On Monday, Aquarius is cheerful and ready for anything! Your reaction to events may be instantaneous, but the horoscope advises you to stop and think carefully before acting or speaking. Think about whether you want to broadcast your emotions in their original form - that is, in the most natural reaction, without adjusting the arguments of the mind? Aquarius on Monday should not be hacked off the shoulder, so at the moment when you have already taken air into your lungs for an answer, just hold your breath and count to ten.

Tuesday, March 26

On Tuesday, the horoscope does not promise Aquarius easy victories and random luck. Everything that can be achieved will come with sweat and blood. Aquarius can only rely on himself on Tuesday, colleagues and relatives will not find time to help, on the contrary, they can download own problems. Well, every day may not be good, but something good can be found in every day, you just have to look hard enough! Focus on the positive.

Wednesday, March 27

Aquarius should go to action on Wednesday, he has been dragging this out for too long! As the Cheshire Cat said: “Threats, promises and good intentions - none of this is action”, and therefore it is time for Aquarius on Wednesday to finally move from words to deeds. The horoscope encourages: on this day you need to stop reasoning, doubting and reflecting - just concentrate on the goal and go straight to it.

Thursday, March 28

Aquarius on Thursday may find himself between two fires: colleagues or acquaintances will pull him from side to side, and Aquarius will have to use all his diplomacy skills so as not to be torn like a tuzik heating pad. On this day, it will be very difficult for him to stay out of the game and remain neutral, but you should not get involved in other people's showdowns indiscriminately. The horoscope advises Aquarius on Thursday to listen more and talk less, this will reduce the chances of quarreling to the nines with everyone.

Friday, March 29

Saturday, March 30

On Saturday, the horoscope warns Aquarius of possible criticism from management or older family members. No matter how unpleasant the situation is, you should not show excessive aggression, even if the opponent is not right. On this day, Aquarius should also not rush to complain about unfair treatment, this can lead to unpredictable results. If possible, communication with superiors and those in power on the Sabbath should be avoided.

Sunday, March 31

On Sunday, Aquarius should not let people with bad mood: you can’t cure them, but you can easily catch the virus of discontent. If everyone around is only doing what they grumble, do the same as with the flu epidemic: reduce communication to a minimum (by the way, garlic will help here too). However, the horoscope advises Aquarius to distinguish between empty complaints and real requests for help. If someone needs you on Sunday, help. But to indulge in whining is unpedagogical and harmful to the psyche.

You should not expect easy success. To achieve your goals, you have to work hard. The week is not devoid of pleasant moments, but as soon as important activities appear in front of you, you will immediately need to show your rare qualities - perseverance, high efficiency. You will strive for independence and freedom, perhaps for this you will have to break old ties.

Aquarius Man

It is possible that you will break old ties due to certain circumstances, though later you will regret it. You will want to renew the relationship, but for this you will have to spend a lot of effort and patience. You can avoid many difficulties this week if you do not take hasty and thoughtless actions.

Aquarius Woman

A difficult week awaits you, but it will bring a lot of pleasant events. If you want great success, work harder than usual, but if you want to save your strength, then be content with what you have. It is unlikely that you will want to rejoice at modest achievements, you always strive for more. Expect interesting offers and good news. Communication with friends will also have a positive effect.

Meet friends, meeting with them will give a lot positive emotions. Expect romantic surprises, unexpected gifts and signs of attention.

Horoscope for the week from March 25 to March 31: The new week will begin with a feeling of joy, the soul will be light from the anticipation of new events. Even the beginning of everyday work cannot diminish this joy. High spirits will certainly lead to the desire to start a light flirtation with the person you like, and maybe try something more than flirting. This week, Aquarius may have a desire to tickle the nerves and test the patience of a loved one, the main thing is not to overdo it in realizing this desire. Lonely Aquarius during this period can really "come off to the fullest", but Aquarius who live in marriage should not risk a stable relationship, because love triangle can bring with it a huge number of various problems, from which it is far from always possible to get out of them with dignity.

IN professional activity with changes you need to be even more careful, as you can make yourself a lot of problems. If your career and professional position are successful, you do not need to risk them, even despite the desire to drastically change your whole life. There is no need to destroy at once what has been created for a long time by painstaking work. But if a career is far from real success, you can go for its cardinal changes. Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
General characteristics of the horoscope

The weekly horoscope for Aquarius will help you avoid many mistakes in business and relationships in the coming week, because it will tell you in advance about key events period. Representatives of this zodiac constellation can decide for themselves what needs to be given Special attention, and what events can be ignored so as not to take up your time and effort. A week is presented as a capacious unit of time that contains small time cycles - days, this period is very convenient for planning - the events of seven days are easy to remember, and a person has time to think and make a decision. Aquarius tends to attract stressful and unpleasant situations that are ready to adversely affect his entire life. People of this zodiac sign are prone to depression and despondency, if their undertakings in life immediately went the wrong way, as they expected, Aquarians tend to quit the business without completing it if they lose faith in its prospects. This leads to the fact that Aquarius, having a good potential for intelligence and activity, "washes its hands" and goes with the flow, doing nothing. Following the advice of the weekly horoscope, people of this zodiac constellation can get rid of such negative consequences their inactivity, as self-doubt, pessimism, loss of strength, lack of harmony in the soul, confusion. In a horoscope, as in a mirror, a person can see his true reflection, and understand that success and happiness depend only on himself, that only he can make this life better.

A weekly horoscope for Aquarius helps to avoid a depressed state, which the person himself has long considered the norm. Astrological forecast opens eyes to the situation, and teaches to see each event from the inside, warning it, influencing it in such a way that it loses its negative connotation. This information for the next seven days of the life of the eleventh sign of the Zodiac also contains good advice astrologers to educate themselves, their emotions and feelings. A person who has not previously thought about self-improvement and lived by inertia begins to plan his life in advance, choosing non-standard and original solutions to solve problems. Living by the rules is too narrow, so the horoscope does not slide into an authoritarian style, it only advises how to reveal your self-awareness and believe in your own strength. To overcome obstacles, you do not need to beat your head against the wall or go ahead - soft Aquarius can choose a more correct path for him, which goes around too hard obstacles. A weekly horoscope for Aquarius will help to open the door to the future, to foresee and see all the events, to carefully prepare for them.

On Monday, Aquarius is cheerful and ready for anything! Your reaction to events may be instantaneous, but the horoscope advises you to stop and think carefully before acting or speaking. Think about whether you want to broadcast your emotions in their original form - that is, in the most natural reaction, without adjusting the arguments of the mind? Aquarius on Monday should not be hacked off the shoulder, so at the moment when you have already taken air into your lungs for an answer, just hold your breath and count to ten.

Tuesday, March 26

On Tuesday, the horoscope does not promise Aquarius easy victories and random luck. Everything that can be achieved will come with sweat and blood. Aquarius can only rely on himself on Tuesday, colleagues and relatives will not find time to help, on the contrary, they can load them with their own problems. Well, every day may not be good, but something good can be found in every day, you just have to look hard enough! Focus on the positive.

Wednesday, March 27

Aquarius should go to action on Wednesday, he has been dragging this out for too long! As the Cheshire Cat said: “Threats, promises and good intentions - none of this is action”, and therefore it is time for Aquarius on Wednesday to finally move from words to deeds. The horoscope encourages: on this day you need to stop reasoning, doubting and reflecting - just concentrate on the goal and go straight to it.

Thursday, March 28

Aquarius on Thursday may find himself between two fires: colleagues or acquaintances will pull him from side to side, and Aquarius will have to use all his diplomacy skills so as not to be torn like a tuzik heating pad. On this day, it will be very difficult for him to stay out of the game and remain neutral, but you should not get involved in other people's showdowns indiscriminately. The horoscope advises Aquarius on Thursday to listen more and talk less, this will reduce the chances of quarreling to the nines with everyone.

Friday, March 29

Saturday, March 30

On Saturday, the horoscope warns Aquarius of possible criticism from management or older family members. No matter how unpleasant the situation is, you should not show excessive aggression, even if the opponent is not right. On this day, Aquarius should also not rush to complain about unfair treatment, this can lead to unpredictable results. If possible, communication with superiors and those in power on the Sabbath should be avoided.

Sunday, March 31

On Sunday, Aquarius should not let people in a bad mood approach you: you won’t be able to cure them, but you can easily catch the virus of discontent. If everyone around is only doing what they grumble, do the same as with the flu epidemic: reduce communication to a minimum (by the way, garlic will help here too). However, the horoscope advises Aquarius to distinguish between empty complaints and real requests for help. If someone needs you on Sunday, help. But to indulge in whining is unpedagogical and harmful to the psyche.


There would be no Aquarius in the world - humanity would still vegetate in the Stone Age. All greatest discoveries made on this planet people born under the sign of Aquarius (or with very strong Uranus in the personal horoscope). In you, the stars carefully combined seemingly mutually exclusive qualities: practicality and earthiness with progressive views and a flight of fancy. However, you do not like to be on earth for a long time, sooner or later you still rush to the sky, this is the influence of your element, Air. Starting to build something completely new, you tend to completely destroy what has already been built before you; Remember that this mindset is not for everyone. Alas, you will probably alienate someone with your radicalism. But get someone!


Oddly enough, your most vulnerable place is nervous system. With all your outward composure, you experience emotions strong enough to give them an outlet, which you practically do not give. More often arrange for yourself a moral rest, do not bring to breakdowns. And Aquarius, as a rule, are real gourmets. Astrostar recommends: try, if possible, to limit the number of gastronomic experiments per unit of time. Your healthy foods and additives: wheat, grapes, cabbage.


Very often, freedom in life is above all for you, which cannot but be superimposed on relationships in your personal life. This does not mean at all that you, Aquarius, are ready to change partners for the rest of your life, however, if you lack freedom in the union, you will most likely break it. You simply cannot exist within narrow limits. If your partner recognizes this, paradoxically, the relationship will only get stronger. But you, for your part, must understand that by your actions you sometimes cause real pain to people who love you. Remember that a strong family is, in fact, the main thing in the life of absolutely any person. Yes, yes, and this also applies to you, dear Aquarius!

Work and career

Creative realization is much more important to you than career ladder and entry in work book. For the sake of freedom of expression, you are able to sacrifice almost all previous achievements, regalia and awards. A profession that requires perseverance and attentiveness is not suitable for you, but in any work you will not be equal.


Surprisingly, for all your independence, it is very important for you, Aquarius, to have supporters and followers. And in society, you are usually popular if you know how to restrain your impulses and dress ideas in forms that are more understandable to everyone, and this is your undoubted advantage. You are looking for people. First of all, originality. In Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, finding it is quite simple. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn think too small for you, it is not easy for you to find common ground with them. With fiery Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, you get a good business cooperation. But with Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios, Aquarius is frankly bored. They can't keep up with you, they just can't keep up with you!


Aquarius is almost always recognizable in a crowd. You are a bright personality, and this can be seen even in a simple coat or boots. Incredibly, but true, with your love for unusual outfits, you manage to fit perfectly into any society. Even with a strict dress code, you look unusual, while not going beyond it.


Your home is almost always a whole little adventure. Your extravagance is manifested with might and main in the interior. If not the world, then at least you are happy to build your house in accordance with your ideas about the ideal. And, of course, you do not miss a single technical novelty! With all this, you just need space, and in literally words, if there is too much furniture in the house, you simply start to suffocate there. Your house is always open for guests, Astrostar astrologers say boldly!