Several people went camping with an overnight stay and late in the evening stumbled upon a forester's lodge. It's scary in the forest at night, so we went in. Over the tea, the forester (a strong elderly man) began stories ...
- Well, what can I tell you? .. It's dangerous in the forest. There are no snakes, no wolves, no bears. Even they do not get along with those who are really in charge here. If you go somewhere in the forest at night, pay attention to the fact that sometimes someone will follow you. Here you go, shine a flashlight, immediately such silence, even insects do not crackle. And behind you, behind a tree, some rustle. You turn around - and there is no one there, you shine and you will not see anyone. As soon as you turn your back - a rustle, as if someone took a couple of steps, is already closer, and again silence. My grandfather also told me that you should never, under any circumstances, wait for it to come up, let alone look at it - he used to say that in his village such curious people were found on trees, from where they were lowered on ropes and then soldered with vodka for a week. Someone completely disappeared, as if through the ground, someone went crazy, and gray hair, so it appeared for everyone. So if you hear a clear rustle behind you and you don’t see anyone there, turn your back, swear properly, and, without turning around, go quickly.
Oh, this forest is old, a lot happened here. Here they saw soldiers who did not return home from the war, but they are peaceful, they will not do anything terrible. But suicides are evil, they can kill easily. They can't get out of the forest new person for them - like a fly, which you can make fun of. Those who drown themselves can easily get into the water up to their necks - and you will think that you are walking through a clearing. They cannot do anything above the neck - it has an Orthodox cross on it. Previously, the trees on which they hung were cut down and burned, but now they don’t do that anymore. So, if you set up a camp under this tree, then the dead person will not give life - he will push someone into the fire, someone will bring down a branch on his head. And if you fall asleep, it will start to choke by the nose. They are the worst here.
But innocently killed and untimely dead - those are good. If someone drowned in a swamp - they will take the gaping mushroom picker away - they will show him the mushroom in the other direction or jump on the trees like a squirrel - and the mushroom picker will be happy to follow her. So remember, if some animal in the forest is running in front of your nose, it is someone's kind soul who wants to save you.
And there are a lot of soldiers, there are a lot of soldiers. So when you sleep at night, listen. They, too, are sometimes found nearby, you can hear them singing or talking on a quiet night. And if you see them in the evening - build tents on this place without fear, they will not stop in a bad place. And at night you can even wake up to see their silhouettes between the trees.
And you can easily fall through the ground here. There are a lot of swamps, but you can’t understand right off the bat. Sometimes, two people go, the first passes normally, turns around - and the second does not exist at all, in a second it was sucked into the quagmire. In this case, they say that it was the merman who dragged him away, and now he will be an evil spirit. So don’t even go near the swamps at night - your eyes will be smeared so that the swamp will seem like a solid clearing. And remember your name...
And here, in the lodge, I do not advise you to spend the night. I'm used to it, but you guys, I see, are urban, so it will be very unusual for you - here sometimes at night all sorts of evil spirits scratch at the door, puff. Sometimes he will knock on the window with a claw or rustle in the pipe. But keep an eye on the outside as well. Go to the toilet in some place where there is neither running water nor swamps - oh, how the spirits do not like it when someone crap in their house! They will push, pull, and on the way back they will generally confuse - you won’t find a halt.
We often got lost here - the city is nearby, every rabble runs here. The bandits used to come fifteen years ago and throw someone's corpse in a ditch in a sack. Overgrown with grass, flooded with water - and imperceptibly. There are not very many of them in the forest, but along the road - full of them. Sometimes they even appear, they catch a car on the road, they throw themselves under the wheels - restless souls, they are like that, cannot bear the fact that someone else lives, and they must wander along the road forever. Bandits, it also happened that they would bring someone alive, kill and bury them right in the forest, and even pour machine oil on them so that the animals would not find them. So a guy lived here somehow nearby, he heard how on quiet evenings in some places someone was crying quietly. I found a place, called a familiar cop, they came and really dug up the corpse, which had already been there for a long time.
And goblin - so generally a common thing. You used to walk through the forest, and in the distance, from the black hollow of some old oak, a mug was staring at you. And so light-hearted, pale, her eyes huge and black. Just looking and looking. And when you start to approach it, either the branch will definitely crack, or the bird will sing sharply - you will be distracted - and the goblin has already caught a cold. Under such trees, even in the most heavy rain you can’t hide - the goblin specially helps the tree, makes it branchy, so that the one who hides under the tree can bite for something - a man is sitting, the rain is pouring, his ears itch - he thinks that from the rain, they say, water is dripping on his ears, and comes home - bah, and his ear is full of dots. Or the neck.
This goblin bit him.
And never go to sleep near forest lakes - after all, suicides also went there. Girls, mostly. They drowned. So at night they will call you there. If there are only guys on the shore, then it’s okay, they’ll figure it out, but if there’s a girl among them, then write is gone - the spirit will be beautiful, they’ll say, they say, the water is warm, let’s take a swim, and some fools will take it and climb.
Here the village was near the forest for thirty years - it was convenient, good - mushrooms, firewood, all kinds of medicinal herbs. They would have lived normally, but the evil spirits from the forest to the houses pearl, as if visiting. It used to happen that the hostess would wake up in the morning, go to the barn - and the cow had almost no milk, and what was left was terribly bitter. And if the udder is also in the blood, then it’s sure that some imps of milk came to drink at night. And some of the guests who returned late, they saw them anyway. It used to be that a man was walking, and a cat was sitting on the fence, his eyes shining. Well, a man is tipsy, for him any living creature is like native person. Well, he will come up, call him affectionately as soon as he starts, stretch his hand to him and see that this is not a cat at all, but some kind of shaggy and shabby skull sits on the fence and not his eyes, but empty eye sockets. And he clicks his teeth. As soon as a person crosses himself - and there is nothing, the night is moonlit, bright. So we tried not to walk around at night.
There was such a case - the newcomers built their own house (it was a long time ago), they decided to live. Looks kinda like good people, became friends even with ours. And then more and more often they began to come squeezed out, as if stones were being dragged at night. We ask: “What?”, And they just wave their hand. Then they said that every night someone walks through their rooms. Footsteps are not heard, and the floorboards creak. Sometimes someone will be noticed in the corner, someone is standing there and looking at them, but the owners cannot even move - fear has shackled them. Or the baby will wake up in the morning covered in bruises. Yes, there were a lot of things, until they called someone from the city and they dug up the whole basement for them. It turns out that during the war there was already a village here, so from there all the peasants were driven to work, and women with children were shot and thrown into a pit. And on this pit the house was just built. So they immediately left there, they didn’t even begin to sell the house - it was boarded up and stood there, all the kids ran there.
Oh, and they told us a lot about this house! Of course, they probably came a lot, but one kid with white temples came running somehow, told how he looked out the window, and someone's terrible mug looked at him from there. The lower half of the mouth, he says, no, the eyes are indented and green, there are brown tatters on the face. So after that, the children were forbidden to go there, but who obeyed ... One cub fell from the roof (it’s good that it worked out), others fell into the floor and broke their legs, some heard screams from there, but everyone already believed in it - it used to be at night, when there is not even a moon, you go to the house, you wait until the wind stops - and from the house a quiet groan or scream comes. And the dogs generally ran around him on the tenth road - if they run with the owners, they bark, as if there is a herd of bears, and if you get even closer, they howl and run away, you won’t call you with any screams. Then they burned the house, away from sin ...
But it already happened to me. He was small, he was left alone at home. Well, I started to misbehave, of course, I found matches that were hidden from me. “Oh, what joy!” - I sit on the floor, set fire to them, and they burn for a second and immediately go out, as if someone is blowing out. I laugh - I light it, the match flares up and immediately blows out - but there is no breath or breeze! I told my parents when they came - they prescribed, of course, they said that it was my guardian angel who helped me.
There was a lot going on in the houses. Households are the same. It often happened that there were no mice or cockroaches in the house, and at night there was fuss and groaning behind the stove. In the afternoon, for no reason at all, the cats who had them began to roll on the floor, purr and play with the air - almost everyone had it, apparently, the old men love cats. But not everyone was like that. It happened that the cups of people in an empty room would fall off the table by themselves, or someone would hit on the cheek at night. You wake up and there is no one.
In this case, they say, one should ask whether the brownie has come for good or for worse. After all, he can both help and harm, if the owners did not pour milk for him and did not put him behind the stove.
There was another case when demons tortured a witch at home. Then the communists ruled, they were opposed to obscurantism, and so that our village would not have problems, the inhabitants themselves drove their witch out into the swamps. This was before the war, I was not even born then. So, some residents (women, of course) often ran to her. Well, once, after a strong, strong thunderstorm, they stumbled upon her body. I was told that all the windows in the hut were smashed out, there were black spots everywhere from the inside, as if someone had burned matches, and the grandmother herself huddled in the corner, and there she died of fear.
They also say that drunkards and fools have their own guardian angels, especially fools who have not committed any evil. There were many cases, I can't remember them all. How many drunkards German shells were disassembled into parts, but not a single one exploded (we have this rubbish scattered all over the forest, now at least the diggers come, find and hand over where they need to, but before this was not the case). They are harmless, village drunkards. And not only them. We had a case with Vanka the Fool. On Easter, people went to church in one crowd, and he was nailed somewhere behind (I was small then, but I remember well). It was windy then and it was raining. And when Vanka stopped to pick something up from the ground, the wind blew especially hard and the old wooden pole (they say that they forgot to paint it with some special paint so as not to rot) broke in the middle and collapsed right in front of his nose along with the wires . The fool fell, people immediately rushed to him, and there was not a scratch on him, only his face was all white-white, like ammonium chloride - although he was a fool, he realized how lucky he was. There were a lot of tales about how stupid he was - they said that he was strongly bewitched, and he got off on this basis, they said that he quarreled with the witch and she cursed him - before that, a normal guy was, one might say, the first guy on village.
Away in the forest there is an abandoned village. Not even a village, but just a couple of half-burnt houses (there was a war at that time). Now everything is overgrown with young growth, even trees grow through the roofs. Nobody goes there - who went, said that even if there is hubbub and chatter in the forest, it is always quiet and gloomy in that place, even there are no birds and insects. They said that when you come there, it seems that there are a lot of people there - this never happens in the forest, but you just feel it there, they say that someone walks between the half-burned walls, watches through the cracks.
There's a lot going on in the old forests, so newbies like you might not feel comfortable here.

It happened in 1990, at that time I was 12 years old, still a kid, but at that time I was already considered big. We lived with a cable named Hindu, a mixture of a husky and a mongrel, he was three years old. His father, a small, dead one, brought him in his bosom in the frost, went out, fed him, and he became his indispensable assistant, since his father hunted.
The days in October were warm and dry. My father took me hunting with him, we had to wander through the forest for a day, spend the night in the forest and return home the next day. Early in the morning, my father took a gun, a backpack with simple food, and we went to the forest. Mom went to see us off, they said goodbye to the cattle and moved on. When, having moved already at a decent distance, I turned around, my mother still stood still and baptized us after.
After wandering all day through the forest, I don’t remember which birds my father shot, in the evening we stopped for the night. They decided to spend the night under a large sprawling Christmas tree, chopped spruce branches so that it would not be damp to sleep on the ground, dragged deadwood for a fire, so that there was enough for the whole night, lit a fire, ate and began to get ready for bed. Father, apparently, was very tired during the day, he came from the war all wounded, lay down first, and Hindu and I were still sitting by the fire. It was already dark all around, nothing could be seen further than the light cast by the fire, and there was such silence, as if everything around had died out. And suddenly in this silence there was first a crack, and then the noise of a falling tree and a blow to the ground. I turned back and saw that the tree, under which my father was lying, broke in half and collapsed on him. I rushed to him screaming and crying, calling him, trying to help, but what could I, a twelve-year-old kid, do ... my father sighed hoarsely and fell silent. And all around again there was silence, only it was heard how the sushi crackled in the fire.
For a long time I still roared and tried to squeeze through the spruce branches to my father, the Hindu next to me was digging the ground with his paws and whining. Suddenly I heard someone call out to me, softly like this: "Boy, don't cry!" I turned around: a woman was standing by the circle of light emanating from the fire. All in some kind of black long-sleeved clothes, with a black scarf on her head. The handkerchief was pulled over her eyes, her face was not visible, and she stood as if in darkness, not going out to the fire. At that moment I did not even think where it came from, I was so glad that I was not alone. And the woman held out her hand to me and began to say that you can’t help your father, he died, come with me, what are you doing here alone. I was about to go to her, not thinking about anything, as in a dream, but then the Hindu jumped up and began to bark and growl, rushing from me to that woman, not letting her to me, but me to her. I seemed to wake up, such fear attacked me that I roared in my voice like a little one, grabbed my father's gun and sat down by the fire, trembling with horror. The woman began to walk in a circle, not going out into the light, and call me, and the Hindu growled and rushed at her, also not running out of the circle of light. How long this went on, I don’t know - maybe ten minutes, maybe half the night ... I sat in a stupor, only clutching the gun more and more tightly. Suddenly everything was quiet, the Hindu, as if nothing had happened, lay down at my feet and only occasionally tossed his head and growled. I looked around, the woman was nowhere to be seen. So we stayed until the morning, and when it got light, I, as best I could, covered the body of my father with the branches of the tree that had fallen, so that the animals would not tear it to pieces, and set off on my way back. The whole day I wandered through the forest, as if following the signs that my father showed, and when I went out to the same pine tree for the fourth time, I realized that I was completely lost. It gets dark early in autumn. Somehow I kindled a fire and fell exhausted under the same pine tree, the Hindu also snuggled up next to me, and I seemed to fall into darkness. I woke up, everything was white and white around, it snowed at night, there was no Hindu nearby, and I turned off again. I feel someone pokes me cold in the face, I open my eyes, and this Hindu is pushing me with his nose. Mom runs in the distance, and the men dismount from their horses. When there were explanations of what and how, they found their father quickly. It turns out that I was not far from that place and left, for some kilometer, and wandered around all day.

A couple of young people wanted a variety in lovemaking and for this purpose they went to the nearest forest area about which there were bad rumors.

The locals tried not far to go in search of mushrooms or berries. But young people, as usual, do not believe the rumors, and then they pay dearly for their carelessness. This story is taken from real life, but with a little artistic addition.


The car stopped at the edge of the forest. It was only a little dark, but the forest was almost completely dark. The girl jumped out of the car and ran into the forest.

- Lisa, where are you? - the guy got excited. He heard terrible stories about the forest from his friends and was afraid that the girl would get lost.

- But you will catch up, then everything will be - I heard in response.

Grigory closed the car and ran after him into the dark forest in search of the girl, but she was nowhere to be found.

- Lisa! - Lisa! Where are you? Gregory called, but there was no answer. A log fell under his feet and Grigory, stumbling, flew head over heels down a small hill. He lay down for a bit, and then he got up and moved his limbs. There were no fractures, only minor bruises. He raised his head and froze. At some distance from him, in a circle, red lights appeared, as if from lanterns. They did not move, just hung in the air and flickered with red fire. Suddenly, in front of him appeared some kind of creature resembling a man, but in some kind of terrible mask. The next moment a stick flashed before his eyes and Grigory received swipe over the head. His eyes darkened and he fell.

Four days later, a local huntsman stumbled upon the car, who was making a detour of his territory. I did not find passengers anywhere. It was clear that they had not been near the car for a long time, it was a little covered with dust and fallen leaves. The dog found drops of blood on the ground and barked loudly, calling the owner. There was also a bloody stick lying around, with which a man had been hit. The hunter called the police.

Investigators with the help local residents and the military combed almost the entire territory of the forest area in the area, but nowhere did they find either missing people or their dead bodies.

An examination of the state of the car determined the day it was left here and the number of passengers in the car. An interview with witnesses showed that on that evening, eyewitnesses saw luminous balls in the forest and in a field not far from the forest, and they were sure that these balls were taken with them by those missing.

This supposedly happened before, but the missing were not found. The investigators decided that these were local legends, and the criminals could bury the missing anywhere in the forest, the forest is large, it is almost impossible to find graves.

This uncertainty gave rise to rumors and legends. Weekly searches for Lisa and Grigory did not yield any results, there were no versions of the loss. Another serious “hanging” will completely spoil the disclosure statistics and Nesterenko, an investigator for especially important cases, decided to throw the investigation of this case onto the shoulders of the FSB, and for a good reason, these are not the first missing people in this forest.


The next day, FSB paranormal investigators Mikhail and Sonya arrived at the scene. They noticed circles of small diameter burnt grass.

- Sonya, but people spoke the truth about fireballs who kidnap people, here are the traces left by them.

- Do you want to talk about aircraft some kind of mystical aliens? It looks more like the places where local pioneers made fires, Sonya objected.

- Maybe so, but I remembered the recording of the last interrogation of the victim in a similar situation, who managed to survive. Do you remember how he used to say: fireballs… They wanted to kill me and take me away like the others…. They wanted to profit from my flesh ... The main thing is not to let yourself be killed and you can be saved ... I managed to escape ... It's very scary ... Don't let yourself be killed ... If they kill you, they will eat ... ". True, then he went crazy from such stress and was placed in a psychiatric hospital.

“But that was in a completely different place, almost a thousand kilometers away.

- So what, it means that the aliens have chosen another place for themselves and now “work” here, although there are doubts that creatures that feed on live in some other world human flesh. Maybe they had incomprehensible cataclysms and there was nothing to eat, so they go hunting - Mikhail voiced his version.

“Misha, look what I found, come here,” Sonya’s voice was heard from a nearby small clearing in the forest. Look, the stake in the center of the black circle of burnt grass

- This is a sacrificial stake, it is also called a stake for protection from evil spirits.

Suddenly, a local ranger appeared in the clearing.

Are you looking for or have already found something.

- Yes, they found it, this is not in any police report.

“So what, there are a lot of such stakes in the forest, what, to report about everyone,” the huntsman answered.

- It is possible that sacrificial rituals were held near these stakes, and you have been silent until now. It is possible that there is a certain sect of Satanists or other worshipers of evil spirits about which we know nothing at all, similar to the “white brotherhood” sect.

“But there are no sects in our area, I know that for sure,” the huntsman assured Mikhail.

- So the visitors, we need to make an ambush only when they arrive. Scary tale about the forest continued


FBI agents resorted to the help of the local police, from which people were selected for an ambush in the forest.

A terrible dense forest at night .. and a lot of mosquitoes. Luckily, we only had to wait a week.

On one of the quiet warm nights in the distance, the noise of cars was heard in the clearing. The night watchmen became alert and began to move towards the noise, but everything was quiet.

Suddenly, in a completely different direction, a lot of red balls appeared above the trees arranged in a circle, and another ball of large diameter began to approach that place, which slowly floated out from behind the crowns. tall trees. The police immediately called for help and reported the coordinates, while they themselves moved in the direction of the red balloons.

A discordant singing was heard and through the trees a large fire surrounded by people in masks and black capes with hoods appeared. Suddenly they became alarmed, looked in our direction and, seeing the weapon, ran to their heels. They ran so fast that there was no point in chasing them, and the forest was already blocked by the police, the escaping would not go anywhere.

We approached the fire, which was burning around the same pillar. Not far away lay a bag from the morgue, and in it dead man. The red balloons turned out to be Chinese heavenly balloons with lit candles, but only nylon threads attached to the ground. That same large balloon disappeared without a trace. We, in the confusion, did not even notice where he had gone.

All members of the sect were arrested, only the leaders of this gang, which killed and roasted people at the stake, were not there. When asked about that white ball of large diameter, all the interrogators immediately fell silent, it was impossible to get a word out of them. They all got what they deserved.
But this was not the end of the matter. Local fishermen, having heard about the liquidation of the gang in the forest, immediately wanted to fish in the forest lake. They threw a net into the lake, but what they pulled out shocked them, and they fled from the lake only their heels sparkled.

Luckily, we didn't leave yet, and got to the lake. On the shore lay a net in which there were many human bones. The examination established that the remains of all those who died over several years, as well as our wanted couple, rested in the lake.

The bones were perfectly clean, with traces of scratches from the teeth. It turned out that the sectarians ate human flesh roasted at the stake, or someone else ate it, and the bones were thrown into the lake. They could not burn a person, otherwise there would have been a persistent smell of burnt meat in the forest, but there was none. No information about the white ball could be established.

Thus ended a terrible story about a forest where people died.

I live in my house, one side of the fence goes into a dense beautiful pine forest (there is a resort for skiers).
I hang all the bedding in the backyard after washing. And I wash mostly at night, while my family is sleeping.
So already late fall but it hasn't really snowed yet.
I, as usual, having loaded myself with a basin and turned on the searchlight (which practically does not reach the ropes, but at least not to stumble), I leave the house.
Our forest is always full of sounds, sometimes I listen, sometimes not - just in the background. I'm not afraid of the dark, I calmly hang up the sheets.
The neighbors' dog howled - so drawn out, sadly. I was still thinking - she loves to bark, but howl? ..

I work on shifts and, accordingly, I deal with people who work in a similar way. And often talk about something mystical.

The story of Valera, assistant driller.

My grandfather told me a story about his father, that is, about my great-grandfather. So the 1930s. They then lived in Kemerovo region, in the village, unfortunately, I forgot the name, but I remember that it was across the river from the place where the taiga began. There was no road as such to this village, there were several paths that people themselves trodden. In the village, all the men, of course, were engaged in fishing and hunting, at that time there were no other entertainments. My great-grandfather had a dog - a huge one, trained to hunt for large animal, he went with her more than once and on a bear, and even, it happened, grabbed a wolverine, was not afraid of anyone.

"Forest Woman"

As a child, I constantly asked my grandmother to tell me about how they lived before. Some of the stories will last a lifetime. Here is one of them.

Grandmother was 4 years old (this is approximately 1902), she was the youngest in the family. Father and older brothers and sisters were in the field, and grandmother and mother were alone at home. Grandmother was sitting on the windowsill, the door opened (there were no locks then) and a huge woman entered (her head reached the ceiling). She was dressed in an old tattered sundress. There was a child wrapped in rags in her arms and, it seems, there was another child of about 12 years old nearby. She couldn't speak, she just mumbled.

I remember another a little story. The person who told it to me spent half his youth in the north, every year he went to one of the White Sea biological stations built back in the USSR. The Russian North is uuuuu, ahhh, cool! Northern lights you can catch, endless bright nights ...

But strange story, which he told me, could happen anywhere where there is winter, a forest and a night road.

From the village and the station (I don’t know what, maybe, a regular bus stopped there) to the base, that is, the biological station, the hero of my story used to walk along a familiar road through the woods. He walked there day and night - it is impossible to get lost, there is nothing to be afraid of. In his opinion.

And then one night he returns to the station.

One day a friend came to me and called to her, urgently, everyone is waiting. I was surprised, of course, but I went with her. They came to her house. Her sister and another girl from our company were waiting for us. They say that in the forest someone screams, and at the same time, that is, at midnight this squeal begins. Do not believe. Maybe someone is joking with you? No, they say that they checked, every bush was checked within a radius of 20 meters. We had a big company, 15 people. I was not with them for several days, I had a leg injury, I did not leave the house. They talk, but their faces are frightened, I see - they are not up to jokes.

The story is absolutely real, since I was personally present there and saw the same thing as others.
In 2012, I was drafted into the ranks of our valiant army, whatever it was. I changed several military units and ended up in one special part in the Chita region (I can’t speak more specifically). This military unit was a supply base, that is, weapons, equipment, shells were brought to us from all over the country, and all this was stored in our warehouses. We also received orders for ammunition from other military units. We collected this whole thing, sealed it and delivered it to the right place. military unit. Here we will talk about one such delivery.

History is written in real events!
Hello friends, I want to tell you my story, which I remember with a shudder, this has never happened to me before.
August 1, 2006
My name is German. I am an ordinary young man, just finished school, I decided to go to the village as I did during the annual holidays!
I always liked to come here to relax, breathe clean air, walk through the fields, go to the forest for mushrooms or just fish in the pond ..
My friend Vasya lived with me there, we are the same age, my grandmother was not
I'm glad we talked. She constantly said: “Vaska again? That he won’t leave you in any way, he’s already picked all the apples from us, broke the fence, as soon as he comes across to me, so on the head with a broom ladies, all the freckles fall ”
But I didn't care much. Vaska is a cool guy, he always finds something to do.
And then one day, somewhere in a couple of days after my arrival, we were sitting at his house, when suddenly a brilliant plan ripened in his “wise” head !!!
Vasya tells me: - “There is a theme! Why are we hanging here with you forever? Neither here nor there, let's go to an abandoned sawmill, steal something from there? Estimate how many you can find there? After thinking for a bit, I asked:
What's with the abandoned sawmill? Why don't I know anything about her?
- Duc because it became abandoned only last year! Things didn’t go well with them, and I don’t really know anything, but I know for sure that you can steal something there! A sawmill in the forest but not far, maybe 500 meters and it's better to go there as it gets dark!
What are we supposed to do in the dark?
“Let’s take the lanterns, there may be people there during the day, but at night, believe no one!”
After some thought, I decided, indeed, why not ?!
A little later, we went home to get off, like in a club
we'll go there, etc. I don't remember. After a long break we met
near the path leading to the forest, Vaska gave me a small lantern and slowly we walked with him into the thicket of the forest ...
We are going, and I ask him: “Vasek, did you at least take a knife?” - he told me
- No. Why do you need a knife?
- Well, maybe there are wolves or someone else ..
“And what will you do with this knife when you see a pack of wolves?”
“Well, I don’t know, do you?
“Nothing, I’ll just stand still and slowly back up to the nearest tree!” Everything is quiet! We are coming!
A bright moon shone in the sky, it was quiet all around .. like in a grave .. After walking another 15 meters, a gloomy lattice gate appeared on the horizon, connecting a wooden fence around an abandoned sawmill.
- All!!! Here we are on the spot - Vasya whispered joyfully.
Looking around, we carefully approached the 2-meter fence and began to peer forward through the bars. Nobody, silence!
Without thinking twice, Vasya began to unwind the wire that pulled both collars together and did it quite quickly and skillfully, after which they creaked open and we went inside!
The sawmill itself was not big, on the right there was a hut and a little further a veranda in which there were some boxes and sacks stuffed with something!
Here we walked a little, looked back and forth and Vasya said to me:
- Let's open the hut! We are sure to have what we need!
- Come on! I answered him! We approached the hut, and on it the castle weighs.
Well, there was no sadness. - I said.
- Don't worry! - said Vasya - "Right now I'll open it with a tire iron" went and picked it up near the gate! When he returned, he stuck the mount and sharply fell on it, there was a strong rattle, after which the lock collapsed to the ground along with the door eyes, and then the nails fell down .. it’s good that the door itself didn’t collapse, Vasya overdid it! After standing for a while with stupid facial expressions, we entered this hut .. Inside, to our disappointment, there was nothing valuable and useful, only sawdust, shavings, a bunch of papers and a stack of logs ..
Scratching their heads decided to go to the veranda! The veranda was much larger than the hut, 10 meters long and 5 wide, and almost all of it was lined with boxes and bags in which we hoped to find something valuable! We approached the bags and touched them. Something round to the touch, they opened it and there were beets !! Whole bag!!! We looked into another, potatoes !!! Vasya was surprised - “What the hell is this? Where is this from and for whom?
- Can we dump it? Or will we check the boxes first? I asked.
- Wait a minute, let's open the boxes first! - Vasya said, when the gates suddenly creaked and immediately opened! We sat down in horror, hiding behind the boxes and barely breathing began to listen. Unfortunately, we couldn't see anything from there.
A moment later, shuffling small steps were heard in the direction of the hut, the uninvited guest slowly approached the door, while emitting a terrible shivering, heavy breathing with a whistle, as if he was sick with something. After standing there a little, he turned around and shuffled his shoes to the veranda and stopped. My whole back became wet from fear, and he continued to stand somewhere in front of us ...
Suddenly, after a couple of minutes, I realized with even greater horror that this someone began to quietly sneak up on us without making sounds like a predator. With horror, my adrenaline jumped so much that a taste of iron appeared in my mouth, but we continued to sit quieter than water below the grass with goggle-eyed and definitely not breathing at all!
Suddenly he stopped about two meters from us and this terrible breathing began again ..
Not alive, not dead, I thought, when will it all end, when will he leave? ..
But he remained motionless and seemed to be waiting for us to make at least a sound to finally overtake us!
And now, after a moment, for no apparent reason, he suddenly, like a madman, rushed to the left of us to the boxes and let's kick them, while making a real growl, as if wild animal! It was a man, and under 2 meters tall, as healthy as a bear, he continued to crush the boxes with his feet, then he took out a large knife from his pocket and, with a sparkling blade, began to gut the bags that were nearby, moving further and further into dark corner verandas!
Vaska and I already clung to each other, we sit and do not breathe.
Having gutted all the bags to the corner and breaking several boxes, the brawler stopped, coughed and put the knife in his pocket. He turned in our direction, stood a little and went shuffling his shoes without noticing us in the direction of the exit.
Then we heard the gates being closed and wrapped with wire, then the night stranger shook the gate and disappeared like a nightmare before dawn ..
15-20 minutes later.
Vasya will speak first:
- All? He left? he asked in a low whisper.
- I don't know. Quiet you.
Another 15-20 minutes later.
“We have to leave, what are we going to do?” Vasya asked.
— I'm not going anywhere now. He might still be there. I answered scaredly.
- What was it all about now?
I did not answer, but only remained silent, silent, really fearing for my life ..
We didn’t know what time it was and where this crazy man was wandering, so we sat on this veranda until dawn! Fortunately, it was dawning early, at 4 in the morning the dawn was already beginning and, having recovered a little, we carefully descended from the veranda.
Our clothes were wet with fear, our eyes were red, our faces and hands were dirty. Slightly staggering, we approached the fence, a piece of paper hung on it. then we looked around and climbed through the bars in the gate, we did not notice her at night.
Once on the other side, I looked at the sheet and was stunned! In the middle of the sheet was written in clumsy, printed handwriting "Next time, I will kill."
Here Vasya quickly said: - "Let's get the hell out of here"
I nodded several times in response to him, and then my legs seemed to carry me away from there. We walked quickly, then ran sharply with all our strength without stopping!
Having run to the village, we decided not to tell anyone, yet this man did not see us, which means that there is no reason to talk and worry! Although Vasya knew everyone in the vicinity, but this huge man saw for the first time, so he told me.
We no longer went far from the village, day or night, and tried to forget this nightmare by all means, until one day a stranger, a big man with a rough voice, came into our village shop, bought a pack of “Petra” cigarettes, and left shuffling familiarly with his shoes ...