Ivan Kupala Day is considered one of the main Slavic holidays. It is celebrated on the night of July 6-7. This summer holiday has a long history and many traditions and customs.

Ivan Kupala is a holiday of the Sun. It was believed that summer reached its peak on this day. This day was associated with a decrease in solar activity. In the Slavic calendar, this holiday is marked as the day when the Sun began to “fade away”.

Traditions and customs on Ivan Kupala

On this day, according to Slavic beliefs, evil spirits left all reservoirs and forests. Having bathed on this day, it was possible to be cleansed. Water on Ivan's night was considered healing.

It was customary among the people to pour dirty water on passers-by on this day, so that they would hurry to the reservoir for a complete purification of the soul and body.

On this day great power received two natural elements - Fire and Water. Therefore, it was customary not only to bathe, but also to burn bonfires, which were called cleansing. It was believed that the higher you jump over the fire, the more happiness and prosperity you will attract. Ivanov fire had a special magic power, with its help, they got rid of old problems, illnesses and adversities.

Another important tradition for the holiday of Ivan Kupala was the collection of field herbs. Women went to the field, collected such herbs as Ivan-tea, St. John's wort, wormwood, chamomile and other plants. All the herbs collected that day were endowed with magical powers. They were dried and kept in the house. These plants protected from damage and the evil eye, could heal any disease and expel evil spirits from the house. They were also used in rituals and rituals.

Of course, the most beautiful and vibrant tradition on Ivan Kupala is round dances, singing and festivities. The youth gathered on the outskirts, led round dances, played and guessed.

Signs and superstitions on Ivan Kupala

Many amazing superstitions and legends are connected with this day.

  • Anyone who finds a blooming fern on the night of Ivan Kupala will be happy and rich. This rare flower will help you find treasure and gain untold wealth. For the fern, you need to go closer to midnight. Exactly at 12 o'clock it begins to bloom. According to folk beliefs, the one who was lucky enough to find such a fern needs to quickly pick a flower and leave the forest without looking back.
  • Nettles were placed on the threshold of the house. This helped protect your home from evil spirits, curses and diseases for the rest of the year.
  • If on the day of Ivan Kupala you climb over 12 different fences and make a wish, then it will come true.
  • If on this holiday you take a steam bath in a bathhouse and properly whip with a birch broom, then you can expel any diseases from your body.

The celebration of Ivan Kupala Day in our time is, first of all, a tribute to our centuries-old traditions and customs. But do not take this holiday as an atavism of the past. What if you are lucky enough to find a flowering fern? Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Night on Ivan Kupala is one of the most unusual summer events that we have to celebrate soon. Having learned about folk signs and traditions associated with this holiday, you can spend it not only correctly, but also with benefit.

Probably, many of you have heard about the amazing traditions and folk signs associated with the night on Ivan Kupala. Our ancestors knew that during this period, everyone can attract health, wealth and love into their lives, but for this it is necessary to celebrate this event correctly, observing all important customs. Dailyhoro.ru site experts will tell you about the most popular and lesser known traditions that must be observed on the night of Ivan Kupala in order to find happiness.

Customs of the holiday of Ivan Kupala

Traditionally, the ancient pagan holiday Ivan Kupala begins to be celebrated at night from 6 to 7 July. On this day, it is necessary to observe all traditions, as well as conduct rituals to gain what you want. In 2018, the holiday falls on the night from Friday to Saturday.

Kindling a fire is an old holiday tradition. Earlier in this period, young men and women went out into the street, arranged noisy festivities and jumped over the fire. Mothers who wanted to save their child from a serious illness burned his shirt at the stake so that the child would recover as soon as possible. Couples in love, before jumping over the fire, held hands and did not let go of each other. If during the jump they continued to hold their soulmate by the hand, it means that a wedding awaits them soon.

On the eve of the holiday, girls who wanted to get married wove wreaths and let them flow along the river. It was believed that the farther the wreath floats away, the faster the girl will find her love. If he drowned, there will be no wedding in the near future.

In Rus', the main symbol of Ivan Kupala was a fern. At midnight, the most courageous people went in search of a flower in the very depths of the forest in the hope of finding it and changing their lives in better side. According to popular belief, whoever finds a fern flower on the night of July 6-7 will be able to fulfill any of their desires.

Despite the fact that many people were engaged in the search for a fern, not everyone had a chance to see it in reality. There is an opinion that this is a large red flower that glows in the dark, so some call it "fiery".

It is believed that it is on this holiday that water is endowed with unusual properties. According to one of the traditions, the one who is doused with water on the night of Ivan Kupala will be happy and healthy throughout the year.

On the holiday, not only water, but all nature acquired special properties. That is why at this time it is customary to collect herbs and prepare decoctions and infusions from them, with which you can get rid of any, even the most serious ailments.

Folk signs on the night of Ivan Kupala

As you already understood, the holiday of Ivan Kupala is mystical. Many folk omens they say that at this time the evil spirit is especially active, and everyone can become its victim.

To learn about the feelings of a lover, on the night of July 6-7, the girls wove wreaths, decorated them with lit candles and released them down the river. If the wreath has sunk, the feelings of the betrothed have cooled down, so you should not marry him.

It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala, witches become dangerous and go in search of their victim. To protect yourself and your loved ones from them, you need to put nettles or ferns on the threshold, and then they will not be able to harm you.

At night, girls need to go outside, pick up flowers and put them under the pillow, and count them in the morning. If you have accumulated 12 different herbs, a wedding awaits you soon.

According to legend, at this time, evil spirits could enter any dwelling and harm the household. To protect themselves, on the night of Ivan Kupala, they collected water and sprayed the walls of the house with it.

If you suffer from physical or mental ailments, you must drink a glass of pure water and soon you will feel much better.

Rites on the night of 6 to 7 July

There are many effective rituals that must be carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala. If you want to gain wealth, you need to put a few bills on the pillow, and in the morning take them out and wave them, creating the feeling that there are a lot of them. Thus, in the near future you will be able to improve your financial situation.

Rites for love are still the most popular, and you can conduct them from July 6 to 7. To do this, you need to go to the nearest body of water, draw water and say: "Let magic water will wash me and reveal all the secrets of love to me". Leave the water on all night and wash it in the morning. Try to sincerely believe in what you can find true love and then soon you will meet your soul mate.

IN old times the celebration of Ivan Kupala was not complete without kindling bonfires. With their help, many rituals were performed, including those aimed at fulfilling desires. To do this, you need to kindle a small fire, write your dreams on a piece of paper, starting with the cherished ones, and then burn the piece of paper with the words: "How quickly the paper burns out, so my wishes come true". After that, it is advisable to go home and not talk to anyone until sunrise.

On this holiday, everyone will have the opportunity to get rid of problems and change their lives, but for this you should not neglect spectacular rites and rituals. With their help, you can gain prosperity and well-being without much effort.

Ivan Kupala Day is one of the most mystical holidays of the year. At this time, it is especially important to observe age-old customs and follow traditions: with their help, you can attract good luck and prosperity into your life.

Ivan Kupala Day according to the old style is celebrated on June 24th. However, over the centuries of mixing pagan and Christian culture, the date of one of the strongest holidays of Kologod has moved to July 7 - the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

The church meaning of the holiday was closely mixed with the folk one, and the strongest traditions and proven signs have survived to this day in almost unchanged form.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to make a big fire and jump over it with the person you are in love with: the fire will help kindle feelings in the heart of a lover or lover.

Jumping over a fire alone can cure diseases and give good luck for a whole year.

In a fading fire, it is customary to burn old clothes and all things related to events or people that you wish to forget. It is believed that the flame of the Kupala bonfire is able to purify energy and destroy unnecessary bindings.

Another invariable tradition of the festive night is night swimming in a lake or river. After jumping over the fire, an unmarried girl must jump into the water so that her flower wreath from her head floats on the water.

Weaving wreaths is an obligatory custom of this holiday. The most cherished desire, after which the wreath is allowed to flow along the river.

At the dawn of the Kupala day, you need to collect the first dew: it is believed that with its help you can protect the house and family from evil witchcraft. They also washed themselves with this dew in order to “wash away” illnesses and evil words spoken in the back.

Going to the bathhouse on this day is not only an extremely useful, but also energetically powerful action: you need to brew healing herbs in the bathing water: nettle, yarrow and mint. With a diluted decoction, you need to wash your hair and body: this rite will help get rid of the evil eye and damage.

On Kupala noon, it is customary to pour water on everyone you meet: this action is designed to cause rain.

Light, “mushroom” rain on Ivan Kupala means favor Higher powers, while a thunderstorm indicates that Heaven is angry with people.

It is believed that St. John's wort has a special power on Ivan Kupala: the collected herbs are collected in brooms and hung on windows and front door from the outside. Hanged in the right way, St. John's wort bouquets are able to protect the house from evil spirits.

Young to Kupala married couple it is necessary to cook and eat cabbage soup from nettle together: this dish will strengthen family bonds and save love from someone else's envy.

On Kupala night it is customary to look for a magical fern flower: a person who finds a fern blooming for just one minute will receive tremendous creative power.

To meet the Kupala dawn is a great happiness for the whole year.

In the evening on Ivan Kupala, you need to set the table and have dinner with the whole family: such a meal strengthens and preserves the energy field of the family.

Folk omens about happiness will help you not to miss the favorable signs of fate. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.07.2017 04:16

July 7th is one of the most mystical days of the year - the feast of Ivan Kupala. IN...

The ancient pagan holiday, celebrated on the day of the summer solstice, is familiar to everyone. He is known as best time for girls to tell fortunes about the betrothed and feel all the magic of the Kupala night. People have long attached special mystical meaning to the day of Ivan Kupala. Nowadays, the holiday is traditionally celebrated on the seventh of July. So what is all the magic of Ivan Kupala hidden in and what traditions, signs and fortune-telling are inherent in him?

history of the holiday

The celebration was celebrated even at a time when Christianity did not come to the Slavic lands. It is dedicated to the summer solstice, as well as the period of the most magnificent flowering of nature. In some regions, Ivan Kupala was also associated with Vodyany's name day. Many years ago, the holiday did not take place on the seventh of July at all. It was celebrated a little earlier - from the twenty-second to the twenty-fourth of June.

On the night of the sixth to the seventh of July, it was customary not to go to bed. The reason for this was not at all the danger of evil spirits, which was active that night. People tried to take advantage of every minute of this magical night to find out their future, improve their health and even improve their financial situation. That's how many important things had to be done, because everyone was not up to sleep.

Orthodox and believers also know that the feast of John the Baptist falls on this date. On this day, it is customary to pray for the recovery of children, as well as those who regularly suffer from severe migraines.

The history of Christian Rus' makes it clear that the holiday combines both pagan and Orthodox traditions. It was believed that Kupala is a deity of the Slavic pantheon, but this is a mistake made several centuries ago. The original meaning of the holiday of Ivan Kupala has not survived to this day.

Celebration of Ivan Kupala in the old days

The main part of the solemn events took place in the evening and at night. However, on the afternoon of the sixth of July, our ancestors also had occupations and traditions. A prerequisite was to swim before sunset. At the same time, accept water procedures was allowed both in baths and in natural sources. For the parka in the bath, it was necessary to use medicinal herbs, which were customarily collected the day before.

Centuries ago, such bathing was traditionally shared. In lakes and rivers, where all sorts of evil spirits were supposedly found, like mermaids and mermen, springs were usually illuminated, and only bathed in them. They protected people from evil spirits. The reason why people took such baths in Ivan Kupala was considered the magical power of healing. People rejuvenated and protected themselves from various ailments. Until the second of August, which marks the celebration of Ilyin's day, evil spirits completely leave the waters.

On the sixth and seventh of July it was not customary to work. People traditionally went to the forest to collect medicinal herbs. The magical effect of herbs was familiar to almost everyone, and on this day it was amplified several times. People believed that on Ivan Kupala, plants communicate with each other, and trees move from one place to another.

Villagers tried to stock up on herbs for the whole year. They are designed to protect not only from evil spirits, but also help restore health, youth, and also increase their own attractiveness. Various amulets were also made from herbs, which were supposed to save from evil people, animals, evil spirits and natural disasters.

Wormwood was considered one of the most popular herbs, as it could protect a person from mermaids and mermen. If you do not have this plant with you, then it is very easy to become their victim.

On the seventh of July, dew was also collected, which helped men and women rejuvenate and improve their health. Collected dew they also sprinkled their dwellings to drive away all harmful insects.

Cultural and entertainment events were organized in the villages. The youth, together with their children, competed in sports competitions, made amulets with their own hands, and also decorated their homes with plucked flowers and plants.

The fire was kindled only at night, therefore, in the daytime, round dances were held around the Kupala tree. A Kupala tree is a cut down or ordinary tree that grows in a convenient place. He was beautifully decorated and dressed up. The felled tree at the end of the celebration was usually burned or drowned in the river.

Residents of villages, which this year were noticed for violating moral standards, were subjected to public ridicule and scolding on Ivan Kupala. At that time, many things that are considered the norm today caused condemnation. Songs were also written about such people.

As the sun approached, people began to make fires. As it is right, the place for the fire was chosen on a hill. It was also necessary to take into account that everyone wishing to celebrate could fit in the clearing. As a rule, there were a lot of such people.

All women were supposed to be near the fire, otherwise they were suspected of black witchcraft. If some lady refused to do this, they poured ice water over her and beat her with nettles.

The youth were the main participants in the evening and night festivities. Close to the fire were also young couples who got married this year, and girls who wanted to preserve their youth and find love faster.

Mothers whose children are very ill burn their clothes on the Kupala fire, thereby wishing that the fire would take away their illness.

It was necessary to make a fire on Ivan Kupala according to tradition. It was believed that this should be done with the help of friction. To honor the memory of their ancestors, this tradition is observed to this day, although it is quite difficult and requires skill. The fire had to be very high, it was customary to install poles in its center. Barrels, wheels and even skulls were often hung on these poles. It is accepted that one of the oldest inhabitants of the village should have been responsible for kindling the fire.

People danced and sang around the Kupala fire, danced and just had fun. These are the most common and common traditions for all Eastern Slavs. However, depending on the region, they differed somewhat. In Belarus, young people went from yard to yard and begged for things that the owners did not need, which they then burned at the stake. They also took with them glasses and old wheels, which they set on fire from a fire and rolled down the hill.

In the morning, the girls wove wreaths and wore them on their heads all day. In the evening they used them for divination and let them drift along the river. The future of the girl predicted how long this wreath would float, how long the candle would burn out, and how the wreath would float the farthest. The wreath, of course, was woven from medicinal herbs.

As morning approached, the youth spread fire throughout the houses of the village. From him, the inhabitants had to light a fire in the furnaces. According to old beliefs, the sacred fire was supposed to protect the home from negativity, cleanse it from sins that had accumulated over the whole year. The ashes from the fire were also carried around and not thrown away until the next holiday.

Marriage ceremonies are an important component of the Ivan Kupala holiday. Girls and young people sought to find their betrothed with the help of original rites. Couples jumped holding hands over a lit fire, exchanged wreaths and even played weddings.

Sex and Ivan Kupala

Sexual relations on the night of Ivan Kupala in the old days were not considered sinful. On the contrary, sex was part of the wedding ceremony. Since then, even preserved famous proverb"Kupala got married." Until the tenth century in Rus', such marriages were an ordinary and legal thing. However, when Christianity came to our lands, the tradition ceased to be relevant.

Nowadays, some people talk about the tradition of having sex with the first person they meet on the night of Ivan Kupala in the forest. In this case, the refusal of sexual intercourse is prohibited. However, this is more fiction than a tribute to old traditions.

It was believed that children conceived on this magical night would be happy and successful in life. They will be lucky in everything they decide to do. They will have good health and long life.

Nowadays, most people believe that sex on Ivan Kupala can cure problems associated with the reproductive system, make marriage happier and get rid of frigidity.

Common Rites

The main components of the rituals on the night of the seventh of July are water, plants and fire. The main goal of these ceremonies since ancient times was the cleansing of negativity, gaining health and continuing youth.

People jumped over the fire to get rid of all the bad things that had been pursuing throughout the year, to cleanse themselves and become better. Everything that they wanted to get rid of and forget was burned at the stake. They continue to do the same today. You can simply write on a piece of paper all your problems and what worries you. Throw the leaf into the fire. To enhance the effect, you need to take part in Kupala round dances and dances. As you dance and spin, repeat your wish to yourself and ask for good luck and a burning fire. It always works!

Do not forget to pay tribute to traditions and swim in the pond during daylight hours. If this is not possible, then at least take a bath at home. If you have the opportunity to go out into nature early in the morning and collect fresh dew, great. Wash yourself with it, sprinkle your house, bed, dishes. Draw water from the well and leave to infuse. Throw a few coins into it for the whole night, and it is likely that wealth will await you in the near future! Don't forget to wash your clothes. On this day she will type useful properties, will improve well-being and will even save from many ailments.

An integral part of the holiday is the collection of herbs, which you should not forget. Look for such useful herbs as wormwood, nettle, water lily, loosestrife, elecampane and others. Make an amulet or a wreath out of them, put it on your head or hang it in your house. It will surely bring you luck or love.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is a part of the holiday that girls especially love. They are quite simple, so anyone can conduct them. Basically, they are designed to determine the future of the girl - will she find her love in the coming year, will she get married, etc.
If you want to know if you're getting married this year, you need to do the following: pick a lot of wild flowers and put them under your pillow. After waking up the next day, you need to get the flowers and count the number of varieties. If there are twelve or more species, then you are lucky and the wedding will still take place. If there are less than twelve of them, then alas, you are not destined to get married this year.
Divination for a betrothed is a popular girlish entertainment. Unmarried girls wove wreaths and set off on the night of Ivan Kupala to the river. Every girl should let the wreath down the river. The further he sails away, the happier and more joyful you will be in the new year. The longer the candle burns, the longer your life will be. If the wreath immediately stuck to the shore or just got tangled among the reeds or branches, then you will not get married this year. If the wreath sinks, then your beloved has fallen out of love with you or will soon stop loving you.
Since it was customary to go to the bathhouse on this day, brooms also served as a method to find out fate. Each girl or each guy threw a broom behind his back. The direction in which he fell meant that it was in that direction that fate lived.
Chamomile divination is another popular fun for girls. You need to take two flowers. The first will characterize you, and the second your beloved. Understanding the future is very simple - if they are drawn to each other, then the future is determined and you will soon get married. If not, then you will be separated soon.
At night, this summer holiday, go alone to any body of water and quietly say your cherished desire. Take a small stone and throw it into the water. Count the circles that spread across the water. If there is an even number of them, then soon your wish will come true. If not, he is not destined to be fulfilled.

Signs on Ivan Kupala

In the old days, there were many signs regarding the holiday. For example, a woman was forbidden to eat cherries until Midsummer. If a girl ate at least some berries before the sixth of July, then a terrible fate was predicted for her: her children would die in infancy. Two days before Kupala was Ulyanovsk day. They traditionally cooked porridge with cherries on it.
It was believed that on the night of the seventh of July, witches acquired special powers and went hunting. Therefore, everyone considered it necessary to protect himself from them. To do this, fresh nettles are collected and placed on the windowsills at each window. You can also use St. John's wort and wormwood.
The fern flower, which blooms only in a year, was traditionally searched for on the Kupala night. It is very difficult to find it, but it is believed that it can give a person many skills - for example, to see buried treasures, open locks, and even gain power over animals.
The plant Ivan da Maria, according to legend, was once a brother and sister. Between them arose love affair, because they were turned into a two-color plant. It is believed that if you find and pick this flower on the morning of the sixth of July, put it in the corners of your home, you can protect your family from theft and deceit.
Previously, people believed that even the most cherished desire can come true in the following way: a person must climb over the fences of twelve gardens and not get caught. This is difficult to do now, as most people live in apartment buildings. However, before all the guys were fond of this activity, they often climbed over fences even in large companies for fun.
If a girl and a guy jump over a high fire together and do not open their hands, then they will be happy. living together And fast wedding. If on a sacred night two lovers bathe in a river or lake, they will never part again. They said that the water on Ivan Kupala has magical properties and brings people together.

Thus, the bright and positive holiday of Ivan Kupala is dedicated to water, fire and some plants. The elements created by nature at this time are filled with positive energy and help a person in his desires - to get health, preserve youth, find love.

Kupala- one of the oldest Slavic festivals, directly related to the summer solstice, the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. Accordingly, this event is celebrated on June 23-24. This year the solstice will take place today, June 21, at 19:38 Moscow time. After this point, the days begin to decrease, the Sun loses its power.

Lita, Ligo, Midsam, Midsommar, Mean Samhraidh, Kupala, Midsummer Day / Night, Jonsok, Kupala, is a pagan folk holiday celebrated in Russia, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine. Midsummer Day has an old tradition of celebrating almost all over Europe. Before baptism, the feast of Ivan Kupala was timed to coincide with the summer solstice (June 20-22, old style). With the adoption of Christianity, the holiday began to be celebrated on the birthday of John the Baptist - June 24, according to the old style. With the transition to a new style John the Baptist's date of birth moved to July 7 XX-XXI centuries). In this regard, the birthday of John the Baptist has lost its astronomical correspondence to the solstice and has nothing to do with it.

The name of the holiday arose as a result of the gradual imposition (in the process of Christianization) of the name church day in memory of John (Ivan) the Baptist (John the Baptist) on the ancient pre-Christian (Slavic) holiday of Kupala, dedicated to the pagan god Kupala, which is timed to coincide with the shortest night (June 21-22).

Midsummer Day is filled with rituals associated with water, fire and herbs.
Bathing on Ivan's Day is a nationwide custom, but in some regions the peasants considered such bathing dangerous, since on this day the birthday man is a water man himself, who cannot stand it when people climb into his kingdom, and takes revenge on them by drowning any careless. On this holiday, according to popular belief, water can be friends with fire, and their union is considered a natural force.

The main feature of the Kupala night is cleansing bonfires. They danced around them, jumped over them: whoever jumps more successfully and higher will be happier. In some places, livestock was driven through the Kupala fire to protect it from pestilence. In Kupala bonfires, mothers burned shirts taken from sick children so that diseases would burn along with this linen. Youth and children, jumping over the fires, made noisy funny Games and racing.

Be sure to play in the burners. According to the beliefs of the peasants, in Kupala, the most short night, you can’t sleep, because all evil spirits come to life and become especially active - witches, werewolves, mermaids, sorcerers, brownies, water spirits, goblin.

A characteristic sign of Ivan Kupala is the numerous customs and legends associated with the plant world. Herbs and flowers collected on Midsummer's Day are placed under Ivan's dew, dried and preserved, considering such herbs to be more healing. They fumigate the sick with them, fight evil spirits, they are thrown into a flooded oven during a thunderstorm to protect the house from a lightning strike, they are also used to kindle love or to “dry out”.

main character flora on Midsummer's Day, a fern became, with which legends about treasures were everywhere associated.

With the fern flower opening for just a few moments at midnight on Midsummer Day, you can see all the treasures, no matter how deep in the ground they may be. In pre-revolutionary Russia, Ivan Kupala was one of the most revered and important holidays of the year, the entire population took part in it, and the tradition required the active inclusion of each participant in the celebration in all rituals and the obligatory implementation of a number of rules, prohibitions and customs.

Folk beliefs and customs

On the night before Ivan Kupala, the girls lower wreaths with lighted splinter or candles on the river waves, weave wreaths from Ivan da Marya, burdock, Bogorodsk grass and bear's ear. If the wreath sinks immediately, it means that the betrothed has fallen out of love and cannot marry him. Whoever's wreath floats the longest will be the happiest of all, and whoever's splinter burns the longest, she will live a long, long life.

On Midsummer Night, witches become more dangerous, and therefore nettles should be placed on the threshold and on the windowsills to protect yourself from their attacks. It is necessary to lock up the horses so that the witches do not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: the horse will not return alive from there.
- On the Kupala night, the trees move from place to place and talk to each other through the rustle of leaves; animals and even herbs talk among themselves, which are filled with a special, miraculous power that night.

If that night you pick Ivan da Marya's flower and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not come to the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers plants) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to the hostess.

At midnight, without looking, you need to pick up flowers and put them under your pillow, and in the morning check if twelve different herbs have accumulated. If you have enough, you will get married this year. A tripartite (plantain) is placed under the head, saying: “Triputnik-fellow, you live by the road, you see the young and the old, tell me my betrothed!”

If you climb over the fences of twelve vegetable gardens on Midsummer's Day, any wish will come true. (Everything will come true, especially if you manage to escape from angry gardeners in time)

Signs on Ivan Kupala

On the night before Ivan Kupala, the girls lower wreaths with lighted splinter or candles on the river waves, curl wreaths from Ivan da Marya, burdock, Mother of God herb and bear's ear. If the wreath sinks immediately, it means that the betrothed has fallen out of love and cannot marry him. Whoever's wreath floats the longest will be the happiest of all, and whoever's splinter burns longer, she will live a long, long life! (Girls, before performing this ritual, it is worth experimenting with various combustible materials and choosing something that lasts the longest :).