In modern historiography, the title "Kiev princes" is made to designate a number of rulers of the Kiev Principality and ancient Russian state. The classical period of their reign began in 912 by the Board of Igor Rurikovich, the first of the title of "Grand Prince Kiev", and lasted about the middle of the XII century, when the collapse of the ancient Russian state began. Briefly consider the most prominent rulers during this period.

Oleg Probe (882-912)

Igor Rurikovich (912-945) -the first ruler of Kiev, called the "Grand Prince Kiev". During his reign, a number of military campaigns were held against the neighboring tribes (Pecheneg and Drevlyan) and against the Byzantine kingdom. Pechenegs and Drevlyan recognized the rule of Igor, but the Byzantines, in a military sense, equipped better, presented persistent resistance. In 944, Igor was forced to sign a peace treaty with Byzantium. At the same time, the terms of the contract were beneficial for Igor, because Byzantia paid a significant tribute. A year later, I decided to once again attack the Drevlyan, despite the fact that they have already recognized his power and paid him tribute. Igor's warriors, in turn, were able to prove with the robberies of the local population. Drevlyan arranged an ambush in 945 and, capturing Igor, executed him.

Olga (945-964) - The widow of Prince Rurik, killed in 945 tribes of the Treed. He headed the state until the Son, Svyatoslav Igorevich, did not make an adult. It is not known when it was the power of the son. Olga adopted Christianity the first of the rules of Russia, while the whole country, the army and even her son still remained with pagans. Important facts Her Board was bringing to the submissions of the Drevlyans who killed her husband Igor Rurikovich. Olga has established the exact sizes of the filters that were supposed to pay the subjects of Kiev to Kiev systematized the frequency of their payment and timing. An administrative reform was carried out that divided the land, obeying Kiev, on a clearly established units, at the head of each of which was established by the Princely Officon Tyun. At Olga, the first stone buildings appeared in Kiev, Terem Olga and the city palace.

Svyatoslav (964-972) - Son of Igor Rurikovichi Princess Olga. Characteristic feature The Board was that most of his time actually rules Olga, first due to the minority of Svyatoslav, and then due to its permanent military campaigns and the absence in Kiev. Accepted power around 950. Did not follow the example of the mother, and did not adopt Christianity, unpopular then in the environment of the secular and military nobility. The Board of Svyatoslav Igorevich was marked by a series of continuous conquesting hiking, which he spent against the neighboring tribes and state formations. The attacks were exposed to Khazars, Vyatichi, Bulgarian kingdom (968-969) and Byzantium (970-971). War with Byzantium brought heavy losses to both sides, and ended, in fact, in a draw. Returning from this campaign, Svyatoslav fell into an ambush, arranged by Pechenegs, and was killed.

Yaropolk (972-978)

Vladimir Saint (978-1015)kiev PrinceThe most famous for the baptism of Russia. He was a Novgorod Prince from 970 to 978, when he captured the Kiev throne. During the reign, there were continuously hiking against neighboring tribes and states. She conquered and joined the tribes of Vyatichi, Yatvägov, Radmich and Pechenegs to his state. Held a number state reformsaimed at strengthening the authorities of the Prince. In particular, he began the chasening of a single state coin, replaced by the previously used Arab and Byzantine money. With the help of invited Bulgarian and Byzantine teachers, began to distribute literacy in Russia, by passing children to study. Founded the city of Pereyaslavl and Belgorod. The essential achievement is considered the baptism of Russia, conducted in 988. The introduction of Christianity as a state religion also contributed to the centralization of the ancient Russian state. Resistance to the diverse pagan cults, which was common in Russia, weakened the power of the Kiev throne and was brutally suppressed. Prince Vladimir died in 1015 during the next military campaign against Pechenegs.

SvyatopolkAplated (1015-1016)

Yaroslav Wise (1016-1054) - Son Vladimir. Communted with his father and seized power in Kiev in 1016, having rushed his brother Svyatopolka. The time of the Board of Yaroslav is presented in the history of traditional raids on neighboring states and internecine wars with numerous relatives who claimed to the throne. For this reason, Yaroslav was forced to temporarily leave the Kiev throne. Built in Novgorod and Kiev, the temples of Hagia Sophia. It is dedicated to her main church In Constantinople, so the fact of such a construction spoke of the equality of the Russian Church with Byzantine. As part of the confrontation with the Byzantine Church, independently appointed the first Russian Metropolitan of Hilarion in 1051. Yaroslav also founded the first Russian monasteries: Kiev-Pechersk Monastery in Kiev and Yuriev Monastery in Novgorod. For the first time, the feudal law codified, issuing a code of the laws of "Russian True" and the church charter. Spent big work On the translation of Greek and Byzantine books to the Old Russian and Church Slavonic languages, he was constantly spent large sums on the correspondence of new books. He founded a large school in Novgorod, in which the leaders studied the children of Starost and priests. Strengthened diplomatic and military connections with Varyagami, so the northern borders of the state. Died in Vyshgorod, in February 1054.

SvyatopolkAplated (1018-1019)- Secondary Temporary Board

Izyaslav (1054-1068) - Son Yaroslav Wise. According to the father's will, sat on the throne of Kiev in 1054. Throughout almost the entire Board, he was hostile with the younger brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, who sought to seize the prestigious Kiev throne. In 1068, the troops of Izyaslav were broken by Polovtsy in the battle on the Altea River. This led to the Kiev upright of 1068. At the Veneer Meeting, the remnants of the broken militia demanded to give them a weapon to continue the fight against the Polovtsy, however, Izyaslav refused to do this that made the Kievan rebel. Izyaslav was forced to flee to the Polish king, his nephew. FROM military help Polyakov, Izyaslav returned the throne for the period 1069-1073, was again overthrown, and last time Rules from 1077 to 1078 year.

Vslav Wizhard (1068-1069)

Svyatoslav (1073-1076)

Vsevolod (1076-1077)

Svyatopolk (1093-1113) "The son of Iaslav Yaroslavich, before the classes of Kiev throne periodically headed the Novgorod and Turov Principles. The beginning of the Kiev principality of Svyatopolk was marked by the invasion of Polovtsy, who caused the troops of the Svyatopolk, a serious defeat in the battle by the Sturden River. After that, a few more battles followed, the outcome of which is reliably unknown, but in the end, the world was concluded with Polovtsy, and Svyatopolk took his wife's daughter Khan Toggang. The subsequent Board of the Svyatopolka was overshadowed by the continuous struggle of Vladimir Monomakh with Oleg Svyatoslavich, in which Svyatopolk usually supported Monomakh. Also, Svyatopolk reflected the permanent raids of Polovtsy under the leadership of Khanov Toggang and Bonyaka. Suddenly died in the spring of 1113, it may have been poisoned.

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)he was Chernigov Prince, when his father died. I had the right to the Kiev throne, but I lost to his cousin Svyatopolk, because he did not want the war at that time. In 1113, the Kiev residents raised the uprising, and, having dropped the Svyatopolk, invited to the kingdom of Vladimir. For this reason, it was forced to accept the so-called "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh", facilitating the position of urban bases. The law did not affect the foundations of the feudal system, however, regulated the conditions for the challenge and limited the profits of Roshovshchikov. With Monomakh Rus reached a peak of his power. The Minsk Principality was conquered, and the Polovtsy were forced to burst into the east of Russian borders. With the help of an impostor that issued himself for the son of the previously killed by the Byzantine emperor, Monomah organized an adventure, having a goal to put it on the Byzantine throne. Several Danube cities were conquered, but further to develop success failed. The hiking ended in 1123 by signing the world. Monomakh organized the publication of improved editions of the "Tale of Bygone Years", which exactly in this form reached our days. Also, Monomah independently created several works: autobiographical "paths and fishing", the set of laws "Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich" and "Teaching Vladimir Monomakh."

Mstislav Great (1125-1132) - Son of Monomakh, formerly the former prince of Belgorod. Ascended to the throne of Kiev in 1125 without resistance from the rest of the brothers. Among the most prominent acts of Mstislava, you can call the campaign in Polovtsy in 1127 and the plunder of the cities of Izyaslav, Strezhev and Lagozhsk. After a similar campaign in 1129, the Polotsk principality was finally joined to the possessions of Mstislav. In order to collect Dani, several trips to the Baltic States were committed against the tribe, but they ended in failure. In April 1132, Mstislav suddenly died, however, however, to transfer the throne Yaropolk, his brother.

Yaropolk (1132-1139) "Being the son of Monomakh, he inherited the throne, when his brother Mstislav died. At the time of coming to power was at the age of 49. In fact, only Kiev and its surroundings controlled. In their natural, the inclination was a good warrior, but did not possess diplomatic and political abilities. Immediately after the adoption of the throne, traditional civil engineers began, associated with the inheritance of the throne in the Pereyaslav Principality. Yuri and Andrei Vladimirovichi were expelled from Pereyaslavl Vsevolod Mstislavich, planted there Yaropolk. Also, the situation in the country was complicated by the frequent raids of Polovtsy, who, together with the Allied Chernigov, robbed the neighborhood of Kiev. The indecisive policy of Yaropolk led to military defeat in the battle on the R. Supoy with the troops of Vsevolod Olgovich. The cities of Kursk and the Postene were also lost during the reign of Yaropolk. Such a development of events further weakened his authority than Novgorod who announced their branch in 1136. The result of the Board of Yaropolk was the actual decay of the ancient Russian state. Formally, Kiev retained only the Principality of Rostov-Suzdal.

Vyacheslav (1139, 1150, 1151-1154)

Peter I Alekseevich 1672 - 1725

Peter I was born 05/30/1672 in Moscow, died on 01/28/1725 in St. Petersburg, Russian Tsar from 1682, emperor from 1721. Son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his second wife, Natalia Naryshina. Joined the throne of nine years, together with his older brother King John V, with its regent senior sister Tsarevna Sofia Alekseevna. In 1689, Mother married Peter I on Evdokia Lopukhina. In 1690, the son, Tsarevich Alexey Petrovich, was born, but family life did not work out. In 1712, the king announced his divorce and married with Catherine (Marta Skavron), which from 1703 was his actual wife. In this marriage, 8 children were born, but besides Anna and Elizabeth, they all died in infancy. In 1694, Peter I died, and two years later, in 1696, the elder brother was died - King John V. Peter I became a single sovereign. With 1712, Peter I became the new capital of Russia, which was found by Peter I, which was translated part of the population of Moscow.

Ekaterina I Alekseevna 1684 - 1727

Ekaterina I Alekseevna was born 05.04.1684 in the Baltic States, died 06.05.1727 in St. Petersburg, russian Empress In 1725-1727. The daughter of the Lithuanian peasant Samuel Skavronsky, moved from Lithuania to Liflandia. Before the adoption of Orthodoxy - March Skavron. In the fall, 1703 became the actual wife of Peter I. Church marriage was decorated 19.02.1712. Following the decree on the prestoliotia, not without the participation of A.D. Menshikov, the throne was the throne of the grandson of Peter I - 12-year-old Peter II. Died on May 6, 1727. He was buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral of St. Petersburg.

Peter II Alekseevich 1715 - 1730

Peter II Alekseevich was born 12.10.1715 in St. Petersburg, died on January 18, 1830 in Moscow, the Russian emperor (1727-1730) from the Romanov dynasty. Tsarevich's son Alexei Petrovich and Princess Charlotte of Christians Sofia Tolfenbuttious, grandson of Peter I. Established on the throne by the efforts of A.D. Menshikova after the death of Catherine I, Peter II was not interested in anything other than hunting and pleasure. At the beginning of the board of Peter II, the authorities were actually in the hands of A. Menshikov, who dreamed of breeding with the royal dynasty, the marrying of Peter II on his daughter. Despite the engagement of Menshikova's daughter Mary with Peter II in May 1727, in September, he was suspended from affairs and opal, and then the reference Menshikov. Peter II was influenced by the Lorval family, I. Dolgoruky became his favorite, the bride - Princess E. Dolgoruky. The real power was in the hands of A. Osterman. Peter II fell aspass and died on the eve of the wedding. With his death, the genus of Romanovs in the male line was interrupted. He was buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Anna Ioannovna 1693 - 1740

Anna Ioannovna was born on January 28, 1893 in Moscow, 21.10.1740 in St. Petersburg, Russian Empress in 1730-1740, died. Daughter of Tsar Ivan V Alekseevich and P. Saltykova, Petra I. niece. In 1710, he was married to the Duke of Kurlyandsky Friedrich-Velhem, soon widowed, lived in Mitava. After the death of Emperor Peter II (did not leave the testament), the Supreme Secret Council at the meeting at the Lefortov Palace at 19.01.1730 decided to invite Anna John to the throne. In 1731, Anna Ioannovna issued a manifesto about a nationwide oath to the heir. 08.01.1732 Anna Ioannovna along with the courtyard and the highest state. Institutions moved from Moscow to S.- Petersburg. The power during the reign of Anna John was in the hands of a leaving from Kurlendia E. Biron and his gender.

Ivan Vi Antonovich 1740 - 1764

John Antonovich was born 12.08.1740, killed - 07.07.1764, Russian emperor from 10/15/1740 to 25.11.1741. The son of Anna Leopoldovna and Prince Anton Ulrich Brantschwetsg-Brener-Luneburg, the greatness of King Ivan V, the grand-nephew of the Empress Anna John. On November 25, the daughter of Peter I - Elizabeth Petrovna came as a result of the palace coup to the authority. In 1744, John Antonovich was exiled to Kholmogory. In 1756 transferred to the Shlisselburg fortress. On July 5, 1764, Lieutenant V. Mirovich tried to release John Antonovich from the fortress, but unsuccessfully. The guards killed the prisoner.

Elizabeth Petrovna 1709 - 1762

Elizaveta Petrovna was born on 12/18/1709 in the village of Kolomna, near Moscow, died on 12/25/1761 in St. Petersburg, Russian Empress in 1741-1761, daughter of Peter I and Catherine I. entered the throne as a result of the palace coup 25.11.1741, during which is representatives of the Braunschweig dynasty (Prince Anton Ulrich, Anna Leopoldna and John Antonovich), as well as many representatives of the German Party (A. Osterman, B. Minich, etc.) were arrested. One of the first actions of the New Board was an invitation from the Holstery of the nephew Elizabeth Petrovna Karl Ulrich and the announcement by his heir to the throne (the future emperor Peter III). In fact, the head internal politicians With Elizabeth, Petrovna became Count P. Shuvalov.

Peter III Fedorovich 1728 - 1762

Peter III was born 10.02.1728 in Kiel, killed 07.07.1762 in Ropsch under St. Petersburg, the Russian emperor from 1761 to 1762. The grandson of Peter I, the son of the Duke of Halstein-Gottopskaya Charles Friedrich and Zesarean Anna Petrovna. In 1745, he married a princess of Sofia Frederic Angular Anhalt Cercier (future empress Ekaterina II). Having entered the throne on December 25, 1761, immediately stopped hostilities against Prussia in a seven-year war, gave all the conquest to his admirers of Friedrich II. Anti-national foreign policy Peter III, disregard for Russian rites and customs, the introduction of Prussian orders in the army caused opposition in the guard, which was headed by Catherine II. During the palace coup, Peter III was arrested, and then killed.

Ekaterina II Alekseevna 1729 - 1796

Catherine II Alekseevna was born on 04/21/1729 in Shattin, 11.11.1796 died in the royal village (now the city of Pushkin), Russian Empress 1762-1796. It took place from the small Severogoerman prince. Harg of Sophia August Frederick Anhalt-Crebst. Received home education. In 1744, it was caused to Russia with the Empress Elizabeth Pertovna Empress, baptized by orthodox custom Under the name Catherine and the bride of the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich (the future emperor Peter III), with whom he was married in 1745. In 1754, Catherine II gave birth to a son, the future of Emperor Paul I. After Peter III, who was more hostile, her position was Shaky. Relying on guards shelves (A. Orlovy et al.), 06/28/1762 Catherine II made a bloodless coup and became autocratic empress. The time of Catherine II is the dawn of the favoritism characteristic of the European life of the second half of the 18th century. After parting at the beginning of the 1770s with the city of Orlov, in subsequent years, the empress changed a number of favorites. To participate in solving political issues, they are usually not allowed. Only two of the well-known favorites - Potemkin and P. Zavodovsky - became large statesmen.

Paul I Petrovich 1754 - 1801

Paul I was born on 09/20/1754 in St. Petersburg, killed - 12.03.1801 in the Mikhailovsky Castle of St. Petersburg, Russian emperor 1796-1801, Son Peter III and Catherine II. Brought up at the court of his grandmother Elizabeth Petrovna, who had to make him the heir to the throne instead of Peter III. The main teacher of Paul I was N. Panin. Since 1773, Paul I was married to the princess Hesse-Darmstadskaya Wilhelmina, after her death from 1776 - Princess Sophia Dorothey Württemberg (in Orthodoxy Maria Fedorovna). He had sons: Alexandra (in the future Emperor Alexander I, 1777), Konstantin (1779), Nikolai (in the future Emperor Nicholas I, 1796), Mikhail (1798), as well as six daughters. In the Wednesday of Guards officers, a conspiracy was contemplated, which was aware of the heir to the throne Alexander Pavlovich. On the night of March 11-1 on March 12, 1801, the conspirators (Count P. Palen, P. Tooth and others) penetrated into the Mikhailovsky castle and killed Paul I. Alexander I joined the throne, in the first week of his reign, who returned many asked by their father And destroying a lot from his innovations.

Alexander I Pavlovich 1777 - 1825

Alexander I was born 12.12.1777 in St. Petersburg, died on 19.11.1825 in Taganrog, the Russian emperor 1801-1825, the eldest son of Paul I. In the will of his grandmother Catherine II, he was educated in the spirit of the 18th century enlighteners. His mentor was Colonel Frederick de Lagarp, a Republican in convictions, the future figure of the Swiss revolution. In 1793, Alexander I married the daughter of Marcgraf Badensky Louise Mary Augustus, who took the name Elizabeth Alekseevna. Alexander I inherited the throne after the murder of his father in 1801, made widely conceived reforms. The chief executor of the social transformation of Alexander I became in 1808-1812. His State Secretary M. Speransky, who reorganized the ministry, created the state. Council and spent financial reform. In foreign policy, Alexander I participated in two coalitions against Napoleonic France (with Prussia in 1804-05, with Austria in 1806-07). Were defeat under Austerlitz in 1805 and Friedland in 1807, concluded the Tilzite world of 1807 and the Union with Napoleon. In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia, but was defeated during the Patriotic War of 1812. Alexander I, at the head of the Russian troops, together with the allies in the spring of 1814 entered Paris. Was one of the leader Vienna Congress 1814-1815. According to official data, Alexander I died in Taganrog.

Nicholas I Pavlovich 1796 - 1855

Nicholas I was born on 06/25/1796 in the royal village, now Pushkin, died on 02/18/1855 in St. Petersburg, Russian Emperor (1825-1855). The third son of Paul I. from birth recorded in military service, Nicholas I was brought up by Count M. Lamsdorf. In 1814, for the first time visited abroad russian army Under the command of the elder brother Alexander I. In 1816, he made a three-month-time journey through European Russia, and from October 1816 to May 1817 he traveled and lived in England. In 1817 he married elder daughter Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II Princess Charlotte Frederica Louise, who accepted the name Alexandra Fedorovna. Under Nicolae I, the monetary reform of the Minister of Finance E. Kankrin was successfully carried out, ordered money circulation and defending backward Russian industry from competition.

Alexander II Nikolaevich 1818 - 1881

Alexander II was born on April 17, 1818 in Moscow, killed 03/01/1881 in St. Petersburg, Russian emperor 1855-1881, son Nikolai I. His teachers were General Merder, Cavelin, as well as the poet V. Zhukovsky, who instilled Alexander II Liberal views and romantic attitude to life. 1837 Alexander II committed a long journey through Russia, then in 1838 - by country Western Europe. In 1841 he married the princess of Hesse Darmstadskaya, who took the name of Mary Alexandrovna. One of the first acts Alexander II was the pardon of exile Decembrists. 02/19/1861. Alexander II issued a manifesto on the release of peasants from serfdom. Under Alexandra II, the accession of the Caucasus to Russia was completed and its influence in the East was expanded. Russia included Turkestan, Amur region, Ussuriy region, Kurilsky is in exchange for southern part Sakhalin. He sold Americans Alaska and Aleutian Islands in 1867. In 1880, after the death of Empress, Maria Alexandrovna, the king entered a morganatic marriage with the princess Catherine Dolgoruk. A number of attempted Alexander II was committed to the life of Alexander II, he was killed by a bomb abandoned by the Peace of Peace I. Grinevitsky.

Alexander III Aleksandrovich 1845 - 1894

Alexander III was born 02.26.1845 in the royal village, died 10/20/1894 in Crimea, Russian emperor 1881-1894, son Alexander II. Mentor Alexander III, who had a strong influence on his worldview, was K. Victorious. After the death of the elder brother Nicholas in 1865, Alexander III became the heir to the throne. In 1866, he married the bride who faded his brother, daughter danish king Christian IX Princess Sofia Frederic Dagmar, who took the name of Mary Fedorovna. During the Russian-Turkish War, 1877-78. He was a commander of a separate Rushchki squad in Bulgaria. Created a voluntary fleet of Russia since 1878, which became the core of the country's merchant fleet and the reserve of the military fleet. Having entered the throne after the murder of Alexander II 03.03.1881, the draft constitutional reform was abolished, signed by his father immediately before his death. Alexander III died in Livadia in Crimea.

Nicholas II Aleksandrovich 1868 - 1918

Nicholas II (Romanov Nikolai Aleksandrovich) was born 05/19/1868 in Tsarskoye Selo, Rastreyan in 07/17/1918 in Yekaterinburg, the last Russian emperor 1894-1917, the son of Alexander III and the Danish Princess Dagmara (Mary Fodorovna). From February 14, 1984, he was married to Alexander Fedorovna (nee Alisa Princess Hessian and Rhineskaya). Daughters Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, Son Alexey. Entered the throne 10/21/1894 after the death of his father. 02.27.1917 Nicholas II, under pressure from the highest military command, renounced Priwol. 03/08/1917 was "deprived of liberty." After coming to power to the Bolsheviks, his content was sharply strengthened, and in April 1918, the royal family was translated into Ekaterinburg, where it was placed in the house of N. Ipatyev's mining engineer. On the eve of the fall of Soviet power in the Urals, in Moscow it was decided to execute Nicholas II and his relatives. The murder was instructed by Yurovsky and his deputy Nikulin. The royal family and all the approximated and servants were killed on the night of July 16 on 07/17/1918, the shooting occurred in a small room on the lower floor, where the victims were headed under the pretext of evacuation. According to the official version of the decision to murder royal family It was accepted by Uralovovet, who was the approach of the Czechoslovak troops. However B. last years It became known, Nicholas II, his wife and children were killed in direct instructions of V. Lenin and Ya. Sverdlov. After the remaining of the royal family, it was also discovered by decision of the Russian government on July 17, 1998. They are buried in the tomb of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Russian orthodox Church Abroad ranked Nikolai II to the face of saints.

For almost 400 years of existence of this title, it was completely different people - from adventurers and liberals to tyranov and conservatives.


Over the years, Russia (from Rurik to Putin) changed the state system many times. At first, the rulers wore a princely title. When after the period of political fragmentation around Moscow there was a new Russian stateThe owners of the Kremlin thought about adopting the royal title.

It was under Ivan Grozny (1547-1584). This decided to marry the kingdom. And this decision was not accidental. So the Moscow monarch emphasized that he was the successor that they gave Russia Orthodoxy. In the XVI century of Byzantium, there was no longer existed (she fell under Natius Ottomans), so Ivan Grozny rightly believed that his act would have a serious symbolic meaning.

Such historical persons like this king provided big influence on the development of the whole country. In addition, Ivan Grozny changed the title, he also captured Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate, starting Russian expansion to the east.

Son Ivan Fedor (1584-1598) was distinguished weak character and health. Nevertheless, under it, the state continued to develop. Patriarchate was established. The rulers have always paid a lot of attention to the question of the throne. This time he got up particularly acute. Fedor had no children. When he passed away, Rurikovsky's dynasty on the Moscow throne was pretended.

Time of Troubles

After the death of Fedor, Boris Godunov came to power (1598-1605) - his Shurin. He did not belong to the reign surname, and many considered him usurper. With it, due to natural cataclysms, a colossal hunger began. The kings and presidents of Russia have always tried to keep calm in the provinces. Due to the intense situation, Godunov could not be done. There were several peasant uprisings in the country.

In addition, the adventurer Mushka Refreysov called himself one of the sons of Ivan the Terrible and began a military campaign to Moscow. He really managed to capture the capital and become king. Boris Godunov did not live up to this point - he died from health complications. His son Fyodor II was captured by Falsitria's associates and killed.

The impostor of the rules is only a year, after which he was overthrown during the Moscow uprising, the inspirationors of which were displeased Russian boyars, who did not like that Lhadmitry was surrounded by the Catholic Poles. I decided to transfer to the Crown Vasily Shui (1606-1610). IN Vague times Russian rulers often changed.

Princes, kings and presidents of Russia should have carefully protected their power. Shuisky did not keep her and was overthrown by Polish interventories.

First Romanovs

When Moscow was liberated from foreign invaders in 1613, the question arose about who to make the sovereign. This text presents all the kings of Russia in order (with portraits). Now it's time to talk about climbing the throne of the Romanov dynasty.

The first sovereign from this kind - Mikhail (1613-1645) - was quite a young man when he was planted to rule a huge country. His main goal was the struggle with Poland for the Earth captured during the turmoil.

Such were the biographies of rulers and dates of the board until the middle of the XVII century. After Mikhail, his son Alexey (1645-1676). He joined Russia left-bank Ukraine and Kiev. So, after a few centuries of fragmentation and Lithuanian rule, fraternal peoples finally began to live in one country.

Alexey had many sons. Senior of them, Fyodor III (1676-1682), died at a young age. After him, the simultaneous reign of two children is Ivan and Peter.

Peter the Great

Ivan Alekseevich was unable to manage the country. Therefore, in 1689, the sole reign of Peter the Great began. He completely rebuilt the country to the European manner. Russia - from Rurik to Putin (consider all rulers in chronological order) - knows few examples so richly rich variables of the era.

Appeared new Army. and fleet. For this, Peter began the war against Sweden. 21 years lasted the Northern War. During her, the Swedish army was divided, and the kingdom agreed to give up their southern Baltic lands. In this region in 1703, St. Petersburg was founded - the new capital of Russia. The successes of Peter forced him to think about changing the title. In 1721 he became an emperor. However, this change did not cancel the royal title - in the ordinary speech of monarchs continued to call the kings.

The era of palace coups

For the death of Peter, a long period of the instability of power was followed. The monarchs replaced each other with enviable regularity, which was facilitated at the head of these changes, as a rule, there was a guard or certain congestion. In this era, the rules of Catherine I (1725-1727), Peter II (1727-1730), Anna John (1730-1740), Ivan VI (1740-1741), Elizaveta Petrovna (1741-1761) and Peter III (1761-1762 ).

The last of them was a German by origin. With the predecessor of Peter III Elizabeth, Russia led a victorious war against Prussia. The new monarch refused all the conquests, returned Berlin to King and concluded a peace treaty. By this act, he signed himself a death sentence. Guard organized next palace coupAfter which the spouse of Peter Catherine II was on the throne II.

Catherine II and Paul I

Catherine II (1762-1796) possessed a deep government mind. On the throne, she began to keep politics of enlightened absolutism. The Empress organized the work of the famous laid commission, the purpose of which was to prepare a comprehensive draft reform in Russia. She also wrote an order. This document contained many considerations of transformations necessary for the country. The reforms were minimized when in the 1770s in the Volga region broke out a peasant uprising under the leadership of Pugachev.

All kings and presidents of Russia (in chronological order, we listed all royal specimens) that the country looks worthily looked at the external arena. It was no exception. She spent several successful military campaigns against Turkey. As a result, Crimea and other important Black Sea regions were attached to Russia. At the end of the reign of Catherine, three sections of Poland occurred. So Russian empire Received important acquisitions in the West.

After death great Empress Her son Paul I (1796-1801) came to power. This smoke man did not like many in the St. Petersburg elite.

First half of the XIX century

In 1801, the next and last palace coup took place. A group of conspirators dealt with Paul. His son Alexander I (1801-1825) was on the throne. His board had to Patriotic War And the invasion of Napoleon. Rulers russian state Already two centuries did not come across such a serious enemy intervention. Despite the seizure of Moscow, Bonaparte was defeated. Alexander became the most popular and famous monarch of the Old World. He was also called the "liberator of Europe".

Inside its country, Alexander in his youth tried to implement liberal reforms. Historical faces often change their policies with age. So Alexander soon refused his ideas. He died in Taganrog in 1825 in mysterious circumstances.

At the beginning of the board of his brother Nicholas I (1825-1855), the Decembrists rebellion occurred. Because of this, for thirty years, conservative orders were triumphed in the country.

The second half of the XIX century

Here are all the kings of Russia in order, with portraits. Then we will talk about the main reformer of the Patriotic statehood - Alexander II (1855-1881). He became the initiator of the manifesto on the liberation of peasants. The destruction of serfdom allowed to develop russian market and capitalism. Economic growth began in the country. The reforms also affected the judiciary, local government, administrative and conscript systems. Monarch tried to raise the country on his feet and assimilate those lessons that he presented to the lost played under Nicolae I.

But the radicals were little reforms Alexander. The terrorists attended his life several times. In 1881, they achieved success. Alexander II died from a bomb explosion. News has become a shock for the whole world.

Because of the son of the deceased monarch, Alexander III (1881-1894), forever became a tough reactionary and a conservative. But most of all he is known as a peacemaker. During his reign, Russia did not spend a single war.

Last king

In 1894, Alexander III died. Power passed into the hands of Nicholas II (1894-1917) - his son and the last Russian monarch. By that time, the old world order with the absolute authority of the kings and kings was already outlined. Russia - from Rurik to Putin - knew a lot of shocks, but it was with Nikolai who happened more than ever.

In 1904-1905 The country survived a humiliating war with Japan. The first revolution followed it. Although the unrest were suppressed, the king had to make concessions to public opinion. He agreed to establish constitutional monarchy and parliament.

The kings and presidents of Russia at all times came across a certain opposition within the state. Now people could choose deputies that expressed these moods.

In 1914, the first began world War. No one then suspected that she would end in the fall of several empires at once, including the Russian. In 1917 broke out February RevolutionAnd the last king had to renounce the throne. Nicholas II, together with his family, was shot by the Bolsheviks in the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg.

It is officially believed that the word "king" comes from the Windscory CEASAR, and the kings are called the kings only because Caesarians were called in Rome of all emperors, starting with Guy Julia Caesar, whose name eventually became nominative. However, in Russian from the Roman CEASAR, a completely different word happened - the word "Caesar" is exactly the case, through [to], was read in those ancient times this name. The word "king" comes from ancient words "DZAR", it meant that it was a red glow of a split metal, and in this meaning turned into the word "heat", as well as Zar, and in this meaning from the word "dzar" and dawn, and glow, and even a zarry.
Remember the golden man bursting in 1969 in Issyk Kurgan? Judging by his dress, it was a jar, and, in the scales like a fever, he really posed visual example Gray man.
Approximately in the time of the time of the same people, whose representative was buried in the Issyk Kurgan, was the Queen Zarina. Zarina it was called Persian, but in his native language, which can be called Scythian, it was called jar.
The names of Zarina and Zara are still popular in the Caucasus. There is also his male analogue of ZAUR.
In modern ossetian language, which is considered a descendant of Scythian, the word zærinæ means gold, and in Sanskrit, in which "DZ" has turned into "x", gold like हिरण्य (chirana).
The word CEASAR is akin to the word "kosar" and named he was so for the reason that his mother's belly was dismissed by the most oblique, as a result of which Caesar was born.
The kings on Russia were traditionally called ingenic rulers - first the Byzantine Vasilevs, to which the Hellenized version of the Caesar name, which sounded as καῖσαρ was not used for a long time, and then to the Ordan Khanam.
After the dominance in our territory passed from the Horde to Moscow, the kings began to unofficially call the Moscow great princes - first Ivan III, and then Vasily III. However, only Ivan IV, who was submitted later to Grozny, assigned this title officially, since in addition to the Moscow principality, he also owned two recent kingdoms - Kazan and Astrakhan. Since 1721, Russia has become an empire, the royal title and became the main title of the Russian monarch.

All Russian kings from Ivan Grozny to Mikhail last


Kary. Board period Notes

Simeon II Bekbulatovich

Ivan Grozny was appointed, but after some time they were shifted.

Fedor I Ivanovich

The last representative of the Rurikovsky dynasty. It was so religious that he considered the married relationship with sinful, as a result of which he died childlessly.

Irina Fedorovna Godunova

After the death of her husband was proclaimed by the queen, but the throne did not accept and went to the monastery.

Boris Fedorovich Godunov

The first king from the dynasty of Godunov

Fedor II Borisovich Godunov

The last king from the Godunov dynasty. Together with the mother strangled with the archers who switched to the side of Falgestmitria I.

Lhadmitry I.

According to the generally accepted version of the universities, Yuri Bogdanovich, in the opinion of some historians, really surviving after the attempted Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich.

Vasily Ivanovich Shuysky

Representative of the princely kind of Shui from the Suzdal branch of Rurikovich. In September 1610, he was issued to the Polish hetman Zolkevsky and died in Polish captivity on September 12, 1612.

Vladislav I Sigismundovich Vaz

It was called up to the kingdom of the sevenboyarschina, but in Russia, it was actually never joined in Russia and was not in Russia. From his behalf, the authorities carried out Prince Mstislavsky.

Mikhail I Fedorovich

The first king from the Romanov dynasty. The actual ruler until 1633 was his father of Patriarch Filaret.

Alexey I Mikhailovich

Fedor III Alekseevich

He died at 20 years old, not leaving the heirs.

Ivan V Alekseevich

From April 27, 1682 rules in conjunction with Peter I until September 1689, the country is actually the rules of Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna. All the time was considered severely sick, which did not prevent marry and to have eight children. One of the daughters, Anna John, was subsequently an empress.

Peter I Great

From October 22, 1721 the position of the head of state began to be called the Emperor All-Russian. Cm.:

Ekaterina I.

Peter II.

The Son of Peter Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich.

Anna Ioannovna

Daughter Ivan V Alekseevich.

Ivan Vi Antonovich

The great-grandfather of Ivan V. entered the throne in a two-month age. Rentaurants with him were Ernst Johann Biron, and from November 7, 1740 is his mother Anna Leopoldovna.

Peter III

Grandson of Peter I and Catherine I, the son of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna and the Duke of Holstein-Gottorpsky Charles Friedrich.

Catherine II Great

Sofia August Frederick Anhalt-Crestcois, wife Peter III. I became an imperitian, overthrowing and killing her husband.

4. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (17.04.1894-11.09.1971)

Soviet state and party leader. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1958 to 1964. Hero Soviet Union, Three times the hero of socialist labor. The first laureate of Shevchenko Prize, the years of the Board 07.09.1. (Moscow).

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was born in 1894 in the village of Kalinovka Kursk province in the family of Shakhtar Sergei Nikanovich Khrushchev and Ksenia Ivanovna Khrushcheva. In 1908, having moved with his family to the Assumption mine near the Yuzovka, Khrushchev became a student of a locksmith at the factory, then he worked as a mechanic at the mine and as Shakhtar was not taken to the front in 1914. In the early 1920s, he worked at the mines, studied at the work faculty of the Donetsk Industrial Institute. Later was engaged in economic and party work in the Donbas and Kiev. From January 1931, he was at the party work in Moscow, in the years he is the first secretary of the Moscow regional and city committees of the Party - MK and MGC WCP (b). In January 1938, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine was appointed. In the same year she became a candidate, and in 1939 - a member of the Politburo.

During World War II, Khrushchev held the post of political commissioner of the highest rank (a member of the military councils of a number of fronts) and in 1943 he received the title of Lieutenant General; led partisan movement Behind the front line. For the first time post-war years He headed the government in Ukraine. In December 1947, Khrushchev again headed the Communist Party of Ukraine, becoming the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine; He held this post before his move to Moscow in December 1949, where he became the first secretary of the Moscow Committee of the Party and Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Khrushchev initiated the consolidation of collective farms (collective farms). After the death of Stalin, when the chairman of the Council of Ministers left the post of secretary of the Central Committee, Khrushchev became the "master of the" part of the party, although until September 1953 did not have the title of the first secretary. In the period from March to June 1953 attempted to capture power. In order to eliminate Beria Khrushchev, he went to the Union with Malenkov. In September 1953, he took the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. In June 1953, the struggle for power began between Malenkov and Khrushchev, the victory in which Khrushchev won. In early 1954, he announced the beginning of a grandiose program for the development of virgin lands in order to increase production of grain, and in October of the year he headed the Soviet delegation in Beijing.

The most striking event in Khrushchev's career was the XX Congress of the CPSU, which took place in 1956. At the closed meeting, Khrushchev made a condemnation of Stalin, accusing him in the mass destruction of people and erroneous politics, barely ended with the liquidation of the USSR in the war with Nazi Germany. The result of this report was unrest in the Eastern Block countries - Poland (October 1956) and Hungary (October and November 1956). In June 1957, the Presidium (previously Politburo) of the CPSU Central Committee was organized a conspiracy with the aim of shifting Khrushchev from the post of the first secretary of the party. After his return from Finland, he was invited to a meeting of the presidium, which the seven votes against four demanded his resignation. Khrushchev convened the Plenum of the Central Committee, who canceled the decision of the Presidium and resigned the "Anti-party group" Molotova, Malenkov and Kaganovich. He strengthened the Presidency with his supporters, and in March 1958, he took the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers, taking into his hands all the main levers of power. In September 1960, Khrushchev visited the United States as the head of the Soviet delegation on general Assembly UN. During the Assembly, he managed to carry out large-scale negotiations with the heads of governments of a number of countries. In his report, the Assembly contained calls for universal disarmament, the immediate elimination of colonialism and the adoption of China in the UN. During the summer of 1961, the Soviet foreign policy became more severe, and in September, the USSR interrupted a three-year-old testing moratorium nuclear weaponsBy conducting a series of explosions. On October 14, 1964, Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU Khrushchev was exempted from the duties of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. He was changed, who became the first secretary of the Communist Party, and, who became Chairman of the Council of Ministers. After 1964, Khrushchev, retaining his place in the Central Committee, essentially resigned. Khrushchev died in Moscow on September 11, 1971.