Ore deposits are the main place of extraction of native gold. The precious metal in gold-bearing ores can be associated with other elements - quartz and sulfides. Quartz is one of the most common minerals in earth's crust. It can have various colors: there is colorless, white, gray, yellow, purple, brown and black quartz.

By composition, quartz is divided into gold-bearing and non-gold-bearing. Gold-bearing quartz contains gold particles in the form of grains, nests, sprouting and veinlets. Quartz veins containing precious metal attract many modern gold prospectors.

  • Poor - the gold content is on the verge of standard, enrichment is required;
  • Rich - sufficient gold content, no pre-enrichment required.

Experienced gold prospectors can distinguish gold-bearing quartz from non-gold-bearing quartz by appearance, color and properties.

External signs of gold content of quartz:

  • Nozdrevost (the presence of small holes in quartz - pores). The porosity of the rock indicates that there were ore minerals in the quartz, but leached out, with which gold may be associated.
  • Roughness (staining of quartz in yellow or red color). The sulfides are decomposing in fired quartz, so gold may also be present here.
  • The presence of visible gold (the presence of gold grains, nests and veins). To test quartz for gold content, the quartz pile is broken into pieces and moistened with water.
  • Ore color. Pure matte white or glassy translucent quartz is rarely auriferous. If the mineral in some places has a bluish or grayish tint, this may be a sign of the presence of sulfides. And sulfides are one of the most important components of gold-sulfide-quartz ores.

Quartz- one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust, a rock-forming mineral of most igneous and metamorphic rocks. Free content in the earth's crust 12%. Included in other minerals in the form of mixtures and silicates. In total, the mass fraction of quartz in the earth's crust is more than 60%. It has many varieties and, like no other mineral, is diverse in color, in forms of occurrence, and in genesis. It occurs in almost all types of deposits.
Chemical formula: SiO 2 (silicon dioxide).


trigonal syngony. Silica, the most common form of which in nature is quartz, has a developed polymorphism.
Two main polymorphic crystalline modifications of silicon dioxide: hexagonal β-quartz, stable at a pressure of 1 atm. (or 100 kN / m 2) in the temperature range of 870-573 ° C, and trigonal α-quartz, stable at temperatures below 573 ° C. It is α-quartz that is widespread in nature, this stable at low temperatures the modification is usually referred to simply as quartz. All hexagonal quartz crystals found under normal conditions are paramorphoses of α-quartz after β-quartz. α-quartz crystallizes in the trigonal trapezohedron class of the trigonal syngony. The crystal structure is of a frame type, built of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra arranged helically (with a right or left screw stroke) with respect to the main axis of the crystal. Depending on this, right and left structural-morphological forms of quartz crystals are distinguished, which are externally distinguished by the symmetry of the arrangement of some faces (for example, a trapezohedron, etc.). The absence of planes and a center of symmetry in α-quartz crystals determines the presence of piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties in it.


In its pure form, quartz is colorless or has white color due to internal cracks and crystal defects. Impurity elements and microscopic inclusions of other minerals, mainly iron oxides, give it a wide variety of colors. The reasons for the coloration of some varieties of quartz have their own specific nature.
Often forms twins. It dissolves in hydrofluoric acid and alkali melts. Melting point 1713-1728 °C (due to the high viscosity of the melt, it is difficult to determine the melting point, there are various data). dielectric and piezoelectric.

It belongs to the group of glass-forming oxides, that is, it can be the main component of glass. One-piece pure silica quartz glass is obtained by melting rock crystal, vein quartz and quartz sand. Silicon dioxide has polymorphism. The polymorphic modification stable under normal conditions is α-quartz (low-temperature). Accordingly, the high-temperature modification is called β-quartz.


Crystals are usually in the form of a hexagonal prism, at one end (rarely both) crowned with a six- or triangular pyramidal head. Often the crystal gradually narrows towards the head. On the faces of the prism, transverse hatching is characteristic. Most often, crystals have an elongated prismatic shape with the predominant development of the faces of a hexagonal prism and two rhombohedra forming the head of the crystal. More rarely, crystals take the form of a pseudohexagonal dipyramid. Outwardly regular quartz crystals are usually complexly twinned, most often forming twin sections according to the so-called. Brazilian or Dauphinean laws. The latter arise not only during crystal growth, but also as a result of internal structural rearrangement during thermal β-α polymorphic transitions accompanied by compression, as well as during mechanical deformations.
In igneous and metamorphic rocks quartz forms irregular isometric grains intergrown with grains of other minerals; its crystals are often encrusted with voids and tonsils in effusives.
In sedimentary rocks - concretions, veinlets, secretions (geodes), brushes of small short-prismatic crystals on the walls of voids in limestones, etc. Also fragments various shapes and sizes, pebbles, sand.


Yellowish or shimmering brownish-red quartzite (due to inclusions of mica and iron mica).
- layered-banded variety of chalcedony.
- violet.
Bingemite - iridescent quartz with inclusions of goethite.
Bull's eye - deep crimson, brown
Volosatik - rock crystal with inclusions of fine acicular crystals of rutile, tourmaline and / or other minerals that form acicular crystals.
- crystals of colorless transparent quartz.
Flint - fine-grained cryptocrystalline silica aggregates of variable composition, consisting mainly of quartz and, to a lesser extent, chalcedony, cristobalite, sometimes with the presence of a small amount of opal. Usually found in the form of nodules or pebbles resulting from their destruction.
Morion is black.
Overflow - consist of alternating layers of microcrystals of quartz and chalcedony, they are never transparent.
Prazem - green (due to inclusions of actinolite).
Prasiolite - onion-green, obtained artificially by calcining yellow quartz.
Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) - light gray or light brown.
Rose quartz - pink.
- cryptocrystalline fine-fiber variety. Translucent or translucent, color from white to honey-yellow. Forms spherulites, spherulitic crusts, pseudostalactites or continuous massive formations.
- lemon yellow.
Sapphire quartz is a bluish, coarse-grained aggregate of quartz.
Cat's eye - white, pinkish, gray quartz with a light sheen effect.
Hawkeye is a silicified aggregate of bluish-gray amphibole.
Tiger's eye - similar to hawk's eye, but golden brown in color.
- brown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, white with yellowish or pinkish layers. Onyx is especially characterized by plane-parallel layers of different colors.
Heliotrope is an opaque dark green variety of cryptocrystalline silica, mostly fine-grained quartz, sometimes with an admixture of chalcedony, oxides and hydroxides of iron and other minor minerals, with bright red spots and stripes.


Quartz is formed by various geological processes:
Directly crystallizes from acidic magma. Quartz contains both intrusive (granite, diorite) and effusive (rhyolite, dacite) rocks of acidic and intermediate composition; it can occur in basic igneous rocks (quartz gabbro).
It often forms porphyritic phenocrysts in felsic volcanic rocks.
Quartz crystallizes from fluid-enriched pegmatite magmas and is one of the main minerals in granitic pegmatites. In pegmatites, quartz forms intergrowths with potassium feldspar (pegmatite proper), the inner parts of pegmatite veins are often composed of pure quartz (quartz core). Quartz is the main mineral of apogranitic metasomatites - greisens.
During the hydrothermal process, quartz and crystal-bearing veins are formed, special meaning have alpine-type quartz veins.
Under surface conditions, quartz is stable and accumulates in placers of various genesis (coastal-marine, eolian, alluvial, etc.). Depending on the different formation conditions, quartz crystallizes in various polymorphic modifications.


Quartz is used in optical instruments, in ultrasound generators, in telephone and radio equipment (as a piezoelectric), in electronic devices (“quartz” in technical slang is sometimes called a quartz resonator - a component of devices for stabilizing the frequency of electronic generators). IN large quantities consumed by the glass and ceramic industries (rock crystal and pure quartz sand). It is also used in the production of silica refractories and quartz glass. Many varieties are used in jewelry.

Quartz single crystals are used in optical instrumentation for the manufacture of filters, prisms for spectrographs, monochromators, lenses for UV optics. Fused quartz is used to make special chemical glassware. Quartz is also used to obtain chemically pure silicon. Transparent, beautifully colored varieties of quartz are semi-precious stones and are widely used in jewelry. Quartz sands and quartzites are used in the ceramic and glass industry

Quartz (English Quartz) - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1


Mineral color itself colorless or white due to cracking, impurities can be colored in any color (purple, pink, black, yellow, brown, green, orange, etc.)
Dash color white
Transparency translucent, transparent
Shine glass
Cleavage very imperfect rhombohedral cleavage along (1011) is the most common, there are at least six other directions
Hardness (Mohs scale) 7
kink uneven, conchoidal
Strength fragile
Density (measured) 2.65 g/cm3
Radioactivity (GRapi) 0

From gold-bearing ores various types quartz are the simplest in terms of technology. At modern extraction plants processing such ores, mixing is the main process for extracting gold. However, in most cases, quartz ores, in addition to fine gold, also contain significant and sometimes predominant amounts of coarse gold, which slowly dissolves in cyanide solutions, as a result of which gold recovery during cyanidation decreases. In these cases, in technological scheme the factories include the operation of extracting large gold by gravity concentration methods.

Tailings of gravity enrichment, containing fine, are subjected to cyanidation. Such a combined scheme is the most versatile and, as a rule, provides a high recovery of gold.

In many domestic and foreign factories, the grinding of gold-bearing quartz ores is carried out in circulating cyanide solutions. When working according to this scheme, the main amount of the gold-free solution obtained as a result of gold precipitation with zinc is sent to the grinding cycle and only a small part of it is sent to neutralization and to the dump. Discarding part of the gold-free solution prevents excessive accumulation of impurities in it, complicating. The proportion of the discharged solution is the greater, the more impurities pass into the solution.

When grinding in a cyanide solution, most of the gold (up to 40-60%) is leached already during the grinding process. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the duration of subsequent cyanidation in agitators, as well as reduce the consumption of cyanide and lime due to the return of some of these reagents to the process with gold-free solutions. At the same time, the volume of effluents is sharply reduced, which leads to a decrease in the cost of their disposal and virtually eliminates (or drastically reduces) the discharge of the tailing dump into natural water bodies. The consumption of fresh water is also reduced. However, grinding in a cyanide solution has its drawbacks. The main one is the sometimes observed decrease in gold recovery, which is mainly due to the fatigue of cyanide solutions due to the accumulation of impurities in them.

Other disadvantages include the large volume of solutions sent for gold precipitation and the circulation between operations of large masses of cyanide gold-bearing solutions. The latter circumstance creates the risk of additional losses of gold (due to leaks and overflows of solutions) and complicates the sanitary situation at the factory. Therefore, the question of the advisability of grinding in a cyanide solution is decided individually in each specific case.

In some cases, it is carried out in two or three stages, separating after each solution from the solid phase by thickening or filtration. This technique provides a higher recovery of gold due to the reduction of fatigue of cyanide solutions.

When processing quartz ores using sorption technology, coarse minerals are also extracted by gravity concentration methods.

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Scheme 1. Figure 4.

Processing scheme for oxidized (sludge, clayey) ores

Scheme 2. Fig. 5.

When processing slimy ores according to scheme 1, difficulties arise during filtration, therefore it is necessary to exclude this operation from the schemes.

This is achieved by using sorption leaching instead of conventional cyanidation. In this case, the separation of gold from the ore into the solution is combined with the operation of extracting gold from the solution on a sorbent in one apparatus.

Subsequently, the gold-bearing sorbent, with a particle size of 1 to 3 mm, is separated from the gold-free ore (-0.074 mm) - not by filtration, but by simple screening. This allows for efficient processing of these ores.

See diagram 1. Fig. 4. (everything is similar).

Block diagram of the processing of quartz-sulfide ores

If non-ferrous metal sulfides are present in the ore, then direct cyanidation of such ores is impossible due to the high consumption of cyanides and low gold recovery. The flotation operation appears in the processing schemes.

Flotation has several purposes:

1. Concentrate gold and gold-bearing sulfides in a small volume product - flotation concentrate (from 2 to 15%) and process this flotation concentrate according to separate complex schemes;

2. Remove from the ore sulfides of non-ferrous metals that have a harmful effect on the process;

3. Extract complex non-ferrous metals, etc.

Depending on the goals, a technological scheme is compiled.

The beginning is similar to scheme 1. Fig.4.

Scheme 3. Figure 6.

Scheme 2.

Scheme 3

Mechanical preparation of ore

Includes crushing and grinding operations.

Purpose of operations:

Opening grains of gold and gold-bearing minerals and bringing the ore to a condition that ensures the successful flow of all subsequent gold extraction operations.

The initial size of the ore is 500  1000 mm.

Ore prepared for processing happens - 0.150; - 0.074; - 0.043 mm, (preferably - 0.074 mm).

Given the high degree of grinding, the stages of crushing and grinding are associated with huge energy costs (approximately 60-80% of all costs at the factory).

Economically - effective, or the optimal degree of grinding for each factory is different. It is determined experimentally. The ore is crushed to various sizes and cyanidated. The optimal size is considered to be the size at which the highest gold recovery is obtained with minimal energy costs, minimal cyanide consumption, minimal sludge formation, good pulp thickening and filterability (usually 0.074 mm).

90% - 0.074 mm.

94% - 0.074 mm.

Grinding of the product to a given fineness is carried out in two stages:

1. Crushing;

2. Grinding.

Crushing of ores is carried out in two or three stages with obligatory preliminary screening.

After two stages - product 12  20 mm.

After three stages - 6  8 mm.

The resulting product is sent for grinding.

Grinding is characterized by a wide variety of schemes:

1. Depending on the type of medium:

a) Wet I (in water, circulating cyanide solution);

b) Dry (without water).

2. By type of grinding medium and equipment used:

a) Ball and rod mills.

b) Self-grinding:

Rudnoe (500÷1000 mm) cascade, aerofoil;

Ore-pebble (+100-300 mm; +20-100 mm);

Semi-self-grinding (500 ÷ 1000 mm; + 7 ÷ 10% of steel balls) cascade, aerofoil.

At present, attempts are being made to use self-grinding of ores. It is not applicable to very hard and very soft or viscous ores, but SAG can also be used in this case. The advantage of self-grinding is due to the following: during ball grinding, the walls of the balls are erased and a large amount of iron scrap is formed, which has a negative effect.

Iron particles are riveted into soft gold particles, covering its surface and thereby reducing the solubility of such gold during subsequent cyanidation.

Cyanidation consumes a large amount of oxygen and cyanide on iron scrap, which leads to sharp decline extraction of gold. In addition, during ball grinding, overgrinding of the material and the formation of sludge is possible. Self-grinding is devoid of these shortcomings, but the productivity of the grinding process is somewhat reduced, the scheme becomes more complicated for ore-pebble grinding.

With ore self-grinding, the schemes are simplified. Grinding is carried out with preliminary or verification classifications.

classifiers are used either spiral (1, 2 stages) or hydrocyclones (2, 3 stages). Either one- or two-stage schemes are used. Example: Figure 7.

lassification is based on the equal incidence of grains. Equivalence coefficient:

d-particle diameter,

 - density, g cm 3.

 quartz = 2.7;

 sulf = 5.5.

that is, if the ore is crushed to a size of d 1 = 0.074 mm, then

Since the gold is concentrated in the circulating load, it must be recovered in the grinding cycle.

Gravity methods for extracting gold

Based on differences in densities of gold and gangue.

Gravity allows you to extract:

1. Loose large gold;

2. Large in a shirt;

3. Fine gold intergrown with sulfides;

4. Gold, finely interspersed in sulfides.

New devices allow extracting some of the fine gold. The extraction of gold by gravity is simple and provides a quick sale of the metal in the form of finished products.

Gravity apparatus

Jigging machines;

Tape gateways;

concentration tables;

Pipe concentrators;

-Short-cone hydrocyclones, and other new equipment.

Gravity concentrate

Rice. 8. Short cone hydrocyclone

 ,Е au , C au depend on the material composition of the ore and the form of Au in

 = 0.110 - concentrate output;

E au - 20  60% - extraction of Au;

C au - 20  40 g/t - Au content.

Gravity concentrate is a granular material with a particle size of 13 mm. Its composition:

1. When processing quartz ores - large pieces of quartz SiO 2; Coarse Au (loose or in a shirt), Au small (slightly), Au intergrowths with MeS, SiO 2 ;

2. When processing sulfide-quartz ore-sulfides MeS (FeS2, FeAsS, CuFeS2, PbS,…); a small amount of large pieces of SiO 2 , large Au, fine Au in intergrowths with sulfides, finely dispersed Au.

Methods for processing gravity concentrates

Example: Figure 9.

At most factories, it is subjected to finishing or refining to obtain the so-called gold head C Au [kg / t] - 10  100. Finishing is carried out on concentration tables or short-cone hydrocyclones.

The resulting Au - head can be processed in various ways:

