Sorrel is a useful herb that is actively used in the preparation of green borscht, okroshka and various salads. IN warm time this plant is plenty of years, but in the cold months it cannot be found on any shelves or in stores. What can be done so that in January you can enjoy the sour taste of green borscht? There is a way out: it is necessary to stock up on this vegetable crop from the summer. And today we will learn how to harvest sorrel for the winter and what recipes can be used.

Cold pickling vegetables

This recipe will require sorrel (1 kg) and salt (30 g). Rinse the leaves, dry them, spread them on a wide towel, cut and salt. Pour sorrel into clean, washed jars and tamp it well. Pour cold water on top, put a pinch of salt, and then tightly close the nylon lid. canned sorrel ready for the winter, and now determine it in a cool place for further storage (cellar or refrigerator).

Harvesting vegetables for the winter without salt

For this recipe we need:

  1. Rinse the dill and onion and chop finely, and then lower the greens into the pan, where the water should already be boiling.
  2. Rinse the sorrel thoroughly, remove all unnecessary blades of grass, and also get rid of the petioles. Cut the plant into oblong strips and dip into the pan, where the greens are already present. Simmer the whole mixture over low heat for about 5 minutes.
  3. Prepare canning jars in advance, wash thoroughly with water using soda, and then sterilize in the oven or steam.
  4. When the cooking time of the greens comes to an end, take a large spoon and begin to carefully transfer the contents of the pan into half-liter vessels and immediately roll them up.

Preserving sorrel without salt is a fairly easy process, and we do not need this white powder, since the acid contained in the plant is a kind of preservative.

Note: it is most rational to roll our vegetable crop into 0.5 l jars, since an open container with greens cannot be stored for more than one week, otherwise you will open and use your workpiece completely.

Freezing the plant

How to prepare sorrel for the winter in order to reduce the time for its preparation? Just enough to freeze it.

This harvesting method is suitable for those who have a large freezer and storage space for greenery. Freezing sorrel for the winter can be done in two ways.

  1. Sort the fresh leaves of the plant, remove unnecessary tails and thoroughly rinse each leaf under water. Then lay the leaves on a wide towel and let them dry completely. Then cut into strips and place in plastic bags and immediately place in the freezer.
  2. Wash the sorrel, cut it as you like, and then drop the plant into boiling water for 2 minutes. Then quickly remove the greens with a slotted spoon and tip it over into a colander so that the glass excess water. Leave the plant in the bucket for 2 hours to cool the mass. While the sorrel is cooling, take out special molds in which you will then put the greens. Tamp the cooled mass into the prepared container and send it to the freezer. Later when vegetable crop grab and turn into frozen cubes, you can remove the molds, and pour the plant into a bag.

Green vitamins in their own juice

Sorrel for the winter in jars can be prepared following a fairly simple recipe.

Sometimes in winter you also incredibly want to taste green borscht. But how to save sorrel until winter. I don’t like frozen, it loses all its juiciness and individuality. Canned sorrel for the winter without salt is the best recipe preparations from sorrel for the winter.


For a 0.5 liter can:

  • A large bunch of sorrel;
  • cold water.

Step by step recipe forcanned sorrel for the winter without salt

  1. Rinse the sorrel, let the water drain. Go through it removing thick stems. Cut the sorrel, put it tightly in a jar and fill it with cold water. Roll up. And All.
  2. Sorrel keeps well at room temperature.

Canned sorrel for the winter without salt, it turns out as fresh, retains all its properties and acid.

Delicious preparations for you, and bon appetit!

I enjoy life together with my son Nikitka, he is 5 years old. He is my inspiration, helper and friend. I cook every day (I started cooking and cooking for the whole family from the age of 9). More than anything, I love family dinners at home. I always bake sweets for the weekend, I love it when the house smells like baking! It's so cozy! I love to travel and bring recipes from all over the world! The culinary project “I love to cook” has become a part of my family for a long time. This is not only my job, but the place where I share the most intimate, what my relatives adore - the recipes of our family.

I share a recipe on how to preserve sorrel in jars for the winter, without salt, with water. The recipe is quite simple and does not require any culinary skills and super abilities.

What is good about this preparation of canned sorrel? Everyone! She has no cons. All the vitamins that you preserve for the future, together with the green delicacy, are preserved intact and safe until the next season. And what a fragrant borscht it turns out. A true work of culinary art. Therefore, do not waste time in vain, but starting from early spring, ending late autumn, you can prepare a sufficient amount of canned greens for the winter.

It's good that you can grow it on your own suburban area or garden, and you do not need to go into the forest and collect leaflets. Although my neighbor prefers to preserve forest or field sorrel, he says it is much more aromatic and the dish from it turns out to be tastier. I won't argue, maybe I'm even sure of it. And if I have the opportunity, then I will definitely pick this plant in the forest or lawn, and cook soup with it in winter.

There are several ways to prepare it, but I will share the simplest.

Sorrel for the winter in jars without salt


  • Young sorrel leaves

Recipe step by step with photo

Pick up a certain amount. Sort out grass, beetles from garbage. Cut off the stems. Only beautiful green leaves should remain. Wash off dirt and dust.

Let the leaves dry. Spread a towel on the table and put sorrel on it. Leave for a while.


Arrange in clean sterilized jars, boil metal lids for 5 minutes.

While you were doing all these steps, your water should have boiled by now. We fill the jar with the workpiece and roll it up hermetically. I repeat once again, you do not need to lay down salt, this is a completely different recipe.

Turn the neck upside down, cover with a blanket and leave it to cool completely.

As you can see, we do everything without salt, only with water. After all, sorrel is very sour and itself acts as a preservative. There are many preparations without vinegar, to which only the juice or leaves of the plant are added, and the spins are excellent for two years. Therefore, do not be afraid, you can safely close a certain amount for the future, in cold weather, when there is snow outside the window, the result will please you. And you already know how to preserve sorrel in jars for the winter with water without salt.

You can refuse to preserve any seamings for the winter, but be sure to keep the recipe " canned sorrel". Why? Yes, because sorrel (both fresh and canned) is loved by everyone! All dishes, to which fragrant green leaves are added, are instantly transformed, turning the dish into something fresh, light, appetizing and spicy at the same time. And yet, why sorrel is harvested in jars for the winter - due to the fact that it is perfectly stored and at any time you can uncork a jar and treat yourself and loved ones with delicious, updated recipes with sorrel.

And before proceeding with the conservation of sorrel, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of the harvested product. So, if it is supposed to cook borscht, cabbage soup or soup from sorrel, then it is better to spin it in the form of mashed potatoes. For salads, decoration of pastries, and in general for the aesthetic decoration of culinary products, sorrel is closed in a chopped (chopped) form. In general, among the wide variety of ways to preserve sorrel, it is easy to choose the most suitable, most interesting recipe.

Sorrel is a useful herb in all respects. Sorrel contains a large number of vitamins A, E, K, some B vitamins, ascorbic and oxalic acid, a lot of tannins, as well as micro and macro elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium ... Medicinal properties sorrel have been known for thousands of years. Europe has been using sorrel for food for a long time, but in our country, sour leaves were tasted some 200 years ago. Therefore, sorrel is most often associated with green spring cabbage soup, but in European cuisine sorrel is added to warm salads and meat stew, used in the preparation of sauces and side dishes, added to bread to give a subtle sour flavor.

This is a great opportunity to stock up on vitamins for the whole winter. Sorrel can be frozen, salted, canned without salt, in in kind, or prepare semi-finished products for cabbage soup. Some housewives do not grow sorrel on their site, preferring to collect wild sorrel - it is more fragrant and sour. But not everyone has the opportunity to go to reserved places on quiet hunting for sorrel. Therefore, a bed with sorrel makes us happy with fresh sour leaves for the whole summer. There are more than 50 varieties of sorrel cultivars - there are plenty to choose from!

Salted sorrel for the winter

To harvest sorrel for the winter in this way, you will need a wooden tub. Rinse the sorrel, sort it out and dry it on a towel. Fold in a tub, sprinkling with salt (at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg of sorrel), cover with a circle and put oppression. When the sorrel falls, report fresh. Keep the tub in the cellar. Before use, sorrel should be washed, chopped and put in a dish shortly before readiness.

Canned sorrel for the winter

For 900 g of sorrel, take 100 g of salt. Rinse and sort the sorrel, then blanch it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Wipe through a sieve. Heat the resulting puree to a boil and pour into jars. Sterilize filled jars in boiling water for 60 minutes.

Sorrel with salt

For 1 kg of sorrel - 100 g of salt. Rinse, sort out the sorrel, dry on a towel. Finely chop the sorrel and place in jars, sprinkling with salt and tamping. Close jars with lids and store in a cool place.

Sorrel natural

Prepared sorrel leaves blanch for 4-5 minutes. Arrange in jars and sterilize for 30-40 minutes. Roll up.

Sorrel puree with salt

For 1 kg of sorrel, take 30 g of salt. Rinse the sorrel, sort it out and dry it on a towel. Pass the sorrel through a meat grinder and mix thoroughly with salt. Fill the sterilized glass bottles with a funnel and fill with melted fat. Cork the bottles with corks and store in the cellar in a horizontal position. This puree serves as a dressing for first courses or the basis for making sauces.

Canned sorrel with herbs

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

750 g sorrel
150 g green onions,
10 g green dill,
10 g parsley,
10 g salt
300 ml of water.

Rinse the sorrel and herbs, sort and finely chop. Put in an enamel pan, salt and cover with boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes and spread hot. Cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. Roll up and leave in the same water to cool.

Ready-made semi-finished products for cabbage soup are good because to use them in winter, you just need to add the contents of the jar to a pot of boiling broth in which the potatoes have already been cooked. Potatoes must be cooked completely, otherwise the acid contained in the sorrel blanks will not allow it to boil, and it will be tough.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:
150 g sorrel
150 g spinach
10 g parsley root,
10 g celery root,
20 g onion,
15 g salt
3-4 black peppercorns
1 bay leaf.

Rinse the greens, sort and finely chop. Peel the parsley and celery roots, boil in boiling water for 15 minutes, cool in cold water and cut into strips. Onion cut into half rings. Put everything in a saucepan, add water at the rate of ½ stack. per 1 liter, salt and cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Pour into hot jars and sterilize for 20 minutes in low-boiling water. Roll up. To prepare cabbage soup, add the contents of the jar to the boiling meat broth, boil for 10 minutes and serve. You can add boiled eggs and sour cream to the cabbage soup.

Shchi with garlic greens

800 g sorrel
100 g green garlic,
50 g parsley,
200 ml of water
salt - to taste.

Rinse the greens, sort and chop. Put in a saucepan, add water, salt, put on fire and boil from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

800 g sorrel
30 g carrot tops,
50 g parsley,
200 ml of water
5 g salt.

Rinse the greens and finely chop. Put in a saucepan, add water and salt and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars and roll up.

800 g sorrel
200 g green onions,
20 g carrot tops,
200 ml of water
5 g salt.

Chop the washed and sorted greens, put in a saucepan, salt, pour in water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars. Roll up.

Sorrel Dressing with Garlic Arrows

800 g sorrel
100 g arrows of garlic,
50 green parsley,
1 stack water,
5 g salt.

Rinse the greens, shake off the water and chop finely. Put the greens in a saucepan, add water and salt. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Spread hot in sterilized jars, roll up and turn over.

Drying and freezing is the most gentle preparation of sorrel for the winter. In this case, the sorrel retains maximum amount vitamins. Freezing is suitable for those who have a freezer. Dried sorrel must be stored in a cool, dry place, making sure that the sorrel does not become damp.

Frozen green mix "Vitamin"

Take sorrel and nettle greens in a ratio of 2: 1, rinse and cut. Mix greens, spread over plastic bags and freeze.

Dried sorrel

Rinse the young sorrel leaves thoroughly, sort them out and place them on tablecloths. Dry in a dark place and store in sealed jars. Dried sorrel is applied as follows: pour about ½ stack of dry sorrel into ½ stack. boiling water, add ½ tbsp. oil and simmer over medium heat until soft. Then pour in 1 tbsp. flour, stir until smooth, rub through a sieve and dilute with broth. The resulting mass can be used as a dressing for cabbage soup and borscht or in sauce.

From fresh and canned sorrel, you can cook many of the most different dishes. Sorrel blanks for the winter are an excellent vitamin dressing for winter soups, cabbage soup and borscht. Try to add canned sorrel at the very end of cooking, so you save more vitamins. Not too salty sorrel blanks can be used to make casseroles, soufflés, sauces and fillings for pies.

300 g sorrel
2 tbsp butter,
1 onion
1 tbsp flour,
200 g of broth,
salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

Stew chopped sorrel in oil along with chopped onion. Add flour, pour in broth and cook, stirring, until thickened. Add sour cream and spices. Fresh sorrel can be replaced with canned, only it will need to be taken 2-3 times less.


1 melted cheese
5 tbsp mayonnaise,
2 tbsp crushed sorrel,
4 tbsp water.

Grate the processed cheese on a fine grater and mix with all the ingredients, rubbing thoroughly.

500 g sorrel
1 cucumber
1 boiled egg
100 g sour cream
2 tsp Sahara,
1 bunch of green onions
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Boil the sorrel in salted water or broth and cool. Add chopped green onion, cucumber, chopped protein and pureed yolk. Season the soup with salt, sugar, pepper and refrigerate. When serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

1 kg fresh sorrel (or 500 g canned)
40 g butter,
100 g sour cream
40 g cheese
5 tsp flour,
3 eggs,
salt - to taste.

Heat the oil, fry the flour and put the sorrel in it. Stew for 3-4 minutes, pour in sour cream, stirring constantly, add grated cheese and salt (if necessary). Cool the mass slightly, stir in the yolks and whipped whites. Mix gently and pour into a greased mold. Drizzle with butter on top, sprinkle with cheese and put in a hot oven for 40-60 minutes.

Sorrel casserole

1.5 kg fresh sorrel (or 500-700 g canned),
60 g cheese
50 g butter,
20 g flour
100 g white bread,
40 g melted butter,
30 g crackers,

Rinse the sorted sorrel and boil it. Drain the water and pass the sorrel through a meat grinder. Rinse the canned sorrel and pass through a meat grinder. Add grated cheese, fried on butter flour, mix and salt. Lay slices of toasted white bread on the bottom of the form, lay out the sorrel, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese and place in a hot oven. Keep it there until the casserole is browned.

For all its usefulness, sorrel has some contraindications. Sorrel contains a large amount of oxalic acid, so people suffering from kidney disease are advised to eat dishes with sorrel no more than once a week. If your joints hurt, then you should not get involved in sorrel either.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina