Evolution is a mystery, an incredible mystery! However, from time to time, she gives us some very strange surprises, something like these very strange creatures. unusual appearance which are presented below. Not only do they look weird, but they are creepy in and of themselves.

water bear

There are over 900 species of water bears - or tardigrades - around the world, living from high mountains ending with the depths of the oceans.

membranous predators

These hermaphrodite creatures live by anchoring themselves on the walls of a sea canyon or on the sea floor, waiting for tiny animals that may have the misfortune to fall into their flytrap hood. These creatures produce both eggs and sperm within the same body, so they can safely reproduce themselves.

Aye-aye is a native of Madagascar who possesses many unusual features, such as a long, bony, witch-like middle finger that he uses to pick insects and larvae from tree trunks. Perhaps because of their appearance, these creatures are harbingers of death. There is a local superstition. In the past, people believed that if an aye-aye points its middle finger at you, it is an omen of death. But all this, of course, is not true. In fact, ah-ah harmless and very cute animal.

Bat - fish with red lips

The bat found near the Galapagos Islands is quite unusual fish, especially thanks to her lips, which seem to be painted with red lipstick. In addition, these fish have a modified set of fins that allows them to "walk" across the ocean floor instead of swimming. Inhabitants deep sea, these fish are predatory carnivores whose diet mainly consists of small fish and crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp.

Giant japanese spider crab

This spider crab has the potential not only to grow to a gigantic size - about 15 feet - but also to live for over a hundred years. The giant Japanese spider crab is the largest of the crabs. In Japan, these crabs are considered a delicacy.

Chimera - ghost shark

Shark ghost or Chimera is distant relative sharks and rays. Found in oceans around the world. It is edible and can be bought in the market. And the fat of this shark was once used to lubricate weapons.

brazilian humpback

These are small insects. hallmark which are outgrowths of the most incredible form, located on the back. They can be in the form of horns, combs, balls, spikes, horns, etc. These "designs" sometimes exceed the size of the humpback itself. Actually, because of them, this insect got its name.

Black dragon fish

The black dragon fish is a bioluminescent creature that possesses light-emitting organs throughout its body to fool predators by changing its silhouette. She also has long teeth that resemble fangs. The spooky fish also has bioluminescent "lights" next to each ear, which it can use to attract prey or signal for a mate.

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The world is full of inexplicable secrets and mysterious creatures that at one time or another inhabited our planet. Many of them, according to eyewitnesses and traces found by scientists, may still exist. We bring to your attention the TOP 7 most mysterious creatures on the planet, studied by pseudoscience cryptozoology.

The most big shark in the world megalodon, which belongs to an extinct species prehistoric sharks, plowed the depths of the oceans about 28 million years ago (the end of the Oligocene era - the beginning of the Neogene). Megalodon - the strongest and largest predatory fish that ever existed on our planet. This incredible size the predator was king underwater world. In length, the megalodon reached 16 meters and weighed approximately 47 tons. According to some versions of scientists, whose assumptions are based on the remains of prehistoric sharks found, these super-predators could live up to the time of the appearance of man. And some believe that megalodons can still live in the unexplored depths of the ocean to this day. So be on the lookout when you go to trip around the world on a steamship.

6. Bigfoot (Yeti)

The Yeti, a two-legged creature covered with long white hair, or simply Bigfoot, according to most modern scientists, is just a myth created by people. However, this mythological creature, similar to a person, according to eyewitnesses, was often observed in the Himalayas (namely, in Nepal and Pakistan), various forest and highlands Earth. Yeti is one of the most popular mysterious creatures, whose image has been repeatedly used in literature and cinema. There is an opinion that Bigfoot is a mammal of the order of primates, preserved from prehistoric times to the present day. Some regions even offer a hefty reward for capturing Bigfoot.

5 Chupacabra

Chupacabra exists or not? This question is one of the most popular among Internet users who are fond of mystical phenomena and mysterious creatures. Anyone who supposedly saw a Chupacabra with my own eyes, describes this creature in its own way. But most of the readings have a number of similarities. Chupacabra in size resembles a small bear 1.2-1.3 meters tall, looks like a kangaroo, from the base of the tail to the neck, its body is covered with spikes. When anxious, the Chupacabra squeals or hisses.

What the chupacabra looks like - there are no real photos, but there are graphic images that will help you understand what this creature looked like.

4. Werewolf (werewolf, werewolf, lycanthrope)

Of all the most mysterious creatures, the werewolf is closest to the category of myths. According to legend, a werewolf is a person who can turn into a creature that looks like a wolf. This happens as a result of a bite or scratch of the same werewolf, who infects his victim with the disease (or gift) of reincarnation. Such a transformation is very often, especially in books and films, associated with the appearance in the sky full moon. The most popular waswolf among Native Americans, who often used and still use the image of a werewolf in their fairy tales and legends.

Many netizens often enter the query "werewolf photo of eyewitnesses", but, as you understand, there are no such photos, but the werewolf looks like this.

3. Loch Ness Monster (Nessie)

Scientists believe that the mysterious creature, allegedly living in the Scottish lake Loch Ness, is one of the long-extinct representatives of the plesiosaur species. In the 50s of the last century locals affectionately named the lake monster "Nessie" and since then this nickname has become associated with a more formidable title loch ness monster. Nessie resembles a gigantic long-necked seal with two black humps, and the first mention of the monster of Loch Ness appeared during the exploration of the Celtic expanses by Roman legionnaires.

Whether or not the Loch Ness Monster exists or not is up to you, but here is how it has been portrayed since ancient times.

2. Mermaid

It is unlikely that today there will be those who have never heard of mermaids. In cartoons, movies, fantasy works, the mermaid is one of the most popular mysterious creatures. A mermaid has the head and torso of a woman, with a fishtail instead of legs. As a rule, a mermaid lives in various water bodies. This is a character Slavic mythology guardian of forests, fields and waters. In art, mermaids are often portrayed as good-natured creatures, although in mythology this mysterious creature is a harmful spirit in the form of a long-haired woman with a fish tail, which usually appears in the summer with the aim of drowning someone or tickling to death. Some cultures consider the mermaid to be the soul of an unnatural death, that is, a drowned woman.

So far, no one has managed to get a photo of a real live mermaid, but a mermaid looks like this.

1. Dragon

And finally, the most popular mysterious creature from ancient mythology- the Dragon. In contemporary art, the so-called "dragon boom" has come, and every year interest in dragons only increases. In the fantasy genre, dragons are leaders, and cinema, literature, and painting today are simply unthinkable without using the image of an ancient flying creature. Dragons are flying snakes, somewhat reminiscent of dinosaurs that can breathe fire, incinerating everything around. Dragon-like monsters are also mentioned in the Bible in the New Testament. In our time, dragons have ceased to be carriers of absolute evil, and have even become friends of man. Many of them began to be considered more developed spiritually and physically, when compared with a person. Dragons are clear favorites in the race of mythological mysterious creatures.

This is what the dragon looks like fine arts and cinematography.

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There are objects and phenomena that only a couple of random witnesses know about. But there are those who were lucky enough to see, find something inexplicable and declare it to the whole world.

website I have collected for you several cases where an incredible find can rather be said to be unlucky, instead of lucky. After all, not everyone has the courage to maintain composure when faced with such monsters.

6. Alien from Thailand

In 2010, photos appeared in the media taken three years earlier at a funeral ceremony for a strange animal in Thailand. The remains, similar to a small minotaur, were found near one of the villages. Seeing the resemblance to a man, the locals decided to bury him according to Buddhist custom.

Experts believe the creature was a defective calf and not something supernatural.

5. Chelyabinsk "Alien"

Such crumbs were found in the foundation pit of a house under construction in Chelyabinsk in 2007. They were dubbed local "strangers". It was assumed that these were horseshoe crabs, miraculously surviving to this day, but in fact these "strangers" are none other than shields. The species of crustaceans is over 200 million years old, and their size does not exceed 6–7 cm.

4. Texas Chupacabra

This small (about 15 cm) human mummy was found by Oscar Muñoz in the abandoned village of La Noria in the Atacama Desert in 2003. Later, experts on abnormalities in the development of the skeleton came to the conclusion that it was unlikely that the mummy is a person. All participants in the research are convinced of only one thing, that the Atakama dwarf is not a specially made hoax.

2. Something in the woods of Louisiana

Our world is full of unrevealed secrets. And somewhere in the dark, in impenetrable thickets of forests isolated from prying eyes, at the depths of the seas and oceans or in the intricate labyrinths of city sewers, mysterious creatures live. They appear in front of dumbfounded witnesses for a few seconds and also suddenly and instantly disappear, leaving almost no evidence of their existence, except for the testimony of eyewitnesses, rare photos or video frames. Of course, it is human nature to exaggerate and human fantasy in most cases has nothing to do with reality, and a few centuries ago the usual natural phenomena, seemed something incredible and fabulous. But "there is no smoke without fire." After all, in different points of our planet, eyewitnesses saw almost identical representatives of the "other world" or "fabulous" world. And perhaps, mysterious creatures live next to us, considered fictional by skeptics. In this section, we will provide information about the most interesting and mysterious representatives of the oceanic abysses and "urban legends". And it's up to you to decide if they really exist.

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Mythical and strange creatures

The search for unknown species of animals is engaged in a special science - cryptozoology. Despite negative attitude many academic biologists to cryptozoology, the real discoveries of new animal species sometimes refute the arguments of skeptics. So in 1992, in a remote mountainous region of Vietnam, a the new kind bulls - Saola, whose weight reaches 100 kilograms. Most expert biologists, at that time, believed that the chances of discovering a new species on Earth large mammals close to zero. Why are there animals - some ethnologists seriously say that in the Amazon jungle and the mountainous regions of Papua New Guinea, several unknown primitive peoples who previously had no contact with a modern developed civilization may still be hiding.

However, some scary creatures were clearly born out of the fantasy of primitive peoples living in extreme habitats and afraid of the dark. Even on the very small reef islands of Oceania, where the locals know literally every stone and where there is simply nowhere for unknown species of animals to hide, the natives often tell stories about terrible creatures that appear at night on the sea coast and kill people who decide to come there in the dark. Some mythical creatures probably appeared due to the distortion of information that came from distant countries and regions. So, one of the most likely prototypes of the mythical unicorn from European legends are African and Asian rhinos.

Some animals whose existence is not recognized official science, most often attract the attention of journalists and the public. Chupacabra, sucking blood from and killing livestock, was first seen in Puerto Rico (1950s). Subsequently, reports of her attacks came from many countries. South America, and then from other countries of the world (Philippines, Russia, Belarus). According to one version, this creature appeared as a result of secret genetic experiments and was able to escape from the laboratory. There are videos of the Chupacabra.

Loch Ness monster, found in Scotland's Loch Ness, may be a small population of relict plesiosaurs or its highly modified descendants. There are alleged pictures and videos of this creature, including a satellite image (2009). The study of Loch Ness with the help of sonars confirmed the presence of large objects moving at high speed in it.

Big Foot(aka Yeti), is most likely a relict hominid ( humanoid creature) and such a close relative human that their union may produce offspring. In the last quarter of the 19th century, residents of the foothill Abkhazian village of Tkhina managed to catch in the mountains and then tame a female Bigfoot , which was given the name Zana. In the 60s and 70s of the XX century, Russian biologists Alexander Mashkovtsev and Boris Porshnev talked with the old-timers of the village of Tkhina and ... studied the descendants of Zana (grandchildren and great-grandchildren) there. Their verdict, rendered according to the shape of the skull of Zana's descendants, was unequivocal - they were not quite people, but hybrids of a human and a relic hominid unknown to science, possessing inhuman strength and endurance.