One of the most famous and prestigious schools in the world is called Eton College, but this is not a university, but a secondary educational institution that members of the royal family trust in the education of their children.


The school was founded by the decree of King Henry VI as an educational institution that will train future students of King's College, Cambridge University. In the Middle Ages, the school was famous for its Spartan upbringing and strict daily routine. By the 21st century, the rules have softened, but discipline is still considered essential for raising a true gentleman.

Eton is also known for its close relationship with the British royal family. The school, located next to Windsor Castle, has always enjoyed the patronage of royalty, and among its graduates were the heirs to the throne, including Prince William and Prince Harry.

Notable Alumni: scions of many royal houses of Europe and children of the British nobility, future military leaders and statesmen, including 20 Prime Ministers of Great Britain, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, writers Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and Ian Fleming, businessman and politician Sir James Goldsmith, studied at Eton, Antarctic explorer Lawrence Oates, politician Alan Clarke, composers Thomas Arne and Hubert Parry and actor Hugh Laurie, best known for his role as Dr. House.


Eton is often referred to as the "incubator lord" and the "gentleman's factory". Indeed, the majority of students are children. the mighty of the world this, and a tight parental wallet for admission to Eton is not enough - they take offspring from noble families who will show excellent results in entrance exams. Previously, there were even so-called. “house lists”, where the children of Eton graduates were recorded immediately after birth. Today there are no such lists, but it is not uncommon for students to meet those whose fathers and children were also Etonians.

An Etonian is not just wealth and a title, excellent education and manners, a formal suit and even a special accent by which graduates of a prestigious school recognize each other. This is a special philosophy of life and some snobbery, to which, however, Etonians have every right.

Eton is made up of 25 colleges. One of them is attended by King's Scholars, who pay tuition no more than 10% of the cost or study completely free of charge. The students of the remaining 24 colleges are called Oppidans, and they, more precisely, their parents, pay for education out of their own pocket. There are usually no more than 70 Royal Scholars at Eton, and there are 50 more at each Oppidan College. Classes are not as small as you might expect from an elite private school: 20-25 people each. However, no more than ten people remain in each class by graduation: studying at Eton is not easy.

Eton is also known for its theaters, in which students put on several plays a year. It is believed that the study of dramatic art is the same mandatory component of the training of a gentleman, like history and cricket.

Teaching language: English, about ten foreign languages ​​are also studied

Training program: British educational program

Subjects studied

Literature, foreign languages, history, physics, chemistry, mathematics, natural sciences, music, painting, martial arts and sports. Eton offers a large selection (about 50) of additional items.

Age of students: 13-18 years old

Admission conditions

Not all Britons can enter Eton, let alone foreigners. It is not enough to be fluent in English, to know English literature and history - those who meet the school's idea of ​​a real gentleman are taken to Eton. It is very difficult to get to Eton right away from another country, so if you want a bright future for your child, it is better to prepare for the storming of Eton in advance and enroll the boy in a preparatory boarding school in the UK at the age of 7.

You can study at Eton from the age of 13, but already at the age of 11 (the application must be submitted no later than the date when the applicant turns 10 years and 6 months old), those who want to get into an elite school must pass a preliminary selection. It consists of an interview, a critical thinking test (reasoning test) and a transcript of grades received at school. Boys who pass this stage and receive a conditional place at Eton, at the age of 13, must pass the entrance exams.

As a rule, one third of applicants who apply at the age of 11 receive an invitation to take the exam in two years. The rest are put on a waiting list and can get access to the exam in case someone changes their mind about entering Eton and withdraws their candidacy.

Parents of boys admitted to the entrance examination must pay a fee of £1,600, of which £1,100 is a deposit that will be refunded when students reach 18 years of age.

Eaton sends registration forms for applying on request.

Cost of education: 30 thousand pounds per year


There is a chance to get into Eton thanks to the Royal (King's Scholarship) or Music Scholarship (Music Scholarship). The competition is fierce in both cases.

Applicants for the Royal Scholarship must pass four compulsory examinations (English, mathematics, science and general examination) and three examinations in elective subjects (history, geography, theology, French, Greek, Latin, advanced mathematics). If a child has passed the pre-selection at 11 years of age and has been admitted to the entrance examination, has passed the exams for the Royal Scholarship with excellent marks, then he can be exempted from the general entrance examination, but not in all cases.

There are others besides the traditional Royal and Musical Scholarships, however please note that they may not be awarded permanently and on the basis of additional requirements(for example, the applicant's country of origin), in addition to academic and musical achievements. For applicants with Russian roots, there is a scholarship from the Tsukanov Family Charitable Foundation (Tsukanov Foundation), which is allocated annually to two or three students.

The current leader of the British opposition and Eton alumnus David Cameron dreams of being 19th. Mayor of London since May 5 - Boris Johnson is an Eton graduate.

Eton College is located 30 km west of London, on the banks of the Thames, next to the Royal Windsor Castle. The official status of the school is a private boarding school for boys aged 13 - 18. The tuition fee is £24,490 or $50,000 per year. In total, 1300 students study at Eton, some do not pay a penny for education, being honorary royal scholarship holders.

College history

Eton College was founded in 1440 by order of King Henry VI of England. The mission of the college was to prepare future students for King's College, Cambridge University, also founded by Henry VI a year later.

Archival records from the middle of the 16th century contain information about the Spartan daily routine of students at Eton College. The young men got up at 5 am, read a prayer, and by six o'clock in the morning had to be in the classroom. Teaching in those days was conducted in Latin. At exactly 8 pm, the students returned to their rooms and after prayer went to bed. During the day, medieval students were fed only twice, and on Fridays there was strict post. The holidays were not easy either - 3 weeks at Christmas, during which the students stayed at the college, and three weeks in the summer, when they could finally go home.

Throughout the history of the college, its inextricable connection with the British royal house has been observed. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the college has always been under the special patronage of the royal family, and, secondly, the fact that the college is actually located a few steps from royal palace Windsor. King George III, who occupied the throne for 60 years from 1820 to 1820, lived in Windsor for almost his entire life. He often went to the college to "chat" with professors and students. The future British monarch Prince William, as well as his younger brother Prince Harry, are Eton graduates.

Eton in the 21st century

Despite its almost 600-year history, modern Eton College is equipped in the style of the XXI century. The faculties of physics, chemistry and biology will bypass many universities in terms of the quantity and quality of experimental facilities. Education acting skills is held on the basis of its own theater for 400 seats, with professional light and sound. At the Design and Technology Center, students design new models of racing cars. Young musicians have unique opportunity work in a professional recording studio. The faculties of foreign languages ​​amaze with the richness of choice: today 150 students study Chinese, 70 - Japanese, 50 - Arabic. European languages ​​are included in the compulsory school curriculum, there is also a faculty of Russian language and literature.

Eton main street leading from Windsor Bridge to Eton College

Eton is a full-fledged boarding school. College accommodation - in single rooms equipped with the Internet and a fiber optic computer network. Every college student has their own laptop.

All kinds of sports can be practiced at the school. However, the most popular are traditional football, rugby, cricket. According to the results of the final exams A-levels, Eton consistently takes first place in the British rating tables. And this is not surprising: after all, the selection for admission to college is quite tough. Despite the fact that they enter college at the age of 13, boys take their first entrance exams at the age of 10-11. Selected lucky ones must pass the "second round" at the age of 13, which includes exams not only in such traditional subjects as mathematics and physics, but also in history, geography, French, Latin, religions and exact sciences.

How to enter Eton for a foreign student

Eton College Schoolyard

Due to the complex and lengthy college admission process, it is not easy for an international student to get into Eton. In addition to practically fluency in English, it is also necessary to have the skills to pass exams and write tests, a good knowledge of English literature, the ability to “think” and “act” as is customary in English private schools. The only way to prepare a boy from another country to enter Eton is to bring him to England at the age of 7-9 years and place him in one of the preparatory (preparatory school) boarding schools, where he will study with English children who are being prepared for admission at Eton under a special program.

see also

  • Private School Ranking 2007 (GCSE)
  • Private School Ranking 2007 (A-Levels)


  • Official website of the British Council, Education section (Russian)
  • Articles and information about private education in England (Russian)

Coordinates : 51°29′30″ s. sh. 0°36′31″ W d. /  51.491667° N sh. 0.608611° W d.(G)51.491667 , -0.608611

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

For boys aged 13-18. All students live in a boarding house on the territory of the college. In total, about 1300 students study here. The college is located in the town of the same name Eton (Eaton), Berkshire (Berkshire), near the city of Windsor near London.

Eton is rightfully considered the most famous college in the UK. Eton is one of the "nine" best and oldest schools in Britain. The college was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI with the aim of teaching 70 boys from poor families to enter the University of Cambridge, created, by the way, by the same king. College education was then free. Ironically, from a free college for boys from poor families, Eton has become one of the most prestigious and expensive educational institutions in England.

The no less famous and best in those days Winchester College, located in the City of Winchester, in the west of England, served as a model for creating a college. The structure and programs of study were completely copied, and even the first deans and the rector were ordered by the king to be transferred from Winchester.

Henry VI, who, as you know, paid a lot of attention to education, when creating Eton, transferred a huge plot of expensive land to the college, since education in the college was planned in the spirit of Christian traditions, several church relics and artifacts were transferred to the college, including elements of the True Cross and the crown of thorns . The College was also given the English Manuscripts of the Apocalypse. On the territory of the college, the construction of the longest, at that time, the College Chapel church was started.

During the reign of Henry VI, the college enjoyed unprecedented privileges, but the situation changed dramatically when King Edward IV ascended the English throne in 1461. Most of the privileges were cancelled, most of the relics were removed from the college and placed in the treasury of Windsor Castle. The construction of the church was stopped, and now it is more than 2 times shorter than what was planned under Henry VI.

The college has preserved the best traditions of educating its students to this day. At one time, many famous people of their time studied at the school. 19 college graduates, including David Cameron, have become British Prime Ministers. Both studied here British princes William and Harry.

The college accepts boys at the age of 13. There is also the possibility of going to college at the age of 16 for the program A level. Parents planning to enter in the future should pay attention to the list of schools graduates who go to Eton. The college officially provides this list, for more detailed information, please contact the specialists of our company.

Eton College is full member several organizations at once: associations of directors and directors of The Headmasters "and Headmistresses" Conference (HMC), Eton Group (Eton Group), and international association"School G20", which once again underlines its level and prestige.

The school is regularly inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate ( ISI), last tested in 2010. According to the results of the audit, the school received the following marks:

  • for the academic success of children - "Excellent"
  • for the quality and organization of the curriculum - "Excellent"
  • for the organization of extracurricular education - "Excellent"
  • for the quality of teaching - "Excellent"
  • for the level of upbringing and development of children - "Excellent"
  • for the quality of child care - "Excellent"
  • for learning conditions, child care and safety - "Excellent"
  • for the quality of school management - "Excellent"
  • for the level of education and accommodation in the boarding house - "Excellent"
  • for work with parents - "Excellent"

In an independent reference book " The Good Schools Guide" about the school it is said: "Until now, the number 1 school for boys. The facilities and teaching staff are amazing. Eton trains bright and successful young people with self-respect, and in fact the school is much more modern than many think about it."

According to The Sunday Times, the college was ranked 14th in 2013 and 8th in 2012 among the best independent schools in the UK, and the college was also ranked 7th in 2013, and 5th in 2012, according to the results of the Pre-U exams .

The school accepts children of all religions and faiths. The official religion at the school is Anglicanism.

Location. Address. Web site.

The college is located in the eponymous town of Eton near the city of Windsor near London.

Full address of the school:

Eton College

Extracurricular activities. Sport.

Extra-curricular activities in the college are planned taking into account the individual needs and inclinations of each student. From a huge list of all kinds of clubs, sections and circles, each student can choose classes to his liking. Clubs organized in the college:

  • astronomy
  • archeology
  • chess
  • singing
  • informatics
  • cooking
  • electronics
  • foreign languages
  • riding
  • business
  • oratory
  • bridge
  • applied arts

Great attention is paid to the physical development of students in the college. Sections have been created and are constantly operating at Eton:

  • athletics
  • basketball
  • badminton
  • martial arts
  • riding
  • volleyball
  • gymnastics
  • rowing
  • climbing
  • squash
  • shooting
  • swimming
  • fencing
  • football
  • tennis
  • and many others

School equipment.

Eton College is well equipped and well-equipped, it has modern laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology, a design and technology center, a 400-seat theater, a professional recording studio, sports fields, playgrounds and a sports complex with a swimming pool. On the Thames, the boys are rowing and canoeing.


Eton College is traditionally a boarding school, that is, all students live on campus. More than 20 residential premises have been specially built here for this purpose. Boys live in rooms one at a time. Boys are settled according to age. Their life is constantly monitored by a "housemaster".

Enrollment. Required documents.

Most Eton students enter at the age of 13. Previously, there was a rule for registering children in college from birth. Recently, this tradition was abolished and everyone has the opportunity to enter the college. As you might expect, college competition is quite high, with an average of 3-4 boys per place.

The admission procedure is different from other educational institutions. Despite the fact that training starts at the age of 13, applications must be submitted at the age of 11. Along with the application, you must pass an interview at the college, pass the entrance exam, and provide an extract and reference from the previous school.

About a third of candidates receive invitations to study and start studying at the age of 13. The rest fall into the so-called Waiting List, and if a place is vacated in the main list, they receive an invitation by mail.

Parents must apply no later than the child reaches the age of 10 years and 6 months. The college adheres to this rule very strictly, so if you have any questions, please contact our specialists for advice.

Cost of education.

£10689 per term

Additional expenses.

  • registration fee
  • School Place Confirmation Deposit
  • semester deposit
  • additional lessons
  • optional excursions and activities
  • airport transfer - depends on the airport
  • guardian - depends on the set of services
  • medical insurance
  • opening a visa - from £ 100

*Prices may have changed since publication. Contact the school or contact us for the latest updates.

Eton College - Eton College

Eton College is a private school in Eton, Berkshire, England. The school was founded in 1440 by Henry VI, King of England. The original college, which were begun in 1441 and completed for the most part about 80 years later, composed of two squares (1) containing the chapel (2), the upper school (for older students) and lower school (for younger), the apartments of officials, the library and the offices. Additions, started in 1846, 1889 and 1908, include the boys’ library, science schools, laboratories, an observatory and 25 boarding houses (3). The curriculum, almost purely classical until the middle of the 19th century, consists predominantly of modem subjects, although students continue to study the classics. Correspondingly, the college facilities have been modernized and include science laboratories, language laboratories, and closed-circuit television systems (4). Preparation is provided for King's guard examinations, and numerous scholarships (5) to universities are available, including six to King's College, at the University of Cambridge. The school has had many distinguished graduates (6), including the British statesman Robert Harley: Great Britain’s first prime minister (1721-1742), Robert Walpole, and his son, the English writer Horace Walpole; the British general and statesman Arthur Wellesley; the poets Thomas Gray and Percy Bysshe Shelley; and the British statesman William Ewart Gladstone. The British biologists John Burdon Sanderson Haldane and Sir Julian Sorell Huxley also attended Eton. The college foundation grants 3 music scholarships and 70 King's Scholarships to students; these students, called Collegers, live in the college. The rest of the students, including music scholars and holders of other bursaries, are called oppidans (Latin oppidanus, ‘dwelling in town’) and board with the housemasters in the town.

Eton College is a private school located in Eton, Berkshire, England. In 1440 King Henry IV of England founded this school. At first, the college buildings, which began to be built in 1441 and were completed as a whole (mostly) after 80 years, consisted of 2 houses of a quadrangular shape, containing a chapel, a senior school (for older students) and elementary school(for younger children), rooms for workers, a library and an office. Subsequently, during restructuring in 1846, 1889 and 1908. a library for young men, study rooms, laboratories, an observatory and 25 houses for students were added. Until the middle of the XIX century. the curriculum was purely classical, now mainly containing modern disciplines, although students continue to study classical subjects. Of course, the educational base of the college has been modernized and contains scientific laboratories, language laboratories, and a video surveillance system. The college provides preparation for the exams for the service in the royal guard, students have the opportunity to receive numerous scholarships, including six for entry into the royal college in University of Cambridge. Many outstanding personalities graduated from this educational institution with a degree, among which statesman Great Britain Robert Harley, the first Prime Minister of Great Britain (1721-1742 pp.) Robert Walpole; English writer Horatio Walpole; General and statesman of Great Britain Arthur Wellesley, poets Thomas Gray and Percy Bysshe Shelley; as well as the British statesman William Evwarth Gladstone. British biologists John Bourdon Sanderson Halden and Julian Sorel Huxley also studied at Eton. The college provides 3 scholarships for those who study music and 70 royal scholarships for other students; they are called "Collegers" (Etonian Scholars) and live on campus. Other students who study music and a variety of fellows and grant holders are called "Oppidans" (Eton College students who rent an apartment) who live and eat in the city.


1. quadrangle ["kwɔdræŋgl] - quadrangle
2. chapel ["ʧæp (ə) l] - chapel
3. boarding houses - boarding house (a house where rooms with meals are rented)
4. closed-circuit television systems - video surveillance system
5. scholarship - scholarship
6. distinguished graduates - outstanding graduates


1. What is Eton?
2. When was it founded?
3. Who founded Eton Collage?
4. What does the curriculum consist of?
5. Who were the most distinguished graduates from Eton?

School characteristics

Eton College was founded in 1440 by Royal Charter of Henry VI. It was created as an educational institution, giving free education for 70 poor boys who would go on to study at King's College, Cambridge.
Today, Eton is not just a private boarding school for boys aged 13-18, selected on a competitive basis. This is one of the most famous educational institutions in the world, a real forge of personnel for the preparation of the political, cultural and scientific elite of the country, the "cradle of leaders" and the best of the 9 oldest privileged schools in the UK. From the walls of Eton came 19 British Prime Ministers, including the first Prime Minister Robert Walpole; conqueror of Napoleon at Waterloo, Duke of Wellington; the owner of one of the oldest publishing houses in the world, Harold Macmillan and the current head of government, David Cameron.
Eton College has traditionally brought up generations of British and foreign aristocrats, including members of the royal families. The current heirs to the British throne - Princes William and Harry - also graduated from Eton.
College graduates were writers Henry Fielding, Aldous Huxley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Orwell; famous actors Jeremy Brett (Sherlock Holmes) and Hugh Laurie (Worcester and Dr. House), famous scientists: physicist Robert Boyle, Nobel Laureate 2012, geneticist John Gurdon, founder of macroeconomics John Keynes and many others.
In the twenty-first century, the goal of the college is to give students modern education with preservation centuries old traditions that have become an integral part of the legendary educational institution.

School location

The school is located in the small town of Eton on the left bank of the Thames, next to Windsor Castle, not far from Heathrow Airport, 30 kilometers from London.

Features of admission

Usually boys enter Eton at the age of 13. To do this, you must register before the student is 10.5 years of age and take a pre-test at 11 years of age. It includes an interview, an assessment test mental abilities and reference from the previous place of study. Approximately a third of applicants offer a conditional place at Eton. It will need to be confirmed by passing a serious qualifying exam at the age of 13. A small number of boys who were not given a conditional place will be able to attend college if they win the competition for a royal or music scholarship.
A few boys can enter Eton at the age of 16 under a special program for scholarships from among students in British schools. Soon, this opportunity will be provided to several students on a paid basis. The old system, under which a future Etonian was enrolled at birth in a college, was abolished a few years ago.
It is extremely difficult for a foreign student to enter Eton: you need not only to be fluent in English, to know English literature perfectly, but also to have a number of skills and mental skills developed in English schools. In Britain, there are educational institutions that conduct targeted preparation for entering Eton College from the age of 7-9. The only way to become a student of the legendary college is to take a preliminary course of preparation in such a boarding school.

Number and age of students

The school has about 1,300 students, all full board. The student-teacher ratio is 8:1. Age from 13 to 18 years.

According to the latest report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate, Eton provides an exceptional quality of education. College students achieve high academic standards through ambitious enquiries, stimulating learning, and first-class resources.
Surprisingly, the school is not engaged in drill and "training". The administration is convinced that the so-called "additional education" (electives, courses, sports, circles, social life, entertainment, etc.) has great value for the education of the future political and cultural elite, as it contributes to personal growth, the development of leadership qualities and the acquisition of extremely important skills. Therefore, the academic load in the college is less than in many other educational institutions (35 lessons per week of 40 minutes each), and academic performance is immeasurably higher. According to the schedule, the boys have 7 lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 5 lessons on Tuesday and Thursday and 4 lessons on Saturday. Between classes there are breaks for lunch, lunch, sports games and rest. The class size is from 10 to 25 people.
Director of Eton College Tom Little believes that two things make Eton unique: the unprecedented wide opportunities provided to students, and an individual approach to each student.
Although the college is private school(tuition costs about 30,000 pounds a year), there is a developed system of scholarships that can be provided to gifted students. Every year, about 130 students become scholarship holders of various foundations. About 40 of them study absolutely free of charge, and some are even given financial assistance for the purchase of uniforms or out of pocket expenses. One of the many scholarships was founded by the Igor and Natalia Tsukanov Family Foundation for musically and academically gifted children from Russia and the former Soviet republics.
From the very moment of its foundation, Eton has been patronized by the royal family. Once a week, young men attend church (College Chapel), but students are accepted to school regardless of religion. The college values ​​​​its reputation, therefore, reserves the right to suppress any cases of violence, alcohol and drug use and other facts of misbehavior - up to and including exclusion from the educational institution. Fellows can also be expelled from Eton if they do not live up to expectations placed on them or violate the rules of conduct established by the educational institution.
Eton is not just a school. This is a whole world, a real state within a state. Citizens of this state wear special costumes approved in the 19th century (black tailcoat, waistcoat, striped trousers and snow-white tie). They use in everyday communication a language full of words and expressions that only they can understand, and they play sports games that are not known anywhere else in the world. The college owns not only dozens of ancient and modern buildings. He even owns his own island - Queen's Eyot and his own lake - Eton Dorney.
Life at Eton is rich, varied, interesting, challenging, sometimes even exhausting, but above all extremely rewarding. It is hard to imagine a school that could offer great opportunities.

Academic preparation

Education at Eton is divided into 5 blocks, each lasting 1 year.

Year 9 subjects (Block F): English, English literature, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, at least two modern foreign languages ​​(optional: French, German, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Spanish), Latin, theology, history, geography. Items of aesthetic and practical cycles are combined into a single block - MADPID. It includes music, art, design, physical education, ICT, drama. They are taught in double lessons three times a week in a rotation (alternation) mode. That is, students do not study all 6 subjects at the same time, but in a year they master the program for each of them. Some boys also study at will Greek language from 1 to 3 years. In such a case, their MADPID cycle study program is halved. Students may choose to study Mandarin Chinese or Arabic outside of the main schedule. In addition, weekly Classroom hour and occasional lecture blocks. By the end of the year, students must decide on the subjects they will study for the GCSE exams.

Years 10-11 Subjects (Blocks E and D): students, along with the study of compulsory disciplines (English, English literature and mathematics), must choose 8 other subjects (at least two natural sciences and at least one foreign language). Subjects to choose from: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Classical civilizations (either Roman or Greek), Theology, Geography, History, Art (painting, sculpture, ceramics), design and technology (materials science), music, drama. As a rule, Etonians study all three sciences and at least two foreign languages.

Years 12-13 subjects (Blocks C and B): in the first year of study, students choose 4 subjects, in the second year, most students continue to master them, although this is not a mandatory requirement. Some disciplines are divided into 2 parts, the study of which ends with the AS and A2 exams (respectively, at the end of blocks C and B). For a number of subjects in the A-level program and in all disciplines of the Pre-U course, exams are expected only at the end of block B. Eton College offers the following subjects at the A-level: art, Latin, Greek, industrial design, English literature, economics, political science, ancient history, music technology, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, theater studies, geography, history (Middle Ages, Modern, Modern), mathematics, higher mathematics, chemistry, physics, theology.

Pre-U subjects: art history, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, music, biology,
Compulsory for all students of blocks C and B is the course "Perspectives", which includes issues of religion, philosophy, ethics.

School specialization

Eton offers a classical education based on the study of Latin, Greek, ancient history, modern foreign languages ​​and mathematics. The college also provides ample opportunities for mastering the subjects of the aesthetic cycle.
About 98% of graduates annually enter higher education institutions, of which about 30% go to Oxford and Cambridge. Eton graduates choose a wide range of majors. English, history, economics and management, foreign languages, theology, and philosophy are always popular.

Academic results

Eton continues to deliver outstanding student learning. Exam results in 2012 according to the college:
A-level - grades A *, A, B - 96%; A*, A - 82%; А* - 36% (2012 report data)
Pre-U (in languages ​​and music) - grade 1 (above A *) - 18%, grades 2 and above (between A and A *) - 52%, grades 3 and above (equivalent to A at A-level) - 83 %
GCSE - grades A * - 76%, grades A *, A - 96%, A *, A, B - 99%

School equipment and student leisure

School equipment. Eton College is one of the best equipped schools in the world. Its offices and laboratories are the envy of the world's best universities. The design department has a set of necessary machines, tools and materials for working with wood, metal, plastic and electronics. Modern computers are equipped latest programs image processing and computer-aided design systems.
There are two buildings of the music school in the college, in which, in addition to classrooms, rehearsal rooms, a concert hall, an organ room, there is also a recording studio, a computer class, a studio for rock bands, and an electrical control room for learning to play the guitar.
About 20 theatrical productions are staged annually at Eton under the direction of a specially hired professional director. Performances are held in a full-fledged theater (The Farrer Theatre) with 400 seats, equipped with grate, an orchestra pit and a rotating proscenium. Behind the scenes is a rehearsal room, theater workshop, dressing room, dressing room and spacious locker rooms. The theater is equipped with a highly professional sound and light system, audio and video equipment. There are also two small venues for chamber events - Caccia Studio with 100 seats and Empty Space with 50-80 seats.
Several school libraries are well stocked with books, CDs, periodicals, electronic resources, computers and office equipment; they also have a collection rare books and manuscripts. Hungry boys may be offered tea, coffee or hot chocolate.
Each student is required to have a laptop or tablet as they are an integral part of the learning process at Eton. The entire campus is equipped high speed internet; wireless access is available in every dorm room and in almost every classroom. In their activities, teachers and administration mainly use computers running Microsoft Windows, but there are also ultra-modern representatives of the Apple Macintosh family for teaching music technology, art and design.
For rowing and triathlon in 2006, an artificial reservoir was built on the territory of a 400-acre park - Dorney Lake - on which the world-famous rowing canal was equipped, which was used during the 2012 Olympics in London and was recognized as the best Olympic venue. Eaton spent £17 million on this project alone.
For athletics, students use the huge sports complex TVAC (Thames Valley Athletics Center). The center includes outdoor and indoor athletics tracks, sports and gyms, 4 courts international standard for squash and racquetball, badminton, basketball, mini-football, netball, shot mat bowls, indoor pool and much more.

Sport. At Eton College, all sports activities are divided into "major" and "minor" sports. Depending on the season, the former include: football, rugby, rowing, hockey, athletics, cricket, tennis. In addition, a wide range of other sports is offered: badminton, basketball, bridge, canoeing, chess, croquet, cross-country, dragon rowing, Eton fives, triathlon, fencing, golf, martial arts, climbing, polo, rackets, sailing, shooting, skiing, squash, scuba diving, swimming, table tennis, volleyball, wakeboarding, walgame, water polo, gymnastics, windsurfing. Students choose their favorite sports in each of the two categories and play them from 1 to 3 hours daily, six times a week.

Mugs. Two orchestras, two wind bands, many chamber, jazz ensembles and rock groups, a church and concert choir, learning to play various musical instruments, including organs of the highest class (in total, about 800 schoolchildren study music at Eton). Boys can join one of the 50 societies and clubs in the college. Among them: astronomy, architecture, entrepreneurship, politics, photography, poetry, the UN model, medicine, publishing your own newspaper and many others.

Recreational activities. Evening board games, excursions, concerts, trips to the bowling alley and paintball club, visits to theaters and exhibitions, music and singing competitions, sports competitions. The school participates in activities under the program of the Duke of Edinburgh. Since 1860, the United Corps of Cadets, better known as the Eaton Rifles, has been operating.

Accommodation and food conditions

Accommodation: residence. All boys entering Eton live on the school grounds. Each newcomer joins one of the 25 residence halls that are the center of college life. At the head of each "house" is an experienced senior educator, he is assisted by two more teachers, a housekeeper and a whole staff of attendants. About 50 boys live in each boarding house. Senior students participate in self-government by holding the positions of House Captain and Games Captain. Each child has a separate room, which he has the right to arrange according to his own taste. Students of the sixth form have their own kitchens.

Meals: full board. Half of the hostels eat three times a day in the school cafeteria - Bekynton. The second half of the houses have their own canteens with cooks. In both “houses”, children are also provided with light snacks in the morning, at lunchtime they can make their own sandwiches or something more serious.

Individual Attention: each student has a class teacher for a group of 6 people who is responsible for the academic success, education and comfortable living of the child. The teacher meets with a group of his wards once a week, as well as individually as needed. The mentor together with the student draws up a program of personal growth and development and monitors its implementation. He organizes students' leisure activities - from excursions and performances to games and intimate conversations. In the last two years of study, high school students are allowed to choose their own class teacher of their choice. For the safety of children, the Internet is filtered and turned off at night. Open daily on school grounds. medical Center with qualified staff, each hostel has a registered nurse.

Trimester dates Trimester dates - academic year 2018-2019

Course fee Course fee per person - academic year 2018-2019 in pounds sterling

Additionally paid:

  • Registration fee - £390
  • Entry fee - £2,000
  • Guardianship agency registration fee
  • Guardianship
  • Deposit in the amount of the cost of 1 trimester
  • Testing - 20.000 rubles
  • Services "Chancellor" for admission to school