Irregular symptoms:


Do not confuse parts of speech: three, third, three - numerals

trio - noun

triple - adjective

triple - verb

Three times, three times, three times - adverb

Lesson - lecture 3. The use of numerals in speech.

Variants of collective and cardinal numbers

To indicate the quantity, they sometimes use not only cardinal numbers, but also collective ones.(two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine).We hardly ever use the last two. Collective numerals are used to a limited extent:

  • With masculine and common nouns naming males:two friends, three orphans;
  • With nouns that have forms only plural: two scissors, two jeans;
  • With nounschildren, guys, people, face(meaning "person"):six children, three unfamiliar faces;
  • With personal pronouns we you they : There are two of us; there are five of them;
  • With substantiated numerals and adjectives denoting persons:two, three guards entered.

In indirect cases with inanimate nouns, cardinal numbers are used:more than three days.Collective numerals with nouns denoting males sometimes contribute a reduced connotation (undesirable:two generals, three professors)

Collective numerals do not combine with nouns denoting females (one cannot say:three students, four friends).They also do not combine with masculine nouns denoting the names of animals (one cannot say: three wolves).

If it is necessary to indicate the number of objects denoted by nouns that have no form singular (scissors, day), using a compound number ending intwo, three, four (twenty-five, thirty-fouretc.), you should use synonymous expressions with the replacement of a noun or the insertion of another word(day - day, twenty-four hours) or case (within twenty-two days).



two students two students

three students three students

four brothers four brothers


two students

three students

four sisters



The use of nouns

Declension forms

memorize the forms of indirect cases of some numerals

50-80 200-400 500-900










two (-uh)






four (-ex)









two hundred three hundred

two hundred three hundred

two hundred three hundred

two hundred three hundred

two hundred three hundred

two hundred three hundred

five hundred

five hundred

five hundred

five hundred

five hundred

five hundred




a thousand



I. -V.






one hundred

one hundred

one and a half (s)

one and a half

a hundred and fifty

one and a half hundred

Test 1. Mark violations of the norms of declension of numerals.

I.-V. 1. eighty 2. forty-nine 3. three hundred and twelve

R. eighty forty nine three hundred and twelve

D. eighty forty nine three hundred and twelve

T. eighty forty nine three hundred and twelve

P. about eighty forty-nine three hundred and twelve

I.-V. 4. eight hundred sixty-seven 5. one hundred and forty-ninth

R. eight hundred and sixty-seven one hundred and forty-ninth

D. eight hundred sixty-seven one hundred and forty-ninth

T. 867 149

P. about eight hundred sixty-seven about one hundred and forty-ninth

I.-V. 6. two thousand six hundred and twenty 7. two hundred and eighteenth

R. two thousand six hundred and twenty two hundred and eighteenth

D. two thousand six hundred and twenty two hundred and eighteenth

T. two thousand six hundred and twenty two hundred and eighteenth

P. two thousand six hundred and twenty two hundred and eighteen

Answers: 1357

Test 8

1. in one hundred and forty-ninth auditorium 5. on six hundred thousand hectares

2. in the two hundred and eighteenth room 6. with eight hundred schoolchildren

3. on the four hundred and first page 7. eighty-five meters away

4. in the three hundred and fiftieth number 8. to one hundred and seventy million

Answers: 156

The use of collective nouns

Collective numbers (two, three, etc.) can be used:

With words denoting males (two brothers);

With adjectives that have turned into nouns (three military men);

With words that do not have forms of units. numbers (three scissors, two days, but: five, six ... days);

With the words "children, guys, people" (two guys);

With words denoting baby animals (seven kids);

With personal pronouns (there were five of them).

Collective nouns are not used:

With words denoting females (erroneously two sisters);

With words denoting adult animals (erroneously three bulls).

Test 9. Mark the correct option.

  1. (a. Six, b. six) days the movement of trains was disrupted.
  2. 2. Cars were allowed to enter only one of the (a. four, b. four) gates of the stadium.
  3. (a. Seven, b. seven) girls entered the driver's course.
  4. There were (a. three, b. three).
  5. Among the members of the department were (a. two professors, b. two professors).
  6. According to (a. three people, b. three people) from the group must take part in the competition.
  7. They returned (a. seven, b. seven).
  8. (a. Two chess players, b. two chess players) have already played games.
  9. The main characters of the film are (a. two, b. two) prisoners.
  10. (a. Five, b. five) wolves looked at him with hungry eyes.

Answers: 1a2b3b4b5ab6ab7b8a9b10a

Test 10

  1. Anna is the mother of five children.
  2. Three men were here at the same time yesterday.
  3. The case of embezzlement of five million six hundred ninety thousand rubles is being investigated.
  4. More than three hundred grams of gold were seized.
  5. Three of them were found guilty.
  6. It took seven days to solve the crime.
  7. There were four men and two women at the bus stop.
  8. Three boys and three girls performed a beautiful dance.

Answers: 3467

Numerals one and a half and one and a half hundred agree with nouns in oblique cases:

One and a half (not one and a half x) hour ah (not hour ov),

one and a half hundred (not one and a half hundred x) kilometer ah (not kilometer ov).

At mixed arithmetic number noun is ruled by a fraction rather than a whole number: 10.2 percent a (not a percentage of s).

With composite numbers ending in two three four, the noun is used in the singular form: twenty-three youths and (not a young man to her).

Test 12. Mark violations of speech norms.

  1. In the springboard diving championship, the athlete took the first place with a score of 125.55 points.
  2. The winterers stayed on the ice floe for about two thousand seventy-four days.
  3. The city is fifteen hundred miles from here.
  4. On this day, the commission examined twenty-three students.
  5. Humidity is 76.5 percent.
  6. 243 boys and girls participated in the competition.
  7. The train traveled over a hundred miles.
  8. A train arrived with 275 competitors.

Answers: 14578


Generalization test

Note violations of the rules of the use of numerals.

  1. We were getting ready for March 8th.
  2. Up to one and a half times dealers exceeded the original price.
  3. Two thousand thirteen graduates were issued certificates.
  4. The pigeon had rings on both paws.
  5. Five contenders for the medal reached the final.
  6. We have completed three-quarters of the entire task.
  7. The athlete ran 200 meters in 11.489 seconds.
  8. The school library has two thousand four hundred and eighty books.

Answers: 124578

Russian language course in school curriculum provides for the study of all official and significant parts of speech. To study each of them there is a section of the language, which is given a certain amount of time. One of the voluminous topics is "The numeral". It contains many sections. This is the structure of this part of speech, in which there are quantitative, ordinal, integer, fractional and collective numbers. As well as ways to use words denoting numbers in a sentence, their change by gender and declension by cases.


The study of the section about begins with the third grade and continues throughout the school course. In a textbook on the Russian language, the definition sounds something like this: independent part speech, which is formed by an incomplete group of words indicating the number and number of objects, as well as their serial number when counting and answering questions Which? and how many? initial form numeral - nominative case.

Morphological signs of the numeral

Like other names, the numeral has variable and constant features. The former include gender, number and case form, while the others include belonging to the category and type in the numeral naming system. Exactly these morphological features and are the basis for recognizing this part of speech as independent.

Number digits

By value, all numerals are divided into two categories:

  1. Quantitative. As a rule, words related to this category denote the number and number of objects. There are three types of cardinal numbers: integers ( five, eight, twenty), fractional ( one fifth, three fourths) and collective ( two, both, five). It should be noted that some types of cardinal numbers can be used simultaneously, forming mixed numbers. For example: two whole and three fourths, one whole and one second. Collective and fractional numbers cannot be used together.
  2. Ordinal. Words that belong to this category indicate the serial number of an object or person when counting. For example: fifth, seventh, thirty-third, one hundred and fifty-eighth. As can be seen from the example, such numerals can consist of either one word or several.

Structure of numerals by composition

Depending on how many words the numeral consists of, it can be simple ( one, forty), complex ( sixty, seventy) and composite ( twenty five two thirds). It should be noted that those numerals that are built on the basis of simple ones are complex, for example, five and ten - fifty.

Collective numerals and their signs

Collective numerals are a special group of words that indicate a set of objects or persons. Quite often, schoolchildren confuse simple numerals with collective ones. To prevent this from happening, they need to learn to distinguish. For example: two fishermen- simple numeral; two fishermen- collective noun. This form is formed on the basis of a cardinal number by adding a suffix -o- or -er- and endings -e or -o. For example: two is two, three is three, four is four, five is five, six is ​​six, seven is seven, eight is eight, nine is nine, ten is ten.

Declension of numerals

As already mentioned, one of the inconstant signs of this part of speech is the change in cases. This topic is quite difficult to master, and many make mistakes when declining numbers in cases, even as adults. And the reason for this is the special forms of declension of some words. Each type of numerals is declined according to certain rules:

  • The declension of collective numbers is done in the same way as in the case of adjectives in the plural.
  • When changing the case form of a fractional number, the first part is declined as a simple integer, and the second - as an ordinal, standing in the plural.
  • Cardinal numbers in declension have their own characteristics: the number "one" is declined like the pronoun "this", and the rest of the numbers should be considered by example. It is also worth noting that when declining, all parts of the number are declined.

Declension Examples

Nominative Genitive Dative Accusative Instrumental Prepositional
Who? What?whom? what?to whom? what?whom? What?by whom? how?about whom? about what?
twotwotwotwo, twotwoabout two
oneonealoneone, oneoneabout one
five hundred and twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred twentyfive hundred and twentyfive hundred twentyabout five hundred twenty
fourtymagpiemagpiefourtymagpieabout forty
thousand fourthousand fourthousand fourthousand fourthousand fourabout a thousand four
three hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threethree hundred threeabout three hundred and three
fourfourfourfour, fourfourabout four

It is also worth noting that quantitative numbers such as little, a lot can only be used in the nominative and But the words a little, a lot, a few And How many when used in, they acquire endings similar to plural adjectives.

Syntactic compatibility of the numeral

One more ode important topic in the section on the numeral is the use of this part of speech. Quite often in Everyday life has to do with collective numbers, and therefore you should know how to pronounce and write them correctly. And in order to avoid mistakes, one should study not only the declension of numerals by cases, but also a topic that reveals what the collective numeral can be combined with. The noun is the main companion of the numeral in terms of syntactic compatibility. And there are a lot of features that every educated person should know.

The use of cardinal integers and ordinal numbers

If the numeral in the sentence is used in the nominative and accusative, then the noun must be in the genitive case. For example: d nine notebooks, twenty roses, five people.

It should also be noted that numbers such as one and a half, four, three And two, combined only with nouns in the singular, and all the rest - in the plural. For example: two notebooks, three roses, four people.

The examples discussed above show syntactic compatibility, which is called control, since the case of a noun depends on the numeral.

Another type of compatibility is agreement, when both one and the other parts of speech are used in the same case. The only exception in this case is the word one, which agrees with the noun in all cases.

When ordinal numbers agree with a noun, they behave in the same way as adjectives. For example: eighth week, tenth day, fourth day. When declining such a numeral by cases, it should be borne in mind that only the ending of the last word changes. For example: one hundred fifty fifth paragraph.

The use of collective nouns

Collective nouns are combined with nouns only in genitive case. The exception is the word both, in which the companion should only have For example: seven kittens And both friends.

In speech, the norms for the use of numerals are often violated. To avoid mistakes, remember the following rules.

In complex cardinal numbers from 50 before 80 , from 200 before 900 both parts are inclined: im.p. fifty - data.p . fifty, tv.p. fifty;im.p. three hundred - dt.p. three hundred, tv.p . three hundred.

In a compound quantitative numeral, all the parts forming it decline: im.p . two thousand six hundred and thirty dt.p. two thousand six hundred and thirty tv.p . two thousand six hundred and thirty.

In ordinal numbers, it is declined only the last word: im.p. two thousand six hundred and thirty data.p . two thousand six hundred and thirty tv.p. two thousand six hundred and thirty.

When specifying a date, the ordinal number is declined, the name of the month is put in the genitive case: by the fifth of September I, with eight th March A .

Compound numbers ending in two three four (32, 33, 34 etc.), do not combine with nouns that have only plural forms. For example, the construction would be erroneous: thirty two days or thirty two days. In these cases, lexical substitution (word replacement) or grammatical restructuring (construction replacement) is used: thirty-two days, within thirty-two days.

· With a mixed numeral, the noun is controlled by a fraction, it is used in the genitive case of the singular: 2 2/5 (two and two fifths) meter A ; 5,2 (five and two tenths) seconds s etc.

Collective nouns two, three, four etc. are used: a) with masculine and common nouns: three boys(But: three girls), two orphans; b) with nouns children, guys, people, faces: two children, four strangers; c) with nouns that are used only in the plural: two trousers, four days(But: five six etc. days); d) with the names of baby animals: two puppies, three cubs(But: two dogs, three bears); e) with substantiated adjectives and participles: four Russians, three killed; e) with personal pronouns: we are two, they are five; g) in the meaning of substantiated numerals: I know two.

· IN book speech in the presence of synonymous constructions, it is preferable to use combinations with cardinal numbers: not two professors, A two professors; Not three fighters, A three fighters etc .

Forms one and a half, both used with masculine and neuter nouns: a month and a half, an apple and a half, both students, both windows; forms one and a half, both- with nouns female: one and a half weeks, both girls.

numeral both-both is not used with nouns that do not have a singular form, since it does not have a gender category. Wrong: with both/both scissors; Right: those and other scissors.

In indirect cases, numerals one and a half, one and a half have the forms one and a half, one and a half.

In comparison with other parts of speech, numerals are represented in modern Russian by a rather limited group of words. However, despite the small number, the use of numerals causes certain difficulties.

1. There are variant forms instrumental simple and complex numbers and combinations with them:

Normative colloquial

eight eight

eighty eighty

fifty fifty

sixty sixty

Numeral eight hundred in T.p. has options: eight hundred And eight hundred. Both of these options are standard.

2. Numerals one and a half, one and a half and a half hundred have only two forms: in the nominative and accusative cases - one and a half(m. and Wed. R.), one and a half(female), a hundred and fifty; in indirect cases - floor at torus, floor at torasta.

3. When connecting a compound number ending in two three four(22, 23, 24 ...102, 193 etc.), with nouns that have only plural forms, there is a syntactic incompatibility. Misuse: twenty two days, twenty two days, twenty two days. In such cases, either lexical editing or grammatical restructuring of the structure is carried out: twenty two days or within twenty two days.

4. In normative speech, the use of words is strictly distinguished both And both in all cases: both brothersboth sisters. Violation of this rule is undesirable even in oral speech.

5. In combinations two (three four) and more the controlled noun is put in the genitive singular. numbers: two or more options, three or more difficult forms.

6. Words two three four, used with animate nouns, have the form V.p., similar to R.p.: met two friends And three girlfriends, advised four students.

7. Constructions are correct 35.5 percent A (Not: percent), 12,6 kilometer A (Not: kilometers), that is, with a mixed number, the noun is governed by a fraction, not an integer. Also: 45.0 (forty five and zero tenths) seconds, 6 and 7/8 meters (six and seven eighths of a meter).

8. Collective numbers two, three, four(other numerals of this type are rarely used) are combined:

a) with masculine and common nouns that name persons: two friends, three orphans;

b) with nouns denoting paired objects and used only in the plural form. numbers: two sledges, three tongs;

c) with nouns children, children, people, with a noun face in the meaning of "man": two children, three boys, four strangers;

d) with personal pronouns we you they: there are two of us, three of you, there were five of them;

e) with nouns denoting baby animals: seven kids, four kittens.

9. With the synonymy of constructions with quantitative and collective numerals of the type two friends two friends you can choose one of the options. The use of collective numbers is preferred:

a) with substantiated masculine adjectives: two passers-by, three sick, seven playing;

b) with masculine nouns ending in - A: two men, three elders.

On the other hand, it is preferable to use a cardinal number:

a) with some nouns m.r., naming persons by profession, occupation, position, etc.: three professors, six majors;

b) with inanimate nouns in oblique cases: to two sledges, about three days.

However, in combination with the word clock, the choice of a collective or quantitative numeral is meaningful: six hours missing - six hours missing.


Words are written:

a) single-digit quantitative numbers, if they do not have units of measurement ( seven cases, five machines);

b) multi-valued quantitative numerals with which a paragraph begins. (In this case, it is better to build the phrase so that the numeral is not the first word of the paragraph).

Numbers are written:

a) multi-valued quantitative numerals (with the exception of numerals that begin a paragraph);

b) numbers with abbreviated units (single-digit and multi-digit).

After listing homogeneous numbers (values ​​and ratios), the abbreviation for the unit of measure is placed only after the last digit. For example: 5, 15 and 30 liters. Cardinal numbers when written in Arabic numerals do not have case endings. For example: in 30 groups(it is forbidden: in 30 groups).

Ordinal numbers are usually written in words. When written in Arabic numerals, ordinal numbers have case endings.

The build-up of the case ending in ordinal numbers, denoted by Arabic numbers, according to the established tradition, is carried out as follows:

a) one letter is added to the numeral if the last letter is preceded by a vowel sound, for example:

b) two-letter accretion can be added to numerals if the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a consonant, for example:

If two ordinal numbers follow one after the other, separated by a comma or connecting union, then the case ending is increased for each of them, for example: 1st, 2nd rows; 9th and 10th grades.

Ordinal numbers do not have case endings: a) after the noun they refer to ( in ch. 2); b) when written in Roman numerals ( 20th century; it is forbidden: 20th century); c) in the bibliographic description, except for the edition number ( v.3, issue 4) However, if the generic word is after the numeral, then it is necessary to act according to general rule, For example: in the 6th volume; on page 85. Word year or the name of the month in the date follows the number, for example: In 2014, May 9, 1945(an error would be to write In 2014, May 9, 1945). However, if the word year or the name of the month is omitted, or placed before the number, or separately from the number by another word, it is recommended to increase the case ending, for example: in May, on the 20th; year 1993; 1941 struck; concert rescheduled from May 20 to May 29.

Numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes the number of objects ( five, twenty) or the order of items when counting ( fifth, twentieth) without regard to the objects themselves. Therefore, in speech they are used in combination with nouns ( two students, third floor). In sentences, numerals are usually used before nouns ( thirty kilometers). Changing word order ( thirty kilometers) gives the value of an approximate amount. Numerals have a complex declension system. It depends: 1) what category the numeral belongs to; 2) what is the numeral in composition (structure).

According to their meaning and grammatical features, all numerals are divided into quantitative And ordinal .

Cardinal numbers answer the question how much? and denote the number of items ( three movie) or a number ( ninety, one hundred and one). Quantitative numbers can be called:

a) integers ( six cases , twelve months);

b) fractional numbers ( two-thirds plot, two point six hectare) is fractional numbers ;

c) the number of two to ten items as a whole (four peers, seven bold) - this collective numbers .

It should be remembered that collective numbers do not combine:

1) with nouns denoting females;

2) with nouns denoting the names of animals, including young ones.

Collective nouns are most often used:

1) with masculine and common nouns that name males: two friends, three orphans;

2) with nouns that have only plural forms: two hours, three sledges, four days;

3) with nouns guys, kids, people;

4) with personal pronouns: we you they: There are two of us, there are five of them.

Ordinal numbers answer the question which? and have a countable ordinal value ( third, 76th, four hundred and forty third).

By composition (structure), quantitative and ordinal numbers can be:

1) simple , i.e., consisting of one root ( six, one hundred, one thousand);

2) complex , i.e., consisting of two bases ( seventy, seven hundred);

3) constituent , i.e., consisting of several words ( thirty three, one hundred twenty nine, one thousand two hundred fifty six)

Features of declension of numerals

1. Numerals one varies by gender and number, and therefore it is declined according to the type of adjectives, only in the nominative and accusative cases it has noun endings:

I. one, one A, one O, one And

R. one Wow, one Ouch, one Wow, one their etc.

2. Numerals two (two), three, four has a special system of case endings

R. dv wow, tr ex, four ex

D. dv mind, tr eat, four eat etc.

3. Simple quantitative numbers from 5 to 20 and 30 are declined as nouns of the 3rd declension, i.e. in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases have an ending -And: up to seven And hours, to seven And hours, about this And hours.

4. Numerals 40, 90, 100 have two forms:

I., V. - forty, ninety O, st O

R., D., T., P. - forty A, ninety A, st A

5. Numerals from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900 are Difficult words, and when declining, both parts change.

50 – 80

AND. heels b ten

R. heels And ten

D. heels And ten

IN. heels b ten

T. heels ew ten

P. (o) heel And ten

200 – 400

AND. two hundred And

R. dv wow honeycomb

D. dv mind stam

IN. two hundred And

T. two me stami

P. (o)dv wow fear

500 – 900

AND. heels b honeycomb

R. heels And honeycomb

D. heels And stam

IN. heels b honeycomb

T. heels ew stami

P. (o) heel And fear

It should be remembered that for numerals denoting whole tens from 50 to 80 and round hundreds from 500 to 900, in the nominative and accusative cases, a soft sign is written after the first root.

6. For compound cardinal numbers denoting integers, all the words of which they consist are declined

AND. seven hundred sixty eight

R. sem And honeycomb pole And ten eight And etc.

7. When declining fractional numbers, both parts change: the first part is declined as a numeral denoting an integer, the second - as an adjective in the plural: to tr eat heels th (D. p.), with tre me heels mi (T. p.).

If a fractional number denotes the number of objects, then the noun with it is always in the genitive case: one second hectare(I. p.), to one second of a hectare(D. p.).

Fractional numbers one and a half (one and a half) And a hundred and fifty when inclined, they have two forms:

I., V. - one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred

R., D., T., P. - one and a half, one and a half

8. Collective numbers in indirect cases have the same endings as plural adjectives:

AND. four cubs

R. Thursday s cubs

D. Thursday th cubs

Collective numerals both (both) in the masculine and neuter gender in oblique cases have a stem -ob-, and in the female -both-. Wed: with about O them boys, But: with about e them girls. Only the numeral is combined with feminine nouns both: both friends, both desks.

9. Ordinal numbers are declined according to the type of adjectives, since they also change according to gender, numbers and cases. Wed:

AND. fourth th- new th

R. fourth Wow- new Wow

In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes during declension:

AND. th year

R. one thousand nine hundred ninety-four Wow of the year

It should be borne in mind that ordinal numbers in -hundredth, ‑thousandth, ‑millionth, ‑billionth are written contiguously: six hundredth kilometer, two thousandth copy.