A dog, as everyone knows, is man's best friend. Some prefer, of course, cats, but if you want your pet to be always loyal and be next to you in sorrow and joy, you should get a dog. There are no more faithful creatures in the world than dogs. Their feelings are so strong that they persist even after the death of their beloved master. In this article, you'll find 10 stories about the most loyal dogs that will make you want to give your four-legged friend a big hug.

The most faithful dogs in the world: Shep

This story took place in the 1930s in Montana (USA). A local farmer was hospitalized in a hospital in Fort Benton right from the pasture. The name of the farmer has long been forgotten, but everyone remembers his name faithful dog- Shep. Shep sat at the door of the hospital and waited for his master to come out. Unfortunately, he never came out.

The dog followed his master as the farmer's body was taken to the nearest station to be sent back to his home. Later, station workers recalled how the dog whined plaintively when the coffin was loaded into the car and taken away forever from the devoted animal.

Five years have passed. And Shep was still waiting for his master. It revived only with the approach of the train (an average of four passenger trains arrived at the station per day). The dog carefully studied all the passengers leaving the cars, but, once again not seeing a familiar face, he lost interest in what was happening. The faithful animal has become a local celebrity. Over time, Shep became very old and practically lost his hearing. One day, not the most beautiful, the dog did not hear the approaching train and died under the wheels.

In 1995, a bronze statue of the faithful dog was placed at Fort Benton Station. Bronze Shep looks at the tracks and waits for his master to finally return.


When Miguel Guzmán died in 2006, his beloved dog Captain disappeared somewhere. For a whole week, the Captain disappeared somewhere, after which he appeared at the grave of the owner. Relatives of the deceased could not understand how the dog managed to find the burial place.

Sometimes the dog dropped in on a visit to the family, but by the evening he always returned to the grave of the owner.

Every Sunday the Guzman family came to the cemetery. And every time at the grave they were met by a dog. Relatives brought food to the animal and from time to time tried to take it home, but the animal ran away and ended up in the cemetery again.

Sometimes the dog dropped by to visit the family, but in the evening he always returned to the grave of the owner. Cemetery workers said that during the day the Captain could go somewhere, but at exactly six o'clock in the evening he would definitely come back. In 2016, the faithful dog died at the grave of his owner.


According to legend, the ruler of the kingdom of Gwynedd Llywelyn the Great, who lived in the 13th century, had a beloved dog Gellert. One day, going hunting, Llywelyn blew his horn, calling the dogs. Everyone came except Gellert.

Llywelyn went hunting without waiting for the dog. Upon his return, Gellert, merrily wagging his tail, greeted his master, but something was wrong with him ... The dog was covered in blood. Llywelyn immediately thought of his little son and rushed into the room.

Something unimaginable was going on in the castle. The baby's cradle was upside down and empty, and the floor was covered in blood. Assuming the worst, the king drew his sword and hacked Gellert to death.

Oddly enough, the French have a very similar legend.

And suddenly he heard the cry of a baby. The child was lying on the floor, and a huge dead wolf was lying next to him. It turned out that Gellert saved the baby from a terrible death from wolf fangs by killing a dangerous animal that attacked him. The prince buried his beloved dog with full honors.

Oddly enough, the French have a very similar legend. In their version, the dog's name was Ginfort, and she saved the child not from a wolf, but from a snake. And Ginforth, unlike Gellert, received more than just lavish funeral. For several centuries, the faithful dog was considered a local saint, despite the opposition of the official church.


In the 17th century, the great warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, or simply Shivaji, lived in India. He declared himself the defender of the oppressed and embarked on the path of struggle against the invaders. Shivaji is still known as the founder of the Maratha Empire and the national hero of India. But, as the legends say, the warrior did not do great deeds alone.

Until 2012, the Waghe monument was very popular with most of the community

Next to Shivaji for many years was his dog Vagha. When the Maratha ruler died, according to local tradition, he was burned at the stake. But Wagha could not survive parting with her master and jumped after his body into the flames. Subsequently, many monuments were erected in honor of Shivaji. And one of the memorials is dedicated to the faithful dog national hero countries.

Until 2012, the Waghe monument was very popular with most of the community. However, he also had opponents. They argued that the story of the dog was just a legend and that the monument to the animal insulted the memory of a national hero. On one not the most beautiful day, a group of opponents of the monument broke the pedestal and threw the bronze figure of the animal from the pedestal. 73 people were arrested in the case of vandalism, but the monument has not been restored to this day.


Many dogs remain faithful to deceased owners. Unfortunately, it becomes clear only after the death of the latter. To even greater regret, faithful dogs usually receive recognition also after death. The Italian dog Fido, whose name translates as "Loyal", has become one of the few exceptions to this rule. In honor of the dog, a bronze statue was erected during her lifetime.

Fido was a stray dog ​​until 1941, when he was picked up from the street by Carlo Soriani. Carlo found the puppy in a roadside ditch, from which the baby could not get out on his own. Fido fully lived up to his name. The faithful dog accompanied Carlo every morning to the bus stop, from where Soriani went to his factory. In the evening, the dog again came to the bus stop and waited there until the owner arrived from work.

For loyalty, the city awarded Fido with a gold medal.

It all ended in December 1943 when Carlo Soriani was killed by an Allied bomb that fell on his factory. That evening, the faithful dog was also waiting for his master, but he still did not appear ... Fido lived with the widow Soriani, but every evening he came to the bus stop and waited for a man who would never return. This went on for 14 years, until the death of the dog himself.

For devotion, the city awarded Fido with a gold medal, exempted his mistress from paying taxes and erected a bronze statue of a faithful dog at the very stop.

Bolonka of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots and France

Mary Queen of Scots had an adventurous life. She became Queen of Scotland at an early age. A few years later, she managed to be the queen of France for a while, lose the French crown, almost lose her life and be forced to return to Scotland. Later, she had to flee to England, where, after numerous intrigues and conspiracies, Mary was beheaded by order of the queen, who saw her cousin as a threat to the English throne.

The life of Mary Stuart was distinguished by inconstancy and changeability, but there was also something invariable in it - a flock of lap dogs, presented to her by French subjects in 1559. IN last years life, while imprisoned in Sheffield Castle, Maria talked to her dogs so as not to go crazy with loneliness.

They say that when Mary's head rolled off the chopping block, a tiny dog ​​crawled out from under the dress of the executed woman.

And now the trial of Mary Stuart came to an end and Elizabeth I signed her sister's death warrant, accusing her of plotting to seize the throne. The convict was led to the scaffold, but at first no one noticed that the woman sentenced to death was not alone. Under the magnificent attire of the unlucky queen, a small lapdog, one of the favorites of Mary Stuart, was hiding.

When Mary's head rolled off the chopping block, a tiny dog ​​crawled out from under the dress of the executed woman. Covered with fresh blood, the animal lay down on the body of its dead mistress. They say it took a lot of work to drag the dog away. Later, the poor animal died of exhaustion.


One day Graham Nuttell didn't come back with daily walk in the mountains of Wales and his relatives and friends sounded the alarm. The new year 1990 began, the weather was disgusting. For a whole week the search went on in the mountains, but nowhere was a trace of Nuttall and his dog Rusvarp to be seen.

For eleven weeks, in snowstorms and downpours, a devoted dog guarded his dead master.

Over time, the search ceased. Almost three months later, a traveler accidentally stumbled upon Nuttell's body. A dead man was lying on the bank of a mountain stream, and next to him the traveler saw an emaciated and weakened dog. For eleven weeks, in snowstorms and downpours, the faithful dog guarded his dead master. Ruswarp was so weakened that he had to be lowered from the mountains on his hands, the animal was no longer able to move independently. The dog lived to see Nuttell's burial, but died almost immediately after the funeral.

19 years after the events described above, railway station, in the restructuring of which Graham Nuttell took the most active part, a bronze figure of Ruswarp was put up. Previously, the owner and his dog saved the station from closing. When local residents were compiling a petition to save the station, Graham signed on paper, and his faithful dog Ruswarp put a paw print next to hundreds of human signatures.


This story took place in the Russian city of Togliatti. People constantly saw a dog sitting on the side of a busy road all day long, seemingly waiting for someone. locals more than once they tried to find a new home for the dog, but the dog always returned to the place where it was taken from. Later it turned out that the past of the animal hides a very tragic story.

Kostya sat on the side of the road until his death and waited for his owners.

It turned out that the dog was sitting on the site of a terrible accident that claimed the lives of two people. The girl died immediately, during an accident, and her father died from his injuries a little later, already in the hospital. Only their dog survived. From then until his death, he sat on the side of the road and waited for his owners, who would never return. For devotion, the inhabitants of Togliatti called the dog "Faithful" or simply "Kostya" ("Konstantin" is translated from Greek as "Permanent" and "Faithful").

Kostya kept his watch for seven whole years. The locals were very sad when the dog died. A little later, the city erected a monument to Kostya and called it "Loyalty". Since then, the monument to the devoted animal has become a place of pilgrimage for newlyweds. Grooms and brides of Togliatti touch the tip of the nose of a bronze dog - it is believed that after performing this simple ritual marriage bonds will be as strong as Kostya was faithful to his family.


Professor of the University of Tokyo Hidesaburo Ueno taught at the department Agriculture and dreamed of an Akita dog. One fine day, his dream came true: in 1924, Ueno adopted a dog and named it Hachiko. Since then, the man and his faithful four-legged friend have become like water.

Every day, Hachiko accompanied her friend to the station. And every evening she came to the station to meet the professor. Only a year has passed since their first meeting, and, one not the most beautiful day, Hidesaburo died right at the lecture. And Hachiko was waiting at the station...

This dog became famous thanks to the movie "Hachiko: the most faithful friend"

Soon people began to recognize the faithful dog. They brought her food and gave her treats as a reward for her devotion. The story of Hachiko thundered throughout the country rising sun and then all over the world. In 1934, a monument in the form of a statue was erected in honor of the faithful dog.

When the animal died in 1935, national mourning was declared in honor of Hachiko. In the yellowed photographs of those times, you can see how many people came to say goodbye to the amazing dog. An effigy of Hachiko is exhibited in one of the halls of the Tokyo Museum of Natural History.

Greyfriars Bobby

There are always a lot of tourists in one of the corners of Edinburgh. Local residents and visitors to the city constantly crowd around the small bronze statue of a dog. People look at the monument and take pictures against its background. Across the street from the monument is the Greyfriars Cemetery, made famous by the dog that went down in history under the name "Greyfriars Bobby".

The story tells about the Edinburgh policeman John Gray and his Skye terrier Bobby, who helped his master patrol the streets of the Scottish capital during night rounds. When Gray died, he was buried in Greyfriars Cemetery. But Bobby was never able to part with his master.

Bobby was constantly in the cemetery, next to the grave of the deceased owner

The cemetery watchman repeatedly tried to drive the dog away, but each time the dog returned to the grave of its owner. The locals appreciated the devotion of the animal and even paid for a license so that the dog could officially keep watch at the gravestone of his deceased friend. After 14 years, Bobby died and a monument was erected to him with an inscription that reads: “Greyfriars Bobby: died January 14, 1872, at the age of 16 years. May his devotion and loyalty be a lesson to us all."

There are people who question the veracity of this story. One of them claimed that the watchmen deliberately lured the dog to the cemetery with treats in order to attract more visitors to the surrounding pubs.

Another "researcher" suggested that the real Bobby actually died earlier, but was replaced with a doppelgänger in order to keep doing business with the legend. However, most people prefer to believe in the story of a loyal and loyal dog.

There are still a great many legends and stories about faithful dogs. And this is not surprising, because dogs are actually very loyal creatures. Do you have your favorite dog loyalty story?

The dog has long been one of the most faithful to man animals. Almost everyone knows a lot of legends about their connection with people and showing love for us. In this article, you will find out which dog breed is the most loyal in the world.

Several popular legends

The very first example is the story of the dog Hachiko with Japanese roots. For those who do not know, let us explain that this dog has become the most famous example love and fidelity in Japan after he expected to meet his master at the train station for the rest of his days. This attachment has greatly influenced people's minds, resulting in a film based on real events. In the homeland of the dog, a monument was opened in 1934.

A large number of stories are associated with German Shepherds. For example, in 2012 in Mildura (Australia, Victoria), baby Dante Berry was lost in the forest. The child spent the whole night there and was found the next day safe and sound. All this time, Dasher's sheepdog guarded him in the wilderness. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the dog was nearby and did not go anywhere.

In Italy, Maria Margherita Loci fed the homeless Tommy. As a thank you, the dog always accompanied his wet nurse, even to church when she went to work. After Maria passed away, Tommy, having heard the ringing of bells, immediately went to the church to see this kind woman. The dog attended all church services, behaved quietly and did not disturb the parishioners.

Judging by these examples, it is very difficult to determine the most faithful breed among the many representatives. We have told you only about the most popular stories from real life. In fact, there are many such examples.

It is interesting to note that loyalty to the owner in dogs is based on genetic level. Previously, these animals lived in the wild in packs. Then each group had its own leader, to whom everyone obeyed. Subsequently, the dog became a pet, and a man became the leader for it. Accordingly, you must obey him.

The devotion of a dog directly depends on its owner:

  1. Pet feels good good relations and affection.
  2. The animal always feels gratitude to the one who will give him care, feed and shelter.
  3. Over time, with such a relationship between the owner and the dog, a powerful emotional connection, and if the first one dies, the pet remembers him. The animal keeps the faith that the owner will return soon.

Most Loyal Breeds

The considered quality depends not only on education, but also on genetics. Accordingly, the character of the dog is based on belonging to a particular breed.

So let's get started:

  1. German Shepherd.
  2. Akita Inu.
  3. Labrador Retriever.
  4. Rottweiler.
  5. Doberman.
  6. Cane Corso.
  7. Collie.
  8. Leonberger.
  9. Sheltie.
  10. American Staffordshire Terrier.

Now let's take a closer look at a few breeds.

Breed descriptions

According to many people, the German Shepherd is the most loyal dog. An adult is strongly attached to the owner and remains faithful until the end of his days. The German Shepherd, despite its nature, is a very reliable companion.

Akita Inu is a very intelligent and loyal dog that will be a good family friend. The breed is popular among hunters.

Labrador is great for families with small children, where such dogs become a kind of nannies due to their kindness. The pet remains faithful to everyone living in the house, it will never run away, and if it is accidentally lost, it will definitely look for its way back. It is interesting to note that the Labrador will make every effort to protect the owners in absolutely any extreme situation.

Rottweiler may seem too serious dog, which is often used by the police or the army. However, in practice this is far from the case. When communicating with his master, this is a sweet and affectionate dog.

Many people are afraid of Dobermans, because if the dog is raised incorrectly, an aggressive dog grows up, from which you can expect anything. However, with the proper approach, the pet will show good attitude and become a great friend. Dobermans are very intelligent dogs with quick reactions. The breed lends itself well to training.

Summing up the article, we note: now you know which breed of dog is considered the most faithful in the world. As the practice of many dog ​​breeders shows, it is the German Shepherd that is the undisputed leader in this regard. But this does not mean that other breeds are less devoted to their master. As we have said, it all depends on the relationship between the person and the dog. With good treatment, almost any dog, regardless of breed, will show kindness and loyalty.

Almost every family today has some kind of pet. The owners are guided by completely different criteria when choosing a future family member, but devotion and loyalty are always expected from the dog. Most are attached to their owners and therefore it is difficult to say which of the breeds is the most devoted and which is not. Each animal has its own character and characteristics. But experts distinguish some breeds from all that exist today.

So, the top most devoted pets:

Border Collie

The first in the top 10 most loyal dog breeds was a wonderful friend of man - the border collie dog. The progenitor of the breed was the English dog Old Hemp, who was distinguished by a quiet and calm disposition. Today, his descendants are considered the most intelligent among other representatives of the canine family.

They become attached to the whole family at once, and not specifically to one of its members, and they are incredibly homesick if there is no opportunity to communicate or play with anyone.

They are easy to train and train, and with strangers they are neutral and do not show aggression. To piss off this dog, you need to try very hard.

She prefers a bad peace to a good quarrel, but on her territory she is quite capable of protecting the owner from the offender.


The Labrador was bred for hunting, but the unique mix of personality traits such as enthusiasm, playfulness, all-encompassing love and true, pure friendship ensured the dog's popularity as a family friend around the world.

The Retriever can play the role of a babysitter for all the little members of the family. No one loves babies as much as representatives of this breed of the canine family.

The dog is accommodating, well trained in commands and can be an excellent companion for sports.

She has a high need for activity, so if you have your own house with a plot where she can frolic freely, then best friend you can't find.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most devoted dog breeds. And this is understandable, only this dog chooses one owner and remains faithful to him until the end of his life.

The dog is so multifunctional that it is difficult to name a case with which it would not cope.

And if initially she helped a person to graze cattle, then later she established herself as an indispensable orderly, patrolman, signalman, scout, security guard and bloodhound.

Purebred "Germans" do not have negative traits character, but only positive ones. They live to serve their master and rejoice at every opportunity to be useful.


What other dog breed is the most loyal? The smartest and most loyal dog of the Beagle breed. She was also originally bred for hunting, but later her attitude towards a person was appreciated. The dog, one might say, is in love with his master and is ready to be with him day and night, to keep company in any business. He gets along well in a family with small children and is happy to take part in various children's fun and pranks. These animals are extremely friendly, but require a firm hand and training.

Epanyol Breton

Who else should you pay attention to when choosing a devoted friend? On a dog from the genus Epanyol

She easily adapts to any environment, is sociable, intelligent and attentive, and most importantly, she is mentally balanced. The dog is energetic on the run, loves hunting very much and easily adapts to the mood and desires of his two-legged friend.

The main advantage of the breed can be called hunting passion, instincts and intelligence.

And if you are wondering which breed of dog is the most intelligent and loyal, then pay attention to Epanyol Breton.

Japanese Akita

In Japan, Akita Inu is considered a symbol of devotion. Representatives of this breed have an independent, proud and independent character, but at the same time they are so attached to their master that they cannot imagine life without him.

And if you are looking for a faithful and reliable life partner for yourself, then the Japanese Akita will the right choice. This dog is incredibly lively and playful and is able to maintain these character traits into old age.

Definitely requires training and slack in the owner feels easily. Therefore, it is necessary to be persistent, demanding and self-confident in order to get a puppy of this breed, otherwise the grown-up dog is just "sits on the head".

st bernard

What other breed meets the above requirements? St. Bernard. These are the most calm and phlegmatic animals, expressing their attitude towards the owner with a leisurely wagging of the tail and relaxed lying at the feet. Having earned the love of a dog, the owner can get a friend who is tender and faithful until death.

An adult dog can become an excellent babysitter, and puppies will not fail to take advantage of the opportunity to take part in children's fun.

St. Bernard can be called without exaggeration the most intelligent animal from the canine family.

He understands all the commands, but when they are executed, he assesses the situation and makes an independent decision.


The boxer is also in the top 10 of our list - smart, loyal and different. good character. He loves his master and tries never to lose sight of him. It can sometimes make a lot of noise, but experts recommend combating this through training. It is easy to train and can become a good watchman or guide.


Blindly devoted to his master and dachshund. This creature on short legs has a hot temperament, and loves all family members tenderly and selflessly. It will be appreciated by the owner with a sense of humor, because a dog of this breed also has it. It can become a good watchman and is ideal as a gift for a child.


The Bulldog is a charmer who has no equal in love and affection for the main person in their dog life.

Friendly and sociable, he can equally well keep a child company in active games and lie down with the owner near the TV. The bulldog perceives parting with the owner as a heavy blow, and having lost his family, he experiences severe psychological stress.

That's the whole selection of the most devoted to their owners dogs.

Guided by this list, you can always determine the breed of dog that is most preferable for yourself and choose a pet with whom you will live in harmony until the end of his short dog life.