Parental Saturdays are important dates in the Orthodox calendar, and are so named precisely because they fall on the sixth day of the week. As all believers know, some Orthodox dates shift from year to year, and therefore every year you need to refer to the current Orthodox calendar, which not only indicates important dates and holidays, but also tells their story. When the parental Saturdays in 2017 will be held, we will tell in this material.

Parental Saturdays: dates for 2017

In total, there are 8 days of memory of the dead in a year, seven of which always take place on Saturdays, and the eighth day of memory always falls on Tuesday and this date is tied to the date of one of the most important Orthodox holidays Easter. Memorial Day, which falls on a Tuesday, is always celebrated on the 9th day after Easter.

Parental Saturdays in 2017 will be held on the following days:

1. 02/18/2017 - Ecumenical (meatless) Saturday. This Memorial Day always takes place 7 days before the start of Lent.
2. 11.03.2017.
3. 18.03.2017.
4. 25.03.2017.
5. 04/25/2017 - Radonitsa, the ninth day since the celebration of Easter.
6. 05/09/2017 - the day of memory of the fallen soldiers.
7. 06/03/2017 - Trinity Saturday.
8. 28.10.2-17 - Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

Despite the fact that there are 8 parental Saturdays in total, the most important are Meat-Feast Saturday (the eve of the week of the Last Judgment) and Trinity Saturday before the big feast of the Holy Trinity. Radonitsa and Dmitrievskaya Saturday are also considered important.

Parent Saturdays: what to do

Parental Saturdays are the days of memory of those who have departed to another world. As a rule, memorial services are held in churches for the dead, where you can light a candle for the repose of loved ones. These days you need to visit the graves of your loved ones, remember them, and pray.

Many mistakenly visit the cemetery on the bright holiday of Easter, I don’t have reliable information about when this can be done and when it can’t. Moreover, visiting the cemetery on Easter day contradicts the church charter, which states that the dead cannot be commemorated until the ninth day of Easter. Even if a person departs to another world for the Easter holiday, he is buried according to a special Easter rite.

In order to avoid such mistakes, it is best to commemorate the dead on parental Saturdays, of which there are 8. These days, in churches in the morning and evening, special services. And if it is not possible to visit the temple, then you can pray for the dead at home, choosing a quiet place where no one will disturb you. On parental Saturdays, it is very important to remember and pray for those who are no longer with us - this is the most important thing and the purpose of such days of remembrance. It is believed that the souls of the dead find peace when they are prayed for on earth, when they are remembered. After all, it is not in vain that they say that love for those who are no longer with us lives in the hearts of living people. It is believed that the soul of the deceased is alive as long as it is remembered and prayed for.

In addition to prayers and visiting the temple, on Parental Saturdays you need to go to the cemetery, put a candle on the grave and pray. You can invite a priest to the cemetery in order to make a lithium.
On Parental Saturdays, it is necessary to clean up the grave: weed the ground, throw out old flowers, bring new ones, change the lamps and ribbons on the gravestone. Contrary to the widespread tradition of carrying food and alcoholic beverages to the cemetery to commemorate the deceased, this cannot be done, since such an action has a pagan character, and therefore is inappropriate in Orthodoxy.

It is important to remember that Parental Saturdays are not days of mourning and grief, these are days of remembrance. There is important nuance- you need to commemorate the dead with bright thoughts, and not with sadness, otherwise the soul will not be able to find peace. No matter how difficult it would be to survive the loss, it is necessary to remember the deceased loved ones with a smile and a light heart, then they will be good in the next world.

The canons of the Christian faith prescribe commemoration of deceased relatives and friends in the church. Commemorations for Orthodox believers are performed on parental Saturdays, of which there are 7 in Orthodox Christianity, of which 2 are called Ecumenical, when prayers for all the dead on earth take place. The only day of special commemoration that takes place not on Saturday, but on the 9th day after the bright holiday of Easter - on Tuesday, is Radonitsa (Radunitsa). Radonitsa 2019 will be celebrated on 7 may, and the rest of the dates on which parent Saturdays fall in 2019, you can see in the Orthodox calendar 2019.

The history of the holiday and its name

The historical roots of the holiday go back to paganism. There are several suggestions why this parental day is called Radonitsa. One of them is based on old legend that such a name comes from the names of pagan gods who were the guardians of dead souls. Funeral days in those days were called Radavanitsa, Triznami or Navi day.

Before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', it was customary for our ancestors to arrange weekly feasts on burial mounds in the spring. There they kindled fires, sang, danced and ate. The pagans believed that in this way they revere, treat and please the souls of the ancestors who come from heavenly kingdom down to earth these days. After all, if they are met badly, the eternally deceased can get angry and send hunger and disease to the earth. It was believed that it was necessary to meet the souls of the dead with joy, so the spring commemoration began to be called "Radonitsa".

According to another version, the name came from the words "clan" and "kinship", as they commemorated deceased relatives on this day. Most researchers are inclined to believe that “Radonitsa” means joy and attribute this to the fact that on the Sunday after Easter, according to church writings, the Savior descended into hell and defeated death. Therefore, the "Radonitsa" carries the joy caused by faith in the resurrection and eternal life.

Orthodox Christian church, taking as a basis the essence of the spring commemoration, gave it its own content and features. The date of the celebration of the "Radonitsa" was set on the basis that in the temples on weekdays following the second Sunday after the Easter holiday, the singing of the litia for the dead was resumed, which had not been held since Maundy Thursday itself. Therefore, the commemoration of the dead falls on Tuesday or in some settlements- on Monday.

Traditions and rituals of Radonitsa: history and modernity

Visiting relatives' graves main tradition Radonitsa. In the old days, on Radonitsa, as in our days, Easter food and Easter eggs were brought to the graves. If now Easter Egg they simply put it on the grave, then it used to be customary to bury it under the cross or, breaking it on the cross, cleanse it and the poor for “remembrance of the soul”. This ceremony was called "Christening with relatives." Then it was customary to arrange plentiful meals with alcohol on the grave, after which some even fell asleep near the graves. Nowadays, the church does not welcome the drinking of alcoholic beverages at the graves.

In some areas it was not customary to go to the cemetery. It was believed that on this day the dead come to the homes of their relatives. In order to meet them well, from the very morning they kindled a bathhouse in which they put them for the whole day and night. clean linen. At this time, everyone was forbidden to enter the bathhouse. With the onset of morning, all the household members went there and looked for traces indicating the arrival of the dead. It was possible to wash in the bath only after the end of the Radonitsa.

In the traditions of Radonitsa, it was obligatory to put water and pieces of bread on the windowsill. In the evening, a memorial dinner was arranged, where there were always three extra plates on the table: for breakfast, lunch and dinner of the dead. It was customary to distribute the food left after the festive meal to the poor and homeless. After dinner, the youth gathered on the street and arranged merry festivities.

most ancient tradition Radonitsa is considered a rite of inducing rain. Now this tradition is forgotten, and earlier our great-great-grandmothers said that on the day of Radonitsa, the sky should send at least a few drops of rain to the earth. Therefore, the children were forced to look at the sky and shout at the top of their voices: "Pour rain on the woman's rye, on the grandfather's wheat." Having caused rain, it was necessary to wash with water from heaven for happiness. If thunder was heard on Radonitsa, the girls hurried to wash themselves with rainwater in order to preserve their youth longer. To do this, heavenly water had to be passed through a silver or gold ring.

Children living separately from their parents should visit their father and mother on this day, otherwise Radonitsa will not be joyful for them, but sadly, and if their parents get angry, they may unconsciously bring some kind of trouble to negligent children.

The Church advises to start Radonitsa 2019 with a visit to the temple, where you should pray for relatives who have left the earth and order a memorial service. A service is held in the church on this day, and any parishioner can ask the priest to pray for a deceased loved one. On Radonitsa, it is customary to make donations for the church, bring Easter dishes and food there, and distribute alms to those in need. It is believed that our good deeds bring joy to deceased relatives. Only after visiting the church should you go to the cemetery.

How to behave in the cemetery in Radonitsa

The church does not allow visiting the cemetery on Easter, but this should be done on Radonitsa. Also, Orthodoxy is not welcomed when food is left on the grave. The church considers this tradition a pagan rite. No need to put a glass of vodka with bread on the grave, which has become an undeclared tradition these days. Such remembrances are unacceptable for Orthodox Christians and are considered a sin. You can drink alcohol only at a festive dinner or dinner at home, but in no case should you get carried away with it. Family celebration should pass without obvious fun, but also without tears and bitter sadness.

It is recommended that the food that you were going to leave at the grave be distributed to those in need. The church claims that in this way you enable the deceased person to help people after death, and only a lit church candle should remain on the grave. According to Orthodox canons, when you come to a cemetery, you need to get out there and remember your relatives as they were during their lifetime, remember them with a kind word and pray for them.

Signs on Radonitsa

  • When a new moon falls on Radonitsa, a rich harvest should be expected.
  • The more alms and treats to give out for remembrance, the more they will give in the next world.
  • If a person forgets to remember his parents on Radonitsa, then they will not remember him after death and will not treat him in the kingdom of heaven.
  • The first person who came to the cemetery on the day of Radonitsa will receive special favor from the departed.
  • Pregnant women should not come to the cemetery in Radonitsa.
  • If you disturb the earth on this day: dig up, sow or plant, there will be a bad harvest.
  • When it rains on Radonitsa before noon, it blows in the afternoon and in the evening strong wind, then the deceased relatives are worried why they do not come to the cemetery. If It is raining without wind - to a generous harvest.

Fortune telling on Radonitsa

In the old days, on Radonitsa, unmarried friends gathered together and wondered. Special fortune-telling peculiar only to Radunitsa is unknown, but fortune-telling was used that was carried out on other Christmas time:

  • recognizing fate from a book. They guessed the page number and the line on which the answer was read, predicting fate;
  • divination with a wreath. The girls wove a wreath of birch branches and let it float down the river. Where the wreath goes, from there to wait for the groom, if the wreath sinks - to wait for death;
  • divination on a birch branch. To do this, the girl plucked a twig from a birch and put it under her pillow before going to bed. The man who dreamed that night will become her betrothed;
  • prophetic dream. In the old days, they firmly believed that on Radonitsa the souls of the dead visit the earth and tried to resort to their help in order to see a prophetic dream. To this end, people went to the cemetery in the evening and asked their relatives near their grave to send a prophetic dream at night.

Correctly fulfilling the Orthodox canons of the celebration of Radonitsa, parental day 2017 will become a holiday for you, where you will feel an invisible spiritual connection with your loved ones who left our land. Recall that Radonitsa is not the only day when memorial days are set in 2017. Take your deceased relatives a few days a year on parental Saturdays 2017 to remember them with a kind word, light a candle in the church and pray for their souls.

Radonitsa in 2019 falls on May 7th.
Visiting the graves of loved ones is the main tradition of memorial days.
On Radonitsa, it is customary to make donations and give alms.
The dates of parent Saturdays can be found in the Orthodox calendar 2019.

In Orthodoxy, there are specially designated days for visiting cemeteries and commemorating the dead. There are not many of them, so you need to keep a close eye on them and not miss them.

Several parental Saturdays fall on great post. Dmitrievskaya Saturday is dedicated to the memory of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica and the feast of Our Lady of Kazan. It often happens that parental Saturdays coincide with their respective holidays, so Memorial Saturday can be transferred.

Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday in 2017

In 2017, Dmitrievskaya Saturday falls on November 4, but due to the fact that Kazan Day is celebrated on this date Mother of God, Saturday will be moved to 28 of October. This year the rules will not change - in churches throughout Russia they will commemorate those who died for their country. This is the day of remembrance of the deceased heroes, warriors. This parental Saturday is inseparably connected with Dmitry Donskoy and the Battle of Kulikovo.

Dmitrievskaya Sabbath requires love for one's neighbor. This is the day when people who have left us are remembered only with love. Someone mistakenly believes that parental Saturdays are dedicated only to the remembrance of relatives, but this is not so. Specifically, on October 28, all those who suddenly departed to another world will be commemorated.

Traditions of Dmitrievskaya Saturday

Go to the temple to pray. Be sure to visit the church to confess and light a candle for the repose loved one. If you get a chance, visit the cemetery to clean up the graves of deceased relatives.

Read prayers for the departed at homeif you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple. Here is one of best prayers:“Our Father, accept your servant of God (name) into your kingdom, forgive the sins and all the evil committed during life, because everything is Your holy will. Open the gates of Your Kingdom to all who are worthy of Your forgiveness. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Also on Dmitriev's Parental Saturday October 28, you can read the prayer "I Believe" if you feel that you need to repent of your sins. It would be even better just to visit the temple of God to take communion and confess. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.10.2017 01:40

In the Orthodox calendar, there are special dates that are set aside for honoring deceased relatives. They are called parental...

Everyone loves Christmas and looks forward to it. However, there are some rules that will help correctly ...

Knowing the date of Parents' Day is necessary for every Christian who cares about his deceased relatives, friends, and also acquaintances. Dates shift every year, so every year people update their calendars. So, what date is Parents' Day in 2017?

Parents day

For the Orthodox, it is considered the most important date. Not a holiday that can be celebrated cheerfully, not an important event that must be visited. It is considered more personal, because each of the people has deceased relatives, also friends or acquaintances. Life is fleeting, though in Christianity they believe in the immortality of the soul and the afterlife. It is believed that through prayers the living can help the dead. Find a way, encourage them, ask the Almighty to give them peace.

When will it be for 2017? And why, in fact, such days are called "parental"? To accurately calculate the date of the event, you need to remember Easter. Here it comes on April 16, then you need to count exactly 9 days after it. Then Parents' Day will fall on April 25th.

memorial day history

This event has many different traditions and customs. For example, it is customary to visit cemeteries, to remember all the deceased loved ones. Not necessarily only parents, but all relatives, friends, even acquaintances who managed to leave a mark during their lifetime and now live in memory, hearts.

You can not do ordinary things, solve everyday issues. The date is dedicated only to the dead. You can discuss them, recall some cases, people usually say: "remember only with a kind word."

The memorial day is also called Radonitsa. This is more ancient, the first name. Once Radonitsa was called by the name of Radunitsa - a god who was considered by the Slavs to be a protector, guarding the souls of dead people. God was their guide, helping them find eternal rest faster. For this, the living pagans revered God, thanks for the constant hard work. And they asked them to be just as merciful and considerate when their time comes.

Yes, Parents' Day has deep roots dating back to pagan times, when people worshiped the forces of nature and deified the world trying to explain to himself how it works. The sun, the moon, seemed to them living deities, the seasons also had their own personalities. They tried to appease many gods, brought various sacrifices and gifts. Easter, for example. After all, the pagans performed many rituals, trying to call spring and spend winter so that it would leave faster.

God Radunitsa also received gratitude, he was prepared with delicious, various dishes. A similar tradition, along with the ancient name, has been preserved, the only thing is that people then distribute prepared dishes to those in need. Parents' Day is celebrated with delicious, lush Easter cakes, various pies, treating all the poor and destitute. Baked dishes are also taken to cemeteries, then they are left nearby on the graves of those visited by relatives and friends.

By the way, the memorial day is not at all considered a sad or mourning event. People treat the beggars, cheer those around and smile. It is rather a bright, even joyful holiday, filled with memories and stories about loved ones. The day when their souls found the peace they longed for. It is believed that the living, on the contrary, celebrating Radonitsa, should not cry, on the contrary, rejoice. Then the dead souls will stop worrying about the living and will be able to continue their journey there, beyond, and find peace. After all, the connection between loved ones remains, no matter if someone died or is still alive.

Traditions for parent's day

The Church warns: you can’t carry a lot to the cemetery delicious meals and no alcoholic drinks. Some often go overboard, practically having a picnic among the graves. No, the dead cannot be helped to find peace in this way. Rather, it is a celebration of the living, gluttony with drinking alcohol. True remembrance: treat the poor and be sure to read prayers. Visit the cemetery, leave some sweets. All.

Housewives bake Easter cakes, then, apart from this, no household work. In the morning, parishioners will definitely visit the church, take part in a special memorial liturgy. When this is not possible, you can put a special, sacred candle, read prayers, dedicating them to the souls of all deceased relatives, relatives, acquaintances, friends. After that, cook goodies and be sure to visit the cemetery. It is important to go to the graves in the company of relatives, friends or relatives; single visits are not welcome.

Parental Saturdays are days of special commemoration of the departed.
These days, at the Liturgy, prayers are read for the dead Orthodox Christians, funeral services are performed. Since almost all such days are associated with the Easter celebration calendar, the dates parental days change from year to year.

Parental Saturdays in 2019

9 days of special remembrance for the dead in 2019:

Universal Parent Saturdays

Related material

Parental Saturdays are days of special commemoration of the departed. brief information about parent Saturdays 2019. The material can be printed in A3 and A4 format and used as a parish sheet, manual for the lessons of the defense industry.

These days the Church prayerfully commemorates all the dead Christians. A special, ecumenical memorial service is served in the temple.

1. Meatfare Saturday - March 2

A week before Lent, on Saturday before. On the day preceding the remembrance of the Last Judgment, Christians pray to the Righteous Judge to show His mercy to all the departed Christians.

2. Trinity Saturday - Saturday before the feast of the Holy Trinity - June 15

With God, everyone is alive. In the Church, we feel connected to all the dead Christians. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. On the eve of this day, the Church prays for Christians who have crossed the threshold of earthly life.

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent

“Parental” Saturdays began to be called, because Christians prayerfully commemorated, first of all, their deceased parents. These days in the temple, after the Liturgy, a special funeral service is performed - a memorial service.

Throughout Great Lent, there are very few days when it is possible to celebrate the full Liturgy, and hence the main church prayer about the dead. In order not to deprive the dead of prayer intercession during this period, the Church has established three special days for prayer for them.

2nd week of Lent - March 23

3rd week of Great Lent - March 30

The 4th week of Great Lent is canceled in 2019, as it falls on April 6, the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation.

Private parenting days

These days of commemoration of the departed exist in the liturgical practice only of the Russian Orthodox Church.

1. Commemoration day for all those who died during the Great Patriotic War - May 9

After the liturgy, a thanksgiving service is performed for the gift of victory and a funeral litia.

2. Radonitsa - 9th day after Easter, Tuesday of St. Thomas' week - May 7

From this day on, the Charter of the Church again, after a long break for Great Lent and Easter days, allows the church-wide commemoration of the dead.

3. Day of Remembrance of Orthodox soldiers, for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland on the battlefield of those killed - September 11

The commemoration was established by decree of Catherine II during Russian-Turkish war(1768–1774). In modern liturgical practice, it is often omitted.

4. Dimitrievskaya parental Saturday - November 2.

On the Saturday preceding the day of memory of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (November 8). Installed by the right-believing prince Dmitry Donskoy after returning to Moscow from the battle on the Kulikovo field (1380).