February 18, 2017

The judge of the show "Minute of Glory" on Channel One spoke about an unfulfilled dream of becoming a musician, love for the circus and a little great-grandson.

- Vladimir Vladimirovich, now, according to the sensations, you are the most. Especially with regard to the younger participants - you almost always vote against them moving on. Is this your principled position?

Maybe it's life experience or something. But I have come to believe that children must be handled very delicately. They are more vulnerable. Their mentality is less stable. They experience defeat much stronger and more emotionally than adults. I have already said during the program that sometimes there are geeks. But this is a completely different matter! These are special, unique people - like Mozart or Menuhin. At the same time, for example, the same Richter and other great pianists matured later. Although they played very well in childhood.

So, to release a small child on the big stage, suggesting to him that he must win, in my opinion, is wrong. This is basically the motivation of the parents. More often the mother than the father. And the inability to understand that perhaps a real trauma is inflicted on the child. Therefore, I am against it. Another thing is, for example, sports competitions where children compete with each other and this does not happen on stage. We all played different games. But when you speak to a large audience, in the "Minute of Glory", your dignity should not be in the fact that you are small, not in the fact that you have glasses and pigtails, but in how you show yourself in art. Today there was a girl. She's so sweet, so good. But she cannot sing Zemfira's song. In the text of the experience of an adult who has experienced a lot. Difficult song. Very! With outward simplicity. Does the girl like it? Thank God, let him sing. But putting her on stage with that is just, in my opinion, heartless. I almost cried myself. The child is so sorry!

- You are sitting on the jury for the “Minute of Glory” for the first time. That's how you suddenly skidded?

- When they began to persuade me, they said: "Look, it will be." I highly appreciate her - her talent, perfect originality, otherness. “There will be Sergei Yursky” - well, this is one of my favorite actors, and in general a person whom I respect very much. And I thought: “A completely different jury of some kind!”. But he immediately said: “Keep in mind, if I agree, I will not breed syusyu-masya, put “five” to everyone, praise: “What brilliant you are!”. It won't be like that." “No,” they told me. - And it is not necessary". Then I thought: “Well, maybe it will be funny?”. And in the end he agreed.

Photo: Evgenia Guseva

- The programs of the qualifying round were removed. What are your impressions?

- There are some absolutely outstanding artists. I remember the guy who does the number "I am another tree." And today's two Armenian men with a knife - that's all! I have never seen such a thing. There was also a brilliant magician. And a couple of champion gymnasts. In general, there are four - maximum five numbers that really had a very strong effect on me.

- When you evaluate performances, you talk a lot about the circus. It seems that you often go there, understand the genres.

— I was friends with circus performers. When I worked at the Novosti Press Agency, there was a whole group of young guys, a company was formed. I was engaged in foreign policy propaganda, worked in a magazine that was published in the United States. But there were guys who worked for the Soviet audience, interviewed different people. And through them I met the Engibarovs. And this is the greatest clown! And by the way, when I lived in America as a child, I was very interested in the circus. I often visited the Barnum & Bailey circus - this is a circus with three arenas at once. And there simultaneously occur different actions. I always went where the acrobats, tightrope walkers. These people amaze me! But I hate the circus with animals. I feel sorry for them. In general, circus performers are a special audience, this is a brotherhood, a partnership. Absolutely unique, wonderful people.

My dad never learned to play the piano. Because of Dmitri Shostakovich

- Also, judging by your comments, you are well versed in music.

— I grew up with music. Then, when he got married, he was in musical family. My daughter graduated from the conservatory. And I myself love music. I didn't become a musician by accident. If my mother had not insisted that I play the violin, maybe everything would have turned out differently.

- And what did you want to play?

- On guitar. But my mother said, “No. Guitar - later. Come on, violin first. And I was seven years old. And I hated this violin with a fierce hatred. In the end, accidentally found a cartoon. There was such a wonderful American cartoonist Charles Adams. It was he who invented the famous Addams Family. In general, he had a cartoon-comic. So, a plump boy is walking, in short pants, in a baseball cap, and with a violin case - the first drawing. Second: he reached a house, rings the doorbell. Third: the door is opened by such a big-nosed, hairy violin teacher. Fourth: the child came in and put the case on the piano. Fifth: he takes out a machine gun from the case and shoots the professor. I cut it out and hung it over my bed. And my mom said, "Well, okay." This concludes my lessons. Unfortunately, I didn't become a musician. But I really love music and understand it.

Minute of Glory jury members, actors Sergei Yursky, Sergei Svetlakov, Renata Litvinova and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner (left to right) on the set of a program on Channel One. Photo: Mikhail Frolov

- So, you passed on your love to your daughter, since she studied at the conservatory?

- No. She was just born into a musical family. Her maternal grandmother Zara Levina was a fairly well-known composer in the Soviet Union. And you understand, when a child at the age of two sings a symphony to you, then everything becomes clear. This does not mean that it should be released on stage. But with Katya it was immediately clear that she would definitely become a musician. She graduated from the Moscow Conservatory both as a pianist and as a composer. She has two red diplomas. And then her son, Kolya, my grandson, he is also a musician.

In general, these are things that appear very early. Rumor - yes or no. It can be seen whether the child will pull his studies or not cope. When a person studies at a conservatory or even at a music school attached to it, this is work. At least four hours a day at the instrument. And sometimes even 8 hours. It's crazy! But otherwise the fingers do not run. This is colossal work. My dad didn't learn to play the piano because of Shostakovich.

- Why?

- They both lived in Petrograd, even before the revolution. Papa was 8 years old, and Shostakovich, or Mitya, as he called him, was nine. Dad came to class first. And the teacher scolded him, saying: "Now you will see how to study." And Mitya came in - such a swirling one, already wearing glasses. And showed taco-oh-oh! Dad hated him. But where to compete? This is truly a wunderkind.

- Now you yourself are a father, grandfather ...

- ... even great-grandfather!

- Granddaughter Masha became a mother? You've been waiting for this.

“Almost three years ago. She had a boy, his name is Valentine.

Do they live abroad?

- In Berlin. He was born there. His dad is French. At the same time, Masha speaks only Russian with her son. And he walks in German kindergarten. The funny thing is, it seems to Valentin that it's all one language. He does not yet understand that Russian, German, French are three languages. But he knows exactly who to talk to. It's amazing how his brain works. Amazing thing!

Does he speak Russian with you?

- With me, yes. And when I recently suddenly switched to French, he was completely stunned, his mouth opened straight. In French, only dad speaks to him, and then suddenly Vova. Both my grandchildren and my great-grandson call me Vova.

- How strict are you with children, grandchildren, and now - great-grandchildren?

You know, I adore my children and my grandchildren. We are very close people. I've been incredibly lucky in my life with this - that we're so frank with each other. I'm strict... But how can I tell you?

— Demanding?

- Yes. I am absolutely sure that the most important upbringing is your example. You can't tell your kids "Don't smoke" if you smoke yourself. “Don’t be rude!” if you yourself are rude. "Don't chew food with your mouth open" if that's how you chew. And so on. I love them very much, and they always feel it. I can squeeze them, hold them in my arms. Usually women do it. But I like it too. And this is important for children - this is a tactile feeling. My parents hugged me a little, although they loved me very much.

Was it not accepted?

My mother is a strict Frenchwoman. And my dad didn't hug me at all. I really missed their touch. And therefore, in relation to my children and grandchildren, I behave differently. I'm strict, but I respect them. After all, even a five-year-old child is already a person. And he can be much smarter than a 50-year-old. The strength of an adult is not what convinces a child. Although when I was young, of course, I played the fool in this sense. But I figured it out pretty quickly though.

— What did it mean?

My daughter ate so poorly that she could sit for hours with mouthful. And once I lost my patience and gave her a slap in the face.

- Ashamed?

- Yes. And her nose bled. When I think about it, it makes me feel bad. I apologized to her many times and asked for forgiveness. She forgot, and I will never forget it. It was a lesson for me to never do that again. It's just out of the question! You know, my father was very strict with me because his parents were very strict with him. We pass it on from generation to generation. And that's when I realized that I was playing the role of my father in relation to my daughter. When I realized this, it became easy for me, I stopped doing it once and for all.

The future master of television (in the center) was born in the family of Vladimir Pozner, who emigrated from Russia, and the Frenchwoman Geraldine Lutten. Photo: Personal archive

- People, I dream of fame. But she also has negative sides. But have you ever experienced it yourself?

- Glory, fame came to me at the age of 52, so I have a completely different attitude to this. When you are young, it certainly has a very strong effect on you. Remember, in a fairy tale: fire, water and copper pipes. It is easy to survive fire and water, but copper pipes are very difficult. But I got through them easily. Because he understood: television fame is fleeting. Today you are on the screen, tomorrow you are not - and that's it, you have been forgotten. You didn't create anything. He didn’t write books, he didn’t compose music, he didn’t draw pictures. You are momentary. Of course, I am grateful to people who recognize me, smile, and approach me. And they seem to be warm. But I am very skeptical about this glory!

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Saturdays/19.10, First

Everyone expects Vladimir Pozner to reflect on politics and journalism. But on these topics, he has already said so much that we decided to talk about something good and personal. For example, about children. And grandchildren. And great-grandchildren.

- Vladimir Vladimirovich, you are both a father and a grandfather...

And even great-grandfather! (Smiling).

- Granddaughter Masha became a mother?

Almost three years ago. She had a boy, the name is Valentine. They live in Berlin. His dad is French. At the same time, Masha speaks only Russian with her son. And he goes to a German kindergarten. The funny thing is, it seems to Valentin that it's all one language. He does not yet understand that Russian, German, French are three languages. But he knows exactly who to talk to. It's amazing how his brain works.

- Does he speak Russian with you?

With me yes. And when I recently suddenly switched to French, he was completely stunned, his mouth opened. In French, only dad speaks to him, and then suddenly Vova. My grandchildren and great-grandson call me Vova.

- I know you are good at music.

I grew up with music. Then, when he got married, he was in a musical family for a long time. My daughter graduated from the conservatory. And I myself did not become a musician quite by accident. If my mother had not insisted that I play the violin, maybe everything would have turned out differently.

- And what did you want to play?

On guitar. But my mother decided: "No. Guitar - then. Come on first - violin." And I was seven years old. And I hated this violin with a fierce hatred. In the end, I accidentally found a cartoon-comic. So, a plump boy in short pants, a baseball cap and a violin case is walking - the first drawing. Second: he reached a house, rings the doorbell. Third: the door is opened by such a big-nosed, hairy violin teacher. Fourth: the child came in and put the case on the piano. Fifth: he takes out a machine gun from the case and shoots the professor. I cut it out and hung it over my bed. And my mom said, "Okay." This concludes my lessons.


"When I was young, I played the fool"

I am absolutely sure that the most important upbringing is your example, says Posner. You can't tell kids "Don't smoke" if you smoke yourself. "Don't be rude!" if you are being rude yourself. "Don't chew food with your mouth open" if that's how you chew. And so on. I love my grandchildren and great-grandson very much, and they always feel it. I can squeeze them, hold them in my arms. And this is important for children - this is a tactile feeling. My parents hugged me a little, although they loved me very much.

- Was it not accepted?

My mother is a strict Frenchwoman. And my dad didn't hug me at all. I really missed their touch. And therefore, in relation to my children and grandchildren, I behave differently. I'm strict, but I respect them. After all, even a five-year-old child is already a person. And he can be much smarter than a 50-year-old. The power of an adult is not what convinces a child. Although when I was young, of course, I played the fool in this sense.

- What was it like?

My daughter ate so poorly that she could sit for hours with her mouth full. And once I lost my patience and gave her a slap in the face.

- Ashamed?

Yes. And her nose bled. When I think about it, it makes me feel bad. I apologized to her many times and asked for forgiveness. She forgot, and I will never forget it.

Maria Lobanova - journalist, socialite. Known for her ability to tell readers about unusual travels, social events and the latest in the fashion industry in an exciting and interesting way. Subtle humor and an abundance of vivid details always accompany her reviews. Her author's columns appeared in many publications: Forbes Style, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Brownie, L'Officiel.

Biography of Maria Lobanova

Born in London on December 13th intelligent family. Her dad Lobanov Vladimir Yakovlevich has three diplomas of higher education, fluent in three languages, traveled all over the world as a foreign trade representative. Now he is a very enthusiastic gardener.

Grandfather - Cherkasov Vladimir Georgievich - had various government awards and was fluent in seven languages. Maria considers herself a professor's granddaughter.

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow state university them. Lomonosov. Studied professional courses in London.

While studying in the UK, Maria Lobanova organized charitable events and participated in the creation of the British society Friends of the Bolshoi. She was involved in the organization of the charity premiere of the film "Onegin" by Martha Fiennes with her brother, actor Ralph Fiennes in the title role.


Maria Lobanova began her professional career as a reporter on TV-6. Then she began to write for the profession. She was introduced to the profession by Sergey Nikolaevich, then working as the editor of Domovoy, the current Chief Editor"Snoba".

She launched Russian GQ as a PR specialist, then worked at Harper's Bazaar. For several years she promoted luxury jewelry brand Carrera & Carrera in Russia.

In 2007, as editor-in-chief, she launched the career-oriented magazine for women in their thirties, Sex and the City. The proposal to create it came unexpectedly, but it turned out to be within our power - I wanted to do something useful for society.

Maria herself developed its concept, making it congenial to the American series of the same name. The magazine is unique and has no analogues in the world. This is not a typical women's glossy fiction, but a publication that makes you think.

In 2011, the magazine was renamed SNC. In 2012, Maria hands over the reins to Ksenia Sobchak and leaves the magazine. She returns to work in her PR consultancy, founded in 2005.

Personal life

Despite his publicity, he prefers not to advertise and even hide his personal life. It is known that Maria Lobanova is married and dreams of becoming a mother.

Is a groupie healthy lifestyle life. She is interested in environmental issues, human relations, as well as the development of society and the influence of individuals on it.

In people, he appreciates the ability to talk beautifully and keep a distance, good manners. Does not tolerate familiarity and appeal to "you". She likes to be congratulated on a successful interview or article.

Now Maria is promoting auteur cinema and contemporary art as a PR consultant. One of his successful projects is the PR campaign for the film "Dance of Delhi" by Ivan Vyrypaev. The picture was accepted even in glamorous circles far from the author's cinema.

But he does not forget about journalism either. Collaborates with Vanity Fair - a publication dedicated to fashion, politics and other aspects of popular culture.

Lobanova Maria is an aspiring young actress of Russian cinema. Maria loves to dance and sing. He is engaged in equestrian sports and perfectly knows all the rules for riders. She loves to sculpt with kinetic sand, which helps to develop Creative skills And fine motor skills fingers. The young actress really likes to spend time playing with her sister Yaroslava. He also snowboards and skates.

Except secondary school the girl attends classes at the Talantino Children's Acting School in the city of Moscow.

The founder of Talantino Media Holding is Anna Yashina (actress), who is also considered to be Maria's agent. Anna organizes castings, interviews for the girl and all the processes associated with filming.

Maria studies at Talantino acting skills , stage movement and speech, the basics of makeup, the ability to work on camera, voice acting and much more.

Maria is a professional singer. Has many victories at various vocal competitions and festivals: first place in the city of Sochi at the international festival "Kinotavrik" (2015), three times (2015, 2016, 2017) won the Grand Prix "Star of the Talisman", two times winner of the city competition "Moscow Nightingale".

Professional activity

Maria already has quite a lot of experience in the filming process. The girl started her creative activity in 2015 from dubbing tracks to cartoons for the Karusel TV channel:

  • "Thomas and his friends";
  • "Marin and his friends";
  • "Duda and Dada";
  • "Vroomiz" and others.

In the same year, she took part in the filming of screensavers for the Rain and Carousel channels. In 2016, Masha took part in a social video where she played leading role together with Polina Gagarina, dedicated world day fight diabetes.

She made her film debut at the age of ten(2016) in the detective mini-series directed by Yuri Popovich "Amateur". In the film, Masha played the daughter of the main character Kira - Agatha.

In 2017, she starred in the melodrama Hold My Hand (another name for the film Three Sisters), where she played the role of Snezhana.

In April 2018, the first full-length work of the director, who directed the sports drama "Coach", will be released on the screens. In the film, Maria starred as Dasha. In the same year, the comedy "Daddy, Die" directed by Kirill Sokolov is in production, in which the young actress played the episodic role of the girl Olya.

Despite her young age, Maria's filmography includes more four works to the cinema. Starting from the first film, the young actress is constantly invited by directors to take part in their films.

Now the girl is filming a new film in which she cut her long hair for the role. and did short haircut. The title of the new film is still under wraps.

You are the strictest judge in the Minute of Glory. Especially with the younger members, you almost always vote against them moving on.

Maybe it's a life experience. But I have come to believe that children must be handled very delicately. They are more vulnerable. Their mentality is less stable. They experience defeat much stronger and more emotional than adults. I have already said during the program that sometimes there are geeks. But this is a completely different matter! These are special, unique people. So, to release a small child on the big stage, suggesting to him that he must win, in my opinion, is wrong. This is basically the motivation of the parents. More often the mother than the father. And the inability to understand that perhaps a real trauma is inflicted on the child. Therefore, I am against it. Another thing is, for example, sports competitions where children compete with each other and this does not happen on stage. We all played different games. But when you speak to a large audience, in the "Minute of Glory", your dignity should not be in the fact that you are small, not in the fact that you have glasses and pigtails, but in how you show yourself in art. There was a girl on the set today. She's so sweet, so good. But she cannot sing Zemfira's song. In the text of the experience of an adult who has experienced a lot. Difficult song. Very! With outward simplicity. Does the girl like it? Thank God, let him sing. But to let her out on stage with it - well, it's just, in my opinion, heartless. I almost cried myself. The child is so sorry!

- Now you yourself are a father, grandfather ...

Great-grandfather even!

- Granddaughter Masha became a mother?

Almost three years ago. She had a boy, the name is Valentine. They live in Berlin. His dad is French. At the same time, Masha speaks only Russian to her son. And he goes to a German kindergarten. The funny thing is, it seems to Valentin that it's all one language. He does not yet understand that Russian, German, French are three languages. But he knows exactly who to talk to. It's amazing how his brain works.

- Does he speak Russian with you?

With me yes. And when I recently suddenly switched to French, he was completely stunned, his mouth opened. Only dad speaks French with him, and then suddenly Vova. My grandchildren and great-grandson call me Vova.

- How strict are you with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren?

You know, I adore them, we are very close people. I'm terribly lucky in my life with this - that we are so frank with each other.

“I didn’t become a musician by accident”

- Judging by your remarks, you are well versed in music.

I grew up with music. Then, when he got married, he was in a musical family for a long time. My daughter graduated from the conservatory. And I myself love music. I didn't become a musician by accident. If my mother had not insisted that I play the violin, maybe everything would have turned out differently.

- And what did you want to play?

On guitar. But my mother said, “No. Guitar - later. Let's go violin first." And I was seven years old. And I hated this violin with a fierce hatred. In the end, accidentally found a cartoon. There was such a wonderful American cartoonist Charles Addams. It was he who invented the famous Addams Family. In general, he had a cartoon-comic. So, a plump boy in short pants, a baseball cap and a violin case is walking - the first drawing. Second: he reached a house, rings the doorbell. Third: the door is opened by such a big-nosed, shaggy teacher-violinist. Fourth: the child came in and put the case on the piano. Fifth: he takes a submachine gun out of its case and shoots the professor. I cut it out and hung it over my bed. And my mom said, "Okay." This is where my lessons ended.

- So, you and your daughter passed on your love for music, since she studied at the conservatory?

No. She was just born into a musical family. Her maternal grandmother Zara Levina was a fairly well-known composer in the Soviet Union. And you understand, when a child at the age of two sings a symphony to you, then everything becomes clear. This does not mean that it should be released on stage. But with Katya it was immediately clear that she would definitely become a musician. She graduated from the Moscow Conservatory both as a pianist and as a composer. She has two red diplomas. And then her son, Kolya, my grandson - he is also a musician.

In general, these are things that appear very early. Rumor - yes or no. It can be seen whether the child will pull his studies or not cope. When a person studies at a conservatory or even at a music school attached to it, this is work. At least four hours a day at the instrument. And sometimes even 8 hours. It's crazy! But otherwise the fingers do not run. This is colossal work. Here my dad did not learn to play the piano because of Shostakovich.

- Why?

They both lived in Petrograd, even before the revolution. Papa was 8 years old, and Shostakovich, or Mitya, as he called him, was nine. Dad came to class first. And the teacher scolded him, saying: "Now you will see how to study." And Mitya came in - such a swirling one, already wearing glasses. And showed taco-oh-oh! Dad hated him. But where to compete? This is truly a wunderkind.

"When I was young, I played the fool"

I am absolutely sure that the most important upbringing is your example, says Posner. - You can’t tell children “Don’t smoke” if you yourself smoke. “Don’t be rude!” if you yourself are rude. "Don't chew food with your mouth open" if that's how you chew. And so on. I love my grandchildren and great-grandson very much, and they always feel it. I can squeeze them, hold them in my arms. Usually women do it. But I like it too. And this is important for children - this is a tactile feeling. My parents hugged me a little, although they loved me very much.

- Was it not accepted?

My mother is a strict Frenchwoman. And my dad didn't hug me at all. I really missed their touch. And therefore, in relation to my children and grandchildren, I behave differently. I'm strict, but I respect them. After all, even a five-year-old child is already a person. And he can be much smarter than a 50-year-old. The power of an adult is not what convinces a child. Although when I was young, of course, I played the fool in this sense. But I figured it out pretty quickly though.

- What was it like?

My daughter ate so poorly that she could sit for hours with her mouth full. And once I lost my patience and gave her a slap in the face.

- Ashamed?

Yes. And her nose bled. When I think about it, it makes me feel bad. I apologized to her many times and asked for forgiveness. She forgot, and I will never forget it. It was a lesson for me to never do that again. It's just out of the question! You know, my father was very strict with me because his parents were very strict with him. We pass it on from generation to generation. And that's when I realized that I was playing the role of my father in relation to my daughter. When I realized this, it became easy for me, I stopped doing it once and for all.