After the divorce, the director called the ex-wife "subhuman" and "erased" all memory of him, giving her common daughter her last name and patronymic.

Beautifully starting marriage shocking actress and director Valeria Guy Germanicus and dancer Vadim Lyubushkin ended at the beginning of 2016 with several at once.

Her husband turned out to be a bigamist, so, having learned about this, the director of the School divorced Vadim, and without his presence. And after the divorce, Germanicus gave her common daughter Severina, wanting to erase even the very memory of the ex-wife, whom, offended, she called.

Recall that the acquaintance of Valeria and Vadim happened on the set of the popular show "Dancing with the Stars." Stormy love affair at work broke out, although the future spouses performed with different partners: Germanika danced in tandem with Maxim Petrov, and Lyubushkin danced with an actress Love Tolkalina .

The official registration of the marriage of Germanika and Lyubushkin took place on July 11, 2015 in one of the Moscow registry offices, and the official part was held in their favorite bar. The celebration was attended by relatives and friends of the couple, as well as the 7-year-old eldest daughter Valeria.

However, it soon became known that at the time of registration of marriage with Valeria Vadim Lyubushkin was officially married to a US citizen. It was the American wife who told the public that their marriage was not yet completed. The news came as a complete surprise to Germanicus.

At first, Germanika said that she was happily married and was not going to part with her husband because of his bigamy. But, apparently, in Valeria's personal life, not everything went smoothly. At first the director stopped publishing joint photos with Vadim. And then a statement appeared on her personal page in which the 31-year-old star admitted that she was with her husband. In one of the interviews she said: “I thought that grinding to each other would be easy, and I believed that my husband would be my friend and support. But there can be no friendship when there are a lot of lies, when a lot is hidden from you and this is already a habit ... "

Realizing that happiness could not be built with Vadim, Germanika broke up with her husband and told her sympathizers: “Thank you to all kind, sympathetic people! But for me, this divorce is happiness and liberation. And may fresh and pure flowers bloom in my garden.”

The final point in this six-month marriage in January 2016. The application was submitted by Valeria unilaterally. After a standard period of one month, which, according to the rules of our country, is given for reflection, the court divorced the couple.

The personal life of Valeria Gai Germanika is no less scandalous than her films. The director of the film “Everyone will die, but I will stay” gave birth to her first daughter Octavia in 2008 and still no one knows who her father is.

Valeria had a short relationship with the musician of the Agatha Christie group Gleb Samoilov, and then she met the dancer Vadim Lyubushkin. It happened on the show "Dancing with the Stars", in which Gaius Germanicus was present as a guest star. Their romance lasted only six months - all this time they were inseparable and did not hide their relationship, and then formalized them. However, six months later, Valeria's husband Guy Germanika told his wife that he was leaving Russia, where he could not realize himself.

In the photo - Valeria Gai Germanika with her ex-husband

Valeria considered this a betrayal and filed for divorce, despite the fact that she was soon preparing to become a mother for the second time. In addition, it turned out that Germanika's husband and the father of her second child is a bigamist - Vadim Lyubushkin's second wife Anna Mazurenko lived in the USA. She told about it ex-lover Vadima and his dance partner Victoria Fadeeva. She said that Lyubushkin shared with her that he was not going to divorce his American wife, because the divorce process would cost him a huge amount, which he does not have. But he was not afraid to enter into a second marriage in Russia, for which he could be imprisoned in the States for five years and deprived of his citizenship in the hope that no one would find out.

According to Valeria, her former spouse turned out to be an irresponsible person, unable to become the head of the family, provide for and raise children. She decided to completely erase Lyubushkin not only from her own, but also from the life of their daughter, and after the birth of the baby she gave her a patronymic and surname, which did not mention the name and surname of Valeria Gai Germanika's ex-husband.

The second daughter of the director was recorded as Germanika Severina Valerievna. Valeria says that divorce for her was a chance to gain freedom not only for herself, but also for her second child - the resentment against Lyubushkin was huge, because he left the country without leaving her a livelihood, moreover, in a difficult time for Germanicus period, with a sick mother and in anticipation of a child.

At one time, Lyubushkin had already lived and worked in America, but his affairs were not going well there - his career was not going well, he borrowed money from friends, and then did not repay his debts, which is why Vadim decided to return to Russia to avoid trouble with the law.

After the divorce, Valeria tried to quickly forget about Lyubushkin and plunged into work and raising her daughters. And here ex-husband Valeria Guy Germanicus does not waste time and has affairs with other girls with might and main. In the photos that he posts on Instagram, you can see that he has appeared new sweetheart, whose name is Alla Kocherga. Now he enjoys life in Los Angeles and does not keep in touch with ex-wife, he also does not consider it necessary to help her raise their daughter Severina, while he does not deny himself anything. new girl Lyubushkina lives in California, owns her own dance studio, where Vadim also works.

And Valeria is not going to change anything in her personal life yet and is content with the status of a single mother. Eldest daughter director Octavia helps her mother take care of her younger sister when Valeria leaves home for work.

Valerie's parents family relationships at one time also did not work out - her father, a famous Russian journalist Igor Dudinsky left the family when Valeria was not even a year old, and when she received a passport, she took the patronymic and surname of her stepfather, who raised her from the age of five, and not her biological father.

Valeria got into the film industry by accident - after school she entered the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, and as a student she became interested in filming documentaries. In 2005, she entered the independent film and television school and during her studies made her first short film Girls, from which the professional film career of the future director began.

Another celebrity whose name became widely known thanks to the TV project "Dancing with the Stars" was the dancer and choreographer Vadim Lyubushkin. His brilliant performances on the floor in tandem with actress Lyubov Tolkalina caused a storm of emotions and genuine public interest in the person of the dancer. From the beginning of the broadcast of the project personal life of Vadim Lyubushkin V literally"on everyone's tongue." There is nothing surprising in this, because this is the payment for popularity and success. By the way, Vadim Lyubushkin is no longer used to such heightened interest, because in America, where he previously lived and worked successfully, the dancer took part in the same show - an analogue of the domestic one.

The biography of Vadim Lyubushkin began 30 years ago, on October 16, in the Russian city of Omsk. There he graduated from SibGUFK with a diploma of a professional ballroom dancer. By the way, the fact that Vadim Lyubushkin became interested in ballroom dancing quite late, at the age of 14, testifies to the athlete’s unlimited perseverance. However, he managed not only to make up for lost time and opportunities, but also to win much great heights than many domestic dancers who have remained at the level of amateurs. For more than 6 years (until 2014, when the dancer received an invitation to the Russian "Dancing with the Stars"), the talented choreographer lived and worked in the United States of America. However, participation in the domestic television project radically changed the entire further biography of Vadim Lyubushkin. And although he didn’t win the show this time, he gained a lot on a personal level.

When it comes to the personal life of Vadim Lyubushkin, then in Lately immediately the name of the outrageous director Valeria Gai-Germanika, well-known in our country, pops up in my head. And this is not at all accidental, because literally on July 12 of this year she became the legal wife of the choreographer. The couple met through participation in a television project. Their feelings towards each other flared up, even despite the fact that they were paired with completely different people, and continued to glow even after the end of the project. There were a lot of rumors and speculation about whether their wedding would take place. However, the celebration still took place.

But the joy of the accomplished event just a couple of days after it was a little overshadowed by the news that Vadim Lyubushkin was officially married to another woman - an American citizen Anna Mazurenko. Even despite the fact that the dancer began the divorce proceedings in mid-June, according to American law, he has no right to enter into a new marriage for at least six months from this date.

It would seem that the wedding has just died down Valeria Guy Germanicus and her lover, the dancer VadimLyubushkina as in a newly minted family has already erupted loud scandal. The former cohabitant and dance partner of the 30-year-old participant in the show "Dancing with the Stars" contacted the editors of SUPER - Victoria Fadeeva. According to the woman, Germanika's husband still has an undissolved marriage with a US citizen, which Valeria does not know about, as well as a lot of debts that threaten him with problems with the law.

When Vadim announced that he had decided to marry Valeria Gai Germanika, I asked him how he was going to get married if he was already married and married in California to an American citizen named Anna Mazurenko? - began the story of Fadeeva. - He said that he would not get a divorce, because the divorce process would cost him at least $ 400, and he does not have that kind of money. I immediately told him that this was a case under jurisdiction, because it was bigamy. If in America they find out that he also registered a marriage in Russia, then he can be imprisoned for five years and deprived of a green card. And he replied that everything is fine and no one will know anything.

That is, Vadim left for Russia without dissolving the marriage?

Yes. When I explained to him about possible consequences, Vadim began to fuss. I took him to my lawyer, who helped him file for divorce. We wrote the application on June 23, the documents were submitted on the 24th. The lawyer explained to Vadim that, according to US law, he is still in the status of a married person and will receive a divorce only after 6 months. In the meantime, he has no right to enter into a new marriage. Well, as you can see, if they registered in Russia on July 11, then half a year has clearly not yet passed.

Did Germanika know that Vadim was married?

At first she didn't know. Only Sveta, Valeria's sister and manager, began to suspect something, as she clever woman. She asked him for help. Vadim began to lie that he could not take it and he needed to go to San Francisco to receive it, since the Russian consulate is located there. And this story was hushed up. But then Vadik’s dad accidentally blabbed, he asked Valeria in front of him: “What will Vadik be for bigamy ?!” Valeria, of course, was stunned. She was in shock, texted him. I personally read them, and the worst thing is that he showed this correspondence to everyone. It was written in the SMS: “You are completely some kind of fool, we were lying in the same bed, and if the press finds out about this, I’m finished! And my daughter has to go to school.” He, of course, tried to fix everything, but she did not pick up the phone. If Valeria had not found out about his marriage, he would not have begun to divorce. He didn't want to spend $400 on it.

Who are you related to Vadim Lyubushkin? How long have you known him?

We met Vadim in America. When I met him, he had nothing at all, he lived in a dance studio. He didn't have papers, he didn't have a job. But I immediately noted that he was a promising partner, and offered to dance in pairs. We started working together and soon developed a personal relationship. For three years, I fully financed Vadim: I paid for all our dance training, accommodation, meals, and even bought Vadim's clothes, down to his underpants. And, most importantly, she helped him do the paperwork and get a green card. When we started renting a room together in America, Vadim began to have continuous tantrums. At that time, he often smoked weed, and we had a lot of scandals. In the end, we broke up, but remained friends, I still helped Vadim and gave advice on life.

After your breakup, Vadim returned to Russia?

No, Vadim remained to live in Los Angeles, but his affairs were bad. The Russian press writes that he participated in an analogue of the show "Dancing with the Stars" in America. But this is not true! Drive on the Internet Dancing with the Stars, you'll see he didn't participate. For several years he managed to owe money to all his friends. He liked to borrow money and not give it back. For example, there were guys who came from Russia, and he let them live in his apartment. Before leaving for Dancing with the Stars, Vadim took money from them for an apartment, but did not pay off the landlord. In addition, he let the guys into the apartment illegally, because under the laws of California he had no right to rent out his apartment without the permission of the tenant. The owner of the apartment was even going to sue him, because he disappeared and had not paid the rent for three months. Literally before the departure of Lenya Burlo (Participant in the show "Dancing with the Stars." — Approx. ed.) asked me where Vadim was, because he owes him money and does not give it back. He opened a business with people and threw them. In general, leaving for Russia was a kind of salvation for Vadim.

How did Vadim's romance with Valeria Gai Germanika begin?

We were sitting in a cafe in May, and Vadim told me that he had decided to marry Valeria Gai Germanika. I was surprised because he called me from the project and told me that Valeria kissed him, that she hangs herself on him, but she is very dumb and he doesn’t like it at all. My friend told me that he was sitting at their house and boasted that he should probably fall in love with Valeria, though he didn’t know how. By the way, at the same time, he began to flirt with another girl, sitting in a jacuzzi, telling her that he wanted three children from her, and eventually slept with her. I talked to him about this topic, he told me that Valeria made a vow: not to have sex before the wedding. And he said: “Am I supposed to wait for her to sit? I am a young guy. Let her shoot her films, but I want sex.

But he ended up proposing to her anyway?

According to him, she herself said: "Marry me, Vadim." Then he began to say that Valeria was taking out his brain and asking if he would bring rings from America? And he has no money for rings. I said that I had a husband's ring from an old marriage. I wanted him to save money on his ring and buy a good one for Valeria. But he asked if I also had a ring for Valeria? I said that this is already rude, and we went to the store. Found a $400 ring, very modest. But Vadim spared money on him too. When I asked how he was going to get married without a ring, he replied: “I’ll torture something!”.

That is, Vadim came to Moscow empty-handed?

Before leaving, he told me that he needed a present for Valeria. I offered to give her a piece of Louis Vuitton jewelry, to which he said: “What are you? You've gone crazy, haven't you? It's too expensive for her, I can only spend $150 on her." As a result, we chose a pink blouse for Valeria in the store and the same orange one for her daughter. And we also bought an iPhone selfie stick, and he said, “That's enough. I have no money!"

Victoria, why did you decide to make all this public?

I just feel sorry for Valeria, I don't want Vadim to ruin her life. I want her to understand who she married.

By the way, Vadim Lyubushkin himself has already rushed to justify himself for his actions in an exclusive interview with SUPER.

What does love do to a person? Once, about five years ago, I filmed the film director Valeria Gai Germanika in my program "Who's there ..." on "Culture".

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

A tough, aggressive-minded girl was sitting opposite me, all in black, with defiantly active makeup and a nose ring, and at some point I even wanted to stop shooting - her energy was so negative. And now I see an unusually feminine and charming person, moderately pacified and complaisant. This is due to Vadim LYUBUSHKIN, dancer international class, which spun Leroux in a wedding whirlwind. A few days before their wedding, we talked

I I know that Lera refers to everyone as you. To you too?

Vadim: Yes.

And you to her?

Vadim: Only you. This is a sign of respect and some kind of distance.

Why do you need a distance if you are going to get married?

Valeria: I used to communicate like that.

Vadim: And I also have this habit, but only in relation to Lera.

There are a few days left before the wedding. Are there any fears, superstitions?

Vadim: Now I am overwhelmed with emotions, sometimes jitters happen. I have been living in America for a long time, during this time my mentality has completely changed. And now I am rediscovering Russia through Leroux.

Valeria: In general, my mood changes not only every day, but every two hours. Such a character. In addition, a professional habit: I play different scenarios in my head all the time. But in important situations, I try not to bother, somehow let go of myself. And then such a moment came, with the wedding, when I just reconciled. It will now turn itself out, without my dramaturgy ... I am very, very scared. I last years lived in seclusion, in her mink. We have such a family of girls: daughter, mother, my sister and me. During this time, I did not date men. And, of course, it is unusual for me to change the situation. But I understand that this fear is actually artificial, because it is not good for a person to be alone.

And what was the reason for such seclusion?

Valeria: This is some kind of internal formation. I devoted a lot of time to my spiritual life. I drew pictures, read books. I went to church a lot. In general, I was going to a monastery - I did an audition, went to a monastery, lived there ... Maybe it sounds silly, but in fact I just decided that I would not really be anyone's girl, maybe someday I would get married, but meet I don't want to be with anyone because it's a waste of time for me. I have an adult child, seven years old, and drive guys back and forth to break her brain? This is not my topic.

And Dancing with the Stars turned my mind around. How did you, Lera and Vadim, focus on each other? You didn't dance as a couple.

Valeria: We met in a dance studio, at the very beginning of the project.

Vadim: I was sitting at the bar and watched how several choreographers put the girl to dance at once, while she herself was clearly unhappy with the result.

Valeria: I suffered. I cried, tears flowed endlessly. The choreography did not suit me, and my partner Maxim Petrov did not hear me. The message was that I need to do movements that are comfortable for me, in which I am cool, and I do not want to be broken to dance. I noticed: sitting at the bar like a foreigner, I went to him: “Do you agree with me?” I then attracted everyone - I was looking for support.

Vadim: “Yes,” I say, “of course, I agree.” Well, how could I disagree when a girl cries?

Valeria: I answered: "You are good, I like you." Then she asked, “What are you doing? Are you a producer? - No, dancer. - "ABOUT! Goodbye then".

Vadim: This is how our epic of love began.

Valeria: Nothing at all started then. For me in "Dancing with the Stars" opened new world, I experienced such a palette of feelings for the dancers as a class! And to my friends, walking with them in the evenings, I read a lecture about dancers and asked: what kind of women generally send boys to be dancers? why not join the army? not in medical or astronauts? There was such a question of a conceptual and ideological nature.

Couldn't it have been easier to look at this problem - for example, ask Vadim why he chose dancing?

Valeria: No, it didn't come to that. We crossed paths again when I had a panic attack: I just couldn't get into dance studio, I was afraid. Next was Vadim. I say: “Give me water” - and somehow I opened up with him, I don’t know why. She said that for three and a half years I have not slept with men, I go to church, this is my lifestyle. In general, I have my troubles. He says: "Well, you need to erect a monument." And after some time there was karaoke. Every Saturday after live broadcast all participants of "Dances" gathered together in a bar or karaoke. Everyone but me. I went with them once, by accident.

Vadim: And there already some kind of chemistry arose between us.

Valeria: We kissed. I didn’t understand how it happened, I didn’t kiss anyone for a year at all! Then my friends barely took me away, stuffed me into the car, I resisted. In the morning I woke up in Vadim's scarf and still felt his smell. I took a Polaroid photo with this scarf and wrote: “I hate Instagram and drunken men. I love only sweets,” and handed Vadim a photo and a scarf in a bag through the administrator. And then it began great post And I didn't talk to anyone again.

Vadim: No, we talked to you. By phone. I called and wished you a happy birthday. It was midnight, I think. At this moment, Lera was taking a bubble bath and enjoying herself.

Valeria: I have already seen off all the guests. And he called me and said: "Come to me in Los Angeles."

Was it after the completion of the project?

Vadim: No, but I was thinking about the future. I must, I say, take you to Los Angeles.

Valeria: And he said: with mom and daughter.

What, however, you are fast and decisive.

Vadim: Well, life goes by fast.

Valeria: Yes, I think he was joking then.

Vadim: I just joked: I came to Moscow from America for our wedding. ( smiling.) When I congratulated Lera on her birthday, I wanted to quickly end the conversation: I had a fear of verbal communication due to my compressed Russian vocabulary.

Valeria: Then I told him books,

"Dubrovsky" Pushkin.

Did you retell?

I told how this character feels, what that ... Well, we digress.

No, Lera, do not get distracted. These are such nice touches to the portrait.

In fact, I always wanted to leave the Dances.

But what about Lyubushkin?

I had such passions that I didn't care: Lyubushkin, Golubushkin! A tough fight with dancing was going on all the time, inside and out. When I was dancing, my daughter Octavia christened the TV - I tell you seriously. Because it was a feat that I went there at all, it was violence against myself, conscious. I even came to Father Dmitry to ask for leave. He said: "No, go dance." So for me it was almost like obedience. This is all worthy of a psychological dissertation or some other ... In general, I was supposed to dance with Vadim from the very beginning. I was told that they were taking a partner. I say, "Describe it." In response to me: “Are you looking for a groom?” - "Well, actually, my fiancé will be a banker."

Vadim: Five points! By the way, when the project was just starting, I was interviewed, and to the question “If you fall in love, will you stay in Russia?” I answered yes.

Valeria: Wow.

Vadim: I said so, but I understood very well that in no case would I stay in Russia. I have everything in America: clientele, students, friends.

How many years have you lived in America?

Vadim: Eight and a half.

Valeria: He doesn't live there anymore, don't scare me. You can, I'll smoke, otherwise I'm nervous. ( leaving.)

Vadim: I had a serious personal relationship in America that lasted six years. After that, I gave myself two years to fill the vacuum, work up, and then...

... settle down?

Vadim: Well, yes. And so I came to the project. You know, in America everything is delicious, beautiful, cool. But everything is there ... how to say ... without a soul. I knew how the day would start and how it would end, all this creates some kind of web from which you, in principle, cannot get out. And you begin to think: you need to become a man already, another responsibility should appear. Everything is already clear with business, with the dance industry, and I dreamed that I would have the most precious thing - a wife with whom there would be a complete idyll.

That's about the idyll. Have you been told about Lera, that she is inadequate, crazy? ( At this time, Valeria returns.)

Vadim: As they said! But all this only fueled my curiosity.

Valeria: Yes, they told me the same thing about him. Especially my partner Maxim. I told him: “You know, Lyubushkin is actually very home man He wants to be loved and he misses that." And Maxim told me: “Ha ha, baby! You are deeply mistaken."

Vadim: That's it, Maxim will not be at the wedding!

Valeria: I then wanted to say to Petrov: but we bet that I was his ...

... change?

Valeria: No, well, it's too big a responsibility to change someone. A person is able to change only if he wants to, but by force... I had an experience when I tried to change a person, only grief, misfortune, a sea of ​​tears came out.

Are you talking about an affair with rocker Gleb Samoilov?

Valeria: Yes. I myself fell under these rails and learned a lot then. First of all, humility, patience. Lyubushkin is really violent.

Vadim: I'm a dancer. ( smiling.)

Valeria: And he somehow changed a lot. Even his friends told me: “What did you do to him? What's the point?" I answered: "Well, kindness and patience, as Professor Preobrazhensky bequeathed to me." ( laughing.)

What about Vadim's influence on you?

Valeria: I'm only getting prettier.

Vadim: Well, look: Marilyn Monroe is simple!

I also noticed, Lera, that your signature gothic style has disappeared somewhere.

Valeria: I started to get rid of this a long time ago. Father Dmitry helped me, pushed me out of the hole in which I was, in a black gothic abyss. Then a gloomy story with Samoilov. I even received treatment rehabilitation center. But all this is in the past.

In general, Lyubushkin met a completely different Guy Germanicus.

Valeria: Thank God! I was probably just ready for this meeting. They say that for those who know how to wait, everything comes on time.

Now about waiting. Why did you decide to get married so quickly: just five months after you met?

Vadim: Well, because when these elements, returning to chemistry...

You are a great chemist, Vadim Lyubushkin!

Valeria: I'll tell you. This applies to Omsk. Toward the end of the project, my friend Agniya Kuznetsova hooked up with my partner Maxim Petrov. She writes to me: "We are going to the film festival in Omsk together." And I also went there. And I think: she will walk the red carpet with a guy, and I'm alone, like a sucker? In general, take Lyubushkin to Omsk for me, I say to Agnia and Maxim.

Vadim: Omsk is mine hometown I was born there.

Valeria: In short, we met with Vadim in Omsk, near the hotel. There was nothing between us, except for that one kiss at karaoke. But he came here as my boyfriend, and we were put in the same room. I told him: “I will be offended if you pester, it will be disrespectful to me. So the rules are: I don’t sleep with men.” He says "why?" “Because I go to church and I will only sleep with my husband.” He says, "Well, it's probably going to be me." Something like that. I thought haha. Then we walked down the red carpet.

... and the entire press wrote that Gaius Germanicus was published with her lover.

Valeria: And when we returned to Moscow, there was a tragic situation, because Vadim was going to immediately return to Omsk.

Vadim: I had to meet my parents, I haven't seen them for a long time.

Valeria: I saw him back to the airport. He was joyful and excited, and I thought: everything, kapets, he is like that, because he wants to leave me, like to get free. And I realized that I didn’t want to see him anymore, and I told him about it. So we parted ways at the airport. As a result, I sat at home for three days, and I was very much covered. I didn't understand what was happening to me. I panicked and said: “Lord, please give me a sign to understand that this is mine, this is very important to me.” 'Cause I'm all right, kapets. I feel bad physically and mentally. And my daughter began to follow me and say: “Mom, where is Lyubushkin, were you together in Omsk?”

Vadim: My daughter still doesn't know my name and thinks my name is Lyubushkin.

Valeria: She says to me: “Mom, do you like him?” I say yes". "Then why did you let him go?" I say: "Damn, he left." "Then tell him and he will return." "No, Octavia, he won't come back." - “He will return, mother, if you order, I know. You write to him." I say: “What should I write to him? How are you?" She: “No, what are you, it’s too formal and cold, you can’t write like that.” And she herself spent half a day coming up with a text for a text message.

And what did you come up with?

Valeria: She didn’t come up with anything, she just followed me: write, write. As a result, she made me write. I remember this text message: “My soul, how are you?”

Vadim: This message was enough for me to react immediately.

Valeria: He called me and said the following thing: “I know what I need to do. You must trust me." And for me it was a sign. I thought: wow! I was so happy and kind of relieved. And Octavia was delighted.

Vadim: I returned from Omsk, and Leroy and I went to the final party of Dancing with the Stars together.

Valeria: We didn't stay there long, about forty minutes. And he suddenly says to me: "Let's go to our house." There, where Vadim lived with other guys - participants in the show. There was no one at home, the guys were hanging out. And there I was finally covered. We somehow hugged, and my DNA began to change. Something strange began to happen in the body, as if the cells were moving. And an inner voice says to me: that's it, stop, this is like your love.

And if this is love, then you should immediately go to the registry office?

Valeria: I just asked Vadim: “Do you feel the same way as I do?”

Vadim: At that moment I realized that I needed to change my life radically. I decided to finish my business in America and return back to Moscow, to Lera.

Valeria: He said: "I'll be back and we'll get married." I introduced Vadim to Octavia. She dreamed about it, and just before the meeting she said: “Mom, when I think that I need to get to know him, everything in my stomach turns over. It's so exciting."

Vadim: Then Octavia wrote to me from her mother's phone to America: "Lyubushkin, be a man, don't quarrel with your mother." Or else: “Drink a sedative and stop making mom nervous. When will you arrive in Moscow?

Valeria: I was waiting for him on the twenty-eighth of June, and he arrived on the twenty-ninth. I freaked out wildly. I need to give a medal in general for the fact that I have been waiting for him for two months. Serovo. And, of course, he is also a hero. I admire him. Vadim is so in love with this America. It really hurts my soul when he starts talking about her: “And here in Los Angeles the sun shines better than you have in Moscow.” I answer him: “Yes, I’ll print out the photo wallpaper for you with the sunset there, I’ll hang it over the bed.”

Well, now we'll meet at your wedding.

Vadim - Valeria: And you won't run away from the wedding?

Valeria: I'll try. I made a promise to myself that I would not run away.

Vadim: Your words are in the ears of God!