Flaming cheeks for no reason make you think and alert. If the cause of the “fire” is not a cold, hot weather or a slap in the face, then you should turn to folk wisdom.

The sign says that your cheeks burn when you become the subject of someone's thoughts. The interpretation depends on such nuances as the day of the week, time of day.

The difference in signs is also observed depending on which cheek in question. The values ​​are ambiguous and require more careful consideration. Let's try to recognize the message, which will help us to be fully equipped.

Cheeks lit up, which means that someone remembered you. Do they say and think bad or good about you? Knowing the nature of thoughts is quite simple. To do this, you need to hold a ring of gold on the burning cheek. We lead and run to the mirror: a dark mark remains on the skin - thoughts about you are unkind, your person and actions are subjected to evil discussion, swear; a light stripe on the cheek speaks of good thoughts and judgments addressed to you, you are admired, your actions are encouraged; red trace - there is no reason for concern, they talk about you and think in a neutral way.

Morning, lunch, evening

The emergence of signs is due to confidence in a person’s ability to perceive and feel energy flows. Positive and negative energy is felt by a person through a distance. The reaction to such flows is unreasonable anxiety and anxiety, heat on the cheeks, and much more. Folk legends speak of a person's high sensitivity in the early morning or late evening. The signal sent during these periods of the day has the greatest veracity.

By day of the week

The prediction will differ depending on the day of the week. Flamed cheeks - run to the calendar.

  • Monday - very soon will appear in your life new person. The result of dating will depend only on you. There is an opportunity to acquire a new friend or a worthy business partner. It is not excluded the possibility of meeting with a very old friend. Communication will bring a lot of pleasure, but you won’t have to wait for special benefits;
  • Tuesday - get ready for a major conflict and scandal. You may even need to apply physical strength. You can avoid quarrels. Be careful in actions and statements. If you can’t avoid trouble, then fight desperately for your dignity.
  • Wednesday - everything that was planned will come true. Take your boldest steps. Any business will end with absolute success and monetary profit. They will try to instill uncertainty in you. Do not succumb to provocations and go to your dream;
  • Thursday - a surprise is in store for you. An unexpected incident will be confusing at first, but after the situation is resolved positively. Get ready to rejoice and have fun;
  • Friday - the event awaiting you will be connected with relatives and close people. We are talking about the news or their sudden arrival. Provide comfort and hospitality to your loved ones, and their gratitude will know no bounds. The news will most likely be pleasant;
  • Saturday - Get your best outfits out and get ready to party. The result of such unbridled fun can be a thin wallet. Be careful about spending, but do not allow excessive greed. Good vacation will help restore strength, which will be of great benefit in business.
  • Sunday - one of your loved ones will soon leave your life. If in currently you have a disagreement with someone, try to work it out. It will be possible to keep a dear person if you make some efforts. If it is not possible to avoid parting, then take it for granted and do not torment yourself unnecessarily.

Burning left cheek

The difference in interpretations also depends on the flaming side. Are you worried about the left cheek or the right? Signs will have a strictly opposite character.

If we are talking about the left cheek, then you won’t have to wait for a good one. A bad sign that speaks of an impending conspiracy, gossip and intrigue. A very unpleasant moment is the participation in conspiracies of close people or even relatives. Pay attention to those whom you blindly trust. Your trust and naivety want to take advantage of those whom you would never think of. People pursue selfish goals. The red cheek is by no means a reason for immediate proceedings and showdown. You will not be able to guess the offender for sure. Now the best position for you will be increased vigilance. Try to open your plans less. Avoid provocations, move away from conflicts, remain calm. Waiting position will bear fruit. Later, you will definitely find out about the participants in the conspiracy and its nature, but the right behavior will prevent you from doing harm.

Burning right cheek

On the right cheek, things are much better. This is very good sign. The kindest and positive thoughts. You have become a source of pride and adoration. Your deeds are praised and approved. Your loved one is overwhelmed by the desire to surprise, do something pleasant, show care. The right cheek is on fire, but the other half has not yet been found - a secret admirer admires you from afar. Soon he will find the strength to open his feelings.

Both cheeks

Red cheeks warn of impending troubles. A very bad sign associated with tears and difficulties. The sign speaks of misfortunes, illnesses, failures and insults. Try to avoid trouble, do not provoke fate.

What to do

You can pacify the ardor of your cheeks in a simple way: alternately name the names of the alleged offenders or well-wishers. As soon as the correct name is sounded, the heat from the face will go away.

If the omen promises you evil, then holy water will help you avoid and turn away troubles from you. It is necessary to wash your face with holy water, then evil predictions will not come true.

Burning cheeks can warn of difficulties and unkind thoughts, or vice versa, speak of positive energy in your address. The interpretation will depend on many factors. Having deciphered the message from the bad side, you should not be upset, there is always the opportunity to change fate for the better.


Since ancient times, each nation has come up with its own signs, depending on the way of life and management. The Slavs are no exception. The Russian people also have a great many signs for almost all occasions.

The sign “why your cheeks are burning or your face is burning” means that at this moment someone is passionately discussing you, moreover, speaking in a negative way. And this unpleasant feeling will not go away until you sort through all your friends and acquaintances in your memory and understand who this furious gossip is. But experts say that this sign has absolutely different meaning V different days week and time of day, as well as in men and women. In this article we will try to deal with this confusing issue.

Flaming cheeks on the days of the week and time of day

It has long been believed that the day is the time belonging to the forces of good, and the evening and night belong to the forces of evil. Therefore, the meaning will change depending on the time of day. If in the morning fate promises something pleasant, then as the evening approaches, this event takes on a negative connotation.

Monday. Flamed cheeks on Monday morning - expect a pleasant acquaintance, on Monday at lunchtime - a business meeting. Monday evening - meet unpleasant person or even with an enemy with whom you will have an unpleasant conversation. If cheeks are very hot at night - someone in coming days will give you a very unpleasant surprise.

Tuesday. If your face is on fire on Tuesday morning, a romantic date awaits you. Tuesday afternoon - meeting with beloved relatives. Tuesday evening - a quarrel with a lover. When both cheeks glow at night, your lover dreams of you and longs for a love date.

Wednesday. Flaming cheeks on Wednesday morning signal that someone is in love with you. Wednesday afternoon - a young man will show interest in your person. Wednesday evening - the young man you like does not consider your relationship serious, he plays with you. On Wednesday night, your cheeks are burning and itching - your boyfriend is not only deceiving you, but he is going to quit in the near future.

Thursday. If on Thursday morning your face is on fire, then rejoice, you can spend the day doing a pleasant activity, on Thursday afternoon - in the evening you can have fun in cheerful company, Thursday evening - you will argue with loved ones about pastime. Cheeks glow at night - you are condemned for laziness and recklessness, and if your ears also light up, then even your closest relatives are unhappy with your behavior.

Friday. On Friday morning, the burning of both cheeks will tell you about the good news that you will receive soon. Friday afternoon - you will receive news, but it is not known what it will be, good or bad. Friday night - the news will definitely be bad. At night, burning cheeks warns of imminent big trouble with you or your loved ones.

Saturday. Cheeks burning with fire on Saturday morning promise a pleasant acquaintance, on Saturday afternoon you will renew an old acquaintance at a new level. Saturday evening - acquaintance will not be so pleasant, and besides, you will be disappointed in old acquaintances. And on Saturday night - expect huge troubles from a new acquaintance, and think, maybe it's worth waiting to make new friends.

Sunday. If your cheeks blush on Sunday morning, then you will have fun with your friends today. Sunday afternoon - go for a walk with friends. Sunday evening meeting with good friends will be boring and annoying. At night, cheeks will light up in response to gossip about you, and both friends and girlfriends will talk.

Why are the cheeks of women and girls burning?

If the cheeks of girls or women are burning, then a popular sign claims that the only correct answer is that they are talking about you. It is possible that some ill-wishers are conspiring against you. Get ready for something unpleasant, especially if it's strong.

If the right cheek blazes more strongly, then some young man is suffering from love for you or your ardent admirer is going to propose or invite you on a romantic date.

If the right cheek is still on fire, but the girl does not yet have a serious relationship, then she should take a closer look around: for sure, some young man sighs about her, but is afraid to confess his feelings. When the heat from the cheeks gradually passes to the lips, then expect passionate declarations of love and no less hot kisses.

If both cheeks burn the same way, then this means that although you have a lover with serious intentions, someone is jealous of your happiness and wants to separate you. Analyze your surroundings and you will understand who this person is.

Some experienced fortune-tellers believe that if the whole face blazes with a blush, then the woman will soon have to cry, since only a stream of tears can cool it.

Why are the cheeks of guys and men burning?

Representatives of the stronger sex may experience burning and itching on the face due to praise, compliments and other nice words spoken to them. And the stronger the face blazes, the more good words it was said.

If the face is on fire evening time, then, most likely, girls scratch their tongues about men, sorting out their advantages and disadvantages. If the right side burns more, then there are clearly more advantages, but if the left side, then the disadvantages outweigh.

If the heat passes to the lips, then some girl is secretly in love and dreams of a relationship. If the fire also covers the ears, then the girl with whom you have a serious relationship is deceiving you and laughing at you. And if the whole face and even the neck is filled with fire, then soon you will have a new serious relationship with a person of the opposite sex. If you experience such feelings married man, then he will have a romantic date with a new passion, or he is of great interest to women who do not stop discussing him.

How to get rid of the feeling

Experienced people say that if the cheeks are burning strongly, then you need to wipe them three times with the hem of the dress, and then this feeling will disappear. Old people say that a burning face must be washed cold water and cross yourself three times, then everything will calm down.

Healers say that if your cheeks are on fire, you can always find out in what key the conversation is about you. And the golden ring will help you in this. Swipe them hard on the cheek, if a black or blue stripe remains - they scold you, if there is a red stripe - they just gossip about you, meaning neither bad nor good. If it remains white stripe only nice things are said about you.

You can get rid of this feeling if you guess who exactly is talking about you. You need to list out loud the names of all relatives, friends and acquaintances, and when you name the person who gossiped about you, this itching and redness will go away.

What does medicine say about this?

Official medicine denies belief in omens, and therefore explains the discomfort on the face in its own way. It is believed that the cheeks burn for the following reasons:

  • Allergic reaction to drugs or food,
  • With heart disease and weak blood vessels, especially in a stuffy and crowded room,
  • An increase in blood sugar levels also provokes a symptom of reddening of the cheeks, ”
  • In women during menopause, and in men with hormonal disruptions,
  • With a sharp increase in pressure,
  • If the vessels are too close to the skin, then when the temperature changes, there is a feeling of itching, tingling and redness on the face.

Doctors say that if you constantly have such unpleasant sensations, then you should not look for explanations from the point of view of folk signs, but you need to contact a specialist and make a diagnosis.

It will be accepted by every nation, and if you correlate your life with signs, then you will inevitably get confused. Therefore, think about what causes these sensations can cause from the point of view of medicine, and from the point of view of folk wisdom, and try on only those that promise you pleasant events and joy. After all, it has long been known that thought is material, and if you believe in good, it will definitely come.

Have you suddenly felt your cheeks burning and want to know why? This is a normal phenomenon and interest. As the saying goes folk wisdom if a person's face is on fire, it means that someone remembers him.

Very often, along with burning cheeks, ears begin to burn, and this is already a signal that someone is in this moment scolds you.

The sign “cheeks are burning” among the people can be interpreted in a slightly different way. From various sources it became known that among a number of nationalities such a sign also indicates that in the near future you will cry. However, this can be avoided. It is enough to wash yourself with holy water, and tears will bypass you.

Let's take a closer look at all the options for interpreting this sign.

Cheeks burn - people say

To understand who is thinking about you, what exactly they are discussing, you can use the method that has been preserved in folk traditions. He is simple. You just need to draw a golden ring along the burning cheek, tightly pressing the precious metal to the skin. Then, following the trace left on the surface of the skin, they look at the nature of the gossip:

  • The dark line is evidence of the negative mood of others who gossip viciously.
  • The red line means ordinary, meaningless gossip.
  • Light trace - only good things are said.
  • Lack of a trace - those around you are scattered in praise of you.

This method is not used everywhere. Most often, people are convinced that the cheeks turn red and burn only with a negative discussion. Other folk omens claim that by naming close people and just acquaintances, you can find out who is talking about you right now. If the name is wrong, they burn as usual. On behalf right person fever will subside. If you managed to find out that you are remembered with an unkind word, and even a person whom you do not trust, it is better to take a number of protective measures so that the negative does not cause harm. The easiest way is to wash yourself with holy water. Then bad omens who say that a burning cheek can be cooled by tears will not come true. Although even simply guessing the name of the one who slanders will stop Negative consequences his words.

Experts say that by the fact: which cheek is burning, right or left, you can understand a lot.

Why is the left cheek burning

The left cheek is burning - a bad omen. This means that someone is plotting behind your back. The most unpleasant thing is that most often the sign indicates close people or relatives. It is possible that the people you trusted are against you and want to use your trust and naivety for their own purposes. If your left cheek is on fire, then, of course, you should not immediately run away and deal with someone who, in your opinion, may be negative. It is better not to give rise to conflict, not to succumb to provocations, and to try your best to remain calm. Time will pass, and the conspiracy of loved ones against you will be revealed by itself.

Why is the right cheek burning

The right cheek is burning - a good omen. This means that your loved one is thinking about you, and his thoughts are very positive and kind. Probably, at this moment he is thinking about how to please you and how to take care of you. If your cheek is on fire, but you don’t have a soulmate, then this is an occasion to think about the fact that you have a secret admirer. Most likely, he has been dreaming about you for a long time, but something is preventing him from opening his feelings.

If both cheeks are burning

When both cheeks are burning, it is much worse than when they are burning separately. All signs come down to one thing: both at the same time - ahead of trouble. Only tears from trouble can cool both cheeks. To avoid grief, it is recommended to rinse your face with cold holy water. It is important to try to control your behavior as much as possible, to prevent conflict situations that can ruin your mood.

Sign by day of the week

This sign also has an interpretation of the days of the week.

  • Monday- promises the appearance of a new person in your life. A new acquaintance or a meeting with an old acquaintance awaits you.
  • Tuesday- a serious conflict, scandal or even a fight awaits you.
  • Wednesday- promises the fulfillment of all plans. You can take on the realization of the most daring desires. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with success and bring monetary profit.
  • Thursday- get ready for a surprise. An unexpected incident awaits you, which will bring pleasure and joy. As the proverb says, “if there were no happiness, misfortune helped.”
  • Friday- news from loved ones or the arrival of relatives awaits you. You will see one of them.
  • Saturday- flaming cheeks on Saturday promise you a fun pastime. So do not think about anything bad, and just tune in.
  • Sunday- you can have a strong quarrel with someone close to you. If at this point in time you have some disagreements with someone, it is best to settle them.

The real reasons why cheeks are burning

  • Emotional stress and excitement.
  • Hormonal changes. For women during menopause, the so-called ebbs and flows are characteristic.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Taking medications.

Flaming cheeks often indicates excitement, anxiety, emotional awe. But "often" does not mean "always". That is why there are a fair number of signs among the people that explain why cheeks are burning.

If it lights up on the left side

Be on the lookout, envious people and ill-wishers are talking about you. Remember, perhaps you offended someone in the recent past or quarreled with someone close or work colleagues, and it makes sense to take a step forward?

In any case, you should not worry, because there is another belief, a softening explanation of what the left cheek is burning for. So the popular belief says that the worse people say about you, the better your business will go! Remember how your mother scolded you before the exam!

Burning right side of face

If the right cheek burns, this is good and good luck.

According to legend, the right cheek glows when good and kind words are said about you, and, perhaps, they praise or compliment you.

For girls, this sign will mean a quick date with a lover and a pleasant evening in his company.

However, there are interpreters who always strive to spoil the whole thing. They say that the glow of the right cheek indicates an upcoming quarrel or disagreement. And they recommend that you be more attentive to your own words and actions in order to avoid this quarrel.

If both cheeks are burning

Not the most auspicious sign. Signs about why the cheeks are burning on both sides at the same time hint that there will be "quick tears that will cool the face."

Sounds serious. But there is a proven way to avoid trouble. It is enough to wash yourself with holy water and mentally tune in a positive way. And troubles will bypass you.

Together with the ears

If your cheeks and ears are burning at the same time, be sure of a heated discussion of your person behind your back. Most likely you bright personality and get a lot of attention.

Moreover, conversations can go both in a negative and positive way. It all depends on which side your cheeks burn the most. If on the left, the discussion is clearly not in your favor. Perhaps ill-wishers or envious people are plotting, trying to slander or gossip corny. The heat on the right side means good and kind speeches addressed to you.

Interpretation features for girls

Separately, I would like to dwell on the interpretation of signs of burning cheeks for girls.

Are your cheeks very hot? Not a joke? Be sure that you have a secret admirer who passionately dreams of a date with you.

Among the people there is also a fortune-telling for the representatives of the fair half on flaming cheeks.

Attach a gold ring and lightly slide it along the cheekbone. A dark stripe on the skin means unpleasant conversations, possibly resentment and reproaches against you. Light is the words of love and admiration. In the absence of any imprint, conversations are neutral and do not pose any danger.

Notes by day of the week

  1. Monday . Promises an interesting and pleasant acquaintance. You may be lucky to meet your soul mate, take a closer look at your surroundings.
  2. Tuesday . Conflicts and quarrels in the family and circle of friends. Be as restrained as possible in words and patient with loved ones in order to avoid quarrels.
  3. Wednesday. Good news for the ladies, if your cheeks are burning on Wednesday, this means an imminent invitation to romantic dinner or a date from a lover.
  4. Thursday . Neutral day. The lack of a definite interpretation, but nothing bad will definitely happen. There is a possibility of pleasant leisure in the circle of relatives or friends.
  5. Friday . If your cheeks are flushed on Friday, wait for the guests. It's time to prepare a delicious treat and surprise your friends with your culinary talents.
  6. Saturday . Fatal meaning. The day portends an important meeting that can radically change your whole life. Be attentive and focused. Don't overlook your destiny.
  7. Sunday . Sunday interpretation is the easiest and most pleasant. Heralds new clothes and purchases for the home. There is a chance to receive an invitation to an incendiary party and surprise others with outfits!

What does medicine say?

Of course, folk signs are of interest to this day, but let's not forget that often the reasons why cheeks are burning do not have any mystical explanation, but are associated only with the state of health.

From a physiological point of view, the redness of the face is explained by the fact that blood flows to the face through dilated vessels. Such a reaction can be caused by excitement, as well as a number of other medical reasons, among which are:

A problem with metabolism is evidenced by a constant blush on the face. One of the signs diabetes there may be a muffled, so-called "dry", blush.

Folk signs in the life of a Russian person have always played not last role. And many of them take this issue very seriously. That is why today we will talk about folk signs, or rather some of them. So, for example, the sign “cheeks are burning” worries a large number of of people. Let's try to satisfy the curiosity of the majority and still answer this question, why

Let's face it, if you feel that your cheeks are on fire, then you should be wary. The fact is that this folk sign says that someone scolds you very strongly and diligently at this very moment. And what is most interesting, until you sort out all your ill-wishers, your cheeks will still be on fire.

The sign “cheeks are burning” among the people can be interpreted in a slightly different way. From various sources it became known that among a number of nationalities such a sign also indicates that you will cry in the near future. However, this can be avoided. It is enough to wash and tears will bypass you.

But, and that's not all. Some people argue that the sign “cheeks are burning” means that at this moment a loved one remembers you.

Most people are sure that if you pay attention to signs, you can avoid a large number of troubles. Maybe it is so. But what about the fact that many signs are explained in different ways. So, the sign “cheeks are burning” has not yet exhausted its entire supply.

There are other interpretations of this folk sign, namely the days of the week. If on Monday your cheeks are on fire, then in the very near future a new acquaintance awaits you. On Tuesday, burning cheeks predict a quarrel with a loved one. And if this happens on Wednesday, then it is waiting for you opposite. On Thursday, you felt that your cheeks were on fire, which means that you will soon do your favorite thing. On Friday, flaming cheeks portend news, and it is not clear whether it will be good or bad. If your cheeks are on fire on Saturday, then in this case you cannot avoid an unforgettable meeting. And, finally, the presence of this sign on Sunday speaks of general fun among friends.

As you can see, there is only one sign, but how many different options it provides. In principle, you can rely on the already familiar interpretation, which we talked about at the very beginning of this article. But, again, it was only about burning cheeks.

And what to think in the case when this Sign is well known to many. After reviewing a large number of the most diverse sources, which almost all unanimously give a single interpretation, it became clear that such a popular sign indicates that someone remembers you. An interesting fact is that you can find out whether they think badly or well at that moment about you. It is enough to draw a gold ring in the direction from top to bottom. If the remaining strip is light, then the thoughts of the person thinking about you are also not overshadowed by anything. Otherwise, your ill-wisher is interested in you.

Perhaps someone else does not know, but there is another sign similar to those that we have already considered. It happens when lips burn. Signs, of course, not all testify only to good events. But, in the case of lips, everything is just fine. There is no doubt here. People say: if your lips are burning, it means that you will soon have to kiss. Yes, and they also specify: it burns upper lip, then you will kiss with a man, the lower lip blazed with fire - the kiss will be with a woman or with a child. In the event that both lips are burning, then you will kiss with a married couple.

These are the folk omens. And they exist great amount. They came to us from time immemorial. And although some tend to treat them with distrust, but, as practice has shown, folk signs work. And this has been proven time and again!