Doctor expert site names several reasons why Kate Middleton was able to pose for the cameras just hours after the birth of her third child

A few hours after the third birth, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton according to the good old tradition, she came out to reporters with a baby in her arms. The young woman looked excellent: she was wearing a red loose dress with a white lace collar.

Appropriate photos have appeared on the web. The picture shows how happy spouses are happy to pose for reporters.?

We decided that the answer to this question can only be given by a doctor who takes birth himself.

PHOTO: press service of the Life Line Reproduction Center

Became an expert on the topic Natalia Potapova, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Life Line Reproduction Center, specializing in the management of complex pregnancies, and one of the best obstetricians in Moscow.

According to Natalya Sergeevna, the “instant” recovery after the birth of Duchess Kate became possible for several reasons.

- Firstly, this is Kate's third birth. Each subsequent birth is usually faster and easier than the previous ones. Please note that after the first birth, the Duchess remained in the clinic for a day, while after the third she went home by the evening of the same day.

Secondly, of course, the royal family uses the services of the best obstetricians who will do everything possible for a gentle delivery.
An individual and attentive approach to the management of childbirth allows minimizing the risks of injury to the mother and child during childbirth. Timely and competent anesthesia allows the woman in labor to save strength and reduce stress from contractions and attempts. In addition, professionals high class The staff working with the Duchess did everything possible to control the separation of the placenta and thereby prevent postpartum hemorrhage.

And, thirdly, court etiquette obliges. After all, this a big joy for the British - the birth of another baby in royal family. Of course, the duchess did everything possible to “be on top” this time too: the picture must meet the expectations of her subjects.

Stylists and make-up artists came into play. Beautiful styling is done, makeup is applied, a light airy dress allows you to hide figure flaws. The young duchess always had enough willpower. Well, the experience of Duchess Kate allows her to brilliantly comply with the requirements of royal etiquette in order to show herself to a subject with a baby in her arms a few hours after giving birth. You remember from the news that under the walls of the hospital people were on duty for hours, almost sleeping in tents. How can you deceive their expectations?

Nevertheless, Dr. Potapova warns young mothers against mindlessly following the example of Kate Middleton.

The doctor recalls that "magic" medicines that allow you to instantly restore the body and health after childbirth have not yet been invented.

It takes months for the female body to regain weight, muscle tone, hormonal background after childbirth. In any case, a woman needs rest immediately after childbirth, Natalia Potapova is convinced.

Real recovery after childbirth in any case takes a long time. The early postpartum recovery period for a woman lasts 1 month. Late - up to six months. Nobody is an exception.

- Dear mothers, do not demand from yourself by the evening after childbirth to be fresh, like a May rose, and in a month to restore sports form. It will be great if gloss stops imposing an unrealistic picture of the world on us and creating stereotypes, first of all, among men who make excessive demands on their partners who have just given birth, nodding at articles in magazines or photos on Instagram, where another model boasts chic forms a few weeks after the birth of the baby, the expert concluded.

Recall that for the third time. Prince William's wife gave her second son to her husband. He became the successor. A newborn boy weighs 3.8 kilograms. Kate gave birth in the hospital Saint Mary in Paddington, London.

For more than a week, media representatives were on duty at the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's Hospital in London on the eve of the arrival of the third child of the couple of the Dukes of Cambridge (remember "The most touching moments of the discharge of the Duchess of Cambridge from the hospital"). Duchess Catherine herself performed a real miracle on Monday ─ she arrived at the wing of Lindo Hospital in the morning, gave birth to a son and left the hospital before the end of the same day. Moreover, Her Highness appeared before the photographers with a beaming smile and beautiful styling, as if she had not given birth to a child, but looked into the clinic for cosmetic procedure. This circumstance became the topic of heated discussions, however, it could not be otherwise.

According to journalists, on April 23, the Duchess was in the hospital after giving birth for about seven hours. When Her Highness gave birth to Princess Charlotte, the time spent in the hospital was 10 hours, and after the birth of her first child, Katherine stayed in the hospital overnight. All three figures may seem incredible to most moms, but why does the Duchess strive for records?

But the Guardian reminds that in general, women in Britain do prefer to leave the hospital as soon as possible after giving birth. According to statistics, in 2016, on average, British women were discharged one and a half days after giving birth, and this is the shortest period in high-income countries. For comparison, in the United States, mothers prefer to stay in medical facilities for two days, and, for example, in Ukraine, this figure is about 6 days.

In the meantime, the Duchess's hasty discharge has become the subject of discussion among other moms ─ regular ones. On the TV show The Project, Michelle Laurie said that she was seriously perplexed when some girls were inspired by the example of Kate. “You know, it disturbs me when I hear young women say: “Oh, this is so inspiring.” It's not inspiring at all. You know what would be inspiring? If they (team of the duchess - ed.) went into the ward and said: "Let's get up, do our hair, make-up and let's go from here." And she would say, "Get out; I just had a baby."

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The star of the Loose Women show, Nadia Svalha, is in solidarity with Lori. She posted pictures of herself post-birth on social media and commented on the claim that the Duchess looked “beautiful” after giving birth: “Was she beautiful? Poor woman. I looked at her and thought that now she just wants to lie quietly. And someone who came, did her makeup and styling. I sympathize with her. She's just a woman who's just had a baby!"

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But there were harsher comments as well. Quite a few Twitter users noted that the appearance of Her Highness in front of the public 7 hours after giving birth is unrealistic, and can become a kind of pressure for new mothers. Television and radio presenter Kathy Hill hinted quite transparently that Katherine should have thought more about the child. “Kate robbed herself of the magic of the first few precious hours after the baby was born. She was busy putting on makeup, choosing shoes and other chores to appear in front of the cameras in accordance with all the requirements of protocol, tradition and the expectations of the international press.”

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At the same time, People points out a few special reasons why Her Highness chooses not to stay in the hospital. Firstly, it is quite difficult to imagine a normal recovery after childbirth when the hospital is surrounded by crowds of fans, journalists and paparazzi. Secondly, a tense environment may not in the best way affect other women in labor as well, and Kate just prefers to relieve them of unnecessary stress.). With such a strong team behind you, Katherine and William's desire to be away from the nosy crowd is easy to explain.

today the duchess Cambridge Kate Middleton and Prince William became parents for the second time. Around six in the morning local time (8:00 Moscow time), Kate Middleton was taken to the hospital with contractions. The press service of Kensington Palace said that the birth was uneventful. Fifteen minutes ago on official page Palace on Twitter, another message appeared: that Kate Middleton gave birth, mom and baby are doing well. The baby was born at 8:34 local time. The newborn princess weighs just over 3.6 kilograms.

Queen Elizabeth II was immediately informed of the birth of her great-granddaughter. It is also reported that Prince William was present at the birth.

In this material, we have collected all the information about how the pregnancy and childbirth of Kate Middleton went in this and previous time. We hope you enjoy!

Health status of Kate Middleton

During most of the first pregnancy, the Duchess was tormented by severe toxicosis. Because of him, she spent a lot of time in London's King Edward VII Hospital.

The second pregnancy was easier. Toxicosis still did not leave the expectant mother, but after reaching an important milestone at 12 weeks, Kate Middleton began to go out and actively participate in events.

The couple's first child was a boy. Prince George Alexander Louis was born on Monday July 22, 2013 at 4:24 pm local time (7:24 pm Moscow time). The British took it as a good sign that the boy was born on a full moon. He also became "the heaviest future king in modern history”, His weight was 3.8 kilograms. In comparison, his father, Prince William, weighed less than 3.2 kilograms at birth, and his grandfather, Prince Charles, just over 3.2 kilograms.

The second child was a girl. The baby was born today, Saturday May 2, at 8:34 local time. The princess also overtook her father and grandfather: she weighs just over 3.6 kilograms.

We congratulate the young parents, wish the baby good health!

Look for all the interesting news on our website and pages of our favorite PDF-magazine, which can be downloaded or printed - and read anywhere at a convenient time.

Moms are sharing their post-birth photos to reassure other women and add a little more realism to the internet.

And all because of the impeccable appearance of Kate Middleton after giving birth. This is what she looked like just a few hours after the birth of her third child

Naturally, people suspected something was wrong, because real women do not look so perfect. And they look like this

After these photos, many women disbelieved in Wonder Woman and recognized the duchess as much cooler than the superhero Amazon, while noting that their appearance after giving birth, he didn’t even lie next to the appearance of Kate Middleton.

"7 hours postpartum"

Despite the joke comparisons, many of these women came out in support of Kate, saying that this is just her job, and that under all this clothes and makeup, she feels the same as other women after giving birth.

"I look as good as Kate!"

"When Kate stole your style and looks as perfect postpartum as you"

Compare with Kate

"A baggy dress, linoleum on the floor, and my little boy injured after a 40-hour birth and an emergency C-section. And now.. where are my lips, designer dress and my hairdresser?"

"I was hoping to look as glamorous as the Duchess of Cambridge after giving birth, but alas!"

"Me and Kate 7 hours postpartum.. If anything, I'm on the right in case you get confused"

"Here's my hilarious comparison! I look bloated and terribly scary after 3 days of induced labor ending in an emergency c-section"

"This is me after an emergency caesarean section under general anesthesia with significant complications. More than 24 hours have passed. For a long time, I just physically could not hold my daughter"

"Eerie Comparison"

"Me and my wife 2 hours after our son was born. Poor thing, she's so exhausted."

Some women noted that they would like to look just like Kate Middleton, not only after hours, but at least after many years of caring for children.

"7 hours later and 5 years later"

Many women felt sorry for Kate, because most of all after giving birth they would like to relax and not see anyone, while she had to dress up and pose for cameras.

Like comparisons? Then you will definitely be crazy about these

April 23, the third child of Kate Middleton and Prince William was born. The Network is perplexed as to how the Duchess of Cambridge was able to leave the clinic 7 hours after giving birth.

The other day there was a joyful event that the whole of Great Britain was waiting for. 36-year-old Kate Middleton and 35-year-old Prince William became parents for the third time. In the London clinic of St. Mary, a boy weighing 3 kilograms 800 grams was born. After only (!) 7 hours after the birth, the couple went out onto the porch of the hospital together with the newborn.

Most netizens wonder what the secret is mother of many children, because usually female body it takes time to recover. The smiling duchess, who posed for photographers, did not look tired and haggard. Many had the impression that she ran into the clinic for a minute, gave birth in between times and immediately went on.

British tabloids claim that Middleton resorted to so-called hypno-births. This technique can reduce pain, is now very popular among celebrities. They say that this unique method of preparing expectant mothers, relieving fears and negative thoughts used by Angelina Jolie. But even if you believe that Kate did not feel pain at all, and take into account the fact that this is not the first birth, but the third, the question of whether the doctors were in a hurry remained open.

We turned to an obstetrician-gynecologist and asked if the doctors would allow such an early discharge from a maternity hospital in the Russian Federation. And in general, is it not dangerous for women in labor to get out of bed so quickly.

Elena Buntova, head of the hospital at MEDSI CDC on Belorusskaya told us that if the birth went without complications, then the woman is allowed to get up after 2 hours. “Movement plays a big role in the process of restoring the body, therefore, after natural childbirth without complications, it is not only possible for the mother, but it is also recommended to get up a few hours after delivery,” the expert said. Therefore, it is not worth worrying much about Middleton, who went to the palace by car. Recall that next to Kate were not only 20 doctors, but also her personal stylist, who was responsible for her appearance, and everything will fall into place.

The doctor also emphasized that only a specialist can decide when a woman in labor can leave the clinic. “The duration of the patient's stay in the maternity hospital is determined by the attending physician. It depends on many reasons (the general condition of the woman, concomitant pathologies, the course of the postpartum period and the condition of the birth canal),” commented Buntova.

“Provided that there are no complications and everything is in order with the woman’s health, discharge is carried out no earlier than 3-4 days after childbirth. During this period, doctors, on the basis of examination and ultrasound data, must make sure that the uterus is contracting correctly, that there are no clots and bleeding, there are no fever and problems with lactation, ”summed up the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Accordingly, if the baby of the Duchess of Cambridge was born in our country, he and his mother would hardly be at home on the same day. However, something tells us that the command the best specialists, with whom Kate gave birth, will simply continue to monitor her condition in the palace.