The dominant color is the color of the chinchilla coat, which is transmitted to offspring at the gene level, thereby determining belonging to a particular breed. The following main dominant colors of domestic animals are distinguished.

gray standard(standard)

Price: from 2500 rubles.

It is a wild (natural) color of chinchilla, which is also called agouti (agouti). The fur coat on the sides and on the back is from light to dark gray with a bluish tinge. The belly of the animal is white or bluish-white. Each hair of fur has pronounced color zones. Bottom part wool is dyed bluish-black, the middle one is white and the top one is black. Keepers of fur-bearing animal kennels distinguish 7 shades of a gray coat of a standard color. To improve the quality and thickness of the fur when breeding colored chinchillas, it is recommended that about 10% of the breeding stock be agoutis. Their genes also influence the size of the body and the expressiveness of the eyes of fur-bearing animals. Standard gray chinchillas reach sexual maturity earlier, are more prolific and hardier than colored animals.

Black velvet(Black Velvet)

Price: from 5500 rubles.

A distinctive feature of this color is the presence of black diagonal stripes on the front legs and the back and “mask” on the head of the same color. The abdomen of the animal is bright white with a "transitional zone" on the sides. The quality of this color is proportional to the degree of blackness of the back and sides, as well as the whiteness of the abdomen. The size of the muzzle and ears of a black-velvety furry animal is interconnected with the length of the tail. Chinchillas with small, not elongated muzzles and ears have short tail and vice versa, long-nosed animals have a long fluffy tail.

Gomobeige(Homo beige)

Price: from 4500 rubles.

Chinchillas have light beige, creamy fur with a pinkish sheen and very light ears. Undercoat almost white color. The belly of the chinchilla also has a white color. The fur coat of the animal does not have a zonal separation of shades. The fur of this species of chinchillas is evenly colored, rarely there are hairs with a slightly dark tip. The eyes of a pet can be red or pink with a blue or almost white rim around the pupil.

white-pink(pink white)

Price: from 5500 rubles.

Chinchilla has several color options. The fur of the animal can be white-pink or almost white with small beige patches. There are also beige pets with white spots or stripes. Chinchilla ears are pink, sometimes freckled. The eyes are red or dark ruby. The animals of the white-pink breed have a white, beige and standard gene, which sometimes provides a mosaic coat color. Chinchilla fur can be white with a beige "veil" (dyed hair tips). Mosaic white and pink animals with clearly defined spots of white and beige are considered especially valuable. Rarely are beige chinchillas with a pure white tail.

White Wilson(Wilson White)

Price: from 5500 rubles.

The color of the fur of the animal varies from snow-white to dark silver. The eyes and edges of the ears of the chinchilla are black. The presence of yellowness in the color of the white Wilson coat indicates a decrease in the quality and purity of the breed. The fur of the animal may have a dark gray undercoat and a "veil" from light to dark gray. The value of a chinchilla of this breed depends on the quantity and uniformity of the distribution of light and dark hairs over the fur coat. Animals of dark silver color are called platinum. You can buy a white chinchilla with black spots of various shapes, this type is called mosaic white Wilson. This breed valued the clarity and unusual shape, as well as the symmetry of the dark spots.

Heterobeige(Tower beige)

Price: from 4500 rubles.

A characteristic feature of this breed is the pink color of the ears with black pigment spots of various shapes and sizes. Chinchilla eyes are pink, dark red or brown. The coat of the animal on the head, back, sides and tail can be cream, beige, light brown or dark beige. The belly of the animal is white. The undercoat of a chinchilla is from pale to dark gray-blue, so the coat of an animal with a muted artificial lighting can appear both blue and beige at the same time. A yellowish or orange shade of fur reduces the quality of this breed. For more pure color fur, you can buy a chinchilla for a beige girl, and a light gray boy.

White velvet

Price: from 8000 rubles.

The main color of the fur is white, and on the head there is an almost black "mask". Chinchilla's front legs have black or dark gray diagonal stripes. Sometimes these color features appear by 2-3 months. There are exceptions in the white velvet breed, when the main color of the fur of the whole body is black, and the tail is dazzling white.

Brown velvet

Price: from 7000 rubles.

Pink, ruby ​​and brown eyes are characteristic of this breed. The ears of the animals are pink, the front legs with brown stripes, and a dark brown mask on the head. The back of a chinchilla is light to dark shades of brown. The belly is white, and sometimes beige or light brown. The darker the belly of the animal, the lower the value of the breed.

recessive colors

A recessive color is a chinchilla's fur color that only appears when offspring are produced from two animals with the same non-dominant genes. There are the following main breeds of domestic chinchillas.


Price: from 8000 rubles.

The fur coat of the animal has a black color with a brownish tint. The animal has gray ears and black eyes. The belly of a chinchilla is dark gray. Due to the mixed coloration, charcoal was not recognized by fur breeders, but was preserved thanks to amateurs who keep home farms. Chinchillas of this breed are small and have less thick fur than other members of the genus.


Price: from 5000 rubles.

The chinchilla coat in natural light has a purple sparkling hue, in artificial light the fur is steel-gray. The abdomen of the animal is snow- white color. The eyes of the animal are black. There are white and beige representatives of this breed, in which the hairs of a gray-violet color are evenly distributed over the skin, which gives the fur a lilac hue. White violet can have whole spots on the fur coat different forms and sizes with a purple tint, more pronounced at the tip of the tail.


The color of the chinchilla fur is gray with a pronounced blue tint. Belly of a white animal. The eyes of the sapphire chinchilla are black. Other breeds change the color of the coat with age (as a rule, it darkens), and the sapphire retains the color that it had at birth throughout its life. Also, representatives of this genus are valued for a very delicate coat to the touch.


The fur of a chinchilla is pure white in color, since there is no pigment in the body of the animal. The eyes of a pet are red. Chinchilla skin is pink. This color is highly valued, as it is rarely found in nature and on domestic farms.


The coat of a chinchilla is gray in color with a blurry pattern a tone lighter or darker. The eyes of the animal are most often black. Another name for this breed is misty.

Not agouti

The fur of the animal is gray in color with an unexpressed monochromatic zonality. The eyes of the chinchilla are dark, may be with a reddish tint. Domestic animals of this breed appearance similar to the gray standard, but have a recessive color.

To date, the variety of colored chinchillas is constantly growing, crossing dominant and recessive colors, new breeds are obtained. Also, the mutation of the gene constantly provides the appearance of interesting and attractive shades of pet coats. Each breeding holder of chinchillas may have new species of these beautiful animals.

Chinchillas- cute domestic fur-bearing animals. There are 14 main breeds and more than 10 interbreed mixtures in the world. On farms where chinchillas are bred, the animals are divided according to the color of their coats, mainly into dark, light and gray.

IN last years it became fashionable to have chinchillas as pets. Many owners take a deep interest in the pedigree and genes of their pets. A separate big interesting topic are the colors of chinchillas.


Natural or standard chinchilla color - grey. Its feature is light and dark areas on the axial hair. Therefore, the skin of a chinchilla of a standard color pockmarked. The darkest area is the back, the tummy is completely white. Such colors of chinchillas, as standard, have a variety of variations: from dark to light silver-gray.

Animals with an even extra-dark skin color are used for crossing with individuals of the Black Velvet color. Light grays are planted with purple, beige and sapphire chinchillas.

Black velvet

Rodents of this type have a clear dark mask, no light areas around the eyes and gloves on their paws. The colors of black chinchillas are characterized by rich shades. A distinctive feature of these animals is crook in the nose. Qualitative color excludes the presence of a smooth transition from the black body to the white abdomen, it should be sharp.

Chinchilla colors such as "Black Velvet" are of good quality if they do not have ripples and poorly painted areas on the neck and legs. Animals of this color are crossed with any other colors, except


This color includes a range of shades from dark brown to light beige. A characteristic feature of these animals is dark red eyes and tufts on the ears.

The most valuable colors of heterobeige chinchillas are cold gray and coffee. The rusty shade of the coat is unpopular with breeders. Beige chinchillas are planted with animals of any color.

white wilson

Characteristics of a good white coat: dark ring at the root of the tail, black eyes, dark gray ears and perfect white fur.

Forms of "White Wilson"

    Silver. Part of the axial hair has black areas, due to which blurry gray spots are visible on the fur.

    Mosaic. The presence of spots on the fur of a chinchilla, from black to gray.

    Extramosaic- a rare form. It is characterized by the presence of dark spots on the skin of the animal with clear boundaries.

    Platinum. The fur coat of the animal is, as it were, covered with a gray veil.

    Tricolor - the rarest variety of chinchilla color. It combines white, black and gray colors, creating fancy stripes and spots on the animal's fur.

White velvet

The animals of this color are similar to the "White Wilson", but have the following peculiarities: dark mask, diagonal stripes on the paws, wide limbs, velvet fluff on the nose. Ears are gray or black. The presence of dark spots and sputtering is not a sign of marriage. "White velvet" has many forms, formed by various combinations of spots.

Brown velvet

One of the rarest colors chinchillas. Such animals have pinkish ears covered with dark dots, cherry eyes, brown stripes on their paws, and a clear mask. It sits well with white, beige and homobeige colors.


Breeders are still working on animals of this type, trying to stabilize it. character traits. Quality colors of purple chinchillas have bright colors fur and white belly. The Violet's ears are pink. The presence of yellowish and milky wool on the abdomen is a sign of marriage.


Animals of this type have blue fur with light ripples. The ears and nose of "sapphires" are pink, the belly is white. Work on improving this breed is ongoing. There are several types

    sapphire velvet;

    blue diamond;

    sapphire ebony.

Chinchilla colors are one or a combination of basic (base) colors. There are 12 mutations of the standard coloration: 9 recessive and 3 dominant, as well as 10 combinative (including various mutations) forms. Due to the intensive activity of breeding work with chinchillas, these numbers are constantly growing.

Standard color chinchilla is a wild natural color of chinchilla.
You can say the most beautiful and mysterious color.
Chinchillas of this color have thick fur, uniform color distribution and a clear belly line.

White velvets are white, and there are dark (black), if white velvet is dark, then distinguishing feature his tail is completely white. The main color of the fur is white, and on the head there is an almost black "mask". Chinchilla's front legs have black or dark gray diagonal stripes. Often, all signs of velvet are revealed by 2-3 months.

Chinchillas of this color may differ in fur color, but dark gray or black eyes, gray or almost black ears, a black “ring” at the base of the tail remain. The peculiarity of the white Wilson is that the tip of her tail will remain white. The color of the fur of the animal varies from snow-white to dark silver. The presence of yellowness in the color of the white Wilson coat indicates a decrease in the quality and purity of the breed.There are also mosaic (White Mosaic), they are brighter and less, the extreme arrangement of dark ones is more appreciated. spots.

This is a very favorite color of breeders, it is beautiful and carries white, beige, and the standard gene. The fur of the animal can be white-pink or almost white with small beige patches. The more interesting the distribution of spots, the more valued this color. Chinchilla ears are pink, sometimes freckled. The eyes are red or dark ruby. Chinchilla fur can be white with a beige "veil" (dyed hair tips)

The fur of a chinchilla is pure white in color, since there is no pigment in the body of the animal. The eyes of a pet are red. Chinchilla skin is pink.

The color of the fur is gray in different shades with a pronounced blue tint (unfortunately, it is rather difficult to convey in the photo), the belly is white, the eyes are black. As you know, many colors change the color of the fur with age (as a rule, darken), and sapphire retains the same color he had at birth.


Beige chinchillas are both homozygous and heterozygous.Heterobeiges have slightly darker fur than homobeiges. Hetero-beige is characterized by an uneven pattern and a game of brown-beige-white colors. The beige gene, in addition to coloring the fur, gives color to the eyes and ears. The eyes of such chinchillas are bright ruby ​​​​or pink. The color of the fur is from light beige to dark beige. The breast is white. The ears of this color are pink with brown or black pigment spots. This color carries the standard gene and beige, so it is considered hetero-beige. As for homobeiges, they can only be obtained from a pair in which both parents carry the beige gene. Outwardly, they can be distinguished from hetero-beige chinchillas by lighter fur, very light ears, lack of zonal coloration and light pink eyes. The color of such chinchillas is uniform. The eyes are red or light pink. Like any beige fur color, it can be darker or lighter.

Under different lighting, these chinchillas look different, when they are light gray, when they have a very delicate purple tint, and a white tummy. There are two variants of violet light (Afro) and German, it is darker with a brownish tint. There are white and beige representatives of this breed, in which gray-violet hairs are evenly distributed over the skin, which gives the fur a lilac tint.

In white violet, whole spots of different shapes and sizes with a purple tint can be located on the fur coat, more clearly manifested at the tip of the tail

This is the result of crossing black velvet and beige chinchillas. Very beautiful color and quite rare. Similar to black velvet, except for the color, it can also be a rich dark brown or light brown, the belly is white. The eyes, like all chinchillas with a beige gene, are ruby, pink, or brown with a red tint.

Chinchilla ( Chinchilla) belongs to the order rodents, suborder porcupine, superfamily chinchilla, family chinchilla, genus chinchilla.

Description of the chinchilla and photos

Chinchillas have round heads and short necks. The body is covered with dense soft hair, and stiff hairs grow on the tail. The body length is 22-38 cm, and the tail grows 10-17 cm long. The weight of a chinchilla reaches 700-800 grams, while females are larger and heavier than males.

At night, chinchillas are easy to navigate thanks to their huge eyes that have vertical pupils. The whiskers of mammals grow up to 10 centimeters in length. The ears of chinchillas are rounded and have a length of 5-6 cm. There is a special membrane in the auricles, with which the chinchilla closes its ears when it takes a sand bath.

The chinchilla's skeleton can shrink in a vertical plane, so the animals can climb into the smallest cracks. The hind legs of chinchillas are four-toed, and the front ones have 5 fingers. The hind limbs are very strong and twice as long as the forelimbs, which allows mammals to jump high.

The life expectancy of a chinchilla reaches 20 years.

Do chinchillas have teeth?

Chinchilla teeth are very strong, however, like all other rodents. They have 20 teeth in total: 16 molars and 4 incisors. Newborn babies have 8 molars and 4 incisors.

Interesting fact: An adult chinchilla has orange colored teeth. Cubs are born with white teeth that change color with age.

Colors of chinchillas. What color are chinchillas?

Chinchillas have an ash gray color and a white belly - this is the standard color of the animal. In the 20th century, more than 40 different types chinchillas, the coat color of which has more than 250 shades. Thus, chinchillas come in white, beige, white-pink, brown, black, purple and sapphire.

Types of chinchillas

There are the following types of chinchillas:

  • Small long-tailed chinchilla (coastal)
  • Short-tailed (large) chinchilla

Male and female chinchilla

Chinchilla female larger than the male and weighs more. Males are more tame. But if you take not a female, but a male first, the chinchilla may be offended and turn its back.

Where does the chinchilla live?

The birthplace of chinchillas is considered South America. The short-tailed chinchilla lives in the Andes of southern Bolivia, in northwestern Argentina and northern Chile. The long-tailed chinchilla lives only in certain areas of the Andes in northern Chile.

Thanks to strong hind legs, chinchillas are capable of high jumps, and a developed cerebellum guarantees them excellent coordination. These are colonial animals that do not live alone. Chinchillas are most active at night. If there are no crevices and voids in their habitats, the chinchilla digs a mink.

What does a chinchilla eat?

Like all rodents, the chinchilla feeds on seeds, cereals, herbaceous plants, lichens, bark, moss, legumes, cacti, shrubs, and insects. In captivity, the animal eats dried foods: apples, carrots, nettles, hay, dried dandelions, nuts, as well as special feeds, which include wheat, corn, oats, barley, peas, lentils, beans, grass flour and other components. Especially chinchillas love such dried fruits as raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried pears and apples, dried cherries, wild rose and hawthorn. Do not feed your chinchilla many fresh vegetables and fruits, as this can lead to stomach problems.

Chinchilla breeding

Chinchilla couples are monogamous. At the age of 7 months, the animals reach sexual maturity. The female can give birth up to three times a year. On average, two cubs are born, but sometimes more. Females go pregnant up to 115 days. The male becomes caring and helps the female care for the chinchillas. Little chinchillas are born with open eyes, with fur and can move around on their own.

Sounds of chinchillas

If the chinchilla makes a sound like a chirp or quack, it means that the animal does not like something. When a chinchilla clicks his teeth very quickly or makes sounds like growling and blowing his nose, the animal is very angry. When a chinchilla hits or is frightened of something, it squeaks loudly. In case of danger, the chinchilla can attack the enemy. To do this, she stands on her hind legs, growls, lets out a stream of urine and then clings to her opponent with her teeth.

Chinchilla is a pet

Because of the beautiful and pleasant to the touch fur of chinchillas, they were often hunted, which reduced their population. IN this moment there are chinchilla farms where animals are grown for the sake of fur. The chinchilla has also become a popular pet. At home, the chinchilla lives in spacious cages and aviaries, and an already accustomed and accustomed animal can walk around the apartment.

  • Chinchillas do not see well, but they are well oriented thanks to the sense of smell;
  • The chinchilla does not have sweat glands, so it does not smell of anything;
  • Chinchillas bathe not in water, but in sand or dust: they do not stay on the water and immediately get wet;
  • Chinchillas can jump up to 2 meters high and even higher, and they can also sleep upside down, in a vertical and horizontal position;
  • Chinchillas do not shed but can shed their fur, especially when attacked.