Phraseological units are often used in Russia, which sometimes have a very interesting history. One of these phrases is " Sewn with white thread ". This expression was borrowed from colloquial French " coudre avec du fil blanc" and literally translates as " sewn with white thread ".
This expression, funny at first glance, arose among French tailors. Probably now few people know that before they sewed a dress only to order and there were no ready-made clothing stores. When a person came to a tailor, he took measurements from him and adjusted the clothes by sewing them with white threads, so that the seam was clearly visible. When it seemed to the tailor that the dress fit perfectly, the white threads were mated. Unlike France, in Germany tailors used blue threads for this purpose.

The use of phraseology in literature

  • “The girl, at any opportunity for her, tried to make it clear to Orlov that she would not embarrass him and that he could go about his business as he wished, but this touching policy, embroidered with white threads, did not deceive anyone” Chekhov
  • "The Prussians and Austrians perfectly discerned this trick embroidered with white thread" V.Kluchesky
  • “The secrets of today’s youth are sewn with white thread,” Anna Mikhailovna said, pointing to Nikolai who had come out. L. Tolstoy
  • "In the bank, they immediately discovered big thefts, hasty, rude, embroidered with white thread." V. Korolenko
  • "That's what I need! In no case was it necessary to give out my compositions, which, although they were not badly done, were sewn with white threads." N. Gogol
  • "It's all not serious, like that! It's sewn with white threads! Who do you take us for?" G. Nikolaeva
This is interesting:

IN 1900 year in Paris at the World Exhibition in the Russian pavilion, a tailor from Kharkov by the name of Fishelev showed a black tailcoat, all sewn from white threads, and so that not a single thread was noticeable.

The expression "sewn with white thread" is used in the sense of distrust. This characterizes an attempt to provide as evidence clearly rigged facts, the evidence of which is not in doubt.

Where did the expression come from

At first glance, all the components of the expression refer to tailoring. Even a person who is far from sewing understands that before connecting the parts of the product completely, a preliminary basting is required. Basting, as a rule, is done with threads of a contrasting color, so that it is easier to remove it later.

In this sense, the expression is used by literary classics. From Gogol's correspondence with friends “And it serves me right! In no case should they give out an essay that, although it was not badly cut, was sewn somehow, with white thread, like a dress brought by a tailor only for trying on. As can be seen from the context, the expression “sewn with white threads” is used in the meaning of “unfinished work”.

Fell - write wasted (version two)

The origins of this version lie in a number of codes of medieval laws. An item that fell on the territory of the landowner was considered at the legislative level to automatically become his property and lost for the previous owner.

Another source of formation follows from the same direction. The traditional way of earning some marginalized individuals was fishing for high road, which was severely punished, up to the death penalty.

But there was a paragraph of the law, according to which the thing that fell to the ground was considered not stolen, but found. Therefore, if during the robbery some thing fell from the sufferer's cart, it could be considered legally found, it was not included in the material evidence and was not subject to return. That is, it could be recorded as missing.

In modern legislation, there is also a loophole of this kind, which is used by petty railway thieves. One snatches the purse from the victim and throws it on the ground, and the accomplice picks it up and was like that. From a legal point of view - one joked, the other found, and the third wrote - it was gone.


  • Classification of phraseological units

I fell in love with Claire on a Sunday in July. Since then, she often comes to my bed at night. She stands motionless, pressing her crossed arms to her chest, as if she is cold. When I open my eyes, she looks at me through a veil of auburn hair falling over her face. I lie down moving. I know the day will come - and she will not come. So I was told, and, perhaps, it is logical.

There were six of us at the table that Sunday. Dad, mom, Valerie, Olivier, Charles and me. In our house it is so established that until you are fifteen, you have no right to raise your voice at the table. And also drink wine and eat fried potatoes. Mom was talking about Claire's wedding. Valerie gave her a wary look. She believes that there is nothing more to say about Claire. I would like to love my mother the way Claire loves her. The sisters often complained that in childhood they saw their mother only at night, when, returning from the ball (obviously, slender and thoughtful), she came into their bedroom, in a brilliant dress, in pearls and diamonds, which dad each time carefully locked in a safe at yourself in the office.

If I had known my mother at that time, she would have captivated me too. But try to ask your mother for permission to leave the table during the meal, she will smile and answer:

If you are really so impatient, well, go, but remember: you are waiting for a spanking.

That Sunday, they had just served a roast with fried potatoes and separately mashed potatoes for the three of us, the younger ones, I really wanted to go to one place. A dog barked under the table, where he lay, exhausted by the midday sun. On Sundays, the dog is allowed to lie under the table when we eat, on other days, mom says that he will shake fleas on the carpet. An unexpected sound suddenly invaded the windows of the dining room, the crunching of gravel under bicycle tires. Papa got up to open the shutters of the glass door. The wind rushed into the room, and we saw the owner of the local cafe, out of breath, purple from driving in the sun. Papa's face immediately flared up and became serious - in a dream I see him with a napkin tied around his neck - and in the same flaming voice he asked what happened.

I must say that on Sundays the post office is always closed. Then they all rushed to dad, and I took advantage of this to run to one place, to the end of the corridor.

That's where the laughter hit me. Never before had I heard such a laugh. It's like they've all gone crazy. As if some joke had amused them so much that they couldn't stop now. I myself am not averse to laughing, but unless you keep up with them - there they are dismantled. This is always the case - you leave for a minute and something will definitely happen. I ran, I wanted to join them as soon as possible, and when I burst into the dining room, I saw that they were all huddled together, clinging to each other, and shaking their heads and biting their fingers. They jostled on the spot, and it was already impossible to make out where whose hands and backs were. Their faces were brightly lit by the sun. They were crying.

What happened? I yelled for them to hear. - What's happened?

Finally, Valerie turned around, this dylka is always building something out of herself. She said, trying to emphasize her contempt for me in a tone:

Claire had an accident.

On the immediately darkened walls, a bright spot began to spin, a dizzying sun wheel, it was rapidly decreasing. In a few seconds it turned into a sparkling diamond, a small shard of the sun, and I knew that Claire had died.

How I prayed that my childhood would finally end. Mom tore her hands from dad's shoulders, threw back her face to the sky, said in an unfamiliar voice:

First of all, I want my child to take unction.

Mom just loves it. She herself has already taken unction five times, at the birth of each of us, and last year she almost forced Charles to take unction, when Olivier threw his Indian knife and stuck it right in Charles's throat. Charles has a face like a baby, the features are vague, inexpressive. He is six years old, and he still walks around in a children's suit. He is not a very neat and independent boy, so my mother believes that it is easier to unfasten the jumper on this suit or even not fasten it at all - it is almost imperceptible - than to fiddle with the straps of panties every time. I remembered how Charles returned home last year, with difficulty stepping over with trembling legs, supporting his chin with both hands, I remembered what a timid, stunned look he had because of his wound. Now that Claire's accident had happened, he had crawled under the table and, squatting there, stared into space with the same surprised expression he had then. I, too, squatted down next to him, hugged him, and we watched the others thrash about and suffer. Charles is always very scared. When he calmed down a little, I whispered in his ear:

Claire is going to die, little one.

He nodded vigorously several times. Olivier clung to my mother's waist, headbutted her in the stomach, called out to her with a roar, as if he were alone in the dark. Mom grabbed him in her arms, showered him with kisses. Then everyone will say:

If it weren't for Olivier, Veronica would go crazy.

Veronica is mom. She never punishes Olivier, even if she complains about him.

The sun was still beating down outside. But now it didn't matter whether the house was cool or not. Shutters rattled, doors slammed. Papa's face turned more and more purple, he kept bringing his hand to his cheeks, then he looked at his palm, as if he was waiting for blood to appear on it. Charles and I huddled even deeper under the table. Upstairs, we heard my mother walking fast and decisively, we heard her, giving orders to Valerie, raising her voice to a scream. She was preparing mourning clothes - just in case Claire died. Now her steps went to the former nursery, where, since we grew up, the linen and dressing room were placed. I really love this room with a small bath - now, when you sit in it, you have to draw up your legs so that the water covers you completely - with wallpaper that shows a miller, his son and a donkey, from which we, each in turn, peeled off and tore off shreds on moonlit evenings when you could not sleep. By my bed I scrawled "Red Nose" with the stem of my compass. That's what I call my sister Valerie when I'm mad at her. They did it to her plastic surgery nose. When viewed against the light, in bright light it seems that her nose is made of frosted glass. I decided that if Claire really died, I would never call Valerie Red Nose again and never quarrel with anyone again. Valerie entered the dining room to take the hepatrol. She always has liver attacks. A beam of light lay on her face, picking out lips and nose that seemed completely white. When she noticed Charles and me under the table, she caught herself and said:

I don't care if I get sick, because Claire is suffering so much.

You know, - her lips trembled, and her eyes rolled somewhere under her forehead, and I already believed that now she would completely disappear, - you know, may God take my life in exchange for Claire's life.

I nearly suffocated. And involuntarily she shouted:

Let her die! They won’t even let you die in peace here, even die!

Mom came running. She hugged us, the dog's eyes were completely colorless, she kept repeating:

God, God... save my girl's life. Even if she's crippled, even paralyzed, even disfigured, just keep my Claire alive.

She got up, in her eyes some particle faded forever past life. She also said:

They hide the truth from me.

And then she forgot about us.

Dad just has some kind of photographic mania. He has an old Kodak with an accordion camera, the pictures are very bright, and we always look much more beautiful in them than in life - right, because dad is mistaken in aiming at the distance, but rather even because he once and for all aimed the apparatus at infinity. When we were all dressed - the brothers in the brown bralettes they sported last winter, my mother in the hat she usually wears to weddings, with a face of watercolor tones under a layer of mechanically but skillfully applied makeup, Valerie in a white pique dress and in black patent-leather heels, powdered all the way to her eyes to hide the traces of tears - dad once again lined everyone up on the steps of the terrace.

Sewn with white thread What. Razg. Neglect Grossly forged; awkward, clumsily hidden something. - It's not serious, it's not serious! - The very disgust that Bakhirev himself was filled with trembled in his voice. - All this is sewn with white threads! Who do you take us for, really?(G. Nikolaeva. Battle on the way).

Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Sewn with white thread" is in other dictionaries:

    sewn with white thread- adverb, number of synonyms: 2 clumsy hidden (1) too crudely invented (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

    sewn with white thread No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out. Wed I remember that these people (cheerful crooks) were called well-meaning, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white thread. Saltykov. In an environment of moderation. 2. At your leisure. Wed All this strike and sewn white ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    sewn with white thread- Phraseologism used to denote falsification, hoax, fake, "fake". This whole story is sewn with white threads. Common, Colloquial speechDictionary modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    Sewn with white thread- Sewn with white thread. No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out. Wed I remember that these people (cheerful crooks) were called well-meaning, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white thread. Saltykov. In the midst of moderation. 2. At leisure. Wed All … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Sewn with white thread (white thread)- Razg. What l., clumsily hidden. BMS 1998, 403; BTS, 1499; ZS 1996, 209; Jig. 1969, 216 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    sewn with white thread- what see thread ... Dictionary of many expressions

    something is sewn with white thread- About what l. clumsily hidden... Dictionary of many expressions

    white- adj., use max. often Morphology: white, white, white and white, white and white; whiter color of snow 1. White color it is the color of snow, milk, chalk, etc. White clouds. | Bouquet of white and red roses. | White paper. | White robe. | White marble. |… … Dictionary Dmitrieva

    sew- A saying about a person who is not devoid of abilities, knowledge, and skill is not a bastard. Of course, Alimpiyada Samsonovna is an educated young lady, but I, Samson Silych, am no fool. A. Ostrovsky. Sew on a live thread 1) hastily, without fixing the seams ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    SEW- SEW, sew, sew, d.n.v. did not use, led. neck, inaccurate. 1. without add. To fasten, connect with a thread (edges of fabric, leather) to make something; engage in the manufacture of clothing, shoes as a craft. “We sewed on gentlemen of the military, but on the first persons ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


  • Three French Novels, Claire Gallois, Jean Pelegri, Pascal Lainet. The reader of this book will meet three contemporary French prose writers: Claire Gallois, Pascal Lainet and Jean Pelegri. The three stories collected under this cover differ sharply in one…

No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out.

Wed I remember that these people (cheerful crooks) were called well-meaning, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white thread.

Saltykov. In an environment of moderation. 2. At your leisure.

Wed All this strike and sewn with white thread, and so badly played.

Dostoevsky. Demons. 2, 1, 2.

Wed And serve me right! Under no circumstances should an essay be published which, although not badly cut, was sewn somehow white thread, like a dress brought in by a tailor just to try on.

Gogol. Correspondence with friends. 18, 2. (Regarding "Dead Souls".)

Wed Das ist mit blauem Zwirn genäht(about shaky arguments).

Wed Finesses, cousues de fil blanc.

Cm. no matter how you hide.

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  • - settled Wed. Whatever sins, iniquities and dirty tricks were revealed somewhere, everything was sewn and covered, and the clouds passed over the heads of the guilty without hitting them. N. Makarov. Memories. 1, 10...

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  • - Razg. Iron. Something clumsily, clumsily hidden. He waited for the first break in the conversation and, with a distressed face, went out of the room to look for Sonya. - How the secrets of this entire youth are sewn with white thread! - said...
  • - What. Razg. Neglect Grossly forged; awkward, clumsily hidden something. - It's not serious, it's not serious! - The very disgust that Bakhirev himself was filled with trembled in his voice ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Razg. Express. Hidden so that no one will know; in complete secrecy. The bursaks blew the Cossacks on both crusts and flowed away to the school, being sure that their business was covered up. But no: the next day the search began ...

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    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - Sewn with white thread. No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out. Wed I remember that these people were called well-meaning, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white thread. Saltykov. In the midst of moderation. 2. At leisure ...

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  • - Vlad. Shuttle. Run away home. SRNG 21, 241...

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  • - Zharg. they say Shuttle. Go fast, hurry. Vakhitov 2003, 111; Maksimov, 308...

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  • - Zharg. school Shuttle. Geography. Maksimov, 31...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 with silver hair gray ...

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"sewn with white thread" in books

White game

From the book Rereading the Master. Linguist notes on mac author Barr Maria

White game I am with you all the days until the end of time. Amen Gospel of Matthew Truth is Concrete and Human E. Renan On the problem of the authorship of the novel in the novel Playing with whites, however strange it may seem at first glance, begins with the fact that the position of the narrator is occupied by Woland.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

From book mushroom recipes. Cooking like a pro! author Krivtsova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Shchi with porcini mushrooms

From the book Lenten Table author Kulikova Vera Nikolaevna

With white mushrooms

From the book Gourmet Sandwiches for holiday table author Kostina Daria

Shchi with porcini mushrooms

From the book Potato Dishes author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

With white mushrooms

From the book Your dumplings author

With white mushrooms

From the book Your dumplings author Maslyakova Elena Vladimirovna

Cunning, sewn with white threads

From the book Practical Russian Idea author Mukhin Yury Ignatievich

Cunning, sewn with white thread The most wise and cunning deputies believe that the whole people cannot judge them, since they were elected from a certain constituency, and they know their work in this constituency. Therefore, only their voters can evaluate their activities. Answer

thread games

From the book Academy of Developing Games. For children from 1 to 7 years old author Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Thread games Nitkography is laying out the contour image of an object with a thick thread, that is, “drawing” with a thread. This type of visual activity is a very effective technique for developing fine motor skills fingers. child can work

Ritual with woolen threads

From the book 150 rituals to attract money author Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

The rite with woolen threads The rite is performed on the new moon, on the third day lunar month. Pre-cook the reds woolen threads and one candle. On the appointed day at sunset, proceed to the ceremony. First, light a candle and place it in a saucer of water.

Contacts with whites

From the book Indians of the Great Plains the author Kotenko Yuri

Contacts with Whites The first Europeans to enter the Great Plains were the Spaniards. The famous expeditions led by Cabeza de Vaca and Coronado reached southern regions plains in the 16th century. Then the French and English came from the north and east - first traders and missionaries, and

25 Sewn with white thread

From the book The Human Factor in Programming author Constantine Larry L

25 Sewn with white thread From time to time in some old and worthless fantasy films you can see seams or zippers on what should appear skin alien mutant. Despite some frequent objections, in object-oriented


From book 36 and 6 rules of healthy teeth author Sudarikova Nina Alexandrovna

RULE #17 SEW WITH WHITE THREAD Toothbrush and paste are on the shelf in the bathroom of every person, but so far only a few have dental floss. In vain! After all, it is dental floss that can effectively rid the interdental spaces of food debris. toothbrush with

Shchi with porcini mushrooms

From the book Express Recipes. french protein diet the author Neva Love

Shchi with porcini mushrooms You will need:? 2 liters of water; ? 1 kg sauerkraut; ? 100 g of dry porcini mushrooms; ? 1 carrot; ? 1 head of onion; ? salt, spices to taste; ? 3 drops vegetable oil; ? parsley and dill. Cooking method: 1. Soak porcini mushrooms in water for 2 hours. water


From the book And you still need to rock the boat author Krugosvetov Sasha

Covered-covered Zenit-Arena is a model of our reality. The scale of the proud design. A huge modern arena should be ready for the World Cup. The best in the world. The first persons of the state and the second capital had a hand in this project. Everything was discussed vigorously. How