Where are the incisions...

  • If we are talking about lifting the face and neck (without the need for a forehead lift), the suture begins in the temporal zone, then continues in the “frontal” area - always in front of the tragus, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. Further, it borders the earlobe and goes behind the ear crease to the back of the head.
  • If a classic SMAS lift is performed, which includes the forehead, then the incisions in the temple area should be continued, connecting in the scalp above the forehead. Ideally, not along the hairline, but in parallel, about 5 centimeters higher.
  • The overall size of the suture is not determined by the mood of the patient or the desire of the doctor. It depends on the anatomy of the skull and the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed. If you make them too short, then it will be impossible to completely remove excess fabric. As a result, we do not get a clear right angle chin and neck.
  • In general, it is important to understand that the location of the suture in a facelift is critical. This is a great science, repeatedly tested by the practice of tens of thousands of doctors, hundreds of thousands, millions of operations. If it were possible to find some other way - with very small incisions or that they pass inside the ear, then all surgeons would have operated this way for a long time! But today, all attempts to move away from traditional technology end in failure. So, just the other day, a patient came to me who had a facelift in Belarus. Local "specialists" are apparently also prone to innovation: they made a woman an incision from the corner of her eye to her temple - right in the most visible place! And, of course, there was a scar to eliminate which is now impossible in principle.

...and how to make them right?

The anatomy of our face is very complex - there are bones, and a ligamentous apparatus, and many muscles, and even skin on different areas has a different density, texture and color. It is necessary to work with a scalpel taking into account all these nuances. Only then will it be possible to impose a neat and imperceptible seam in the future.

  • Most often, patients are interested in why the incision is made in front of the tragus, and not behind it, because in the latter case it will be less noticeable? There are good reasons for this. Approximately every 10 years, one of the young plastic surgeons makes a "great discovery" - a new method of facelift, in which the seam is located exactly behind the tragus. In fact, the first such technique was invented by the German plastic surgeon Jacques Josef in 1931. He described this technique in detail in his book, and a couple of years later he was the first to refuse it. The fact is that the skin of the ear is very specific. It is thin, has no pores, and in general, is very different from the skin of the cheek. This problem is especially evident if we make a lifting in this way not for a woman, but for a man. We stretch the cheek on the tragus of the ear and sew it there. What will happen? Well, at the very least, this patient will start to grow a beard on his ear and have to shave it every day. But that's not the worst part. Due to the tension of the skin, an uncharacteristic load will fall on the tragus. After a few months, it will not withstand, deform or even completely disappear!
  • So that the incisions in the scalp are not noticeable, I do not draw them straight, but in the form of an arc that curves at the temples and above the forehead. Such a wavy line does not create a parting where we do not need, and hides perfectly in the hair.
  • Partially, the seams are located in natural folds (for example, in the behind-the-ear area), they also cannot be seen from the side. But a part, inevitably, will pass on the open areas of the face, in front of the ear tragus. For the subsequent concealment of these scars, I use special techniques, which will be discussed later.

Sew so that there are no traces

After the “cutting” has been carried out, taking into account the features of the anatomy of the face and skin in different areas, and completed, it is important to properly suture and care for them. Here, each doctor has his own secrets and methods, which they adopt from their teachers, develop during their lives and pass on to the best of their students.

  • Each section of the incision is sutured differently. - says Dr. Kudinova.- I use threads different thickness and properties, different techniques. For example, in the scalp, it is important not to damage the follicles, so here I do not use an intradermal suture. And when working with an incision behind the patient's ear, it is important to remember that an increased load falls on this area. It is very important that the patient is comfortable during rehabilitation.
  • But the most great attention I, of course, give a seam in the open area in front of the ear. Here the thick skin of the cheek and the thin, delicate skin in front of the tragus meet - it is extremely important to make the cut correctly! When joining the fabrics further, I use several hidden "relief" seams to prevent overload and deformation in this delicate area. Thus, we allow the scar not to stretch and remain as thin as possible. This author's technique was given to me by my beloved teacher,.
  • My own special secret is in the care of the sutures immediately after operations. We remove the threads in open and closed areas not simultaneously, but in stages, at different strictly defined times. We are gradually replacing them with special glues. Thus, we completely avoid the pressure of the threads on the skin and the formation of scars from microdecubitus. As a result, after healing from the incision, there is not the slightest visible trace. This invisible suture technology - my personal know-how - was loved by all my patients. After all, in this way we not only manage to get a spectacular result of facial rejuvenation, but also make sure that no one guesses about the intervention of a plastic surgeon!
  • To form a very thin, inconspicuous seam, many tricks are important. For example, I know that hygiene contributes to this. And I recommend that my patients start washing their hair as early as possible - already on the 3-4th day, you need to wash your hair and free the scar from crusts, which can provoke the formation of microdecubitus and make it rougher.
  • The first week there will be a bandage on the head, and then another 3 weeks I recommend a supportive elastic bandage that fixes the tissues in the correct position. In a month, you can add rehabilitation procedures, but if the surgeon did everything correctly and efficiently, and the patient followed all the recommendations of his doctor, you can do without them. That is, if it is not difficult for you to go to the physio - do it. But if such a trip is difficult for you, inconvenient - that's okay. In this case, the result will not be worse, just rehabilitation will go a little slower.
  • On one site about the life of stars, I recently saw how my client was discussed, famous actress. On several pages of comments, visitors looked at photographs in search of traces plastic surgery. They could not find any traces on the photo or on the video, but nevertheless they came to the conclusion that there was plastic surgery: after all, a woman over 50 cannot look so young! Perhaps this best compliment my work.

Having decided to perform a rhytidectomy - a facelift - it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons, the pros and cons of this operation. The first adviser in this matter is a plastic surgeon, who, after examining the condition of the skin, will determine which methods will be most effective in achieving the goals. Depending on the chosen methods and techniques, the level of development of postoperative complications depends.

There are expected postoperative side effects that always happen after surgical interventions, since the very fact of intrusion into the work of the body causes an instant response on its part to outside interference. We must be prepared for such consequences. Usually these are bruises, microhematomas and swelling.

However, there are complications of a completely different kind that require urgent treatment and can even threaten the patient's life. The absence of serious complications after a facelift and the comfortable course of the recovery period is largely due to the degree vocational training surgeon. Nevertheless, surgeons are not gods, and the patient must know about possible risks and complications to be psychologically prepared. As the ancient sages used to say: “praemonitus, praemunitus” – forewarned, means forearmed.

Classification of complications after rhytidectomy

Thus, all complications are divided into:

  • predictable (early);
  • late heavy.

Early complications include:

  • swelling;
  • bruises;
  • microhematomas.

Predicted or early complications are usually not serious and usually resolve on their own within a few days.

Tissue edema occurs as a reaction of the body to a violation of the integrity of tissues. Edema occurs even with the most minor surgical interventions. Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the face or in the space between the tissues. The cause of edema is the accumulation of lymph as a result of the active work of the human immune system, which is trying to minimize the consequences of surgery.

Much less often, postoperative inflammatory processes can be the causes of edema. As a rule, edema as a result of inflammatory processes is accompanied by high temperature and local hyperemia of the skin.

Running edema can be a formidable inflammatory process and have unpleasant consequences, so you need to know how to quickly eliminate them.

Bruises and microhematomas appear a day later and are often postoperative edema companions. To prevent the development of persistent swelling and bruising, apply and keep cold compresses for 20 minutes, every 20 minutes.

Compresses will help reduce swelling and bruising, as well as reduce the level of discomfort in the face. It should be noted that ice is not applied directly to the skin, but is placed in a special container like a heating pad. Helps to quickly eliminate edema - sleep on a high pillow with a raised head.

Late complications include:

  • bleeding;
  • hematomas;
  • seromas;
  • damage to the facial nerves;
  • flap necrosis;
  • infection and suppuration of wounds;
  • formation of hypertrophic scar tissue;
  • hair loss along the suture line;
  • ear deformity;
  • damage to the parotid glands.

Bleeding is the result of damage to blood vessels during surgery. This complication is often accompanied by pain and swelling. To eliminate bleeding, coagulation of damaged vessels is carried out, as well as revision of suspicious places that can cause bleeding. As a result of bleeding, hematomas may occur. Certain individuals bleed more frequently than others. These people are at increased risk of bleeding because they have problems with blood clotting.

Hematomas are the most common complications after a facelift. Hematomas develop during the first days after surgery. The reason for the formation of hematomas is:

  • high blood pressure;
  • blood clotting disorders as a result of taking certain medicines;
  • damage to blood vessels.

Hematoma is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pains;
  • an increase in tissue volume (edema);
  • feeling of tension;
  • pulsations;
  • redness or blueness of the skin.

In most cases, hematomas pass without a trace, without causing more serious complications.

Small hematomas are punctured with a needle, which is inserted through the surgical wound. Large hematomas require repeated surgical intervention in order to identify the cause of bleeding and reliably stop it. Hematoma treatment consists in removing blood clots, washing the wound and electrocoagulation of damaged vessels. Re-introduce drainage and apply a compressive bandage.

Untimely treatment of a hematoma can lead to very formidable consequences, for example, necrosis of the skin flap. This happens in the case of a rapidly growing hematoma. In addition, the accumulation of fluid is an excellent environment for the growth of microorganisms, which contributes to infection and suppuration of postoperative wounds.

Like a hematoma, a seroma develops in the first hours and days after surgery. The causes of gray are as follows:

  • damage to the lymphatic vessels;
  • the occurrence of inflammatory processes at the sites of damaged tissues;
  • high blood pressure;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.

To prevent the development of this complication, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient before the operation for contraindications to the operation or to eliminate the causes that can cause complications in the future.

Small seromas resolve on their own. In other cases, a puncture or vacuum aspiration is performed to remove fluid, followed by the installation of drainage tubes in the wound.

Damage to the facial nerves is a very common complication after a facelift. As a rule, the large ear nerve is damaged, which is easy to detect in leading edge sternocleidomastoid muscle. In this area, the skin flap becomes thinner. The symptoms of nerve damage are heavy bleeding. Not always attempts to restore the nerve are successful. Failure provokes additional symptoms in the form of local disturbances of sensitivity and formation of a neuroma.

Damage to the motor nerves also occurs, which can lead to paralysis or paresis of part of the face. This is an unfortunate outcome for both the patient and the surgeon. During the operation, it is impossible to know that the nerve was damaged, but if the surgeon noticed this, then it is necessary to try to eliminate its damage by anastomotization (connection).

Fortunately, practice shows that most damage to the motor nerves recovers on its own over time. But if recovery does not occur within one year, then facial tissue reconstruction can be performed: eyebrow raising and eyelid restoration procedures.

Necrosis of the skin flap develops as a result of:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • excessive tissue tension during suturing;
  • improper flap planning;
  • damage to the subcutaneous plexus;
  • some autoimmune and systemic diseases;
  • smoking.

Most often, necrosis occurs in the behind-the-ear and anterior zone. If a facelift is performed at a deeper level with the movement of the SMAS complex, then in this case the risk of necrosis is much less, since a more intensively blood-supplied flap is created and its tension is reduced when the wound edges are sutured.

Repeated mention of negative impact nicotine on the state of blood vessels and blood supply - this is not for the sake of a red word. The risk of developing necrosis in smokers prevails. Studies have shown that in heavy smokers, skin necrosis occurs 13 times more often than in non-smokers.

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus and vascular diseases of the connective tissue can cause circulatory disorders and require serious treatment before surgery.

Necrosis is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • change in skin color;
  • numbness of the face;
  • deterioration in general condition;
  • change in temperature indicators;
  • tachycardia;
  • tissue swelling.

Therapeutic actions consist in the daily treatment of the affected area with hydrogen peroxide and the use of antibacterial ointment. also in without fail undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. At the second tension of the tissue, the necrotic zones heal well. To improve the condition of the area with necrosis, constant monitoring and care of this area is required.

Infection and suppuration of wounds develops, as a rule, as a result of a hematoma that has not been fully cured. And also due to necrosis of the edges of postoperative wounds. This problem is resolved by the following steps:

  • regular treatment of the wound with aseptic solutions;
  • use of drainage systems;
  • using a course of antibiotic therapy.

The formation of hypertrophic scar tissue occurs as a result of suturing the skin flap with its excessive tension. The process of formation of scar tissue hypertrophy appears two weeks after surgery. The cosmetic seam begins to harden, becomes denser and thicker. Such metamorphoses strikingly distinguish it from normal skin. The treatment consists in the use of hormone therapy (steroid injections) and cosmetic hardware procedures (laser, mechanical resurfacing), which can smooth the scar and level it with the skin. Surgical treatment of the scar is used in the most extreme cases.

Hair loss along the suture line. The unevenness of the incision line can contribute to hair loss in the temple area and along the hairline where the incisions were made. Hair loss comes in two forms:

  • local;
  • generalized.

With local hair loss, the areas are located in the temporal and behind-the-ear region. The causes of hair loss lie in damage to the layer of skin in which the hair follicles are located. Hair in the temporal region can be restored by micrograft transplantation. Sometimes the hair follicles can regenerate on their own, but if the flap is sutured with excessive tension and the hair follicles have been damaged, the hair will not grow back. Hair restoration should occur approximately six months after surgery. If during this time they did not recover, then you can think about their transplantation.

A generalized form of hair loss develops as a result of stressful situation. As a rule, a predisposition to general alopecia occurs in women with weak hair follicles.

Deformation of the auricle or in other words "satire's ear" or "devil's ear" occurs if the auricle is located incorrectly. When the ear heals, it sinks down, which contributes to its deformity. The best way to eliminate the defect is V-Y plasty, but it can be done only six months after the main plasty.

Damage to the parotid glands is very rare. The complication is eliminated by suturing the accessible part of the SMAS flap. In case of fluid accumulation, the area is aspirated, drainage tubes are placed, then a rigid bandage is applied.

Psychological risks after rhytidectomy

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body and it is quite natural that the patient may experience psychological problems. There are cases when the operation is performed flawlessly, and the patient is not satisfied with his "new face". Even before the operation, each patient chooses for himself a certain standard of appearance, what he wants to achieve. Striving to conform to his ideal in everything, he does not think about how the fictional ideal is in harmony with his own external data.

Sometimes some inadequate personalities fall into their own trap of “search for the perfect appearance” and constantly try to fix something in themselves. Unfortunately, we all understand well what this leads to, and there are a lot of people who look like frozen masks among public and ordinary people.

In addition, the patient must get used to his new image, and this addiction may be accompanied by difficulties. psychological nature. New appearance may not be accepted by relatives and friends, as well as work colleagues, which can cause disappointment in a person. In addition new look forms a new model in a person social behavior. Therefore, having made a decision about facial plastic surgery, it is necessary to visit not only a surgeon, but also a psychotherapist for psychological support.

How to avoid complications?

Having decided on facial plastic surgery, you need to organize yourself to get a good result.

  1. First, you must clearly define your goals: why do you do plastic surgery and what do you want to achieve with it. Being like someone is not a reason to lie down on the operating table. Also, don't dream about the impossible. It must be remembered that no plastic surgery can turn back the clock and return the face of a 25-year-old girl to a woman. Human body aging - this is embedded in his biological program, the ultimate goal of which is the slow extinction and involutionary degradation of the personality, and the elixir of youth has not yet been invented. But it is in our power to stop the aging process, smooth it out and refresh the external characteristics of the skin.
  2. Secondly, having decided on facial plastic surgery, you need to know exactly your true state of health. This will help in the future to avoid unforeseen complications and unpleasant moments. After all, dreaming about plastic everyone needs good result with minimal risk. If the price of plastic surgery will be one's own health, then what is the point of it? No wonder they say that if there is health, then there is hope, and if there is hope, then there is everything. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify contraindications to the operation. Also, do not dissemble in front of the surgeon and keep silent about your chronic diseases and current state of health.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to clearly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and follow his advice in everything. At this interval of life, he is your God. Listen to his advice in the preoperative period and in no case violate the postoperative regimen, do not skip scheduled examinations and visits to the doctor.
  4. Fourth, choose an experienced professional. Do not be led by advertising and marketing tricks when choosing an aesthetic clinic and doctor. Make sure personally that the surgeon has experience in the practice and has performed a sufficient number of such operations. The recommendations of girlfriends, friends and acquaintances, as well as the queues under his office, are the best indicator of his professional training.

Among other methods of skin rejuvenation, restoring its elasticity and a clear oval of the face, the most commonly used method, which is popular due to its high efficiency and minimum quantity contraindications. Relating to the traumatic methods of circular facelift, rhytidectomy requires strict adherence to the sequence of manipulations and the time required for.

The rehabilitation period may vary depending on the tolerance of the patient's body to this intervention, the ability of the skin to rehabilitate, as well as the time elapsed since the procedure.

Rehabilitation after rhytidectomy

Possessing a high degree effectiveness, even with significant manifestations of negative changes in the skin, rhytidectomy will be safe for the patient and will bring a pronounced positive result when conducting a preliminary analysis of the state of health, the ability of the skin to quickly regenerate. To increase the recovery rate, it may be necessary to conduct a certain therapy, which is expressed in the elimination of the manifestations of existing diseases, increasing the degree of body resistance by taking immunocorrective drugs.

This method of circular facelift should only be performed by a professional plastic surgeon in a well-established medical center, the patient's condition should be monitored by a doctor for several months from the end of the operation. Rehabilitation occupies an important place in obtaining the expected result, its high-quality implementation in compliance with all the doctor's recommendations allows you to save the result for the longest possible time.

Since the result of the rhytidectomy procedure is the elimination of almost all signs of skin aging that are caused by adverse external circumstances and age (ptosis, or drooping of the corners of the mouth and eyes under the influence of gravity, and,), it is prescribed for many negative changes in the skin of the face and neck. The duration of the operation can be different: it depends on the operated area and its size, as well as the degree of manifestation of negative manifestations on the skin. Also, the duration of the operation depends on the type of operation performed: it can be superficial, deep and mixed.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery is described in this video:

Recovery process

The operation of rhytidectomy itself consists of several stages. The preparation process is also important, since the speed of recovery of injured skin, the absence of the possibility of adverse side effects in the form of attached infections, and prolonged healing of surgical sutures largely depend on it.

Before performing a rhytidectomy, you should undergo a study of the condition of the skin that will be operated on, as well as the general health of the patient. This is necessary to prevent the occurrence of complications after the intervention, as well as to speed up the rehabilitation period. A week before the expected time of the operation, you should completely stop taking alcoholic beverages and, if possible, smoking, since these bad habits significantly thin the blood and reduce the quality of the immune system.

The duration of the operation of a circular rhytidectomy facial skin tightening is from 2.5 to 6 hours, much depends on the degree of skill of the plastic surgeon and the area in which the changes are made. If only the skin of the face is being treated, then the operation time is minimal. If an additional area is added (for example, the upper eyelid, chin and neck), then the time for rhytidectomy increases.

This is followed by a period of rehabilitation, which may vary in its duration and degree of healing: in patients with good blood clotting, who do not have concurrent diseases and organic lesions, the recovery process is easier and takes less time.

It is also necessary to follow all the recommendations of a plastic surgeon, which will avoid the occurrence of possible complications after the operation and preserve the positive effect obtained for the longest possible time. These recommendations include night sleep exclusively on the back, refusal to visit the solarium and within six months from the date of the operation, a healthy daily routine and regulation of the ratio of rest and work. The amount of physical activity decreases, you can not perform sudden movements.

When stitches are removed

The process of removing sutures that are placed on the wound surface at the sites of skin incisions behind the ears and near the temples. The time of their removal is determined by the plastic surgeon who performed the rhytidectomy. Factors that influence the time required for the presence of sutures on the skin after this type of intervention are the indicators of regeneration of damaged skin areas, test results, and the general well-being of the patient.

The first sutures are removed after 10-14 days, during which the doctor prescribes antibiotics to prevent the development of infectious processes in the skin. The technique for removing sutures can be different: some plastic surgeons in different ways and in different time remove the sutures that are in visible areas of the skin and those that are hidden by hair and are located out of sight. In this case, the seams, as they are removed, are replaced with strip-plates from the patch.

What kind of masks to make

Any cosmetic and cosmetic procedures that speed up the process of repairing damaged skin should be done with already healed skin. Usually, the period when the imposition of therapeutic and regenerating masks is allowed is 15-25 days from the moment of the operation in the absence of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Masks that may be recommended after rhytidectomy should not contain aggressive ingredients that can cause skin irritation and even more so. postoperative sutures. The composition of the mask based on oatmeal or oatmeal: warmed milk is mixed with oatmeal (or small flakes), various ingredients can be added to this base. These can be the following components:

  • chopped ripe banana;
  • a few drops of unrefined vegetable oil(olive, linen);
  • a couple of drops of natural lemon juice with oily skin of the face;
  • egg yolk, thoroughly pounded to a homogeneous consistency.

The mask is applied to the skin in an even layer, left to act for 10-15 minutes, then washed off. big amount cool water and apply a nourishing cream according to skin type.

The following compositions of masks for facial skin after rhytidectomy can also be used:

  1. Egg yolk and a drop of olive oil. Such a composition nourishes and maintains the skin, eliminates that may form after the intervention. The mask should be applied in the absence of pronounced skin damage, on average 3 times a week.
  2. Mashed ripe banana with avocado pulp also nourishes, smoothes, moisturizes and disinfects the skin. applied to a clean face, left to act for 10 minutes.
  3. Freshly boiled potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes with the addition of cream or whipped egg white allow you to increase the elasticity of the epidermis. After using such a mask for 2-3 weeks, the skin of the face quickly acquires natural softness, swelling is eliminated, and the regeneration process is accelerated.

All of the listed masks have been tested by time and have a pronounced rejuvenating and restorative effect, however, the skin reaction to their constituent components should be monitored: in case of any signs of inflammation, negative skin reactions, the use of the listed compounds should be discontinued.

Including about possible complications after such plastic surgery, this video will tell:

What drugs should be used

Good results for making postoperative sutures as invisible as possible are obtained by regular use of ointments and Traumeel after rhytidectomy: their composition ensures the absence of inflammatory processes on the skin, and the speedy healing of injured tissues.

Ointments are applied 1-2 times a day. You can use them to treat both exclusively seams and facial skin: applying them in a uniform thin layer, you should leave the ointment to act for 15-25 minutes, after which the excess is removed with a cotton swab.

Complications after plastic surgery

With insufficient examination of the patient's body before carrying out this type of circular facelift, certain complications may occur. And although they are not recorded too often, you should remember about them before starting the intervention and prevent the possibility of their occurrence.

The most common possible complications after rhytidectomy include:

  • inflammatory processes at the site of skin incisions with insufficient pre-treatment with disinfectants;
  • damage to the facial nerve, which may occur due to insufficient qualifications of a plastic surgeon;
  • asymmetry of the face that occurs with an uneven distribution of tissues;
  • formation due to the characteristics of the organism and its reaction to making incisions on the skin.

In some cases, there is a significant severity of postoperative sutures, which can be prevented by the use of absorbable ointments after surgery.

Rehabilitation after a circular facelift is a much longer process than recovery after such manipulations as mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Rhytidectomy (circular facelift) is a serious and complete surgical operation, the high-quality implementation of which requires a highly qualified doctor.

Rehabilitation after rhytidectomy

The duration of the rehabilitation period after may vary depending on the age of the patient and the current state of his health. It should also be taken into account that the intervention is different: superficial, mixed or deep. The nature of the operation directly affects the time that may take the rehabilitation period after a circular facelift. On average, it is about two months.

Immediately after the end of the manipulations, a special compressive bandage is applied to the face, which prevents the divergence of the seams. Further, it is recommended to stay in the hospital under the supervision of the attending physician for three to four days, after which an extract follows, followed by outpatient control.

If a person has serious concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart disease, etc.), he is left in the hospital for at least a week.

The first dressing follows 24 hours after surgery, and then dressing changes are carried out on an outpatient basis. The timing of doctor visits varies from person to person, and the compression bandage should not be stopped for seven days.

Recovery process

The better the blood clotting, the less concomitant diseases, the faster and easier the rehabilitation after a facelift. After a stay in the hospital, the patient is allowed to go home - until the stitches are removed, which is already carried out in the outpatient clinic. This is followed by observation of how the incision sites heal and how hematomas and edema “behave”, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.

For patients who are preparing for it, it is important to take into account the fact that in the first hours after the intervention, when they are still under the influence of painkillers, they will not feel pain. She appears after a while and can wear different character, however, in the presence positive attitude it can be overcome.

Rehabilitation after a circular facelift may be accompanied by feelings of heaviness in the face, stiffness of movements, and the reflection in the mirror will definitely not be similar to the standard Hollywood star. This should be treated with humor and a healthy psychological attitude, because swelling and bruising gradually subside after 10 days. If you stock up on courage, patience and ordinary painkillers, the recovery will go well, and very soon you will be able to observe the excellent result of the operation in all its beauty. Sometimes a special compression bandage can be annoying, but wearing it is necessary: ​​otherwise the seams will quickly disperse.

At first, it is recommended to sleep on your back. This will help minimize discomfort and reduce swelling of the face. You will have to forget about the solarium and the sun for two months. The same goes for physical activity- whether it's a gym or a favorite job at their summer cottage.

More about rehabilitation period after a circular facelift, a plastic surgeon will tell:

When stitches are removed

If rehabilitation after a circular facelift is successful in the first days, after 10-14 days the patient comes to the clinic for the removal of the first sutures. After what time they are exactly removed - here is the average period of time, which can vary and depends on the rate of skin regeneration.

The areas where there were seams are closed with special strip strips. Thanks to them, the tissues are perfectly restored, and there are practically no scars after the operation. Of course, they are, but if a person is far from the secrets of plastic surgeons, consider them with a simple eye he most likely can't.

The stitches are removed using different techniques: it all depends on which areas they are located.

What kind of masks to make

Any mask can damage freshly tightened skin. All masks are allowed to be made no earlier than 15-25 days after the surgical intervention (of course, provided that there are no inflammatory processes on the skin).

The components used for the manufacture of masks should not contain aggressive agents that can cause an allergic reaction or irritation of the places where the postoperative sutures were located.

The best mask is made from oatmeal and milk. You can also add there:

  • banana pulp;
  • a couple of drops of olive oil;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice (if the skin is oily);
  • one yolk (it must first be ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained).

The mask should be applied evenly and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, followed by the application of any suitable nourishing cream.

There are also simpler formulations that can be easily prepared at home. For example, a raw egg yolk is mixed with a drop of olive oil - and you get an excellent composition that will help you get rid of swelling on your face faster. The frequency of use is three times a week.

The pulp of a ripe banana is easily rubbed with an avocado. Thus, an antiseptic, moisturizing and smoothing effect is obtained at the same time. Application time is also 10 minutes.

A simple freshly boiled mashed potato is an equally effective tool for improving skin elasticity. In the puree, you need to add either cream or egg white, separated from the yolk, after whipping it. After two to three weeks, you can notice an obvious effect: softness, elasticity, freshness and no puffiness.

What drugs should be used during rehabilitation after a circular facelift

As already noted, the effect of painkillers administered to the patient immediately before the operation stops two to three hours after it. At first, rehabilitation after a circular facelift may disturb pain and discomfort, but, as a rule, they are not very pronounced.

At first, they are easily stopped by conventional analgesics, and after a day, many patients no longer need them. In order to psychological comfort the doctor should explain that pulling sensations are a normal skin reaction after a circular lift, and they will soon pass on their own.

In the first 5-7 days after the operation, a course of antibiotics must be prescribed to prevent the occurrence infectious diseases and their accompanying complications. When the edema subsides a little and the incision sites “give life”, you can start using Bepanten or Traumeel - ointments that will prevent the appearance of secondary inflammation and help the resorption of small postoperative scars. They should be applied twice a day - both on the seams and on the face. The exposure time is up to 25 minutes, after which the remnants of the ointment are removed with a cotton swab.

Complications after plastic surgery

Complications after a circular facelift, most often, arise due to the patient's silence about his condition or if the examinations were not enough.

So, inflammation can occur at the incision sites (if the skin was not well treated). With poor skill of the surgeon, damage to the facial nerve and asymmetry can occur. Keloid scars often occur not through the fault of the doctor, but due to excessive sensitivity of the skin and its reaction.

Aging is an inevitable biological process. The occurrence of wrinkles is influenced by factors such as bad habits, various diseases, bad ecology. Therefore, over the years, it is simply impossible to fight wrinkles only with cosmetics.

The facelift procedure will come to the rescue, not everyone probably knows that this operation is aimed at smoothing wrinkles by tightening muscles, as well as excising excess skin. From this article you can learn how to recover after the procedure, and what complications may arise.

The essence of the procedure

Facial plastic surgery means the elimination of excess fatty tissue in those places where the skin began to sag.

You can do a whole face lift or, as it is called, a full face lift, as well as a mini-lift, that is, only in certain areas.

Endoscopic facelift is performed using small incisions that are made along the hairline. During the operation, endoscopic equipment and special instruments are used.

Radiofrequency facelift is also performed - this is a skin tightening without surgery. This type of lifting is performed without incisions and under local anesthesia.

Regardless of the type of facelift, it should be carried out only in cases of the first signs of aging. It is best if the procedure is carried out no earlier than 45 years. At this age, the result will be most effective. If you compare the photos before and after face lifting, then everyone will see the effect. It is worth noting that if lifting is done at more than 50 years, then significant rejuvenation cannot be achieved due to a decrease in skin elasticity.

Contraindications for facial plastic surgery

If there is at least one contraindication from the following, then the manipulation can in no case be carried out:

  • inflammation of an infectious nature;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • allergic rashes;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension.

How to recover after a facelift

In the first days, when rehabilitation will take place after facelift, the patient will definitely be in the hospital under the supervision of surgeons. Specialists will monitor your condition and how your recovery is progressing after surgery. If any complications arise, the doctor will increase the length of the patient's stay in the hospital.

Around the fifth day of rehabilitation, the first dressing will be performed. Sedatives and, if necessary, painkillers will be prescribed.

After a couple of weeks, in the absence of complications, swelling will disappear.

After the plastic surgery of the face, the patient is not allowed to:

  • To dye hair;
  • Do massage;
  • smoke;
  • visit the bath;
  • consume alcoholic beverages.

Also, strong physical overstrain should not be allowed.

You can wash your hair a week after the operation, and if the surgeon allows, then apply cosmetics.

The patient can return to the normal rhythm of life in three weeks.

Complications after facelift

In some cases, patients lost hair near the forehead after surgery. Hair grows back naturally after a while.

Hematomas and edema are considered a common manifestation after lifting, but only if they are weakly expressed.

If the patient has very sensitive skin, then due to intradermal hemorrhage, pigmentation may occur. Often this symptom disappears within six months on its own.

Many people think that this is an instant effect, but you can evaluate the result no earlier than a year after the procedure. The result depends on the lifestyle of the patient, what type of skin he has, age, diseases. The duration of the effect also depends on these factors.

In order to prevent a repeated facelift, it is necessary to take care not only of the condition of the skin, but also of your health in general.

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