Chroogomphus rutilus or Mokruh purple is an edible mushroom from the Mokrukhov family. In addition to the official name, the mushroom has several other names, and is known to many as slimy, yellow-legged, shiny, or copper-red yellow-legged.

On average, the diameter of the fleshy cap of the purple mokruha reaches from 3 to 8 centimeters, in rare cases up to 12. At the beginning of maturation, the mushroom basically has a conical-rounded shape of a red-brown cap with a thin cobweb of veins. With further growth, the shape changes and becomes flatter and even prostrate.

The caps of the purple mokruha are distinguished by a smooth, shiny surface. In especially humid weather, young mushrooms even become covered big amount mucus. The color of the caps can vary from light brown and reddish to brick red with a deep purple tint. Young specimens of the fungus are distinguished by the presence of a spot of saturated purple color in the center of the cap; in the process of maturation, it becomes more uniform and muted.

The flesh of the purple mokruha is strongly fleshy, of a pink-yellowish hue, the leg is massive, fibrous. Distinctive feature mushroom is the lack of intense aroma and pronounced taste. In addition, the color on a fresh fracture of the cap is usually pink, and when cooked it becomes darker.

For reproduction, the fungus chooses calcareous soils of mixed and coniferous forests, as well as vast wastelands with heather thickets. Preferably on the north side of areas with temperate climate. In Russia, it is found in the expanses of Siberia and the Caucasus.

These mushrooms can often be found under pine trees or on small hills. Likes wet and birch groves, often perfectly coexists with oil mushrooms in light and thinned pine forest plantations. Mokru purple grows both single specimens and in small groups. The season for collecting this type of mushroom begins in August and lasts until the end of September.

It is worth noting that the interesting appearance of purple mokruha allows even inexperienced mushroom pickers not to confuse it with poisonous or inedible mushrooms. In general, mokruha belongs to the 4th category of mushrooms, which is classified by plants that have a rather mediocre taste and low nutritional value. Perhaps that is why the mushroom is not very popular and is considered, although quite edible, but little known.

However, any type of cooking is suitable for purple mokruha. According to the taste characteristics, mushrooms are similar to the oils we are used to. Under influence high temperature the flesh acquires a rich purple color, and before cooking, it is necessary to remove the mucous skin from the cap.

Kira Stoletova

There are many edible mushrooms which are used in medicine and cooking. One of the most popular is purple mokruha. It is easy to find in both coniferous and mixed forests. Harvested from July to early October.

Description of the appearance of the mushroom

The purple mokruha mushroom belongs to the Mokrukhove (Gomphidiaceae) family and is edible. The diameter of its cap reaches 5-8 cm, it has a blunt rounded tubercle in the center, as the fungus develops, the cap gradually opens and takes on the form of a funnel.

This mushroom is brown in color with a wine tint. In young organisms, the central part of the cap is colored purple; as it ages, the color becomes more uniform.

The cap is smooth to the touch, in young mushrooms a little slimy, especially in rainy weather. The pulp is thick, has no pronounced taste and smell.

The plates go a little on the leg, in young specimens they have a lilac tint, but become black with age. They are covered with a brown mucous membrane.

The leg of the purple mokruha reaches 10 cm in height, its thickness is 1-1.5 cm, it is curved, slightly narrowing at the base. Its color is the same as that of the hat. The surface is smooth to the touch, has the remains of a private cover (covering the plates), which later become almost invisible. The pulp of the leg is fibrous, has a purple hue, yellow near the base.

Related mushroom species

Mokruha purple has several similar species. They belong to:

  • Mokruha pine: it has a grayish hat color and is a symbiont of coniferous trees.
  • M. felt: the cap of this mushroom is covered with a slight pubescence.
  • M. spotted: the cap of this species is characterized by a grayish color with a brown tint.
  • M. pink: the mushroom stands out with a bright pink hat.

All species have no resemblance to poisonous ones. They are often used in cooking.

Beneficial features

Mokruha purple mushroom is good for the body. Due to its unique composition, it improves memory, helps to overcome chronic fatigue and strengthens the immune system.

Also, the mushroom effectively helps in the fight against viral diseases, improves blood circulation and promotes the renewal of blood cells. It is often used in cosmetology.


This mushroom is difficult to confuse with poisonous ones, so it rarely brings harm to the body. It is better to follow a few rules to protect yourself:

  • But it is worth collecting mokruhi near the highways, next to large enterprises and large cities.
  • People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or suffer from gout should not eat them in large quantities: this will lead to a deterioration in health.
  • Also, these mushrooms are contraindicated in children, because they contain a lot of quinine and fiber. The young body is difficult to absorb these elements.
  • It is worth considering individual intolerance. Mushrooms can cause allergies, and in more severe cases - Quincke's edema.


Mokruhi is often used in cooking. They are marinated, fried and dried. This is a fairly nutritious product: the calorie content of 100 g of these mushrooms is 19 kcal. In a vegetarian diet, mokruhi equally replace meat dishes.

They are also used in cosmetology. Decoctions of mokruh rinse hair, prepare products for aging skin.

In cooking

When cooking, mokruhi is used to complement the main dishes. They are often mixed with other types of mushrooms. They go well with fish and meat. Before starting, the mushrooms are well sorted out, mucus and film are removed. To do this, the leg is cut along.

After that, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed and boiled for 15 minutes. They may change color a little, become darker, but this will not affect the taste in any way. When frying, you should not add oil: the pulp gives its own juice well, which is enough to cook the dish.

The most delicious are marinated purple mokruhi, especially if you combine them with oils. To prepare pickled mushrooms you need:

  • Put them in a large saucepan and cover with water, adding a pinch of salt and citric acid. Bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes.
  • Drain water and rinse mushrooms.
  • It is better to use a deep container. Add 1 liter of water, 90 g of sugar, black pepper, cloves, salt, 100 ml of vinegar and bay leaf to it.
  • After the marinade boils, add 1.5-2 kg of mushrooms. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
  • After the mushrooms settle to the bottom, put them together with the marinade in jars. Attention! The liquid should completely cover the mokruhi.
  • Add to jars 1 tbsp. l. oil (oil forms a protective film on the surface), close with nylon caps. Store in cellar or refrigerator.

Mokruh makes a delicious “Korean-style snack”. To prepare this dish, the mushrooms are first cleaned and boiled. Then fried with onions and Korean-style carrots are added. The finished dish is seasoned with olive oil.

One of the most delicious dishes made from purple mokruha is an omelet. For its preparation take:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • semi-dry wine - 100 g;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.

Mushrooms are fried and finely chopped prunes are added to the pan (do not forget to steam the prunes first if they are very dry). After a few minutes, pour the wine and simmer until the liquid has evaporated. Then add beaten eggs, chopped tomato, salt and pepper to taste.

The omelet is ready in 5 minutes. If desired, the dish is decorated with herbs.

In medicine

Most often, traditional medicine uses mokruhi as a cure for neurodermatitis and staphylococcal infections. Alcohol tinctures and ointments are prepared on their basis.

To save useful properties the mushroom is not cleaned. Alcoholic medicines are infused for 15-20 days, the container is periodically shaken. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. This medicine is used to get rid of pustules, and with sinusitis they drink 10-20 drops 2 times a day.

Mushroom extract of this species is able to restore the tone of aging skin, so in cosmetology it is often introduced into masks and face creams. Such cosmetics effectively narrow pores, help get rid of oily sheen and restore a healthy complexion.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

You need to plant a purple mokruha next to a pine tree, because. with this tree species, the formation of mycorrhiza is underway. An annular hole is dug around the tree with an average depth of 10 cm (5-15 cm, it all depends on the depth of the roots near the soil surface). After that, the mixture of mycelium and sand is evenly distributed throughout the hole. The mycelium will grow for a long time - as long as your pine tree lives. During the period when the mushrooms do not grow, it is advisable to sprinkle the landing site with an even layer of humus at the rate of 15 kg / m 2 from above.

You can try growing mokruha indoors, as they do with champignon. However, the results will be much worse, because. the probability of germination of mycelium is significantly reduced.

Water 10 liters of water per 1 m 2 once a week. Mokruha purple gives a crop 4 times a year, the first harvest is carried out 2 months after sowing. If the mushrooms do not grow well, it will be useful to add humus at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m 2. Pine needles are also used for shelter.


Mokruha purpurea is an edible mushroom. It mainly grows in coniferous forests. In cooking, it is often used for pickling, added to soups and meat dishes.

This species also has many useful elements. It is applied in traditional medicine for the treatment of neurodermatitis and even staphylococcus aureus. In addition, they are easy to grow on their own at home.

Some mushrooms, despite their unconditional edibility, are collected extremely rarely. The reason for this is the non-standard appearance, unusual color and the general impression of some kind of foreignness among all recognized mushroom trophies. Mokruha purple is one of these outwardly alarming species.

Mokruha purple (Chroogomphus rutilus) is a member of the mokruha family, a class of agaricomycetes. Other names are pine moth, copper-red yellow-foot, as well as shiny mokru or yellow-leg mokru. All of them are associated with remarkable coloration and places of growth of fruiting bodies.

Easily recognizable edible kind has the following structural features:

  • a hat with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm. Initially, it has a conical-rounded outline, a thin cobwebbed cover connects its edges with a leg. Then it grows to prostrate or flat-convex, retaining a central blunt tubercle. Rusty brown or wine red. In mature mushrooms, the color is somewhat faded, more evenly distributed. The skin is mucous, shiny. This shine is especially noticeable in conditions of high humidity;
  • plates sparse, descending in an arc, soft, easily separated. In young specimens, they are covered with a red-brown cobweb film. Over time, as the spores mature, the plates change color from olive-brown or mauve to rich purple and brown to black;
  • spores almost black;
  • the stem is solid, grows up to 12 cm in length and 1.5 cm in thickness, cylindrical, narrows towards the base, often curved, rusty-orange in color with stripes from the remnants of a cobweb reddish-brown bedspread;
  • the pulp is orange or wine-red, thick, fleshy, in the leg - dryish, fibrous, without a definite taste and aroma. When cooked, it becomes dark.

Distribution and fruiting season

Mokruha purple grows in European, Caucasian and Siberian forests, gravitates towards the cool temperate north. climate zone. It develops in symbiosis with pine roots. Prefers the same places as the butterflies, with which it often neighbors - loose sandy, calcareous soils, hills, heather thickets and light pine forests. It is no coincidence that one of the species names of this fungus is pine moth.

It ripens singly and in groups from August to the last days of September. After the first frost fruit bodies with a general purple tone, they acquire a distinct copper-red "tan".

Similar types and differences from them

These mushrooms are similar to other members of the family, among which there are neither poisonous nor inedible:

  • mokruha pink (Gomphidius roseus) has grayish plates and a light leg under a bright pink “cap”. Rare;
  • spruce wet grouse (Gomphidius glutinosus) with a bluish-gray cap and a general grayish-white color of the stem, grows in spruce forests;
  • spotted mokruha (Gomphidius maculatus) settles in larch forests, is painted in a gray-brown color, the leg is white, often with spots;
  • swiss mokruha (Chroogomphus helveticus) is distinguished by a buffy hat with pubescent skin;
  • Tomentosus (Chroogomphus tomentosus), as the name suggests, has a characteristic fleecy coating. Growing in the Far East.

Primary processing and preparation

The caps are freed from the mucous skin, then the mushrooms are washed, boiled, stewed, fried, salted, pickled. Fruit bodies are also suitable for drying. After heat treatment, the darkened pulp acquires a characteristic purple hue.

Purple or pine mokruha is a little-known edible species, the fruiting bodies of which can be cooked without prior boiling. It has similar relatives, which also belong to the category of edible, which is very pleasing.

In regions where nature has not stinted on fertile soils and forest lands, you can pick up a lot of mushrooms and berries. However, lovers silent hunting not much respect for the mokruhu mushroom, which is often found in such places. Unpresentable which is densely covered with mucus, causes them only a smile and disgust. Nevertheless, if the mokruha accidentally ended up in your basket, do not rush to throw it away. It is not considered poisonous, and some mushroom pickers even claim that if it is cooked correctly, you can get a completely delicious dish with a spicy taste.

Description of the mushroom

Mokruha - conditionally edible mushroom belonging to the fourth category of edible mushrooms. That is, in order to eat it, the mushroom must first be soaked and then boiled. Some housewives use it as an addition to various sauces, dried, salted and marinated.

The mokrukhov family can be divided into two genera, called chroogomphus (lat. Chroogomphus) and gomphidius (lat. Gomphidius). Distinctive feature of these mushrooms - to form a wet, slimy film on the hat. To the touch, these gifts of the forest are always slippery. It is this salient feature and confuses many mushroom pickers.

Mokruhi can grow both singly and in small families. Active growth of representatives of this family is observed from the beginning or middle of July until the first frosts.

The truth about slippery mushrooms

In terms of taste characteristics, mokruha are largely inferior to more expensive representatives. this kingdom. Of course, they are not as tasty as white or champignons. However, in terms of their content a large number nutrients and antibacterial components are ahead of all types of fungi found in middle lane our country. Some biologists and botanists call the mokruh family a storehouse of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and consider them indispensable in clinical nutrition. By the way, during cooking, the mokruha mushroom turns black.

Where are wetters found?

In Russia, the mokruha mushroom is found in regions with a temperate climate. Here you can find six types of them. So, purple, pink or pine mokruhi chose pine forests for their existence. Felt fungus grows in symbiosis with firs, pines and cedars. Live under larches prefer slender or spotted mokruha. Spruce mokruha mushroom found its shelter under the spruce.

The preparation and harvesting of these plants do not require the hostess special efforts and the availability of special knowledge in the field of cooking. Therefore, many experienced mushroom pickers are happy to collect them. According to connoisseurs of mokruha, you can clean the mushroom immediately after cutting. This will not take long and will allow other fungi not to get dirty with sticky mucus.

Notable Features

It does not matter where you met the mokruha mushroom (you can see a photo of representatives of the kingdom of wildlife in the article) - an experienced mushroom picker will never confuse it with anything. However, these mushrooms are still different from each other. They may have dissimilar shapes and different color shades, may or may not have a specific smell. It should also be noted that, depending on the species, there are significant differences and taste qualities this type of mushroom. It is believed that pine representatives of the family have the most exquisite taste.

For example, spruce lice may have a dry or sticky rather than slimy film. The color of the cap may be grayish or bluish, or it may be dirty brown, without any spots. In young mushrooms, the hat is convex, but over time it becomes more prostrate. On inside The caps of these mushrooms are arranged in plates. A high leg with a slight swelling in the middle and a characteristic wide ring, also covered with mucus - these characteristics are peculiar calling card wet. The surface of the mushroom leg is smooth and moist, at the very bottom it is bright yellow, but it turns white closer to the cap. Mushroom pulp is dense and fleshy, tender and almost white. The smell is almost completely absent. these grow in small families.

The purple mokruha mushroom has a fleshy, convex-conical hat with slightly bent edges. But the older the mushroom gets, the flatter the hat becomes. Color - orange-brown or copper-red. It has an adhesive film on the surface. In dry sunny days the wet layer dries up, and then the hat becomes glossy. WITH reverse side caps of the plate descend to a low thin stem. If the leg is broken, at its break the flesh begins to turn yellow. The flesh of the fungus itself is colored saffron, and with a little pressure it becomes wine-red. It has a pleasant, slightly sweet smell.

The value of purple and spruce mokruha

The especially valuable properties of these subspecies include the presence of antibiotic characteristics that can strongly counteract the growth and vital activity of pathogenic microbes, including staphylococcus aureus. Spruce mokruha mushroom, like purple, is widely used in the treatment of sinusitis and skin diseases.

Other members of the family

Noticeably stands out from the family of these fungi pink mokruha. Her bright pink hat, slightly faded in the center, attracts and at the same time repels many mushroom pickers. Young pink mushrooms have a noticeably convex hat, but over time it becomes almost flat, while its edges begin to bend upward. The surface is mucous, sticky in wet weather. Wide plates smoothly descend to a short cylindrical leg, on which there is a mucous ring. The flesh of this mushroom is very light, fleshy and soft. It turns black when cooked. There is almost no smell.

Mokruha slender got its name because of its size and shape. In appearance, it is very similar to purple mokruha, but differs in a higher, strong leg and a small cap with dark spots. It has rare plates descending to the stem. However, this is a completely different species, so they should not be confused.

Felt mushroom is another representative of the mokruh family. Its other names are felt yellowleg and swiss mokruha. The small cap is usually orange-brown in color and has a felt or scaly texture. In dry weather it is mostly dry, but after rain it becomes slimy. It has dense pale pink plates that fall to a thin, often curved stem. With age, these plates may turn black. The stem of the mushroom is not high, it can reach a height of 8 cm, at the base it most often tapers a little. Usually the color of the stem is identical to the color of the cap. The fields of the cap of young mushrooms can be connected to the leg with a light, dry, fibrous tissue. This species is widely distributed in elevated coniferous forests and cedar forests.

How to cook mushrooms

Mokruha, like any other types of mushrooms, is soaked for several minutes, the top adhesive layer is removed from the entire surface and washed thoroughly. Since these mushrooms are conditionally edible, they must be boiled. Many housewives claim that these gifts of the forest, after pre-treatment, must be placed in salted water, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 15-30 minutes. However, in fact, long-term cooking of mokruh is undesirable. From this, their flesh becomes hard and fibrous. In the process of heat treatment, the color of mushrooms can change significantly: from light flesh it becomes dark purple, almost black.

They are not very good as an independent dish, but as an addition to a side dish or as part of a sauce, they are simply excellent and give an original taste to the main dish. It is difficult to confuse mokrukha with something else in the composition of the dish.


Representatives of this mushroom family are used not only for the preparation of various culinary dishes. They are widely used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

It is believed that mokruha has a beneficial effect on all organs of our body. The presence of antibacterial substances in this fungus determines the effectiveness of its use as a therapeutic and prophylactic. modern medicine confirms that mokruha is effective in the treatment of viral diseases. In many countries, this mushroom is used to treat migraines, nervous system disorders, headaches and insomnia. It is assumed that such a product has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, helps to strengthen the immune system and is effective in combating chronic fatigue.

Cosmetics, which include spruce mokruha mushroom (preparing such potions at home is not difficult) make the skin more elastic and silky. Lotions, infusions and decoctions relieve redness and inflammation. Along the way, they have a beneficial effect on skin color - it becomes smooth and matte. Mokruha creams are recommended for owners of oily skin prone to enlargement of pores.

Decoctions and special masks from mokruha help strengthen and grow hair. After using these products, the hair becomes silky and shiny. Since ancient times, this mushroom has been used in folk medicine to eliminate dandruff and split ends.

This type of mushroom contains a lot of vitamins, however, despite this, it has not gained popularity among mushroom pickers or mushroom eaters. Some even consider it poisonous and inedible. And very in vain! Mokruha has a pronounced rich taste, which is liked by those who have tasted this mushroom.

Appearance description

Among other representatives of the kingdom of fungi, it is distinguished by its large size; the hat can grow up to 15 centimeters. It is usually gray and may have dark or purple spots. The season for the appearance of mokruha in the forests is August - September. Likes conifers and mixed forests. Creates mycorrhiza with pine or birch. On the territory of Russia can be found almost everywhere - in Caucasian mountains, in Siberian latitudes, Far Eastern forests and other places. Usually grows singly, less often in small groups. It was called mokruha because a mucous membrane forms on it. If you are going to collect mixed mushrooms, then you need to take a separate container for mokruha. Otherwise, it will stain the rest of the mushrooms with mucus.

The calorie content of purple mokruha reaches 192 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

The composition of Chroogomphus rutilus or purple mokruha includes certain enzymes, which are then used to create some medicines such as antibiotics. These are very useful mushrooms, as they have certain chemical properties and contain a complex of vitamins.

Use of mokruha for food

It is an absolutely edible mushroom filled with the scents of the forest. Its rich taste will not leave indifferent any mushroom lover. Makruhi got its name due to the fact that when cooked, their color changes to purple. When cooking, you should first clean the mucous skin from the mushroom and rinse it well, and then cook it the way you like. Of all the mushrooms, mokruha tastes the most like butter mushrooms.

From them you can cook all the same dishes as from ordinary mushrooms. Great for harvesting pickles, you can cook delicious mushroom sauce or just fry as a side dish for meat or fish. There are many recipes for salads with the addition of various mushrooms, including mokruh. Due to the fact that they turn purple when cooked, all ready meals with them in the composition will look unusual and memorable. For example, by adding them to a salad, you will get bright blotches of color in the dish, which will make it more appetizing.

It's not only delicious, but also insane useful mushroom. When eating them, the immune system is strengthened, restored nervous system improves blood circulation and memory. The general condition becomes satisfactory, and fatigue disappears without a trace. Active substances, which are part of the purple mokruh, have a positive effect on the hematopoietic organs, in this regard, they contribute to hematopoiesis and renewal of all body cells.

In some nations, this type of mushroom has been used since time immemorial, it was used to relieve headaches, treat insomnia and alleviate the course of diseases of the nervous system.

Cosmetology is also the branch of medicine that successfully uses purple mokruhi. They produce creams, masks, serums, tonics, shampoos, balms and so on. The skin becomes elastic and toned, and the hair becomes strong and silky. When using cosmetics based on mokruh, you can even out skin color and give it a matte finish. Shampoos and balms promote hair renewal, strengthen the hair follicle and protect hair from splitting in the future.

Possible contraindications

Complications of taking mokruha as food or additives in medicinal and cosmetic products does not cause. Do not confuse purple mokruha with any other poisonous mushroom purple tint helps. On the cut, this type of fungus always takes on a pink or red color. However, even the most harmless at first glance, the fungus can have Negative consequences on the human body. This can happen if the mushrooms were collected in the forest next to highways, in line big city, Near industrial enterprises or landfills. Such mushrooms should not be collected and eaten.

For some people, mushroom food may be too heavy, and it will be difficult for their body to digest this product. These groups of people include children, the elderly and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chitin, which contains mushrooms, is practically not absorbed in an unprepared child's body.

Video: purple mosquito (Chroogomphus rutilus)