Professional communication, exchange of experience:

  • The All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (hereinafter referred to as the OPPL or the League) brings together specialists in the field of psychotherapy, practical psychology And psychological counseling. As well as students of this profession. In its field, the League is the largest, most active and influential professional community in Russia. It also has representation in more than 15 countries around the world.
  • The League creates a creative atmosphere of cooperation and complementary development for specialists from different schools and areas of psychotherapy and counseling.
  • The League holds unique in its value and public outcry congresses and scientific and practical conferences, congresses of specialists of the regional, federal, continental and mainland levels.
  • A special event of the League - Decadnik. The OPPL ten-day period is not only learning from leading professionals, but also an opportunity to exchange experiences, demonstrate their achievements, personal growth and communication in an atmosphere of immersion in the world of psychotherapy and training.

Status in the world of psychotherapy, professional growth, international level, official recognition:

  • League - official representative Russian Federation in the European Association for Psychotherapy, the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy. By joining the League, you participate in the activities of the global community of psychotherapists.
  • Each member of the League can go through the path of professional growth from the observational participation in the League through the advisory to the actual. Active members The Leagues are recognized as professionals in the field of psychotherapy and counseling and have the right to speak on behalf of the League.
  • The League conducts voluntary licensing of the activities of psychologists-consultants, practical psychologists and psychotherapists; psychological and training centers. The task of the largest professional community is to contribute to the formation of a civilized market for services and provide them high quality.
  • Regional branches of the PPL, as representative offices of a professional All-Russian public organization, can take part in the activities of regional attestation commissions
  • Each member of the League can gain professional recognition in the field of counseling through national accreditation and certification. As well as gain international professional recognition by obtaining the European Certificate of Psychotherapist and the World Certificate of Psychotherapist.


  • The League's educational programs provide an opportunity to qualitatively improve one's professional level, in addition, the League's certification programs allow one to obtain a European certificate of a psychotherapist.
  • For more than 10 years, PPL has been using the accumulative education system. Cumulative PPL certificates are recognized by all leading professional associations in Russia, the CIS, the European Association for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy.
  • Each member of the PPL can not only pass theoretical training but also to receive personal therapy and supervision of their practice.
  • Each member of the PPL may choose a supervisor or take part in the work of supervisory groups. The League develops the institution of supervision in the professional community and trains supervisors.

Benefits and membership benefits:

  • Self-regulation of professional psychotherapeutic and psychological, advisory activities.
  • OPPL is an all-Russian professional public organization that develops supervision, standardization and quality control of educational and training programs, actively supports its members in observing and shaping ethical norms and professional standards. We are also working for the future. Membership in the OPPL will allow acquiring the status of a “practicing psychotherapist” and opening a license for professional psychotherapeutic activity with the corresponding, expected, change in legislation.
  • Each member of the PPL can apply to the Ethics Committee (regional commission) for assistance in protecting their rights.
  • Each member of the League who takes an active and active part in the life of the community can be recognized by the Committee for Professional Recognition and Awards. The League annually ranks psychotherapists in the Russian Federation. Planned annual ratings psychotherapists of the regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Each member of the League receives significant discounts when paying for their participation in the educational projects of the League, congresses, congresses, conferences and trainings, ten days, and other events of the OPPL. These discounts depend both on the level of participation in the League and on the length of participation.
  • Each member of the League has the opportunity to receive the latest professional information through the official website of the League, corporate electronic and mailing lists.

An abundance of opportunities for creativity and scientific activity, career:

  • The main activity of the League is carried out in regional organizations and representative offices. Each member of the League can open a branch of the League or take part in the work of an already established regional or territorial branch of the PPL.
  • Each member of the PPL who has created his own method of psychotherapy or counseling can register it with the Modalities Committee, which promotes the recognition of Russian methods along with Western modalities.
  • The League certifies the author's products of psychologists and psychotherapists, which helps to obtain evidence from the professional community in the authorship of a particular program. Inclusion in the register of copyright programs allows you to issue copyright certificates from the PPL to students and followers.
  • League members who teach psychotherapy and counseling, teaching and coaching can be professionally recognized as official PPL teachers.
  • PPL editions:
    • Monthly "Professional psychotherapeutic newspaper"
    • Monthly peer-reviewed journal "Psychotherapy"
    • Peer-reviewed journal "Issues of mental medicine and ecology"
    • World Journal "Psychotherapy" (at English language)
    • Library books of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy
    • Series of books "Psychotherapeutic technologies"
  • The League offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote their services and programs. These are the sites of the OPPL, regional offices and numerous other information resources.
  • Each member of the League is given the opportunity to publish scientific and practical materials / articles in the publications of the OPPL, as well as works in the genre of observation, essays, popular articles, notes, poems in league groups in In social networks and on PPL websites.
  • In a number of cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Omsk and others, clubs of psychotherapists operate, where live meaningful communication of professionals is organized.
All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League is an intensively developing, independent professional association of psychotherapists, practical psychologists and counseling psychologists - all those professionals who practice or study psychotherapy, created to develop both professionals in the field of psychotherapy and psychotherapy as a new profession!

Vienna, September 11,1998


Hereby is confirmed, that the Russian league of professional psychotherapists (PPL) is the national umbrella organization of the psychotherapists of Russia. This organization is the National Awarding Organization (NAO) for the European Certificate of Psychotherapy.

Hong. Prof. Dr. Alfred Pritz General Secretary of the EAP


This confirms that the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) is a national organization supporting psychotherapists in Russia. This organization is the National Award Representative of the European Certificate in Psychotherapy.

Hong. Prof. Dr. Alfred Pritz General Secretary EAP

Primary information and main activities are set out in the PPL Manifesto.

What does participation in the League give?

The League was created for its members, grows and develops to unite professionals in the field of psychotherapy and counseling.

The mission of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League is “From spontaneous psychotherapy to professional psychotherapy!” League - the largest public organization, which brings together specialists in the field of psychotherapy and counseling throughout the country and neighboring countries. This means that the League gives belonging to the largest and most influential professional community.

Each member of the League receives information about the activities of the League, the state and development of psychotherapy in the Russian Federation, other CIS republics, Europe, the world through the League's periodicals: "Professional psychotherapeutic newspaper", journals "Psychotherapy" and "Issues of mental medicine and ecology", publications " Libraries of psychology, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Each member of the League receives annually at least three personal letters from the Central Council of the League, and Internet users also receive a corporate mailing list. Each member of the League has the opportunity to receive the latest professional information through the League's website on the Internet.

Each member of the League has the opportunity to participate in congresses, conferences, seminars, trainings regularly held in the Russian Federation and abroad. Each member of the League may participate in its educational programs ah - study theory, explore the boundaries of one's own personality, receive personal therapy and supervision. The League conducts a number of educational programs on an ongoing basis, including the European Certificate of Psychotherapist program. Each member of the League has the right to claim professional recognition in the field of professional counseling by passing national accreditation and certification. And also to gain international professional recognition by obtaining the European Certificate of Psychotherapist, and in the near future - the World Certificate of Psychotherapist. Each member of the League can count on professional and ethical protection from the Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Each member of the League can report and publish the results of their scientific and practical research and developments, and thereby secure their priority and authorship. Each member of the League receives significant discounts when paying for their participation in the educational projects of the League, congresses, congresses, conferences and trainings, upon receipt of information.

The main activities of the League are carried out in regional organizations and representative offices. It is the activities of primary organizations that are designed to provide the main results of its work. Each member of the League can open a representative office of the League or become an official teacher and supervisor of the practice. Each member of the League can go through the path of professional growth from the observational participation in the League through the advisory to the actual. Full members of the League are recognized as unconditional professionals in the field of psychotherapy and counseling and have the right to enter into interaction with citizens and organizations on behalf of the League. Each member of the League can take part in commercial projects of the League and offer their projects for implementation.

The All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League today is- a professional organization of a new type, uniting all those involved in psychotherapy

Professional communication, experience exchange:

  • The All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (hereinafter referred to as the OPPL or the League) brings together specialists in the field of psychotherapy, practical and clinical psychology, psychological counseling and mediation. As well as students of these specialties. In its field, the League is the largest, most active and influential professional community in Russia. We also have offices in more than 15 countries around the world.
  • The League creates a creative atmosphere of cooperation and complementary development for specialists from different schools and areas of psychotherapy, practical psychology and counseling.
  • The League holds congresses and scientific-practical conferences, unique in their significance and public resonance, congresses of specialists of the regional, federal, continental and mainland levels.
  • Special forms of the League - Decadniks. The OPPL ten-day period is not only learning from leading professionals, but also an opportunity to exchange experiences, demonstrate their achievements, personal growth and communication in an atmosphere of immersion in the world of psychotherapy and training.

Status in the world of psychotherapy, professional growth, international level, official recognition:

  • The League is the official representative of the Russian Federation in the European Association for Psychotherapy, the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy. By joining the League, you participate in the activities of the continental and world community of psychotherapists.
  • Each member of the League can go through the path of professional growth from supervisory participation, through advisory to active membership. Full members of the League are recognized as competent professionals in the field of psychotherapy, practical psychology and counseling and have the right to speak on behalf of the League.
  • The League conducts voluntary licensing of the activities of psychologists-consultants, practical psychologists and psychotherapists; psychological and training centers. The task of the largest professional community is to promote the formation of a civilized market of services and ensure their high quality.
  • Regional branches of the PPL, as representative offices of a professional All-Russian public organization, can take part in the activities of regional attestation commissions
  • Each member of the League can gain professional recognition in the field of counseling through national accreditation and certification. As well as gain international professional recognition by obtaining the European Certificate of Psychotherapist and the World Certificate of Psychotherapist.


  • The educational programs of the League provide an opportunity to qualitatively improve your professional level, in addition, the certification programs of the League allow you to obtain European and World certificates of a psychotherapist.
  • For more than 10 years, PPL has been using the accumulative education system. The cumulative certificates of the League are recognized by all leading professional associations in Russia, the CIS, the European Association for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy.
  • Each member of the PPL can not only undergo theoretical training, but also explore the boundaries of his own personality, receive personal therapy and supervision of his practice.
  • Each member of the League can choose a supervisor or take part in the work of supervisory groups. The League develops the institution of supervision in the professional community and trains supervisors.

Benefits and membership benefits:

  • Self-regulation of professional psychotherapeutic and psychological, advisory activities.
    OPPL is an all-Russian professional public organization that develops supervision, standardization and quality control of educational and training programs, actively supports its members in observing and shaping ethical norms and professional standards. We are also working for the future. Membership in the League will allow acquiring the status of a “practicing psychotherapist” and opening a license for professional psychotherapeutic activity with the appropriate, expected, change in legislation.
  • Each member of the PPL can apply to the Ethics Committee (regional commission) for assistance in protecting their rights.
  • Each member of the League who takes an active and active part in the life of the community can be recognized by the Committee for Professional Recognition and Awards. The League annually compiles and publishes a rating of psychotherapists in the Russian Federation. It is planned to conduct annual ratings of psychotherapists in the regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Each member of the League receives significant discounts when paying for their participation in the educational projects of the League, congresses, congresses, conferences and trainings, ten days, expeditions, and other events of the OPPL. These discounts depend both on the level of participation in the League and on the length of participation.
  • Each member of the League has the opportunity to receive the latest professional information through the official website of the League, corporate electronic and mailing lists.

An abundance of opportunities for creativity and scientific activity, careers:

  • The main activities of the League are carried out in regional organizations and representative offices. Each member of the League can open a branch of the League or join the work of an already established regional or territorial branch of the PPL.
  • Each PPL member who has created his own method of psychotherapy or counseling can register it with the Modalities Committee, which promotes the recognition of Russian methods along with foreign modalities.
  • The League certifies the author's products of psychologists and psychotherapists, which helps to obtain evidence from an authoritative professional community in the authorship of a particular program. Inclusion in the register of copyright programs allows you to issue copyright certificates from the PPL to students and followers.
  • League members who teach psychotherapy and counseling, teaching and coaching can be professionally recognized as official PPL teachers.
  • PPL editions:


    • Monthly "Professional psychotherapeutic newspaper"
    • Monthly Peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal "Psychotherapy"
    • Scientific and practical journal "Issues of mental medicine and ecology"
    • World Journal of Psychotherapy (in English)

Monographic editions

    • Library books of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy
    • Series "Psychotherapeutic technologies"
    • All Psychotherapy, Practical and Counseling Psychology Series
  • The League offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote their services and programs. These are the sites of the OPPL, regional branches and other numerous information resources.
  • Each member of the League is given the opportunity to publish scientific and practical materials / articles in the publications of the OPPL, as well as works in the genre of observation, essays, popular articles, notes, poems in the groups of the league on Social networks and on the sites of the OPPL.
  • In a number of cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Omsk and others, clubs of psychotherapists operate, where live meaningful communication of professionals is organized.

The All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League is an intensively developing, independent professional association of psychotherapists, practical psychologists and psychologists - consultants, mediators - all those specialists who are engaged or are studying psychotherapy - created to develop both professionals in the field of psychotherapy and psychotherapy as a new profession!

Professional communication, exchange of experience:

  • The All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (hereinafter referred to as the OPPL or the League) brings together specialists in the field of psychotherapy, practical psychology and psychological counseling. As well as students of this profession. In its field, the League is the largest, most active and influential professional community in Russia. The current members of the League live in 28 countries - 12 post-Soviet republics and 16 far abroad countries. The list of members of the League as of September 1, 2016 amounted to 9388 people. We have 78 branches in various regions and countries.
  • The League creates a creative atmosphere of cooperation and complementary development for specialists from different schools and areas of psychotherapy and counseling.
  • The League holds congresses and scientific-practical conferences, unique in their significance and public resonance, congresses of specialists of the regional, federal, continental and mainland levels.
  • A special event of the League - Decadnik. The OPPL ten-day period is not only learning from leading professionals, but also an opportunity to exchange experiences, demonstrate their achievements, personal growth and communication in an atmosphere of immersion in the world of psychotherapy and training.

Status in the world of psychotherapy, professional growth, international level, official recognition:

  • The League is the official representative of the Russian Federation in the European Association for Psychotherapy, the Asian Federation for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy. By joining the League, you participate in the activities of the global community of psychotherapists.
  • Each member of the League can go through the path of professional growth from the observational participation in the League through the advisory to the actual. Full members of the League are recognized as professionals in the field of psychotherapy and counseling and have the right to speak on behalf of the League.
  • The League conducts voluntary licensing of the activities of psychologists-consultants, practical psychologists and psychotherapists; psychological and training centers. The task of the largest professional community is to promote the formation of a civilized market of services and ensure their high quality.
  • Regional branches of the PPL, as representative offices of a professional All-Russian public organization, can take part in the activities of regional attestation commissions
  • Each member of the League can gain professional recognition in the field of counseling through national accreditation and certification. As well as gain international professional recognition by obtaining the European Certificate of Psychotherapist and the World Certificate of Psychotherapist.


  • The League's educational programs provide an opportunity to qualitatively improve one's professional level, in addition, the League's certification programs allow one to obtain a European certificate of a psychotherapist.
  • For more than 10 years, PPL has been using the accumulative education system. Cumulative PPL certificates are recognized by all leading professional associations in Russia, the CIS, the European Association for Psychotherapy and the World Council for Psychotherapy.
  • Each member of the PPL can not only receive theoretical training, but also receive personal therapy and supervision of their practice.
  • Each member of the PPL may choose a supervisor or take part in the work of supervisory groups. The League develops the institution of supervision in the professional community and trains supervisors.

Benefits and membership benefits:

  • Self-regulation of professional psychotherapeutic and psychological, advisory activities.
  • OPPL is an all-Russian professional public organization that develops supervision, standardization and quality control of educational and training programs, actively supports its members in observing and shaping ethical norms and professional standards. We are also working for the future. Membership in the OPPL will allow acquiring the status of a “practicing psychotherapist” and opening a license for professional psychotherapeutic activity with the corresponding, expected, change in legislation.
  • Each member of the PPL can apply to the Ethics Committee (regional commission) for assistance in protecting their rights.
  • Each member of the League who takes an active and active part in the life of the community can be recognized by the Committee for Professional Recognition and Awards. The League annually ranks psychotherapists in the Russian Federation. It is planned to conduct annual ratings of psychotherapists in the regions of the Russian Federation.
  • Each member of the League receives significant discounts when paying for their participation in the educational projects of the League, congresses, congresses, conferences and trainings, ten days, and other events of the OPPL. These discounts depend both on the level of participation in the League and on the length of participation.
  • Each member of the League has the opportunity to receive the latest professional information through the official website of the League, corporate electronic and mailing lists.

An abundance of opportunities for creativity and scientific activity, career:

  • The main activities of the League are carried out in regional organizations and representative offices. Each member of the League can open a branch of the League or take part in the work of an already established regional or territorial branch of the PPL.
  • Each member of the PPL who has created his own method of psychotherapy or counseling can register it with the Modalities Committee, which promotes the recognition of Russian methods along with Western modalities.
  • The League certifies the author's products of psychologists and psychotherapists, which helps to obtain evidence from the professional community in the authorship of a particular program. Inclusion in the register of copyright programs allows you to issue copyright certificates from the PPL to students and followers.
  • League members who teach psychotherapy and counseling, teaching and coaching can be professionally recognized as official PPL teachers.
  • PPL editions:
    • Monthly "Professional psychotherapeutic newspaper"
    • Monthly peer-reviewed journal "Psychotherapy"
    • Peer-reviewed journal "Issues of mental medicine and ecology"
    • World Journal of Psychotherapy (in English)
    • Library books of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy
    • Series of books "Psychotherapeutic technologies"
  • The League offers its members a wide range of opportunities to promote their services and programs. These are the sites of the OPPL, regional offices and numerous other information resources.
  • Each member of the League is given the opportunity to publish scientific and practical materials / articles in the publications of the OPPL, as well as works in the genre of observation, essays, popular articles, notes, poems in the groups of the league on Social networks and on the sites of the OPPL.
  • In a number of cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Omsk and others, clubs of psychotherapists operate, where live meaningful communication of professionals is organized.

All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League is an intensively developing, independent professional association of psychotherapists, practical psychologists and counseling psychologists - all those professionals who practice or study psychotherapy, created to develop both professionals in the field of psychotherapy and psychotherapy as a new profession!

Vienna, September 11,1998


Hereby is confirmed, that the Russian league of professional psychotherapists (PPL) is the national umbrella organization of the psychotherapists of Russia. This organization is the National Awarding Organization (NAO) for the European Certificate of Psychotherapy.

Hong. Prof. Dr. Alfred Pritz General Secretary of the EAP


This confirms that the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) is a national organization supporting psychotherapists in Russia. This organization is the National Award Representative of the European Certificate in Psychotherapy.

Hong. Prof. Dr. Alfred Pritz EAP General Secretary

Primary information and main activities are set out in the PPL Manifesto.

Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL) is the largest public organization uniting psychologists and psychotherapists from Russia, the CIS and Russian-speaking psychotherapists from all over the world. PPL shares the concept of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) of psychotherapy as a separate, independent profession.

PPL was established in 1996 as an association of professional psychotherapists and specialists who use psychotherapeutic methods in their professional activities.

Today, the League branches are open in almost all regions of the Russian Federation and unite more than 5,000 participants. The main tasks of the League is the support of the community of professionals, the struggle for the recognition of psychotherapy as an independent profession, the formation and observance of high standards of psychotherapeutic care.

Belonging to the League allows you to take part in international professional communities: PPL represents Russian psychotherapists in the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), in the Asian Federation of Psychotherapy (AFP) and in the World Council for Psychotherapy.

Membership in the League, public accreditation and certification of specialists

Depending on the level of training and professionalism of specialists, the League has three membership statuses:

  • Observant members of the PPL - begin their journey in the profession, undergo training.
  • PPL advisory members are practicing psychologists and psychotherapists with additional vocational training in the amount of at least 580 hours. They improve professional excellence undergo personal therapy (knowledge of the boundaries of their personality) and supervision. Advisory members of the League have the right to obtain National accreditation of a consultant, which is confirmed by the PPL Certificate.
  • Full members of the PPL are recognized as professionals in the field of psychotherapy and counseling and have the right to speak on behalf of the League when interacting with citizens and organizations. Full members of the PPL can obtain a National Counseling Certificate, a European Psychotherapist Certificate, and a World Psychotherapist Certificate if the relevant requirements are met.

We have achieved that PPL brings together professionals who are trusted by people!

League Committees:

  • Committee on Ethics and protection of professional rights.

    The professional community is obliged to strictly monitor the observance of professional ethical standards. For this purpose, the Committee on Ethics and the Protection of Professional Rights has been created in the PPL, ethical commissions have been organized in the regional branches of the League. Every citizen and every specialist can apply to the Ethics Committee (regional commission) for help in protecting their rights.

  • modality committee.

    Members of the League, unlike other professional associations in the field of psychotherapy and counseling, are representatives and followers of various psychological approaches, directions and schools, use different methods of psychotherapy and counseling, which are called "modalities". The League has a Modalities Committee that promotes the development and recognition of Russian methods along with Western modalities. To date, 40 approved and actively used modalities have been officially registered in the PPL. The number of new domestic and foreign methods that have their representatives in the PPL is constantly increasing.

Additional education

PPL holds great job on postgraduate education, advanced training, supervision and personal therapy of specialists. Additional program level vocational education Ligi complies with the standards of European education of psychotherapists.

PPL events

Over the years of the League's existence, more than 200 major professional and more than 5,000 local events have been held: congresses, conferences, seminars, trainings, ten days, forums, festivals, club meetings, round tables, weeks of psychotherapy in Russia and abroad.

A special event of the League is a ten-day event that combines intensive training, personal therapy, exchange of experience, supervision, personal growth in a unique atmosphere of immersion in the world of psychotherapy. The author of the format of this event is the President of the PPL prof. Makarov Viktor Viktorovich Every year the League organizes more than 10 ten days throughout the country and abroad.

Informing the members of the League

All members of the League receive a regular mailing list with the issue of the "Professional psychotherapeutic newspaper" with the most important information about the life of the organization, mailing list via the Internet, use the information on the sites of the League. The official website of the PPL constantly updates the register of PPL members who have paid dues for the current year.

Scientific research in the field of psychotherapy. Members of the League are actively engaged in scientific work.

The Professional Psychotherapeutic League publishes:

  • "Professional psychotherapeutic newspaper";
  • Peer-reviewed journal "Psychotherapy";
  • Peer-reviewed journal "Issues of mental medicine and ecology";
  • World Journal of Psychotherapy;
  • Library books of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy;
  • A series of books "Psychotherapeutic technologies".

Cooperation with the media and popularization of psychotherapy and counseling. Members of the League are actively involved in the creation of information materials in the press, on television and radio. With the support and direct participation of the Novy League, a new TV channel "Psychology21" was created.

The League publishes a list of professionals recognized by the League as competent to implement the educational programs of the League.

The main activity of the League is carried out in regional organizations. It is the activities of the primary organizations that are designed to ensure the main results of the work of the PPL.

PPL branches operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Vladivostok, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk and other cities of the Russian Federation, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus India, Israel...

The League was created for its members, it grows and develops!

To join the League, please contact regional office PPL, PPL Central Council, Executive Director or Manager of the PPL CA. You can also join via the Internet, using the relevant information on the League's website.