Do you want to increase the maximum muscle mass as soon as possible.

And you know exactly how to do it. Or at least they knew.

This was before you read a bunch of articles on the subject that talk about completely different ways.

But now you are completely confused about how to pump up quickly the best way.

1. Determine the number of workouts per week

The first step is to decide how many days a week you are going to train.

Many programs are based on the idea that The best way make muscles grow - subject them to a heavy load once a week with a large number of exercises, approaches and repetitions.

A typical training program might look like this: Monday chest, Tuesday back, Wednesday shoulders, Thursday legs, and Friday arms. While many people get good results with this kind of program, I think there are better options out there.

When you train a specific muscle group once a week, protein synthesis rises for 1-2 days after training. But after 36-48 hours, it returns to normal levels. And by simply damaging the muscle fibers, you cannot prolong the period of increased protein synthesis.

What's more, in experienced athletes, post-workout protein synthesis peaks and bounces back faster than inexperienced athletes. Bottom line: among advanced athletes, only small changes in protein synthesis are achieved.

In other words, when you directly train a certain muscle group once a week, then for several days after that the muscles are in an anabolic state. But if you don’t return to this group within a week, then you miss the 2nd (and maybe 3rd) opportunity to stimulate muscle growth.

Training programs for rapid muscle growth

With average genetic data, no one who wants to build as much muscle as possible in the shortest possible time will not achieve a good result if they do not train one muscle group at least 2 times within 7 days.

Option one is to train the whole body 3 times a week every other day. This usually happens on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You can also train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, or on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

  • Monday: whole body
  • Tuesday: day off
  • Wednesday: whole body
  • Thursday: day off
  • Friday: whole body
  • Saturday: day off
  • Resurrection: day off

Option two - train 4 times a week on the principle of "up / down". You train your upper body on Monday, lower body on Tuesday, and rest on Wednesday. On Thursday you train your upper body, on Friday you train your lower body, and on the weekend you rest. Each muscle group trains twice a week. Of all the splits I've used over the years, this one is one of my favorites.

  • Monday: upper body
  • Tuesday: Bottom part body
  • Wednesday: day off
  • Thursday: upper body
  • Friday: lower body
  • Saturday: day off
  • Resurrection: day off

The third option is a push-pull + leg split workout. You train 3 or 4 times a week, doing press exercises (chest, shoulders, triceps) on Monday and pull exercises (back, biceps) on Tuesday. You take a break on Wednesday to do your leg workout on Thursday. Rest again on Friday. On Saturday, you start the split again by doing the benching exercise.

  • Day 1: chest, shoulders, triceps
  • Day 2: back, biceps
  • Day 3: day off
  • Day 4: legs
  • Day 5: day off

So you train 2 days, rest 1 day, train 1 more day, and rest 1 day. Each muscle group trains every 5th day. Because you are training different days weeks, you must have a very flexible schedule to follow this program.

You can also use the top/bottom split to work each muscle group 3 times for 7 days. So you train for 2 days, then rest for 1 day, and just keep repeating the process.

  • Day 1: lower body
  • Day 2: upper body
  • Day 3: day off
  • Day 4: lower body
  • Day 5: upper body
  • Day 6: day off

A high frequency of training works well if you are able to recover from 5 workouts per week for 2 weeks. Not everyone can do it, so be careful.

While there are literally thousands of different programs, there are some that will allow you to build the maximum amount of muscle mass in the shortest amount of time.

It is often said that beginners should avoid dividing the body into muscle groups, and stick to complex full-body workouts that involve working each muscle group 3 times a week.

But if the training program and diet are right, beginners can still get good results on split programs that include 4-5 workouts per week.

In one study conducted by Baylor University, a group of beginners gained 5.5 kg of muscle mass in 10 weeks using a 4-day split.

Another 12-week study, this time with untrained beginners, showed that by training on a 5-day split and using milk as a post-workout supplement, these guys gained almost 4 kg of muscle and not a drop of fat.

Most often in the same way that beginners can achieve results using split programs, everyone who has already passed initial stage training, can build a significant amount of muscle mass by training the whole body 3 times a week.

For example, researchers from the University of Alabama found that men who performed for several years power training, gained almost 4.5 kg of muscle in 3 months, performing a complex training of the whole body 3 times a week.

2. Increase strength in training

The second sha is to train very hard and focus on increasing strength in the press and pull exercises, as well as squats.

When I talk about strength, I don't necessarily mean the weight you can lift.

Check out this video featuring natural bodybuilder and former World Natural Bodybuilding Federation champion John Harris.

John not only has the physique of a winner, he's also damn strong. In this video, he performs a deadlift with a weight of 180 kg for 18 repetitions, with a body weight of only 82 kg.

If you can lift twice your body weight in this exercise, then you are stronger than most people around you. But surely you DO NOT LOOK like him.

However, if you are able to lift that weight for 18 reps, it is very likely that you will achieve the same level of muscle development. And then you will not only be just as strong, but you will also have the same physique.

This does not mean that there is a direct relationship between strength gains and body size gains. If you double the strength in all exercises, you will not double the amount of muscle mass. It also doesn't follow that if you increase your muscle mass by 100%, then your strength will increase by the same amount.

On the other hand, if your muscle fibers are actively recruited, then in order to continue increasing the number of repetitions performed with a certain weight, the muscles have no choice but to grow.

You won't always see muscle growth daily or weekly, but it will happen. And in a few months you will have more muscle than you do now.

The biggest athletes are not always the strongest. But the strongest are not always the biggest. However, it is rare to see a very muscular athlete who does not have a high level of strength.

The best exercises for fast muscle growth

I don’t know how to quickly pump up muscles if I train on simulators. It is better to choose basic exercises that allow you to work with more weight. Here are the top ones in each category:

  • Horizontal presses(bench press lying on a horizontal / inclined at an angle of 30 ° bench, dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal / inclined at an angle of 30 ° bench, push-ups).
  • Horizontal traction(block pull to the belt, dumbbell pull, pull-ups while lying on the low bar).
  • Vertical traction(pull-ups, traction of the upper block to the chest with a narrow reverse grip).
  • Vertical presses(standing barbell press, standing dumbbell press, seated dumbbell press).
  • For the lower body with an emphasis on quadriceps(squats, split squats, leg press).
  • For the lower body with an emphasis on the muscles of the back of the thigh(regular deadlift, Romanian deadlift, leg curl).

There are many different views on the number of sets and reps that you can use to build muscle. One of them, which I myself follow and recommend to you, is to increase the working weight to a set that is close to your maximum capacity. You may think that you can do one more repetition, but do it only if the technique of the exercise does not suffer.

By building up, I mean progressively increasing the weight until you reach your maximum weight that you can do 5-8 reps with. Once you do this approach, rest for 1-2 minutes. Reduce the weight by 10-20% and do one more set. Repeat the same and move on to the next exercise.

Combine these sets with high-rep sets for the same muscle groups, and you'll give your muscles the stimulus they need to build mass and strength.

There are several reasons why I advise you not to do the last rep that leads to muscle failure.

First, the closer you are to muscle failure, the higher your risk of injury. Even a slight violation of form, such as excessive rounding of the lower back in the last rep of a squat or deadlift, can lead to an injury that puts you out of their formation for a while.

Contrary to many beliefs, achieving muscle failure is not a prerequisite for stimulating the growth of muscle mass and strength.

"My approach to training process always meant to work with full dedication, but not to the point of muscle failure, ”says former Mr. Universe Bill Pearl. " Last repetition should be heavy, but it should be within your power. I've always believed that you should leave the gym every day feeling like you've done it. great job, but at the same time, so to speak, "leaving a little fuel in the tank."

Probably the most important condition increasing strength and muscle mass is strenuous overload, that is, lifting more and more weight over time.

But there is a second stimulus for growth, which is called the accumulation of "fatigue toxins" or metabolites, pumping, metabolic fatigue, metabolic stress, etc.

Metabolic fatigue is a burning sensation in the muscles. This means pump training where you feel like your muscles are pumping up and about to explode. There are many different ways reach such a state.

  • You can perform a large number of sets of moderate/high reps (10-15) with short (30-60 sec) rest periods in between.
  • Practice harness training (also known as KAATSU or blood flow restriction training), which leads to increased metabolic fatigue by restricting circulation.
  • Use drop sets. They are also very effective way create metabolic fatigue in a relatively short period of time.

If you're feeling energized and fresh, motivated and hungry before your workout, and consistently building strength in the 5-15 rep range of multiple exercises, then you're on a path that will ultimately lead you to gain muscle mass.

How fast (or slow) should you do each rep?

With a few exceptions, extremely slow speed offers no advantage over training where you lift the weight as fast as possible and lower it slowly.

Watch a video showing Ben Bruno doing a trap bar deadlift.

Although he appears to be lifting the barbell relatively slowly, he is actually tries pick it up as quickly as possible. He uses a weight that slows down his every rep.

If Ben intentionally slowed down repetitions (unlike unintentional deceleration where the weight being lifted and/or muscle fatigue is causing the deceleration), the bar would not leave the floor at all. Only by trying to lift the weight quickly is he able to lift such a heavy weight off the floor.

Some exercises are better for lifting weights quickly than others. You would hardly do a dumbbell curl for biceps at a fast pace, and a barbell raise at a slow pace.

Bodyweight exercises such as dips, push-ups, horizontal and vertical pull-ups, and most single-joint exercises are best done at a slower pace, using a moderate pace.

But in almost all other exercises, in order to build mass and strength, the weight should be lifted as quickly as possible, and lowered slowly.

Don't copy workouts you read about in magazines

After working each muscle group with 4-5 different exercises, the next day you will feel sore muscles, but this does not mean that you will grow faster.

There is no proven link between soreness and growth, and there is no rule that says you have to “kill” every muscle group in order to make it grow.

Despite this, there are many people who see pain as the goal. They believe that if the muscles hurt, then the training has benefited.

Sometimes the day after a workout that is part of a program to physically improve your body, you will feel pain. But the same program will sometimes include workouts that will not bring such painful sensations.

In other words, muscle pain is not a reliable indicator that a particular workout was effective.

You go to the hall train. Most of the other people you will see there have come to to do exercises. There is a difference between these concepts.

“I must say that not everyone is interested in training”, says coach Mark Rippetoe.

"For many do the exercise already enough. They just want to burn calories, get in shape a little, and pump up their abs. For them, it's not bad. But if you want more, if you decide to achieve the maximum possible outcomes- finish to do exercises».

20-25 “working” sets per workout (not counting the warm-ups) are more than enough to cause a rapid increase in strength and mass. 25 sets not for each muscle, but 25 sets in total for the entire workout, which are divided between 1-3 exercises for each muscle group. In rare cases, more repetitions are needed.

Write a workout plan

You should also get into the habit of planning your workouts ahead of time.

Before you step into the gym, it's important to know exactly what you're going to be doing there. If you want to build muscle mass, then you need to properly prepare for this. This is why I highly recommend keeping a training diary.

Probably the most important benefit of the diary as well as main reason its absence in most people is that it forces one to face the facts.

What are you doing that brings results? Or are you just repeating the same program over and over again in the hope that it will suddenly start working?

It's also a good idea to have a deload or light week every 3-9 weeks of hard training.

Yes, I understand that you are worried that such a break will weaken you and reduce your size, especially if you are of those who see any period of time as a missed opportunity for progress.

But your body is not a machine, and it will benefit from rest, especially as you age. I know it's a cliché, but sometimes you have to take one step back to take two steps forward.

Your work in the gym is only half the battle if your goal is to gain muscle mass.

Without eating enough food, many mass-gaining efforts will go down the drain. Here's a quick and easy way to find out your calorie needs to meet your needs. muscle growth:

  1. First, calculate your dry body weight. For example, if you weigh 80 kg and have 14% body fat, then you have 11 kg of fat and 69 kg of lean body mass.
  2. Multiply your lean body mass by 20. With a lean body mass of 69 kg, you need 1380 calories per day.

If you find that you are not gaining weight, then increase your intake by 250 calories per day until the scale starts moving in the right direction.

I know this diet doesn't look impressive, especially when compared to some 5,000 calorie diets. But you won't make your muscles grow faster just by stuffing your stomach with food.

This is why there is an upper limit on the number of calories you can consume and convert them into muscle. If in currently If you are consuming calories below this limit, you will be able to build muscle faster if you increase your calorie intake.

But once you reach your maximum muscle gain rate, increasing your calorie intake will not automatically increase your growth rate. You will just start gaining fat.

Once you have chosen the right program training and nutrition system, everything you need to maximize speed dial muscle mass - stick to them.

I often read about changing your training program every few weeks to keep your muscles from adapting and getting them to grow.

For many people, this is the wrong approach. There is no point in diversity for the sake of diversity, and the best way to have no shifts at all is to jump from one program to another. Don't let people fool you.

Sean Philips put it best when he said that variety stimulates the mind and consistency stimulates the muscles. A training program based on a few basic exercises will always be effective if you follow it correctly.

You should be concerned about sets, reps, frequency of training, and the size of the weight on the bar, not the exercises you do.

There is a time and place for changing exercises, but only if it is part of a structured plan designed to achieve a specific goal. Doing a bunch of random exercises is useless if you want to get bigger and stronger.

Are you bored doing the same exercises all the time?

Nothing kills boredom like the feeling of getting closer to your goal. When you see results, boredom will no longer be a problem. People who are bored usually don't make much progress.

And finally, forget about your body type or your genetics. You can't change them, so there's no point in thinking about it. Set high but realistic goals for yourself and work to your limits to achieve them.

(2 ratings, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Finally, they asked themselves such a question, probably tired of being too fat or, on the contrary, too thin and feeling inferior in society? Or maybe you liked the girl and you want her to feel reciprocity too? Either way, whatever the reason, it's commendable. To the question of how to quickly build muscle, you will receive the answer in this article, the rest is up to you - the main desire.

But first, just think about how many pluses the owners of beautiful and strong bodies have. First of all, this is good health, which is very important in our time, this is the absence of an inferiority complex and gaining self-confidence, this is the increased attention of the opposite sex, for this, by the way, most people go to gym, this is an improvement of the general psychological state and as a result, performance in any field of activity. In general, there are a lot of pluses.

However, I would immediately like to note that how fast the result will be depends only on you and your desire to practice. You can't build big muscles in a week or a month. For many people, this takes years and years of training.

But still, this period can be significantly reduced by having certain knowledge and using the advice that you will receive in this article. The expression "Knowledge is power!" would be perfect for this.

Build methods

Well, let's now figure out how to quickly build muscle and what methods exist for this.

The simplest, probably, there will be training with its own weight. But despite its simplicity, this method is very effective. Of course, you won’t become “Mr. Olympia” by working exclusively with your weight, but it will be real to put your body in order, find a good relief and add strength.

The second option how to pump up the body, there will be a visit to the gym. Here everything is not as simple as when working with your own weight, but the effect will be much better than in the first method.

However, in order to achieve a good result and get the most out of the gym, you need to know some bodybuilding basics. After all, in order for muscles to grow, it’s not enough just to lift weights, you also need to know how to do it correctly.

After all, if for muscle growth it was just necessary to carry heavy objects, then all the people whose work requires physical strength, would have become real Atlanteans long ago.

Proper nutrition will speed up and improve the result

Working out in the gym or exercising at home with your own weight is good. But to and even more quickly - this will not be enough!

Under the influence of loads, our muscles are destroyed, receiving so-called injuries in the form of micro-ruptures in their fibers. After these micro-tears grow together, the damaged area becomes thicker and thus muscle growth occurs.

For everything to really happen as written above, the body needs, first of all, proteins - “building materials” for muscles. The main suppliers of protein are fish, meat and dairy products. It is also recommended to use protein shakes.

In order for the body to overcome heavy loads, it needs energy - carbohydrates, the main suppliers of which are cereals and vegetables. Honey also has a very high carbohydrate content.

Fats should be eliminated from your diet as much as possible.

Testosterone is your natural anabolic!

The use of steroids significantly accelerates the process of muscle growth, but their use is fraught with very unfavorable consequences for the body, especially for men ... Steroids should be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor in the field of sports pharmacology, only in this way they will do more good than harm.

However, our body has its own natural steroid - testosterone, which, unlike chemical analogues, only benefits. Therefore, for a quick set of muscle mass, it is important to increase the testosterone level!


Here's everything you need to get your body in great shape in no time. In the question of how to quickly build muscle, these are the key points, the use of which will lead you to a fairly quick result.

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Good day, friends. Most fans of lifting iron ask a completely logical question: “How to quickly pump up?”. After all, we, as a rule, do not want to spend a lot of energy to achieve a result. I want everything at once. To achieve any goal, there is a certain sequence of actions, a plan that can be adjusted along the way to achieve a result. But without a clearly constructed path to the goal ( perfect body), a person can wander around the bush for years, like a kitten lost in the night forest.

Each bodybuilder (bodybuilder), regardless of the level of training, has his own philosophy of bodybuilding. Over time, our beliefs change to more perfect ones and then we reach new heights.

But absolutely every athlete will tell you that his approach to pumping muscles is correct. And so am I. THERE ARE NO GOOD AND BAD training schemes, but their effectiveness, at different stages of bodybuilding, for different purposes, and even more so for different people, will differ significantly.

I do not want to tell you that only my point of view is correct, but on this moment of my development, I believe that this approach is at least reasonable and logical, so I decided to show it to you.

Our views change in connection with the acquisition of new knowledge, so over the years you will understand more and more what is more effective for you and what practically does not work.

hare and turtle

The most interesting thing in bodybuilding is that not always a large amount of knowledge is a guarantee of the effectiveness of any philosophy. So many bodybuilders who have impressive muscle mass have no idea why. They are both lucky and unlucky at the same time.

Lucky, of course, because they spent much less resources (time, money, effort) to achieve an amazing body and now they are several steps ahead of others.

But it was not lucky for the reason that if it happens that the old methods stop working for them or become less effective (the body gets used to it, adapts), they will spend much more time selecting a new, working scheme.

The situation is similar to the fairy tale about the tortoise and the hare, where the hare immediately runs forward, but later runs out of breath quite quickly, and the tortoise slowly but systematically and stubbornly goes to the intended goal.

Now, I think, you understand why it is important not only to choose the right method that works for you as much as possible, but also to understand why you are working according to this scheme. Then you will get the maximum effect!

How to pump up fast

Imagine that you are a beginner climber and you are about to conquer some peak. What are the main questions you have? I think there will be two main ones:

  1. What will we take with us?
  2. Which route will we take to the mountain?

After all, it is logical. To climb to the top, you need to know what we need when climbing and, in fact, how to climb this very peak.

But for some reason, many are looking for some completely irrational ways to reach the top. Someone will try to go around the mountain in a circle, so as not to increase the load and rely on the fact that this will reach the very top.

And someone, instead of the necessary equipment, will take a boat and oars with you. Do you understand why I bring such analogies?

All people want beautiful body, but not many achieve truly impressive results, because. doing what they shouldn't. They walk around the mountain, instead of purposefully moving up.

To move along the shortest and most efficient way, I have a cool article for girls and men about. Be sure to read. A lot of things will become clear to you.

Choosing your training program

Choosing a truly effective individual program training can lead to a stupor even "experienced" pitching. It is important to understand here that in order to judge the effectiveness of any training program, you need to practice it for at least a few months.

Because at first the muscles use less energy-intensive ways of adapting to a new load (improving the brain-muscle connection, increasing glycogen reserves, ATP, etc.), and only then does muscle growth begin.

I will not consider the stages of muscle growth and for how much you can pump up, because. I have already spoken about this and I do not see the point in repeating it. Now I'm just telling you the RIGHT way, in my opinion, on the way to a beautiful body.

For example, it will differ significantly from the program for the endomorph, and even more so from. I think it's understandable.

Now next, you need to decide what muscle quality you want to develop:

  • Strength (powerlifting)
  • Performance (bodybuilding)
  • Endurance (crossfit, etc.)

And only then start compiling your training program.

There is no need to change one training program for another until you have been trained according to your program for 3-4, or even 5 months, because. muscle growth is far from a fast process.

load progression. The basis of everything

The undeniable key to success in bodybuilding is the progression of the load. Moreover, the load is not only the weight on the bar. There is one simple postulate here:

Muscles do not make sense to increase if the load does not increase.

And this is more than logical. The body is very greedy when it comes to energy, and building more massive muscles is a very time consuming process.

Firstly, large muscles themselves consume a lot of energy, even in a relaxed state, when you, for example, sleep.

Secondly, in order to build these same muscles, again, you need to spend a large amount of energy. First, during training, you need to resist the load, then recover, then make the muscles a little stronger and bigger. It is not profitable! Therefore, the body leaves you as much muscle as you need to perform a particular job.

Do not play sports? Here you have as many muscles as you need just for walking. Are you running? Here is the right amount of muscle for you. Are you lifting heavy weights? Need more muscle. Everything is in proportion to the cost.

Therefore, AT THE BEGINNING of your training, it is easiest to increase the load with the help of weight on the shells. When weight increases, the body makes the muscles a little stronger, after a certain time, in a certain phase, which is called the SUPERCOMPENSATION PHASE!

This is an incomprehensible restoration. Supercompensation

When the body has suffered stress (training in the gym), it begins to recover. After a certain time, it returns to its previous state. But the body is not a fool, and it perfectly understands that such a load can be repeated, and in order to be ready for this load, you need to make the muscles a little stronger than they were before training.

He begins SUPER RECOVERY (super compensation) to protect himself from possible re-loading.

But we are not stupid either, so it is during the period of supercompensation that we must increase the load! We should train next time for this muscle group precisely in the supercompensation phase! But the load must again be increased (weight on the bar or the number of repetitions in the range of 6-12 repetitions) so that the body begins to recover again, and then again make the muscles bigger and stronger.

Comprehensive development of all muscle structures

First, there is different types muscle fibers that are designed to perform different work:

  • slow muscle fibers (running, walking, monotonous long load);
  • fast muscle fibers (average load for 15-30 seconds);
  • high-threshold fast muscle fibers (very hard work that requires maximum concentration and quick inclusion in work);

Secondly, muscle growth occurs not only due to the growth of muscle cells! There is also an increase (hypertrophy) of the sarcoplasm!

Only the development of all muscle fibers and other systems will contribute to the maximum growth of your muscles!

In professional bodybuilders, all muscle fibers are equally developed, and they also have a larger volume of sarcoplasm and glycogen. This proves that it is necessary to use an integrated approach in achieving a truly powerful body.

Load cycling

Each body system (nervous, cardiovascular, energy, etc.) requires different recovery periods and, as a result, supercompensation also occurs in different time.

If we train only for myofibrillar hypertrophy, then we lose supercompensation for other systems.

For example, in order to train energy, you need to train lightly (30-40% of the working weight) and not to failure, so supercompensation occurs already on the 5-6th day. We train myofibril hypertrophy to failure in the range of 6-12 repetitions, and supercompensation occurs 11-13 days after such training.

Any normal physiologist knows this, but very few use this incredible opportunity in their training.

Therefore, only with the uniform development of all body systems, we can count on a truly impressive result.

If you always train only hard (for hypertrophy of myofibrils), then sooner or later it will stall your results or even worse, drive you into a state of severe overtraining.

Act Consistently

When, it is no longer possible to progress the load linearly (simply by increasing the weight on the bar from workout to workout), because. progress will sooner or later slow down a lot, until it stops completely, then you need to consistently connect the training of other systems in order to expand the possibilities for muscle growth.

No need to train everything in a row, because. this will disperse the focus on a specific target.

If the goal is to feel better in the muscles (as in the first 3-4 months of training), then concentrate on this. No need to rush back and forth. Otherwise, you will get an average, unexpressed result.

Your dope is food

Food is a great tool for getting a great figure! Proper manipulation of carbohydrates and proteins in the diet, as well as the timing of their intake, can give significant progress in muscle growth, as well as fat burning!

Eating is an integral part of post-workout recovery, because it takes bricks to build a house.

It performs the most important functions:

  • acceleration / deceleration of metabolism (metabolism);
  • acceleration of anabolism (building body tissues);
  • slowing catabolism (destruction of body tissues);

A prerequisite for progress is sufficient, anabolic (growth-promoting) nutrition.

Also a good addition to the main diet is the appropriate sports nutrition(protein, creatine, L-Carnitine, Arginine, etc.). But at the very beginning of classes (9 months-1 year) there is no point in it. You will grow well anyway.

The most powerful weapon

I don't think I'm going to reveal the unknown if I say that ALL PROFESSIONAL BODYBUILDERS use steroids. This is powerful weapon, which forgives many mistakes against the background of enhanced anabolism.

And indeed, all athletes have their own “natural ceiling”, which does not allow them to grow further, at the same speed. It is difficult to put up with gains in the size of the biceps of 0.5 cm per year. For further growth (if you are a professional athlete), it makes sense to resort to the help of pharmacological support.

But there is one amendment here, in order to use steroids, the athlete must learn to build muscle mass on his own, without pharmacology, in order to prepare the body for stress and understand for himself whether he wants to move on. Otherwise, the question is: “How to pump up quickly?” can't even stand.

Many make fatal mistake, starting taking steroid drugs in the first 2-3 years of iron training, thereby undermining your endocrine system, reducing the susceptibility of receptors to them, and, what to say, in the end, losing all your results, and sometimes health, after such a few courses.

If you do not compete, you are not a professional, and, moreover, you “in kind” did not build up 15-20 kg of muscles (only not “dirty mass”, but pure muscles, without fat), then ABOUT ANY STEROIDS AND SPEECH CANNOT BE! Dot.


  1. Approach responsibly to the choice of the training program. Remember that it is better to immediately go on the right road, in the right direction, and at the same time be able to turn onto a more efficient path.
  2. Learn how to properly contract your muscles (work with light weights for 3-4 months).
  3. Muscles do not grow if the load does not increase.
  4. It is necessary to increase the load in the phase of super recovery (super compensation).
  5. To develop your muscles to the maximum, you need to develop all types of muscle fibers and related systems.
  6. Supercompensation for different systems comes at different times. Alternate heavy and light workouts (load cycling).
  7. Do not rush to train everything at once. Act consistently. Focus on a specific goal and go towards it until it is necessary to change the landmark.
  8. Eat well.

I hope now you understand how to pump up quickly. The main thing is to approach bodybuilding wisely. Compliance with these rules will lead you to an amazing body with the least loss of time. And this is the most expensive resource.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

Almost the entire Internet is full of super-effective secret techniques that will help build muscle in an incredibly short time. Programs that describe when and on what day you need to train certain muscles, training schemes of famous bodybuilding professionals. Statements that beautiful muscles can be pumped up at home. A person who has firmly decided to change his body, reading all this, involuntarily falls into error.

Home workouts

The main reason for exercising at home is the false fear that when you come to the gym, you will become a laughing stock. Ignorance of training methods confuses a person. Believing in the effectiveness of home workouts, he goes to a sports store and starts buying sports equipment that costs a lot of money. For example, for the money spent on a set of collapsible dumbbells, you can buy a monthly subscription in a good gym. Now think about what you can achieve with a pair of dumbbells at home and a fully equipped gym that has a real sports atmosphere. Remember that no home workout compares to a workout at the gym! If you get into a good, friendly hall, then you are guaranteed good mood, sports competitive atmosphere and even, perhaps, the help of experienced athletes. At the initial stage, I advise you to go to the powerlifting gym, where some of the strongest athletes train. Having entered with a friendly face, take a leisurely walk around the hall and greet everyone who is standing and doing nothing in a friendly way. Do not stretch your hand to the one who performs the exercise! Just pass by. Look around, and if you can find a squat rack, a horizontal bench press, and a deadlift platform, your first trip to the gym is almost a success.

At the initial stage, focus on basic exercises that provide a foundation from which you will build. With the right technique and a stable exercise regimen, you will quickly gain strength. No simulators and isolated exercises! The golden three is squats, bench press, deadlift. You need to perform them in the same order as it is written, conducting training sessions three times a week. Do not forget to warm up properly, and warming up is not an exercise bike or running, but the same barbell with which you perform the upcoming exercise. It will be better if an experienced athlete teaches you the technique of performing all these three main exercises, it's time saved and a guarantee that you won't get hurt.

Basic lessons

In the first approach, warm up properly, 15 - 20 times only with the neck, without pancakes. In each subsequent approach, add 5-10 kilograms until you reach your working weight (the weight at which “muscle failure” occurs at 8-12 squats, that is, the final 1-2 repetitions should be given with difficulty). The number of warm-up sets and the difference in the added weights, of course, depend on the experience of the athlete. Approaches for warming up are not included in the bill, only workers need to be counted. Working approaches - 5, and in each approach 8-12 repetitions. The principle of training in the remaining two exercises is the same. The number of working sets and repetitions will change over time. Our musculature consists of several types of muscle fibers, and their training is slightly different. The development of all types of fibers and gives maximum strength and muscle growth.

Training cycles

Cycles are the transitions of the training mode from one type of muscle fiber to another. You have been training, for example, for one and a half to two months in the 8-12 rep mode and you feel that you are starting to slow down in increasing your strength indicators. This is the end of the cycle, you need to move on to another. After the 8-12 regimen, move on to 4-8 reps. In this mode, it is desirable to have a partner who can insure you.

After going through all this, you will gain a little experience, and the technique of performing exercises will reach more high level. One fine day, preferably on a weekend, being in good mood, arrange yourself a workout for maximum weights in each of the three basic exercises, the number of repetitions is 1-2. That is, your and your partner's task is to find out what maximum weight you can overcome, this is called determining the RM (one-time maximum). Dress a little warmer so that the muscles do not cool down between sets, warm up properly. Between sets, you will rest an average of 5 minutes. Usually RM is determined after each cycle, then a rest from the gym for one week begins, try to relax the body these days, go to the sauna, visit a massage parlor. And after such a rest, when you come to the gym, you will feel a noticeable increase in strength, then start working again for 8-12 times.

Number of repetitions

Over time, you will begin to feel and understand how many sets and repetitions you need for constant progress. Usually for a person prone to thinness, a regimen of 8-12 repetitions is enough. Chunky and prone to fullness, modes in the region of 5-8 repetitions are suitable. But do not take this as a rule, each person is individual and everyone's body is different. It happens that at certain stages of development, the body will need a slightly different amount of repetitions and approaches. Your the main task- determine the strategy using your own experience of trial and error. This is how you can determine with absolute certainty what suits your body best. But the main thing is the constant progress of increasing the working weights in the exercises. This does not mean that you need to try to hang more on the bar, it will only lower the rep range. If you work in the mode of 8-12 reps in all basic exercises, adjust the weight with which you will perform 8 repetitions to failure, that is, the last 2 repetitions should be difficult. From session to session, you will strive to complete not 8, but 9 repetitions. Further with the same weight for 10, 11 and 12 repetitions. And when you do everything with the same weight for 12 repetitions in each working approach, you can already add 5 kilograms to the working weight. And you will perform again for 8 repetitions already with the greatest weight. This is the increase in working weights without “knocking out” the rep range. Listen to your body! If you have chosen a certain training regimen and it is very effective, then you should not change anything! You can't even jump for a long time for another cycle.

Gradual transition to detailed development of muscles

All that is written above can be called powerlifting. After a while, start expanding your exercise range. Throw in a few more basic exercises like lunges, weighted dips, and pull-ups. For example, the routine can be composed as follows: squats, lunges with a barbell on the shoulders, bench press, push-ups on the uneven bars with weight, deadlift, pull-ups. You can reduce the number of approaches to three, as the training time will lengthen. Next, move on to a split training program in which each muscle group trains once a week.


There are muscle groups that are somehow interconnected - these are antagonist muscles that cause movement in two opposite directions. Antagonist-based training routines are the most commonly used: chest-back; biceps - triceps. Synergistic muscles act and participate in one movement: chest - triceps; back - biceps. When training the shoulder girdle, the triceps also work. Legs are trained on a separate day. For example, a training cycle can be structured like this:


  • Monday: chest, back;
  • Wednesday: thighs, hamstrings, calves;
  • Friday: shoulders, biceps, triceps;


  • Monday: chest, triceps;
  • Wednesday: back, biceps;
  • Friday: legs, shoulders.

Try both options and choose what suits you best. Each muscle group has 4 exercises and 4 sets in each of these exercises. As a result, only one muscle group has 16 approaches. I do not write about the technique of doing exercises, because there is an abundance of this information on the Internet. It is enough to enter, for example, “exercises for the back muscles” in any search engine, and you will be presented with the necessary material. You will need to know as many exercises for certain muscles as possible. Constantly gain experience in exercise technique. The purpose of this article is to learn to understand what the essence of bodybuilding is and how important constant progress is, and not marking time in one place.

Remember that the working weights in the exercises should always increase! No way without it! There will come a time when you will do 10 reps of the bench press with 80 kg, then 10 reps with 100 kg, 10 reps with 120 kg. Engaged in power mode with basic exercises you will get stronger and stronger. Thus, having increased your strength, you are already moving on to high-volume training, in which each muscle group will have an average of four exercises and each of them will have 4-5 working sets. Recoil occurs when your working weights increase without going out of the rep range. For example, you once squatted with a weight of 80 kg for 10 repetitions to failure, when the last 1-2 repetitions were difficult. Having passed a certain stage, you have become stronger and already squat with a weight of 120 kg also for 10 repetitions. While exercising in high-volume mode, monitor your body visually, monitor the state of subcutaneous fat, increase in volume and roundness of muscles. As soon as you feel stuck, switch to strength mode, using only squats, bench press, deadlifts and auxiliary exercises like pull-ups and dips in training.

Rest between sets

As you have already noticed, bodybuilding can be done in different ways. Some people like the lighter weight large quantity repetitions, and to someone vice versa. But remember about the basic rules is always worth it! If you are engaged in strength, then the break between sets ranges from 5 to 10 minutes, and sometimes reaches 15 minutes. When exercising in a high-volume mode, the rest between sets is reduced to 1.2 minutes. There is also a “pumping” mode, its task is to develop as many muscle fibers as possible and fill the working muscles with abundant blood flow, which in the process visually inflates them very much. In this mode, the rest lasts strictly 30 seconds, 10-15 repetitions, 4-5 exercises per muscle group, of course, the working weight in the exercises is greatly reduced. Recovery after such training is delayed. Try all the schemes written above, not a single coach or instructor will be able to determine by eye what is more effective for you. The professionalism of bodybuilding lies in the independent understanding of the aspects that force the muscles to grow, this is a singles sport! Here, the utmost concentration and a clear feeling of the load on the muscles during the exercise are important. No need to do everything mindlessly! Learn to catch tension in every movement, subconsciously always strain your muscles during movements.

Limit loads

After mastering a lot of exercises, I advise you to try training each muscle group twice a week, this is already daily workouts (except Sunday). What you trained on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you will train on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, respectively, and on Thursday the cycle begins anew. Many athletes will say that this is wrong, they say, you can overtrain the muscles, and the process of muscle development will stop, and you may even lose muscle mass. Of course, this is a very big stress - to train every day. But I'll tell you one thing: by working each muscle group twice a week, while eating the right way, and recovering properly, you will immediately notice the results! After all, you can reduce the load at any time.

Today I will answer the question: Nin fact, this is a very important question, since most men cannot afford to go to the gym. The reasons can be different: from lack of time to lack of money. But, despite this, they want to have a beautiful and toned body.

How to quickly build muscle at home?

What is needed for this?

In order to If you want to build muscle at home, you will need:

  1. motivation (without it nowhere)
  2. training equipment

It is important to understand that motivation and perseverance play a significant role in home workouts. Even if you don’t have training equipment now, then this is not a problem, at the initial stage, you can get by with ordinary items (for example, such as: plastic bottles filled with water or sand, a backpack filled with books or something else, etc.).

At permanent studies you can gain muscle mass, increase endurance and muscle strength.


It is very important that if you eat right, because in order to make your body beautiful, training alone will not be enough. Percentage question: How to quickly build muscle at home?- can be attributed most to nutrition, because proper nutrition- this is about 70% success in gaining muscle mass!

Now I will list the basic rules of nutrition and what you can eat, and you will already make a diet individually for yourself.

Fundamental rules:

  • eat those 5-10 times a day
  • drink 2-4 liters of water a day
  • get rid of food waste (mayonnaise, ketchup, sugar, etc.)
  • consume 2g of protein * 1kg of body weight
  • consume 0.5 – 1g fat * 1kg body weight
  • eat 4g carbohydrates * 1kg body weight
  • be sure to have breakfast

What to eat (best foods):

  • me co (chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey)
  • Fish and seafood
  • chicken eggs (yolks in limited quantities: 1 - 3 per day)
  • milk products (cottage cheese, cheese, milk)
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
  • nuts, seeds
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
  • durum wheat pasta
  • wholemeal bread (do not get carried away, 1 - 2 pieces a day are enough)
  • honey (1 - 2 teaspoons per day)
  • vegetables (you can eat as many vegetables as you want)
  • fruit (do not get carried away with fruits such as: bananas, grapes, peaches, melons)

If you are unable to independently choose a menu with the right ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your own body weight, then I can help you with this. If you want me to select an individual menu for you (calculated everything by grams and time), then contact me through this page ->


Now let's talk aboutro workout. How can you quickly build muscle at home without training? But in order for the training to give results, you need to train intensively, perform the exercises with the most ideal technique and try not to miss training.

You will train 3 times a week for 45 minutes. Rest between sets - 60 seconds. The duration of this program is 8 weeks. The purpose of this program is to prepare your body for stronger and more meaningful loads.

So here's the workout itself:

  1. Warm up 5 minutes
  2. Twisting lying on the floor 4 to max
  3. 4*15
  4. 3*15
  5. Squat (with bottles in hand or with backpack overhead) 6*30
  6. Push-ups from the floor with a wide grip 4*20
  7. 3*20
  8. Push-ups on the uneven bars 4*15

The preparatory stage is over, now you can start more difficult training! You will train 3 times a week for 45 minutes. Rest between sets - 60 seconds. Previously, you trained the whole body at a time, and now we will break it down into 3 working days:

  • press, back, biceps
  • legs, shoulders
  • press, chest, triceps


  1. Warm up 5 minutes
  2. Twisting lying on the floor 4 to max
  3. Hyperextension on the bench 4*15
  4. Wide grip pull-ups to the chest 4*10
  5. One arm dumbbell row 4*10
  6. Pull-ups with medium reverse grip 4*10
  7. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing 4*10
  8. Hammer 4*10


  1. Warm up 5 minutes
  2. Lunges with dumbbells 4*12
  3. Squats with dumbbells 5*15
  4. Standing calf raise with dumbbells 4*25
  5. Dumbbell press sitting or standing 4*10
  6. Lifting dumbbells through the sides 4*10
  7. Breeding arms with dumbbells in an incline 4*10


  1. Size 5 minutes
  2. Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar 4*20
  3. Dumbbell bench press 4*10
  4. Push-ups from the floor head down 4*15
  5. Breeding dumbbells lying 4*12
  6. Push-ups on the uneven bars 4*10
  7. Push-ups from the floor with narrow arms 4*15
  8. French bench press with a dumbbell 4*10
