
  • cultivate respect for the work of the grain grower
  • learn about folk traditions
  • consolidate knowledge about autumn as a season

Background. Russian folk song. Leading out in Russian sundresses.

VED.1: Good afternoon, to you, and bow,

Dear guests! Fun and joy to you!

VED.2: We invite everyone! We heartily meet!

We have been waiting for you for a long time, but we do not open the fair.

VED.1: An unusual fair: berry - fruit, bread and vegetable, autumn.

VED.2: After all, autumn is a holiday of bread and vegetables, colors and leaf fall. The time is generous, fruitful.

(Song « Golden autumn» , Spanish "Allegro" )

VED: Autumn! Nice time!

The kids love autumn. Now let's remember autumn signs. (Children call) What are the names of the autumn months? (children answer). Well done boys. And one more clue

Cranes fly south.

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Autumn, please.

(Dance "In the Grove" or "Balalaika" .

Autumn Exit)

AUTUMN: Hello, dear guests! Fun to you, and joy!

VED: Hello. Autumn! Welcome!

AUTUMN: I am Golden Autumn,

I hurry to the holiday to the children.

rich harvest

We will celebrate this day.

Now don't let me down

Answer questions.

Give me an answer

Only "Yes" , or only "No" .

  • Did you go to the fair? (Children answer)
  • And have you stocked up?
  • Shall we sing, play, dance?
  • Well, cry, lament?
  • Are you by chance a hundred years old?
  • Do you have a bag of candy?
  • Will we compete with you?
  • And achieve success?
  • Well then don't be discouraged
  • And go to the fair!

VED: Autumn, your friends, is calling.

In a merry round dance.

(Round dance "Month - friend" )

AUTUMN: Our fair is in full swing. As if the rain did not disperse us. Are you happy with the rain?

VED: We don't want, we don't have to!

AUTUMN: Oh, look, the first drop of rain has fallen. (Children make one clap). The second one fell... (Three Kali, heavy rain, rain with thunder. Autumn passes in a circle and sprinkles children with water.) The rain stops. Three drops fell, two. The last drop has fallen.

AUTUMN: What a good rain! Warm, cheerful - after such a rain, mushrooms appear in the forest.

Oh guys, hush, hush,

Something strange I hear:

A guest is in a hurry to us ...

And it seems to hold it together.

Whoever it is, come in

Have fun guys.

Well. Be brave! We are waiting for guests

Have fun with them!

(Background. fabulous music, creaking.

Mushroom Stump Appears)

AUTUMN: So the first forest guest came to us at the fair. Hello, forest guest - mushroom stump.

(Background - creaking, crackling. Stump waving his arms,

but can't say anything

AUTUMN: Guys, Penek understands only the forest language. So let's guess forest riddles. And then Penek will learn Russian.

This red bastard

Both cunning and cunning.

And feed on mice

Redhead loves... (fox)

In summer, a gray coat

And white in winter

Wears a bouncer -

Fearful... (bunny)

Good-natured, businesslike

All covered with needles..

Do you hear the clatter

Nimble legs?

This is our friend... (hedgehog)

PENEK: Thanks guys. You solved the riddles

I was given a good lesson.

Learned to speak.

I will make you all happy.

PENEK: Autumn is rich forest gifts: mushrooms, nuts, cones, different colors, golden and crimson leaves, fabulous and mysterious sounds. Would you like to visit such a forest? (Children answer)

To get into the autumn fairy forest, you need to say magic words: "One, two, three, autumn forest accept us" .

Here we are in the forest. Fallen leaves crunch underfoot. (Children pretend "shur-shur" ) . The tops of the trees sway overhead. Blown out strong cold wind…. The branches on the trees crackled... Big gray clouds came running... It started to rain... The woodpecker knocks with his long nose along the old pine... Gray hungry wolves howl and gather in a flock... Somewhere in the distance the voice of a cuckoo is heard... Cuckoo, cuckoo, how much more warm days in autumn? ... Fly away to warm countries birds, it's time for us to return. To do this, you need to say the magic words: "Three, four, five, we are at the fair again" .

PENEK: I captured from fairy forest a full basket of forest gifts. What do I have in my basket?

Very friendly sisters

They wear red berets

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer

Golden.. (chanterelles)

I grow up in a red cap

Among aspen roots.

You will see me from a mile away

I'm called... (boletus)

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these,

Adults and children know.

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose. (Honey mushrooms)

I do not argue, not white -

I, brothers, are simpler ...

I usually grow

In a birch grove. (Boletus)

Along forest paths

Lots of white legs

In colorful hats

conspicuous from afar,

Collect, do not hesitate!

This … (russula)

PENEK: Oh, and you guys are quick-witted! All mushroom riddles solved. Do you know how to pick mushrooms? They hide from you under the leaves and under the bushes. They play hide and seek with you. You need to sit down, bend over. Now let's see which of you is the smartest.

(A game "Mushroom picking" blindfolded)

PENEK: Hush, guys! Do you hear someone arguing?

("Vegetable Song" . Use ans. "Allegro" )

AUTUMN: Through fields, gardens and villages,

Across the country from end to end,

Vitamin, appetizing

There is a new harvest.

Our harvest is good

Born densely:

Both carrots and potatoes

White cabbage.

Here's the harvest guys. It's time to collect it. You take fruit baskets, carry vegetables.

(A game "Harvesting" - transported in baskets

fruits vegetables)

AUTUMN: Guys, you did a good job. And now I would like to know what you know about vegetables and fruits. Listen carefully - answer carefully.

  • What vegetable was used to punish loafers in the old days? (peas)
  • What fruit poisoned the princess from Pushkin's fairy tale? (Apple)
  • Which vegetable resembles a space plate. (Squash)
  • What causes tears without pain and sadness? (Onion)
  • Berry is a giant. (Watermelon)
  • Homeland of the tomato. (America)
  • What caused insomnia and princesses. (Pea)
  • Which vegetable contains a large number of growth vitamins. (Carrot)
  • What did Baron Munchausen shoot at a deer? (cherry pit)
  • Not a book, but with leaves? (Cabbage)
  • The most vegetable fairy tale. (Chipolino)
  • What vegetable in Rus' is called the second bread? (Potato)
  • What has become of Cinderella's carriage? (Pumpkin)

AUTUMN: I give you vegetables, berries, and fruits. Now for the first time you will cook borscht and compote.

What vegetables are needed for borscht? And what fruits and berries for compote? (Children answer)

(Contest "Cook borscht and compote" )

AUTUMN: Our fair is red with flowers, fruits and vegetables. But the main wealth is bread, buns and cheesecakes, pies and dryers. It is not easy to grow bread, but what joy when the harvest is harvested. A long time ago, the Russian peasants had such a custom: to tie a sheaf in the field (last bunch of wheat), decorate it with ribbons and bows. And store it in the red corner of the hut until the next harvest.

(Contest "Sheaf Decoration" )

AUTUMN: Our bread was eared in the field, then it turned into grain, from grain - into flour and dough. He took a place in the Russian stove.

Fragrant bread,

With a yellow twisted crust,

warm, golden

Like sun-filled.

Loaf, loaf, Hey guys, get up in a circle, sing a song louder. Autumn is now a birthday girl, invites everyone to a round dance.

(Round dance "Like our Osenins" , with acceleration.

Last line "Invite everyone to the holiday" .)

Buffoon: Hey, honest gentlemen, look here.

A gypsy came to us and brought a bear.

Her bear is not stupid, clubfoot, but not rude.

You meet them with applause, look, don't let me down!

(Background. "Gypsy" . A gypsy with a Bear comes out)

Gypsy: Wow, my black-headed killer whales! What is a fair without a gypsy woman, without fortune-telling and predictions.

I look at anyone

I will tell you the whole truth.

I’ll tell you, dear ones, if you add the numbers correctly.

(1+1=? Right – you will go to the circus with your mom and dad twice)

GYPSY: And now, kids, it's a game of mindfulness.

Teddy bear with my hands clap-clap,

Well, you kick top-top.

My bear kicks top-top,

Well, you clap-clap with your hands.

I will say "shout" like a mouse be silent.

I will say "be quiet" - that there is urine shout.

Got it? Well, then, the game begins!

(A game "Top Clap" )

Gypsy Girl: Tug of war

Everyone will be happy today.

Stand up guys

To the left, to the right of the rope.

I'll just say the word "three"

Pull the rope towards you.

(Contest "Tug of War" )

Gypsy Girl: The kids have been sitting too long, it's time for you to dance with Mishka!

(Dance "(Gypsy Girl" )

Buffoon: Oh, what kind of people gathered at the fair - cheerful and beautiful, they play and sing, they lead a round dance in unison.

We continue dancing

Round dance.

We continue the games


(Performance of the folklore ensemble "Solstice" )

Buffoon: Guys, I'm a buffoon.

Come closer.

Let's run now in galoshes.

Who is faster - I'll see.

(Contest "Running in galoshes" )

Buffoon: Dear guests, are you tired yet?

But the balls in our hands got bored.

Now "lady" will play

You need to throw balloons in the air

Make sure they don't fall on the floor.

And they danced together and cheerfully with you.

Who has more balloons?

He is awarded with the same balls.

(Dance game "Lady" )

AUTUMN: It's good for me at the fair, guys. But the time has come to part. Things are waiting for me.

Buffoon: Dear Autumn! Wait, don't leave. We love your colorful outfit, we love that every year you bring us your wonderful gifts. Of all the seasons, your treats are the most delicious. And we want to treat you to tea. It seems that the samovar has already ripened.

(Background. "Smolensk goose" . The samovar comes out)

Buffoon: Sit at the samovar

Everyone is happy for sure.

His sides are burning with a bright solar fire.

The samovar puffs, sparkles

Generous, round, golden.

He illuminates our faces with his kindness.

SAMOVAR: I brought it in honor of the holiday

Various treats:

Gingerbread and bagels

For respectable audience.

There is no better joy

For guys than sweets.

you worked with your feet

So it's hard to say.

And today pies

I want to feed you.

(Background - the heroes of the holiday take out a treat)

AUTUMN: It's time for me to leave, guys,

But it's not Autumn's fault,

Winter follows me

AND New Year leads with him.

And I will come to you again, friends,

But only next year!

ALL: Bye guys!

(Background. Russian folk song)

Track number 1.
The musical introduction (phonogram) sounds.
The leader comes out.

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,
We are having fun this morning.
Summer gives us a bright holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!

She is our friend - big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and lose heart:
A cheerful, noisy dispute will start,
Helps you learn new things!


Good afternoon to you guys! Both girls and boys! I see the smiles are open, the eyes are brilliant, the mood is excellent, which means that the holiday will BE today !!! Today we invite you all to an amazing country - Igralia, to a festive parade of riddles, quizzes, charades!

But first, let's get to know you better. And we will do it with the help of the game. I will ask you to be attentive, listen to the poem, and fulfill all the requests that are mentioned in it. Agreed? So, I'm starting!


Sasha, Serezha, Alyosha -
Clap your hands together!
Masha, Natasha and Lenochka -
Everyone patted their knees!
Vovochki, naughty and pranksters -
Faces make faces at the feast.
How many Oles do we have?
Say out loud: "We're here!"
Vasya, Dima, Roma - funny boys,
Show your ears like you are a bunny!
Arina, Marina, Irina -
Bow down like ballerinas!
Vanya, Grisha, Misha -
Shut up like mice!
Kolya, Kostya and Antoshka -
Show your hands to everyone!
Nina, Dasha, Gali -
They rode on a horse.
Kiryushechki and Lyovushki -
Pouted like owls!
We didn't name all of them.
You, friends, do not seek
Friendly, loud in this room
Shout your name!

Well done! It's so friendly, everyone got to know each other now. Well, now it's our turn to introduce ourselves. My name is _____________________

What about me ______________________________. Guys, tell me, do you want to become smarter and more resourceful, learn interesting things, solve difficult things? Do you want to have fun and enjoy your leisure time? We invite you to ... play.

- You think it's nonsense! I'll do it playfully! - often they talk about an easy, trifling matter. The game is really unthinkable without lightness, ease. But does this mean that the game is a trifling, unpretentious matter?

No, the game is serious business. And at the same time, the game is always excitement, interest. Search, unexpected finds and discoveries. The game is a way of knowing the world around. By playing, we learn to overcome failures, to meet defeats with dignity. In the game we grow and mature.

And you will see for yourself today. Because today for you - " holiday parade riddles, quizzes, charades!
For participation in intellectual games our parade we need two teams.
(There is a division of the participants of the holiday into two teams).
Our parade consists of several separate tours. For the correct answers, points will be awarded to the account of each team, the sum of which in the final of the program will help determine the winner. You will need to answer the questions posed by holding up a signal card. One team has it in yellow, the other team has it in red. We want to make a warning right away - teams will be fined for shouting the answer from the spot - that is, penalty points will be deducted from the points earned. Is the task clear? Then... We begin!

Track number 2. Soundtrack of solemn fanfare.

There are mysteries in our land,
So far wise...
Who will solve the riddle
Get into scientists!

Our first tour is called "MYSTERY ASSORTED".
And this means that the teams will have to answer the riddle question posed. A point for each correct answer will be given to that team. Whoever raises the signal card first.
Are the teams ready? Attention! We listen to riddles - we find answers!

1. Mixed, sour, dried, put on the table (BREAD)

2. One runs, the other lies, the third bows. (RIVER, STONE, GRASS)

4. You can easily lift it, but you won’t throw it over the mansions. (FEATHER)

5. Soft, not fluff, green, not grass. (MOSS)

6. What kind of tree is standing - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. (ASPEN)

7. With milk, not a cow, it flies, not an owl. (DANDELION)

8. She is cold, but burns people. (NETTLE)

9. White peas on a green leg. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

10. He sits bulging his eyes, does not speak Russian,
Born in water, but lives on earth. (FROG)

11. He nets like a fisherman cooks,
And he never catches fish. (SPIDER)

12. Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox. (SQUIRREL)

So, according to the results of the first round, the team ________________________ is in the lead.

Since childhood, we all love a fairy tale,
After all, the fairy tale is good
What is in it a happy ending
Hearts are already feeling.

And we are moving on to the 2nd round of our parade, which is called "FAIRY EXPLAINERS"
Now I will be asking questions about fairy tale characters. To facilitate the solution of the problem for each question, you will be offered three tips. And now, WARNING!

TOUR rules:
If you guessed the answer
- from the first explanation - 3 points
- from the second explanation - 2 points
- from the third explanation - 1 point

1. He is always very sad
2. He had a birthday
3. The owl gave him a tail (JA DONKEY)
4. He lived in the jungle
5. He taught the wolves the laws of the jungle.
6. Mowgli was also his student (BALU BEAR)
7. He was constantly falling.
8. At first he did not know his own name
9. His friend is a crocodile (CHEBURASHKA)
10. He had very narrow doors
11. He was very well brought up.
12. Winnie the Pooh ate all his sweets (RABBIT)
13. He traveled to Africa
14. He loved all animals
15. He cured even Barmaley (DOCTOR AIBOLIT)
16. She was very kind and hardworking
17. She sewed as many as three ball gowns overnight.
18. Her godmother was a fairy (CINDERELLA)
19. He runs - the earth trembles
20. He could jump to the window of the princess
21. His name was Prophetic kaurka (SIVKA BURKA)
22. She is a brave and smart girl
23. She lived with the Bear
24. She baked pies and sent them to her grandparents (MASHENKA)
25. He claimed that boys should be vacuumed too
26. He was very fond of naughty
27. He wanted 8 cakes and one small candle (CARLSON)
28. He was constantly harmed by rodents
29. He didn't know how to get angry
30. He wanted to live together (CAT LEOPOLD)

Your knowledge of the fairy-tale world is impressive and deserves applause.
Applaud each other! And now the applause should be twice as loud, because they are addressed to the team ______________________________, which is the leader in THIS round!

And the total score for the two rounds is as follows:
Team __________ has __________ points,
and the team __________ has __________ points on its account!

It is unlikely that there will be people in our country who have never heard of the Guinness Book of Records. It contains facts about the very, very, very, noteworthy and admiration! We are also ready to talk to you about this now. That is, about the most interesting and impressive.
And we will do this with the help of the next, third round of our parade - the MOST, MOST, MOST quiz
The conditions of this contest are simple: when you hear a question and decide to answer it, you also raise a signal card. The team that first raised the card and gave the correct answer receives 1 point on their competitive account. Are you ready for the next challenge? Then attention, questions of the quiz "The MOST, MOST, MOST!"

 The biggest bear?
(Polar bear.)
 The most toothy cutlery?
 The most travel bag?

 The most swimming shoes?
 The most heavenly color?
 The most children's theater?
(Puppet show.)
 The most childish swimming facility?
(Inflatable circle.)
 The very first school textbook?

 Biggest waves?
 The tallest fabulous policeman?
(Uncle Styopa.)
 The kindest fabulous doctor?
(Dr. Aibolit.)
 Most true to man animal?

 The most vegetable fairy tale.
("The Adventures of Cipollino", Gianni Rodari.)
 The most beautiful bird in the world?

 The most outdoor musical instrument?
 The most Russian musical instrument?
 The best crocodile in the world?
(Gena, friend of Cheburashka.)

It's time to sum up the last round. The team ____________________________________ conquered us with its erudition, gaining _______ points in this competition, and becoming the leader! Well done! Keep it up!

Time moves forward and tells us that it is time to move on to next round of our parade - the fourth, which is called "CHARADES".
By the way, who can give me a clear answer, what are charades? (Answers)
To know a clear definition of this word, I suggest you listen to a short reference:
“The components of a charade are separate small words, which add up to a larger word. For a riddle-charade, a description of each part of it is given, and then the meaning of the whole word. Now that you are familiar with the decoding of this unusual word, I think we can move on to the competition itself. Its conditions, as well as in the previous rounds, are simple - for each correctly guessed word, the team receives one point, after raising a signal card and giving an answer.
So, I announce the fourth round - "CHARADES"


I played roles on stage
I performed in the arena
The letters, apparently, were joking -
They took it and turned it into utensils,
And now in the kitchen deftly
I rub carrots.

With D I'm used to liquids,
N W is a huge wild bull.

I am painful with B,
With M I devour clothes,
With R the actor needs me
C C is important for a cook.

I am deep and full
And the whole country is proud of me.
And ahead of you And add -
And I will become a bird of the forest.

With the letter H for you I
Friend, buddy.
And it’s worth changing H to G,
How the enemy will stand in front of you.

With the letter L in the game of football
We hear the word often. . . .
With D, the meaning of the word is not the same -
The measure has become simple. . . .

First, name a house outside the city,
In which only in summer we live as a family,
Add two letters to the name at the same time,
It will turn out what is destined to be decided.

Read to my left
And I will be a wicked dog.
But time will count
When you read it the other way around.

We all - both adults and children -
We entertain during leisure hours,
But if we add T,
We scare them terribly.

With K I'm at school on the wall,
Mountains, rivers are on me.
I won’t hide from you -
I am also at school.

To guess, have patience:
S L I - part of the face,
and with B - a plant.

With L I cause tears,
I'm flying through the air.

With M I am fit for you to eat,
And I can be a flower
With R in the river they will find me,
C C suddenly I will become a bag.

You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You can see anything in me.

I can not go into the branchy forest -
My horns are stuck in the branches
But trade me L for C -
And the leaves of the forest will all wither.

I show off magnificently in a flower bed in the garden,
If you want, put me in a vase.
But with the letter K I will go to the garden,
And if I find cabbage in the garden,
Cabbage will get right away.

With the sound of C, I'm not tasty,
But everyone needs food
M beware of me, not that
I will eat both the dress and the coat.

C U - creeping, with F - prickly.
(UZH - Hedgehog)

I'm a famous dish
When you add M
I will fly, buzz, annoying everyone.

They wear me with the letter X,
With the letter C in the dining room they ask.

To keep the birdhouse
Or an antenna, I'm fit,
WITH soft sign I, of course,
I'll be a number right away.

At the beginning of the word - a cliff, a ravine,
Then there is a postmark on the envelope.
In general, the place where in Rus'
Merchants brought their goods!

M went to the finish line. But in order to announce the next, final round of our parade, we need to find out which team became the best “decoder” of charades.
So, ______ correct answers were given by the __________________ team, earning ____________ points, respectively, and ________ correct answers from the __________________ team, which means _________ points are credited to its piggy bank.
Now everything is in its place and it's time to announce the fifth round of our parade - "AUDIO QUESTION".
Dear friends, you need to determine by the sound which of the cartoon characters performs a song or says a phrase. Responses will also only be accepted after you raise a signal card. For each correct answer, your competitive piggy banks will be replenished.
Ready? Attention, listen to the first piece of music.

Music track order:

1. "Baby and Carlson"
2. Song "If you are good" (Cat Leopold)
3. Return of the Prodigal Parrot
4. Little Mouse song
5. Song Shapoklyak
6. Phrase from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"
7. Song "I'm lying in the sun" (Lion0k and Turtle)
8. Phrase from the cartoon "Well, you wait!"
9. Song of Fun (From the cartoon "flying ship")
10. Phrase from the cartoon "Mowgli"
11. Song of the Atamansha and the robbers ("The Bremen Town Musicians")
12. Song of the Cat Matroskin
13. Song of friends “There is nothing better in the world” (“The Bremen Town Musicians”)

So our amazing parade of riddles, quizzes, charades is coming to an end. It is very pleasant that the spirit of rivalry and competitive struggle reigned in the hall.
In moments, we will find out which of the teams became the winner. But it seems to me that today it would be quite appropriate to recall the principle of the Olympic movement: “The main thing is not in victory, the main thing is participation!”

(The result is announced last game. Souvenirs.)

The competition is over, the meeting is over,
It's time to part...
But don't be sad, you come to us,
We will meet with you more than once!

(Final song.)

→ Original>" url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=6&prazd=76&page=1">

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 9848 Human

Hama: Three thousand devils! This was still not enough for me. Again tourists were dragged to the island. Urgently changing the sign of the name of the island.
(Flips the sign "Treasure Island" to "Isle of Bad Luck")
So they strive to seize the treasures. My...

Scenarios of game programs "Searchers of entertainment"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 12052 human

Presenter 1. Good afternoon! We are glad to welcome you to the game program "Fun Kaleidoscope".
Presenter 2. Remember the kaleidoscope - this cute magical toy from your childhood. You look through a small hole, and behind it is a magical world. Turned a little...

Game program "Call of the Jungle"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 8860 Human

Today is a holiday for the guys
Today will be noisy.
Everyone is talking about it
The school is very friendly!

Why is it in class today
Are the windows on fire?
Because I call the jungle
Guys - "Hello" - they say.

B-2: Hello! We tell you...

Educational game program for children "Up the Magic River"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 3974 human

The hall is a library, on one of the walls of which one can see pictures of a magical forest. An unlucky student comes here, who received a task on Russian fairy tales. The girl does not like to read, but she does not want to get a deuce. About Us...

Game program "Journey to the country of Good"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 7524 human

Today we will make a trip to the country of Good. We will do it on the magic train Appendix. And for starters, you must split into 3 wagons. 1 car - "Sun", 2 - "Rainbow", 3 - "Asterisk". Guys, I forgot the most important thing. ...

Game program "Amusement park of the Jurassic period"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 3553 human

Hello dear guys! Now we will go on an exciting, but very risky journey into the mysterious, unexplored world of dinosaurs. We are going to the distant, distant past of our planet. The park opens its doors wide before you...

Scenario of the game program "Guests from Space"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 4248 Human

1 led. Hello dear friends! Today we dedicate our holiday program to Cosmonautics Day.
2 led. On a dark, cloudless night, you can see thousands of stars. The stars are grouped into constellations. And each constellation has its own name. And today to...

"The Journey of Pencil and Samodelkin to the Country of Drawing".
The script is informative - game program for children.

The study is decorated as an artist's closet: paintings are hung everywhere, there are jars of paints, pencils, brushes on the tables, palettes are right there, there are easels, the words "COUNTRY OF DRAWING" are attached to the central wall.
The magic artist Pencil appears.
Pencil: Hello guys! Let's get to know you. I am a magical artist and my name is Pencil.
Next, the Pencil sings a song:
My name is Pencil!
I am friendly with every child.
One two three four five,
I can draw everything!

And all the guys, and all the guys
I'm happy to teach drawing!
But just remember: good
Only sharp pencils!

My name is Pencil!
I am friendly with inspiration
I really need the kids
And also - adults need it!
What is your name? (children introduce themselves)
Pencil: Guys, do you know where you are? (Guys answer) You are in the wonderful country of the Drawing Room. In this country, guys, today we will learn a lot of interesting things from the history of drawing, and also play different games. And help me tell, my wonderful friend Samodelkin. Guys, let's call him! Sa-mo-del-kin! (name).
The little man Samodelkin enters the audience, he sings a song.
Samodelkin: I am a decoration master
And I want to tell you
That all your creations
Always ready to give.

For this you need
Understand who I am.
Still understand what is friendly
I live among the masters.

When we are together we can
Decorate all around
We will help you understand
That beauty is our friend!
Hello Pencil! Hello girls and boys! I am very glad that you invited me to this amazing country.
Pencil: The guys and I are also very happy. Well, Samodelkin, let's tell the guys something interesting from the world of art?
Samodelkin: Come on! And we will begin our story with an amazing profession - an artist.
Tell, it is desirable to illustrate.
Pencil: A wonderful profession - an artist! As soon as he takes paper or canvas, paints, brushes ...
Samodelkin: There was nothing on paper, but the first lines appeared. One, another, third...
Pencil: The brush runs further along the paper, and suddenly ... the head of a boy. So a miracle happened before our eyes ...
Samodelkin: Artists paint according to their own ideas. As writers...
Pencil: They write about children, about adults, about cheerful and sad, careless and thoughtful. They write about construction or, conversely, about destruction.
Exercise. You need to draw a fable. This is a task of ingenuity. One artist is invited from each team: the first one needs to draw a swan, the second - a pike, the third - a crayfish, the fourth - a cart. Now tell me what you got. (guys answer).
Pencil: And now we will talk about what kind of pictures there are.
Talking about the paintings and their authors, Karandash and Samodelkin show the paintings.
Samodelkin: This picture was painted by V.F. Zhemerikin, and it is called "Silver Rails".
Pencil: Look at such a picture and find out how difficult it was for people to build railways, at home, but they built. Many probably want to be as strong, courageous, ready to overcome any difficulties.
Samodelkin: But about another picture, here it is completely different. The earth smells, the grass, the evening sun warms. People are a little tired, but happy, a lot has been done, the land has been plowed up. Okay... They'll have dinner and then get back to work.
Pencil: This picture, guys, is called "Tractor Drivers' Dinner", and A.A. painted it. Plastov.
Samodelkin: And in this picture we will see how fun, live together in a family, take care of each other.
Pencil: The picture is called "Family" its author Yu.P. Kugach.
A game. Guys, the artist did not have time to finish this portrait, what element is missing? (shows an image of Pinocchio without a nose). Right! Now we will put the missing element, namely Pinocchio's nose. The task of each player is to put the nose in the right place with a blindfold.
Pencil: In creating paintings, the artist is helped by his faithful friends: paints, brushes, paper, pencils.
Samodelkin: One artist will take dark colors - the picture will turn out to be disturbing, sad, sad. (Showing a reproduction of the painting by A. A. Mylnikov "Farewell").
Pencil: Another paints different color- and the picture plays with all the colors of the rainbow, so fun, joyful, you want to laugh. (Showing a reproduction of the painting by O.B. Bogaevskaya "Guests").
Samodelkin: The third decided to paint a picture about road builders so that everyone can see and know how they work well and make sure that people feel comfortable walking and driving on the roads. All workers in the foreground. By this, the artist emphasized that they are the main characters of the work. (Showing a reproduction of the painting by V.F. Zhemerikin "Road workers").
Pencil: To create such magic is not given to everyone, only to those who know how to carefully look around, to see beautiful, kind, important and necessary for people.
Next, Pencil and Samodelkin ask the guys questions.
Samodelkin: What is the name of the shield that supports the painting while painting? (easel).
Pencil: What are the names of the paintings that depict the seascape? (marinas).
Samodelkin: What is the name of a plot decorative or ornamental composition made of colored glass or other material that transmits light? (stained glass).
Pencil: What is the number of the thinnest brush? (No. 1).
Samodelkin: What are the main colors. (red, yellow, blue).
Pencil: Name the derived colors. (green, orange, purple).
Samodelkin: What are the cold tones. (blue, purple).
Pencil: Name warm tones. (green, yellow, red).
Samodelkin: What is the name of the board for mixing paints? (palette).
Pencil: And now we will tell you about the genres of painting.
Samodelkin: And we will begin our story with a landscape.
Pencil: Landscape is a genre visual arts.
Samodelkin: The landscape can be architectural, urban, park, marine, natural.
Pencil: A landscape is a picture in which the artist has depicted a corner of nature or a city.
Samodelkin: The choice of the artist is determined by the state of the weather, lighting, time of day, mood of the artist.
Talking about the landscape, Samodelkin and Pencil show examples.
Pencil: The next genre of painting that we will tell you about is called still life.
Samodelkin: Still life is a genre of fine art that reflects household items, flowers in a bouquet, tools, books, dishes, food, that is, everything that is created by man and nature

Pencil: Method number 3: the drawing is burned on plywood through a magnifying glass that concentrates the sun's rays.
Homemade: Method number 4: the drawing is scratched with a needle on black gouache applied to a thick sheet of cardboard.
Pencil: Method number 5: the pattern is embroidered with colored threads on a handkerchief.
Samodelkin: Method number 6: the drawing is dripped with multi-colored ink using a pipette onto paper.
Pencil: Method number 7: the drawing, like a mosaic, is assembled on thick cardboard from petals of various colors.
Homemade: Method number 8: the drawing is smeared with colored plasticine on glass.
Pencil: Method No. 9: the drawing is pierced with a needle on birch bark, on thin tin or on dense mica.
Homemade: Method number 10: the drawing is licked with the tongue on a plate covered with a thin layer of jam.
Pencil: Strangepainting Hall hosts exhibitions of not only venerable artists, but also beginner painters. It happens like this. Young artists are brought together. They are told about the upcoming exhibition, about its unusualness and about what methods of painting exist.
Samodelkin: At the same time, some techniques are demonstrated right in the course of the story. Then the young painters go home and there they try to master any of the listed methods of drawing. All those who have succeeded bring their works to the museum the next day.
Pencil: They are neatly hung there or - if the pictures cannot be hung vertically - they are laid out. Then connoisseurs of painting visit the exhibition, they express their impressions in a special "Book of Reviews". Before the closing of the museum, a special commission awards the authors of the best works.
Samodelkin: They say that at the last exhibition in the Strangepaying Hall, the first prize went to a painting spitting multi-colored chewing gum on a black leather jacket. It was called "Festive fireworks in the night sky."
Pencil: Guys, let's also try ourselves in this genre?
Contest. The children are given various objects from which they must make a picture (for example, multi-colored paper and glue)
Samodelkin: There is more unusual view art - body painting.
Pencil: According to some scientists, body painting is the most ancient view painting. It is believed that it appeared even earlier than rock painting, and to be more precise, primitive people began to paint their faces, hands and bodies at about the same time when the hair began to disappear from these faces and bodies.
Samodelkin: People seemed embarrassed to look different from their hairy and feathered neighbors in the jungle, and therefore hid their hairlessness and smooth skin under a layer of paint. Millennia passed, and people improved the art of body painting: a layer of paint turned into an ordered color, into patterns and ornaments: at the same time, types of paints and methods of applying them changed.
A game. "We draw a blot." Two participants are invited to the game. One draws a blot (he has a felt-tip pen and an album sheet), and the other is asked to determine what it looks like. Then the next couple is invited.

A game. "Artist's Mistakes" A picture is drawn on a sheet of paper, where everything is mixed up. The guys have to find "artist's mistakes".
A game. "Self-portrait". The children are given large sheets of paper and pencils. The sheets have cutouts for the hands. The guys put their hands through the slots and try to draw their portrait.

A game. "Rhinoceros". You will, depicting a rhinoceros, draw a rhinoceros (standing on all fours).

Exercise. This is a music auction. You must sing songs that mention colors. The team that will perform the song last wins. (Use tokens for the game).
Samodelkin: So our amazing journey in the country of Risovalne has come to an end.
Pencil: We hope you guys enjoyed it.
Samodelkin, Pencil: Goodbye!

Maria Sevastyanova
Scenario of the cognitive and entertaining game "Connoisseurs of Nature" (for older preschool children ...)

Vedas. Hello guys! Today we have gathered for a game « Connoisseurs of nature» . The game is played by two teams "Gnomes" And "Lesoviki".

When you walk along the forest path,

Questions overtake you in a crowd,

One "Why" rushes between the trees,

Flies on the heels of an invisible bird.

Another - a bee climbed into a flower,

And the third - a frog jump into a stream,

"What" with a mouse snoops under the leaves in holes,

"Who" looking in the bushes for a lurking rustle.

Is sitting "From what" on a green leaf

"Where" flew on a beetle,

"For what" after the lizard climbed onto the stump.

Question after question, every day.

It hides many secrets and mysteries from us nature. But you and I often go on excursions with you, we observed a lot, learned interesting information about the life of plants and animals from books, looked at pictures, illustrations about nature. Therefore, we know the answers to many questions: "Why? For what? Why? Where? What?" So let's start our game. Guys to our address kindergarten letters came - questions from forest dwellers - heroes of children's fairy tales. We must help them answer. Let's find out which team will be the first to respond to the letter.

Mystery: no beginning, no end, no back of the head, no face. But knows All: both young and old that she is a huge ball. (Earth)

(Children solve the riddle. Whoever guesses, that team receives the first letter)

Vedas. The first letter from Pinocchio.

Exercise: “Dear guys, Malvina gave me homework - you need to choose where the trees are and where the bushes are. Where are the vegetables and where are the fruits.

(Children choose and attach pictures to the magnetic board)

Vedas. The second letter from Dunno.

1) Why does the cycle of day and night occur on Earth?

Answer: because the earth rotates on its axis. Only that part of the Earth's surface that faces the Sun is illuminated and warmed.

2) What happens if the sun's rays do not illuminate and warm the Earth?

Answer: Everyone will die! The plants will wither, the animals will all die.

Guys, we all know the song about the Sun. Let's sing it.

(Song of the Cat Leopold)

Vedas. The second letter from Vasilisa the Wise.

1) Do apples grow on oak or pine?

2) 3 large and 2 small cones have grown on a birch, how many cones have grown on a birch?

3) 4 beets were plucked from a tree, and 4 carrots from a bush, how many fruits were plucked from a tree and from a bush?

4) What is more on the field of daisies or flowers?

5) Who is more in the forest: bears or animals?

6) A duck laid an egg, who will hatch from it a chicken or a cockerel?

7) What bird is called a forest doctor?

8) What tree is the symbol of our country?

9) Why does a bird need a tail?

10) What animal is the closest relative of the rabbit?

11) Who picks mushrooms with their backs?

12) What flower names come from female and male names?

And now guys we invite you to the animal robin.


Vedas. Fourth letter from Lesovichek


Tell me when it happens:

Ice drift in summer (can not be)

Leaf fall in summer (can not be)

rain in summer (It happens)

dew in winter (can not be)

Frost in spring (It happens)

Thunderstorm in summer (It happens)

Snowstorm in summer (can not be)

rainbow in summer (It happens)

hail in summer (It happens)

Buran in summer (can not be)

Hoarfrost in winter (It happens)

fog in autumn (It happens)

drops in summer (can not be)

frost in summer (can not be)

puddles in winter (can not be)

green leaves in winter (It happens)

(Song "And the rain is here.")

Leading: What are you guys good fellows! All letters were answered. Now look what this package is! I read: "Kindergarten children "Birch" from fabulous forest dwellers. Let's open! (There are candies in the package).