We will tell you not only about the beaches of Australia and America, but also about the resorts of Europe and Africa that are popular with Russians!

Vacation time is in full swing. In this regard, we decided to compile a rating of resorts where man-eating sharks are dangerous for people. Nobody wants to get in trouble on vacation, right? So check out our selection now!

Predators hunt off the coast of Florida, California and the Hawaiian Islands

The beaches of Florida (US state) are considered the most dangerous in the world: here sharks attack most often. But at the same time, according to statistics, not a single vacationer who encountered a predator in the ocean died: young blunt-nosed sharks attack people. Not eaten, but seriously injured.

Off the coast of California there are many sea ​​lions, which are the food of sharks. Predators sometimes confuse humans with prey. You know what it leads to...

Shark attacks in Hawaii have killed Lately already 15 people. The most dangerous individuals hunt here - white and tiger sharks. Most often, attacks occur off the island of Maui. Be careful!

Australian beaches are deadly for divers and surfers

The beaches of Queensland in Australia are some of the scariest in the world. Sharks have killed 136 people in 45 years. Most often they attack surfers and peacefully swimming people. In third place attack on divers.

Killer shark attacks in the Red Sea in Egypt

In 2010, five tourists were injured in a shark attack in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Four more foreigners were seriously injured on the beaches of Hurghada in 2017. Beware!

The waters off the coast of South Africa are teeming with predators who see humans only as food

The beaches of South Africa are dangerous because local sharks know that people are food. And the people who work in the tourism industry are to blame for this.

The fact is that in this country the so-called attraction is very popular - diving in a cage with sharks. As a result, this led to the fact that now people have become associated with predators with dinner.

Divers also add fuel to the fire. They feed predators from their hands. The result of such amusements is terrible: for last years 23 people died.

Local sharks behave in the water like real housewives. They attack not only divers, surfers and swimmers, but they can also attack a boat.

Shark sightings off the coast of Spain

In 2017, flocks of sharks, which can be dangerous to humans, appeared in the most popular resorts in Spain: off the island of Mallorca and the coast of Valencia.

Predators huddled in a group and plowed shallow water. Fortunately, there were no attacks. Perhaps they were not going to attack, or maybe the rescuers helped, who notified the tourists about the appearance of sharks.

Scientists have noticed that since 2012, often sharks began to move from Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean. Therefore, the appearance of predators near the beaches in these parts may soon become a pattern.

Wondering if there are sharks in the Black Sea? And it's not even about horror films from childhood, but about the most ordinary human concern for one's life and health.

Are there sharks in the Black Sea?

The answer to such a question can instill fear in front of ignorant people, because this answer: "Yes" and this is a scientifically proven fact.

What predators live?

You can exhale - the sharks that live in the waters of the Black Sea are practically not dangerous for humans because of their small size and caution. During the day, they hide in depth and do not interfere with their presence of vacationers.

When meeting with fishermen, Black Sea sharks do not attack them, but go to the bottom.

In addition to sharks, there are other dangerous ones in the Black Sea:

  • Jellyfish. Cornerot is dangerous, it can sting a person quite seriously with its poison;
  • sea ​​ruff or scorpionfish. It has clawed teeth and poisonous glands located on its fins;
  • sea ​​dragon. In appearance, a harmless fish has poisonous glands next to the spike on the gill cover and on the first dorsal fin, which is a great danger to people;
  • stingray stingray. There is a sharp thorn on its tail, which can grow up to 35 cm. The injection of this protective element is very painful.

Unfavorable living environment

The Black Sea is unfavorable for the life of large, dangerous sharks for a number of reasons. At a depth of about 60-70 meters, the Black Sea waters contain hydrogen sulfide, which is not suitable for the breath of most species of sharks.

And one more fact why there are no dangerous sharks in the Black Sea. Due to the lack of diversity and quantity of marine fauna, large predators simply nothing to eat in the Black Sea. The low-salinity waters of the Black Sea are not suitable for the life of large sharks that have fallen into it from.

Black Sea types of thunderstorms of the seas - photo

Only two shark species.


Also called dogfish or the Black Sea shark is the most famous predator of the Black Sea. main feature this shark has spines on its fins that are designed for protection. They are covered in poisonous slime. There are cases when a person could suffer from this shark while sorting the catch, injuring himself on poisonous spikes.

Katrans do not like solitary swimming and prefer to stray into common flocks.

The katran has a streamlined elongated shape, this allows you to develop great speed. These sharks live at a depth of up to 40 meters, a little deeper in summer, as they prefer water with a temperature of 14-15 degrees. An adult katran is no more than 160 cm long and lives for 25 years. Prefers to eat herring, horse mackerel, squid and even octopus. Avoids meeting people.


The cat shark is also known as scillium. She has enough small size- an average of 60-70 cm. The body of the shark is covered with spots, which makes it similar to representatives of the feline species. Hunts in shallow water, feeds on small fish and crustaceans. Due to its size, it is often included in the diet of larger counterparts. It usually lives at a depth of 80-100 meters.

This nocturnal predator sees perfectly in darkness. During the day he prefers to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Basically, this species of sharks lives along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea, from where it enters the Black Sea through the Bosphorus during the migration period.

Sea killers and cases of attacks on people

Most of the statements that there are dangerous sharks, with relatives of fishing tales. And they are among the most mysterious and dangerous species sharks in the world ocean.

goblin shark

Differently goblin shark. Perhaps the most ancient and little-studied species of sharks on the planet. The only deep sea shark. Scientists came across the bones of a goblin shark 80 million years old.

This fish acquired such an ominous name for a reason. The goblin has a large sensitive protrusion on the nose, which does not add to its attractiveness, and a mobile jaw that moves far forward at the sight of prey. It prefers depths over 300 meters and never rises to the surface. Meets Enough rarely and was considered extinct for many years.

Compared to the Black Sea sharks, the goblin has an impressive size. The length of an adult is over 3 meters.

Even the color of this shark remains a mystery, presumably it is pink, but in the event of a death of a shark, it changes to brown.

Shark has interesting features:

  1. electroreception. That is, it is capable of receiving electrical impulses from environment. This helps her to get food in the dark sea depths;
  2. She has another ability. deep sea fish- her eyes glow in the dark greenish light.

The goblin feeds on shellfish and fish. shark in all oceans except for the Arctic, preferring warm and temperate waters. Most often found off the coast of Japan.

In December 2010, information appeared in the media that in the Black Sea in the region, fishermen was caught goblin shark. No one, except for the shark itself, was hurt. There were photos, video reports, interviews. However, experts considered the information a "duck". How dangerous the goblin shark actually is is also not known.

white torpedo

shark eater. The name speaks for itself. This is one of the most large predators on the planet. Its length reaches 7 meters. With its huge size, the shark is quite smart and curious, it has a well-developed sense of smell, which allows you to smell prey several kilometers away.

The shape of a shark resembles torpedo, which allows it to reach speeds of up to 24 kilometers per hour. Can dive to a depth of more than 1000 meters. White sharks live 60 years. Adults feed on big fish, seals, sea lions, cephalopods, can attack other sharks and even whales.

Big White shark gained a reputation as a killer due to numerous cases of attack on a person. This shark lives in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

According to scientists, the impact of white sharks from mediterranean sea across the Bosphorus probably, but they will not swim far from the strait and coast - water temperature drops in winter and summer are not suitable for them.

White sharks are thermophilic - they live in waters heated from +12 to +24 degrees.

Here are some cases of the appearance of white sharks near the Black Sea from the world of news:

  • V 2008 And 2009 years in the area of ​​the Dardanelles in the net, fishermen from Turkey came across cubs of white sharks;
  • in July 2011 Turkish fishermen caught a juvenile great white shark in the same region;
  • in September 2016 all the same fishermen found a flock of white sharks in the Bosphorus off the coast.

blue sea queen

This type of shark got its name because of the unusual gray-blue color. The size is more modest than white, adults reach 4 meters. This species lives in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Prefers temperate and calm waters.

The blue shark is an excellent hunter, loves small fish, and in coastal waters it can attack waterfowl. This fish does not distinguish colors, but has phenomenal sense of smell.

With a man at the blue shark complicated relationship. In Malaysia, the blue shark is commercial fish and it is from there that it gets to gourmet tables different countries. But the predator herself does not remain in debt. Probability of attack especially large in the open ocean.

Less often, careless swimmers in warm lagoons can also be attacked by blue sharks.

On April 12, 2015, a blue shark attacked a photographer in south Florida, with only a bitten forearm. According to the victim, he provoked shark in pursuit of the perfect frame.

And in this video you can learn a little more about one of the Black Sea sharks:

lovers sea ​​bathing who are going to Crimea for the first time on vacation, are often interested in Are there sharks in the Black Sea? Get the answer to this question will help you give how locals living in a resort town or village, as well as professional oceanographers who confirm that yes, sharks are found in the Black Sea and there are only two of them. Are they dangerous or not? What dangerous sharks swim in the Black Sea? Do these predators swim close to the coast? We will tell and show in this article.

Fauna of the Black Sea

The fauna of the Black Sea is not rich in diversity. This is due to the fact that its water is very saturated with hydrogen sulfide. For this reason, many of the representatives of the local flora and fauna simply cannot exist there. Many species of fish and inhabitants of neighboring seas do not swim into the Black Sea from the Mediterranean, because they cannot tolerate the smell of water saturated with hydrogen sulfide.

As you know, sharks prefer to swim in the depths of the seas, and in the Black Sea, hydrogen sulfide thickens and accumulates there. Moreover, a predator can only get from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea by swimming through the Dardanelles, then he needs to swim through the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the narrow Bosphorus Strait. Both straits are not wide, but this is not a problem for the predator, but shallow water in some areas is an obstacle for them.

Types of sharks of the Black Sea: katran and scillium

But still, the answer to the question of whether sharks are found in the Black Sea will be positive. In its depths there are katrans - small sharks that are not a threat to humans, because they hunt fish. They live in packs. The average size individuals of this species from the shark family are slightly more than a meter in length.

Are katrans dangerous? They cannot kill a person or bite off a limb from him, but they can injure and injure them. The fact is that sharp poisonous spikes are located on the skin and fins of the katran. In some cases, katrans can bite. For life, their bites can be dangerous if a flock attacks. Most often, fishermen suffer from a meeting with a katran, on ordinary people, bathing and floating in the sea, katrans do not attack, unless you step on one of those that calmly bask in shallow water.

Outwardly, the katran looks like its own distant relatives: white and blue sharks. This predator is a permanent inhabitant and aboriginal inhabitant of the Black Sea.

Another shark is also found in the Black Sea: cat or scillium. The length of the cat shark does not exceed one meter. Its diet includes Black Sea molluscs and other invertebrates living in the depths. She does not pose a threat to a person and to his life, on the contrary, she tries in every possible way to avoid a meeting.

As you can see, neither a katran nor a cat shark is an enemy to a person, and you still need to figure out who is an enemy to whom, because it is not sharks that hunt a person, but, on the contrary, a person hunts a shark. In Crimea, all vacationers are offered to taste mouth-watering fish in the form of a smoked delicacy - balyk, which is similar in taste to expensive sturgeon.

Black Sea sharks are actually very tasty. You can try the meat of these predators both in the restaurant and on the beach, where it is offered by local merchants. But here you need to be vigilant. Buy fish products need in stores where they are stored according to the rules.

For lovers of sea hunting, local fishermen are ready to show a master class on how to catch a katran with a bait. This is an interesting and exciting activity for all those who love to go fishing.

Another interesting entertainment, which you will certainly be offered in the Crimea, is diving. Having dived to the depth where these and other "inhabitants" of the Black Sea live, you will get aesthetic pleasure and feel like a part of the unknown underwater world Black Sea.

Goblin shark: an unusual visitor from the Pacific Ocean

And now a little history. In 2010, in the Crimea, off the coast of Sevastopol, local fishermen caught the Goblin shark, which lives in the depths Pacific Ocean. Naturally, they were puzzled by such a catch, as a result of which the sensational catch became the cause of litigation as to how this creature could get into the waters of the Black Sea, which is located at a distance of a thousand kilometers from her home. Here is what is said about this in the expedition reports of the Kharkov explorer anomalous phenomena Sergei Petrov:

“The Sevastopol fishermen were quite surprised when they caught this monster. Many marine reptiles have been seen here, but such a specimen was caught for the first time. The footage that came to the Mobile Reporter website shows how the sailors do not know what to do with the catch. The goblin shark, goblin shark, rhinoceros shark or scapanorhynchus (lat. Mitsukurina owstoni) got into the net of fishermen. The fish got its name for its bizarre appearance: the shark's muzzle ends with a long cranoid outgrowth. This species is little studied, less than five dozen specimens are known to science.

The brownie lives off the coast of Japan in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and how he ended up in the Antlantka, where the salinity of the water is different, is not clear. “I know cases when a blue or tiger shark swam, but they swam up to the shores of the Bosphorus and went back, for them this salinity barrier turned out to be insurmountable,” says Alla Korotkova, curator of the Sevastopol Aquarium fund. The brownie shark lives at a depth of 200 meters. This species has been studied very little. It is not even known whether it is endangered and whether it is aggressive towards humans.

For Sevastopol oceanologists, it is now a mystery how long the goblin shark lived in the Black Sea. But whether this marine inhabitant was the only representative of its kind in the Sevastopol Bay is unknown. These sharks feed on a variety of organisms that live in deep waters. They eat fish, including other sharks, and can reach a length of 3-4 meters (perhaps there are big sharks of this species, but the longest goblin shark ever discovered was 3.8 meters long). They also feed on crustaceans and squid, octopus and cuttlefish.

The goblin has several rows of teeth, some of which are for catching prey while others are for cracking shells of crustaceans. The anterior teeth are long and smoothly edged, while the posterior teeth are adapted for gnawing. Up to 25% of a goblin shark's body weight is its liver. This contributes to the buoyancy of the shark, which, like all sharks, lacks a swim bladder.

These sharks hunt by sensing the presence of prey due to special sensitive organs, their eyesight is poor due to the lack of light at great depths. Once the shark finds its prey, it will suddenly protrude its jaws, using a tongue-like muscle to grab the prey in its sharp front teeth."

Statistics on shark attacks in the Black Sea

There are no confirmed facts about shark attacks on humans in the Black Sea, but as fishermen say, they met a spotted spiny individual.

Rarely were katran attacks on divers, who were themselves to blame. They decided to play with a harmless, as it seemed to them, shark and pull its tail. For which they paid, receiving bites.

Some fishermen who did not follow the rules of caution when fishing for a predator also left traces in the form of scars on the skin.

There are cases when vacationers accidentally stepped into the sea on a shark lying at the bottom. In this case, the shark immediately reacted to the impact, regarding it as an attack.

You can see the Crimean katran (prickly shark) and cat shark in any seaside town of Crimea where there is an Aquarium.

Popular questions and answers

Are there sharks in the Black Sea?
Yes, in the Black Sea there is a katran and a cat shark (scillium).

What sharks swim in the Black Sea?
In addition to the katran and cat sharks, the white shark swims here, fox shark, hammerhead shark.

Are there sharks that are dangerous to human life?
A white shark and a hammerhead shark can attack a vacationer. In this case, the person is in mortal danger. In some cases, you can also suffer from the bite of a katran.

Do sharks attack in the Black Sea?
Yes, sometimes they attack. As an everywhere.

Are there any statistics and cases of shark attacks on people in the Black Sea?
There are no official statistics. To confirm the case of a shark attack, it is necessary to draw up documents and convene a special commission that will issue a conclusion and confirm or, on the contrary, refute the case of an attack in the media.

Why are tourists afraid of shark attacks in Crimea?
Because there were cases when fishermen and vacationers suffered from the bites of these predators.

Can a white shark swim in the Black Sea?
Yes, sometimes white sharks dangerous to humans swim in the Black Sea. This does not happen often, so it is impossible to track and record such cases. When and how often the white shark swims into the Black Sea, it is impossible to say for sure.

Does the Goblin shark live in the Black Sea?

It is not found in the Black Sea. Or is it already done? In 2013, a case was recorded when this rare predator fell into a fishing net. But most likely, this is an isolated case.

And in this video clip you can see what sizes the Black Sea sharks reach:

Many tourists who decide to spend their holidays on the Black Sea are concerned about the safety of swimming in its waters. The abundance of fresh shark meat in fish markets is especially alarming for guests of local resorts, indicating the close presence of marine predators. Are there sharks in the Black Sea? Indeed, some species of these fish comfortably settled there. But do not rush to change your plans for summer rest: after reading the article, you will find out if sharks in the Black Sea are dangerous for humans.

Are there sharks in the Black Sea that are dangerous to humans?

The risk of meeting a person in the waters of the Black Sea with predators that pose a threat to life is very small. Many densely populated coastal cities, intensive shipping, numerous bathers - all this does not contribute to the attractiveness of local expanses for inhabitants of other reservoirs. The low salinity of the water and the monotony of the edible fauna do not add to the popularity of this sea.

The offspring of fish that are not adapted to large temperature fluctuations simply will not survive here, and adult predators will also not be comfortable in the cold season.

Therefore, large sharks, like the Whites, who accidentally got into the Black Sea through the Bosphorus, prefer not to linger here. Faced with an unsuitable environment for life, they turn back to their familiar surroundings.

So far, statistics have not recorded a single case of a shark attack in the Black Sea on a person.

What sharks are found in the Black Sea?

Of all the numerous species of sharks, only the katran is a permanent inhabitant of the Black Sea.

A medium-sized fish, which is popularly called a sea dog because of some similarity of heads, about a meter in size and weighing 8-12 kg, has a standard elongated shape. The body with a dark back and light sides is dotted with small poisonous spines. Catrans have an excellent appetite: they attack all moving objects of a smaller size. Their diet consists of horse mackerel, anchovy and other marine life. Often, crabs and small dolphins get into the teeth of sharks. Predators feel more comfortable in the cold, so they live in the bottom layers, rising to the surface only at night.

In spring and autumn, these sharks living in the Black Sea move closer to the shore, and in October they again rush deep into the depths to give birth to offspring. Because of resemblance with white and blue sharks, representatives of this breed are often filmed with a visual increase in horror films about cannibal underwater inhabitants.

Representatives of this species of marine predators are found in the Black Sea much less often than katrans. The cat shark (scillium) is not a permanent inhabitant of the local expanses of water. She lives in the Mediterranean Sea and only occasionally swims into the Black Sea through the Bosphorus Strait. Moving fish do not differ in impressive size: their body length is no more than a meter. Depending on the species, the scillium has a dark or variegated color.

His mouth is wide, with small and sharp fangs. The tail is paddle-shaped and acts as a rudder. Predators feed mainly on the inhabitants of the sea, living on the bottom - crabs, scorpions, mollusks, annelids, sometimes arranging a hunt for fish. They lie in wait for the victim, hiding behind stones or algae. Sharp eyesight and a developed sense of smell allow the predator to easily find food, and due to the compact size and shape of the body, the fish is able to pursue prey at high speed.

Other types of sharks swim in the Black Sea quite rarely and do not stay there for a long time.

Divers and spearfishers have the greatest chances to meet a toothy hunter in the Black Sea. The sharks living here have a highly developed caution: they perceive people not as prey, but as dangerous enemies. For this, marine predators have every reason: due to the delicate taste and nutritional value of shark meat, they often become objects of hunting. Their small size does not allow them to attack a person themselves, therefore both katran and scyllum prefer other food.