Each person has their own number. It depends on him what year you get married.

For example, you were born on January 19, 1987. Personal number - 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=3+6=9. Below is a key that will help predict the year of marriage.

  • The one indicates that the wedding will be celebrated in years ending in 1, 5 and 7.
  • Two is a sign that an important year for the family will end with the numbers 2, 4 and 8.
  • Three is a number that says that the year with the last digit - 3, 6 or 9 will be ideal in terms of creating a family.
  • When calculating, it turned out to be a four? Reference number - 4, 6, 9.
  • The personal number "five" promises a wonderful year for marriage, in which it ends with either 5, or 8, or 0.
  • The number six indicates that only 6, 9 and 0 can be considered your numbers for marriage.
  • If your number is seven, then expect a wedding year ending in 1, 3, and 7.
  • Eight predicts marriage years with the last digit being 2, 5 and 8.
  • If a nine fell out, then the wedding years will have 3, 7 and 9 at the end.

What is the wedding date

If you already have a loved one, then you can conduct fortune-telling based on the dates of birth of both. To do this, you need to calculate your personal number and your lover, the difference will be the answer on what date you are most likely to marry.

So, if you were born on January 19, 1987, then 1+9+1+1+9+8+7=36=9 , he was born on April 15, 1985, his personal number is 1+5+4+1+9+8 +5=33=6. Find the difference: 9-6=3. Your wedding will take place on the 3rd or 13th or 23rd or 30th or 31st.

What month is the wedding

This fortune-telling will help you find out the month of marriage. To do this, you need to add to your personal number the number of letters in your full name.

For example, your personal number is 9 (date of birth - January 19, 1987), and the name consists of 5 letters (Irina). We add the received numbers 9 and 5 - it turns out 14. We bring it to a single one - 1 + 4 = 5, which means that there is a great chance to get married in May. If, when added, it turns out 10, 11 or 12, then they do not need to be made simple, since these numbers mean October, November, December.

How soon will I get married

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Everyone wants to be happy and not alone. And what could be better and more pleasant than the care and understanding of a person close to you? Finding your love is the most important and exciting question for many people. Meet your soul mate, build family life full of love and understanding. Create happy union two hearts. Are you lucky enough to find a life partner? If you are still on the path to your personal happiness, then it will be interesting to know how close you are to your soulmate and when the same thing will happen. cherished desire- marriage.

Free online fortune-telling on marriage cards will help you answer main question: "When I get married?" With the help of this online divination you will find out how soon this fateful event will happen in your life, when you find your happiness and mark a significant date in your life.

Of course, you should not take this fortune-telling seriously, in our life everything is very individual, and if you want to know the exact date of the wedding and where you will meet your spouse, you should still apply for
. Well, for those who trust the computer more, this free one will pick up the answer to your question and help you get a question about marriage.

Tell fortunes and find out when I will get married?

To guess on your beloved or beloved, choose your card:

If a girl guesses - tambourine lady.

If a woman guesses - lady of worms

A young man - diamond king.

If you are an elderly man or a widower - king of worms.

Many girls want to know when they will get married? And you don't have to go to a fortune teller to find out. The lines on the hand will tell you about this. The marriage line is located on the edge of the palm near the little finger, above the line of the heart.

With the help of this line, you can determine at what age a person will start a family, how many marriages there will be in his life, you can even calculate how many love unions a person had.

If you do not have a marriage line in your palm, but you are a member of it, then this union does not have an emotional and spiritual connection. And he speaks of a prudent, profitable marriage by agreement, or, as the people say, “by flight”.

The left hand is responsible for our present, those who want to know the details of the current marriage look at it. And for those who want to know their future relationship, consider the lines on right hand(for right-handers), which is responsible for the future. Left-handed people look at their future on the hand that is more active for them, that is, on the contrary - on the left.

So, let's take a closer look at your marriage line:

The presence of a clear and long line facing the tubercle of Mercury, in itself, speaks of long-term relationships and, as a rule, marriage. Take a look at the example shown in the picture, general number of marriage lines in this place, indicates the same number of marriages, the longer the line, the stronger and longer the relationship will be. It should be noted and not forgotten that this is not necessarily a stamp in the passport, which especially all girls dream of so much, since now it has become very fashionable to stay in civil marriage, therefore, only the relationship is fixed and not the consequence.

Short lines of marriage do not express long-term relationships, for some reason people were not able to build successful relationships. Mostly this happens to young people when priorities have not yet been determined in them, especially when the line is close to the line of the heart, which indicates a relationship at an early age.

Bifurcation of the marriage line at the end, similar to a fork, as shown in the photo example, speaks of a divergence and non-coincidence of people in character and naturally as a result, such a line indicates a divorce, and the wider at the end of the fork line, the greater the disagreement will be between people, it should also be noted that the owner of the hand will be the initiator of the contention, the size of the fork at the end of the marriage line is proportional to the scandalousness of the individual.
As if the very logic of the line tells us that the paths of the partners diverge. Such relationships should most quickly take place in versatile views on life, and constant quarrels.

If observed island on the line which is at the end, it also means divorce, but accompanied by big psycho-emotional scenes and scandals, courts and enmity that will remain between people after marriage.
Such a sign will always remain on the hand of an emotionally receptive person. If you have a strained relationship in marriage, and there is a possibility of divorce, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the additional divorce line on your hand, which appears at crucial moments in your life.

Referring to the example in the picture, as you can see, a completely different meaning will have the same marriage line at the end with an island - but bending down to the line of the heart, such a marriage line means betrayal with a close relative, be it cousins ​​or sisters, or even worse incest, in addition to such signs, we check with the hill of Venus and look for relevant evidence, such the rule applies to any conclusions, since it is impossible to draw conclusions on only one basis.
Useful information on such vital and exciting people issues is discussed in the section of the line of betrayal and I hope it will be useful on life path. In the section signs on the hands, you can learn how to correctly distinguish a free-standing sign from a sign on the line.

The line of marriage reaching and which rests against the line of the Sun will predict to us love affair with noble and influential person, and this is usually a rich person, such a sign can speak of the importance of the union and the desire to keep it by any means.

marriage line, if it leans towards the heart, it tells the owner that he will outlive his spouse, so at least the famous palmists interpreted this line, and when the line of marriage descending crosses the line of the heart, it expresses grief and loss in its soulmate, stating the very fact, loss partner, or at least carries the passive meaning of the soul. But practice shows that when the marriage line goes down, does not always mean the death of a spouse, very often the facts are confirmed that he is alive and well.
So what is the matter, then the question arises for sure ?. The fact is that the soul of a person, this is the energy of a more subtle plan, this is the energy of the totality of all thoughts, it is the higher super-I, which is guided by the heart. Once a person who dies in the soul of the owner of such a line is considered by the heart as a dead person, he was buried alive. Cheating, sometimes can cause an irreparable blow to the heart, sometimes even more powerful in strength than the very death of a person.
Therefore, the hand fixes the suffering torment of the heart, drawing the line of marriage to itself, thus, the interpretation falling marriage line can change its meaning, and it is not worth making sudden conclusions, which are best understood by a palmistry specialist.

Every woman at least once in her life must ask herself a question. To the question "When will I get married?" very easy to answer by date of birth.

There are people who prefer to learn about the future with the help of various fortune-telling and signs. For those who have a more precise mindset and mathematical abilities, the scientific methods of numerology and astrology will seem more informative. Both of these sciences provide information about individual cycles and rhythms that affect the fate and life of each person. If astrological calculations require the skills of reading a birth chart and the ability to interpret astro-symbols, then the art of numerology involves the simplest arithmetic calculations and is available to everyone.

Numerology, based on knowledge of the individual properties of numbers, their nature and energy, can be used for practical purposes. She can tell you when the long-awaited acquaintance will take place and the marriage will be concluded.

Numerology allows you to calculate the year suitable for marriage. This method is suitable for both girls who are in search of their soulmate, and those who are in a serious relationship and dream of a great event - a wedding.

In order to carry out the calculation, you need to write out all the numbers that form the date of birth. If, for example, the future bride was born on May 13, 1987 (05/13/1987), then after adding the numbers 1 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7, the number 34 is obtained. Next, you need to bring it into a single-digit form by repeating the procedure addition: 3 + 4 \u003d 7. Seven is the number that indicates the year of marriage. Using the key, you can decrypt it.

  • Unit says that the number of the year of marriage will correspond to odd numbers - 1, 5 and 7 and an even number - 4.
  • Number "2" indicates a happy year of marriage, corresponding to even numbers - 6 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 5.
  • If during the calculations came out troika, then you need to focus on odd numbers - 3, 7 and 9 and an even number - 6.
  • Number "4" indicates favorable even numbers - 4 and 8 and odd numbers - 1 and 7.
  • Number "5" says that odd numbers for marriage will be odd - 5, 7 and 9 and an even number - 2.
  • If dropped out six, then the year of the wedding will correspond to an even number - 6 and odd - 1, 3 and 9.
  • Number "7" draws attention to the wedding years under the auspices of an odd number - 1 and even - 2, 4 and 8.
  • Eight advises to focus on years corresponding to even numbers - 2, 4 and 8 and odd number - 1.
  • Number "9" will indicate the years of marriage corresponding to an odd number - 1 and even numbers - 2, 6 and 8.

Next, you need to select the year corresponding to the numbers that have fallen. He will be the most successful for marriage. For example, 2017 corresponds to one since (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1). The key contains information that the year of marriage corresponding to the number 1 is suitable for a woman - a seven born on May 13, 1987.

How to calculate your wedding month

It is very easy to choose the month of the wedding, you need to take the month of your birth as a basis and count the third, fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth months from it. For a person born in April, the months to get married are February, July, August, October and January.

By comparing the received data of the bride with the results of the groom, you can make a choice in favor of a month that is ideal for both newlyweds.

The choice of the wedding date can be made based on the dates of birth of the bride and groom, or you can analyze each day of the month chosen for the wedding and determine the most favorable date.

  • Choosing a wedding date based on partners' dates of birth

wedding is very an important event, concerning both partners, therefore, when determining the date of marriage, the individual numbers of both newlyweds are important. Let the individual number of the girl be seven (she was born on 05/13/1987), it remains to calculate the number of the man's fate. He was born on February 12, 1985, and, accordingly, his individual number will be one (1 + 2 + 0 + 2 +1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 28 = 10 = 1).

Next, add the numbers of both partners: 7 + 1 = 8. Thus, the auspicious number for the wedding event will be 8. Of course, the choice should not be reduced to one date, so you can find the second auspicious number of the month by subtracting the result from total days in this month. For example, if there are 28 days in February of the current year, then the second favorable date will be February 20 (28 - 8 = 20), and if we are talking about february leap year, then February 21 (29 - 8 = 21).

  • Choosing an auspicious wedding date

Sometimes the life circumstances of the bride and groom develop in such a way that the date of marriage must be chosen in a certain week. In this case, a descriptive method of determining the date of marriage is suitable. In the week, you need to select a date, for example, 12/12/2017, and perform a simple addition operation: 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 16 = 7. Then, guided by the descriptions below, you need to decide whether given date for marriage.

Magic meanings of numbers for the date of marriage

  • 1 - this number is favorable for any undertakings. If you marry on this day, the union will be very promising. The career aspirations of both spouses and joint affairs will play important role in the union.
  • 2 is a great day, emphasizing the importance of the theme of partnership, cooperation and mutual understanding.
  • 3 - marriage under the auspices of this number is likely to be long and happy, as it will unite the three periods of partners: youth, maturity and old age.
  • 4 - the number of material achievements. The union will be stable, strong and prosperous both spiritually and materially.
  • 5 - this number symbolizes love, joy and adventure. It is perfect for a fun and a little crazy couple.
  • 6 is a very mystical number. Here you can not be insecure in marriage. Any doubt about a partner and uncertainty about future family happiness will negatively affect the fate of the relationship.
  • 7 - this number promises a harmonious union based on the attraction of hearts and the desire to develop together in a creative direction.
  • 8 - if the wedding takes place under this number, then it will not only be fun and festive event, but it will pay off handsomely.
  • 9 - this figure indicates the durability of the union.

So, every girl can, with the help of simple ones, answer the cherished question: “When will I get married?”. By date of birth, you can get comprehensive information about when this most wonderful event in life will occur and how to make the wedding event auspicious and leave magical impressions for life.

Fortune-telling has become popular since ancient times and turned out to be a fairly successful and accurate method to find out your fate. True female happiness lies in a loved one, healthy children and strong family. Therefore, girls often think about an important date in their lives, they are very curious to know the date of their marriage. One of the most accurate methods is divination by the date of birth of a person. This is not a coincidence of the day and numbers, fateful combinations are hidden in this date, so fortune-telling on the date of the wedding by date of birth is the most accurate. Exist different ways predicting how and when the main event in a woman's life will take place.

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      How to find answers to important questions?

      Date of birth in numerology is a kind of key to the safe of a person's fate. By and large, a person creates his own destiny, but the most important dates and years are hidden precisely in the date of birth.

      • Vital dates can be determined through in-depth analysis. Its essence is to multiply the numbers of the date of birth by the number of the life code. For example, the date of birth is 06.02.1998, the life code can be calculated in this way: 6*2*1998=23976. Then this figure must be multiplied by the year that is analyzed, for example, 2020: 23976*2020=48431520.

        In numerology, each number carries a hidden meaning and a certain interpretation. In order to get the most accurate result, it is necessary to analyze it with adjacent numbers, since depending on this, the value takes on a different meaning.

        This method of analyzing the date of birth is used to determine any life events. In this case, the most favorable period is determined in order to get married or get married. If as a result a person received at least three fours, then this year will be successful for marriage. If more than four fours prevail, then marriage will be for love.

        Ideally astrological forecast wedding date by date of birth requires an accurate calculation of the astrologer. There are many factors to consider when making an astral forecast. Undoubtedly, the patronizing planets endow a person with the main character traits, but the formation of psychological life completely depends on environment. And without taking into account external influence, the forecast has less chances for a real implementation. A favorable periods each person can get married several times a year.

        How to find out the date of marriage by birthday?

        Kattakar method

        The ancient scientist revealed a pattern of dependence of the fateful year on the date of birth of a person. In order to identify this year, it is necessary to carry out simple calculations:

    1. 1. Find out a personal number by date of birth. To do this, you need to add all the digits of the date. For example, 12.02.1993: 1+2+2+1+9+9+3=27. If the number turned out to be two-digit, then you need to bring it to a single value: 2 + 7 = 9.
    2. 2. Similarly, the number for the supposed happy year for marriage is calculated. For example, 2020: 2+2=4.
    3. 3. Now, knowing these numbers, it is very easy to find out the year intended for marriage.

    Especially for this, the mystic Kattakar brought out a table with which you can find out the fateful year:

    The number obtained by adding the date of birth The number obtained by adding the year
    OneOne, four, five, seven
    TwoOne, five, six, eight
    ThreeThree, six, seven, nine
    FourOne, four, seven, eight
    FiveTwo, five, seven, nine
    SixOne, three, six, nine
    SevenOne, two, four, eight
    EightOne, two, six, eight
    NineTwo, three, six, seven

    If the number from the left column corresponds to the resulting figure of the estimated year and it is written in the line of the right column, then one of the listed numbers will be a component of a happy year.

    In this case, 2020 with the number 4 does not depend on the date of birth and does not carry any fateful events, including marriage.

    Calculation of the wedding year

    There is another way to find out the year of your wedding. It is a little simpler, but also effective.

    Below is the key by which you can get the answer. Example: date of birth 12.02. 1993, personal number 9, as calculated above:

    • One - means that the wedding will take place in those years, at the end of which there will be a number 1, 7 or 5.
    • Two - indicates that years that end in the number 2, 4 or 8 will be happy for creating a family.
    • Three - becomes a sign for years with the numbers 3, 6 and 9.
    • Four - you should focus on years with the numbers 4, 6, 9.
    • Five - an extremely successful year for marriage will be a year that ends in 5, 8 or 0.
    • Six - perfect year for marriage there will be a year ending in the number 6, 9, 0.
    • Seven - you should wait for the wedding in years that end in 1, 3 or 7.
    • Eight - the last digit will be 2, 8 or 5.
    • Nine - the wedding year will have 7, 3 or 9 at the end.

    How to find out the wedding day?

    The wedding day can be found out based on the personal numbers of both partners. The difference in these numbers will become an indicator of the number of the wedding. For example, 12. 02. 1993=1+2+1+9+9+3=2+7=9, partner's date of birth 28. 11. 1987=2+8+1+1+1+9+8+7 =3+7=10=1. So 9-1=8. So, the wedding will take place on the 8th, 18th or 28th.


    Received number Meaning
    OneThe wedding will take place very soon. Love will be so strong that it was not necessary to dream
    TwoThe wedding will take place in about a year strong love. marriage will be happy
    ThreeThe wedding should be expected in at least six months, but by the will of fate, this date may be postponed for another year
    FourThe happiest day will come in 2-3 years
    FiveThe exact period of marriage is unknown.
    SixMarriage will take place in a few years
    SevenThe wedding will not be very soon, but all this time there will be a person with whom happiness will be found even without a stamp in the passport
    EightIn a month the exact date of the wedding will be known
    NineRelationships will soon lead to the creation of a new cell of society

    It should be remembered that fortune-telling does not determine fate by 100%. And if for some reason the result did not live up to expectations, then you should not take everything to heart and get upset. A person creates his own destiny, therefore this or that outcome of events depends only on him. These divinations only push towards the truth, and female intuition is able to tell much more, you just need to hear it and make the right choice.