Alexey Shalkin from Ivanovo asks:

We are doing repairs in the apartment, changing windows, doors, tiles. Mountains of garbage have formed, which simply have nowhere to go. I have a cargo GAZelle and the ability to take out the garbage on my own. Where can it be delivered to avoid trouble with neighbors and utilities?

Our expert answers:

Everyone who did at least a small repair in the apartment had to deal with the problem of garbage disposal. A small amount of waste in the form of old wallpaper can be placed in a bag and placed next to the trash can. But what if there are a dozen such bags? There are several ways to solve this problem:

  • self-deliver to a landfill;
  • order a special container;
  • sell or donate;
  • contact one of the companies involved in its export.


All household and construction waste is taken to specialized landfills. There they are sorted, selecting trash suitable for recycling. Anything that cannot be recycled must be landfilled.

Residents of the apartment only need to find out exactly where such landfills are located, then load all the bags (if there is a truck) and deliver them to their destination. But not all landfills accept garbage from individuals. In addition, to get rid of such a burden, you will have to incur certain financial costs.

Unloading in a special container

This is not about ordinary containers intended for solid waste, but about bunker containers, which are most often installed near new buildings by the developers themselves. Such a bin can be ordered provided that all the garbage is loaded within 2 hours.


As funny as it may sound construction garbage can really be sold or donated to those who need it. And there are many such people. For example, people living in suburban villages, or living in gardening partnerships, will be immensely happy to receive such a gift. All this rubbish can be useful. They are filled with holes on the roads, ravines in the areas, find other uses.

Contacting specialized companies

This method is the most reasonable. Turning to such a company, the owner of the apartment will have to pay. But by giving money, you can save time and effort.

Employees of such companies will independently load all the trash and take it to the landfill. The customer will only have to enjoy the freed space and cleanliness. This method is not only the simplest, but also economically justified. After all, even bringing the garbage to the landfill yourself, you still have to pay.

To the question of where to throw garbage in Moscow from an apartment (large-sized and small), there is no single answer, since these are different categories of garbage. For small waste, if the house does not have a garbage chute, containers are provided, which are located on garbage sites in almost every quarter.

Where to throw garbage?

Garbage to garbage strife, it can be food waste, waste paper, plastic container, worn out things, glass, leather, wood, and all this can be thrown into dumpster. However, do not confuse small waste with bulky waste, which includes worn-out furniture, household appliances, garbage after overhaul, and this may be floor coverings, doors, window frames, bricks, plumbing. Such garbage is oversized, and most often residents must take it out on their own. The exception is those tenants who have concluded with the management company supplementary contract about granting additional service, that is, the removal of oversized garbage. As a rule, such things are decided at a general meeting of residents, and the payment for removal is included in the number utility bills for the upkeep of the house. That is, the collection and removal of bulky waste is included in the total number of services for the collection and removal of all garbage. As a result, an additional large box is placed on the garbage platform near the garbage containers, where large-sized garbage is placed. If there is no such box, then the additional contract has not been drawn up, and Management Company is not obliged to accept and export the dimensions. No one has the right to throw furniture, sofas, gas stoves and other large trash into ordinary containers or put next to it.

Where to put bulky waste?

And what to do with it in this case, look for the car yourself, take permission for disposal, negotiate with loaders, but it’s just some kind of emergency. Is there a better way to solve this?

Indeed, public utilities are not up to the task of removing waste, let alone big things, so you can often observe how heaps of garbage lie around the containers. Statistics show that every year each person throws into the trash several hundred kilograms of all kinds of waste, small and large. Their timely and quick cleaning is necessary, people stumble upon dumps along the streets and in yards. Therefore, it is high time for the city authorities to involve specialized companies in this, which are engaged in the removal of garbage, both small and large, in the scrapping of furniture and household appliances. However, many consider it unjustified to pay for such services, they do not take such a problem seriously enough.

It would seem that it is easier to collect garbage in a bag and put it in a container, but what about a gas stove, a refrigerator, where to put old furniture when a new one is about to be brought in? Probably, in his life, every person sooner or later faced a similar situation, changed household appliances bought new furniture. Many were taken out into the yard, where the objects gradually dispersed somewhere, someone would take away the furniture, someone would hand over the slab for metal, and many things are still on public display. More often, people themselves take them to a landfill, for which they hire freight car, but whether he will take large-sized garbage for disposal or unload it at an unauthorized landfill is another question.

Professional removal required

There are those who will say that he does not care where his old sofa or kitchen set is lying around. But fortunately, such people are becoming less and less. The consciousness of the people is rising, the culture of behavior is growing, many people cannot calmly see how the neighborhood is being cluttered up without permission, and nature is being destroyed. It is much more correct and reasonable to organize professional garbage collection instead of administrative fines and penalties. different size from yards, from apartments and houses.

Our company has long and successfully solved the issues of where to throw garbage in Moscow from an apartment (large and small), specializes in cleaning different types waste, in any district of Moscow. Employees of our company carefully and quickly remove small household and bulky waste from an apartment building or a private house, clean yards from dirt, and install containers for collecting waste. Our work is not only small waste, we dismantle large-sized items, simplify their loading and collection, compactly stack waste so that it takes up less space for removal by one truck. All this makes garbage collection in Moscow from an apartment convenient, fast and profitable.

We care about our clients, develop a well-thought-out financial policy, efficient work technology, we have a staff of experienced professional workers, a fleet of oversized vehicles, so we can solve any problems related to the removal of household waste. We serve houses and individual apartments, we leave for an urgent call, we go not different variants mutually beneficial cooperation. Call us by phone, and experienced managers will professionally answer all your questions.

Proper waste disposal is one of the most actual problems growing cities. In order to successfully solve it, it is worth considering in advance the options for the removal of waste and their preliminary collection. If this is done on time, then the terms of repair and construction will be significantly reduced. Disposal of construction waste has its own characteristics, so it is worth distinguishing household waste from those that remain after repair or construction.

The difference between construction waste and MSW

TO household waste include everything unnecessary that remains when a person lives in a dwelling. This:

food waste, bones; packaging material; metal, glass, rubber, leather, wood or plastic products, their parts; textiles.

Construction waste - containers left after used paint, cement, mixtures, pieces of reinforced concrete, fittings, insulation, glass fragments, drywall, etc.

Construction waste collection requirements

It must be packed in special bags or placed in containers so as not to spread to the surrounding area. More:

it is impossible to throw away waste after repair through devices intended for solid waste - for example, garbage chutes; construction waste there are special landfills and waste processing plants; if repairs are underway in private housing, garbage must be removed from the apartment to specially designated places on the adjacent territory or to containers.

How is garbage removed

If the repair is carried out on a relatively large area, then you can accumulate garbage and then order a small container. However, you can save money if you team up with one or even several owners of living space who are reorganizing the apartment. In this case, you need to find out the price for garbage disposal in a container of 8 m3 and order it. If necessary, you can agree with the company providing such services on the arrival of movers, which will speed up the process of collecting and sending waste.

The GlavMusor company is engaged in the removal of construction waste, has its own fleet of vehicles, therefore, for the removal, for example, of a small amount of waste, equipment of the appropriate volume is used. This approach allows establishing democratic

To begin with, let's figure out why it is impossible to throw construction waste into an ordinary garbage container.

Garbage after repair or otherwise construction waste is different from ordinary household waste. Throwing such garbage into the container will not work, and it is impossible. Why?

The thing is that construction waste is:

Pieces of concrete or brick;
- old tiles or its fragments;
- remains of plaster;
- window frames and door structures;
- furniture;
- empty cans of paint or packaging from cement and other things.

If after the repair you have a package with old wallpaper removed from the walls, then it can be attributed to garbage cans.

But in the presence of all of the above, this should not be done, since an administrative fine is possible. What to do and where to take out your construction waste?

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary trash and garbage:

1. Garbage removal by yourself.

The method is the most difficult. You will have to work hard and look for a garbage dump where construction waste is accepted. Reception of garbage to such a landfill is paid, the tariffs for each landfill are different.

2. Order a container for construction debris.

New buildings often have special containers for such garbage, they are placed for apartment buyers. TO residential building You need to order a container yourself. The service is paid. The time of using the container is strictly limited, usually no more than two hours. This time includes loading the garbage into the container and its removal. The organization that provided the special container is engaged in the export.

3. Sale of construction debris. Of course, not everything is for sale, but some garbage can still be successfully sold and get some money for it.

Approximate selling prices:

  • construction waste by the type of concrete residues about 110 rubles. per m3;
  • remnants of asphalt or brick for 15 rubles. per m3;
  • soil costs from 50 rubles. per m3.

Some pick up trash for free. Finding similar services is easy. through the internet. On construction sites or free classifieds sites often offers of this kind.

4. Removal of construction debris with the help of special companies. The service is paid, but it eliminates most of the problems associated with the removal and disposal of unnecessary waste from construction and repair.

A contract for garbage collection is drawn up with the organization and then a special vehicle and specialists arrive who will remove the garbage quickly, efficiently and V at its best.

Give us a call and we'll work with you at a price that suits you!

Construction garbage - special kind garbage that cannot be thrown into a regular container, garbage chute. What to do with it? Where to take construction waste according to the rules?

Construction waste is all that remains after construction and repair. It can be pieces of finishing materials, and old tiles, and the remains of plaster, glass, etc. This also includes old window frames, unnecessary furniture, window and doorways.

Where to put all this if you can’t throw it into a regular trash can? There are some of the most common ways to get rid of construction debris.

1. Take out construction waste yourself to a landfill

This is the hardest way. Firstly, not every landfill accepts construction waste, and secondly, you will also have to pay for garbage collection.

2. Special container for construction debris

Containers, bunkers for construction waste usually stand near new buildings, they are left by developers at the request of apartment buyers.

You can bring a container to an ordinary residential building by special order for a fee, but it should stand no longer than 2 hours. During this time, you need to have time to load the construction debris yourself, and take the bunker out of the yard.

3. Sell construction waste

Some types of construction waste can be successfully sold. The rates are roughly as follows:

- Soil from 50 rubles per m 3;
- Construction waste from 110 rubles per m 3;
- Fight bricks, asphalt from 15 rubles m 3;

Someone accepts garbage for free.

Not everything is for sale, construction waste that can be used anywhere is of interest. For example, soil is used for dumping, ravines are covered with it. If you dug a foundation pit, the soil will be successfully taken away, and you will also be paid money for it.

How to find a buyer for construction waste? Through the Internet! A lot of sites that host a lot of ads of this kind. Finding one is not easy, but possible. For example:

  • Sell ​​construction waste in Moscow, in addition to soil, there are ads at the expense of garbage.

The main thing is to find buyers interested in your garbage.

Most often willingly take:

  • concrete fight
  • brick fight
  • asphalt fight
  • priming
  • clay
  • sand

Less often they take film, firewood, sawdust, rubber, plastic.

4. Take out construction waste at your own expense with the help of a special company

There are companies specializing in the removal of waste, including construction. This service costs money, and sometimes a lot. but they will draw up a contract with you, they will do everything in the best possible way. A simple example of such a company is the website.

You can take out construction waste cheaper, you can find a contractor using the same bulletin boards:,, etc.

5. Give to the "Dump"

The special project "Dump" is relevant for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. And get rid of construction debris in literally this word will not work with him. But you can shake off old furniture, old things, trash that you don't need.

From this rubbish, specialists from the "Dump" will select everything that someone else might like, and the rest will be disposed of.

For garbage you can get cash reward. But there are nuances:

  • Garbage must be collected by yourself and prepared for removal.
  • They will not come for garbage outside the Moscow Ring Road, but you can bring it yourself, having previously phoned the company.
  • They do not pick up frank garbage after repair.