STOCKHOLM, 15 April. /Corr. TASS Irina Dergacheva/. Public organization " Swedish doctors for human rights" (Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR) is under pressure because of its exposure of the activities of the so-called "White Helmets" in Syria and they are trying in every possible way to silence it. Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, the founder of the NGO, told a TASS correspondent.

In support of his words, he drew attention to the attempt to remove the article on SWEDHR in Wikipedia after it published material on the White Helmets.

"They want to silence us," he commented.

On April 11, a banner appeared on the SWEDHR Wikipedia page, in which capital letters It was written: "This article is proposed to be deleted." After a lively discussion on the Internet, the administration of the electronic encyclopedia decided to leave the material, but placed a warning at the very beginning about doubts about impartiality and sources.

"Interestingly, if you look at the revision history of the article, all the requests to take down the article started after it was published in my magazine The Indicter of revelations regarding the White Helmets video,” notes de Nolly.

Independent organization

Despite the fact that many human rights organizations already existed in Sweden, the professor and his colleagues founded a new one in 2014. "We believe that Sweden's ill-defined position on a number of international conflicts recent years, coupled with the ongoing rapprochement with NATO, have influenced the content and focus of Swedish human rights organizations, both governmental and non-governmental organizations, funded wholly or partly from public sources," de Nolly explained.

"We are independent, we do not receive funding from the state. And they cannot silence us," the interlocutor stressed.

According to him, the very fact that the Syrian representative to the UN in his speech to his colleagues referred to the report of the "Swedish Doctors for Human Rights" "is a reward for him."

The professor continues to follow the developments around the conflict in Syria. "I can't believe that the governments of the countries do not know what really happened and who is behind it - they have excellent intelligence, good cooperation. Why did the United States strike (on a military airfield in the Syrian province of Homs)? All projects ( US President Donald) Trump's presidency were previously compromised, this was done to improve the internal situation," he says.

Video analysis of the White Helmets

SWEDHR previously published an analysis of a White Helmets video allegedly made after the attack in the Syrian city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province using chemical weapons, which indicates that the "rescue" in the video is staged.

Thus, doctors drew attention to the fact that the solution in the syringe, which was allegedly used to inject a child who had suffered as a result of a chemical attack, was in fact never injected into his body. Moreover, the child could die during this kind of "rescue" procedures. On the surface, it looked like the children were under the influence of opiates and died from an overdose, while not giving the impression of victims of a chemical attack.

“After inconsistencies in the actions of (doctors) to save people’s lives were noticed on the video, I conducted a frame-by-frame analysis of the White Helmets video, studied it in slow motion, saved individual frames from the general video sequence,” says the doctor.

He made a time-lapse copy and sent the link to his NGO colleagues. In this video, there was just an episode with a syringe. The conclusions of the doctors were then published on the Internet.

The professor draws attention to the hype around the "White Helmets": they were nominated for the Nobel Prize, received an "alternative Nobel Prize" in Sweden (For expedient life support, Right Livelihood). "This was accompanied by an international campaign organized by the Western media in support of the nomination of a film about the White Helmets for an Oscar," he recalls.

Who are the "White Helmets"

Non-governmental organization "Syrian civil defense"("White Helmets") was established in late 2012 - early 2013 and is positioned as a humanitarian volunteer organization that has a neutral and impartial character. Last year it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, the organization has been repeatedly criticized for its unreliability Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova proposed to nominate the White Helmets instead of Nobel Prize for an Oscar for a staged video of two of her representatives allegedly helping a wounded man in a devastated Syrian city.

Report "Human Rights Watch"

One of the main participants in this campaign was Human Rights Watch (HRW). “Central to this publicity stunt is that even before the Academy Awards ceremony began on February 13, 2017, HRW released a report summarizing fake reports of chemical attacks in recently liberated Aleppo. This piece of familiar HRW propaganda reworks the previous report​ dated April 2015, in which we are talking about the alleged gas attack in the city of Sarmin, in Idlib," says de Nolly.

According to him, the report "Attack in Sarmin", published by HRW in April 2015, is in itself "a magnificent example of evidence fabrication." HRW cites two witnesses, anonymous "residents of Sarmin", and claims that "shortly before the attack" they "heard" the noise of a helicopter. "They heard it but didn't see it. Both also said they didn't hear 'no explosions.'" There is not a single reference in the entire HRW report to direct witnesses who saw the helicopter, the existence of which was to be an important element in the White Helmets' allegations. uncritically repeated HRW and never questioned by the UN," the professor believes.

The independent American publication published an investigation by the Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR). Medical scientists analyzed in detail the actions of the White Helmets to save children and came to shocking conclusions: children were killed for the sake of realistic shots!, an independent US publication, published an investigation by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR), exposing the scandalous video. Swedish medical scientists analyzed in detail the actions of the White Helmets to save children and came to shocking conclusions. The article also claims that the so-called "deep state" is behind the monstrous falsification, a kind of association consisting of employees of the CIA, British intelligence services and al-Qaeda militants.

Children were killed for the sake of realistic shots

As SWEDHR experts noted, the rescue of children captured on video is actually a real murder. At first it seemed to the doctors that the child whom the White Helmets allegedly tried to save was already dead, but subsequent study of the material led to the discovery of even more horrific facts.

In one of the episodes of the video, it is seen that the child is still alive, but unconscious and probably suffering from an overdose of opiates. Then one of the "rescuers" injects him with adrenaline in the chest, in the region of the heart, which eventually inevitably led to his death.

SWEDHR experts provided a detailed report proving the facts of falsification:

- The White Helmets treated the child very carelessly and inaccurately throughout the entire video, and this alone could cause severe harm to his health.

- The White Helmets injected adrenaline directly into the child's heart using a syringe with a long needle. A similar method of treatment is not used in first aid for a gas attack.

- The "rescuer" on the video inserted a needle into the heart, but did not press the plunger of the syringe, that is, the child did not receive medicine.

- By outward signs experts determined that the child was under the influence of opiates and, in all likelihood, was dying slowly from an overdose. In the video, he does not show any symptoms of gas poisoning.

- These symptoms also do not exist in other children caught in the frame.

- SWEDHR experts concluded that staging injection using a syringe with a long needle was the main cause of death of the child. In their opinion, it was a targeted infanticide, presented as an attempt to save the boy's life.

- The translation of the video also turned out to be fake: phrases in Arabic are heard in the background, in which there were only instructions on how best to position the child in the frame, and not how to help him and save his life.

- The videos were published on the official channel "Syrian Civil Defense in Idlib Province", owned by the White Helmets. It was produced by the White Helmets, but the al-Qaeda flag was seen in the video.

As SWEDHR doctors analyzed the video, several other horrifying discoveries were made. As a result, it was customary to consider the published video sequence to be fabricated, and the process captured in it to be deliberate infanticide.

It is noteworthy that the White Helmets continue to promote in Hollywood. In December 2016, it became known that a full-length film about the activities of the NPO would be filmed. Feature Film produced by none other than George Clooney. The film will be based on documentary The White Helmets by Netflix.

At the same time, it is known that George Clooney knows about the revealing investigation of SWEDHR, since its first results were published in early March of this year. However, the actor has not abandoned the film about the criminal community, and work on the film continues.

As an add-on: V currently the website of the American publication collapsed, which indicates that the investigation is on the right track

TALLINN, April 11 - Sputnik. The Swedish NGO Physicians for Human Rights (SWEDHR) has accused the White Helmets, also known as the Syrian Civil Defense, of falsifying evidence of chemical attacks allegedly carried out by the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

Earlier, videos of the White Helmets were posted on the Internet with footage of the "rescue" of children allegedly injured in chemical attacks in Aleppo and Sarmina in 2015. One of the videos shows how little child for "resuscitation" a needle of a syringe with an unknown medicine is injected into the heart, in others the death of three children was recorded, allegedly from gas poisoning.

The founder of SWEDHR, Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, said on RT that the evidence of chemical attacks presented by the White Helmets is dubious and that the volunteers of this organization have been convicted of such fabrications in the past.

“I cannot judge the nature of this incident (in Idlib in 2017 - ed.), as there is no evidence that can be discussed. There are reports that officials in the United States, in particular in the Pentagon, have voiced. data from the White Helmets, whose credibility in such cases is highly questioned.If there is evidence of this chemical attack, it should have been shown to the general public, and before the strike, ordered by President Trump in defiance of international law", - said Ferrada de Noli.

On April 4, the Syrian opposition announced 80 victims of a chemical weapons attack in the city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province and 200 wounded. She called the Syrian government forces responsible for the attack, which strongly denied the accusations and blamed the militants and their patrons. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Syrian Air Force launched a strike in Khan Sheikhoun on the arsenal of terrorists with chemical weapons that were being delivered to Iraq.

Despite denials from Damascus in the chemical attack in Idlib and Russian calls for an investigation into the tragedy, US Navy ships on the night of April 7 released dozens of cruise missiles at the Shayrat airfield, from which the strike was allegedly carried out. A total of 59 Tomahawk missiles were fired, according to the Pentagon. The Syrian Armed Forces said ten Syrian troops were killed.

"Rescuers" with a needle

Earlier, the professor in his journal The Indicter presented the conclusions of experts regarding the videos published by the White Helmets. Specialists from SWEDHR noticed that in one of them, one can see how the “rescuer” inserts a syringe needle into the child’s heart, but does not press the plunger, that is, nothing was injected into the boy in the end. Moreover, experts believe that the juvenile patient, if he was not already dead at the time of filming, "could have died from the injection procedure itself." The shocking video is presented, it is not recommended for children and sensitive people to watch.

In another video, members of the organization pointed out that three children who underwent "rescue procedures" eventually died, but the White Helmets' conclusions that the children died as a result of chlorine gas poisoning were challenged by independent medical reports. The “victims of the chemical attack”, according to the experts, could be under the influence of opiates and, in all likelihood, slowly died from an overdose of narcotic substances.

According to the founder of SWEDHR, accusations of the SAR government in chemical attacks are needed to establish no-fly zones in Syria. Ferrada de Noli notes that the new accusations came after government forces launched a steady offensive against militant positions.

“The Syrian government is accused of using chemical weapons to create the need for political or even military action against Syria. You need a reason, and here is the argument already presented earlier about the use of chemical weapons,” the professor notes.

"The main factor in this situation is that the Syrian government has been successfully advancing on militant positions over the past year and a half and Western governments have realized that these groups will not be able to resist the Syrian government. The situation needed to be reversed, and for this a casus belli was needed," he stressed. expert.

Sarin damage is easy to fake

It is not difficult to simulate the symptoms of human injury with the nerve gas sarin for video filming, but it is irresponsible to use this production as a pretext for US aggression against Syria, RIA Novosti said. Chief Editor magazine "Arsenal of the Fatherland" Viktor Murakhovsky.

Sarin is a nerve agent, a chemical warfare agent chemical formula which ensures its action as an inhibitor of certain protein compounds, the expert explained.

"As a result, violations nervous system, cessation of the spinal cord, brain, organs that regulate the work of the heart. But exactly the same inhibitors have, for example, insecticides - dichlorvos, chlorophos. Therefore, simulate the action damaging factors sarin can be done with quite simple improvised means," Murakhovsky said.

"The so-called "White Helmets" cannot be considered a serious source of information. It is not difficult to capture the symptoms of a sarin infection on camera. It is surprising that decisions on the use of military force nuclear power. It's just some kind of horror - the height of irresponsibility and unprofessionalism," the military expert concluded.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry also stated that the White Helmets organization cannot be considered as a reliable source in the situation with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Idlib.

The "White Helmets" are constantly confused in their testimony, constantly changing the version of what happened, talking about bombing either from a helicopter or from an airplane. They say either about the use of chlorine, or about the use of sarin, they change the data on the number of victims. The video and photographs on social networks show that the White Helmets are helping the victims, who do not have reliable protective equipment and act in an extremely unprofessional manner," she said. official representative Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

The White Helmets organization declares its goal to protect the civilian population of Syria with political neutrality and non-participation in armed actions. In the Internet last years Increasingly, videos began to appear in which people in white helmets rescue children from the rubble. However, video recordings also appeared in parallel, showing how the same "white helmets" create staged videos, applying makeup to the "victims", dictating what they should say. Moreover, Syrian journalists showed a number of materials on which the "rescuers" were filmed with weapons and in military uniform.

British film "White Helmets" directed by Orlando von Einsiedel about the war in Syria won the Oscar in 2017 in the category "Best Documentary Short Film". Receiving the award, the director thanked the Syrian organization "White Helmets".

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad called the White Helmets supporters of Al-Qaeda (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation).

The White Helmets are members of al-Qaeda, and this is proven," Assad said, adding that they are "the same members (of the terrorist group) who kill and execute, at the same time they are humanitarian heroes, and now they even have an Oscar.

The head of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, spoke about how Western countries accuse the Syrian government of chemical attacks and crimes against humanity without evidence.

As the expert noted, a striking example of such behavior is chemical attack in Sarmina in March 2015. That incident was investigated international organizations And major countries. After all the research, no one has been able to establish a connection between what happened and the government of Syria, but by default everyone continues to blame President Bashar al-Assad for what happened.

"All the evidence was carefully examined by UN committees, after these studies it was concluded that the evidence provided by the US and Britain cannot unequivocally indicate that chemical weapons were used by Syrian troops," he said.

Over time, the situation has not changed, moreover, Western politicians continue to blame Assad for all the troubles, completely ignoring the lack of evidence of his guilt.

“After the liberation of Aleppo from terrorists, a lot has changed, in particular, propaganda has changed Western countries against President Assad. And it should be noted that the ongoing accusations against the Syrian government still do not have any evidence. British politician Boris Johnson has said that all the evidence he has confirms the fact that Assad is behind the use of chemical weapons, but none of the journalists asked what kind of evidence, he said.

According to the professor, most often public organizations, Western media and politicians refer to witnesses of events. However, such sources raise doubts in the context of all the details of their stories.

“They often say that “we have witnesses”, but we have seen the quality of these testimonies in some episodes. For example, in March 2015, the human rights organization Human Rights Watch reported on a sarin gas attack allegedly behind the Syrian government, and two anonymous sources provided evidence of this. One of the witnesses was from the White Helmets. He said he heard the helicopter, but noted that he did not even see it. However, he did not film or record anything. This is very remarkable, given that they soon videotaped the “rescue” of children injured in this attack,” he added.

My English is rather weak, so I translate with Google.
The text came out a little clumsy (especially about Clooney), but readable.
Perhaps someone can translate better.

Swedish medical associations say White Helmets killed children to create fake video of gas attack

Introduction by Gordon Duff

President Trump is now threatening to drag America into a war against Syria, Iran and even Russia, a war he says is justified by the "evidence" he has received from the Syrian White Helmets.

We will prove beyond a doubt that this is the Deep State organization, an amalgamation of the CIA, Al-Qaeda and the British intelligence services. We now have "slam dunk" proof that Trump and "fake news" MSM have always been on the doorstep playing all of us.

Actor George Clooney knew Swedish Doctors for Human Rights accused the White Helmets of being child killers when he produced the Oscars video propaganda campaign that may have led to to this last outrage. The organization, SWEDHR is very real, their work is authoritative, and their accusation of the White Helmets for killing children to make propaganda videos would be known to Clooney and Netflix. Anyway, they went. For what?

Moreover, Google itself is at war with this group and others by censoring them from their search engines. The information here will be new to Americans.

We draw your attention to the fact that The White house has never acknowledged any controversy regarding the White Helmets, which we believe is part of al-Qaeda's propaganda operations. Also not mentioned are the dozens of proven FSA, ISIS and al Nusra gas attacks that are suddenly "forgotten" as if by magic.

The White Helmets, a purportedly independent non-governmental organization, receives up to $100 million from the CIA and the British Foreign Office, a "dark project". Killing children is their stock and trade, as we will prove. Sharing headquarters with Turkish intelligence in Gaziantep, Turkey, the organization is much more of a "death squad" than civil defense. View the included videos.

Children killed to create propaganda video

The Swedish Physicians for Human Rights ( analyzed footage of the rescue after the alleged attack by Syrian government forces. Doctors discovered that the videos were fake, even eavesdropping on Arab scenes, and that the alleged "salvation" was actually a murder. At the first analysis, it seemed that the doctors working on the child assumed that he had already died.

However, after a wider investigation, our team determined that the boy was unconscious due to an opiate overdose. The video shows a child receiving injections in the chest, possibly in the region of the heart, and was eventually killed when an apparently fake injection of adrenaline was given.

It was murder.

The video is supposed to represent life-saving measures after a chemical attack with chlorine gas (now considered Sarin), including injecting adrenaline through a syringe with a long needle into a child's heart. In no case was the treatment correct for any potential chemical.

The child has been handled and treated in a way that is careless, dangerous and likely to cause serious harm

Most talk about fake repeated shots of adrenaline, presumably in the heart. The medical staff, and I think we can safely call them actors at this point, couldn't put pressure on the needle. Thus, the contents of the syringe were never injected, which is clearly visible in the video itself.

The apparent diagnosis by a panel of actual medical experts, based on what is observed in the video, shows that the child was suffering from an opiate injection and likely dying from an overdose. There is no evidence of any other agent, chemical or otherwise.

None of the children in the video showed any signs of being the victim of a chemical attack. From an earlier video filmed by the White Helmets:

It was clear that a fake injection with a long needle inserted through the stitches had killed the child in the video. It was a targeted killing staged like medicine.

Behind the video's fake translation, the actual Arabic language included instructions for placing the baby for the video, not medical treatment.

The videos were posted on the White Helmets' channel "Syrian Civil Defense in Idlib Province". The videos were produced by the White Helmets, together with the organization "coordinating sarmin", their logo is a black jihadist flag ("Al-Qaeda"). The video also has White helmets to see.

This was followed by more macabre revelations in videos not seen originally in the article. White Helmet stills: Updated data from Swedish doctors confirm fake life-saving practices for wounded children.

The collective conclusions of Swedish doctors (swedhr) regarding al-Qaeda propaganda and forgery in Syria: al-Nusra are in line with the conclusions of leading German and international scientists for the Syrian war.