September 24 marks the 65th anniversary of the writer, translator, poetess Larisa Rubalskaya.

Writer, translator, songwriter Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. After leaving school, she entered extramural Faculty of Philology, Moscow Pedagogical Institute them. N. K. Krupskaya. In parallel with her studies, Rubalskaya worked as a librarian, proofreader, secretary-typist at the Literary Institute, later moved to the editorial office of the Smena magazine, where she worked for several years.

In 1970, she (Faculty of Russian Language and Literature), and in 1973 - courses Japanese language. She worked as a guide-interpreter at the Sputnik Bureau of International Youth Tourism, at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU), at the State Concert.

From 1975 to 1983, Rubalskaya was a secretary-translator in the Moscow office of the Japanese TV company NTV. Since 1983, she has worked as a referent for the Moscow office of the Japanese newspaper Asahi.

Rubalskaya wrote her first song "Recollection", which was performed by Valentina Tolkunova, in 1984 together with the composer Vladimir Miguley, the meeting with whom determined the second profession of Larisa Rubalskaya.

Particularly fruitful was her union with the composer Sergei Berezin, in collaboration with whom several dozen songs were written ("For two days", "Let's dance, Lucy", "But it could not have been like that at all", etc.). Together with Berezin, Larisa Rubalskaya performed on the stage in the Solo for Two program. Larisa Rubalskaya collaborates with composers David Tukhmanov, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Alexander Klevitsky, Alexander Ukupnik, Alexander Ruzhitsky, Mark Minkov, Andrey Savchenko, Laura Quint, Viktor Chaika and many others.

Larisa Rubalskaya wrote more than 600 songs, which were performed by Iosif Kobzon ("Blue Envelope"), Alla Pugacheva ("Daughter", "Sleep well, country"), Philip Kirkorov ("I'm to blame, I'm to blame"), Mikhail Muromov ("Strange Woman "), Irina Allegrova ("Transit Passenger", "The Hijacker"), Tatyana Ovsienko ("Morozov"), Alsou ("Light in Your Window").

In 1991 and 1993, Larisa Rubalskaya held creative evenings at the Variety Theater, and in 1995, her anniversary creative evening took place in the Rossiya concert hall.

She took part in many TV programs ("Lucky Chance", "Theme", "Show Dossier", "Morning Mail", "To the Barrier"), in 1998 she was the TV presenter of the "Wedding" program, the leading culinary heading in the program " Sunday morning with Eva Lanska.

Larisa Rubalskaya leads an active concert activity, participates in the jury of song contests. He is the author of collections of poems "Declaration of Love", "Ring of Hot Hands", "Early Night", "Such a card lay down for me", etc., as well as books on culinary topics: " Cooking recipes for an encore", "Snacks and Hot For Our Golden Husbands", "His Majesty Salad", "Culinary Element", "Cooking with Larisa Rubalskaya", etc.

In 2000, Rubalskaya published a book of poetry and memoirs, "Turn the clock back."

The wonderful songwriter, who will be discussed here, won the love of the Russian listener with her gift. The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya is not as bright and eventful as many modern famous people, but this did not interfere with her talent.


In the Russian capital in 1945, on September 24, a little girl was born. Her father's name was Alexei Davidovich, he worked at a school where he taught labor lessons. Her mother, Alexandra Yakovlevna, was engaged in the household there. After 5 years, the younger brother Valera was born in the family.

Larisa Rubalskaya. Biography of post-school years

After graduation, the girl received a testimonial, where it was written that admission to the institute was not recommended. Nevertheless, she entered in absentia at the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical Institute. During her studies, she worked as a typist, librarian, proofreader at the Literary Institute. Then she moved to the magazine "Change", where she successfully worked for several years.

First bad experience in life

In 1970, she graduated from the institute and received the specialty of a teacher of the Russian language and literature. But it didn't work out. As she later admitted to the audience at concerts, the reason was the fairy tale "Morozko". When she told the children that there was only one positive character there, and that was a dog, the management recommended that she try herself in something else. So Larissa did.
In 1973, she learned about the recruitment for Japanese language courses, enrolled in them and successfully completed. After that, he gets a job as a Japanese translator at the Sputnik youth travel agency. Later, she went to work at the State Concert, a Japanese television company, and the Asahi newspaper.

Personal life

The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya with regards to development was not very successful. According to Larisa herself, there is no innate sexuality in her, so she did not "cling" men. She quickly fell in love, as her criteria were simple. The main thing is that it should be blond, not very tall and able to play the guitar. There were many of them, so novels happened, but all the boyfriends left the girl, because of which she was very worried. By the age of 30, Larisa realized that she wanted to get married. Therefore, I began to ask all my friends if they had anyone in mind. A friend suggested that she meet with a colleague of her friend's husband. At first she did not like him at all, but the man offered to see him again. She agreed, a leisurely romance began. Six months later they got married. They did not have children, but the couple lived in love and harmony for 33 years. Then her husband had a stroke, he was paralyzed for a while, and then he died.

Creative biography of Larisa Rubalskaya

It was he who saw the poetic talent of his wife. After reading her poems, David showed them to the composer Vladimir Migule. He wrote the music and offered a song called "Memories" to Valentina Tolkunova. So, in 1984, Larisa discovered herself as a songwriter. Further, she collaborated with many composers and singers. The peak of popularity came in the 90s, then hits often sounded on "Song of the Year", the words for which were written by Larisa. Her songs were performed by Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Alsou and other popular performers. Larisa Rubalskaya often holds meetings with the audience, where she reads her poems, sings songs and frankly talks about the difficult female destiny. On the birthday of Larisa Rubalskaya, the stars arrange a concert in honor of her, where songs based on her poems are performed. In addition to poetry, she is fond of cooking, so you can read not only her poems, but also cookbooks written by her. The biography of Larisa Rubalskaya tells about a talented woman who found herself and her calling in life.

Larisa Rubalskaya needs no introduction today, many people know and love songs to her words. It is hard to imagine that the poetess was not at all popular with men, suffered from loneliness and studied Japanese in order to attract attention. Desperate to meet her soul mate, she was ready to marry the first one who would offer her a hand and a heart. It was at this time that David Rosenblat appeared in her life.

“Such a share has fallen ...”

The personal life of Larisa Rubalskaya was very difficult. She dreamed of love, but she didn't exist. She fell in love, she was rejected, she waited, but they did not return to her.

At school, she was given a completely unflattering characterization, and she successfully completed Japanese language courses and worked as a translator for many years. Larisa Rubalskaya led groups of Japanese tourists and was rightfully proud of herself.

Larisa Alekseevna prefers not to remember that she was once married in her youth, because this marriage did not bring her happiness. Her heart was filled with love, she wanted to pour out her unspent tenderness on someone who would be able to reciprocate her.

Acquaintance that became happy

Years passed, she was already 30 years old, and Larisa Rubalskaya was ready to marry the first who would offer her a hand and heart, because loneliness became simply unbearable. All relatives and friends knew how important family was to her and tried to help her in this delicate matter. She was introduced to potential suitors, but the relationship did not start. Until Tata's girlfriend got down to business.

She arranged for her to meet with David Rosenblatt, a successful divorced dentist. But the man and the woman did not like each other too much. The acquaintance took place in a restaurant, David Iosifovich managed to drink and did not make any impression on Larisa Alekseevna. However, she also could not charm a man.

But the friend did not back down and organized another meeting for them, during which they were left alone for the first time. They were sitting in the restaurant again, the conversation was not very good. Perhaps this would have all ended if not for Larisa's passionate desire to get married.

Having flown away on vacation with friends, she began to write him letters with pictures. There were couples on them and only she was alone. David flew to her resort and only then a serious relationship began between them.

A novel with a sequel

After returning, Larisa and David continued to meet. When Larisa Alekseevna bought skis so that they could somehow diversify their leisure time, David Iosifovich decided to get married. She agreed without a second's hesitation.

Shakespearean passions did not boil in their relationship, they were calm, restrained feelings of two adults. But if one of David's acquaintances did not like Larisa, he could no longer be considered a family friend. David Iosifovich even immediately said to his daughter from his first marriage: Larisa is his wife, she must be treated with respect. And the daughter accepted the conditions of her father, made friends with Larisa Alekseevna.

Only the mother of David Rosenblat did not accept her daughter-in-law in any way. She actively expressed her dissatisfaction with the choice of her son. But here Larisa Rubalskaya showed unprecedented patience. She never went into conflict, was not rude, did not flare up. When the mother-in-law was ill, the poetess looked after her, meekly enduring the whims and nagging of an elderly woman.

Together forever

David Iosifovich was stingy with the manifestation of feelings. He rarely spoke about his feelings, even more rarely allowed himself to hug his wife just like that. But at the same time, he could not live without her even a day.

He was the real head of the family. His orders were to be carried out immediately and unquestioningly. Larisa Alekseevna recognized his right to lead and tried to please her husband in everything. She was happy next to him, despite the lack of tenderness or youthful passion. She wrote her best poems next to him.

Over time, their union from a purely matrimonial turned into a creative one. The husband tried to help his talented wife. Over time, he did become the producer of Larisa Rubalskaya. In an interview, he calmly talked about the fact that his wife is a real celebrity, and he is two steps behind her. But Larisa never let him feel this difference in two steps. She emphasized in every possible way: she became famous only thanks to David Iosifovich. And in their family, leadership belongs entirely to him.

When the husband after stroke turned out to be bedridden, she looked after him, put him on his feet, drove him to the most the best doctors. And I always took him on tour. He accompanied her everywhere in a wheelchair, not feeling his isolation from his wife's life.

When David Iosifovich died, Larisa Alekseevna's house was empty. Shortly before that, the mother and brother of the poetess died. Despite the deafening pain of loss, Larisa Rubalskaya found the strength to live on. She still writes amazing poems, performs in concerts. And he thanks fate for the sent down meeting with David Iosifovich Rosenblat. Next to him, she was always happy, desired and loved.

A colleague of Larisa Rubalskaya, a songwriter, was told a meeting with fate by a gypsy.

Larisa Rubalskaya - Soviet and Russian poetess, author of poetic texts for songs, translator, honored art worker Russian Federation and a member of the Writers' Union of Moscow. Rubalskaya jokingly calls herself "a person of late development", because she got married late, started her poetic biography late. But the late start did not prevent a successful career and personal life.

Childhood and youth

Larisa Rubalskaya is a native Muscovite. She was born on September 24, 1945. Her childhood was difficult post-war years. Larisa's father, a Jew by nationality, worked as a teacher of labor at school, her mother was in charge of the household in the same educational institution. The time was hard, so Larisa's parents had no time for education - they had to work to feed their family. In 1949, the girl had a younger brother, Valery.

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Larisa Rubalskaya in childhood

Larisa Rubalskaya did not like lessons at school, they seemed boring to her. The girl wanted to play in the fresh air, breathe, laugh. After school, she was given the corresponding characteristic: mental capacity average, is engaged irregularly, it is not recommended to enter the institute. True, with a note that Larisa - good friend and an active participant in amateur performances.

The girl got a job as a typist at the Literary Institute and soon received new feature, where it was said that she was not late for work and that she types without errors.

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Larisa Rubalskaya in her youth with classmates

The next step was studying at the Pedagogical Institute, at the Faculty of Russian Philology. After graduation, Larisa Rubalskaya got a job at school, but stayed there for 2 weeks. The reason for the dismissal was a lesson in the 5th grade, when Larisa Alekseevna told the students that in the fairy tale "Morozko" she sees only one positive character - a dog that barked the truth.

The poetess jokes that her employment history resembles a three-volume book - in her youth she worked as a librarian, proofreader, teacher. In 1973, Rubalskaya enrolled in Japanese language courses and successfully completed them. She for a long time worked as a translator until poetry forced the Japanese out of her life.


Larisa Alekseevna became a songwriter after 40 years. Her husband was the first to consider her gift, he also launched her career when he showed poetry to the composer Vladimir Migule. And soon she sang the song "Memories", the lyrics to which were written by Larisa Rubalskaya, and the music by Vladimir Migulya. From that moment began the career of the songwriter Rubalskaya. Her songs are featured in every Song of the Year.

Larisa Rubalskaya writes about everything - about the meaning of life, about love, about loneliness, but main theme the poems of the poetess began to reflect on a woman, which are autobiographical in nature, about what it is like to be a woman, about female lobe, age and attitude. A frequent image in Rubalskaya's poetry is autumn, which the poetess also metaphorically associates with own life and age.

In the 90s, Larisa Alekseevna was at the peak of her popularity. She wrote "My Daughter" and "Live in Peace, Country" for, "The Hijacker" and "Transit Passenger" for, "Vain Words" for, "Strange Woman" for, "I'm Guilty, Guilty" for. The poetess does not work directly with artists, she collaborates with composers.

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Larisa Rubalskaya and Alexander Malinin

Larisa Rubalskaya is the author of almost 600 poems, from which hits and compositions loved by many turned out. She is often invited to the jury of song contests. The woman gives concerts with pleasure and releases collections of her poetic lyrics. The books of the poetess are published and republished almost every year.

Larisa Rubalskaya is not alien to humor and self-irony. The poetess writes funny sketches about how she grows old, about stupid habits and her own mistakes and weaknesses. Her favorite theme of her works is reflections on a woman. These are the poems “Hunter Diana”, “Lyubanya”, “Ah, madam! It suits you to be happy”, “Woman in a raincoat” and others. Often the author's poems are used as greeting lines for postcards "Happy Birthday", "Since March 8" and other holidays.

Personal life

In Larisa's personal life, there were big disappointments. The first husband of the poetess had feelings for his ex-wife with whom he continued to openly meet. Sometimes it seemed to Larisa that she was turning into Othello in a skirt out of jealousy. The girl desperately tried to find family happiness.

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Closer to the age of 30, a friend introduced Larisa Rubalskaya to a friend of a friend. The poetess admits that at first she did not like the man, but she agreed to meet him again. After the second meeting, the miracle also did not happen. Feelings arose later.

While at the resort, Larisa began to write letters to David, in which she drew funny pictures from life. In all the drawings, the girl depicted herself alone. Then the man took decisive action: he followed Larisa to the sea. They were already returning home as a couple. And six months later they got married and lived happily together for 33 years.

In one of her interviews, Larisa Rubalskaya very succinctly and succinctly spoke about her connection with Jewish blood and roots: “My father was a Jew, my mother is half Jewish (by father), and I am also Jewish by husband and by life and a sense of life. In general, Jews, Jews, only Jews around.
Of course, this answer was given in a slightly joking manner. But in this joke, most of it was just the truth, against all odds. famous saying. It's just that Larisa Alekseevna has one very important life principle that distinguishes her from dozens of talented modern masters of the pen. She relates to everything that happens to her, with a touch of humor. This applies not only to everyday life and realities. If you are familiar with the work of Larisa Rubalskaya, then you probably noticed a certain ease of perception and a desire to convey your own feelings in a simple, accessible way. It is enough to recall her hits that will forever remain out of time: “For two days”, “Transit passenger”, “All over again”, “Lucky event” and hundreds of other favorite hits.

Such a philosophy of life made Larisa Rubalskaya a truly folk poetess and songwriter. Each new song of the Russian poetess becomes an absolute hit, which is confirmed by the annual awards of the highest ranks. And the secret, it turns out, is very simple - to be sincere and an open person. By the way, we managed to make sure of this once again, directly during communication with the poetess. Yes, you yourself will definitely note such a feature of character by reading the interview that Larisa Alekseevna gave us on the eve of her Israeli tour.

Larisa Alekseevna, there is such a thing as "Jewish happiness" and very often people put their own special meaning into it. What is Jewish happiness in the understanding of Larisa Rubalskaya?

I think it is a blessing to be born with at least a small amount of Jewish blood. Because that in itself is a lot. This is a real gift. This gives a special opportunity to stand out. It's not that he stands out in character or temper, but this kneading on Jewish blood is a penchant for some kind of gift, talent, liveliness, unusualness.

And if we move on to more specifics? Women's happiness is even more individual. You have devoted many poems to this topic, and it seems to me that readers would be interested to know your opinion. What is the happiest stage of life for a woman? Does happiness depend on age and does it subsequently change over time?

In youth itself, happiness is crazy love, of course. It is desirable, at least one unrequited, then to fully experience the joy of reciprocity. Experience all the possibilities of love in youth. From sadness to joy, from explosion to calm. This is very important for a woman. By the age of 27, you definitely need to find a family, because everyone around you starts to start it, give birth to children. And that woman who does not have time and does not have it, she experiences a feeling of her unhappiness, so to speak. Everyone needs it, it should be. But somehow you have to arrange your life, because then it is already involved in some complexes. This is my old fashioned notion. Then it is desirable to live with a complete family, so that there is a husband, wife, son, daughter, grandparents are alive, a complete family. Everyone loves each other, they are friends, primitively, but this is real happiness when everyone is together and everyone is in joy with each other. But then comes, of course, the time of loss, it is inevitable. And there is no way to avoid it. Then what is happiness? I don't know. For example, I and all my girlfriends of my age have already come to terms with a lonely existence and find joy in each other, in the women's team, in sitting together, chatting, talking. Already there is no such need for female happiness in a pair with someone.

- And how to be happy alone with yourself?

Here, too, there is no specific recipe. You have to do something all the time: don't stop loving reading, watching movies, chatting on the phone, just don't stop loving life. The thirst for life is the main core of everything. Do not forget to do something for someone. Find someone who now needs you to do something, to share with someone, to give something to someone. I don't feel lonely even though I'm alone. I lived the real happy life with my husband, when I was well for many years. I'm humble about what's going on and don't fantasize about the future like a schoolgirl.

Larisa, tell me, how do you manage to perceive life reality while smiling? Reading your poems, the feeling of simplicity of life and an easy attitude to everything that happens does not disappear. Your life is not easy, and at the same time, you are not without humor.

I don’t do it on purpose, but, of course, I’m convinced that we shouldn’t burden each other with problems. I also have a lot of sorrows and worries in my head and some ailments. But I do not think that I have the right to hang it on people, especially those closest to me. I have, of course, poems and songs, definitely sad, but they are conceived as sad. And I also think this is quite natural. But basically, if we talk about my attitude to life, of course, I am more or less an optimist. Because as long as we live, everything can be: it can be bad, it can be good. But we are given this life and given the opportunity to please others. I'm trying.

- Do you regret anything in your life?

No. Nothing to regret. I regret that there are no children, it's a pity, but this is already irreversible. So now what? Others don't have any.

- Don't you stop dreaming?

No, I stopped dreaming. Nothing more to dream about.

- What is the most interesting thing you have seen?

The most interesting thing for me is to return. I am a very down to earth person and I landed in Moscow once and for all. I was born and raised here in post-war Moscow.

- It turns out that you caught several eras of one city at once?

Yes, we just recently talked about this with my girlfriend. For example, I go to places where older people gather, I recently went to the 80th anniversary of Mark Rozovsky, and it was very interesting to communicate with these people, and today I went to an exhibition where the main contingent was young people. And contemporary art is also very interesting to me. And it's very cool: yesterday to be yesterday, and today - already today. It is a great gift to live through several eras.

- How has Moscow changed over the years?

Moscow is just beautiful now! Of course, they scold her, but I like everything in Moscow, and I still want all those who left a long time ago to come and see it. I sometimes go abroad, and people often ask me: “How do you live there?” Especially in America they like to ask this question. And we live well here!

- Larisa Alekseevna, this is not your first visit to Israel, right?

Yes, I will come to Israel for the third time with concerts. I don't even know what to say in particular. It seems to me that in general, people are the same everywhere. I feel warmth from people everywhere, and I myself gladly share it. Every time I go with joy to Israel. That's for sure.

- What cities in Israel do you like?

I, unfortunately, come only on tour and do not have time to get acquainted with the cities. Of course, I was once in Jerusalem, in Nazareth, in Bethlehem. But during recent trips, there is simply no time left to visit and explore the cities in which I speak.

What are your food preferences? Do you like any particular Jewish cuisine or are you more conservative in this regard?

Frankly, I love our cuisine, Russian. Nowhere abroad and never experienced such pleasure from food as at home. I really love Jewish cuisine, but the very same, real Jewish, which is prepared by Jews who speak Yiddish.

- Have you ever had a desire to live in Israel?

My first quality is that I am a Russian-speaking person, very Russian and very speaking. Therefore, I can only live in my native language environment. I was born here, my story is here and I love being where I live now. I never had any desire to live anywhere but home country. Even when I go on vacation, no matter what paradise it is, I always like to return home and I want to live only in my beloved Moscow.

- Do you speak Hebrew or Yiddish?

I love Yiddish. My father comes from one Ukrainian town, I went to my aunt in the summer, they spoke Yiddish among themselves, I knew a lot of things, understood, now, however, I only know a few words. And Hebrew is a completely foreign language to me. I remember a lot of great Yiddish slang words from my childhood, but I don't know how they sound in Hebrew. For some reason, I don't really like the intonation of Yiddish. In general, I love and enjoy listening to Jewish songs.

- You have written over 500 songs, what are your favorites?

Yes, one of the journalists counted, but I don't think that there are actually so many of them. You never know how much the human brain can "delude"! There are some songs that are good. Who know, who love... I love everything without exception.

Do the performers always manage to feel and convey all the emotions that you put into your songs? How do you feel about the fact that the imprint of the image of a singer or singer will still be present in every work written by you?

I am sincerely grateful to everyone without exception who performs my songs. After all, from my performance they will not fly from all the windows, so the songs will not know everything. Of course, they put something of their own, but, nevertheless, if the music, performance and lyrics have developed, then the song lives, the listener loves it, and this is already good. But the most important thing for me is what I do next. Therefore, the performer's vision of an already written composition is more of a plus than a minus.

Speaking at concerts and creative poetry evenings, how do you perceive the process itself? Is it a job in the first place? Or somewhere to rest? What is it for Larisa Rubalskaya to read her own poems from the stage?

It's more of a job. If, for example, I feel bad, I'm afraid that I'll let you down, disrupt the concert. This is how they treat work. I am very afraid that my voice may hoarse on the stage, I am worried that something will not happen, will not let me down. But, at the same time, this is a job that I love very much, and which loves me mutually.

Where do you feel most comfortable performing? I mean the format of the site. And do you have any favorite place where going on stage will always be a pleasant moment in life?

I love closed spaces when the hall is not very big, I love it when there is no aisle and all the chairs are in one row, when everything is done in a theatrical way. Then I am able to embrace all this with my energy and subjugate it to myself. I don't like open and wide halls. Between 800-1000 spectators is ideal.
- Is there any anticipation of these trips or is it more of a routine, just working days?

When I have overcrowded days with work, I think I'm tired, tired - to go again, to go on stage again! But if the interval is more than a week, then I catch myself thinking: “well, when already, when!”. Probably everyone is like that?

At least at my age and in my genre, there are no people that I compete with, because it's quite rare that the person who wrote something performs, and people come to his concert. Therefore, I am very proud of it.