After a serious illness in the United States, Anastasia Khabenskaya, the wife of the famous Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky, died. In September 2007, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Several months of treatment in the American clinic "Cedars-Sinai" did not bring results.

When it turned out two months ago that the disease had returned, Anastasia refused a second operation in order to spend time with her husband and young son Vanya.

Lately Khabensky did everything possible to make his wife recover. He constantly traveled to Los Angeles, and then returned to Russia, where he had to star in new films. The entire fee from them went to pay for the expensive treatment of Anastasia.

How it all began…

Friends and relatives of the actor say that there was a rare harmony in the Khabensky family. They perfectly complemented each other - both at home and during work. Konstantin often took his wife with him on all trips.

Konstantin and Anastasia met in 1999 during an interview. Khabensky was not yet very famous then, and Anastasia worked as a journalist on the radio. lovers for a long time did not formalize their relationship and after a modest wedding did not advertise their marriage.

At the peak of his popularity, Khabensky began to be credited with numerous novels, allegedly due to the fact that the actor's wife could not have children. But when the actor shared the news that he was waiting for the heir, all the gossip dried up.

For the sake of the son

Shortly before giving birth, Anastasia had a car accident. Although it was reported that the accident was not serious, experts believed that it was she who led to a microstroke, which later turned into a serious illness.

For a long time, neither Anastasia herself nor her relatives suspected the illness. She attributed her poor health to her pregnancy.

When the doctors discovered a brain tumor in the patient, she categorically refused treatment: any strong drug could affect the development of the child.

The baby, whom they decided to call Vanya, was born with the help of caesarean section. Soon after the birth of Anastasia, things got worse. First, she was transferred to the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, and from there to the Institute. N.N. Burdenko. At the institute, doctors removed the tumor and prescribed Nastya a course of chemotherapy.


After the operation, the couple decided to get married. The wedding took place right in the hospital ward, where Anastasia was transferred from intensive care.

They say that after the wedding, Nastya immediately felt better, and soon she returned home. But two months later, the tumor grew again. Before the new operation, Anastasia promised that she would fight for her son.

Ray of light

To save his wife, Khabensky went with her to one of the best rehabilitation centers Los Angeles. The fact that Hollywood celebrities were treated in it also spoke in favor of the elite clinic.

A month of radiation therapy did not give results. Upon learning of this, Anastasia wanted to return to Moscow, but her husband persuaded her to continue treatment. At this time, Konstantin was literally torn between Los Angeles and Moscow, where he had to work.

Once Khabensky brought his son to America. When the baby appeared in the ward, Nastya smiled for the first time in a long time. Doctors then noted that their Russian patient had a wonderful husband. “He does everything to make her recover faster. Unfortunately, little depends on him, but he tries very hard to get his wife back on her feet,” they said.

One more chance

For six months, American doctors have applied several methods of treatment. After there was still no improvement, the doctors decided to apply the so-called backup method called

Last night, Anastasia, the wife of the famous Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky, died in one of the US clinics after a serious illness. She was 34 years old.


Last fall, immediately after giving birth, the wife of the popular actor Konstantin Khabensky had to undergo an emergency operation. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery Anastasia removed a tumor in the right hemisphere of the brain. The young mother did not even suspect about her illness - she explained her poor health by pregnancy.

After the operation, Konstantin and Anastasia had a hope that the terrible illness was over. The actor was constantly next to the bed of his ill wife, brought his son to her. As soon as Anastasia got a little better, Konstantin married her right in the ward.

However, the Khabensky couple was expected ordeal- the operation and the specialized course of treatment did not give the expected result, the disease progressed. As a result, the actor moved his wife to an American clinic. He worked only to cure his beloved wife. In early September of this year, almost a year after the discovery of the disease, doctors said that Anastasia is on the mend. Konstantin hoped that his wife would be able to return home at least by the first birthday of his son, but long flights she was banned. Therefore, Khabensky, together with his young son, flew to the United States to celebrate a significant event.

However, the improvement turned out to be imaginary. On Wednesday it became known that the night before Anastasia Khabenskaya died in one of the American clinics. Relatives and friends of the Khabensky couple are so depressed by what happened that they refuse to make any comments on this topic.

Internet users immediately reacted to the news. Appeared in various diaries a large number of reports of Anastasia's death. However, bloggers do not write long epitaphs, they express laconic but sincere sympathy for their favorite actor. Everyone is amazed by such terrible news and understand that words cannot convey all the pain and all the feelings. " It is difficult to perceive losses, even if they are the losses of strangers.", says one of the diaries.

The first wife of actor Khabensky Anastasia died of a brain tumor in December 2008, immediately after the birth of her long-awaited son. At the stage of illness, she and her husband decided to help children suffering from cancer. Today, the actor continues what he started.

Konstantin Khabensky does not like to cover the details of his personal life. For a long time, the theme of the death of his first wife Anastasia remained especially painful for him. Only after almost 10 years since the tragedy, Konstantin can calmly talk about his loss. The death of a beloved woman became for the actor not only the main test in life, but also an opportunity to continue the work begun together. Helping children with cancer. Few know that their charitable foundation Khabensky created it for the sake of his first wife.

Date of Anastasia's death

The wife of Konstantin Khabensky, whose cause of death made him not quit the business he started together, could be proud of him. For 10 years since the death of Anastasia, the foundation created by the spouses has provided assistance to 1,700 children with cancer and other brain diseases.

At that moment, Anastasia Khabenskaya had already undergone two operations to remove a tumor in the brain, she underwent several courses of radiation and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, none of the methods gave a positive result. The condition remained grave. Finally, after several months of various treatments, the long-awaited improvement came. Anastasia felt better, strength appeared, remission began. The couple were already planning a return to Moscow, how together, the three of them with their little son would meet New Year. But short period remission was replaced by a sharp deterioration.

December 1, 2008 Anastasia passed away without winning terrible disease. But thanks to her efforts and the efforts of her husband, thousands of other people have the opportunity to fight this disease.

As Konstantin Khabensky himself said in an interview with Vladimir Pozner:
“To distract her from this story, I suggested that she engage in helping others - children with the same disease. And she started. We started together, then she was gone, and I realized that we were worthless if it was a one-day story.

Disease detection

Anastasia's disappointing diagnosis was made during a long-awaited pregnancy. The woman herself, like her relatives, for a long time wrote off all the ailments, including the terrible headache to your position. In the end, bearing a child requires the body of a woman to mobilize all the forces, and here you have to endure many unpleasant symptoms. But over time, the symptoms did not disappear, but only intensified.

As a result of the examination, it turned out that cancer cells appeared in the woman's brain. Doctors insisted on an immediate course of chemotherapy. Of course, Anastasia flatly refused to risk the life of a child. In the end, the Khabensky couple waited for replenishment for 8 years.

On September 25, 2007, Konstantin and Anastasia had a son, Ivan, a healthy and strong baby. But Nastya herself soon after giving birth felt even worse. The examination showed that the malignant tumor had grown - precious time had been lost.


After a harsh sentence from doctors, the woman was urgently transferred to the Institute. Burdenko. There, Anastasia was operated on, removing the tumor. A course of chemotherapy followed.

After only a couple of months, all the symptoms returned. The tumor has grown again. New operation on the removal of all neoplasms could not give any guarantees. The family decided for a long time where it would be better to continue treatment: in Europe, Israel or America. Finally, Anastasia was transferred to one of the best hospitals in Los Angeles. Many world-famous stars underwent treatment and rehabilitation there.

Throughout the entire period of treatment, Konstantin Khabensky tried to constantly visit his wife, support her and please her. It was a very difficult period for the actor. He starred in several films at once, often playing leading roles, continued to work in the theater. It was during this busy period that filming took place in such films as "Admiral", "Irony of Fate-2", "Brownie", "Particularly Dangerous" and other projects. The actor did everything in his power to help his beloved wife.

Death and funeral

Unfortunately, despite the efforts of Konstantin Khabensky, all family friends, Anastasia's parents, the woman could not be saved. She died in the arms of her mother, who stayed almost around the clock in her daughter's room, especially in recent weeks her life.

At the time of her death, Anastasia was only 34 years old. The parents of the deceased insisted on holding the funeral in America, since they themselves have been living there for a long time. But for this it was necessary to draw up a number of papers. In order not to delay the funeral process, it was decided to transport the ashes of the deceased to Moscow and bury them there, as Khabensky had originally suggested.

The funeral was very modest, in the circle of the closest relatives and friends. The burial place of Anastasia Khabenskaya was chosen as the Troekurovsky cemetery in the west of Moscow.

Short biography of Anastasia Khabenskaya

Anastasia lived only 34 years, but she was able to leave a very kind and bright memory behind her. Everyone who knew her described the girl as very friendly, balanced and cheerful. She never entered into conflicts, she always tried to be attentive to everyone, did not seek fame and did not pursue prosperity.

Anastasia (nee Smirnova) was born on March 31, 1975. The girl grew up in a wealthy family and has always been an object of pride for her parents. After school, she decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism and connect her future career with the craft of a journalist. Her easy disposition, sociability and charm fully corresponded to such a professional choice. Even while studying at the institute, she got a job at a radio station.

It was thanks to this work that Anastasia and Konstantin once met. The girl was sent to interview the then beginner Khabensky. He was not yet recognizable and was even forced to work in a cafe as a vocalist in order to have enough to live on. Literally from the first minutes of the conversation, the young people realized that this meeting was granted to them from above. The novel developed rapidly and soon both realized that they couldn’t imagine life without each other. It happened in 1999.

A year later, the couple registered a relationship, deciding not to arrange a magnificent wedding. And just after finding family happiness, Khabensky is becoming an increasingly sought-after actor. His constant tours, filming and traveling begin. A young wife follows her husband everywhere, supporting him. Everyone who knew the spouses envied their union, which was not overshadowed by any quarrels, scenes of jealousy or domestic scandals. The couple was upset only by the absence of children. Their marriage was childless for 8 years until their son Ivan was born in 2008.

Anastasia Khabenskaya did not have a chance to fully experience the joy of motherhood. Despite this, her already grown-up son knows that his mother gave him life, defeating her illness, albeit for a while.

By the way: Young Ivan Khabensky is happy to participate in charitable activities of the aid fund, once created by his parents.

- a successful theater and film actor, caring husband and father. He said many times that in his family leading role beloved woman plays: "A strong man is not afraid to be henpecked."

The first wife of Khabensky - Anastasia Smirnova

The young charismatic actor was always surrounded by admirers, but Konstantin was not fond of frivolous connections. In 2000, he married journalist Anastasia Smirnova.

Photo: Instagram @khabenskiy_official

They met in 1999 in one of the cafes near the theater where the artist worked. The cheerful dark-haired girl immediately liked Khabensky, and he invited her to his performance. The wedding ceremony was modest - just a few friends and relatives. Anastasia did not want pomp, and future husband supported her.

In September 2007 they were born common child- son Ivan. Almost immediately after giving birth, the girl was diagnosed with a serious illness - a brain tumor. She underwent several operations, but the treatment did not help. Khabensky sold almost all his property for examinations and treatment in foreign clinics. Anastasia died in December 2008.

Konstantin Khabenky and Anastasia Smirnova

For a while, the mother-in-law, who lived in the USA, took her son, Konstantin plunged into a severe depression. He often talks about his son's mother: “I know that you are always with us. We remember you, dear!"

Olga Litvinova - the new wife of Konstantin

After the death of Smirnova, Khabensky was alone for a long time. In an interview, he admitted that he was being hunted by an army of annoying female fans: “I know that there are women who are trying to find out where I live, with whom, my phone number. Dear ladies, I am flattered by your attention, but I ask you to give me the right to choose my own companion.

Olga and Konstantin work at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov

The artist met his second wife Olga Litvinova closely while working on the play "Duck Hunt". According to the plot, a stormy romance begins between the main characters. Fans are sure that they brought the game on stage into real life.

Actress Olga Litvinova

For the first time as a couple, they were published in 2012. Before Khabensky, Litvinova had a relationship with Maxim Vitorgan, but they quickly faded away. Olga says that Konstantin made her feel like a woman.

“He looked after me so touchingly! A true knight in armor."

They got married in 2013. The registration of the relationship was kept secret, they did not even know in the theater. The ceremony was attended by several of the closest people. The only thing the bride insisted on was luxurious Wedding Dress. Konstantin gave his beloved an expensive designer outfit from Vera Wang.

In 2016, 44-year-old Konstantin Khabensky had a daughter, Alexander. Olga was on maternity leave for more than a year and a half. Star parents do not have a nanny and a housekeeper. Khabensky is a very secretive man, and does not like strangers in the house. Grandmothers help take care of the little daughter.

Children of Konstantin Khabensky

Son Ivan

10-year-old Ivan lives with his grandmother in Spain. He studies at a prestigious boarding school.

Son Ivan with his grandmother

Summer holidays, as a rule, spend with his father in Russia. Konstantin says that his son has a great relationship with his new wife: "He calls Olya mom, they get along great."

The actor often flies to Barcelona to visit his older child. The boy studies in a class with a humanitarian bias, and is already fluent in English and Spanish.

Daughter of Alexander

Khabensky's daughter was born a little ahead of schedule, but this did not affect her health in any way. Sasha is growing up as an active and inquisitive girl. She will be 2 years old in June 2018. She hasn't gone to kindergarten, but attends various developmental classes. Her photo is not in social networks. Konstantin is sure that it is not necessary to show such a small child to the public once again.

Charitable Foundation Konstantin Khabensky

After the tragic death of Anastasia Smirnova, the actor founded. He was assisted by a colleague and friend Sergei Bezrukov. The organization provides assistance to children with cancer.

Charitable Foundation Konstantin Khabensky

There are many areas of work: assistance in organizing examinations and treatment; organization of rehabilitation courses; purchase of necessary medicines; information and psychological work with parents of sick children.

Photo: Instagram @khabensky_fund

The Konstantin Khabensky Foundation is one of the most popular in Russia. The actor takes an active part in his work. Through social media he collects money for the treatment and rehabilitation of sick children, arranges various entertainment events for them.

Konstantin Khabensky visiting Yuri Dud

At the end of April 2018, the artist gave an interview to the famous journalist Yuri Dudyu. The main topic of the conversation is the work of a movie star in Hollywood. Konstantin starred in the film "Wanted" and "War of the Worlds Z". The journalist asked: “What is it, a kiss with the recognized beauty Angelina Jolie?” Russian actor He said that he considers the girl a true professional.

"We were at work, nothing personal."

According to him, it was a bloody kiss: “I had to throw out a sea of ​​​​blood and adrenaline on Angie. I hope it worked out."

Konstantin Khabensky talks with Yuri Dud

In the film "War of the Worlds Z", the artist worked with ex-husband Jolie - Brad Pitt. Khabensky recalled that he offered “Brad Ivanovich” a lot of ideas, together they made edits to the script: “Pitt agreed to make a lot of adjustments. The plot was far from real life in Russia".

How the Khabensky family lives now 2018

In 2016, immediately after the news of his second wife's pregnancy, Konstantin bought a new spacious apartment in Moscow. They say it cost the artist 70 million rubles. The apartments are located in the elite residential complex"Machaon". It is known that Khabensky sold a three-room apartment on Vernadsky Avenue, where he lived for many years.

Konstantin lives with his wife and daughter

IN new apartment The actor lives with his wife and daughter. They are often visited by relatives and friends. Olga maintains the cleanliness in the house herself. Khabensky is also not against washing the floors or taking out the trash: “Everyone can hire a housekeeper, but doing something with your own hands is already more difficult.”

The family has two premium cars. The actor admits that he bought himself a great SUV. Together with his wife and daughter, he often travels on it. Fans wish Konstantin good health and for long years happy family life!