• Book
  • Glass of water
  • Black cat
  • paper snowflake
  • Bulb
  • Leaves with wishes
  • coins
  • Method number 1. Stranger
  • Method number 2. Luminous windows
  • Modern divination
  • Divination for the Old New Year for the fulfillment of desires

    Each of us, on the eve of the New Year holidays, dreams of a miracle, because we so want our wishes to come true, and the fairy tale to come true. There are many different fortune-telling for the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. The chosen rite should be performed on the night of January 13-14 in complete silence.

    Let's look at the most effective fortune-telling for desire:

    Golden ring

    Prepare an opaque bowl with clean water and a ring. Whisper your deepest wish and throw the ring into the water. Count the number of water circles. An even number will mean that the desired will certainly come true, an odd number will not.

    Take a glass or jar and fill it to the top with rice. Put your palm right hand on the neck of the container and make a wish (you can ask a question, the answer of which can only be “yes” or “no”). Then take out a small handful of cereals and count the number of grains. An even number is what you want to be this year, an odd number will mean a negative answer.


    Make a wish at midnight and open your favorite book with eyes closed. Point your finger at one of the lines. Open your eyes and read. The blindly chosen offer will have to let you know whether the wish will come true or not.

    Glass of water

    Fill one glass to the top with clean water and leave the other empty. At 12 at night, make your wish and pour water from one glass to another over the table. A dry table surface will mean a dream come true. If a lot of water is spilled, your wish will not come true this year.

    Black cat

    If there is a black cat in the house, the rite can be carried out in this way: take the animal to the next room, and yourself, having made a question or desire, call her to you. If a pet crosses the threshold of your room with its left paw, the dream will come true, but not with the right paw. And if the cat does not come at all, then the fulfillment of the cherished desire will completely depend on you.

    paper snowflake

    On the evening of January 13, make a snowflake out of paper and write your desire on it in small letters. Put it under your pillow and at nightfall, take it out and throw it out of the balcony (or from the window). At the same time, while the snowflake flies to the ground, you need to whisper your dream 3 times in a whisper.


    Prepare three onions in their skins (the heads should be approximately the same) and 3 cups filled halfway with water. On the night of January 13-14, write one wish on each bulb and place each head in a glass of water. Everything, now you just need to wait. The bulb that sprouts first and tells you what wish will come true. Important! For this fortune-telling, a spoiled and rotten onion is not suitable.

    Leaves with wishes

    On the evening of January 13, prepare 12 small pieces of white paper. On each piece before bed, write different wishes and put them under your pillow. In the morning, touch any piece of paper and read what is written on it. This is the wish that will come true in the coming year.


    Take 13 coins and shake them well in your hands, while pronouncing your desire. Throw them so that they fall on the same surface. Count the number of heads and tails. If there are more eagles, celebrate success.

    The most important thing to remember is that at the moment of making a wish, you need to believe in the miracle and power of magic, and also imagine as clearly as possible that your dream has come true in the coming year.

    Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish on the street

    If you want to spend fortune-telling with friends, then it is not necessary to sit at home. You can go outside and perform the ceremony in the fresh air. There are a few interesting ways find out if the wish will come true or not.

    Method number 1. Stranger

    Go outside after midnight and walk down the street. At the same time, you should have two coins in your pocket - one is silver, the other is copper. As soon as you see a stranger on the horizon, think about your dream and, approaching the stranger, ask him to choose one of the coins. Silver will mean a positive result. If a copper coin is chosen, the wish will not come true this year.

    Method number 2. Luminous windows

    If you live in the city, then go outside at midnight, turn your back on your house and make a wish. Turn around and count the number of glowing windows. An even number will come true, an odd number will not come true. You can also walk with friends around the city at night, at any time close your eyes and make a wish. Spin around your axis a couple of times, and count the windows of the house opposite.

    Method number 3. Imprint in a snowdrift

    At midnight, you need to go out into the yard, find the territory where the snow has remained untouched by people. Lie on your back and leave an imprint of the body, while making your wish. On the morning of January 14, you should come to this place and see what happened to this pattern. If the imprint is not touched by nature and people, then you can rejoice, because this year the wish will come true. If someone stepped on or the contours of the body print were blown away by the wind, it is worth waiting for the next year.

    Modern divination

    Have a couple modern divination which can be spent on the eve of the holiday. It is not difficult to conduct them, and it will take very little time.

    1. Elevator. Go out to the platform and make a wish. Wait for someone to call the elevator. If he stops on your floor or above - the wish will come true, below - no.

    2. Mobile phone. Think about what you want and wait for the call. If a man calls, the dream will come true, but if a woman calls, this year you should not wait for what you want.

    3. Chocolate. Behind festive table fill a glass of champagne. Throw a chocolate cube 1 minute before midnight and think of a wish. If the sweetness sinks, then it will come true and you need to quickly drink the contents, if chocolate remains on the surface, the answer is no.
    Choose the right time for the ceremony and follow all the rules, and of course, believe in your dream.

    Christmas time is New Year's holidays, shrouded not only in the joy of children and adults, but also in mysticism. At this time, it is customary to tell fortunes, since divination for Christmas time turns out to be the most “true”.

    Tradition Christmas celebrations in Rus' exactly Jan. 7 originated at the beginning of the 19th century from the moment of the official transition to Gregorian calendar. Some people "instantly switched" to new dates, others began to celebrate "double holidays" (as, for example, New Year and Old Year).

    Orthodox people adopted to comply post before christmas, go to church, honor church holidays. However, not everyone observed all Christian traditions, in particular young people. This is what happens in our time. Nevertheless, the custom of guessing at Christmas time has survived to this day. As a rule, fortune-telling began on the night of Christmas and lasted until Epiphany on January 19th.

    INTERESTING: The fortune-telling that took place on the festive night from January 6 to 7, as well as from 18 to 19 was considered the most powerful and truthful.

    How was it customary to tell fortunes in Rus' at Christmas time?

    Divination was especially popular for young girls and unmarried women. They guessed mostly on the betrothed and love. Those ladies who were already married could also engage in divination for fun or interest: for the future, for happiness, for money, for children.

    What's interesting is that most divination preserved to our times, assumes its holding in the village. Such fortune-telling cannot be carried out in a modern apartment. Therefore, if you want to perform a specific ritual to perform on the upcoming holidays, it is important to find a really suitable place for him.

    The most popular divinations were: fortune-telling with a ring, bread, a hook, through a mirror, by throwing a boot over the fence. Each of the divinations needed be able to correctly interpret, because at that time it was important to have a good imagination.

    On Christmas Eve in Rus' It was customary to greet guests standing on the threshold. At the same time, gifts were often given to those who came to the house. Some guests frankly "demanded" gifts and at that time sang songs, recited poems wishing the owners of the house happiness and prosperity.

    INTERESTING: All these customs were far from politeness and festive mood. Noisy guests "scared away" evil spirits from the house, not allowing them to harm the owners. Those, in turn, "thanked" their defenders.

    Divination in Rus' on Christmas

    Christmas time(time from January 7 to 19) were incredibly mystical holidays for every Orthodox. It was believed that together with living people devils, witches and other entities roam the streets. They guessed at Christmas time because only then it was possible get the most accurate answers to all your questions, after all, it is the mystical power that will help in this.

    INTERESTING: It was possible to guess alone or with the whole family. Young girls often gathered in small groups so that divination was fun, interesting, and most importantly, it could not scare. Many stories tell that if one guessed alone, he often went crazy because he did it wrong or had the opportunity to see something from the other world.

    Video: "Divination in Rus'"

    Divination for the New Year and Christmas: for love

    Divination with a coin:

    You will need a coin that has some history, meaning or value. You will need a collectible, old or royal coin made of any metal.

    IMPORTANT: If you do not have the opportunity to guess at an expensive coin, you can use the most common wallet. But, for this you need to charge the coin with your energy. Carry it with you for three days, in your pocket or on your body, touch it regularly, talk to it.

    In addition to the coin, you will need a white saucer. Guess exactly at midnight. This time is considered the most mystical and predisposed for divination. Also carry a black marker with you so you can write important words and symbols.


    • Tune in to fortune telling, dim the lights and try to eliminate unnecessary noise in the house. Guess in solitude.
    • Place the saucer in front of you on the table
    • With a marker, divide the saucer into 4 parts of equal size.

    Each sector must be labeled with a word:

    • Top left - "OH"
    • Upper right - "SHE"
    • Bottom left - "WE"
    • Bottom right - "I"


    • You need to take a coin in your hands and put it with an edge right in the center of the saucer.
    • It is necessary to sharply spin the coin so that it starts moving and, after spinning, stops in one sector.
    • Before you begin to spin the coin or while it is spinning, you will need to ask a question, the answer to which can be the answer written on the saucer.

    Another interpretation:

    • "OH" - the problem is in your beloved.
    • "SHE" - you have a rival in a love relationship.
    • “I” - you have problems that do not allow events to unfold the way you want.
    • "WE" - everything will be fine with you and you will be able to find your love.

    Interesting fortune-telling

    Fortune telling on the groom with the help of an old boot:

    This fortune-telling suggests that the name of the betrothed will try find out a girl "of marriageable age". To do this, at midnight on Christmas night, you need get out of the house into the yard, I took my old boots with me. After that, you need to stand with your back to the fence and, moving your hand back, throw your boot over the fence with all your might.

    It is believed that the boot will fall in the direction that will show the girl on the way to her betrothed. That is why such fortune-telling was popular in the village: each path led to a certain house. Make such fortune-telling in the city with apartment buildings just impossible.

    Old Russian divination in Svyatki

    Divination for the New Year and Christmas for the betrothed

    Simple divination on a decanter of water:

    • For this simple divination, you will need a carafe, water and a glass.
    • You will need to pour water from a larger vessel into a smaller one.
    • In this case, it is important to say special words: “You will get tired on the road, but I have water. You come to me, betrothed, and I will give you a drink.
    • These words should be spoken very gently and affectionately, in a pleasant voice.
    • You need to repeat the phrase three times.
    • The last time the water is poured into a glass. This glass is placed at the head of the bed.
    • He should stay by your side all night. If you dream of a person, this is your betrothed. If no one dreams, it means that the time for a serious relationship has not yet come for you.

    Fortune telling about romantic events

    Divination in the name of the betrothed:

    This is one of the oldest and simplest fortune-telling, which came to us from ancient Rus'. It assumes that single woman must go out into the street on Christmas night and find the first person you meet. And it must be a man.

    You need to ask the name of this man. It is believed that this name will be fateful for a woman and will be the same (or similar) as the name of the betrothed. Of course, in Rus' it was customary to run out into the street in groups of young girls, which made divination fun, funny and not at all strange.

    Simple divination for women

    Fortune telling on the betrothed with the help of a broom, a comb:

    Take for divination a broom that is stored in your house and already managed to sweep the floor. Break a few twigs on the broom. From the twigs you should weave a kind of bridge. This "bridge" keep under pillow all night. Before going to bed, say the phrase: My betrothed, take me across the bridge. At night, you should dream about the desired image.

    In the absence of a broom (this often happens in modern apartments), you can use your comb. To do this, you should carefully comb your hair, put the comb under the pillow, say: "Betrothed, comb my hair, comb my head." After that, go to bed. The dream will present you with an image of a future lover.

    Interesting fortune-telling

    Fortune telling for the New Year and Christmas for a wish

    Divination by desire with paper:

    Such fortune-telling is good to do at Christmas or new year's eve. Fortune telling is long and requires your patience.

    For the process you will need:

    • Basin with water
    • Paper
    • Pen
    • Candle


    • Pour water into a basin or large bowl
    • Write all your cherished desires on pieces of paper and spread them around the pelvis.
    • Light a candle. Wait until it flares up and starts to melt.
    • Your hand should be exactly above the center of the basin with water.
    • Tilt the candle so that the wax droplets fall into the center of the basin.
    • A few, or even one drop of wax will be enough.
    • Wait until the hardened wax can go to one side.
    • The side in which the wax will be sent will “tell” you that this desire will come true soon.

    Determine whether a wish will come true or not, fortune telling will help

    Divination for Christmas and Christmas for the future

    Divination for the future with a mirror:

    For this divination, you will need the following set of tools:

    • Mirror
    • Decanter
    • Candles (3 pcs.)


    • Fill the carafe with water (it is desirable that it be water that has been standing for three days in your house).
    • Arrange three candles (ordinary or church) around the decanter.
    • Light the candles
    • Place a mirror in front of you so that you are separated by a carafe of water.
    • Through the water column you must consider your future.

    IMPORTANT: Only your imagination will help to correctly interpret what you see in the glare. In order to see something understandable (or even see something), you need to use a decanter made of thin, smooth glass. IN last resort, in the absence of a decanter, use a regular glass beaker.

    How to know the future with the help of divination?

    Fortune telling about the future using patterns on the mirror:

    This fortune-telling will allow you to find out what will happen to you in the new year. All you need for divination is a mirror. But, fortune-telling will be impossible if, to put it mildly, “not winter weather” on the street.


    • Pour water on the mirror
    • Take him outside alone
    • You need to go outside at Christmas time, at midnight
    • Wait until frost can draw a frozen pattern on the mirror.
    • Start the interpretation on the street, or bring the mirror home.

    Interpretation of patterns:

    • Circles - the pattern tells you that next year you will experience financial difficulties.
    • Square - the pattern suggests that next year you will be able to experience many kinds of problems and disappointments.
    • Triangle - a pattern that portends you success in any business on next year.
    • Herringbone - a pattern that says what the new year will "bring" to you great amount labor and work.
    • Straight lines are a sign that the coming year will be calm for you and there will be no problems in it.
    • Smooth wavy lines - a pattern that portends the guardianship of loved ones, the warmth of relatives and family, good attitude friends.
    • Zigzags - portends active, happy year, a lot of emotions and events.
    • Dots and specks - a pattern that tells you that next year can be full of good events, completed deeds and work completed.
    • The face of a person or the face of an animal - the pattern portends major changes in your life in the new year.
    • Divorces and stains - your fate has not yet been defined so clearly as to give an accurate interpretation.

    Mirror - a magical attribute

    Fortune telling with a book for the future:

    This is a simple divination that can literally "speak" to a person. For fortune-telling, you should choose the right time: midnight. For fortune-telling, you will need any meaningful book written artistic text (it is desirable to choose works of literary art).

    Take a book and be alone with it: hug the book, press it to your heart, put it to your forehead. Try to mentally convey to the book all your experiences and ask the most exciting question. Close your eyes and open the book to any page, point your finger at any paragraph. Open your eyes and read the one or two sentences that your finger has landed on. The written text will be the answer to your question.

    A book can become a magical attribute

    Divination for the future with a saucer of water:


    • Fill a saucer with water
    • Take the saucer outside, leave it overnight (you can put it on the balcony).
    • The saucer should stand until the morning
    • In the morning you should look at the frozen water and interpret it.


    • Waves - the pattern portends pleasant events in the coming year, joyful meetings, travel.
    • Surface - next year will not be alarming for you, any business will have a good end.
    • Sharp crust, spikes - next year will be active for you, you will always be on the move, in the center of events.
    • Hole - portends lack of money, problems with money and health in the new year.

    How to determine your future by divination?

    Divination for the future with a chain:

    For fortune-telling, you only need a body long chain made of any metal and a surface on which you can throw it. The picture that comes out of the chain will be able to tell you about the future.

    Interpretation of patterns:

    • Straight line - good luck will favor you.
    • A snake is an enemy and an envious person next to you
    • Triangle - good luck in any business: love, work, dating
    • Circle - financial difficulties
    • Oval - you will find yourself in an unfavorable situation more than once
    • Heart - portends you a love meeting and a romantic acquaintance.
    • Node - health and financial problems
    • Bow - marriage, meeting the betrothed
    • Loop - the new year will bring you many difficulties, but you can handle everything.
    • Zigzag - a stormy, eventful year
    • Flower - joys, pleasures and entertainment in the new year

    Modern divination according to old customs

    How to guess on the Old New Year?

    Old New Year carries the energy of the ancient Slavic holiday. On this day, from January 13 to 14, it is also customary to engage in fortune-telling in order to find out the name of the betrothed, the events of the future, or to make wishes come true.


    • Fortune telling on the shadows is a simple ritual. On paper, write down everything you want to get and are afraid to lose. Further, the sheet is crumpled in the hands, but not too tightly. Place a candle in front of a white empty wall, and a piece of paper between the wall and the candle. By the shadow that lies on the wall and the interpretation should be read.
    • Divination on a wedding ring. For fortune-telling, you need to take a ring from a married lady, but you can’t touch it with your hands. Ask the woman to remove the ring and tie it to a string. This attribute should be asked questions and held over the open palm. If the ring will make an even movement in the form of a line - the answer is “no”, if the circle is the answer is “yes”.
    • Divination on wax For this you will need a candle and a cup of water. Retire in a room with candles, fill a cup with water and place it in front of you. Point the candle at the center of the cup and gently let the wax drip into the water. The resulting figure should be interpreted as a sign foreshadowing future events or the answer to a question.
    • Divination on grains. For this fortune-telling, it is best to use coffee beans, but if they are not available, any grains, as well as cereals, will come in handy. To do this, dip your palm into the grain and rake it into a handful. Holding the grain, ask them a question, the answer to which can be yes or no. Count all the grains, add up all the numbers in the sum. For example, 247 \u003d 2 + 4 + 7 \u003d 13 \u003d 1 + 3 \u003d 4. If the number is even, the answer is “no”, if it is odd, the answer is “yes”.

    Video: "Christmas divination for Christmas"

    Corporate party for the Old New Year


    Didn't trust astrologers until then
    until I talked to a fortune teller.

    The strongest and most dangerous divination takes place at midnight on the Old New Year. Therefore, the office is not suitable for their holding.

    Complete all work matters if possible so that thoughts about work do not distract you from what is coming, walk home part of the way to tune in to a peaceful mood, have dinner and start fortune telling.

    Our editors have selected 10 fortune-telling for the Old New Year, which are considered especially strong.

    Divination for the Old New Year with invoking a dream about the betrothed

    They write the name of the young man on a piece of paper, kiss this word with painted lips (so that a trace remains), put it on a small mirror and hide it under the pillow.

    You can put three bay leaves under the pillow. On one they write "Ananias", on the other - "Azarius", on the third - "Michael" and say a spell: "From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams of me, let me dream about it."

    Divination for the Old New Year before going to bed on the night from Monday to Tuesday

    If Old New Year's Eve falls on Monday, then you can do fortune-telling before going to bed on a twig.

    A sprig of spruce is taken, placed at the head of the head for the night.

    At the same time, they say: “I lie down on Monday, put a spruce tree at the head, dream of the one who thinks of me.”

    Whoever dreams, he loves you.

    Divination for the Old New Year before going to bed on the night from Thursday to Friday

    Going to bed say:

    “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in my head: one sees, the other will tell, the third will indicate fate.

    Divination for the groom for the Old New Year

    Girls guess if they go to bed where they never had before.

    Before going to bed they say: "In a new place, dream of the bridegroom."

    In a dream you will see your fiance.

    Fortune telling on cards for the Old New Year

    Before going to bed, four kings are placed under the pillow and they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream me in a dream.”

    If you dream of a king of spades - the groom will be an old man and jealous, a red king means young and rich, a cross - expect matchmakers from a military or businessman, and a tambourine - from the desired one.

    Fortune telling on wax for the Old New Year

    They heat wax in a mug, pour milk in a saucer and put it at the threshold of an apartment or house.

    The following words are pronounced: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax."

    WITH last words pour melted wax into milk and carefully observe what is happening.

    frozen cross portends some illness in the new year.

    If cross it just seems that in the coming year financial affairs will not go too well, and in personal life troubles will overcome, but not too serious.

    If it blooms flower- get married, get married or find a loved one.

    If it seems beast, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy.

    If the wax runs stripes, roads, crossings are coming to you, but it will lie down asterisks- expect good luck in the service, in your studies.

    If formed human figurine you will find a friend.

    Fortune telling with a cat for the Old New Year

    Make a wish, call your cat.

    If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true.

    If right - not destined.

    Divination by hair for the Old New Year

    At midnight, water is poured into a bowl and a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and when the water “calms down”, two hairs are thrown into it: one is your own, and the other is a loved one.

    The bowl is left until the morning.

    If the next morning the hair is intertwined, then the wedding will happen soon.

    If the hair is at some distance from each other, then the hour of separation is near.

    Drowned hair predicts serious illness, and possibly the death of the one to whom it belongs.

    Divination with a mirror for the Old New Year

    Fortune-telling with a mirror at Christmas time was considered the most faithful, but at the same time the most dangerous, during which a fortune-telling girl or woman often lost her senses.

    The fact is that the mirror, according to ancient beliefs, is a border separating real world and the world of spirits. There are many signs and customs associated with this.

    For example, one of them broken mirror certainly promises an imminent disaster. Misfortune will happen even if you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm.

    By the way, most of the "thin" signs are connected precisely with the reflection in the mirror. It was strictly forbidden for a woman to look at him at those moments of her life when she could most easily violate the invisible border between the world of the living and the world of the dead: during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and the entire postpartum period, when she was considered “unclean”.

    About Mirror

    The soul of the mirror, its inhabitant and ruler is called the Mirror. She lives in that world of reflections, which changes every time with the reflected picture.

    The Mirror is invisible to anyone, it does not have a definite appearance at all: what the Mirror sees in front of it, it assumes such a form.

    The mirror is attached to its habitat as tightly as the brownie: she loves to look at familiar faces, familiar objects.

    When everyone is asleep, the sleepless Mirror sometimes amuses itself by showing itself everything that it remembers during the day, so knowledgeable people do not advise looking at the mirror at night: you never know what you can see there!

    Mirror lives in the other world, and therefore knows the future. She is willing to predict it, but there are too many prohibitions for her, and therefore the Mirror can only open the betrothed to the girl at night Christmas divination or prophesy the fate of the baby ... which will scare him, if not to death, then certainly to epilepsy. Therefore, in no case should you show a child in a mirror.

    If someone dies in the house, the Mirror is terribly worried, yearns and calls the deceased to her: she shows his face in the mirror, as if beckoning to her. The soul of the deceased, which does not leave its former home for the first three days, is also not averse to revealing its appearance and being reflected in the mirror. By chance, any other inhabitant of the house can see this. It's hard not to die of fear! Therefore, it is customary to hang a mirror with a handkerchief when there is a dead person in the house.

    The mirror does not like evil spirits and in no way wants to take on its appearance, which is why brownies, kikimors, vostrekhs, many and other evil spirits, as well as ghosts in the mirror are not reflected. If this still happens, then the Mirror is corrupted by an evil sorcerer, fell into his full power and became hostile to people.

    If there are several mirrors in the rooms, their mistresses are jealous of the owners for each other and strive to spoil the rival, sending destruction on her in their supernatural manners unknown to people. Then the mirrors dim, crack, distort the image.

    The most a big joy for the Mirror - this is when her mirror lets sunbeams. In that brief moment, while the sun looks into the mirror, its inhabitant leaves its limits, breaks free into our world and, having become, as it were, a part of the daylight, has time to look around the boundless distances of the earth and the Universe, and then returns to its mirror refreshed, renewed and happy.

    Mirror Properties

    At present, the technology for the production of mirrors has changed: instead of a silver coating, lead is used, which has a very short “memory” and, as a result, is less aggressive. Although, until now, old people do not recommend bringing a newborn to a mirror for fear that his fragile soul may split in two and the child will turn into an evil sorcerer or a bloodthirsty vampire.

    However, the mirror can also serve as a powerful amulet. The impure force reflected in it immediately loses its magical power and forever loses the ability to harm people.

    How to guess with a mirror

    Fortune telling with a mirror is best in a bathhouse, an unclean place and at midnight, when the border marked by a mirror is most permeable.

    The fortuneteller should be completely alone in the room, loose her hair and remove the belt, if any.

    On the table you need to put two cutlery, a mirror and a candle. Then the fortuneteller should sit in front of the mirror and say: “Betrothed, mummers, come to dinner with me.”

    Exactly at midnight, she will see a man looking over her shoulder. After the fortuneteller examines his face, she must quickly cast a charm spell: “Chur this place!”. After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and the fortuneteller will be out of danger.

    A variation of this divination is a rite with two mirrors, which are placed opposite each other so that they repeat their reflections.

    One of the mirrors must be placed on a table with two candles on the sides. At midnight, light candles, undress, sit on a chair between the mirrors and carefully peer into your reflection.

    If the mirrors are placed correctly, then the reflections form a long gallery, in which the image of the betrothed should appear.

    Divination for love for the Old New Year

    This fortune-telling is for the lonely, but passionately wishing to meet true love.

    At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times.

    It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and promotes the emergence of new love.

    The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter Christmas time, which is celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. It was believed among the people that at this time the evil spirits could take a little walk and play pranks, which is why various kinds of fun were in use on holy days, including fortune-telling.

    There was a rumor among the girls that fortune-telling on the Old New Year, the night of January 13-14, was the most faithful.

    "KP in Ukraine" has prepared a selection of the most simple and true divination that will help girls brighten up a Generous evening and just have fun.


    Divination for kings

    On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, the girls need to put under the pillow playing cards with pictures of kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is a military man, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

    Divination by bread and scissors

    According to legend, if you put bread and scissors under your pillow before going to bed on the Old New Year, the girl will certainly dream of her betrothed.

    Divination for a love dream

    Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs to eat something salty and in no case drink water. Going to bed, you need to say: "Narrowed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink"! According to legend, whoever comes to get you drunk is the one you will marry.

    Fortune telling on a betrothed with a stocking

    Girls will have to prepare for this fortune-telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl should say: "Narrowed, mummers, come take off my shoes." A man who in a dream takes off a stocking from a fortune-telling girl will become her husband.

    Divination for love

    You need to put a small bowl of water under the bed, and put a small wooden stick on it and say before going to bed: "Betrothed, come take me across the bridge." Whoever in a dream translates the bridge - he will marry him.


    Divination on mirrors

    This fortune-telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. In the people it is considered one of the most dangerous.

    For divination, two mirrors are taken (sufficiently large and, if possible, equal in size), placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to keep one mirror in front of the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get a long corridor lit up with lights. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room. If it is very scary, you can leave a couple of modest persons, however, they should not make a sound, do not look in the mirror and do not approach the fortuneteller.

    At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, the narrowed one should appear. True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only the betrothed, but also all evil spirits ...

    Fortune telling on the character of the groom and marriage

    And a bowl or saucer is made up of various objects that fortune-telling girls should take turns pulling out without looking. The main condition is that the items must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life.

    For example, sugar - a sweet life, a good docile character of the groom, a ring - marriage, a glass - a fun life, a golden ring - wealth.

    Divination with matches

    For this fortune-telling, you must prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance.

    On the sides, the box is set on a match: one is a fortune-telling girl, the other is a man she likes. We set fire to the matches and wait until they burn out completely. If the heads are facing each other, then the guy and the girl will be together.


    One of the most traditional divination for the Old New Year.

    The hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and in some she puts stuffing in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune-telling lies in the fact that no one knows what he will come across, and it is by filling the dumpling that they determine what awaits a person next year.

    For example:

    • Lollipop - life in next year will be sweet;
    • paper money- big money awaits you;
    • Thread - to a long road or journey;
    • Dragee-type sweets - replenishment of the family;
    • A pea of ​​black pepper - means life with peppercorns;
    • Button - a lot of interesting new things.

    Divination on the water will tell the character of the groom. Photo: Social network


    Divination in the name of the betrothed

    In order to find out the name of the future husband, it is enough for a girl to go out into the street and ask the first man she meets to name his name.

    Divination on the ring

    Fortune-telling girls take turns rolling a ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married.

    Fortune telling on an egg

    It is necessary to prepare a fresh egg in advance. Make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. After some time, the protein will curl up, according to what shape it will take and judge the future.

    For example, if they see a church in a figurine - to be married, a ring - betrothal. Car, ship or plane - to travel, business trip, fast road.

    Divination by the book

    It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line above or below. Then they open the book on the desired page and read the necessary lines. Depending on what the fortune-telling girl cares about most, they interpret the selected paragraph.


    Divination on grains

    This fortune-telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into the jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken from the container with the left hand, and the grains are counted.

    An even number symbolizes a positive answer to the question posed, and an odd number symbolizes a negative answer, respectively.

    Divination on the water

    Prepare two identical glasses. One of them is filled to the top with water. Having made a wish, the fortune-telling girl begins to pour liquid from one glass to another. Does this several times. After that, you need to look at the surface where the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, its implementation is difficult.

    Divination by shadows

    It is necessary to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper must be crumpled and put on a plate, gently set fire to a lump. When the sheet is completely burned, it is necessary to make a reflection of it on the wall with the help of a candle. After that, it's time to connect all your imagination - looking at the shadows you can find out about your future.

    Old New Year coincides with Vasiliev's Day. Namely, this day in ancient Rus' endowed with magical powers and was prophetic. It was believed that fortune-telling for the Old New Year made it possible to obtain reliable information on any issue.

    Many folk beliefs are associated with this day and will accept, as follows:

      It was not advisable to pronounce the word “thirteen” throughout the day, so as not to attract evil spirits to your house; When paying for any product, you cannot count the change in change, otherwise you will shed tears all year; On the evening before the Old New Year, you can’t borrow anything from your own house, otherwise the whole future a year will pass in debt; On the evening before the Old New Year, you can’t take out the garbage from the house, otherwise you can take out your own happiness with it.

    Ancient fortune-telling for January 14

    Divination was very popular in ancient times. Therefore, many rituals are rooted in the deep past. IN modern world they are not so easy to accomplish. But on the other hand, they allow you to get an exact answer to the question of interest.

    Rite with a rooster

    In Russian villages, a rite with a rooster was held on the Old New Year. He allowed to determine whether luck awaits the family in the coming year. To do this, closer to midnight, the rooster was removed from the perch and brought into the house, where wheat grains were previously scattered on the floor.

    It was necessary to pay attention to the following:

      If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year luck will not bypass your house, and peace and harmony will reign in your family; If the bird pecks just a couple of grains, then you need to prepare for the wedding; If the rooster refused to peck the grains, then the year as a whole will be unsuccessful.

    Guessing with the whole family

    Also very popular was another family ritual. When everyone gathers at the festive table, you need to put a bowl of water in the middle of it and throw in small pieces of bread, the number of which should match the number of family members.

    Spinning the water with your finger, you should pronounce the following magic words:

    After that, the container must be set aside until the morning. In the morning you need to look at the result of fortune telling. If the bread remains in the pile, then the whole family will be preserved during the coming year. And if at least one piece falls off, then it may well be that trouble will happen to one of the family members. If all the pieces of bread fall apart, then the family will fall apart, but this may also mean that in the coming year everyone will disperse.

    Divination by wax

    Divination for the Old New Year on wax is very much in demand in the modern world. You should know that divination using wax should be taken very seriously. This is due to the fact that wax is a very strong magical attribute that is able to work with human energy.

    For the ceremony, in order to get divination wax, you need to melt one church candle in the flame of another. As a rule, this is done in a tablespoon. Having melted the wax, it must be poured into a previously prepared container with water. After it hardens, the resulting cake should be considered and interpreted in relation to your own question.

    In any case, the main factor is the shape of the resulting figure. If it is round, then it is already good omen, which indicates that luck will accompany a person in the coming year. Availability sharp corners and peaks around the perimeter indicates that you are surrounded by ill-wishers, from whom you should expect trouble in the coming year. Wax interpretation entirely depends on the imagination of the person conducting the ceremony. And at the same time, it is very important to listen to your inner feelings.

    Wax decoding

    Among the most popular interpretations are the following:

      Numbers and letters can be associated with specific dates, names, or the names of specific places; Straight lines on the wax figure indicate that successful undertakings await you in the new year; Clear dots on the wax portend a possible profit; A figure resembling an angel or wings indicates that when solving complex problems, you can count on the help of higher powers; The figure of a woman may indicate the presence of a rival; The figure of a man predicts an early acquaintance in the near future, or even marriage; The figure of a child indicates both the birth of a child in the coming year and the beginning of a new business; The figure of a cat warns of imminent betrayal among close friends; The figure of the dog emphasizes that close friends will always be with you in the coming year.

    Divination for the betrothed

    Divination for the Old New Year for the betrothed was very popular among the girls. There were many customs by which girls could predict their marriage.

    Using a towel

    In our time, divination has come in which the use of a towel was supposed to be used. For the ceremony, you need to purchase a snow-white thin towel. On the night before the Old New Year, when going to bed, one should hang a towel outside. In the modern world, an item can be hung on a balcony.

    During this, it was necessary to pronounce the following words:

    “My betrothed, I’m waiting for you, love is stored in my soul for you, come soon, let me know about yourself, wipe yourself with a towel.”

    After that, it was necessary to go to bed immediately, imagining the betrothed, that is, endowing him with features that would be sweet to you. Early in the morning you need to go out and feel the towel. If it is wet, it means that the betrothed came and marriage will take place next year. If the towel is left dry, then there will be no wedding next year.

    On the nature of the husband

    There is also a simple and, one might say, half-comic fortune-telling that will tell the girl what her life will be like. future husband. To do this, put five plates on the floor and, accordingly, in them:
      Pour coins; Pour vodka; Put down cigarettes; Put a mirror; Put down the book.
    After that, you need to launch a rooster into the room and, being at a certain distance, watch him if the rooster pecks:
      Coins, then the husband will be rich; Vodka, then future spouse will have a passion for drinking; Cigarettes, then the man in your life will be a smoker; Mirror, then you will come across a handsome man; Book, then your spouse will be very smart.

    In the name of the future husband

    To find out the name of the future husband, you need to write nine male names on ten small leaves, and leave one blank. All of them need to be rolled into tubes and folded under the pillow just before bedtime. You can’t be distracted during such an action, and after everything is done, you need to immediately go to bed. In the morning you need to immediately get one of the notes. If a name is written on it, then soon a close friend with the same name. And if an empty note was pulled out, then you will have to spend another year alone.

    To make a cherished wish come true

    Fortune-telling on the Old New Year can help a cherished wish come true. For example, on Christmas tree you need to hang a colorful box among the toys, and put a note inside it with cherished desire. On the Old New Year, the box must be removed, a note should be taken out of it. Then say the following words:

    "Let my wish become a reality."

    Then the box should be hung again on the Christmas tree, and the note should be burned in a candle flame, and the ashes should be blown out the open window. All actions must be carried out in a positive mood - and then success is guaranteed.