"Body language" is not just a fashionable term today. It is the foundation on which and from which all other languages ​​grow. Before naming an object, we must somehow perceive it, feel it. And only the body and its organs of perception are capable of this. Before mastering speech, the child must master gestures, facial expressions and articulation - the control of a complexly organized speech apparatus. If our thinking is based on speech, then speech is based on bodily practice, physical activity child.

Modern psychologists are unanimous in that the child must master the coordinated movement of the arms and the whole body before he begins to confidently distinguish objects with the help of vision on the basis of "more - less" and "further - closer." In order to steadily distinguish the shape of different objects, it is important for the child to feel them.

But if this is so, then the signals that the child sends to the world are based primarily on bodily reactions, movements, postures, gestures and tensions. The problems of adults are largely rooted in incorrectly formed bodily reactions of the childhood period of development. And the problems of interaction between adults and children are rooted in the fact that the vast majority of adults simply do not understand and do not imagine how children interact with the world. Adults do not understand the language that children use to analyze and process information.

Obviously, the tools adopted in "adult" psychology are of little use in children's and completely meaningless in the psychology of the infantile period of development. Even an understanding of the functioning of the infant's psyche leaves open for the practitioner the question of ways of influencing the processes in the opposite direction. mental development to correct any defects. Our book is intended to at least partly fill the gap in such literature.

We're not trying to make another baby massage benefit though practical technique Massage in the book is given a significant place. It was more important for us to present the material in such a way that it could be useful, first of all, for young parents, to equip them with an understanding of the characteristics of infancy and practical knowledge. For specialists in children's massage, this book will help fill in a certain lack of knowledge in psychology, and for child psychologists it will be relevant to get acquainted with the techniques of direct impact on the child.

Our book is devoted to a fairly narrow topic - body-oriented psychology and psychotherapy - and it is compiled as seen by people who have been practically working in this field for more than a decade. underlying book practical experience authors based on many years of practice in a relatively small locality, a rural settlement in Leningrad region. This circumstance made it possible, firstly, to observe small patients for a long time, not only in specific conditions of therapeutic reception, but also in Everyday life and secondly, also to observe young parents and to know the peculiarities of their behavior and mental life. In many ways, this is what made it possible to obtain stable results in the work and to attract a variety of material - both from the field of psychophysiology and the psychology of personality and behavior.

Perhaps, for you, the reader, this book will tell you something and help you in some way in your life.

By massaging your baby, you get an invaluable opportunity to acquire a close bond between you and your child. Gentle, relaxing massage makes your child calm and helps him fall asleep quickly. In addition, these are invaluable minutes that provide moments of communication for you and your family members with the baby. Knowing all about baby massage, you will be able to pamper your baby and take care of him most fully.

Recent studies prove that baby massage is very useful and brings a lot of health to the child, helping him to develop. A close spiritual connection is created between the mother and the baby during the massage. After all, the baby first months learns the world through touch. By learning the basics of baby massage and consistently massaging the baby’s body, you will deliver to him great joy and care. And your baby will answer you with love.

Choose the right time

By choosing the right time for a massage, you will completely concentrate the baby’s attention on you and get good mood child. It is important to perform these procedures at the same time. Before and after eating, massage is not recommended. Best time for massage - this is the morning hours, when the child is fresh and alert, and the evening hours, before going to bed. As a rule, the massage lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. But, if the child likes it, then the time can be increased. By doing daily massage in accordance with the selected program, you allow the child to be healthy and enjoy your touch.

Attention and comfort

In second place after the right time is comfort. You will do the right thing if you put the baby on a soft towel or sheet. First, you make gentle massaging movements of the tummy, arms, neck and face, and then, turning the child over, massage his back and back of his legs. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for the baby, and the light should be soft and subdued. Nothing should distract or annoy the child during such procedures. You can talk to the baby, sing songs to him. You can also put on pleasant relaxing music and enjoy communicating with each other.

It is important to understand the child and how he reacts to your massaging movements. Newborns can comfortably receive massages for short periods of time, while older children enjoy prolonged massages. Look at the reaction of the child and continue the massage as long as he likes it.

Massage for your baby with massage oil

Massage oil has many positive aspects during such procedures, as it provides calm and comfortable movements. With this addition, the massage time can be increased, because the mother's hands, lubricated with massage oil, become soft, and the movements are pleasant for the baby. The child likes this, but this plays important role. It is necessary to select such oil on the basis of natural ingredients. No chemistry! It will be great if a little lavender, vanilla or lemon is added to the oil. Since you are massaging the entire body of the child, including the face and fingers of the hands and feet, and he has a habit of tasting everything in the first months of life, the ingredients must be edible. Massage oil can be purchased ready-made in a store or pharmacy, or you can prepare this composition with your own hands. But for this, you must be sure that all components are safe.

Starting the massage, lubricate your hands with a small amount of oil and begin to lightly massage the baby's hands in a circular motion, gradually moving to the chest. Massage the tummy in a circle to the right and left, keeping the movements soft. Next, go to the legs, and then massage the back of the child in the same sequence, after turning it over. The whole procedure should take place in a pleasant environment and give pleasure to both you and the baby.

Veronika Dosanova


It's no secret that today there are fewer and fewer babies being born. healthy children. The absence of obvious signs of pathology does not yet mean that by the due date he will confidently hold his head or begin to walk.
Massage of the baby's body in the first year of his life is very important. The benefit lies not only in the therapeutic effect. Not many mothers realize that such manipulations provide prevention. various diseases and harmonious development of the growing organism. The first simple strokes and light kneading will help the baby recognize his mother's hands among many other touches. Having felt familiar sensations, he will be calmer, and further massage can be turned into a game that helps the child to explore his body.
Children are more willing to respond to tactile contact with their parents, so in some cases it is better to do the massage yourself. At the moment of communication, the child learns new sensations and gets acquainted with the world around him.

Benefits of baby massage

What happens when a child, especially in the infant period, is massaged? Statistics is a stubborn thing, and long-term observations speak with confidence about exclusively useful properties baby massage:
  • Decreased muscle tone.
  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • The musculoskeletal system develops.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Decreased anxiety before bed.
  • Remove colic.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Motility develops.
In addition to the above, the mother doing the massage and the baby receive a positive charge of energy and a positive attitude.

Advice. Nevertheless, before massaging the tiny body of a baby, you should consult a pediatrician and go through the first session with a qualified specialist. A competent massage therapist will give you advice on how not to harm your child and show you some simple ways.

Features of baby massage

It will be more beneficial for the baby if you combine massage with light gymnastics. Such procedures not only speed up its physical development, but also increase mental capacity. As a rule, after a firming massage, children are less likely to get sick, less nervous, actively play and sleep peacefully.
A therapeutic massage is usually prescribed by a pediatrician, and an experienced specialist performs it. But for preventive and restorative purposes, you can perform it yourself from the first weeks after birth. Moreover, no parent has the right to ignore such procedures.
The difference between children's massage and classical techniques for adults is only in its intensity. All movements should be smooth and soft, so as not to harm the more sensitive and gentle body. It is not difficult to master them, and every mother should have at least the simplest skills. The ability to positively influence your baby can be useful in any situation.

Subtleties of baby massage

What does a young mother need to know when she decides to give her baby a massage on her own? Firstly, as doctors advise, in the first year of life, the child must undergo three courses of such preventive therapy. Secondly, massage, even strengthening, is done only with total absence any contraindications. And, thirdly, without having sufficient skills, you can only perform stroking and rubbing. Today it is easy to learn a simple baby massage by contacting experienced professionals.
Of the main criteria that a novice massage therapist should be guided by, it can be noted:
  • According to the rules of baby massage, one course lasts 10 days.
  • The duration of the procedures is from 20 to 45 minutes. Everything will depend on the baby, how much he likes this process.
  • The first session should be no more than 30 minutes.
  • It is better to massage a child in the morning.
  • A second course is carried out no earlier than 30 days later, and preferably every three months.
  • Gymnastics with a child should be done immediately after the procedure, since all muscles are warmed up.
  • Preventive massage can be performed only with a conditionally healthy condition of the child. If, for example, after vaccination, the baby has a rash or a fever, then it is better to abandon the procedures for a while.
  • The same applies to the mood of the baby. bad mood(it happens in babies) is unlikely to have a massage, and the benefits of it will be minimized.
  • You can massage the baby an hour before or after feeding. Just before going to bed, you should not do this either, as the baby can become over-excited. But an hour after the session, having bathed, he will calmly fall asleep.
  • Children's preventive or strengthening massage is mainly done up to a year. It is believed that in the second year of life, the child has enough of its active mobility. The exception is therapeutic massage.
If everything is done correctly, then the result will not keep you waiting. Your baby will develop quickly and correctly, get sick less often, and you will enjoy every day with him.

Types of baby massage

You need to do baby massage on a flat surface, covered with a thin flannel blanket folded several times. The room and the air in it should be clean, well lit, without draft. The little man is very sensitive to various external factors, especially at the time of massage procedures, when his body is hot. At the same time, the room should not be stuffy and hot. Children's massage can be divided into several types.


They do it in order to strengthen the children's body and direct its development in the right direction. This type of massage has four stages:
  • First trimester. Within three months from birth, the muscles of many babies are in hypertonicity. Therefore, all the massage therapist's manipulations are aimed at relaxing them. The duration of the session lasts no more than 10 minutes.
  • Second trimester. Already somewhere in the fourth month, the state of tension in the muscles of the baby subsides. Massage at this time is invigorating. The legs, arms, palms and fingers are massaged mainly. This contributes not only to muscle strengthening, but also to the development of motor skills and speech skills. The duration of the session is increased to 20 minutes.
  • Third trimester. By the beginning of this period, the baby tries to sit and roll over on his own. We help him in this still difficult task with special massage procedures that help develop the necessary muscles. Now she is involved in massage of the back and abdominal muscles.
  • Fourth trimester. In the ninth month, many fidgets take their first steps. The whole body needs to be strengthened. So that the baby is not afraid to walk and confidently stand on his feet by the age of one, it is necessary to massage the buttocks, legs, back and feet.
At 12 months, massage sessions are best combined with sports exercises on a special ball, accompanied by different counting rhymes or in game form. This develops the child's coordination and teaches to concentrate.


It is prescribed by a pediatrician, surgeon, orthopedist or neurologist for various established developmental pathologies. It can only be performed by a qualified person. It is not worth self-medicating a child in this situation. You can do such a massage from 2 months.
The main indications for therapeutic massage:
  • Congenital clubfoot.
  • Torticollis.
  • Flat feet.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Hypertonicity or hypotonicity of muscles.
  • Cerebral palsy.
Various birth injuries.
The number and duration of baby massage in medicinal purposes will depend on the complexity of the disease and the general condition of the child. Only the attending physician can determine this.


Or as you can call it - fixing. Perform this procedure to consolidate the results and prevent recurrence of the disease. As in the case with therapeutic massage it is made exclusively by a specialist.

Baby massage techniques

Having started a massage course, it must be carried out daily, with the exception of unforeseen circumstances (cold, inflammation, rash, whims of the child). Before the first session, you need to consult with a professional massage therapist. Perhaps it is in your situation that an experienced doctor will give special recommendations on massage movements.
Basic tricks:
  • Stroking. According to the definition of movement should be stroking skin. The skin should not move with light pressure. The nature of the action is soothing. As a result, lymph and blood flow, metabolic processes, and the general condition of the child improve.
  • Trituration. Movements are made with closed or bent phalanges of the fingers. In the direction of movement, a small fold should form, which shifts the skin and underlying muscle tissue. After these manipulations, blood circulation improves, muscles, ligaments and tendons warm up. The character is more intense.
  • Kneading. Deeper impact of circular and translational movements on muscle mass. Another type of kneading manipulation is muscle capture. Improves blood circulation, tone and nutrition of tissues.
  • Vibration. Alternate surface oscillatory movements of individual parts of the body. Performed with palm or fingers. Such light shaking relieves spasms and soothes.
When massaging on a delicate children's body, the masseur's hands should be clean and smooth. You can use various creams and oils only in case of emergency (dry hands or baby's skin), it is better to do a dry massage.

Advice. If you are visited by doubts, and you are not sure of the literacy of your actions, it is better to contact a qualified master with a great practice of baby massage. Due to inexperience, the child can be harmed. As an option, invite a doctor to your home and, under his supervision, make the first independent session.

It is very important that children's massage is not accompanied by even the slightest effort. For a more relaxing environment, you can create comfortable conditions for the baby by turning on pleasant relaxing music.

How to ensure that the baby does not cry during a massage

In general, such a concept, by definition, is not compatible with children's massage, and with massage in general. Any professional will say that all the efforts of the massage therapist end at the threshold of the patient's pain sensitivity. It is different for all people, and as for the delicate and fragile body of a child, this sensitivity increases significantly. The master of his craft must understand the reaction of the body of each of his tiny wards and, in case of crying, reduce the intensity or stop the massage.
For little man going to the clinic is already stressful, not to mention a stranger in a white coat. Therefore, it is better to give preference to home procedures or caring mother's hands. The familiar atmosphere, distracting activities, pleasant background music and careful actions of the massage therapist (or mom) will quickly reduce stress to a minimum.
Similar problems during children's massage do not always arise. Some children easily make contact and take what is happening for fun. But doing massage on your own, the main thing is not to harm such a “trustful” patient.
In favor of mother's hands, you can bring a lot of positive points. During the massage, the child feels loved one and is not fussy. A mother will never hurt her baby. Moreover, during the session, she can gently press him to her or sing a song. Also, you don’t need to rush to the massage therapist at the appointed time in any weather, but you just have to adjust to the biorhythms of your child.
It is difficult to overestimate children's massage. Like a cat licking her kitten, a mother strokes her child, thereby stimulating its development. And the hands of a skilled craftsman, who has an approach to small patients, will not only physical help but also help to quickly adapt to the social environment.

It gets stronger between them.

Mom's smiles, hugs, touches are the key to raising a healthy and happy baby.

Maria Evgenievna BAULINA, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Psychological and Social Faculty of the Russian State medical university, member of the expert council JOHNSON'S® BABY: "At the first stage, from 0 to 2 months, the interaction of the newborn with the mother is dominated by touch, thanks to which the baby receives information about the existence of certain parts of the body, various postures and types of movements."

The benefits of massage

This type of touch, like massage, is one of the most important ways to establish a strong invisible connection between mom and baby. Children's preventive massage is necessary for every child from the first days of life, this is a great way to convey to the baby the whole palette of possible tactile and vestibular sensations: pressure, strokes, pats. This procedure helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous system baby, normalization of lactation in the mother, lowering the level of stress hormones in the child's body and in the mother's body, easy falling asleep and sound sleep of the child.

To carry out the massage, it is necessary to prepare a table on which the baby is usually swaddled. It is desirable to place it away from heaters, drafts and so that you can approach the child from any direction. The temperature in the room should be maintained at about + 22 ° C, so that the baby is comfortable during the massage, it would not freeze or overheat. It is best to carry out the procedure after an evening bath, then it will be easier for the baby to relax and tune in to sleep.

How toDo massage?

The technique of preventive massage is simple and does not require much effort.

Most importantly, start the procedure in good mood, smile to the baby, touch him carefully and gently.

Head. Massage should start from the head. Gently, with the very tips of your fingers, massage the face and neck of the baby. You should be especially careful with fontanelles. A newborn has two of them: one is located on the crown, the second is on the back of the head, closer to the neck. Although these places are protected by connective tissue, they must be handled with great care. Then, with gentle movements, stroke the ears, eyebrow lines - from the bridge of the nose to the temples, the wings of the nose and lips.

Stomach. Massage with gentle stroking movements in a clockwise direction. It is not recommended to affect the liver area (right hypochondrium).

Breast. The chest muscles in newborns are poorly developed, so all movements must be very careful - from the center to the sides without pressing on the chest.

Brushes. Massage in circular motions with light pressure thumb your hand into the baby's. Then each finger separately, clasping it with the thumb and forefinger at the base and moving towards the tip.

Pens. Holding the brush, raise the handle and, stroking, move in the direction from the brush to the shoulder.

Legs. Holding on to the foot, lift the leg and gently massage the outer sides of the thigh and lower leg in the direction from the thigh to the foot.

Feet. Foot massage is especially important. With gentle stroking movements, it is necessary to knead the upper side of the leg, ankle and sole. Then each finger separately.

Back. You should turn the baby on the tummy and massage the back in a circular motion, moving from the neck to the buttocks and back.


The use of “intermediaries” in the form of creams and oils expands the range of perceived tactile sensations and brings other positive effects, such as reduced signs of stress during the procedure, greater moisturizing and soothing effect, better hand gliding and less pressure on the baby. When choosing massage products, give preference only to products that are clinically proven to be effective.

Remember, massage and touch not only bring you closer, but also help the baby develop harmoniously. Therefore, touch the baby carefully and gently, and you will notice that every day you become more closer friend to friend.