Piercing is now at the peak of newfangled trends: girls, along with guys, are striving with might and main to stand out with something, to take on a look that would correspond to their “party”, to show individuality in every possible way.
With the help of the procedure, young people have Jewelry on the body, making holes in it.
And, unfortunately, does not think about the consequences.

The most common puncture sites:

  • Language;
  • Lips (including intimate ones);
  • Brows;
  • Navel;
  • Other parts of the body.

When performing a nose piercing, experts use a variety of techniques. The puncture can be performed in various places.

The simplest and most common way is a single nostril piercing. Also popular is the piercing of the nasal septum, located between the nostrils.

A similar procedure is performed for lovers of such jewelry as a septum - it hangs right above the lip. The event is dangerous because it can cause infection and other complications.

Symptoms and signs of adverse effects

The most common complication associated with nose piercing is the possibility of infection in the puncture, which causes inflammation.

Then the person develops rough scars on the skin. Such a negative phenomenon is the result of unskilled performance cosmetic procedure.

A common unpleasant consequence of a poor-quality piercing is the formation of keloid scars located around the puncture site.

They are perfectly visible, may be accompanied by itching, tingling, burning or certain pain.

To prevent scarring, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist before the nose piercing procedure. It will determine how your skin is prone to the appearance of such formations.

Another unpleasant symptom that occurs after performing a cosmetic procedure can be redness and swelling around the puncture site. Although, immediately after it, such a reaction to external intervention on the skin is logical.

Piercing care involves salt baths, but when swelling does not go away for a long time, it means that there is a possibility of infection.

In such a situation, you can not treat the puncture with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide - this can only cause even more severe inflammation.

Need to see a doctor immediately he will write you special remedy that relieves inflammation.

Nose piercing is dangerous for people suffering from chronic or congenital heart and kidney diseases.

It is also preferable to refuse the procedure if there are skin diseases, epileptic seizures, asthmatic attacks.

Individuals who are allergic to metals should be especially careful when performing punctures.

This type of allergy is the main problem for people who want to get their nose pierced. The wound may not heal for a long time, it constantly swells and festers (by the way, smoking and drinking alcohol also do not contribute to rapid healing).

Let's summarize. The risks of a nose piercing are:

  • Possibility of pigmentation skin, permanent, not passing for a long time inflammation, the appearance of scars and chronic keloids;
  • There is a possibility of infection with hepatitis, AIDS, and other blood diseases.

Treatment Methods

At home

Let's consider ways of home treatment of the consequences that appear after performing a nose piercing. The most terrible of them is infection, since it can cause an abscess, as well as blood poisoning.

At the first signs of infection entering the wound, it is required to immediately begin applying antiseptic compresses.

For this procedure, you will need daily, twice, for 5 minutes, to apply a swab soaked in an antiseptic to the wound from the inside and outside.

Ointments help perfectly, among which we can especially recommend Tetracycline and Levomikol.

The skin puncture site should be washed with antibacterial soap. It is necessary to perform such a hygienic procedure at least twice a day, and preferably more often, as pollution occurs.

Starting processing, you must first thoroughly disinfect your hands. For the procedure, you must use running clean water.

With the help of a cotton swab, it is required to remove the appearing crusts.

Practically, always after the piercing, lymph is released from the wound for some time. This not a sign of pierce rejection or a symptom of infection.

It must be periodically cleaned with a cotton swab, which is moistened with hydrogen peroxide or saline.

It happens that a small hardened ball can form directly at the site of the puncture of the nose. When the wound is completely healed, the seal can be kneaded with your fingers to achieve its fastest resorption.

It is imperative that you first remove the jewelry, lubricate the piercing area with baby cream, and only then perform a massage.

The more often it is carried out, the faster you can expect complete resorption of the hardening that has appeared.

The result of a nose piercing can be consequences that cannot be eliminated at home on your own. You have to go to the clinic for the help of a specialist.

Surgical intervention

The only way to get rid of keloid scars is through surgery. Here can be applied:

  • excision;
  • cryodestruction;
  • close-focus radiography;
  • phonophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis, some other methods.

Usage integrated approach, when several alternative treatment options are used, it can give a positive effect, although it is not always possible to completely and radically solve the problem.

If there is an allergic reaction to the metal inserted into the puncture, it makes sense to test an alternative option - replace the jewelry with a titanium alloy or use gold, and not lower than 750 samples.

Finally, persons suffering from congenital heart defects must, after completing the nose piercing procedure, undergo some prophylactic antibiotic treatment in order to prevent the development of infective endocarditis, which is possible for them.

Prevention of complications

After a puncture, be sure to follow a set of preventive procedures, which consists in the following activities:

When the jewelry is lost during the first weeks after the puncture, the hole will grow quickly enough, 10 minutes is enough. Always carry an alternative decoration with you.

Brief list of medicines

To treat the surface of the wound after piercing, aseptic means are needed. Among them are mandatory for use:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate;
  • Ointment Levomekol;
  • Powder Baneocin.

For lotions you will need Miramistin. Adding zinc tablets to your meals will help speed up healing, although you need to get your doctor's approval first.


Nose piercing, indeed, looks very beautiful, but only if the jewelry is matched to match the appearance.

When it is firmly decided to perform such a procedure, you should make sure that a professional will do it. After a puncture, do not forget about preventive measures to maximize fast healing received wound.

In this video, you will learn how the piercing procedure takes place.

Many girls get their nose pierced. According to reviews, this is an almost painless procedure, and there are rarely complications after it. How true is this? Before you go to the salon and pierce any part of the body, you need to think carefully. On one side of the scale is the desire to decorate oneself and stand out from the crowd, and on the other - the risk of introducing an infection into the body.

Types of punctures

The most common piercing is the nose piercing. But, to be more precise, in the first place are piercings of the earlobes, although for some reason they are not considered to be piercings.

Experiments with other parts of the body are not held in high esteem by the conservative segment of the population. Mostly punctures are made by rebellious youth and representatives informal movements. Nose piercing is considered the most harmless, and many boys and girls are ready to decorate the protruding part of the face.

There are several types of nose piercing, namely:

  1. Puncture of the wing of the nose. The easiest and most common option is when a hole is punched from the left or right, on the side surface, or from both sides at once. This method It is considered safe, the puncture heals from one to one and a half months, the risk of complications is minimal. However, if you pierce not the middle of the wing, but its upper part at the highest possible point, then the procedure becomes painful, and the canal does not heal well.
  2. Septum. Penetration of the nasal septum or soft tissues under the cartilage, or the cartilage itself at the top. Pain during the procedure is only disturbing at the time of the puncture, so this species piercing does not involve the use of painkillers. Healing - 1-1.5 months.
  3. Septril. According to reviews, it is better to trust a nose piercing only with proven masters with extensive experience, since the channel breaks vertically, and there is a high probability of hurting the cartilage. The procedure is painful and often leads to complications.
  4. Bridge. This is an option for extreme and non-formal people, since the puncture is carried out in the upper part of the bridge of the nose, at eye level. This variant of piercing can be done vertically or horizontally, the type of decoration is a barbell.
  5. Austin Bar. Puncture of the tip of the nose in a horizontal direction.
  6. Nasallang. Simultaneous puncture of the wings and septum, united by one decoration.


The master in the cabin will help you decide on the choice of the puncture point. As part of the consultation before the procedure, he will tell you which option is more or less painful, and in which case there will be a lower risk of complications. In addition, in the salon, a dot is drawn with a special surgical marker before the puncture, and you can clearly see how the jewelry will look on one or another area of ​​​​the skin.

And also immediately before the procedure, the skin at the site of the proposed piercing will be thoroughly disinfected to exclude the possibility of infection.

Description of the procedure

The nose is pierced with a regular piercing needle. A gun is not suitable for it, as the area is too small and curved, and it will be very difficult to make a channel exactly in the chosen place.

A sterile needle is a thinner and more versatile instrument. Before making a channel, the master fixes several clips on the nose to highlight the right place. The needle is then pierced through the clamp. The skin is thoroughly disinfected. If necessary, anesthetize. When piercing the wings, a special plug is inserted into the nostrils in order not to damage other areas. When the puncture has already been made, an ornament is immediately inserted into it. Then comes the secondary disinfection. All manipulations take no more than 10 minutes.


Used for nose piercing different types jewelry - rings, rods, half rings, bananas, carnations, tunnels, etc. But aesthetic appearance- far from the main requirement. Much more important characteristics are safety in contact with an open wound, hypoallergenic material and the possibility of its disinfection, ease of removal and care.

Therefore, immediately after the puncture, it is necessary to install products made of surgical steel or bioplastic, or made of inert metals - gold, titanium or silver. In the already formed channel, you can put decorations made of wood or bone.

Depending on the type of nose piercing, earrings can have the following shapes:

  1. For wings - carnations, labrets, rings, tunnels, half rings, nostrils.
  2. High wing piercing - small studs.
  3. Nasal septum (septum) - rings, rods and half rings.
  4. Septril - rings, bars and crossbars.
  5. Bridge - bars and rings.
  6. Nasallang - rings and crossbars.

Let's move on to the discussion next question.


What to do after a nose piercing? How long the wound will heal and whether complications will arise will depend on the thoroughness of further care. In order to avoid negative consequences, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Do not touch the puncture site with your hands - this is a direct path to infection.
  2. Carefully treat the damaged area. Usually Miromestin or Chlorhexidine is used for this, or saline solution - one tablespoon of salt per glass boiled water.
  3. IN preventive purposes instilled into the nose with sea ​​water throughout the entire healing period.
  4. To remove excess disinfectant liquid, the puncture site should be blotted with a piece of sterile bandage.
  5. You can remove the jewelry only after the wound has healed well and the canal has fully formed.
  6. No need to remove the crust, otherwise the risk of infection will increase.
  7. Do not allow any cosmetic products to enter the puncture site.

How long does the nose heal after a puncture? It depends on the place where the piercing was made, and on the individual characteristics of the organism. Even if an infection does not get into the wound, it will heal in one person for 3-4 weeks, and in another for several months.

It is impossible to say exactly how long a nose puncture heals. The easiest and least traumatic wing piercing will take a month, sometimes 6-8 weeks. With other punctures of the nose, the canal can be formed from three months to six months.

Complications after piercing

According to reviews, a nose piercing can cause the following Negative consequences:

  1. Rejection is a reaction to jewelry made from low-quality materials. It is rare, and it is quite easy to avoid this if you do not buy the product in dubious places.
  2. Inflammation. Infection is most often the result of improper care, when bacteria are introduced from dirty hands. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully follow all recommendations for care, and if inflammation is detected, apply compresses with antimicrobial drugs (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Levomekol, etc.) on both sides of the puncture. If the signs of infection do not disappear in two days, then the decoration must be removed and the canal overgrown.
  3. Keloid scars. Ugly formations in the form of rings or beads. Most often occur when the puncture is infected, less often as a result of the individual characteristics of the body. They can be removed surgically - cut and sanded.

According to reviews, a nose piercing is a fairly safe procedure.

There is still a risk of complications, but with good care they are reduced to a minimum. However, the question remains whether it is worth doing a nose piercing in principle.

Many women are convinced that the piercing of the nose, as a way of decoration, is a thing of the past. And it's not about conservative views, they are convinced that the bars and rings on the face do not answer fashion trends. There is an opinion that a carnation with a small stone reduces the cost of the image and is suitable only for schoolgirls, but not for fashionable, beautiful and self-confident girls. Even more ridiculously, such an ornament looks on older ladies, which is more like a desperate and failed attempt look younger than your age.

But some women still get their nose pierced and are extremely pleased with the result. They believe that with such decoration they look both stylish and a little bold. So it's worth it or not - everyone must decide for himself.

Hi all!
I recently got myself another piercing, namely the piercing of the wing of the nose. To be honest, I would never have dared to pierce the septum (septum), so I settled on the wing, because I think that this type of piercing will easily decorate the nose, and what to wear in a puncture - a ring or a nostril - is up to you!

Briefly about the procedure itself:

The puncture should be carried out only by the master! I do not welcome self-piercing, as in some cases it can lead to serious consequences. It is better to pay and get a puncture from a good (!!!) master and sleep peacefully than to do it yourself and then suffer from infections that you can bring yourself. For a nose piercing (and for any other) are used only disposable needles. Pistols to use IT IS FORBIDDEN!!! As a primary decoration that will last from a month to six months, this titanium nostril. Some masters may offer you to put D-ring(outside it looks like a ring, inside it is a direct decoration), but such decorations are also undesirable, as they can be screwed on. In my puncture there was a titanium nostril - a direct decoration without unscrewing parts, at one end of which there is a pebble (ball / opal, there are a lot of types), and at the other end there is a “snail” or “L” (there is no photo of the decoration, unfortunately).
When your nose is pierced, tears will flow (most likely from only one eye). This is a normal phenomenon, such an anatomy of a person. When the septum is punctured, tears also flow!
It doesn’t hurt to pierce the wing of the nose, but I automatically start yelling as soon as I see piercing and cutting objects next to my face.
After the puncture, the left wing of the nose began to hurt. It's natural: you've been hurt. So redness, slight swelling and aching pain are normal. It is best to walk / drive home after the puncture and go to bed. Pretreatment of the piercing site. This is what will be discussed now.


Any wound, scratch, any damage to your body must be treated. And if many people smear wounds and scratches with brilliant green, cauterize with alcohol and iodine (although this is not recommended), then everything is different with piercing.

So, here it is, a list of what you need:

1. Miramistin. I think many people know this miracle cure, which can prevent virtually any sore: from a sore throat (yes, you can take it inside!) To STDs. With the same remedy, you need to wash your puncture 3-5 times a day: in the morning, in the evening, after coming from the street and at every opportunity. , then with a cotton swab dipped in Miramistin, remove the crust and everything that has accumulated around the wound (blood, lymph)
2. Chlorhexidine. It's over cheap analogue Miramistin (~350₽), costs around 12₽ (prices in St. Petersburg). Sold in a small and handy 100 ml pack that you can take everywhere: from work to the plane. But this remedy has side effects (redness, itching, plaque on the teeth and tongue, if taken orally, it can cause vomiting) and should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Also, the effect of chlorhexidine weakens upon contact with blood, lymph, etc.
2. Sea salt/saline solution (NaCl). These tools can be used as you wish. They cost about 60 rubles. It is necessary to heat the solution to a hot but tolerable temperature, then lower the nose into it so that the puncture “floats”. After removing the accumulation. If using sea salt, add it hot water and repeat the same.

What NOT to do!

1. It is forbidden to swim in pools, reservoirs, visit baths, saunas for 1 month;
2. It is forbidden to scroll, take out and masturbate jewelry in every possible way! Thanks to high level polishing, modern jewelry (of course, high-quality) do not grow in and even contribute to faster healing;
3. It is forbidden to treat the puncture with peroxide, alcohol, brilliant green / iodine, calendula, holy water. These agents interfere with healing, as they act aggressively on tissues;
4. Contact of cosmetics to the puncture site is unacceptable, as an infection can be introduced.

How long does healing take?

Primary healing occurs in 1-2 months. This means that after a month or two, the puncture should not hurt, there should not be severe redness. If any of this is there, it means that you are doing something wrong, or the master who pricked you, rukozop, or there is a low-quality jewelry (ask for a certificate!). There is a white list of masters by city, you can ask them any question regarding a puncture! You can change the decoration to the same one, but with a different wrap or from “snail” to “L” or vice versa in 3-4 months!

After six months, you can replace your direct jewelry with a ring or a circular and walk calmly. The main thing is that these jewelry be of high quality, otherwise your puncture will become inflamed and healing will have to be done again!

Puncture impressions:

It seems to me that a small stone on the wing is the most acceptable decoration, and in any case, such a piercing will look advantageous. However, you will not be able to hide this piercing, unless you grow a long bang. It is very important to carefully care for this piercing, as there is a risk of keloid scars, and this is fraught with an operating table. After all, this is your face, and a crooked, non-healing puncture will look disgusting on it! Another of the minuses you want to note is that the nostril will constantly cling to towels and clothes. And if you remove the jewelry, then a small scar may remain, which in most cases can be hidden with foundation.
Hope this review was helpful

piercing different parts body is no longer something out of the ordinary. Every second girl either has earrings on her body, or once had them. Nose piercing is considered the most familiar look body art. But despite this, it still carries a certain danger. If you do not know how and with what to pierce or choose the wrong side of the piercing, you can get into an extremely awkward situation.

How to insert a nose piercing step by step

The technique of putting on an earring depends on its shape and the place of the puncture. Piercing of the wing of the nose is considered traditional, more unusual is the piercing of the septum. The septum is the cartilage that lies between the nostrils.

For the design of the piercing, the following types of earrings are used:

  • carnations. The simple construction of a barbell, clip and decoration made them a real must-have for girls. It will not be difficult to put this earring in, in addition, if necessary, it can be quickly removed. Decorated with a stone, which can be triangular, round, oval and any other shape;
  • Hook, snail, spiral. This is a more professional earring. The key difference is the unusual curved shape. If the clip of the stud can protrude ugly and be noticeable at some angles of the head, then the hook is completely invisible from the inside;
  • Rings. Rarely used for alar piercings, but great for septum, ear, lip, or eyebrow. They consist of an open ring and a ball-clamp. Most often, threaded connections are used as fasteners - this allows you to quickly and securely fix the jewelry in the puncture.

Before putting on any jewelry, it must be disinfected. Chlorhexidine solution or hydrogen peroxide is best suited for this. Please note that noble metals react differently to medical disinfectants (they may darken or brighten), and steel jewelry even rusts. Therefore, before processing, it is better to check the selected composition on an inconspicuous part of the earring.

How to put a stud earring in your nose:

  1. The puncture is washed with alcohol or Chlorhexidine. Be sure to wipe the inside of the nose. Dust often collects on the mucous membrane, which you do not even know about. It is she who can later cause inflammation and suppuration;
  2. The edge of the nose is gently pulled back. In professional conditions, it is fixed with tongs, but if they are not at hand, then just hold the wing with your fingers;
  3. The tip of the carnation is carefully inserted into the puncture. It doesn't take much pressure to push it in. Just gently twist the bar in the hole. Two problems can arise here: the carnation does not go through or is stuck. This happens due to the overgrowth of the hole or the wrong direction. Try gently twisting the bar in different directions. If the earring went further, then you just didn’t hit the hole right away. If she stalled, then you need to go to the salon - perhaps the piercing is overgrown; Figure threading a stud earring
  4. When the edge of the carnation comes out of the hole, it must be pulled down with tweezers. A clip is put on the tip of the earring. Do not press hard, otherwise there will be inflammation. Try to fix the earring in the middle position, but so that it does not hang out, otherwise it will fall out.

In order to put a ring on your nose piercing almost the same steps are taken. But, if a cartilage puncture was made, then the algorithm may change slightly.

  1. The ring is disinfected and unclenched to the desired level. A tightly tightened septum piercing you simply cannot pass through the hole;
  2. The free edge of the ring (without the thread for the clamp) is inserted into the hole in the nose and gently moved along the cartilage. If the nose still hurts, then we recommend treating the mucous membrane with painkillers when dressing; Drawing ring for septum
  3. Scrolling the earring, you need to push it to the exit. If it is tight, then you can slightly shake the ring in different directions;
  4. When the end of the earring comes out of the hole, a fixing ball is screwed onto the second part. If the ring is of a classic shape (fully round), then it is screwed up to the maximum position and fastened with a clip.

The hardest thing to put on a nose piercing is a snail. This special kind earrings, which is quite difficult to install in a puncture on your own, without previous experience.

How to put a hook earring into a nose piercing:

  1. It is recommended to apply a small amount of "Bepanten" or other regenerating ointment ("Rescuer", "Levomekol") on the surface of the tip. This will speed up healing and help to put the earring in;
  2. The tip of the snail must be screwed to its end. You can see the shape of the earring, but after the drop, you will need to slightly change the position of the earring; Drawing Earring for piercing snail
  3. The flat section of the earring is simply pushed lightly into the nose. It is important not to put pressure on the piercing, otherwise there may be complications in the form of beauty and inflammation. If the hook is difficult to pass, slightly tilt it first to the left, then to the right;
  4. When the earring is worn, no clips or clips are put on it. The tip is simply strongly pressed against the mucosa. Thus, the hole closes quickly and securely. If you can’t screw the hook, then it’s better to contact the salon. At home, you can scratch the nasal mucosa, after which the piercing will begin to actively grow.

Video: pros and cons of nose piercing

Consequences and contraindications

As such, there are no direct contraindications to piercing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the speed of wound healing. The longer the puncture heals, the higher the likelihood of infection entering the wound. This is fraught with various complications in care and even operable interventions.

Complications after nose piercing:

  • Runny nose. Extremely unpleasant, but a natural consequence. Violation of the integrity of the mucosa is perceived by the body as a viral attack. To get rid of it, he "turns on" all the protective processes, including a runny nose. This trouble passes in a few days;
  • Soreness. When the septum is punctured, an unpleasant sensation of sensitivity of the tip of the nose occurs. It is virtually impossible to touch it. At the same time, the cartilage does not hurt - there are no nerve endings in it. Pain from the wing of the nose can spread to the entire half of the face with which the puncture is located. The same phenomenon is observed in those who have done eyebrow piercing;
  • Inflammation and suppuration. Naturally, if the nose is inflamed, then it was not properly cared for. But punctures in this part of the body are very difficult to wash - the mucosa is not visible. And suppuration in general cannot be recognized in any way until an unpleasant smell appears;
  • Eating problems. This happens not only after a tongue or lip piercing. When chewing, the nose moves slightly, as when talking. Any movement in the first few weeks after the piercing will give off a dull pain in the wing or tip of the nose;
  • Bulge at the piercing. Is your nose red and slightly swollen? It is better to simply remove the earring and carefully process the hole until the wing or septum is completely festered. Similarly, you need to do if the earring fails.

Earrings and jewelry for nose piercing

Earrings are divided not only by shape, but also by purpose and the material from which they are made. For the manufacture of piercing earrings, the following materials are used:

  • Medical steel. Previously, all salons that provided ear, eyebrow and nose piercing services worked only with such jewelry. But, it is important to know one thing - the term "medical steel" does not exist at all. This is the name given to the combination of steel and titanium. It does not affect the rate of puncture healing in any way, but does not lend itself to corrosion;
  • Plastic. It looks very unusual, it is practically not noticeable in holes due to its low weight. Enjoys special love among informal girls. Differs in ease in leaving and stability in external negative factors. In addition, it does not freeze in cold weather;
  • Golden piercing in the nose is the most expensive, but the safest. The main advantages of this noble metal are that it promotes regeneration and is rarely rejected by the body;
  • Silver. Cheaper than gold, but no less popular precious metal. Suitable for almost everyone. May cause allergies only in exceptional cases.

Treatment and care of the nose after piercing

Improper care of a puncture is extremely dangerous. It is the cause of more than 90% of inflammation and suppuration.

Figure is the result of improper care of the septum

To avoid the troubles associated with piercing, you need to know the following rules:

How long does it heal

Much depends on the characteristics of the organism and the chosen season. According to statistics, piercings and tattoos heal much more slowly in winter and autumn than in summer. This is affected by beriberi, hypothermia of the body and a decrease in immunity.

The puncture of the navel heals for at least six months, lips - 2 months. The cartilage in the septum never heals. It simply “overwrites” because of which it stops bothering its owner. Reviews claim that the piercing in the wing of the nose will be completely tightened only after 6 to 8 months.

Meaning - which side of the piercing

Sometimes on women's forums you can find arguments that piercing on different sides of the face carries a hidden sacred meaning. In fact, these are all stereotypes. The choice of which side of the nose to pierce is purely individual and depends only on the beauty of the chosen half of the face.

Some girls are more parted on the left side, others - on the right. Likewise with holes. To finally decide, you can try on a fake or magnetic piercing. Due to the fact that such a false piercing looks very natural, it will be a great experiment for appearance if you want to pierce the skin, but are afraid.

The photo of the nose piercing clearly shows that it looks great on both the right and left sides of the face. Moreover, it does not vulgarize the image in the slightest, but only emphasizes the sophistication of the appearance.

A beautiful nose piercing will add zest and charm, give the appearance of elegance and sexuality, focusing on the beautiful features of the face. A nose piercing is not as painful as it seems at first glance, but this intervention in the body requires careful preparation:

  • make sure that blood clotting is normal, there are no chronic heart diseases, runny nose and fever;
  • refuse hormonal drugs, including contraceptives;
  • reduce coffee consumption, eliminate additives and drugs, including aspirin;
  • do not drink alcohol during the day to avoid blood thinning.

How much does a nose piercing cost?

It is better to do piercing in specialized salons with a license and good advice. Be sure to sign up for a consultation: the conditions and cleanliness of the office, the presence of an autoclave for sterilizing instruments will help to make right choice salon and master. The cost of the service varies from 600 to 3000 rubles. It is not worth saving, but it is better to order the entire package of services, which includes: preparation of a nose piercing, the work of a master, jewelry, necessary medicines.

Who suits?

Piercing focuses on the face, so owners of a long and narrow nose are better off decorating their ear or navel. If the eyes are large, slanting and expressive, then the decoration on the bridge of the nose will look better. The piercing of the nasal septum can be afforded by the owner of lush lips with a clear and beautiful contour. In the legal or medical field, in banks and large corporations, piercing will become an obstacle to a career. For safety reasons, even rings and chains are prohibited in enterprises and restaurants. Flashy nose piercing earrings are not always appropriate when communicating with clients, so it's better to embellish yourself carnations with a small pebble.

How to put on a nose piercing? Treat hands with an alcohol solution and remove the product. Unfasten the new decoration and disinfect all parts. You can smear with cream or petroleum jelly and insert it into the hole while exhaling, or holding your breath, otherwise a small part will get into the airways!

Nose piercing at home

Doing a piercing on your own is risky, but if you are confident in your own abilities, you are not afraid of needles and blood, then you need to carefully prepare and purchase materials:

  • three pairs of latex sterile gloves;
  • sterile disposable piercing needle;
  • cotton wool;
  • disinfectant solution or alcohol;
  • clip for piercing;
  • jewelry made of titanium or surgical steel right size, not too large in diameter and not massive.

Be sure to prepare mentally and study the puncture process. Nose piercing, the video of which should be previewed, is not such a harmless procedure.

Puncture (septum) of the sinus

  • Piercing should not be done in hot and dry weather, so that dust does not get into the wound, and sweat does not provoke complications.
  • Mark the puncture site with a special marker. You should make sure that the piercing is at the right distance from the edge of the nose.
  • Sterilize hands and wear gloves.
  • Sterilize the jewelry, the puncture site from the outside and inside.
  • Insert the clamp so as not to pierce the nasal septum with the needle.
  • Insert the needle with a sharp and strong movement.
  • Insert jewelry and treat the wound with alcohol.

The nose after the piercing will be red and inflamed, the wound may bleed for several days, and the eyes will water. If it doesn't go away within a week, should see a doctor.

After the procedure, for about a month, you can not swim in ponds, go to the sauna, get caught in the rain, stand in drafts. A runny nose can complicate the treatment of the nose and cause inflammation. The decoration cannot be removed until the wound is completely healed, otherwise complications are guaranteed, the product will be difficult to put on. At first, towels and cosmetics should be abandoned.

What to process?

Wipe the puncture twice a day with chlorhexidine or miramestene, saline or a solution with sea ​​salt, scrolling the jewelry a little so that the solution gets on the piercing channel. Do not clean the piercing with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or tea tree oil, as they can cause a crust to form.

How long does the nose heal after a puncture?

The wound heals in 4-10 weeks if there were no significant complications. At first, there will be redness and a discharge of a yellowish liquid, which will pass within two weeks. The decoration is removed only after six months, otherwise you can damage the canal and cause infection.

Possible consequences

With an incorrect puncture of the nose or its processing, a granuloma appears. Apply warm compresses several times a day until it disappears completely. Education in the form of a bump with an abscess should be treated with hyoxysone or levomecol, washed with miramistin, and after the pus comes out, with oflokain.

If the nose hurts after a puncture, and a sticky translucent liquid is released from the wound, then you should contact a master or a dermatologist. You should wipe the jewelry, especially near the clasp, a lot of bacteria accumulate there.

If for a long time nose piercing does not heal, you need to see a doctor to prevent the appearance of calloid scars. They are the most dangerous consequence piercing, so do not self-medicate. The doctor will attribute injections and ointments, but neglected treatment will lead to surgical intervention. In this case, you should temporarily abandon the piercing.

How to remove a nose piercing?

  • disinfect hands;
  • carefully unfasten the latch of the product;
  • pull the decoration out of the hole with smooth movements;
  • treat the wound.

Piercing gives confidence and femininity, but savings and haste will harm beauty and health. Get smart, dear readers!