kick ass

The task will be given by Jack upon arrival on the island. He will ask you to drive the members of the Inquisition from the lighthouse. Go to the lighthouse and talk to Tanner first. Defeat him in a duel and send him to the beach. After that, go to the lighthouse and read Holtby's revealing notes. It turns out he robbed the lighthouse keeper and left it all in a nearby cave. There will be shadows in the cave, so be careful. At the end of the cave you will find Holtby's Chest. Take everything from there and present it to Holtby. In the end, he, too, will go to the beach. Return to Jack and tell him that he can return to the lighthouse.


Not far from the cave, Pipen will sit and complain about life. In the end, he will ask you to go to the cave and pick up his things from the chest. We go into the cave, kill the shadows and take things from the chest. We give all things to Pipen and complete the task.

Treasures in the dead lands of Tacarigua

The treasure map will be inside Jack's lighthouse. Take the map and go to the dead lands to dig up the treasure. The chest will contain all sorts of trinkets and some gold.

Indescribable wealth

In the dead lands, a pirate named Roscoe will sit on a slope. He promises us a profit of 5000 gold. We ask what needs to be done. We follow Roscoe and come to the mark with the treasure. We dig it up and get a rusty fork. We go to Roscoe and get the second card. Inside the second chest there will be a mirror. Again we return to Roscoe and say that there was a mirror in the chest. He gets angry and demands to follow him. As a result, he will begin to dig the third treasure and the ghost of his father will appear, who will drag him to the underworld. After that, the ghost will ask you a question. Answer: "I myself." As a reward, we will receive a diamond.

Vasco's things

On the way to the city, you will meet Vasco, who has lost his bag and asks to return it for 100 gold. His bag will be in the tower next to the city. We pick it up and return it to the owner.

Corpse Di Fuego

In the guard tower you will find a corpse former governor cities. Let's do an investigation. Ask Vasco, and he will hint at Sebastiano, the new governor. We go to the governor and talk about Di Fuego. After that, we speak with the night guard. Now we steal the execution order from Sebastiano's chest on the second floor and shine in front of Sebastiano's nose. He confesses that he killed Di Fuego and will kick you out of the house.

News from Puerto Sakariko

It is necessary, at the request of Jack, to go to the city and find out the news. After that, return to him and tell him everything you learned.

Rodriguez problem

The gunsmith in town will ask you to steal a transfer order from Sebastiano's desk. This can be done at night when the governor is sleeping. We sneak into the house and take the order. We give it to the gunsmith and get a reward.

Commandant Tacarigua

At the entrance to the Governor's Mansion there will be a bouncer who will not let you in until you give a good reason to enter. You can choose any branch of the dialogue and he will let you in.

Death to deserters

Sebastiano will ask you to kill Vasco and Severin, who deserted from the order. I wouldn't recommend doing this. The Inquisition is no more. Just find these people and tell them you don't want to kill them. After that, go to the governor and say that you killed them. He will pay you for the "work".

Crystal Portal to Tacarigua

After learning the skill of destroying crystal portals from Eldric, sail to Takarigua and enlist the support of Severin. Now you can kill the shadows and destroy the portal.

Betray Horace

Sebastiano will ask you to bring the traitor to him. Horace will be on the shore near the city. We speak with him and invite him to join the team. He will become your partner. You can return to Sebastiano and say that Horace has sailed from the island. Get a soul boost.

Give mooring lines

If you go down from the city, you will notice an almost destroyed farm. Talk to the cook named Osorio there. He will say that his wallet was stolen from him and ask you to return it. The wallet will be near the lighthouse, but you will have to climb the vines there. There you will meet a thief. Talk to him. After that, climb onto the cliff next to him, take the wallet and return to the cook for a reward.

Funny: after you have found the stash, talk to the thief, offer rum, and then ask what he will do next. He will say that he learned to fly without the help of a voodoo doll. Wish him luck and he'll crash to his death.

Shadow Lord of Madness

Some time after the "Kick Ass" quest and the destruction of the crystal portal on the island, return to these two soldiers and you will hear them talking about some kind of monster. Talk to Holtby and then to Tanner. He will say that there is a shadow in the mangroves and bets 250 gold that we will not kill her. We go there, kill the shadow, return and take the money.


An enemy ship led by an illusory captain named Crow boards our ship. Following the prompts, we make several movements in all directions, after which we jump over the barrier on the left side and, passing forward, dodge the danger by pressing the button shown. We uncover the weapon and enter the fight with the minion. The main thing in battle is to parry attacks in time and, when the enemy moves away, without delay to strike one at a time after another. We go around the mast, shoot from the pistol at the powder kegs near the ship's cannon and deal with the minion. Together with Patty, having moved to the enemy ship, we defeat two more opponents, combining simple and powerful blows. Some enemies, most of them large ones, ignore parry, so you have to dodge. So, during the attacks of the guardian of shadows, we roll from the side to Palestine and do not miss the opportunity to lay a combination of powerful blows. If necessary, we use rum - a drink that instantly stimulates health. The culmination will be the fight with Crowe and the appearance of a huge water monster, after which the awakening will follow.
crab trembled

Patty. Nightmares for the main character have become a common occurrence: for a long time, the ghost captain does not give him peace. Patty smartly brings us back to real world and joyfully announces that we have come to Crab Trembling.
We select the key from the table, show them the chest near the bed and take out all our ammunition. In the inventory, in the “Equipment” tab, we place the Steelbeard sword in the left right hand, and the dueling pistol in the wrong right hand. Further down the list: on the head - a black cocked hat, on the body - an important tunic, on the legs - black trousers, on the feet - polished boots. We go to the “Supplies” tab and distribute rum and provisions among the cells of active use, so that during the “hot” battle it would not be possible to continuously get into the inventory and be treated by responding objects. Opening the door, we will fly to the trembling.
We begin the passage of the game Risen 3 ...

Chapter 1
Treasure Hunt

The greatest treasure of the South Seas is hidden in the ancient temple. Patty will constantly accompany us and actively help in the battle with the local fauna. For the murder of enemies and the completion of tasks, "Glory" is awarded, which is used to improve the character's demon. Having cleared the trembling from unequal enemies, we return to the path and begin to move deeper into the island.
Looks like we're not the only ones doing the treasure hunt. Patty will point to a soulless pirate. We kill a couple of scavengers, go to another Palestine of the river and search the body of the pirate, having previously hidden the weapon.
Continuing to act along the path, we rise along the slope and deal with dangerous predator- a biting dragon. We open the quest log, we get on with the active additional task “The Treasure of the Soulless Pirate!” and, guided by the map, we get to the place where the treasure is buried. We select the shovel located near the broken barrel, dig out the chest and get out of it a great amount of gold. Returning to the fork, we approach a small temple, pull the lever and go inside. We get gold coins and a crystal torch from the chest. We also recite a book lying on a stand against the back wall. Turning to the right, we get to the moat and fall down the tree, clinging to its left root.
Having reached the ruins, we comb the buildings for the presence of healthy objects and gold. In the very last of them, which is located higher than the others, there will be a chest with the spell "Rain of Fire". We return to the place where the path broke off, we go into the house and, having risen up the stairs, we turn to the right. Patty will notice with her big-eyed eyes that there is something entertaining to eat on the roof of the vis-a-vis building. Again, we search the premises and in the most extreme of them we will open the chest with the contents - five spells "Flight of the Parrot". We go back, we determine the spell in the cell of brisk use and with the support of it we turn into a parrot. The flight can continue as long as you like, however, over time, the bird will decrease and a scarce resource - power - will be required to gain altitude. Having flown to the back building, we interrupt the act of the spell and search the chest inside the room. We take rum, gold and a golden ring, which, when worn, increases some of the characteristics of the character.
Lord of Shadows. The fears were confirmed - the pirates are trying to find the treasure of the ancient temple. Having approached homely, we use the Fire Rain spell and, having entered into a fight, we deal with the enemies. After talking with Patty, we collect wet meat and fry it in a hothouse. We go down to the river along the path to the right of the bridge and climb onto the ledges by pressing the jump button. Having reached the very top, we pass into the sanctuary and deal with two giant rats. We collect throwing daggers, examine the bones of the pirate and move further. We destroy one more rat, we collect throwing daggers and gold. Having reached the control button of the drawbridge, we activate it and unite with Patty again.
We overcome the fighters in the main hall and search the body of Captain Rawlings, lying in the focus of the room. Rawlings was Admiral Alvarez's ramshackle buddy, and it seems his spirit has guided us down the same path all along. Patty didn't bother to report to the admiral that we were going to Crab, trembling, unwilling to share the abundance of the temple. We go through the passage on the left side in the far part of the hall. A long corridor will lead you to the chamber with the sarcophagus. Alternately, we deal with the fighter and the stone spider (if you come to the cocoon in the corner), more using a long-range weapon. From the sarcophagus we get a ritual potion and a great amount of gold. On the way back, the expected collapse of the hollow will happen. By pressing the jump button in time, we will have time to cling to the rim. If they fell down, then we collect a small number of gold and a couple of objects and pull the lever in the corner. We return to the main hall, get out from the other side of the temple and fight on the bridge with hellhounds. Next, we get to the portal inside the cave, from which the Lord of Shadows shows and kills us.
Let's get out of here

Patty still mourned for a long time her blood brother, who was buried on the trembling island. Three weeks later, we were found, dug up, and resurrected by a voodoo pirate named Bones. He drove in that the shadows took away half of our pressure and now it will be in the underworld. Without her, we will soon turn into a minion - a minion of the underworld. A weakened body is poor in restoring lost skills. To gather strength and return the other half of the Dawi, we will be supported by powerful magicians - internal community leaders, exiles who have settled on the island of Tyranis and are engaged in the extraction of crystals, the true purpose of which is known only to themselves. Having finished the conversation, we sharpen the features of the character with the accumulated fame.
Looking into the underworld, you can easily show objects. The more exalted the proper skill is, the brighter the objects stand out. We'll talk to Bons again and ask about those who, in addition to the magicians, will help us in returning the Dawi.
Natives - powerful voodoo wizards, united in a tribe, live on the island of Kila.
The druid Eldric, who poses as the leader of the demon hunters and wields a special form of black magic, lives in Calador.
Alvarez.Bons will remind you that somehow we were in the pirate organization Captain's Recommendation of Antigua, headed by Admiral Alvarez, now endangered.
Patty went to Tacarigua in search of a salesman who had scammed her with a treasure map. The meeting promises to be fun. Bons' only wingman on Tacarigua is lighthouse keeper Jack.
At first, it will be possible to study dangerous islands in the brethren of Bons. The recruitment of crew members, part-time partners, will have to be dealt with independently. Some of the candidates mentioned above are Sister Patty and Jack. Companions are issued with unique abilities and skills. For example, Bons knows how to excite health.

We use the boat in order to rise aboard the ship. Then we interact with the steering wheel, cock the sails and move to Antigua, choosing the appropriate location on the map.
An invincible armada led by the pirate captain Crowe, who returned from the underworld and put together an army of minions, captures all the ships in its path. It remains only to guess why he portrayed us in a dream and what role he will fight in our future fate.

Chapter 2
Report for Admiral Alvarez

We will talk with Bons and find out that the crystal portals knit the world of shadows and the world of the living. Those who have fallen into the underworld liquidly return back. Crystal portals must be limed as soon as possible in order to cut off the flow of the appearance of evil creatures. On the boat we move to the trembling and get to the port city, simultaneously destroying two hellhounds. Enemies in the first place will rush at us, but if only a partner joins the battle, it will be possible to get rid of the attention of one of them. We strictly attack our entire target, without getting involved in the battle of a partner. The longer we hold the strike button, the more damage we inflict. Against quick enemies, we use simple and slightly enhanced blows. Parrying is not effective for a century, and if the hero has weakened his grip, then we quickly dodge with a roll.
The tall house on the reverse side is the headquarters of the Captain's Council of Antigua. Having reached it, we will greet the admiral, who has already been waiting for the report. We will tell you in detail about what we had to face on Crab Shiver and what happened to us after the discovery of the portal.
Chaos in the port
Crowe. Hellhounds have become a major problem in Antigua. These creatures have been terrorizing the local inhabitants for several weeks now. Once a thriving port city in trade, it has become a corner cut off from the world. Someone ran away, and someone stayed, wondering if the situation would improve. Alvarez will tell you that the creatures of the underworld have been seen on the eastern tremble, on Flynn's formation, in the bazaar in front of Grace's forge, on Blood Oath Square and on the western tremble. We make the task the main one so that the marks are displayed on the map. At every point there are two or four hounds, which is why we invariably take a partner with us. In some cases, the local inhabitants will come to their senses for support. It is enough to communicate with them and offer your support in the extermination of uninvited guests. Do not forget about pumping, buying all kinds of healthy objects from merchants and completing side tasks. Careful study game world will make it much easier to move along the main storyline.
Returning to Alvarez, we inform him of the work done and receive a reward for every cleared item.
Alliance with Pirates

The admiral is concerned about the march with impunity South Seas ghost captain Crowe and therefore wants to connect with other guilds to confront the universal enemy. Looking for allies and entering into diplomatic alliances with them awaits us from the snout of the Captain's Council of Antigua. It is curious that the helmsman Morgan took the will on the ship of Captain Slane and began to rob everyone who was hit. However, a powerful ship and Morgan's large crew could serve a good purpose.
We continue to go the game Risen 3.

Visiting right

We get to the camp of magicians and on the way to the main building, we will meet General Magnus. He will warn that the entry of foreigners into the great chamber where the magicians are poring is strictly forbidden. Let's talk about our intentions to fight against the shadows, and then offer support or express a desire to join the ranks of the guards. The minions, led by the Shadow Lord of Betrayal, smashed the camp in the western tremble. After some persuasion, the general will charge to check the three mines in which the dwarves are engaged in the extraction of crystals, and receive reports from the foremen.
Impress General Magnus

Let's settle the mess in one of the mines from the "Report from the mines" task, return to Magnus and report on the work done. We receive permission to visit the great chamber of magicians and report this to Downes standing at the entrance.

Mine report
Erasmus. We get to the shortest mine, which will be within the camp, and we hang out with Frink at the entrance. He will ask you to bring bags of crystals from the mine. We pass into the mine and cautiously move along it. There are only four bags and they are all lying on the boxes, so there will be no problems with the search.
We leave for the second most remote mine and enter into a dialogue with Valamir, which will be near the entrance. He, to put it mildly, is frayed by the dwarfs' terrible working capacity. We agree to support and stir them up. We make the task "Gold Mine" active. Entering the mine, turn right at the fork and get to the main gnome - Faris. He's in charge of all the other dwarves and bugs out to sort out their problems. We go down the valley and hang out with Vega. Kefkir stole five crystals from him - you need to return them. We climb the slope, one of the ways we take the crystals from Kefkir and return them to Vega. Back down the valley, talk to Banu. He refuses to work hard because of the hum coming from the bottom level of the mine. We go down there, go through the arch and deal with five voracious stone spiders and one spider. Moving even further, we will meet Rami. We escort him to Faris, then return to Ban and inform him that the rumble has been eliminated. We are looking for the gnome Noeda and make sure that nothing worries him. We return to Faris again and inform him about the elimination of the problems of the gnomes. We leave the mine, report to Valamir about the work done.

A real mess is going on in the third most remote mine. Having delved into the mine, we show the body of the guard. Moving forward, we destroy the encountered enemies: five bones, five hellhounds and two minions. We do this gradually, for one taking on ourselves and a partner no more than two or three enemies. However, it all depends on the level of pumping and the current equipment.
The last fourth mine is seething with goblins. We move through the mine, cracking down on the enemies. Climbing up, we eliminate several termites and climb up the ledges. Having finished with the remaining goblins, we return to Magnus and report on all the mines. Further, Magnus will send us to the dwarf Gadi, who is working hard in the port, so that we can tell him about the newly minted mine. Having done this, we again return to Magnus and complete the task.

The main thing that we need to do on this moment- solve all the problems of the native shamans.

Quest Birdus Sapiens in our case, we decided to do the first thing. We run up to the place marked with a cross, and take off the parrot upstairs. There you will need to pick the tea grass and open the stone door. This must be done by twisting and spinning a puzzle disk, such as those often found in Skyrim. The left-right keys rotate the disks, and the up-down keys select these disks. There will be a chest inside, as well as the Blade of Shadows. Not good good sword, but if you just started playing, then this is exactly what you need. The chest will contain the Crystal Needle amulet. You can sample if you like.

Plant Tea attributed to Cunningham. Now you will need to run between Booz and Harry. Tell Harry about the found corpse of Douglas, and he will tell you that Booz needs to bring three Fireball eggs. We get them, take Buza and he starts to drive rum. Harry also needs to be approached and reported. After the rum is kicked out, you need to distribute the bottles to all the surrounding pirates and report to Booz, then everyone will come to the fire, get drunk and start a fight. Defeat Booz and finally complete all your pirate deeds. By the way. Harry will need to bring a young native. The native will agree to go only at night, keep this in mind when you negotiate with her.

Now we carry out a long quest called Sweet Revenge. The case will have to be with a prisoner named Slim. It is better to ask the shaman for mercy for him. To do this, you need to prove to the shaman that not all pirates are bad.

Next, we will have to cruise between the shaman Hirutu, the sorcerer Izil and the sorceress Tenya, who is right there. She will ask you to bring three things for the scepter. These things must be taken from killed unique animals such as black panther. The quest is easy.

Now we go down the stairs and talk to the native Makoto. Before that, we had to talk with the sorceress Tenya, which is near Izil, go to Makoto's hut and bring a bunch of hair from there to the sorceress in order to receive a voodoo doll. We activate the doll on Makoto and begin to complete the quest to persuade. The trouble is that when we run for this native, the map will not be available to us, so we immediately remember all the points that we need to visit, and we will need to visit all the merchants, talking to the leader every minute. In the final, we must convince the leader that not all pirates are bad. You need to do this while in the shoes of Makoto.

Be sure to just run around the island, in a number of places, in the bushes there will be chests with all sorts of good things. If the dwarf asks you to bring the ring, then learning to train monkeys is not necessary, you can go around the cave on the other side and fly up as a parrot.

If you go towards the Great Gate, then go right along the wall, kill the spiders, make your way through the bushes and open the chest. There will be a very good bone musket. If it is modified, then its damage will be 70.

  • Buddy teaches skills: "Monkey Trainer", "Safe Cracker" and "Master Thief".
  • Quinn teach skills: "Daggers" and "Critical Strike".
  • Cunningham teach skills: Silver Tongue, Merchant, Potion Making, Alchemy, and Ritual Master.
  • Harry teaches skills: "Piercing", "Swords", "Cutting" and "Bulletproof".
  • Colby teach skills: "Strike Back" and "Blade Dance".
  • borbor teaches you the skills to: "Liquid Courage", "The Drunkard", "Skinning" and "Taking the Horns".
  • Tadashi teaches skills: "Skinning", "Plucking Teeth", "Plucking Claws", "Taking Horns" and "Getting Trophies". In order for Tadashi to start teaching you, you need to complete his task.
  • Tenya teaches skills: Healer, Talisman Crafting, Spell Crafting, Voodoo Magic, Master Mage, Battle Mage, and Concentration.
  • Ixil teach skills: "Potion Making", "Alchemy" and "Ritual Master".
  • Buse teach skills: "Distiller" and "Intimidation". In order for him to start training, you need to complete a task for him.
  • Hirutu teaches skills such as: Vision of the Alchemist, Vision of Blood, Vision of Death, Vision of the Warrior, Vision of the Traveler, and Indestructible.
  • baraka teaches the skill: "Spider Catcher".

Skills teacher in Tacarigua.

  • tanner teaches skill: "Curse of the Undead".
  • Rodriguez teaches skills: Guns, Gunsmith, Bulletproof, Magic Resistance, and Distiller.
  • Jose teach skills: "Liquid Courage", "Healer" and "Predator".

Skill teacher on Thieves Island.

  • Caan teaches skills: "Healer" and "Creating Talismans".
  • Nanook teaches the skill: "Merchant".
  • Mimak helps to learn skills: "Safe Cracker", "Master Thief" and "Silver Tongue".
  • Malik teaches skills: Blade Dance and Dagger Throwing.

Skill teacher on Skull Island.

  • Kane teaches you the skills to: "Piercing", "Swords", "Slashing", "Retaliation", "Blade Dance", "Swordmaster", "Swordmaster", "Crossbows", "Critical Strike", "Rune Magic", " Big Game Hunter", "Shadowcatcher", "Curse of the Undead", "Predator".
  • Kidlat will teach: Intimidate, Liquid Courage, Drunkard, Alchemy, Talisman Crafting, and Ritual Master.
  • Rodas will teach you skills: Gunsmith, Burning Barrels, Safe Cracker, Master Thief, and Silver Tongue.
  • Nero teach skills such as: Blade Resistance, Bulletproof, Magic Resistance, Healer, Master Mage, Battle Mage, Potion Crafting, Spell Crafting, and Shadow Eater.

Skill teacher on Isle of Mists.

  • Venturo teaches you the skills to: "Big Game Hunter", "Skinning", "Plucking Teeth", "Plucking Claws", "Taking Horns" and "Getting Trophies". In order for Venturo to start teaching you, you need to complete two tasks for him.
  • Hull teaches skills such as: "Liquid Courage", "Healer" and "Drunkard".
  • Gonzales teach skills: "Muskets", "Shotguns", "Pistols" and "Daggers".
  • Nathan teaches you skills: Thrusting Weapons, Swords, Slashing Weapons, Counterstrike, and Blade Dance. In order to start the training, you will have to kill the nearest soul eater.

Skills teachers in Antigua.

  • Ramon willing to teach you skills: "Piercing Weapons", "Swords", "Slashing Weapons" and "Retaliation.". Before you can start training, you must complete the quest associated with Ramon.
  • Emma teach skills such as: "Making Potions" and "Alchemy", but first you must complete her task.

Legendary items in Risen 3: Titan Lords.

As in the previous part of the game - Risen 2: Dark Waters, there are legendary items scattered throughout the game world, and while some of them are quite easy to get, then you will have to work hard to get others. There are 27 of these items in total, and each of them increases the skills and abilities of the character as soon as it enters the inventory. You can learn about their existence and whereabouts from books that are not necessarily located on the same island as the legendary item they talk about.

Legendary items in Antigua.

There are three legendary items on the pirate island of Antigua: "Glass Sword", "Bone Finger" and "Damaged Cuirass".

Damaged Cuirass (Indestructibility +10):

  • You can learn about its existence from the book "Pirate Tales", which is located on Tacarigua, in a broken box, to the left of two graves with crosses.
  • After reading the book, you will receive the quest "The Treasure of the Happy Pirate", as a result of which you will find a damaged cuirass in a buried chest on the island of Antigua

Bone finger or knuckle (dexterity +5):

  • You can learn about this legendary item from the book "Legendary Thieves Part Two", she is in the house of the commandant Sebastiano on Tacarigua, in the room to the left of the entrance.
  • The item itself is located in Antigua in the house of Admiral Alvarez in the room on the right on the first floor, right on the shelf.

Glass sword (melee +5):

  • The book called "Secrets", from which you will learn about this subject, is located on the island of Kila in a wrecked ship.
  • In Antigua, in the water under the pier, next to the tavern.

Legendary items in Tacarigua.

On the island of Tacarigua, which is the stronghold of the Inquisition, you can find such legendary items as: "Target", "Golm the Great Plan" and "Vial".

Target (shotguns +10).

  • You can learn about it there, on Tacarigua, in the house of the commandant Sebastiano, from the book "Rifles and Pistols" which is located on the second floor in a room with a balcony.
  • And the legendary item itself is located on the roof of the commandant’s house, so you won’t have to go far. After examining the walls of the house, you will find a vine, which you can climb up or use the Parrot Flight spell.

Plan of Golm the Great (agility +5).

  • The book from which to become aware of the subject is called "Legendary Thieves", and be located on the Crab Coast, south of the hero's grave.
  • And again, the location of this legendary item is Commandant Sebastiano's house. Room on the second floor, in a chest.

Flask (magic +5). Quest "The Treasure of the Nameless Captain"

  • Taranis Island. In the house of magicians, on the second floor in the book "Magic Legends".
  • This is one of those items that requires reading the book to find, as it is in a buried chest. Tacarigua Island, north of the landing site along the shore. A flag on a stick will serve as a guide for you.

Legendary items on Taranis.

Taranis, a practitioner of crystal magic, is the proud owner of seven legendary items: Stone Tablet, Bloodstained Rag, Vague Promises, Small Crimping Tool, Gilded Sphere, Sun Crystal, and Blue Feather.

Stone tablet (rune magic +10).

  • Her location can be found in the book. "Traveler's Diary", which is located on the island of Kila, in the camp of the natives a little up the small stone stairs on the ground near the sunbed with a candle.
  • In the house of magicians on the second floor of Lambrock. He gives this legendary item as a reward for completing the Gourmet quest.

Bloodied Rag (Resist +10).

  • On Taranis, in the southwest direction from the landing site, there is a cave, in which you will find the book "Dry Diary", from which you will learn about this legendary item.
  • The object itself is located in the same cave, you just need to go a little further.

Vague promises (influence +5).

  • You will learn about it from the book. "Magical Books and Scrolls", which is located on Kalador, on a pig farm.
  • In the house of magicians on Taranis, on the fourth floor in Lambrock's chest.

Small crimping tongs (pickpocket +10).

  • On the island of Antigua, in the last house on the left side, just behind Grace's house, there is a book on the nightstand "Theft Part Two". From it you will learn about this legendary item.
  • At Blacksmith Gordon on Taranis. He is always at home during the day, and spends the night in a tavern. To get the item, you need to catch him in the tavern after midnight and beat him in a drinking competition.

Gilded sphere (pistols +10).

  • In the house of Admiral Alvarez in Antigua, from the book "Professionals", which is located in the right room on the first floor.
  • In the city of magicians, at the merchant Agil, who stands at the tavern during the day. You can either buy this item from him by laying out two thousand gold pieces or by stealing it, after beating him unconscious.

Solar crystal (crystal magic +10).

  • You can learn about it from a book called "The Power of Crystals", which can be found on Calador in the Citadel on the ground floor, in the room to the left of the entrance.
  • On the island of Taranis, in the chest, which is located at the very top of the tower in Zachariah's house.

Blue Feather (Speech +10).

  • On Tacarigua, west of the landing site, at the end of the beach between the commandant's ship and a small river that needs to be crossed. There you will find a canopy under which you will see the book "Libertines", from which you will learn about this legendary item.
  • On Taranis, in the southeast direction from the generator, under the bridge connecting the house of magicians and the tower of Zacharias, turning left at the end of the path and walking a little along the mountains you will find a broken chest, inside of which the desired item will be located.

Legendary items on Calador.

The Isle of Kalador, which is the ancestral home of demon hunters, houses eight legendary items such as: "Tuning Fork", "Broken Lock Pick", "Unyielding Creeper", "Dull Ritual Knife", "Drink of Accuracy", "Diamond Bar", "Crankshaft" and "Designed Belt".

Tuning fork (spirit +5).

  • "Rituals and Ceremonies", which is located in Antigua, in Emma's house, on the second floor, in the room on the left side.
  • This legendary item is located in the graveyard near the windmill, behind the largest grave next to the ghost of Hannah.

Broken master key (picking locks +10).

    On the island of Kila, in the direction to the south from the landing site, there will be a path, move along it strictly to the south, without turning off. Thus, we reach a small swamp, near which there will be a native Azali, going further in the same direction, to the south, we reach a tunnel, a fallen tree, we pass through it and meet another native - Mandara. on the right there will be another swamp in which it lives Dangerous Alligator, turn left and left again. We pass another tunnel, leaving which we will meet the Evil Warthog. Turn left again and before reaching the dead end we will see a book on a stone called "Legends of Kalador", from which we learn about this subject.

  • This legendary item is located on Kalador, on an abandoned farm, just above the mill. Near it there is still a hill with three graves.

Unyielding creeper (slashing weapon +10).

  • You will find a mention of this subject in the book "First Expeditions", on Kiel, in a wrecked ship, which is in the southeast direction from the landing site.
  • Walking along the shore, you will quickly stumble upon a wooden fence, behind which the magician Tyrion is going to sacrifice a girl, behind this fence is our legendary item.

Dull ritual knife (daggers +10).

  • The book called "Traditional Cults", which mentions this subject, is located in Antigua, passing northeast of the city along the path, passing Zak and sitting near the fire of Griffith. Then there will be a squad of shadows, after which you need to climb two stone ledges on the left, then forward, a little before reaching the dead end, you will find it lying on a box.
  • You can get it as a reward if you beat Henryk in arm wrestling. He is located in the Citadel, although it is not so easy to catch him. You need to wait for the moment when he sits down at the table, and only then you can challenge him to a duel.

Accuracy Drink (Crit +10).

  • You can learn about it from the book "Battles of the last century" that is located on Tacarigua. Near the cave in the form of a skull, we climb up the stone ledges, turn left and cross the bridge, there will be a cave, we pass it to the end and our book will lie on the left.
  • Finding a legendary item is easy. It is located in the Citadel on the first floor to the right of the entrance on the table.

Diamond Bar ( stabbing weapon +10).

  • On Kiel, in a hut on the shore, which is located on the right under a canopy, there is a book "Blacksmithing", from which we learn about this legendary item.
  • On Kalador, in the Citadel, in the room to the right of the entrance, at the blacksmith Wilson. He will give it back after two quests have been completed: "Message for Wilson", which will give you on Antigua Grace and " Wedding ring", which you will receive on Calador from Wilson himself.

Crankshaft (crossbows +10).

  • You can learn about it from the book "Ordinary Weapon", which is located in the house of blacksmith Gordon on Taranis.
  • In the eastern part of Calador, on the other side of the lava river, at the lighthouse. It will lie on the table in the place where you light the green fire.

Patterned belt (stamina +5). Quest "John's Treasure".

  • This legendary item can be found in the book "Faded Diary" located on the island of Taranis. There is a cave in the western direction from the landing site, Sharpe will stand by it. Entering the cave, turn left at the first turn and it will lie in a broken wagon.
  • On Calador. Since this item is in a buried chest, reading the book is a must. The chest itself is located in the center of the western peninsula on the edge of the cliff between the three towers, in front of John's grave.

Legendary items in Kiel.

Qila, home of natives who practice voodoo magic, has seven legendary items: Black Cat's Paw, Pestle, Old Bow, Pirate's Flag, Tirimai's Monocle, Frayed Scabbard, and Glass Eye.

Paw of a black cat (voodoo magic +10).

  • You can find out about him on Calador, from a book called "Moldy Book". She is in the tavern on the second floor, the first bedroom on the right.
  • The item is located in the natives' camp at a merchant named Bahati. In order to get it, you need 2000 gold, or you can take it from an insensible body.

Pestle (alchemy +10).

  • Book "The Art of Alchemy", which refers to the subject, can be found in Antigua, on the second floor of the warehouse.
  • You can find him on the eastern beach of Kila, in the southernmost edge, behind a cave guarded by a gorilla leader.

Old bow (muskets +10).

  • On Kalador, in the Citadel, in the room of the blacksmith Wilson, there is a book "old stories" , from which you will learn about this legendary item.
  • You can find it on the eastern beach of Kila, in a cave with spiders.

Pirate Flag (Intimidation +10). Quest "Captain Finch's Treasure".

  • On Kalador in the fishing hut, there is a book on the bedside table "Modern Pirates", in it you will find a mention of this legendary item.
  • In the northwest direction from the landing site near the settlement of the natives. The item is in a buried chest, so reading the book necessary condition to find it.

Monocle of Tirimai (astral vision +10).

  • Item mention appears in book "Tales of Antigua", which is located on Kalador, in a hut located in the south-west direction from the mill.
  • On Keel at Buddy, however, to get it, you need to beat him in singing in throwing daggers.

Worn sheath (swords +10). Quest "Treasure of the sword master".

  • You can learn about the existence of this legendary item from the book "Master of the Sword", which is located in the house of magicians on Taranis. Second floor, second bookshelf, from the stairs - to the right.
  • Qila, the small island where Patty was. On the hill, in front of the grave with the cross. Reading the book is a must, since this chest is buried.

Glass eye (ranged +5).

  • "Rotten Diary", a book that mentions the subject, is located on the island of Antigua, in a tavern, on the second floor, first room on the right.
  • On the island of Kila, in the cave of the Oracle. After you defeat Margolot and talk to her, you need to climb to the very top of the cave. The chest with the legendary item in it will be guarded by the golem.

Legendary items on the Crab Coast.

On the Crab Coast, or the island, as you prefer, the place where everything actually begins, there is only one legendary item, and that is: "Crab Shell".

Crab shell (impenetrability +10).

  • On the island of Kalador in the northwest direction from the mill, in a cave with skeletons on the left, on a box, there will be a book called "Encyclopedia of Alchemy", from which you can learn about the legendary item.
  • On the Crab Coast, east of the place where the hero was buried, there is a small island, there will be a chest on the hill, in which the legendary item is located.

Legendary items on Misty Island.

The misty island, on which the small camp of the Inquisition is located, is the line between the worlds of the living and the dead. He has only one, but perhaps the most useful legendary item: "Freddy's Shackles".

Freddy's Shackles (Premium Fame +10%)

  • On the Misty Island in the house of commandant Carlos, there will be an open book on the table, in which you will find information about this subject.
  • Like the book that tells about it, the legendary item itself is also located on the Misty Isle. After going ashore, move in a southeast direction, and near the broken ship, a little further, there will be a hut in which this legendary item is acquired.

The location of the teleport stones in Risen 3: Titan Lords.

Fast moving around locations in Risen 3: Titan Lords is carried out using teleports located on almost every island of the game world, with the exception of the Crab Coast. Initially, all teleports are not active, and in order to use them you need to find teleportation stones. It is worth considering that there are more teleportation stones than the teleporters themselves, so there should not be a particular problem in their shortage. But just in case - a sign to help you.



Blood Oath Square

In a cache in the northern part of the island. You can get the stone only with the help of a monkey.

In the house of Admiral Alvarez.

Hunting lodge in the forest.

At Bran's farm.

On the island with the golem in the northeastern part of the map.

At the mill, next to Ernesto's farm.

Fishing village.

Chani's hut in the Forbidden Valley.

Leonardo's hut on a desert island.

On an island in the northeastern part of the map.

Pirate camp.

Temple in the Forbidden Valley, first room.

Eastern beach.

Next to Damak's body in the Forbidden Valley.


Inside the lighthouse and in the cave below it.


On an altar southeast of Puerto Sacariko.


Tower in the mountains.

Cottage by the lake in the center of the island.

A cottage to the west of the mage camp.


One of the buildings in the harbor.

In a chest among treasures, on an island in the northern part of the map.

The quarter of the dwarves in the camp of magicians.

Near the large circle in the camp of magicians.

Beach next to the harbour.

Near the northwest monolith.

crab coast

Island in the east.

Skull Island

Central camp.

Skull Island

Canyon in the central part of the island.

misty island

Camp Mortimer.

misty island

Camp Nathan.

misty island

Camp of the Inquisition.

misty island

Near one of the treasures in the northeastern part of the island.

misty island

Ruins in the eastern part of the island.

misty island

AT highlands at the northern end of the island.

misty island

A broken ship in the southwestern part of the island.

island of thieves

An island to the north of the landing site.

island of thieves

East Goblin Camp.

island of thieves

Western Goblin Camp.

designation story mission. It must be done;

designation of a side task, or a nested main one;

designation of a legendary item;

the designation of the weapon that is being restored;

designation of the task for the replenishment of the crew.

This walkthrough is designed for a warrior who owns the melee technique. This is a "good-natured hero" who seeks to collect the maximum pluses per soul. He fights with the undead, tries not to touch people.

Sequence of the game: it is better to go through the islands one by one, and also write them down. It is better to clean each island separately, so as not to mix history into a bunch.

Calador - Antigua - Quila - Tagarigua - Taranis - Skullpoint.

From the very beginning, you will go through a learning process that is not particularly difficult. Do everything that is reported during the game. When the hero wakes up, take the key on the table and unlock the chest. Get dressed and follow on deck. Find yourself on the beach - wet the rats, move on.

Encounter with an unknown enemy. Follow to the ruins where you need to kill the birds, go to the corpse along the river. He has a treasure map. It is better to mark the task in the journal in order to see the location.

Treasure of a dead pirate. This task is aimed at getting to the shore and using a shovel to dig a chest. It can be found by the mark - the cross.

To complete the game Risen 3: Titan Lords, head along the path to the temple. At big tree partner to ask - to find a way out. You need to push the snag on the left side and get over to the other side. Buildings in the village should be cleared. At the same time, beware of clusters of enemies, as they can crush. When you climb the stairs, you can turn into a parrot and get to the chest.

To the drawbridge over the ancient temple. Then you have to kill the pirates and go down, climb onto the ledge. There will be a ghost. Kill the guards while sneaking into the temple. In the last room, you need to pick up the mask from the floor and insert it into the opening on the wall. Then the bridge will open. Inside, you should soak a couple more enemies, search the bodies and the room.

In an ancient temple. Before heading further, go right and inspect the room. Than there are many interesting things. When you return to the main road, kill the cave demons, go inside. When you get a starfish, you will wake up on the shore.

Gotta get out of here. Now you can leave the location. For the passage of the game Risen 3: Titan Lords, it is better to clean it first. There is a legendary item here that helps increase defense and a teleport stone. But otherwise, you will meet only grass and monsters. Then take the boat and head to the helm.

Drawing (agility). The task can be found at the end of the gorge. If you go to the left of the grave, you will find a passage there. On the map, the passage is visible as a cave. The bag is located in the governor's house. Go to the second floor near the chest. Everything is done under the cover of night.