"Women's happiness - would be nice next to you..." Look carefully around you. If there is no one around, then you are depriving one of the fair sex of her legitimate happiness. And something needs to be done about it.

Why don't you have a permanent woman yet??? Because...

I am shy

Approach unknown girl in a club it's like stepping into a tiger cage for you. It's even easier with tigers - at least these beasts won't look at you like you're an empty place...

It will last 14 days; You will not be allowed to stay with other people; Within 14 days you must not be in contact, except emergencies. You must be very firm in saying these rules to her. If she meets these conditions, just thank her and tell her to meet at the same place at the end of 14 days.

If she still wants time and doesn't fit into those rules, just be human and get it over with. Because she wants something else. Let her "enjoy" the time she asked for. This step is painful, but it is necessary, like the others. Immediately when they see each other at the end of 14 days, don't talk about anything else, don't drag the topic, don't talk about missing, don't talk about anything other than their response.

Everything is fixable
It can, of course, be assumed that the lady dropped in here only to pay a hundred rubles for a cup of bad coffee and sit all evening in splendid isolation. Sometimes it happens. But rarely. Much more often girls go to clubs and parties for the same reason you go there. Type unwind in a pleasant company. And why are you not a company, you ask? So attack boldly, observing the following rules. Approaching the chosen target, look it directly in eyes. You can't do that with tigers, it's true. But with girls you can - in people, a direct look demonstrates the openness of your intentions and provides instant psychological contact. Not be afraid to ask trivial questions. Attempts at the very first phrases to demonstrate all their inexpressible intelligence and a rare sense of humor are always risky. But banality is good in moderation - you should not be interested in whether the beauty believes in love the first time and who she is according to the horoscope. Ask if the place next to her is free, what is her name, how long has she been here and if your interlocutor likes this club. If, nevertheless, it turns out that the place is occupied, her name is nothing, and she doesn’t like the club at all, because all sorts of people hang around here ... well, well ... So she just doesn’t get it, that’s all. Nothing personal. Let's get another one.

Answer me now. Yes or no? So that she does not touch you sentimentally before giving an answer. Cover up soon, whether you're together or not. We men are very fragile to female sentimentality, the more you can avoid it, the better. Don't treat her badly, but accept her decision.

Do I have to do all this just because my friend asked me to rest?

This is the most effective method solve this problem. Because you give her time, she has that time, and then you need to let her know if she wants to be with you or not. My friend, if she went two weeks without contact with you and decided to end anyway, it's because her absence was good for her.

I am short

About Napoleons, Al Pacino and other small giants of big deeds, you already know everything without us. But for some reason, the thought of the Borodino field does not at all console a person who is trying to have a small talk with a girl whose bust literally catches his eye. Because both are on the same level.

Don't it seem to me good relations, Do you agree? I hope you can put all this into practice and solve your problem. It is necessary to unload and understand reality as it is. Good article, dedicated to this topic - "She does not love me", written by John Tavares from the men's club.

Some method considerations that will make your girlfriend jealous stop being so

Last year my friend from university kept complaining about how he couldn't take it. After 3 days, after applying the method, he said that his girlfriend had changed, and for the better! What method is this; How to apply it; How to make your girlfriend less jealous; How to avoid attacks of future jealousy; And how to impose yourself as a person right now. This method works differently in different ways. Perhaps in your case the problem of jealousy has been resolved, or it may be that it is only mitigated.

Everything is fixable
Stop courting the women's basketball team of the Russian Federation - this is a mediocre way to assert yourself. There is an incredible amount of petite girls. Dreaming to meet, finally, cute young man with whom you can talk without risking injury to the cervical vertebrae.

People are different universes and there is no way to effectively predict their reactions. One more thing to be clear is that this method will not end your dating and is not a way to manipulate your girlfriend. It's about not about manipulation, but about sincerity, you will understand why.

See if you didn't get jealous unintentionally

While all of this is clear, let's move on to the step. When it comes to your relationship, you should always consider the fact that this is not right for you. Are you sure that you, often even unintentionally, did not put yourself in situations that would really make you jealous?

I can not kiss

Recently, this was opened to you in a purely friendly way by a lady whom you had the honor to kiss a couple of times.

Everything is fixable
kiss is not quantum theory anyone can learn. First, don't stick your tongue out too far. There is absolutely no need to demonstrate how thick and long he is. Secondly, do not flutter them too quickly. You need to work more thoughtfully, and not make the girl feel like you are trying to clean her wisdom teeth. Third, don't try to suck all the air out of her mouth - for getting a vacuum in the lab. Nobel Prizes no longer give.

Are you sure you didn't overdo it talking to other women? Are you sure that you are not overcoming any restrictions? Since we are dealing with feelings here, it is important for you to be sure that you are 100% innocent before proceeding with this method. Otherwise, all this will not go beyond cheap manipulation and, of course, will not have the necessary effect on your girlfriend.

Be honest with her when you say how you feel.

However, if you're sure the problem is just your jealous girlfriend, we can move on. Tell her honestly how you feel. But don't let the conversation become a discussion or take too much on the sentimental side. This conversation should be very mature and without emotional play on the part of the two.

Passed stage.
Swallow before kissing, otherwise it will turn out slobbery. When no one is watching, practice kissing your own wrist with inside. (When he starts to like it, stop exercising so that it does not become a habit.)

I live with mother

First, women like self-reliant and independent men. Secondly, any girl, even the sexiest one, will be pretty discouraged in bed by the fact that your mother is trying to fall asleep behind the wall. Who, perhaps, does not want to receive such confirmation that she has a very capable son.

Speak calmly and slowly

Have you ever stopped noticing that people tend to speak faster when they're nervous? To be safe, talk slowly to your jealous girlfriend. Talking helps so much to prevent the conversation from becoming a discussion. For you, an idea, according to Dr. Daniel Barros, very quickly speaks of anxiety, nervousness and tension. He said it in the article. The way of communication is related to the person's personality, published in the Wellbeing blog.

Say you also understand her side

One of the things that also generates unnecessary discussion is when the other person notices that you are only seeing your side of the story. Look at her side and let her know that you understand but that she is difficult to live with. The look in the eyes of a woman is one of the greatest weapons we have. If you do this to your girlfriend, she will know that you are serious.

Everything is fixable
Move. There is no money to rent an apartment - rent it on shares with a few friends. Having formed three or four, you can rent a very good room. And if you are such a loving and caring son, just visit your mother daily. And don't think that without the dirty dishes you left in the morning, the pigsty in the bathroom, and the calls from your buddies in the middle of the night, she will feel lonely.

Ask her if she really understood you

You have to be careful not to scare her, the goal here is to make her feel comfortable. After you've said everything you feel, ask her if she really understands your side. She must agree with you in order to move on to the next step.

Ask her often how you feel. It is important to listen to what she says, this creates a state of empathy and both strive to understand each other. Important information: Don't want to give insensitive macho. Be sincere about your problems. Do not hide if you are sad or very upset with her.

I have very little money

You met the woman of your dreams. But here's the problem - you can't invite her to have dinner together, because the money is enough for one hot dog at best. And that without mustard.

Everything is fixable
There are two scenarios.

Option one- you decide to earn money. But not by finding a job in the nearest stall in the wholesale market, but by sitting down and thinking about what you would really like to do. Even if you don't understand it at all. Choosing a profession - go to study. Even borrowing money for it. During the training, you receive not only knowledge (which is not bad in itself), but also some equally important things - documents about education and connections in the area of ​​interest to you. So you automatically stop being "uncle from the street" and turn into young specialist who are willing to be hired. Even with an incomplete salary, you are still more interested in connections, information and experience. But after a year and a half, you, having fully oriented yourself in the chosen environment and becoming your own in it, will be able to choose a corner there to your liking. For an appropriate fee.

Ask what her biggest fear is

There is an absurd difference between sincerity in your feelings and being weak. After she said that she really understands you, let's move on to the hardest part of this method, which she admits to you because she is so insecure and jealous of you.

She has been betrayed before and fears repetition

This default is the main reason why someone feels jealous in a relationship. The way to calm down is to state with confidence that it was her fault. ex-boyfriend and that things will be different for you. However, keep your word. If you say that you never do something like that to her, and you do, you upset her deeply. Can you handle this responsibility?

Option two You don't want to make money for anything. In this case, your only chance is to immediately turn into a person of art. Artist, musician or writer. Stuff your apartment with avant-garde films, insane books, start dressing strangely and quoting Ayurveda, Shakespeare and Tovstonogov, out of place and out of place. Along the way, you can write or draw something like that. There is a whole class of women whom you don’t feed with bread - let them warm some unrecognized genius with female care. (By the way, sometimes something worthwhile comes out of these "warmed up" ones.)

She has a history of neglect

Divorced parents, constant family fights, and even giving up the country create huge wounds in people. If she has at least experienced one of these situations, her jealousy may be a reflection of all the negative aspects she experienced as a child.

In this case, tell her that you care about her, but such care cannot deprive you of your freedom as a person. Make her understand that you can be with her and also have your freedom. Don't humanize the enemy! Barney Simpson on girlfriend. Deposit Gods, Who's right, Satan, yeah! You are about to have a girlfriend. It's a trap, Beano!

I became her good friend
You are already in love with her for a long time and you don't want to look at others. She also treats you well, often meets with you and loves to talk during these meetings about what else her boyfriend did, who is a miracle how good in bed. And in general, you have no secrets from each other - you are real friends. Is not it?

Pedro on getting a friend to find a friend for the best low prices on free market! Girlfriend is the name given to the first potential stage of the fall of Man - when a woman has the opportunity to become Wives. There are those who believe that "Girlfriend" is just a woman with whom a man maintains a fixed relationship for a certain duration, which can go from a few days to several months or years.

To whom do you know the parents and the rest of the family, you are already attending lunches and dinners in the community, and you see yourself marrying her. Another purpose of having a girlfriend is to leave you with the prominence of horn, horned and related adjectives. So if you are rich, you have a mansion, a few sports car convertibles, take luxury trips. And How clever man it's almost a rare thing, 60% of women say they are attracted smart people. Intelligent is not synonymous with "stuffing your head in books all day!", you suckers! If you have money, you can forget about this parameter. Well, this trump card also applies here. If you have Money, you can forget this parameter and pay attention to the delicious gardener. To have a man dedicated to her, to view her goddess and kiss the earth, she steps. Chasing a man for 24 hours doesn't please any woman except Bella Swan. Masculinity: This does not mean that your body is covered in hair, spitting on the floor and dressing like a saloon. Every heterosexual woman likes to feel in the arms of a real man. They like sincerity, but whenever we say something sincere, they don't like it. The trick is not to say what we think, but rather what they want to hear. It is she who dominates in all aspects of the relationship, who makes decisions, marks meetings and in sex there should always be everything in its path, otherwise she pouts. To her, everything you do sucks and you constantly wonder why you are with such a jerk as you are. The guy who meets this type of girlfriend is usually a Tender Horn, a sensitive person who works hard, thinking that one day he will marry her, who plans and everything else, who has wedding ring, purchased. But, one day, she gets tired and gets Ricardo all hot. And you, who did all her will, remain thumb sucking, seeing how your ex girlfriend sucked another. She is sexy because plastic surgery, has already put silicone on her chest, butt and lips, paints blonde hair, and she wears designer clothes with leopard prints and abuse in gold. Visits luxury car dealerships and a hotel bar, hoping to find those who got into the trunk. He clings to rich people, wants to see a pocket full of money, treat it like royalty, and demand diamond jewelry and other riches that a poor man like You could never offer. You will meet your parents and the whole family, even your grandmother, who lives there in the interior of the country. She is a good and devoted girl, but she will love Jesus Christ more than you. Only after a year of dating will there be a first kiss, and sex only after the wedding! And if this relationship becomes very serious, she will want to marry you! And this girlfriend always leads to marriage, you have no escape. She does everything to please you and says that she cannot live without you and swears that if you let her go, she will kill herself! You may want to have a "double" social media profile. During sex, it will be whatever you want. You might even find it funny that someone is so devoted to you, but when that relationship ends, you will have to put up with a lunatic chasing you and threatening to kill all the women that approach you, and you will eventually have to hold off the police. You are retarded and neurotic, you want to know all the time when you are, who you are with and what you are doing. You will want to get to know all your friends and family. And it will forbid you to talk to other women. You will want to come down to you every day and at any time. It is always necessary that your comments on social networks confirm how much you love him and show the whole world how serious your relationship is. You will say that nothing will separate you and that you will be together forever. If this type of Girlfriend joins some sort of Paranoid Guy, it will be the most insufferable couple in town. It has a dreamy look, it seems that he left old movie, he dresses in the thrift store clothing store and is a diligent presence in the city's artistic and "alternative" places. She always walks with a book under her arm, likes to walk in the park and enjoy cult films. It requires only those who are intelligent and have the same tastes as her. She says that she has high standards for men, but she is perverted in sex. This is a free spirit that will change your life and bring you joy. The guys who fall in love with her are usually depressed, full existential crises who live in delusions, thinking of her as a girl who doesn't exist, and then accusing her of their own delusions. This person knows that you can become the greatest Galan in the city, but in the end he will always come back to her. You have nothing to complain about her: she is nice, smart, hot, doesn't control her steps, makes you look like a bachelor and respects you. Don't put down your bag or jealous scenes when you go out with your group of friends, even if there are women. It doesn't require you to be present every day and doesn't send you messages all the time. In sex, you don't mind experiencing your fantasies, but you also have ones that you want to experience. In the background you are in the hand and she knows it. The most assholes may even doubt her feelings, because she wants her own space and independence, and she doesn't like too much romance. It will never complain that you spend your days playing video games because they will play with you. You'll have the arrogance you can face, you'll be the last cook in the desert to love fantasy books, and you're about to reconsider this "other girls against me" idiocy. His programs will be Lord of the Rings marathons, Game of Thrones, Star Trek and others. There is a high probability of having a page social network about your character designs that you love, even if you're not as good at drawing as your five year old cousin. You'll also be a pervert of the worst, though there's a good chance you're a virgin paying a fucking bitch. If this relationship ends in marriage, trust that she will want a "themed wedding" based on " star wars”,“ The Lord of the Rings ”,“ Harry Potter ”,“ Doctor Who ”, etc. In each of the 4 such types, 2 are feminist, the other is communist, and the other is anarchist. No matter how your comment goes against your political ideas, she will see it as an insult and spend the next hour speaking out against you. Perhaps he will live in the lair of activists, in some kind of community. There is a high chance of being against epilation, so having an armpit, leg and hairy frog, not wearing a bra and walking barefoot. The most radical, even tolerant. In sex you will not have any prejudice. He will most likely come up with concepts like "Free Love" and "Polygamy" and have sex with other guys. She's loyal, sexy, smart, knows how to dress with class and how to reconcile her life with yours without becoming a stick. You can cook, decorate all your tastes and never refuse to cook great food for you. He doesn't urinate from the bag. He understands and feels humor, supports his professional projects, always encouraging him to do better. However, go outside with her in desperation because all the guys are going to shoot her and there is nothing you can do to stop her. Everyone will envy you because everyone wants to have their girlfriend. The ones who are really encouraged to have this type of girlfriend are the muscular ones who know how to beat ten guys at once. If you have been in love with a married woman for a long time and say that she is your girlfriend, you are well deceiving yourself and becoming a bear figure. Being a married woman's lover doesn't make you jealous, much less synonymous with having a girlfriend, because if mine was really serious, you'd already be divorced. In the background, you are just like the bitch you are fucking making the other guy horny, you are just an unscrupulous scrotum and still want to play well saying this woman is your girl.

  • Money: This is one of better ways hunting for women.
  • This is cultural: the rich man always has more women than a poor person.
  • You're an idiot, but you understand why.
  • If you have money, get hot!
  • Intelligence: Here is an asset where you fail.
  • Women are not interested in dumb boys and boys.
  • It's generic: every woman loves to talk.
  • Now you're asking: Wow, but nerds don't get girlfriends!
  • Sense of humor: classic!
  • All women love men with a sense of humor and make them laugh.
  • But your jokes should be smart, not stupid.
  • Remember that a woman likes a smart man?
  • Or do you think that Ricardo is as successful as?
  • The fact that a man likes a hot woman, the same thing happens to them.
  • A man likes big breasts or a tail, a woman likes a big penis.
  • You can be a skinhead, if he's handsome, get half the points.
  • Attention: every woman loves to be the center of attention of a man.
  • Sincerity: the Achilles' heel of men.
  • There is nothing that a woman appreciates more in a man than sincerity.
  • This sincerity is very strange.
  • Dominator.
  • This is a man of relationships.
  • They are only together when she says so.
  • Mercenary - Also known as a social climber.
  • Don't worry, because you are a skinhead, you will never have such a girlfriend.
  • Religious - traditional, virgin and plump.
  • You will also need to introduce your entire family.
  • And combine great family lunches.
  • Possessed - it becomes her slave.
  • For her, everything about you is wonderful, beautiful, beautiful.
  • She would kiss the floor you step on!
  • She is a complete psychopath who hides behind a submissive attitude.
  • Get ready: it will take control of your life!
  • This is the most unbearable type of girlfriend, but the most common.
  • You will need your schedule to keep track of everything you do.
  • This is a cultured, intellectual and doll face with huge and bright eyes.
  • It is so perfect that it doesn't even exist.
  • Liberal.
  • There is a female nerd, although she is more of an Otaku.
  • But he'll catch you if he looks like some of the characters she likes.
  • Activist.
  • Political differences may lead to the termination of these relations.
  • Absolutely.
  • It's good in every way.
  • This is perfection, the dream of any person!
  • Amateur - Nice try, Playboy!
  • Anyway, when her husband finds out, you will still fuck.
What kind of music your girlfriend hears can say a lot about your personality, especially your actions and how cool they are.

Everything is fixable
Is not it. But it’s not worth jumping up like that and finally throwing out all the passion that has accumulated in you. The best weapon best friend is patience. His only chance is a detour. Wait for the moment when this goat eventually reveals to her all his goat essence. And you will come to comfort. Stroking on the head, carrying it in her arms, drinking sweet tea ... With a properly conducted consolation process, she will not even have time to come to her senses when she realizes that happiness is what it is. Smart, affectionate, all-understanding and extremely favorably different from the scoundrel she had just exposed.

I work like a horse
During your last rendezvous, you first gave the girl a full analysis of the market, told her a couple of fresh jokes about the work of your legal department, and then quietly disconnected. She left and, in general, did the right thing. Since you don’t have time for all this nonsense anyway, the plan is on fire.

Everything is fixable
Backwaters love affair at work. Contrary to the widespread superstition that they do not end well. According to statistics, every fifth married couple I met in a working environment - and this is not surprising. When people have roughly the same work schedule, the same circle of friends and similar work interests, it is much easier for them to agree on everything else.

I cannot count how many times in my life I have heard this question. From girls, it sounds something like this: “why doesn’t a guy like you have a girlfriend.” If I ask: what kind of one, compliments come in response. Well, this is understandable, since she communicates with me, it means she liked me.

From the male half of the population, it sounds like this: “So, do you have a girlfriend? No. And why? After all, you rummage around, you can seduce anyone. ”

Seducing anyone and building a relationship with your beloved are completely different things.

Seducing anyone and building a relationship with your beloved are completely different things that not many men understand. But I decided to answer this question with a detailed article in order to dot the i's.

Let's start with the "small" years. When I was 18 years old, I was in a relationship with a very beautiful and lovely girl. Everything was just wonderful. She believed in me, she supported me, she inspired me. I understood perfectly well that I was still a little pisyun and had not really seen life and marrying her would be the biggest stupidity. I wanted to walk around, see the world, know women and start building a family as wise, smart, because family is not an empty word for me and I feel great responsibility for myself. All the same, I had bright thoughts at such a young age.

We met with her for a year and a half and with the words: “You are very good and everything is fine, but I want to work up,” we broke up. She understood me perfectly. She was an incredibly wise girl, I understand that.

I very clearly defined the boundary for myself that I will not marry until the age of 30. Exactly up to 30. Why is that!? Because by the age of 30 you can do a lot of things. You can live for your own pleasure, you can hang out so that later you will remember it all with pleasure and tell your grandchildren. And a woman is a burden, a burden, at least in such a young and early age. And why is it needed? I don't understand guys who date or get married before 30. I don't understand, but it's their choice.

Although okay, I didn’t want to do this, but now I’ll tell you how men choose women for themselves and what they are guided by, so that you understand and know this too, friend.

Men's criteria for choosing a girl

Men's criteria for choosing a girl for a relationship depend on the status and popularity of a man among women. Conducting trainings and researching the fate of my students after passing the trainings, I divided men into three types:

1. Ordinary simple guys.

Never spoiled by female attention. (Accidentally drunk or after three months of wild courtship). Most likely, these guys are at the bottom of the social ladder. So, such guys very often describe their chosen one like this: “She is simple, without pathos, without show-offs, kind, caring ...”

They have nothing more to say about their girlfriend, and deep down they understand this, but do not want to admit it to themselves and think that others do not notice this. In reality, it looks like this - what you gave, that you took. Very often, these guys condemn the behavior of higher-ranking females, trying to somehow save their face and justify their choice.

If we take into account the pick-up score from 1 to 8 points, where 1 point is an Evil girl, and 8 points is a very high-status young lady with an incredibly beautiful appearance, then ordinary simple guys meet girls from 1 to 4 points.

2. Promising guys.

Not having much experience in amorous affairs. They focus on startups or their careers. They do not want girls of the first type (1-4 points), because they consider themselves worthy of more suitable candidates, but they do not know how to get high-ranking and status young ladies (6-8 points). They are very much puzzled by themselves and their career or a startup, and as a result they choose girls for themselves according to the principle - beautiful, there is something to talk about, awesome sex and it's not a shame to show to friends. These guys are very poorly versed in women and relationships, so they devote all their time, I already wrote something - work.

Such guys are found mainly with girls of 5 points and very rarely 6 points. If a guy meets a girl with 6 points and she gives him - he immediately falls under the heel, is immediately ready to marry and will put her photo everywhere. They say envy me all - I have Miss World. If you reproach him that there are girls with 7-8 points, he will also speak unflatteringly about them, operating that they are all whores.

3. Experienced men.

As a rule, these are men 30+. Here I will take the train of top-level seducers. And here I will also take successful businessmen, business owners. The most important thing is experience in amorous affairs. Availability more money doesn't matter. There are experienced guys in amorous affairs without caens, and there are with 4 dice guards, but not able to resolve the issue with the girl.

These guys are always very stylish and expensively dressed. They are very easy to recognize in society. These are alphas. alpha behavior. A confident look, a clear speech, a confident gait - they know very clearly what they want from this life. This type of men is looking for a muse and inspiration. They are very good with women, they attract women, they are worth their weight in gold. Everyone dreams of getting such a male.

These men are surrounded by 7-8 girls and occasionally allow 6-point girls to communicate with themselves.

A strong man values ​​his freedom

A strong man does not need a relationship, he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom. He is selfish, he loves himself, respects, he has incredibly good self-esteem. They know their worth. These are the most high-ranking males, they are very difficult to get. He will not rush into the arms of everyone who beckons him with a finger, he will choose and think whether he needs to spend his time on her or not.

Such men want to build relationships when they have already worked up, when everyone has known, when everyone has tried everything, when nothing can surprise him (in amorous affairs) and when they are already ripe. When you want warmth, affection, care, comfort and one and only. And this comes after 30 years.


One of the important criteria for relationships for the first and second types of men is the presence of constant sex. This business is incredibly difficult for them and it is easier for them to find someone for themselves. albeit not very much, but constantly, how upgrade yourself, change yourself, your beliefs. They are even ready to endure a lot from women, if only they were not deprived of the sacred - SEX. These are very often henpecked men, although they deny it in every possible way.

Sex does not equal relationship

And in just a couple of months, I turn 30 years old. And it's not about age, my friend, but the fact that I'm already ripe for a relationship. I really want them.

I have always taken this matter very seriously. Sex does not equal relationship. Relations with a loved one is something more, and perhaps I will write a separate article on this topic.

I'm looking for myself future wife, friend, mistress, muse, person with whom I will spend the rest of my days. With whom will I share joy, sorrow, victories, failures. A person whom I will completely and completely trust, the Mother of My Children. This is the most serious choice in the life of every person and it is a pity that many do not take it so seriously.

This is not a girl for one night, for a week, for a month, for a year, for two or three years. This is the girl for life. The only one with whom I will fall asleep and wake up, which will endure me, to which I will want to return home, which I will want to please and pamper, which I will miss, which I will be angry with.

It should be a very conscious choice, not a choice of limbs and emotions. At 20 I wanted one thing, at 25 another, and now having passed a certain life path, I know what I want and what kind of girl I want to see next to me ...

I hope you understand this article and my detailed answer. I'm sure you even learned a lot of new things for yourself. I also recommend that you read this article. How much are you worth as a man She will make you think too.