Secrets of Chapman - Dacha revolution - (05.05.2017) Subscribe to the channel - The new project of the most famous spy - "Secrets of Chapman". Stories about how the world actually works. New roles - new topics - a new name. The main topics of "Secrets Chapman" will be answers to simple and at the same time complex questions. Why is the number of natural disasters last years has multiplied? Can drinking water cause global war? What are the dangers of passion in a healthy way life? Why are there more and more drugs in pharmacies, and less and less benefits from them? Due to what and whom do corporations get richer? How not to fall into the trap of your own money? #Chapman #Taynymir #SecretsChapman #AnnaChapman #issues #New issue #Documentary #Top secret #All issues of AnnaChapman #Countryrevolution Movie, documentary, online, ufo, in good quality, new items 2017, series 2017, melodramas 2017, inexplicably, but true, documentaries discovery, documentaries national geographic, watch documentaries, documentary films 2017, films 206, bbc documentaries, 2017, secrets, mystery, riddles, miracle people, telekinesis, documentary, film, 2017, secrets of the world, secrets of the world with Anna Chapman, secrets of the world with Anna Chapman all issues, anna chapman secrets of the world 2017 all series, secrets of the world with anna chapman watch online, ufo, yfo, ufo, aliens, contact, flying saucer, watch a documentary, with igor prokopenko, program, ren tv, tv 3, home, russia, russia 24, culture, bbc, discovery, national geographic, ntv, youtube, youtube, youtube, secrets, our, brain, secrets of our brain, clinical death, Discovery RU HD, documentary, god, religion, life after death, horror, this video will change your life 100%, the secrets of the universe, quantum theory light, quantum field theory, quantum theory of the atom, the secrets of the human brain, the secret of matter, the secrets of our brain, watch the secrets of the universe, the secrets of the human brain, the brain of the secrets of consciousness, the secrets of the brain watch, god in neurons, theory of everything, documentaries, documentary pro, good film, documentaries free, good movie list, watch movie, movie 2017, movie war, movie download, movie 2017, russian movie, watch movie online, movie russia, historical movie, watch documentaries, documentaries online, watch documentaries online, best documentaries, space documentaries, New film, latest release 206, news today, house 2, science, earnings, research, discovery, issue of 2017, secret, secret, watch secrets, secret secrets, secret of household, money, the best, ufo, Secrets of Chapman, Secrets with Anna Chapman, First series, documentary, interesting , watch Chapman Mysteries, watch Chapman Mysteries online, watch an interesting show, Anna Chapman, the best documentaries, what to watch? , secret materials, secrets of the world, the most terrible secrets, top secret, best show, Secrets with Anna Chapman, I'm interested, RENTV, new issue, all issues, who is chapman, everything is chapman, Chapman's program, video chapman, watch chapman, watch everyone, chapman online, latest issue, revealed all the secrets, Dachnaya revolution

Garden plots belong to agricultural land, so they need to grow vegetables, fruits and berries. rather than build housing. The Ministry of Regional Development insists on this in its bill specifying the procedure for the use of allotments. The document was published on the website of the department and caused a mixed reaction in society. “The fate of Rechnik hangs over all of Russia,” some panic. "It's high time to put things in order in land relations," others object. Developers are adding fuel to the fire, who may have to transfer garden plots located on agricultural land to another category. Weaving will rise in price, they predict.

It's obvious that common sense is in the bill. If you want to grow potatoes, buy an agricultural plot. If you are interested in housing construction - if you please, fork out for more expensive "land of settlements." But our summer residents strive to combine business with pleasure. Therefore, ugly palaces often grow next to the beds, or, conversely, barracks with unpretentious migrants. All this - it is not known from what materials, without any design documentation and certainly without the neighbor's consent.

To defeat anarchy, the Ministry of Regional Development proposes to ban the construction of housing on agricultural land, and garden and garden plots are recognized as such. At the same time, you can grow whatever you want, even watermelons (for some reason, melons are mentioned specifically in the document). It is also not forbidden to erect economic structures.

Summer cottages are registered as a separate line in the project. It will still be possible to build individual residential buildings and, of course, outbuildings on them. Important nuance: dachas in the document are recognized allotments that are not located on "agricultural" land and located within the boundaries settlements. There are few such sites in the country.

In addition, for the construction of an individual residential building on suburban area permission will be required. The process of obtaining permission and currently is a fairly routine procedure. It is also surprising that there is no clear mechanism for legalizing objects already built on agricultural land for individual housing construction, - points out the lawyer of the company Penny Lane Realty Sergey Amendment.

Most likely, the authorities will announce another "dacha amnesty" for those who have already lined up, believes Andrey Tumanov, chairman of the Moscow Interregional Union of Gardeners.

Nobody wants to get an explosion of popular anger, he says.

Another problem: it will be impossible to register at dachas located outside settlements. The current law also prohibits registration at dachas, but two years ago the Constitutional Court found this provision illegal. So today, although with difficulty, but you can get a residence permit at the address of the "fazenda".

Finally, the adoption of the project may lead to a sharp rise in the price of land. In one of the companies involved in the construction of settlements, Izvestia was told that the cost of their plots would increase by 20%. This is because the land on which they are located will have to be transferred from the "agricultural" category to the category of "settlement land", and this is time and money.

However, the government, it seems, has not yet decided on the fate of agricultural land, more than half of which is used for other purposes. According to Izvestia, there are two points of view in bureaucratic offices. The first one (it is defended by the State Duma Agrarian Committee) is to toughen the process of transferring agricultural land to other categories as much as possible. The second (it is adhered to in the presidential administration) is, on the contrary, to liberalize this procedure. So while gardeners and gardeners have time to take a breath.

In the spring of 2017, on the eve of the new summer season, from all regions of the country there are reports of large fires in garden plots. Entire dacha villages are burning out, what is happening, banal negligence in handling fire by the dacha residents themselves or someone is starting against them big war? According to the agricultural census, half of Russian vegetables, fruits and berries are now grown on personal plots.

- 6 acres and a barn. The origins of the dacha boom;
- Dinner is served. Recipes for success from new summer residents;
- Difficulties of translation. Dacha and English lesson;
- Not a single garden. An unexpected version of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The new project of the most famous spy - "Secrets of Chapman" . Stories about how the world really works. A new role - new themes - a new name.
The main topics of the program will be answers to simple and at the same time complex questions. Why has the number of natural disasters increased several times in recent years? Can drinking water cause a global war? What dangers are fraught with passion for a healthy lifestyle? Why are there more and more drugs in pharmacies, and less and less benefits from them?