A happy mother, a successful businesswoman and heiress of one of the most famous composers in Russia - all this is about Victoria Krutoy. The musician's daughter lived in the USA for many years, her gorgeous wedding died down four years ago in Monaco, but the girl still decided to open a business in Moscow.

Now Victoria runs a chain of florist shops, while managing to pay attention to her daughter Demi and her beloved husband. The girl does not hide that David Berkovich bears the honorary title of an ideal spouse, always ready to come to her aid. However, even in this family, conflicts sometimes occur. According to Krutoy, it is possible to overcome them thanks to an excellent sense of humor.

“We always laugh together. It helps our relationship because even when we fight, we quickly put up with humor. I think Dami will grow up a little more and will also participate in our jokes, ”said Victoria.

The spouses love to make fun of each other so much that they even created general page on Instagram, where they post funny videos and photos. Restaurateur David Berkovich pleases his beloved not only with a sense of humor, but also with daily support, which is so necessary for a businesswoman.

Recently, Krutaya, together with her friend, has been running a network of florist shops. This business is not only a way of earning money for Victoria, but also a source of inspiration. However, the girl does not deny that it is not at all easy for her to combine the duties of a mother with solving work issues.

“When Dami was little, she needed a lot of attention. I fed her for almost a year, and because of this I couldn't go anywhere much. But all my friends and colleagues, naturally, understood my absence and supported me. Now my daughter is more mature, and it has become much easier for me to engage in both her upbringing and business at the same time, ”the composer's daughter shared.

According to Victoria, baby Demi is the favorite of her star grandfather. Igor Krutoy tries to spend as much time as possible with the girl. They often play the piano together, and the child even shows excellent musical abilities.

However, the young mother is not trying to grow a star out of the baby. According to Victoria, it is much more important for the girl to become a good man with diverse interests. Already at the age of three, Demi speaks English, and also masters Russian and Portuguese.

Victoria herself often spends time on the road. She lives between New York and Moscow, but is not used to complaining about a busy work schedule. Communicating with Peopletalk, the composer's daughter admitted that she feels happy and grateful to her relatives for the opportunities that she has.


Vika is the adopted daughter of the famous Russian songwriter and composer Igor Krutoy.

When the girl was four years old, her parents divorced. Mom Vicky Olga, current spouse composer Igor Krutoy, left for permanent place residence in the United States of America. And a little later she transported her daughter there. Olga once got to a concert of a Russian artist and fell in love with him.

Creative way

The Cool family stayed in Miami. But at first Igor spent a lot of time in Moscow. In America, Vika graduated from the Stella Adler drama school in New York, as well as the university, where she studied with a degree in Business Communications. After that, in 2008, the future artist got an internship at the American publishing house of the popular magazine "Glamor".

As Vika herself admits, she was only an assistant to the editor-in-chief. Her job was to send emails, make coffee and go shopping, looking for clothes that should look branded, but cost ten times cheaper.

At one time, the girl lived in Moscow, only six months. In the Russian capital, Vika attended courses for TV presenters in Ostankino.

Vika was fond of music with early childhood... She constantly came to Russia for the Morning Star competition. At that time, Igor Krutoy forbade her to give her last name, and the girl dropped out of the competition in the third round. The director himself recalls that time with a laugh.

“Later, when Joseph Kobzon saw Vika next to me in the jury, I understood everything. He immediately suggested to me to replay everything, but I refused: "Well, no, let the girl feel how there are the guys who make their way to the heights without rich dad." After all, Vika is not a hothouse child who was brought to the microphone in the studio in her arms, where she whispered something, and the computers corrected everything, then they shot a video with eminent actors and put it on the air. No, Victoria is an option - I myself, ”says Igor Krutoy.


After university, Vika became friends with American DJ Serge Devant and began to disappear in the studio. In 2004, she took part in the filming of Dima Bilan's video clip "I love you so much" and began to develop a stage career both in Russia and abroad.

Vika Cool on video

Mine debut video Victoria Krutaya presented the song "I'll Run away" in 2011. The video for the composition was filmed by director Konstantin Cherepkov, who collaborated with the stars of the Russian stage: Sergei Lazarev, Timati, Vlad Topalov, the Slivki group, Sergei Zverev.

“The video was shot in a futuristic manner. The futurism of the late 60s has always worried me, but I just lacked an artist who is able to embody and convey aesthetics. Victoria did an excellent job with the task, and by the way, on the set she has established herself as a real professional artist, ”said the director.

In 2011, the artist presented her new video "No Breaking Me Down". In one of the prestigious metropolitan clubs, a new video gathered to watch the cream of the domestic scene: Valeria, Iosif Prigozhin, Disco Crash, Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak, Sergei Lazarev.

It was noticeable that Vika was very worried about the increased attention of the stars and the press. However, the premiere was held on "Hurray!" The video was shown twice. First, the English-language version was broadcast, a little later the Russian-language version, which is called "Alien Element". The guests of the evening, by the way, congratulated the newly-made artist with a standing ovation.

In the same 2011, Victoria became a participant in the sixth issue of the television project "Dancing with the Stars". In front of the cameras, she flaunted in a pair with Artem Mikhalkov. However, the son of the famous director almost immediately refused to dance with her, they say, because of excess weight girls. Vika was urgently put on a diet, after which the organizers paired her with Bruce Khlebnikov, the most strong man Russia.

However, as Victoria herself admitted, she did not intend to starve herself, but nevertheless she lost a few extra pounds.

“I am deliberately not losing weight,” said Victoria. - I lost, of course, a couple of kilograms, but not because of the diet, but because of the heavy loads during the rehearsals.

Personal life of Victoria Krutoy

For some time, Victoria Krutoy was courted by the owner of a club called "Mao" David Berkovich. However, the young man later denied information about their romance. As it turned out later, for five years the singer has been dating a certain young man named Alexander. And the couple, by the way, are already preparing for the wedding. In addition, the wedding of Cool, if you believe the signs, is just around the corner. At the wedding of his half-brother Nikolai, own son composer Igor Krutoy, Vika caught the bridal bouquet.

It is worth noting that Igor Krutoy prefers not to participate in the musical fate of his daughter. Here's what he said at Vicky's 25th birthday celebration.

“Vika, one might say, is Professor Pleischner, who is intoxicated with the air of freedom. The daughter is looking all the time. She graduated from the University of New York and studied at the drama school, and now she began to study singing professionally. Vicki has a producer and composer - he is one of the most popular DJs in the world. Therefore, there is no need for me to write music for her. And, frankly, I am not very familiar with electronic music, because Vika and her team are engaged in it. My daughter constantly lets me listen to the recorded tracks, she always asks for my opinion. It is incredibly pleasant to me ... And I am glad that her first Russian-language song "Run away" became a hit in Russia. "

Clip presentation

By the way, now Victoria Krutoy has several songs in her collection. Among them are the composition "Falling", as well as the song "Alien Element" and the duet with the group "Disco Crash" "Carnival".

By the way, at the end of 2011, the press noticed that Victoria Krutaya succumbed to fashion trends, the hobby of Western stars. At one of the concerts, the composer's daughter appeared with unusual decorations on the wrist. Her hand was decorated with a thin red thread, which is also worn by Demi Moore and Madonna.

It turned out that Vika Krutaya had been studying Kabbalah for several months. In this hobby, according to Igor Krutoy, her friend was involved. By the way, despite the fact that Kabbalah is supported by Zhanna Friske, Masha Malinovskaya and Ksenia Sobchak, the newly-made singer hides her addiction from the public.

Singer Date of birth August 29 (Virgo) 1985 (33) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @ victoriakrut

Vika Krutaya is the adopted daughter of the famous poet and composer Igor Krutoy. Develops a career as a singer and artist. Currently, all her activities are devoted to the upbringing of her daughter Demi Rose.

Biography of Vicky Cool

Victoria was born on August 29, 1985 in Moscow. Four years later, the parents divorced, she stayed with her mother Olga. Subsequently, Olga left for America, where she met Igor Krutoy and married him. The cool ones lived in the USA for a long time, but the head of the family often left for Russia. In New York, Igor Krutoy's daughter Vick studied at a drama school and received a university degree in a business profile.

Victoria lived for several months in Moscow, where she took courses for TV presenters in Ostankino.

Since childhood, the girl was interested in music and more than once performed at the national competition "Morning Star". Due to the fact that her father forbade mentioning his last name, Vika quickly dropped out of the competition. Igor Krutoy wanted his daughter to feel what it was like to achieve something on her own, and not at the expense of famous relatives.

Having received higher education Victoria met DJ Serge Devant and became almost everything free time spend in the studio. In 2004, the young artist starred in Dima Bilan's video "I love you so much." After a successful debut, Vika began to build acting career both in Russia and abroad.

In 2008, Victoria began her practice in publishing Glamor magazine. The girl's career started from the position of assistant editor-in-chief. For a long time, she was engaged in sending mail, preparing drinks and finding clothes similar to branded, but at a low cost.

In 2011, the girl made her debut with a video for the song "Run away". The video was shot by the famous director Konstantin Cherepkov. The clip was presented in the futurism style of the sixties. Later Vika starred in her new video for the song "No Breaking Me Down". Many stars of show business gathered at the premiere. The girl was very worried because of such a high curiosity. Despite this, the video was received positively and the debut was crowned with success. Currently, the girl's repertoire already has several songs, some of them are quite famous.

Igor Krutoy does not take any part in musical career daughter.

Vicky Krutoy's personal life

At one time there were rumors about Victoria's five-year romance with a certain Alexander. They talked about the couple seriously preparing for the wedding. Later, information about the girl's romance with the owner of the Mao club, David Berkovich, was leaked to the media. After the wedding, a replenishment took place in the family of Vicki and David - in 2015, their daughter Demi Rose was born. The girl is very similar to her father.

Latest news about Vika Krutoy

V currently all the news about Victoria Krutoy revolve around her figure, motherhood and family life... The singer's Instagram subscribers are watching with interest Vicky's travels with her little daughter. In addition, fans note that the overweight girl surprises with the harmony and fit of her body after childbirth. Her example has become an inspiration for many young mothers.

The weight: 68 kg

Height: 173 cm

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Place of Birth: Moscow

Activity: singer

Biography of Vicky Cool

The girl is the adopted daughter of the famous Russian songwriter and composer, “I love you so much,” and she began to develop a stage career both in Russia and abroad.

Vika Kruta-I on video My debut video for the song "I'll Run away" Victoria Kruta-i presented in 2011. Video sequence per composition filmed the rezhi-sser Konstantin Cherepkov, who collaborated co-stars Russian scene: Timati, Vlad Topalov, the Slivki group, Sergei Zverev.

“The video was shot in a futuristic manner. The futurism of the late 60s was always exciting to me, but not just an artist who is able to reincarnate and convey aesthetics. Victoria, on the other hand, did an excellent job with the task, and by the way, on-site she has established herself as a true professional artist, ”said the regi-sser.

In 2011, the artist presented her new video “No Breaking Me Down”. In one of the prestigious metropolitan clubs, a new video was gathered to watch the cream of the domestic scene: Valeria, Iosif Prigozhin, "Disco Ava-riya", Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lora-k, Sergey Lazarev ...

It was noticeable that Vika was very excited about the increased attention of the stars and the press. However, the premiere was held on- "Hurray!". The video was shown twice. At first, the English-language version was translated, a little later the Russian-language version, which is called "Alien element". The guests of the evening, by the way, the newly baked artist greeted with ovations.

I'm too fat

In the same 2011, Victoria became a participant in the sixth issue of te-leproe-kta- “Dancing with the stars”. Before the te-lecamera, she-kra-so-wa-las paired with Artem Mikhalkov. However, the son of the famous rezhi-ssera, almost immediately refused to talk to her, they say, because of the girl's excess weight. Vika was urgently imprisoned diet, after which the organizers put her in a pair with Bryus Khlebnikov, the most powerful man in Russia.

The girl does not seek to lose weight

However, as Victoria herself admitted, she didn’t dare to starve herself, but she still dropped a few extra kilograms.

“I am deliberately not losing weight,” said Victoria. “I lost, of course, a couple of kilograms, but not because of a diet, but because of heavy loads during rehearsals.”

Personal life

For some time, Victoria Krutoy was looked after by the owner of the club under the name "Mao" David Berkovich. However, the young man later denied information about their romance. As it turned out later, for five years the singer has been dating a certain young man named Alexander. And a couple, by the way, are already preparing for the wedding. In addition, bra-oblique-pairing Cool, if you only believe the omen, is not far off. On the wedding day of his free old brother, Nikolai, his own son, composer - Igor Krutoy, Vika caught the bride's bouquet.

Vika in Dancing with the Stars

It is worth noting that Igor Krutoy prefers not to participate in the musical fate of his daughter. Here's what he said on Vicky's 25th birthday.

“Vika, one might say, is Professor Pleischner, who is intoxicated in the air of freedom. The daughter is looking all the time. She graduated from the University of New York and studied at the drama school, and now she began to study singing professionally. Vicki has a producer and composer - one of the most popular DJs in the world. Therefore, there is no need for me to write music for her. And, to be honest, I am not terribly familiar with electronic music, however, no less Vika and her team are engaged in it. My daughter constantly lets me listen to the recorded tracks, she always asks for my opinion. I am extremely pleased ... And I am glad that her first Russian-language song "Run away" became a hit in Russia. "

Clip presentation By the way, there are already a few songs in Victoria Krutoy's piggy bank. Among them is the composition "Falling", as well as the song "Alien Element" and the duet with the group "Disco-ka Ava-riya" "Karna-va-l".

Fashion addiction

By the way, at the end of 2011, the press noticed that Victoria Kruta-I succumbed to fashion trends, the hobby of Western stars. At one of the concerts, the composer's daughter appeared with unusual decorations on the wrist... Her hand was decorated with a thin thread, worn by the same Demi Moore and Madonna.

It turned out that Vika Kruta-I had been studying Kabbalah for a few months. In hobby, in the words of Igor Krutoy, she was attracted by her friend. By the way, despite the fact that Kabbalah is supported by Zhanna-Friske, Masha Malinovskaya and Ksenia Sobchak, the newly baked singer hides her addiction from the public.

Victoria Krutaya was born on August 29, 1985 in Moscow. When the girl was four years old, her parents divorced. Mother - Olga, a businesswoman, after a divorce left for the United States for permanent residence. In Miami, she met the composer Igor Krutoy, whom she soon married. Igor adopted Vika.

In America, the future star graduated from the Stella Adler drama school, then from New York University, where she studied with a degree in Business Communications.

During her studies, she took part in the filming of Dima Bilan's video clip "I love you so much."

In 2008, after graduating from high school, the future artist spent two years training at the American publishing house of the popular magazine "Glamor", and also took acting lessons.

In 2011, the singer released her debut video for the song "Run away", directed by Konstantin Cherepkov. In the same year, Vika recorded the video “No Breaking Me Down” and took part in the TV project “Dancing with the Stars”. She recorded songs: "Falling", "Addicted to love", "Run away from you", "Carnival" (together with the group "Disco Crash" and GeeGun), etc.

In September 2013, Victoria opened a flower boutique in the center of Moscow. The girl became a co-owner (together with Victoria Soschenko) of a flower and gift shop. The name of the floristic brand is Florist Gump.

On June 1, 2014, Vika Krutaya married a hereditary restaurateur David Berkovich, with whom