Six characters participate in the skit: the Headmaster, 4 teachers and one student.
The teachers are sitting at the table. The director comes in.

Scene "Meeting in the teacher's room"

Head teacher: Hello colleagues.
All: Hello, Tamara Alexandrovna.
Head teacher: Well, then, at the meeting, everything is like Gogol's ...
Teachers (in chorus): What is "Dead Souls"?
Head teacher: Well, why just "Dead Souls". An inspector is coming to visit us… more precisely, an inspector from the Ministry of Education. He wants to give our school a development grant, he wants to see how we live here. Will he see what? Mess! Our school is a mess.
Teacher: Or maybe it's even better. The worse things get, the more more money give?
Teacher: Then you need to take him to the dining room. They will definitely find something in the kitchen there ... Wi-Fi definitely doesn’t take it there. You can’t even write on Twitter or classmates.
Head teacher: So, about wi-fi ... according to reports, it has been at our school for a long time. So I ask everyone to know, and not blurt out anything superfluous. Let's better, by the time the inspector arrives, line up all the Pupils in a line in the school yard. Let him see our organization. Or we can clean up the area.
Teacher: Will not work. There are jeeps of physical education teachers and high school students standing there, they will definitely not clean anything.
Head teacher: Let's take him to the library then. Let's show him our school archive...
Teacher: Precisely the word "archive" is very appropriate here. Seeing our tomes and their condition, he will doubt whether they are Fgos or BC.
Head teacher: Then let the children sing a song for him. This is good for us. Vera Nikolaevna, what are you singing in class now?
Teacher: Vaenga ... I smoke alone again, I smoke again, mom, again ...
Head teacher: Won't go. What else?
Teacher: A glass of vodka on the table…
Head teacher: All right, Vera Nikolaevna, everything is clear with you.
Teacher: It's a pity. Ivanov reads well Timati.
Head teacher: It would be better if he read Pushkin and Lermontov well. I think the examiner will be more interested in this. So, where is Valentina Ivanovna.
Teacher: I'm here.
Head teacher: Fine. You, as the curator of the upcoming USE in our school, please do not explain to the students how to take the USE in front of guests. Well, these are your catchphrases that "the exam is not a pregnancy test - it's okay to pass"
Teacher: It's a pity ... And then the 10th grade on Twitter write that they really liked it ...
Head teacher: Great, maybe Alla Anatolyevna will offer something ....
Labor teacher: Yes, I remember Our motto "Without labor, you can't even pull the fish out of the pond."
Head teacher: Can you still try to make something with the children in the classroom?
Labor teacher: Not profitable, it will be cheaper to buy at IKEI.
Head teacher: That's for sure. Well maybe teachers primary school help us with something?
Teachers: Certainly. We show tricks in the lessons well ...
Head teacher: I feel that my colleagues will not see us a grant ... Now, if Zinaida Grigoryevna had not gone to a meeting in the administration, she would definitely have come up with something.
The student knocks on the door.
Student: Hello. Tamara Alexandrovna, can I see you?
Head teacher: Ivanov, wait. Can't you see, we're solving an important issue here. We need to figure out how to get a grant for the school from an official.
Student: What is there to think - they gave 20% for the paw and that's it.
Head teacher: Brilliant! Truth speaks through the mouth of a child.
All: That's what we decided. Success must be washed away.

Scene - miniature for prom

Scene - miniature "Cinderella" performed by teachers and parents

Author: Kuzmina Mila Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for HR, MKOU "Medvezhyegorsk secondary school No. 1" of the Republic of Karelia
Dear friends, I bring to your attention a miniature scene for High school prom which will take place on June 24th. This scene is a surprise moment from teachers and parents, which is a good tradition at school.
The miniature scene will be of interest to class teachers of grades 9, 11 and the deputy director for VR
Target: creating a festive atmosphere at the festival
Task: use creative potential adults
Cinderella - teacher of Russian language and literature, mother of a graduate;
Stepmother - deputy director for water resources management of primary classes, grandmother of a graduate;
Sisters: Marianna - psychologist, mother of a graduate;
Olga - chemistry teacher, mother of a graduate;
Herald, magician - technology teacher

Cinderella spins with a whisk and sings:
At least believe, at least believe
There was a wonderful ball at school.
And our Petrov was in a tailcoat
Waltz danced with me
The stepmother appears with her daughters:
- Babies, follow me!
(Whirl around Cinderella)
Herald appears: Listen, listen!
And don't say you haven't heard:
In the Bear Manor in the first estate
June evening, number 24
A ball is given in honor of graduates
Clever youths are invited, ( sisters: This is us!)
Their honorable parents stepmother: Probably, my children are me!)
And the wisest of the wisest are teachers!
Daughters Mariana and Olga:
Hooray! Hooray! Ball! How amazing!
(Cinderella rejoices too)
Stepmother:- Cinderella, why are you jumping around?
Cinderella:- Oh, forgive me, mother, there will be a ball! I dreamed...
Mariana:- Lazy, she has time to dream!
Olga: - Cinderella, do you really want to go to the ball?
Cinderella:-Of course, dear sisters! At least from afar, at least through the keyhole, I would like to see how everyone is dancing and having fun!
Mariana mimics: at least look through the keyhole! Give Cinderella a keyhole! Haha! Joke!
Stepmother:- My little ones, do not argue! No need to offend Cinderella. Cinderella, you will go to the ball if you complete this little, little task. Little ones, follow me!
(gives Cinderella a small leaf folded like an accordion)
Cinderella reads:
1. Reread the literature for the course of grades 10-11
2. Run cross-country skiing
3. Study the history of ancient times to the present day
4. Pass the exam
- What should I do?
What do i do?
Everything is not allowed now!
Wizard: I'm not a magician, I'm just learning! Dear Cinderella, you will definitely get to the ball, because our guys have already completed all these tasks for you!
Adults and children sing a song to the tune of the song "You know, there will still be!"
author of the text Bogdanova N.V. - teacher of fine arts and MHC
And you know, there will still be!
We will build a miracle city for people.
Everyone will be a bowl full of house
And skill and hard work.
Let there be wealth
Let's not forget love and brotherhood,
Both contentment and scope
Will be in the souls and minds.
Let from all ends of the earth
Our ships would sail to the port!
So that for hard currency
We were able to buy goods!

You understand me?

So that everyone knows for sure
That as a person he is not small,
What contains, you know,
He has the potential
For the sun to shine
To have enough for everyone
So that in the laws all your life
One could believe!
So that we do not just descendants
Show class!
So that they are not offended
For our city and for us!

All in one line:
I believe there will still be!
We will give happiness to people!
For the city we are all responsible:
Both adults and children!

At the end of May 2019, on holidays in honor of last call Traditionally, students congratulate their teachers. At the festive concert, poems and songs in their honor are heard, excerpts from performances and funny miniatures about teachers are performed.

As a rule, these are small dramatizations from the life of a school or college. You can put on a funny number that demonstrates the situation that actually took place in this class.

Funny sketches about teachers on the last call

The action of the first funny school scene about teachers takes place in the classroom.
– And now I will prove to you the Pythagorean theorem.
Back student:
- Is it worth it, Ivan Ivanovich? We do believe you!

In a math class, the teacher asks:
- Which is larger - the hypotenuse or the leg?
- It depends on how to put a triangle.

- Children, what will be the 7th 8th?
Students (in chorus):
– 78!
- Yes? What is the 8th 7th?
– 78!
- And why?
One of the students:
- So the product does not change from a permutation of the factors!

Several funny scenes that can be put on for the last call are devoted to the relationship between teachers and parents of students.

- So, Ivanov, answer, how much will be twice two?
- Oh, answer yes answer. What am I to you, answering machine? I will answer only in the presence of my lawyer!
“Then tell me, what will your father do tonight?”
- Drink kefir!
- Very good. I will come to you!
“No need, it’s not enough for him!”

Vovochka talks with the killer dad.
- Dad, the teacher calls you to school!
Son, is she young or old?
- Young!
- This is good!
- What good is it, she should live and enjoy life, but here ...

In another funny miniature about teachers, the teacher says to the student's father:
- I am outraged! Your son shot with a slingshot again in class.
Father justifies:
“Well, you see, this rascal again lost the Colt that I gave him for his birthday.

- Petushkov, you finally learned how to count to ten with difficulty. I can't even imagine what you'll be after high school.
- Boxing judge, Ekaterina Sergeevna.

The following dialogue takes place in a literature lesson. Children read the story
- And I was there, honey, drinking beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.
What do you guys think, what is the moral of this story?
- You need to shave more often.

The action of another scene in which the teacher takes part takes place in the history lesson.
- Who is Chapaev?
- This is the leader of the Negroes!
- And why is that?
- Well, you yourself said that he fought against the whites.
- Chapaev is the leader of the Reds!
- What, the Indians also participated in this massacre?

Another conversation takes place in history class.
- Petya, what do you know about Ivan Susanin?
- Ivan Andreevich, I know one thing for sure, that his geography teacher was not very good!

The following funny miniatures are dedicated to the teachers themselves.
Teachers ask:
Name three reasons why you love your job.
- June July August…

The director and a young teacher who came to get a job at the school are talking. The director asks:
Hello, young teacher! Do you have recommendations for former place work?
Yes, I was advised to look for another school.

A woman comes to the director of the circus - a small, puny woman with glasses - a godly dandelion. She says:
“I want to be your tiger tamer!”
Director, holding back a smile:
- Well, you see there, in the cage, the tigers are furious, go and calm them down.
The woman calmly enters the cage and screams:
- Come on, creatures, sit still !!!
The tigers sat down on their hind legs in surprise.
The surprised director asks:
Did you act like this at your last job?
Yes, but I added something else.
- What?
- ... sit still, the eleventh "B" ...

The principal of the school calls the teacher and asks:
- What is it about you, dear, parents complain?
- On me? And for what?
- And you put some incomprehensible grades to the students. Here, look.
The director puts a stack of notebooks on the table.
The teacher, flipping through them:
- It was my students who wrote an essay on the topic “How I spent this summer”. Well, as they did, they got it. Therefore, I gave them not "3", "4" and "5", but 18+ and 16+ ...

On the street, a modest woman approaches a man:
“I think you are the father of one of my children…
Horror Man:
- I?!
“Don't worry so much,” the woman remarks, “I'm a teacher.

Another sketch about teachers at the last call will be played by two students.
- Olya, if you met old man Hottabych, what wish would you ask him to fulfill?
Make London the capital of Finland.
- Why?
- And I answered so yesterday in the lesson and ... got a "deuce"!

The teacher asks a question in class:
- Why European time ahead of the American?
Petrov holds out his hand.
Because America was discovered later!

The teacher asks the student:
- Vovochka, why are you late for the lesson?
- Vovochka:
– You yourself said, Anna Petrovna, that it is never too late to learn!

In another funny miniature about the school, a teacher and several students take part.
I figured out how to conduct exams. No questionnaires or tests needed!
(There are three chairs on the stage, three students are sitting on them.)
- So, the first question is: how to extract the square root from the cube root?
(To the first student:)
– Aha! Do you have an increased heart rate? You don't know anything - two points!
(To the second student:)
– Do you have a feverish pulse? Because in mathematics - not in the tooth with a foot? One point!
(To the third student:)
- ABOUT! No pulse, no heartbeat!
So he's been sitting like this for ten years!
And he doesn't react to anything!
So he knows everything.
All together (in chorus):
It's time to give him a certificate!

You can use the real names of the teachers in the script. You can also wear a wig and make-up to look more like the teacher. Choose the right props and musical accompaniment. And finally, pre-rehearse skits about teachers for the last call on roles.

We can assure you that such a performance will cause a lot of positive emotions and will not be forgotten by teachers or graduates!

These funny sketches about school quickly and imperceptibly grew out of children's joke about Vovochka. I remember only one and often smile from him:

Teacher: Vovochka, who took the Bastille?

Vovochka: I don't know, I didn't take it. Honestly.

Today there was again a reason to remember)) Then I thought: what else can Vovochka take or do? I began to compose, and then - off we go. And these funny scenes about school and teachers were born, which can be played as a whole, as one, or can be divided into several small school scenes. I will describe the whole thing.


School class or Assembly Hall schools


Pupils: Vovochka, Anya, Lyudochka, Sashenka (boy)

Jury members:

School Director Vasily Petrovich

Language and literature teacher Nina Ivanovna

Chemistry teacher Inna Sergeevna

Geography teacher Boris Ivanovich

History teacher Tamara Vasilievna

Physical education teacher Bogdan Dmitrievich

Mathematics teacher Raisa Zakharovna

Props for the scene

A table for the director and teachers, if there is, then for students

Chairs for all participants

Notebooks - in each student's hands and on the table in front of the teachers

Glasses for vision - at the director

Whistle or stopwatch on a long ribbon (hanging around the neck of the PE teacher)

A lady's bag with valerian tablets in it.


Pupils are dressed as is customary in your school.

Teachers - in business suits, fizruk - in a tracksuit.

Scene action.

Children sit at their classroom tables (or just on chairs if there are no tables), each with a notebook in their hands.

The teachers and the headmaster sit at a table (or two tables combined into one) facing the students, as the jury usually sits. The chemistry teacher sits on the edge, closest to the exit - then she should run away.

Nina Ivanovna rises and announces in a joyful voice:

Dear friends! Let me remind you that recently our entire school wrote an essay on the topic “My favorite teacher”. Today we determine the winner of the competition essay from 3 previously selected finalists. (Looks at Vovochka and intonations change to strict.) Vovochka, why did you come? Your essay didn't even exist!


So I finished writing it, now I'll read it!

Nina Ivanovna:

No, that won't work, you didn't participate and you can go home.


Nina Ivanovna, we have Democratic state or not? Or do you want me to organize a demonstration "Freedom of speech for Vovochka" around the school tomorrow?

The director and teachers begin to whisper loudly:

Nina Ivanovna, let her stay!

Okay, Vovochka, stay. (Changes fake joyful voice) I'll introduce our jury! (Further announces everyone and himself too, naming his full name and position) And now the floor is given to Anechka. Ask!

Anya gets up and reads from a notebook:

My favorite teacher is Nina Ivanovna, because she always slowly tells me where to put commas during dictations.

Everyone starts to look askance at Nina Ivanovna, and she smiles nervously and shoots with her eyes. He quickly gets up and says:

Thanks Anna, we got it. Please, honey!

Lyudochka gets up and reads, loudly and with expression:

And my favorite teacher is Raisa Zakharovna, our mathematics teacher. She always gives me “excellent” marks for tests, even if at that time I take her son home from after-school.

Everyone turns to Raisa Zakharovna, the director angrily takes off his glasses, and Raisa Zakharovna herself reaches into her bag, takes out sedative pills and swallows a couple of pills (in fact, she swallows AS LIKE).

Nina Ivanovna jumps up and says:

Sweetie, thank you. Let's listen to Sasha.

Sashenka gets up and reads:

And my favorite teacher is our physical education teacher, Bogdan Dmitrievich. Because my parents paid for new bars for the gym, and now I don’t go to physical education at all.

The fizruk begins to intensively look at what is hanging around his neck.

The director indignantly asks his colleagues:

Who selected the essays? They didn't read them at all, did they?

The teachers hide their eyes and shrug their shoulders.

Vovochka rises and says:

By the way, what are your options? What can Vovochka say on this topic? Write it for the contest!

Read also others and high school students, as well as about physical exercises.

Wishing you happy scenes,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

New academic year is for schoolchildren exciting. What a wonderful feeling it is to make a fresh start, meet old friends, and progress as you move up from class to class. What is school time without holidays, pranks and skits ? We have selected for you the most successful about teachers and children. They will help you make life more interesting.

School scene for Knowledge Day

Scene for Teacher's Day - the battle of teachers. 5 people participate.
With a good game without pinching, the ability to show funny, this scenario for Teacher's Day will be, if not the best (sometimes simply putting on diapers looks funnier, but we have a different task), then the most interesting, unlike the rest and thoughtful.

Host: So let's start the program, the "battle of teachers" - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you, everything is honest with us and without setups, swaying, tips and trips.

The teacher is invited to complete the assignment. lower grades Ivanova Marya Ivanovna Marya Ivanovna, you will enter the classroom today and force a third-grade student Vasya Sidorov to give a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me a diary.
Student: I won't.
Teacher: Sidorov, open the briefcase, take out the diary.
Student: My grandmother took him to read before going to bed.
Teacher: Vasya, give me a diary, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.
Vasya: Why?

Moderator: Unfortunately, the time is up.
We invite the second teacher - Petr Petrovich Petrov.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I will give you candy.
Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.
Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in a corner!
Student: And what did I not see there?

Leading: It is not regrettable, but the second teacher did not have time to complete this task in time. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don't you give the diary to teachers?
Student: I forgot at home (slides down the desk)
Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE
Student: No. (unsure)
Teacher: I'm calling my father (takes out the phone, pretends to choose in contacts)
Student: (takes out the diary on which he was sitting) Mom to the diary, just don’t call your father! those.

Host: As our program showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents has yielded results this week - what will be the next battle, you will find out tomorrow.

A scene about a schoolboy and a policeman

The student enters the classroom. There is a police officer at the table.
Policeman: Kostya Igoshin? Come on. Now we will make an identification. A lot depends on this, you know?
Student: I understand.
Policeman: Look carefully, do you recognize anyone?
The student looks closely. Only he is shown (it is not clear who he recognizes).
Schoolboy: (sadly shakes his head) No.
Policeman: (indignantly) Look carefully! Maybe you recognize someone?
It turns out that the schoolboy walked along the wall with portraits of great Russian writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy...)
Schoolboy: nope
Policeman: You don't even know Pushkin! For the second year, Igoshin!

Scene for elementary school

Vovka: Listen, I'll tell you a funny story. Yesterday I took a folder by mouse and went to Uncle Yura, my mother ordered.
Andrew: Ha-ha-ha! Indeed, it's funny.
Vovka (surprised): What's so funny? I haven't started talking yet.
Andrey (laughing): Folder... under the arm! Well thought out. Yes, your folder under the arm and will not fit, he's not a cat!
Vovka: Why "my folder"? Folder - daddy. You forgot how to speak correctly from laughter, or what?
Andrei: (winking and pounding his forehead): Ah, I guessed! Grandfather - under the arm! He speaks incorrectly, but he also teaches. Now it’s clear: dad’s folder is your grandfather Kolya! In general, it’s great you came up with it - funny and with a riddle!
Vova (offended): What does my grandfather Kolya have to do with it? I wanted to tell you something completely different. You didn’t listen to the end, but you laugh, you interfere with speaking. Yes, even dragged my grandfather, put him under his arm, what a storyteller was found! I'd rather go home than talk to you.
Andrei (to himself, left alone): And why was he offended? Why tell funny stories if you can't even laugh?

A scene from the life of a school about a teacher and a student

Teacher: Petrov, go to the blackboard and write down short story which I will dictate to you.
The student goes to the blackboard and prepares to write.
The teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then made a promise to improve.”
The student writes from dictation on the blackboard.
Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.
The student underlines the words: “dad”, “mother”, “Vova”, “behavior”, “Vova”, “promise”.
Teacher: Ready? Decide what case these nouns are in. Understood?
Student: Yes!
Teacher: Start!
Student: "Dad and Mom." Who? What? Parents. So, the genitive case.
Scolded whom, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. So, the case is nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has an instrumental case.
Vova was silent guiltily. So, here "Vova" has an accusative case.
Well, and "promise", of course, in dative case, since Vova gave it!
That's all!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest to give yourself?
Student: What? Of course, five!
Teacher: So five? By the way, in what case did you call this word - "five"?
Student: Prepositional!
Teacher: In a prepositional? Why?
Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

A scene about a literature lesson

Class. Board. Children are sitting at their desks in the classroom. There is a number on the board.

Teacher: So, today we will talk with you about the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"! Pichushkin!
Pichushkin reluctantly gets up from his desk.
Pichushkin: Marya Vladimirovna, I haven't read
Teacher: And what did you do?
Pichushkin: (rumples) I was ... watching "Spider-Man" ...
Laughter in class
Teacher: Maybe Shcheglov will tell us about the image of Raskolnikov?
Shcheglov just as reluctantly gets up from his desk
Shcheglov: I, too... looked about the Spider...
Teacher: Good!!! And what attracts you to this "Spider-Man"?
Pichushkin: Well... they shoot at him there.
Shcheglov: ... And then bam - a web! And he won everyone!
Teacher: Shoot! Web! Did you know that the image of Spider-Man occupies a special place in American animation of the late twentieth century. The free life of the New York scoundrels is interrupted by the classic phrase: "Spider-Man is coming to us!" The forces of evil become in opposition to our hero. In addition to the fact that Spider-Man is a commoner, he is a mutant to the marrow of his bones, which, by the way, he does not have! Critics define Spider-Man's character as "resolute, solid, American"! Unlike the Chukovsky drama, our Spider with human face, and nothing human, like nothing spidery, is alien to him! This makes him spit cobwebs and easily climb skyscrapers, where, towering over the bustle of the metropolis, the hero asks himself the question “Am I a trembling creature, or a person capable of loving and forgiving?!”
Children listen with their mouths open
Teacher: Write down the topic of the next essay: “Pokémonism, or who lives well in Japan”!

Funny mini-sketch about teachers

The bell rings. Teachers are seated in the classroom at their desks, like students. A student enters, pretending to be the teacher.

Student. Well, who's ready to answer?
Physical education teacher (holds out his hand). Can! Can!
Student (surprised). Gym teacher?
Physical education teacher. No, I'll get out.
Student. Sit! So, as always, there are no volunteers. Then we will be answered... Geography teacher.
Geography teacher. And why immediately I!
Student. Well, Miklukha-Maclay, tell us where the Black Sea flows into. Don't suggest! Do not know? Ashamed! Third double in a row! Very bad.
Physical education teacher (holds out his hand). I want to go out!
Student. For what?
Physical education teacher. And I'm in your ear. (Whispers.)
Student. Are you skipping classes again? On fun starts gathered? It won't work, Alexander Petrovich! We have math now. Mathematics is the queen of the fields.
Mathematic teacher. Not fields, but sciences.
Student. I know better! Answer, Lyudmila Pavlovna, what is the sum of the square legs?
Mathematic teacher. What kind of skates?
Student. Do not know? Maybe you have never heard of the square hypotenuse? Two, Lyudmila Pavlovna, two! Come tomorrow with your parents! And you, Valentin Nikolaevich, why are you shining, is everything in order with chemistry? Answer, at what temperature does a right angle boil? Do not know? Your trio ordered to live long! And you blew off the control one, and you feel bad with alkalis. So your card is beaten. For the second year!

Scene about upset students

Host 1: In one locality Well, there was a school.
Presenter 2: And the students of the school really did not like the teachers.
Presenter 1: They force you to study, they get bored with duty, you can’t interrogate fives.
Presenter 2: And the students of the school decided to behave badly in the classroom - the teachers would get bored and leave themselves.
Presenter 1: One day their cool mother came to class and said ...
Cool mom: What are you doing, you haven’t been on duty in the class for a week, your parents can’t cope with you.
Pupils: But we do not want to be taught and we will do whatever we want.
Cool mom: Apparently I won’t be able to cope with you, for a long time I was invited to a higher-paid job, but I didn’t want to leave you.
Presenter 2: A cool mother got into a foreign car and flew away, far, far away.
Presenter 1: And the children are all noisy
Presenter 2: Even the director cannot reassure ... The director thought and invited the whole class to his place for a conversation.
Director: I have to warn you that you will most likely be left without certificates this year.
Students: You have no right!
Director: Not a single teacher wants to work with you, everyone says - it's better to fire.
Pupils: Well, okay, we will move to another school.
Presenter 1: The students went to another school. Yes, and they were not accepted there .., everyone already knew about them.
Presenter 2: Students came to the Minister of Education to defend their rights.
Minister: I know about your problem, they reported.
Student: And what? Why are we still not studying, we need certificates and teachers so that they do not overpower us.
Minister: The fact is that there is only one school that agrees to accept you, the rest refuse, they say fire, and we don’t have so many teachers to replace, even if we import from abroad (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc.)
Students: How far is the school?
Minister: Not really, take the address from the secretary and go.
Presenter 1: The students went to a new school.
Presenter 2: Stranger
Pupils: Yes, if we do not want to be left without certificates, we need to be patient here at least a little.
Director: Good afternoon, glad to meet you, Are you a class from an abandoned school?
Students: Who are you? and why from abandoned?
Principal: Abandoned, because the teachers abandoned their favorite work and now they get more and calmer there, and the school is without teachers, and the students have left for other schools. And I'm the director, please call me on You and by my first name and patronymic,
And this is your new instructor.
Instructor: Well, quickly take the emphasis while lying down! Push-up number one, in our educational institution iron discipline. Pushup number two! We repeat - There is an iron discipline in our institution! And so forty times, the countdown went .. Three! (Students do push-ups and repeat In our institution, iron discipline