Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten of the combined type No. 22 "Ivushka" in the village of Priyutovo of the municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


speech entertainment with children with ONR-IIIur.

preparatory speech therapy group

"In the country Correct speech»

Prepared by: speech pathologist

S.S. Timirgaleeva

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

Correctional and educational:
- to systematize the knowledge of children on the topics studied.
- consolidate children's knowledge of the units of speech: sentence, word, syllable, sound, letter,

vowel sound, consonant sound;
- to consolidate the skills of correct sound pronunciation;

Improve the skills of sound-syllabic analysis;
- improve the skills of inflection and word formation;
- exercise in working with a deformed proposal;
- develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
Correctional and educational:

To create a positive emotional mood in children;
- to educate in children independence, activity, self-confidence.

Pictures of fairy-tale characters; manuals for speech games “Collect pictures”, “Magic tables”, “Scattered words”, “Vases and flowers”, “Sound streams”; two trays, models of vegetables and fruits.

Carrying out algorithm:

1. Organizing time :

Speech therapist: - Guys, do you know what speech is? Speech is the ability to speak.
-What is our speech?

Children: (children's answers).
Speech therapist: We talk to each other through sentences.
-How do you get offers?
Children : Syllables are formed from sounds; syllables are assembled into words, and sentences are made from words.
Speech therapist: - Today I invite you to the country of correct speech. I have lived in this country for many years. And every day there are more and more inhabitants in it, because everyone wants to speak correctly and beautifully. This country is magical, but it has cities with the most common names.

2. Surprise moment(Pinocchio runs to the music) .

- Hello guys! I heard you are going on a trip. I also love to travel. I love different adventures. I once ran away from Papa Carlo and ended up in the country of Fools. That was terribly inter-r-resno!
Speech therapist:

- Wait, Pinocchio, but today the guys and I are going on a trip not to the country of Fools, but to the country of Correct speech.
- Yes, yes, I heard something about such a country. But I don't know much about her...
Speech therapist:

- Don't worry, Pinocchio! Do you want us to take you with us, and you will learn a lot about your native speech?
Pinocchio :
- Of course I want!
Speech therapist:

- Great! Difficult tasks await you on your journey. interesting meetings and, of course, fun games.
- So, guys, are you ready to go on a trip?

Children: (Yes)
Speech therapist: Let's check your readiness!

3. Didactic game"Warm-up for the mind":

Speech therapist:

Guess the word. It begins with the sound [s] or [s].
- Tall, slim conifer tree? (pine)
- The most talkative bird? (magpie)
- Night-bird? (owl)
- The number following the number six? (seven)
- A very useful yellow-breasted bird? (magpie)
- The color of the sea? (blue)
- Mustachioed fish? (som)
What do we see when we sleep? (dream)
- An insect resembling a helicopter? (dragonfly)
Speech therapist: Well done boys! You answered all questions correctly. You can go on a trip. The children take their places on the chairs.

1st stop - Zvukovograd.

4. Visiting Soundmaster

Speech therapist:

Guys, Sound Knower loves to play with sounds and has prepared a game for you.

Didactic game "Collect the pictures in your boxes."

Speech therapist:

Guys, we need to distribute items that start with a vowel sound in a red box, and with a consonant sound in a blue box.
Children: (distribute pictures)

Speech therapist: Well done boys! Next stop …

2 stop - Bukvograd.

5. Visiting Bukvoeshka(image shown fairy tale character).

Speech therapist:

Letter Girl wants to check how well you know the letters. He came up with unusual riddles for you.

Didactic game "Guess the word"
- Look closely at the picture. What does the hedgehog carry in the basket? What is the bear carrying in the bag?

Speech therapist:

In fact, you cannot accurately answer this question. Since the hedgehog's basket is closed with a handkerchief, and the bear's bag is tied.
- Now I will reveal these secrets to you! Magic tables will help me with this.

Speech therapist:

- If you want to know
What's in the basket, what's in the bag?
Cross out the letters
Those that you meet in two.
And the remaining letters
In a word, you quickly put
And then you can find out
What is hidden inside.

Children: (read "apples" and "mushrooms").

Speech therapist:
Well done!

3 stop - Settlement Slogovoy.

6. Visiting Malvina(a picture of a fairy tale character is displayed).

Speech therapist:
- Look, Malvina meets us. At her school, she teaches everyone to read words.

But, a mischievous wind came up and rearranged all the syllables in the words. Let's collect

scattered words.
Didactic game "Scattered words".

Speech therapist:

- These syllables are a disaster!
Scattered in all directions
"mo-we-whether" and "na-we-ba"
What is the miracle of the word here?
Find the place of the syllable
Collect syllables into a word.
- To make the task easier to complete, there are hint pictures on the board.

Read the syllables and name the fruits.

Children: (perform task).
Speech therapist: Let's continue the walk.

4 stop.

7. Visiting Little Red Riding Hood.

Speech therapist:
- Look, Little Red Riding Hood has prepared a present for you. whole basket

The game "Vases and Flowers":
Speech therapist:

Look, the flowers are of unprecedented beauty.
At the flowers in the middle - pictures are drawn (shows).
Vases are also not simple.
Syllabic schemes everywhere (places vases).
We will take flowers with you
And we'll smash it into vases.
It can be easy, just be careful.
And, of course, not immediately
Take flowers and put in a vase:
Name the picture by syllables
And by the way, choose a scheme.

Children: (name the picture, determine the number of syllables and put the flower in a vase)

5 stop.

8. Sound trickle.

Speech therapist:

The guys, while we were picking flowers, did not notice how they approached the sound stream
- The brook runs, murmurs, the task tells us.
Didactic game "Collect the shells":
Speech therapist:

Guys, collect shells with pictures, where the sound L is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (I invite 3 children to complete the task).
- Well done boys. And now we will play with the stream.

9. Musical game "Streams-lakes", music by E. Tilicheeva.

6 stop.

10. City of Artists.

Speech therapist:

Look, we are met by the artist Tube. Tube loves to fantasize and drew an unusual, mysterious animal.

Didactic game "Mysterious animal":

Speech therapist:
- Do you guys think such an animal exists?

Children: (No)

Speech therapist:

Look and tell me what animal it looks like? Whose head? Whose ears? Whose body? Whose tail? Whose paws?
Speech therapist: Well done, children, solved the riddles of the Tube. And it's time for us to move on.

7th stop - Poetov street.

11. Visiting Tsvetik.

Speech therapist:

We are met by the poet Tsvetik.
Come on, kids, don't yawn!
Change the word quickly!

    A pine tree grew on the shore - and next to it ... (pines)
    A beautiful star is burning - and next to it ... (stars)
    It became a red-red tomato - and next to it ... (tomatoes)
    Here is one gnome, here is a second gnome - and together it is ... (gnomes).

Speech therapist:

Well done boys!
Speech therapist: Guys, let's show Tsvetik how we learned to read poetry, loudly and expressively.
Children: (read poems about spring).
Speech therapist: It's time to move on.

8th stop - Sports Lane.

12. Meeting with Sportacus.
sportacus : Attention, friends! I announce the relay!

I invite 2 teams of 5 people. Teams are built in a column.

On a signal, each player of the team runs to the table, on which vegetables and fruits are laid out. The 1st team chooses everything that is needed for compote, and the 2nd team chooses everything that is needed for borscht (children lay fruits and vegetables on different trays).
-Well done! Completed the task of Sportacus!

9 stop - City of Writers

13. Meeting with Berilyak.

Speech therapist:

He came up with a game for you.
Didactic game "Is it right?"(working with a deformed sentence)
Speech therapist:

Berilyaka will tell you the wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.
- Came in the spring. (Spring has come).
- shine bright sun. (The bright sun shone.)
- A bird came from the south. (Birds flew in from the south).
- She began to build nests and hatch chicks. (They began to build nests and hatch chicks).
Speech therapist:

- Well done boys!

14. Reflection.

Speech therapist:
- And our journey through the "Country of Correct Speech" has come to an end.

Each of us learned something new today, and each showed his knowledge and skills.

What did you like the most about our trip?

What heroes do you remember and why?

Who was more accurate in their answers?

Children: (children's answers).

Thanks guys, I've learned a lot from you. You are so smart, agile, skillful.
I really don't want to leave you, but I have to go.

Oh, I completely forgot! I brought you my favorite Golden Key sweets, help yourself!

(Pinocchio treats the children and leaves to the music.)

The scenario of the speech holiday offered to you is the final work correctional groups preschool educational institution for older and preparatory age children with general underdevelopment speech.

The speech material of the holiday is chosen in such a way that children with different levels speech development were able to realize their speech skills and abilities.

All material is presented in game form, is characterized constant change activities of children, the dynamics of the plot.




Lesson type: holiday occupation.

Target: the use by children of the acquired speech skills in the implementation of the communication program.


  1. activate lexicon By lexical topics"Summer",
    "Fish", "Meadow", "Flowers", "Insects", "Wild Animals", "Forest",
  2. form nouns with diminutives
  3. choose antonyms;
  4. to consolidate the ability to form possessive adjectives;
  5. use complex prepositions in speech;
  6. use connected statements;
  7. develop dialogic speech, prosodic side speech;
  8. fix phonemic analysis and synthesis, letter gnosis, skills
  9. form the correct speech breathing;
  10. use logarithmics with elements of psycho-gymnastics (emotions,
    facial expressions), pantomime (gestures), plasticity (removal of muscle tone);
  11. develop higher mental functions;
  12. consolidate spatial gnosis;
  13. develop general motor coordination in children.

Equipment: mock-up rebus on the topic “Fish”, letters for a crossword puzzle, cut subject pictures-guesses on the topic “Wild animals”, flowers, attributes from wild animal costumes, a ball, equipment for decorating the hall, costumes for heroes.


The course of the lesson /. Greetings.

Vedas. U. Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our final speech holiday!

Vedas. 2. We wish you to enjoy communicating with us and our children. I would like you to experience such emotions as Joy at our holiday!

Ved.1. Astonishment!

Vedas. 2. Pride!

Vedas. 1. Admiration!


I. The main part.

Vedas. 2. It's time to invite our members!(Children enter)

Vedas. 1. Another year has gone by

We met again, friends,

How have you all grown up!

Did they live together? Didn't get sick? We were all here a year ago. Have you forgotten our agreement? “Speak always, everywhere: In the garden, at home, in the yard. . . We need it - beautifully, clearly, To make it clear to everyone!

Vedas. 2. For a whole year you were not lazy,

Learned to speak clearly

Learned a lot:

And read and wrote. . . And now it's time for us to rest, kids! - Let's go camping, the Train is waiting for all of us!


Do you hear? He gives a beep. In the summer he calls us with him!

(music gets louder)

Vedas. 1. We arrived at the station. But to what, guess for yourself. "What kind of station is this? The river, playing with waves, Everything does not stand still, But it runs, runs, runs ... "

  1. The station is near the river, so what station is it?(River)
  2. Us a cheerful steam locomotive

To the station "River" brought!

Guess who is on the bank near the river?
“In the summer he sits with a fishing rod,

Only the sun will rise! He watches the float - The fish won't pull?(Fisherman) (Fisherman enters.)

Fisherman. I am a happy fisherman

I fish on a hook. And I'm not too lazy to sit all day By the river.

And for you guys, in stock
I have riddles.
Rebus you solve!

And learn the names of the fish!(Children guess riddles and “catch” guessing pictures with a magnetic fishing rod.)

Fisherman. Well done boys! All my puzzles solved!

I have a rich catch today!

It's time for me to say goodbye to you..

And return home with a catch. Vedas. 1. - Fisherman, stay with us, we will travel together.

Vedas. 1. Again guys, it's time

Gather in a steam locomotive

On the road to go ...(music plays)


Vedas, 1. Smells like fresh grass

And dazzles all around

Because before us

It turns green brightly ... (Meadow)

- What station did we arrive at?(meadow) The mistress of the meadow is my good friend - the flower fairy. And here she is.

(The Flower Fairy enters.)

Fairy of flowers. I welcome you, friends!

The flower fairy is me!

I flew over the meadow all day

And I collected nectar from flowers.

I got bored alone.

Where are my meadow people?

Butterflies, fly away!

And pollinate the flowers!

Dance of Butterflies and Flowers.

Fairy of flowers. - And now we will have a rest, we will play games together!

I will throw the ball

The word "on the contrary" must be chosen.

(The game “Say the other way around” is being played - throwing the ball to each other, the children pick up antonyms for the words:

Big - small high - low bloom - fade

Large - small far - close open - close

Wide - narrow loudly - quietly crawl - fly

Thick - thin often - rarely upset - please

Dark - light slow - fast
Bright - dim hard - easy.)

Fairy of flowers. I throw the ball again

I call ordinary words.

Who will the ball hit?

The usual word "affectionately" will call.

(The game “Call it affectionately” is being held - throwing the ball to each other, children
form a diminutive form of nouns:
Grass-grass meadow-meadow cornflower-cornflower

fly-beetle beetle flower-flower


dragonfly-dragonfly spider-spider stalk-stalk

worm-worm leaf-leaflet

bug-bug ant-ant

chamomile-chamomile wing-wing.)

Vedas. 1. - Dear Flower Fairy! We invite you to travel with us


Vedas. 1. - The train gives our whistle

- Oh, where did we go?
Ate, pines to heaven!
Full of fairy tales and wonders
Are there children in front of us? ... (77es ^

What station is this?(Forest)

But in the forest the hostess is different.
This, guys, is a forest fairy!
And here she is.

(The Forest Fairy enters.)

Fairy forest. Hello dear guests! Glad to see you!

IN summer forest i'm going for a walk

I suggest you go

More interesting adventure

We guys can't find it.

Become one after another

Hold hands tightly

Along the paths, along the paths

Let's go for a walk in the forest!

So that it was not boring to go,

Let's start the song together!(They walk like a snake, they sing a round dance “For raspberries in forest let's go... "- 2 verses.

Let's go to the forest for raspberries ...

Words by T. Volgina Music by A. FilippenkoLet's go to the forest for raspberries, Let's go to the forest, let's go to the forest,


We'll start a dance, we'll start, we'll start. The sun is in the yard, And there is a path in the forest. You are my sweet, Raspberry Berry!

Stop, turn around)

- I am a forest sorceress
I turn everything into good...
my magic begins

Children turn into forest animals.

We will show the habits and character of wild animals. We move one after another
circle, listen to the words:

  1. Let's go soft as foxes. We step lightly, carefully on toes,
    we cover the tracks with the tail. The face is calm and relaxed.
  2. And now let's go like a clumsy bear. Waddle, clumsily.
    The bear saw a raspberry bush, stopped, was surprised. Brows
    raise, open your eyes wide, turn on your voice:
    "Aaaaaaaaah!" And he spread his paws in surprise to the sides. rejoiced
    bear, smiled broadly: “Eeeeeeeeeeeee!” The bear noticed that
    the raspberries had not yet ripened, he was upset: “Uuuuuuuuuuuu!” little voice
    we lower. Do not be upset, bear, summer has just begun, there is still a lot
    different berries in the forest will ripen.
  3. Guys, let's jump like a cowardly hare. Moving forward 2
    feet, timidly looking around. Are there evil enemies nearby!
  4. And now, like a gray wolf-wolf. Moving forward wide
    jumps, but silently, on tiptoes. Let's show all the terrible wolf,
    bare sharp teeth.
  5. They stopped, squatted down, pressed their heads to their knees.
    “Here the hedgehog curled up into a ball,

Because he's cold.

The ray of the hedgehog touched (We raise our heads, smile, rejoice

solar heat).

The hedgehog got up and stretched!

Slowly we rise, we pull our hands up, towards the sun. We lower our hands and slowly raise them again. Take a deep breath through the nose. Exhale through


mouth. We make lips with a “tube”. Breathe deeply, calmly and easily in the forest!(Repeat breathing exercises 5 times)

- Guys, sit down comfortably in the forest clearing. forest animals wanted
play hide and seek with you.

Listen to the rules of the game.

According to the body parts of the little animals, you need to find out who is hiding where to tell.
For example:

  1. A fox hides behind a stump, because a fox peeps out from behind a stump
  2. A bear is hiding under the tree, because they look out from under the tree
    bear ears.
  3. A wolf hides behind a birch, because a wolf peeks out from behind a birch
    (Repeat 2-3 times)

fairy forest, - Well done! All the animals were found, no one was forgotten.

It's time for me to say goodbye

And return to your meadow

But before I leave, I want to introduce you guys to my old

familiar, fabulous dwarf Ole Lukoye.

The forest fairy leaves, the gnome comes out.

Dwarf. Glad to meet you, dear friends! I know many different fairy tales. But before you open the door to a fairy tale, You must solve my crossword together.

Listen to the riddles and name the riddle words. Preparatory children
groups will lay out guess words from letters, and the rest of the children should
find a picture and lay out a “guess” from its parts.

With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not a bull

They milk, not a cow,

Lyko pulls,

And he doesn’t weave bast shoes.(Goat)

The oblique does not have a lair, He does not need a hole. Look into a good fairy tale. Heat!

Vedas. 1. Health!

Together: And good mood!

Vedas. 2. Thank you all for your attention!

Vedas. ]. The holiday is over! Goodbye!

(Children leave the room.)

Tasks: to teach children to expressively read by heart the poem by I. Surikov “Winter”; learn to coordinate the adjective "winter" with nouns in the gender (winter, winter, winter);

exercise in the formation of plural nouns genitive(snow, snowflakes, ice, snowdrifts, blizzards, blizzards, snowmen, sledges, fun), in the selection of cognate words for the word "snow"; , ; to cultivate love for the artistic word and the nature of the native land.

Material: 3-4 pictures about winter (different in character, mood, content), 4 model diagrams based on the poem "Winter" by I. Surikov.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of a winter landscape; guessing riddles about winter; listening to the recording "Seasons"; observation of winter changes in nature.

Lesson progress

Educator (V.). Children, do you know who composes fairy tales, writes poetry? Who composes the music? Who paints pictures? Want to visit an art exhibition? Come into the showroom. Children approach the exhibited paintings.

IN. What is shown in the pictures? What time of year? What signs of winter do you know? Guys, what is winter like? Look carefully at the pictures. What do you see on them? What is the name of the painting that depicts nature (landscape)? Artists paint different seasons. These pictures depict winter. How can we call these landscapes in one word? (Winter.) And now be careful. Tell me, what day is today? (Winter.) What is the weather like? (Winter.) What is the sun? (Winter.) What is the road? (Winter.) What is the sky like? (Winter.) What street? (Winter.)

And now we will play with you " winter words". I will name the word, and you will tell me whether there is a lot of this in winter or not.

Snow - in winter there is a lot of snow.

Snowflake - lots of snowflakes in winter.

Ice is a lot of ice.

Snowdrift - a lot of snowdrifts.

A blizzard - a lot of blizzards.

Blizzard - a lot of blizzards.

Snowman - lots of snowmen.

Sledges - a lot of sledges.

Fun - lots of fun.

Winter is a very beautiful time of the year. Not only artists draw, but poets also sing of it in verse. Now I will read you a poem by Ivan Zakharovich Surikov "Winter".

IN. Guys, did you like Ivan Surikov's poem "Winter"? I will read it to you again, and you listen carefully, as you will memorize it.

Re-reading the poem "Winter"

IN. What is the poem about? What do you think the weather was like the day before? How did you get it? Do you remember what the poem says about this? What is the word for snow? What is he? Where does the snow fall? What field was in the morning? How is it said about the winter decoration of the forest? What has become of the forest? What does the forest under the hat do? What day is the poet talking about in the poem? What are the days in winter? (Children's answers.) Now I will read you a poem using model diagrams.

First, those children who quickly remember the poem are told the poem. The teacher makes sure that the children read rhythmically, without long pauses (actively prompts them, encourages them). The memorization ends with the most vivid performance, the expressive reading child is called. After reading the poem by the second child, a physical education session is held.


And the frost, oh-oh-oh, (grab your shoulders with your hands and shiver)

But I don't want to go home (Shake your head from side to side.)

Rub your hands, rub, rub, (Rub your hand with your hand.)

And breathe on your hands. (Breathe into your hands, making a long exhalation.)

stomp your feet,

Jump in place

And then sit down together.

IN.(summarizing the lesson). Guys, let's remember the name of the poem? Who wrote? What else did we do in class? (Children's answers.)


Gorina Elena


- to form practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech.


- to consolidate the use of antonyms in speech;

- the formation of the plural of nouns;

- the use of generalizing words;

- word formation: baby animals in the singular and plural and the formation of adjectives from nouns (apple - apple);

- the use of prepositions;

- strengthening the ability to determine the first consonant sound in a word and its letter;

- development phonemic hearing;

- fixing the use of diminutive names;

- improvement of coherent speech;

Development speech communication, attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking.


- development of the ability to listen to your comrades, not to interrupt their speech;

- the formation of such moral qualities as willingness to help, sympathy, a sense of collectivism.

The course of the holiday.


Dear parents and guests! Today we invited you to a holiday, to show what we have learned for academic year. Let's meet the teams! The girls' team "Clever", the boys' team "Clever". Under cheerful music and the applause of the parents enter the children and stand opposite each other. The teams greet each other: the girls team - hello! Boys team - hello!

The speech therapist explains the rules of the game: the one who is asked answers, we listen to each other, we don’t get upset and we don’t get offended. Several children participate in each competition, the results of each competition are evaluated by a competent jury consisting of: the head of the kindergarten, the head teacher and the speech therapist.

Guys! Stand in a circle, hold hands, close your eyes and say with me:

We are calm, we are calm.

We always speak beautifully

Clear and unhurried.

We definitely remember

What was taught in class.

Let's start with a fun workout. Children stand in a circle. Ball game.

"Say the opposite"

Old -… (new)

Loud quiet)

Fell - ... (raised)

Fun - ... (sad)

Drop - ... (raise)

Tired - ... (rested).

"Hard - soft"

Ma - ... me

"One is many"

Table - ... tables

Tree - ... trees

Sparrow - ... sparrows

Home - ... at home

Leg legs.

Well done! The workout is over. The competition starts!

1st competition.

"The Fourth Extra"

4 people from each team participate. Exercise.

Of the 4 pictures, find one extra and explain why it is extra.

Turnip, beetroot, pear, carrot.

Children's answers: "An extra pear, because it is a fruit, and all the rest are vegetables."

A set of pictures.

Cat, fox, wolf, hare.

Crow, titmouse, chicken, woodpecker.

Glass, pot, kettle, table.

Pig, bear, goat, horse.

Coats, boots, shoes, boots.

Cap, sweater, hat, panama.

Bluebell, oak, chamomile, cornflower.

2nd competition.

"Help Mom Find Her Babies"

There are pictures of baby pets on the table. Children are given pictures with "mothers": a goat, a cow, a dog, a cat, a sheep, a horse, a pig, a rabbit.

2 people from each team come out, find the cubs and call them: goat, kid, kids.

Cow - calf - calves.

Dog - puppy - puppies.

Cat - kitten - kittens.

Sheep - lamb - lambs.

Horse - foal - foals.

Pig - piglet - piglets.

Rabbit - rabbit - rabbits.

3rd competition.

"What juice? What jam?

The speech therapist puts pictures of fruits and berries on the board: cranberries, oranges, pineapples, blueberries, strawberries, apples.

What do I put on the board? children's answers.

3 people per team participate.

- "What kind of orange juice?" - orange, etc.

Summing up the results of the competition.

4th "Competition of captains".

Task: to collect a sectional picture and answer questions on it.

Image: pitcher and glass.

What it is?

Why do we need these items?

What are they made of?

Picture: a cow with a calf.

Who is this? Who are they?

What benefit do they provide?

Summing up the results of the competition.

5th competition"Naughty kitten" - the use of prepositions.

Task: to say complete offer where the kitten is.

The kitten is sitting on a chair.

The kitten is hiding under the table. Etc.

Summing up the results of the competition.

6th competition"Houses for Sounds".

Task: determine the first sound in words (from pictures) and “settle” in houses (studied sounds and letters).

Summing up the results of the competition.

7th competition for parents.

Task: the parents of girls select as many words as possible - what kind of girls? Smart, kind, cute, etc.

Moms of boys - what kind of boys? Bold, cocky, noisy, etc.

Summing up the results of the competition.

While parents are writing down words, a game is played for children outside the “Look and name” competition - the pronunciation of words of a complex syllabic structure.

Task: Take a picture and clearly name it.

Pictures: bread box, sugar bowl, candy bowl, napkin bowl, aquarium, frying pan, fisherman, snow scooter, anthill, button, bicycle, biscuit bowl, salad bowl, birdhouse, tureen.

Summing up the results of the competition.

While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, the children stand in a circle, pass a heart and call each other affectionately: Masha, Kirill, etc.

Summing up, awarding children with medals and diplomas (To the graduate of the senior speech therapy group for the successful assimilation of the program) for good knowledge, diligence, hard work and the ability to make friends.

There is nothing better in the world

Than friends to celebrate the victory.

Because friendship is power.

Today our friendship won!

- “Tell me, guys, what is the best gift? - Book.

Both girls and boys

Everyone can learn from a book.

And such a gift, children,

The most interesting thing in the world!

Children are given encyclopedias about animals.

Author information

Rumyantseva I.V.

Place of work, position:

MDOU kindergarten No. 15 in Yaroslavl, teacher-speech therapist

Yaroslavl region

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The level of education:

Special (correctional) education

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

Educational psychologist

The target audience:



speech therapy



The purpose of the lesson:

Objectives: To develop cognitive interest, increase the level of language development of children. Consolidate the material learned in class. To create an emotionally high spirits, a feeling of joy from the holiday.



to systematize in children the knowledge gained in speech classes;

develop coherent speech, logical thinking, memory, speech attention, visual attention, auditory attention; develop the ability to analyze, generalize, classify.

Corrective : automate delivered sounds in connected speech; develop intonational expressiveness and diction, self-control during pronunciation, activate the dictionary, improve the word-formation skill of relative adjectives; exercise in the coordination of speech and movement, develop the ability to navigate in space, consolidate the ability to put together a picture from parts, develop fine motor skills.

Educational: to cultivate independence, self-control, activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team; Build positive relationships with peers and adults.

Lesson type:

Knowledge consolidation lesson

Used equipment:

Equipment: a chest, a paper key of 6 parts on which tasks are written, a board, a lotto “What grows in a garden, a kitchen garden, a forest”, pictures with a certain number of berries and fruits, envelopes with split pictures - animal shadows (for each child), flower templates, clothespins in 3 colors, a ball, a tape recorder, gifts - sweets, coloring.

Short description:

This synopsis is intended for entertainment with children of the older group with a diagnosis of ONR. During the entertainment, parents invited to the holiday participate.

Entertainment progress:

Organizing time

Speech therapist: Guys, you all learned to say different sounds, and therefore we have a holiday today. Your parents came to visit us. They will see what you have learned.

surprise momentSounds like music .

Speech therapist: I hear footsteps, someone else is coming towards us!

Included Forest Fairy.- Hello, friends ! (children greet)

Children who do not know me. Fairy I'm called forest.

I know birds and animals. Flowers, mushrooms and berries are my friends!

Main part

Forest Fairy: I came to visit you, and brought with me a chest from the forest kingdom. But here's the problem - he was bewitched by the goblin. You need a key to open the chest. And you can collect the key with the help of completed tasks. Can you help me?

Forest Fairy: Task one : all the guys read the verses, correctly pronouncing the sounds that they learned to speak.

Speech therapist: Natasha, Ilya, Kira, Olesya, Yegor will tell poems with the sound "l":

1. Mom didn’t feel sorry for soap, mom Mila washed soap with soap.

Mila did not like soap, Mila got soap in her eye.

Why are you crying, our Mila? - I'm crying out soap!

2. Lena was looking for a pin,
And the pin fell under the bench.
It was too lazy to climb under the bench,
Been looking for a pin all day.

3. Dear, dear Michael

did not like to wash with soap.

He said: "No need for soap,

I'm very cute without soap"

Speech therapist: And Kirill, Anya and Dima know tongue twisters with the sound “l”:

La, la, la. La, la, la - Mila swam in a boat.

Lo, lo, lo. Lo, lo, lo - the sun is shining warmly.

Ly, ly, ly. Ly, ly, ly - Milochka's songs are heard.

Klava was sitting in the boat, singing songs with Mila.

Speech therapist: Mark and Vanya will tell poems with the sound "sh":

1. My car has new tires.

I'm rolling over pebbles, whoever you want, I'll roll!

2. Ears on top
The cat and the mouse
But the cat has ears
More than a mouse.

Speech therapist: Nastya, Kristina and Milena know the joke with the "sh" sound:

What's a cat for lunch? - Chocolate. - Of course not.

Maybe a mouse? - Of course yes.

Mice, shoo! Trouble has come!

Speech therapist: Nikita and Timur learned how to pronounce the sound "h" correctly:

1. Above the houses and over stoves
Smoke rises into the sky.
Smoke from small rings
Transforms into sheep.

2. Tanechka washes her shoulders and face with water. Washes fingers, barrel.

How to wash the tongue?

Forest Fairy: Well done, the first task was done well!

Speech therapist: Fairy, and now the guys and I invite you to our round dance "If you like ..." (Movements: click your tongue - 2 times, clap your knees - 2 times, jump - 2 times, spin around yourself - 1 time)

Forest Fairy: Task two - guess my riddles and find out who my friends are:

The house is open on all sides, it is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house - you will see miracles in it! (Forest)

Girlfriends in white dresses fled along the edge. (Birches)

What kind of girl is this: not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

She does not sew anything herself, but in needles all year round. (Spruce)

An angry fidget lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Jumping on the branches, but not a bird. Red, but not a fox. (Squirrel)

Under the pine tree by the path, who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boot. There is a hat - there is no head. (Mushroom)

It was green, small, then I became scarlet.

I have matured in the sun. And now I'm ripe. (Strawberry)

Forest Fairy: Well done! Mission completed.

Do vegetables and fruits grow in my forest? Where do they grow?

Task three - choose the right picture in the loto "What grows in the garden, vegetable garden, forest"

Speech therapist: Fairy, check if the guys completed the task correctly.

Speech therapist: Fairy, and our children know what can be cooked from vegetables (mashed potatoes, casserole, pie, salad, soup, caviar). And from fruits? (juice, jam, jam, soufflé, salad, compote, pie). Let's show the Fairy how we know how to choose the right words.

Held ball game "Tell me a word"

carrot juice (what?), mashed potatoes?, etc. (apricot jam, peach jam, pear compote, pea soup, apple pie, zucchini caviar, carrot casserole, pineapple juice , cherry jam, cranberry juice, potato casserole, beetroot salad, raspberry jam)

Forest Fairy: And now task four - need help puzzles decide.

Speech therapist: Our guys will definitely help you!

Forest Fairy:

1. May beetles lived under the bushes near the river: daughter, son, father and mother.

2.Four ripe pears swayed on a branch. Pavlusha took two pears.

How many pears are left?

3. Four hares walked from school. And suddenly they were attacked by bees.

Two bunnies barely escaped. And how many did not have time? .. (two)

4. There are two shovels near the bed, three shovels near the tub.

Count all the blades! How much will? Exactly ... (five)

Speech therapist: Fairy, and our guests - parents can also help solve more difficult problems.

Forest Fairy: tasks for parents -

1. Marina had a whole apple, two halves and four quarters.

How many apples did she have? (three)

2. How did they share? Mother carried five apples in a basket. Her children were with her. The mother says to the children: - You have five children. Divide these apples among yourselves so that everyone gets a whole apple and one is left in the basket. The kids were smart. They divided the apples as their mother had asked. How did they do it? (One took an apple with a basket)

Forest Fairy: Well done to both children and parents. They coped with the task.

Guys, are you careful? Now I'll check . Task five.

Let's play Find your number game. The children are given Pictures with a certain amount of berries and fruits. Children dance to the music, as soon as the music ends, the children find the right numbers located in different places groups.

Forest Fairy: Yes, I see, you are attentive, no one was mistaken!

Do you know how you can call my friends - a squirrel, a bear, a fox, a hedgehog? (wild animals). Are there other animals that live at home, what are they called? Who belongs to them?

Task six - pets sent their shadows, you need to make pictures, find out and name who it is . Each child receives envelope with the task, collects the animal and tells

Forest Fairy: So the tasks are over, our chest can be opened, Let's see what's in it: gifts (candies and coloring pages) for you.

Speech therapist: And the guys also want to give you flowers as a gift, now they will make them with their own hands.

Forest Fairy: How will they do?

Speech therapist: Look, we have clothespins, and the guys will make flowers for you from them.

Held game "Collect a flower" (Children are divided into three teams. Participants take turns running up to the flower template and attaching clothespins - “petals” of the desired color)

Children give flowers to the Forest Fairy.

Forest Fairy: Thank you! To keep the flowers from wilting, you need water. There are many streams in my forest.

final moment

Speech therapist: And we know how to play "Brook", we invite you to play with us.

Game of low mobility "Brook"

At the end of the game, the Fairy says goodbye and leaves.