Of course, there are folk signs associated with livestock:

  • If horses and cows often demand additional portions of food, then there will soon be bad weather, animals do this when they feel that they need to eat for future use.
  • On the evening before heavy rain, cows usually lose milk.
  • If a cow, without an extra request, hurries to leave the pasture and go to the barn, then there will be a cold snap.
  • In a dream, the horse makes snoring sounds and actively shakes its head, there will probably be cold snaps, so it can portend rain. If the horse snorts in a dream, then it smells hot weather.
  • Warm weather is coming - the horses are trying to lie down on the floor. If the horses try to stay on their feet, then expect bad weather to come.
  • A strong wind promises the behavior of rams, which are more active than before ready to fight.
  • Donkeys also smell a strong wind, so they begin to wail.
  • Sheep and pigs try to stay in a bunch if they feel the approach of cold weather.
  • If rainy weather is foreseen, then the wool of the sheep becomes much softer than usual, and when it comes hot weather, then the lamb's wool becomes much coarser than usual.
  • Pigs are actively dragging various rags, straw, leaves into their barn, so expect cold snaps.
  • If the pigs voice more than usual, then wait for a strong wind.

forest animals

Deer behave restlessly before bad weather

Of course, we do not have to observe forest animals so often, but they can also be used to judge changes in the weather:

  • Large animals in the forest, such as moose or deer, when bad weather is coming, cannot find a place for themselves, they constantly change their location.
  • A chipmunk makes sounds that resemble a whistle in the rain, and if a storm is approaching, they begin to scream.
  • Moles, when they feel that there will be a very heavy downpour, dig large holes in the ground, while leaving behind high heaps of earth.
  • If beavers actively begin to work at night, it means that they are preparing for the rise of water, that is, everyone should expect a heavy downpour.
  • Frogs, when they feel the approach of a heavy downpour, they get out onto the shore.
  • Frogs foretell good and sunny weather by organizing a real frog concert in the evening.
  • Lizards rest on the rocks longer than usual when they feel that rainy weather is coming soon.
  • If a squirrel has built its nest high up in a tree, then this year's winter will not be so severe. And if this forest animal built a nest closer to the ground, then the winter will be severe in frost.
  • If warm weather is expected, then the squirrel behaves very actively, it jumps briskly through the trees.
  • If you hear mice squeak under the snow, but they don’t get out, then the frost will intensify even more.
  • If the winter is expected to be severe, then wild hares try to be closer to the human village.

Signs with domestic and wild birds

Observations of domestic and wild birds also help predict the weather:

  • If a domestic chicken, when standing, constantly presses one of its paws, then there will be cold snaps.
  • If in winter the cockerel starts its songs earlier than usual, then the thaw is just around the corner.
  • In rainy weather, ducks and chickens are in no hurry to hide in the barn, then the rain will end quickly.
  • If domestic canaries, parrots do not delight you with songs, then you should not expect good weather.

Signs with insects

And by insects you can judge the weather conditions:

  • Before rain, mosquitoes bite more aggressively than usual, worms tend to crawl out of the ground before rain, dragonflies can’t find a place for themselves and fly actively, flies buzz even more than usual and strive to get into the human abode, ants close to their houses, fireflies do not glow, bees are far away do not fly away from their homes.
  • If a ladybug was sitting on you, and then it soared very high up, then good weather will last for several days.
  • If the ladybug, being on human hand does not try to quickly fly away from you, on the contrary, it remains on the arm, slowly crawling, then it may soon be raining.
  • The spider sits right in the middle of its web, then warm weather is expected. And if he shifted his location to the very edge of the web or even hid somewhere, then expect rain.
  • If on a summer night you notice that there are a lot of moths, then soon expect rainy weather.
  • If in summer evening grasshoppers staged a concert, then expect good weather.

Folk signs about animals will tell you how to properly handle domestic animals and what threatens a meeting with one or another animal. In the past, the behavior of animals predicted the weather.

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Folk omens about wild animals

In the past, according to the behavior of wild animals and which of them appeared to the traveler, they judged what was waiting for a person. Our ancestors believed that animals can warn of future troubles and predict good events.

When a squirrel or a hare jumped out in front of a person on the road, in the old days he had to return to where he came from. This warned travelers that something was wrong in the house, and if you get home in time, you can prevent theft, fire or other troubles. If a hare or a squirrel crosses the road, this promises misfortune.

If there are many hares, the harvest will be poor, especially if they run into the premises. If the hare ran into the house and shouted, someone will die in this house. Where hares are divorced, there will be no mice, and vice versa.

In the old days, it was believed that not always a meeting with wolves threatens with big troubles, or even a funeral. For example, a meeting with an animal that did not touch a person and went about his business brings victory in some business. If the wolf crossed the road, you will have great success. Our ancestors considered any meeting with a wolf that did not end in the death of a person as a sign of happiness and good luck, except if he had prey in his teeth. This takes away good luck for the time that nature will mourn for the animal killed by the wolf.

When meeting with wolves, our ancestors tried to greet and talk in a good way so that they would go their own way. If a wolf appeared in the village, it was a sign of a bad harvest. In order to drive the predator away from the village, in the past they took the head of a dog killed by him, carried it around the whole village and stuck it on a pole, which was placed at the entrance to the village.

  • If a toad has settled in the garden, this is very good, you should not drive it away. Toads bring happiness.
  • If a mole digs inside the house, this is for the dead.

Rats and mice appear in houses for trouble. They need to be disposed of immediately, according to signs, they survive the owners. If these pests are noisy, squeak - to the dead or. Sometimes it was believed that if the mice squeak, there will be a wedding in the house. If the mice are gone, but the rats have appeared, it means that one problem will be replaced by another, and not less at all. Pests leave the house before the fire.

In the old days about how prices will change. If they are heard somewhere under the ceiling, then prices will rise, and under the floor they will fall. If these pests have spoiled part of the goods, then it will quickly go to the buyers. It was considered a particularly good omen if the mice spoiled some of the best goods.

  • To see a fox is unfortunately.

Hearing a frog croaking in the house is for the dead, especially if this frog appears and jumps around the house. To see the first frog this year with its belly up - to the deceased in the family. Kill a frog - to the death of the mother.

  • To see an earthworm crawling along the road - to an interesting sight or news.

Folk signs about pets

In the old days, women never slaughtered birds, and even more so four-legged livestock. It was considered a sinful occupation for women, it was supposed to be done only by men.

During the slaughter of livestock, the one to whom the animal was most attached should not be present. Those who loved him the most in the family are not allowed, otherwise the cattle will fight for his life for a very long time, and his death will be long and painful.

If any animal fell ill, it was determined whether it would survive and whether it makes sense to treat the cattle, as follows. She was given a sniff of tobacco or pepper. If the animal sneezed, it means that it will recover, and if not, they were preparing for its death.

Horses neigh - good omen. But if the horse sniffs the warrior, he is threatened quick death. The horse looks downcast and often sighs - to long road. If she sneezes on your land - you are not welcome to visit, the road will be empty, on someone else's - to a good trip to visit. If the horse snorts on the road - to good luck and various pleasant incidents. You can’t ride cats on a horse, otherwise the horse will lose weight or get sick.

You can’t approach a horse if you are afraid of it, then it can kill. An animal that was transported with wool or tobacco will be kind. If a horse was carrying a dead person, it cannot be taken on wedding trains, on parade processions and similar events; in the old days, even a beehive was not carried on such horses. He will miss if you don't ride him to church.

When a cow calved, nothing was given from the house, so that no one could spoil her offspring. They did the same if a horse was foaled or a sheep was lambing. If the cows moo all night - to an unpleasant incident. A cow looking out the window, especially of a black color - to the death of someone in this house. Cows are sold with a pail. You can’t say how much milk a cow gives, so as not to. In order for the cows not to yearn for the dead comrade, an ax is placed at the place of her death.

  • If a pig squeals, it invites quarrels. To meet her on the road - there will be no way.

The dog broke the window while on the street - to troubles from outside the house, for example, to theft. If she broke the window from the inside, the problem will be inside. Dig holes under the windows of the dog to the dead. Dog howling at all times foreshadowed trouble, fires, illness and death. It is especially bad if the dog howls at the house. If she does not finish eating food after the patient, this means that he will not recover.

If a stray dog ​​has nailed to the yard, this portends profit. Dog bites should not be shown to anyone, otherwise they will heal for a long time.

Folk signs about the weather according to animals

Associated with animals, almost always come true. Animals are able to recognize signs of weather changes earlier than humans. In the old days, this was how the weather would change.

  • If the animals lie under a canopy, it's raining.
  • Animals lie in the yard - to warm and clear weather.

When there are a lot of hares near human habitation in autumn, it means that the winter will be very cold and snowy. If they approach housing in the middle of winter, it means that spring will be late, the cold will last a long time.

The snakes appeared too early - the summer will be rainy. If in summer you often see snakes in dry places, autumn will be dry, and in wet places it will be rainy.

If the cat drinks more water than usual, or tears up the walls - it will rain. These animals are rubbing against something warm weather. The cat is fast asleep, especially with its belly up, which means it will be warm. If your pet spreads its paws and tail to the sides, lying in the middle of the room, this portends good weather. Scratches the floor, trees, door or carpet - to the wind or blizzard. There are many that you can learn from the relevant articles on our website.

  • The horse snores or throws its head up - worsening weather. Sleeping lying down - good weather.

If frogs scream loudly near the reservoir, it will rain. They do not begin to croak until the first thunder of the year sounds.

Leeches lie at the bottom - to good weather, they rise to the surface of reservoirs only before the rain. If they are restless, there will be wind.

  • If crayfish crawl out onto the shore, it will rain.

If the pig roars, there will be bad weather. If she drags away the broom, there will be bad weather. A pig rolls on the ground or rolls in the mud - to rain.