Russian air defense systems S-400 "Triumph" took up combat duty at the Russian Khmeimim air base on November 27, 2015. This super-duper air defense system has a range of 400 km. That is, it closes all of Western Syria, half of the territory of Israel, Lebanon and Turkey. These wonderful complexes should be shot down by everything that flies up to an altitude of 27 km. Planes, any missiles, drones - everything!
Israeli air force launches missile attacks on military base 155th brigade of the Syrian government troops north of Damascus, ITV Channel 2 reports.

The strikes reportedly targeted a convoy of four trucks loaded with ballistic missiles.
The liquidation of the column was carried out after it, having left the limits of the military base, entered mountainous area near Alcatifa, north of Damascus.

In addition to this, the Israeli missile attack a fuel storage located in the same area was exposed from the air.

According to a number of Syrian sources, the attack was carried out from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that arrived from Lebanon.

The press service of the Israeli army traditionally does not comment on such reports, however, apparently, such actions were meant by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his speech at the Galilee Conference.

Then he said that Israel operates in Syria from time to time so that it does not turn into a springboard for an attack on it.

How is that?
Assad is Putin's ally! His only support and hope in the destruction of ISIS. Putin's aviation covers Assad's troops when they go on the offensive, and in general, this whole Putin's undertaking in Syria is aimed solely at saving Bashar al-Assad from just retribution for his many crimes.
AND ballistic missiles, which carried these four trucks, most likely the Russian "Point U", with which Assad's troops fire at rebels in northwestern Syria.

So I propose to choose one of two options. There are simply no other options:

  1. The Russian S-400 Triumph air defense systems are absolute shit, for air defense purposes. This shit is not capable of anything other than dispersing crows and then the muscle power of numerous calculations, or nothing but the destruction of passenger aircraft (well, if the old Buk could ...)

  2. . The petty thing is this: Putin allows the Israelis to kill the soldiers of his closest allies and destroy the weapons he himself supplied, in exchange for the possibility of Russian bombers flying over Israeli territory (what the hell they fly over there, this is a separate mystery. for some reason they pretend to be Jewish planes)

I won’t comment on the first option. Just don’t write in the comments that this time bad dancers with big eggs were used as the S-400 crew. Let me just remind you that Bashar al-Assad has his own air defense system, which is also Russian and is armed with, for example, a large number of the latest complexes"Pantsir-1S".

But about the second option, I have to write the following:

I have no sympathy for those who fight for Bashar al-Assad, whether they are Syrians - Alawites, Shiites, Sunnis, or Lebanese, or Iraqis, or Iranians. I have no sympathy for any of them - to fight for a scoundrel is an abomination.

But as a human being, I feel sorry for those who sat in the cabs of trucks and were nearby. Because they did not die for a dog's dick, falling victims of Putin's betrayal and the greatest villainy.

If Putin and Assad were sitting in the cabs of trucks at the time of the Israeli strike, I would applaud the Israelis with a clear conscience.

In addition to the transfer of weapons, Russia has deployed advanced anti-aircraft missile systems Air defense S-400 "Triumph" (according to NATO classification SA-21 Growler, "Growler"). This is reported by the British edition of The Daily Mail, citing pictures taken by 50 Western journalists invited by the Russian Ministry of Defense to the Khmeimim airbase in the Syrian province of Latakia, where Russian aviation is based.

The photographs were made public on the website of the Russian military department. The Daily Mail notes that the state-of-the-art S-400 missile systems have a maximum range of 250 miles (402 km) and are capable of shooting down a target at an altitude of up to 90,000 feet (27 km), more than double the cruising altitude of a passenger airliner.

From a well-defended base missile system could cover an area including most of Syria, southern Turkey, Cyprus, the eastern Mediterranean, and including Israel. It is also capable of tracking and engaging British aircraft stationed at the UK's Akrotiri Air Base in Cyprus.

On currently there is no complete certainty that the S-400 is deployed in Syria, and not one of the modifications of the S-300. Nevertheless, according to Mir Novostei, the appearance of the pictures caused a stir in the Western coalition and, above all, in the United States, where they still have not parted with the idea of ​​establishing no-fly zones over Syria. It was for this that they were transferred to Turkey american fighters F-15. It is believed that the S-400 can shoot down and american planes fifth generation F-22s deployed to a base in Qatar.

Experts are speculating about what might be causing the images to appear. According to one version, this may be a signal sent by the Russian Federation to other countries. “By deploying the S-400 in Latakia, Russia sends a signal to Turkey and Israel, and also creates an air shield over the Syrian coast,” analyst Yuri Barmin writes on Twitter. In another message, he hints that the appearance of images of the S-400 may be another "leak" of information about Russian weapons, as was the case with the top-secret Status-6 system.

MigNews notes that in any case, such a development of events seriously complicates Israel's ability to stop smuggling attempts. modern weapons Hezbollah. Earlier, Tel Aviv has already opposed the arming of Syria by Russia, as well as the supply of weapons to Iran. Moscow is counting on Iran to withdraw its $4 billion lawsuit filed against Russia at the International Court of Arbitration in Geneva in return. To this end, the Russian Federation even provided the Islamic Republic with a loan of seven billion dollars, a source at Vnesheconombank (VEB) told RIA Novosti on the eve.

US presidential contender threatens to shoot down Russian planes in Syria

Since September 30, Russia has been conducting an air operation in Syria against the Islamists. Even before the start of the operation Western media reported that the Russian Federation supplies weapons to Syria, including modernized anti-aircraft systems(ZRPK) "Pantsir-S1", and assumed that Moscow was planning to create an air base in Latakia.

The leadership of the Russian Federation claimed that Russian aircraft deliver military products to Syria in accordance with existing contracts and humanitarian aid. As for the military base, it was alleged that the idea of ​​creating a Russian "service point" in Syria was indeed discussed, but no decision has yet been made.

On November 5, Moscow confirmed that Russia had deployed not only aircraft to Syria, but also anti-aircraft missile systems. This was recognized by the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of Russia, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev.

A military-diplomatic source of the Interfax news agency said that Russia supplied Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems and Buk-M2E medium-range air defense systems to Syria to protect the air base in Latakia from possible terrorist attacks from the ground and air. He said that in the SAR, with the participation of Russia, a Joint Air Defense System (OS) was created, which also includes modernized Osa, S-125 Pechora-2M air defense systems, S-200 air defense systems and other systems. He did not report anything about the S-400 air defense system.

Meanwhile, there have been calls in the United States to shoot down Russian warplanes in Syria if they attack Washington-backed opposition forces. This call was made, in particular, by the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party, Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham. "The first thing I would say to Putin is if you bomb those we train in Syria, I will shoot down your planes," the senator told AM 970 The Answer radio station.

Other candidates for the presidency of the United States have made similar statements in the past. Thus, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie supported the idea of ​​creating a no-fly zone in Syria and said that he would shoot down Russian aircraft in case of violations. According to another Republican candidate, Marco Rubio, if Russia violated the boundaries of such a zone, it "would have problems."

Earlier, Indian media reported that Russia and India had agreed to conclude a contract for the supply of S-400 worth about $10 billion. This could be the largest bilateral defense deal yet. According to media reports, the contract will be officially signed during a visit to Moscow by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which is expected in December.

The latest Russian air defense system S-400 "Triumph" is of great interest abroad. This was announced by the head of the state corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov. “There are a lot of people who want (to buy it), including Saudi Arabia, but the contract has not yet been signed with anyone except China," said the CEO of Rostec in Dubai at the Dubai Airshow 2015 international air show.

Increased interest in Russian systems The S-400 is caused, first of all, by its unique characteristics, says Konstantin Sivkov, Doctor of Military Sciences, columnist for the Military Industrial Courier newspaper.

"The original roots of this complex lie in the Soviet era. This is our answer to American project missile defense SOI. But then they didn’t make their own system, but we made our own complex. Its value is characterized by the following things: a large firing range - it hits air targets at an altitude of up to 300 kilometers. The second feature is that it shoots according to the "fire and forget" principle. That is, in its latest modifications, missiles have a homing head that captures a target at a great distance and destroys it. There is no need to accompany this target until the missile meets it, as, for example, in modern American complexes. The third feature of the complex, which attracts, is that it allows you to hit over-the-horizon targets. No other missile system can do this at present. The missile slides, locks onto a target beyond the horizon, and kills it. It also has fairly good noise immunity, and it is practically invulnerable to existing radio suppression systems. Therefore, the interest in this complex, of course, is huge," Konstantin Sivkov said on Sputnik radio.

According to a military expert, the S-400 has no competitors. “The S-400 complex has no analogues among Western models. This complex is unique in its combat capabilities, and there is no equivalent in the world. For example, American system THAAD loses in range and does not shoot beyond the horizon. It is only anti-missile, it can only fire at ballistic targets,” said Konstantin Sivkov.

Tyler Rogoway noted in his blog that some American military experts and military journalists believe that the latest Boeing EA-18 Growler electronic warfare aircraft can be called a panacea for the S-400, but this is not so. A single aircraft is unlikely to be able to completely suppress all the electronic means of an anti-aircraft missile regiment equipped with C-400 air defense systems, while the Triumph will be able to hit the Growler with a burst of missiles if it is in the kill zone of at least one of the divisions.

“The unique capabilities of the United States in the field of electronic warfare (EW) and suppression of radar stations include not only the Growler, but also many other supporting platforms and systems. This complex ecosystem of weapons and sensors includes reconnaissance aircraft, cyber warfare and hacking, active suppression of enemy air defenses and attack weapons, stealth aircrafts and long-range ammunition used outside the reach of enemy weapons. The last two are especially effective if they are used together, adding electronic warfare equipment, ”writes Rogovei.

Mikhail Khodarenok agrees with this statement, noting the high level of training and professionalism of the Americans in conducting electronic warfare: “The United States is a master of electronic warfare. They have the most advanced technology for electronic countermeasures. From conflict to conflict, they do not repeat, and they probably have some kind of unusual surprise already prepared for the next adversary. Organized interference is really the most terrible weapon for anti-aircraft missile weapons. The expert recalls that Türkiye has stated that it has deployed Koral electronic warfare ground stations. But about them performance characteristics nothing is known.

The editor-in-chief of the Military Industrial Courier notes that it is impossible to guarantee the suppression of the S-400 air defense systems by the Koral system and the Growler aircraft: “This is an equation with many unknowns. What exactly are the hindrances? From what range? With what intensity? What is the power? From what azimuth? At what frequencies? What specific radio-electronic means is it set for?

Expert Tyler Rogoway argues that in order to destroy the air defense system of the alleged enemy, which has S-400 air defense systems, you need to use whole complex various tools of warfare. So, it is supposed to combine the work of stealth aircraft with long-range supplies, the launch of conventional (non-stealth) aircraft from hidden platforms, and much more.

“For example, the F-16 can fly up to the range of the AGM-158 JASSM high-precision air-to-surface cruise missile, and the F-35 can fly up to the range of the small bomb. If we add interference suppression to this, these distances decrease depending on the tactics being pursued and the technical and material capabilities for implementing these tactics. The problem is that against a serious opponent, you will have to take into account that he has not one zone of launchers and not one radar, but a whole set various systems, including both aircraft and air defense systems, ”he wrote.

However, Mikhail Khodarenok recalls that the S-400 air defense system is also not an absolute weapon and must be used in conjunction with other types armed forces and military branches. “If Growler works, then first of all, the tasks of defeating this electronic warfare aircraft should be assigned to fighter aircraft. If the interference is caused by ground stations EW, then you need to inflict bombing and assault strikes on them or hit them with long-range artillery fire and missile troops. That is, it is necessary to create conditions for the performance of the ZRS-400 combat missions, ”the expert continues.

The American specialist pays a lot of attention to work at a safe distance outside the range of enemy combat weapons: “The capabilities of air defense detection devices are only getting better, as well as the radius of destruction of ground-to-air missiles, so you may have to use long-range hidden missiles, united in one network. Or long-range stealth aircraft and other techniques, including suppression (at a distance), to weaken and eventually destroy the air defense system. As a result, working outside the reach of the enemy's weapons, you can weaken his air defense. Then, for example, you can fly up close and use a fighter with stealth missiles medium range, instead of launching long-range missiles from afar. At the same time, conventional (non-stealth) aircraft can attack with long-range missiles, thus freeing up space for the stealth aircraft to attack. And drones are false targets with electronic warfare on board can be used in conjunction with attacking combat units to go deep into enemy territory, disabling air defenses along the way.

Khodaryonok repeats that combat use The S-400 air defense system also needs to be considered as a complex, within the framework of a system created in advance air defense. “In particular, a three-tier anti-aircraft missile defense has been built in Syria. The S-400 air defense system operates at long ranges, the Buk-M2 air defense system operates at medium range, and the Pantsir-S1 air defense system performs tasks already at the nearest approaches to the protected object. This is a fairly stable group,” he says.

The editor-in-chief of the Military-Industrial Courier also doubts the statement about the enemy’s work at safe distances: “Firstly, the kill zone of the S-400 air defense system is quite large, and secondly, a Buk or Pantsir can pick up a missed target.

Conditions for the use of S-400

According to Mikhail Khodarenok, the S-400 air defense system and other air defense systems can only be used in two cases. Firstly, in the case of a full-scale military conflict: “If this is applied, then only in the conditions of a hypothetical armed clash with the United States or Turkey, which is not included in the plans of either the first or the second. But in general, such a situation should be considered extremely unlikely.

Secondly, in case of violation of the state border of Syria in the airspace by aircraft of other states. Here Khodarenok is referring primarily to Turkey, if Turkish fighters go deep into Syrian airspace. “This opportunity has already been appreciated by both the Americans and the Turks. The Turks have stopped flights and strikes on the territory of Syria, since there is a high probability that in this case they will be destroyed by S-400 air defense systems,” he says.

At the same time, the Russian military expert draws attention to the fact that any defeat of an aircraft by air defense systems / air defense systems will have consequences that are difficult to predict. So, for example, if missiles are fired at an aircraft, it can perform an anti-missile maneuver, turn around and fly back to its territory. The missiles can catch up with it (their speed is almost 2 km / s), the fighter will fall on the territory of Turkey and, at the same time, can destroy some extremely significant civilian object. However, if he breaks state border, will be hit and fall on the territory of Syria, then “for all international standards we have the right to open fire and destroy the intruder aircraft. This scenario is the most likely."

As for the incident with the downed Su-24, Mikhail Khodarenok suggests that if the S-400 air defense system had already been deployed in Syria at that time, then there might not have been an attack on the Russian aircraft.

I must give all couch analysts a deuce .. We ate few chips. And those who served in the air defense and those who flew the S-400 themselves.
1. Everything was under control and the command "to the gun" arrived as early as 2 hours. You can’t imagine worse, whoever served will understand. The only thing that our contingent dreamed of, Putin and the generals in Moscow, would have been faster and if only they had not been deceived, they would have received the "light out" command as soon as possible.
2. The target is third-rate and it has its own air defense system. Let the old, inefficient, but the one that was supposed to protect the airfield. In Yugoslavia, the invisible iron was shot down much more ancient. Here, in real conditions, they checked what it is still capable of. Not the fact that they did not shoot down anything.
3. The S-400 protects the VKS positioning areas, and not all of Syria, despite the range. They ate all the baldness about this. She is against aviation in the first place. Chasing axes, especially for 2 hours it was known that they were flying "in the wrong direction" - is not the royal business. It’s easier to withdraw personnel, everything of value from the airfield and train Syrian air defense and our electronic warfare on real targets. Those Syrian military who most likely died and served on the radar. Didn't pass the test.
3. Axes were thrown accurately. This can be seen by hitting the hangars, exactly in the middle (unless, of course, Poddubny filmed in Shayrat) But the strip is intact, there are no losses among the flight crew. They bombed the dining room and the "Lenin's room", a couple of warehouses and several non-lifting letaks, which during the hostilities no one had a hand to write off. Chickens laugh, given such a pompous volley.
Hence the conclusion. There is some kind of deal. The target was chosen for the picture on TV, but if only not to kill anyone, with the expectation that the Russians would not pull the ointment for it.
None of the Agalites ever said that the whole performance was during Comrade Xi's visit. This whole circus was intended for him. And also for internal use. It is necessary to somehow turn around in front of the voters and the establishment at home. Now Trump is a hero, not an agent, and has shown "these Russians" his place. And tov. Xi signaled that "USA" ll be back "It is no coincidence that a video appeared on the network of Schwartz teaching his double to pronounce this phrase. They say I shot without the sanction of the UN, Congress and nothing will happen to me, but the Russians will wipe themselves off and their vaunted equipment is against us zilch. You shouldn't buy it and count on it. If anything, it won't save you. They can't protect their allies, it's a bluff, and this volley is a Hamburg score. one argument, the last - military force I will apply it. The Russians could have answered, but they couldn’t and didn’t have the courage, their eggs are not iron, like mine. So come on, make a deal. Better my nishtyaki than such allies with their iron.
That's the whole combination. Putin understood everything correctly, if he didn’t come up with it himself and show that everything is right for him and he doesn’t make a fool of himself with this, but you have to let Xi come home, have a chat with Tilerson, and then he will answer. But do not think that we will shoot down or drown someone. The answer will also be subtle, so as not to harm. After all, you still have to negotiate with them. Such quirks are usually calculated on the weak nerves of the negotiators, to improve their positions. But here I am calm for Putin and for Comrade Xi.

Image copyright getty Image caption Russia boosts its influence in Syria by deploying S-400s there

After the Russian Su-24 bomber was shot down by the Turkish Air Force, Moscow is reinforcing its contingent in Syria.

Russian bombers will now be equipped with air-to-air missiles, and the Moskva cruiser will move closer to the Syrian coast to provide additional support to a Russian air base near the Syrian port of Latakia.

But the most significant strengthening of Russian positions in Syria will be the deployment of the S-400 air defense system. His launchers and radar vehicles are already at the Russian base.

The S-400 is Russia's most advanced long-range air defense system. From a base in Latakia, S-400 surface-to-air missiles can hit targets within a radius that includes most of Israel, the eastern Mediterranean (including Cyprus, where the British Air Force base is located), and most of Turkey.

Protection of "combat units"

Powerful S-400 radars give a detailed picture of the "air landscape" in a radius even greater than its missiles reach.

For example, they can monitor coalition air operations and what the Israeli Air Force is doing.


Accommodation: Khmeimim base near the city of Latakia, entered service Russian army in 2007

Range: 400 km

Speed: up to 4.8 km per second

Target height: 30 km, can track multiple targets at the same time

Goal types: aircraft, cruise missiles, medium-range cruise missiles, drones and other radio-controlled air systems tracking.

Source: Concern "Almaz-Antey"

  1. Early detection radar tracks the movement of objects and transmits information to command center, which identifies potential targets
  2. The target is determined, and the command center gives the order to open fire
  3. The target coordinates are sent to the complex closest to the target, and it starts launching surface-to-air missiles
  4. All-altitude detector accompanies targets and helps missile guidance


Of course, I do not believe that Russia is deploying the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system in order to interfere with the actions of the coalition in Syria. However, Moscow is making a serious statement in this way. It sends a clear signal, not only to Turkey, but also to public opinion in Russia, that it intends to defend its air force by whatever means it deems necessary.

However, it is difficult to assume that the S-400 will actually be directed against coalition fighters. Given their number in Syria, it will not only be difficult to track them all, but also to single out Turkish ones among them. But the presence of this complex in Syria will significantly complicate the planning of actions for the coalition.

NATO and US officials were tight-lipped about the S-400, but one senior NATO diplomat acknowledged that the deployment of this air defense system, as well as others latest systems"in Syria, where many other countries are active" makes the situation even more complicated.

Since the deployment of the S-400, the number of coalition airstrikes has decreased, and most of the tasks are carried out by drones. However, it is still difficult to judge whether the decrease in the number of airstrikes reflects concerns about the S-400 or whether it is just a natural decrease in the intensity of strikes.

Image copyright getty Image caption C-400 rocket launch

When I spoke with NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg about the potential threat posed by the deployment of S-400s in Syria, he was reticent about specific forecasts, but saw that Turkish territory, part of the Russian strategy, was within the range of the complex.

According to him, Russia has deployed the latest defense systems along all its western borders in order to prevent NATO intervention in the event of a crisis.

The deployment of the S-400 once again points to the need for dialogue between the coalition countries and Russia.

Israel has already stepped up negotiations with Moscow.

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said over the weekend that a Russian plane violated Israel's air border, but no action was taken against it, as it was not seen as a potential threat.

While NATO continues to publicly stress that it will do everything to protect Turkey's sovereignty, too many people say in private that Turkey could do with a little less stubbornness.