Until the christening, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov will not name their daughter, will not show her face. But in the studio of the Secret for a Million program, the singer told who the baby looked like.

On October 13, a daughter was born in a family of artists. The spouses, who have been together for about 10 years, were even suspected of some kind of health problems - they met for 6 years, married for 4 years, but no children.

“We prepared for this event, tried and put ourselves in order. It's physiological pure history, we had a good rest, passed all the tests. Still, God gives children when people are really ready for this, - admitted Alexey. How did Yulia announce her pregnancy? She said she didn't feel right. As an alarmist, I immediately decided that it was time for the doctors. And it turned out - we are waiting for an interesting creature!

They decided to keep an interesting situation a secret for everyone, only the doctor knew. They even hid from relatives to the last - they were afraid to upset them if something suddenly went wrong. Throughout her pregnancy, Yulia swam, rested, and did yoga. There was no toxicosis, whims. And when it came time to go to an elite perinatal center in the Moscow region, Chumakov was on the set and disrupted the work process for the first time. He dropped everything and went to his beloved.

“Yes, I was present at the birth. Any man should have seen this. Otherwise, I would have deprived myself of a huge reservoir of memories. I arrived on my own, without a driver. He put them in the car and took them away. All. No waste-ta-ta for show, I really don’t like it, ”the singer admits.

Now the couple is preparing for the christening of their daughter. And until that time, they hide the name of the newborn and do not show her photo.

“Sometimes she turns her head so that she looks like Yulia, but my oriental blood still prevailed. The daughter is dark-haired, her eyes are brown. Of course, the wife is now completely absorbed in maternal chores, but we are looking for a nanny. It's hard to find someone that you can trust with your child so quickly. Therefore, now her mother is helping Yulia, ”says the newly-made dad.

Alexey recalled the history of relations with Yulia - it turns out that on the eve of the engagement they had a very serious quarrel. “Yes, they didn’t get married right away, I, like any man, am a coward. It was not easy to give up your comfort. But as soon as I realized that I had matured emotionally and financially, I immediately asked Yulia to become my wife.

The day before, we had a wild fight. The offer was not an attempt to apologize. It's just that the time has come, and I wanted to make peace. On my part, it was nothing but waste - rings, cakes, rose petals. Not worried, but worried. Everything went well except… me. I set up the camera to record Yulia's emotions, turned off the light. But at the right moment I forgot to turn on the lamp! And now we can only listen to how I made the proposal.

The wedding was celebrated 2 times - in Moscow with 7 guests and in Spain with 12 guests. “It was raining wildly, we quickly signed and left for a restaurant to celebrate with our closest ones. And then they flew to Spain, where they rented a villa, and celebrated there.”

IN family life artists - complete mutual understanding, because they have learned to compromise. “For example, I don’t like to have breakfast with someone. She knows and accepts it. Or Julia - very thermophilic, even when it's +45 outside, she wraps herself in blankets in the bedroom. And the tip of my nose should be icy. And nothing, solved, we have one bedroom. In general, we quarrel, but Julia, how clever man, the first goes to reconciliation.

One question, the question of Lera Kudryavtseva, brought Alexei to tears - about his mother. She died 7 years ago. “Mom is a TB doctor, and we never saw her even with a glass of wine. And she died of cirrhosis of the liver… The doctor, we don’t even know which one, brought the hepatitis virus into the blood. When we found out about problems with the liver, it was too late ... Then my parents lived in Tyumen, I urgently organized a move to Moscow. She could no longer walk, in practically no condition, when she did not even recognize me, they brought me to the hospital. The council decided that mother had no more than six months left. But, fortunately, on the way we came across a doctor whose mother died precisely from this disease. He was inspired, took care of her, and she lived for another six years! Yes, she had weak legs, but in general it was a full life.

For these 6 years I did not drink cognac even in the evening. Every night we waited - suddenly they would call, suddenly bleeding would begin, and they had to be taken to the hospital. And when one of the parents called, I jumped in anticipation bad news. They called from the intensive care unit and said: three days maximum. Yulia and I went to dad - I controlled myself, thought about my father, it was harder for him. These three days he lived normally, following the truth: old age and death must be accepted humbly. In the last conversation, she wished me happiness ... "

And Chumakov is really happy - he has a wonderful wife and daughter. He calls up his father 5 times a day, has a close relationship with his brother Sergei. "One of my brother's sons is called Lesha Chumakov, and I am his godfather." Career is also going uphill, fees allow you to complete repairs in an elite mansion, total area which is 500 m² plus the same area occupies.

“I always ran home, and now I’m even more in a hurry, because my daughter is waiting for me there! And I am absolutely happy, ”summed up the singer.

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk became parents on October 13. The artists hid the imminent replenishment in the family for a long time, but later they posted a photo showing the legs of a newborn daughter. Now the young father is trying to spend as much free time at home as possible in order to support his wife and monitor the development of the baby.

Alexey and Yulia do not want to show the girl’s face before the christening, but on the air of the “Secret for a Million” program, the artist nevertheless told who the heiress looks like.

“Sometimes she turns her head so that she looks like Yulia, but my oriental blood still prevailed. The daughter is dark-haired, her eyes are brown. Of course, the wife is now completely absorbed in maternal chores, but we are looking for a nanny. It's hard to find someone that you can trust with your child so quickly. Therefore, now her mother is helping Yulia, ”said the artist.

Every day, Chumakov tries to quickly resolve work issues in order to return home to his wife and child. The man said that Yulia tries to keep him informed of the first successes of the baby, so she often sends photos and videos with the girl to her new father.

According to Alexei, the wife endured the pregnancy well. Kovalchuk did not suffer from toxicosis, she did not have serious mood swings.

“I see that Yulia wants to take care of a child, she is happy to learn the basics of motherhood. But the fact is that she is an active popular artist, so you won’t be able to do without an assistant, ”said the man.

It was important for the star couple that fans and friends were not aware of the pregnancy. In an interview for the Secret for a Million program, Yulia admitted that even relatives found out about the imminent replenishment in the family only a few months later. According to her, only she and Alexei and the doctor were aware of the happy event.

Now Chumakov feels absolutely happy, because he has long dreamed of a child. However, the artist regrets that his mother could not see her granddaughter. Communicating with Leroy Kudryavtseva, the man spoke for the first time about the causes of the death of the parent.

“We still don't know how it happened. Apparently the dentist introduced the hepatitis virus into her bloodstream. My mother never drank, I have never seen her with a glass of wine in all my life, and here it is. Cirrhosis began to develop against the background of hepatitis. We fought for her life for about six years, but in the end the disease turned out to be stronger, ”the artist said about the most difficult period of his life.

The musician admitted that after his mother was diagnosed, he did not sleep peacefully for a single night. At any moment he could be called to the hospital and reported on the bleeding or other complications. Remembering that difficult period, Chumakov could not hold back his tears.

The artist's father also appeared in the studio, who cared for his sick wife every day for six years. Now Georgy Georgievich lives in Moscow and every day he writes off several times with his son. If he does not get in touch for a long time, Alexei begins to worry and call his dad.

A relative of the musician remembered that at the first meeting he immediately accepted Yulia Kovalchuk as a family member. He called the singer a daughter, and now he always communicates with her with pleasure.

According to the singer, Julia was always with him, supported and tried to distract from sad thoughts. Chumakov admitted that he cheated on his former passions, but Kovalchuk turned his ideas about relationships upside down. Now he is faithful to his wife and is happy that they finally became parents.

Julia Kovalchuk decorated the cake with a candle in the form of the number 4.

Yulia Kovalchuk, having become a mother, enjoys every minute spent with her daughter. And, of course, like many other young mothers, she celebrates every month of her life. This is what many parents usually do until the child is one year old, and the singer's daughter turned four months the day before. On this occasion, the star, together with her husband Alexei Chumakov, covered festive table and even put the number "4" on the cake. “The most pleasant holidays, my daughter turned 4 months old!” - shared Julia.

By the way, now star family is in Spain, where they decided to spend a whole month and a half. Alexey and Yulia with the baby stayed in their apartments near Barcelona. It was there that Kovalchuk spent several recent months pregnancy. By the way, the star parents continue to hide the name of the baby. According to Yulia's mother, Svetlana Vasilievna, the secret will be revealed after the christening.

« The usual walk mom-artist???”, signed photo Kovalchuk.

So that Yulia and Alexei could work quietly, and they have a very busy schedule, Svetlana Vasilievna moved from the Volgograd region to the Moscow region, closer to their family home. " We now live literally across the street from each other. Very convenient, and, if anything, I'm always there. I like to stay with my granddaughter when Julia and Lesha are busy. I play with her a lot, walk in the fresh air", - says Yulia's mother.

Many couples have to wait for the birth of children long years. And celebrities are no exception. The main thing, as experience has shown Russian stars, eventually becoming parents, do not lose hope. And then the long-awaited miracle will happen!

10 years

Kovalchuk became a mother quite recently, on October 13, 2017. In one of the elite metropolitan clinics, a girl was born to Yulia and her husband Alexei Chumakov. “There are no words in the world... There are no emotions that can describe this new feeling. Now there is no time, but there is an inexplicable love and dependence. Thanks to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter!” - the 34-year-old singer, ex-soloist of the Brilliant group, commented on the joyful event. Alexey Chumakov supported his wife and was present at the birth of the baby. “A man must be in this place. You see the "holy of holies", magic. It's not disgusting, it's not scary, it's not terrible. The epicenter of all the most beautiful is the birth of a person, - said the young father. “I saw the birth, and for me this is the main indicator that magic exists.” The next day, Kovalchuk posted on her blog on the social network a touching photo with tiny children's legs in the hands of doctors.

Julia and Alexey got married in October 2013, but before the wedding they had already been together for six years. “Only next to Lesha can I relax, feel how wonderful it is - when you don’t have to solve all the problems yourself,” Kovalchuk admitted. “From the first days of our life, he took on the role of the main breadwinner in the family.” Having bought a house in the suburbs, the lovers almost immediately equipped a nursery in it. Both have been thinking about adding to the family for a long time: Yulia dreamed of two heirs, Alexei dreamed of three. But he preferred not to force things: “As a man, I feel responsible for those around me. And I must be sure that I will give them everything they need. There is no 100% certainty yet." Julia also believed that everything has its time. Although purely feminine, she was looking forward to the moment when she would be in the role of a mother. She admitted: “When Lesha and I talk about these topics, I agree with his arguments. But if earlier only work occupied my thoughts, now I’m thinking about how to combine everything.” And yet, for a long time, the couple did not have children. “This is a divine question, let's be honest,” Kovalchuk shared. We don't want to resort to any wonderful means. As long as we're fine. We are healthy and want children.”

The singer has been “attributed” to pregnancy more than once, and she had to refute the rumors. At the same time, Julia said that when she was in an interesting position, she would try to keep the secret as long as possible. “I know how many different energies are attracted to artists. And it can be not only good, ”Kovalchuk explained. And so it happened. Julia hid that she was pregnant for a long time, and announced this only a couple of weeks before the birth. “A child is not just the most important thing, it is magic and a miracle, and I am sure that you will understand why we have not advertised this event for a long time,” the singer addressed the fans. The appearance of the wife's daughter was marked by the premiere of Chumakov's video for the song "The Sky in Your Eyes". touching video they consider it special for their family, because in addition to Alexei, Julia also starred in it shortly before giving birth.

Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov: “Fate tested us for a long time”

10 years

Natalya Podolskaya: “We decided not to predict the gender of the second child in advance” With her husband Vladimir Presnyakov and son Artemy Photo: Philip Goncharov

One of the strongest and happy couples domestic show business together for 12 years. Natalya and Vladimir met on the set of the Big Races program in 2005, they got married in 2010. And five years later, their long-awaited first-born son Artemy was born. Natalia admits that she always dreamed of a baby. “Yes, we waited a very long time for our child, we begged him,” she recalls. - And there were different moments, including moments of despair, tears, when I rolled on the floor and shouted: “Why then live if there is no child?” star couple sought help from the best European specialists in gynecology, Natalia underwent a course of therapy in Beijing, made a pilgrimage to the holy places of Russia, Belarus and Israel. The appearance of Artemy radically changed the lives of artists - naturally, in better side. “It didn't work before. Something was testing us. Although I actively worked on it ... In three shifts. But we always believed that one day we would have a child, ”said the happy Vladimir after the birth of his son. Now the couple is already dreaming of a second baby. “I hope this will happen soon,” says Podolskaya. - Of course, the kit is good. But when your child appears, you absolutely do not care if it is a boy or a girl. You are just insanely happy and happy. So Vova and I decided not to guess the gender of the child in advance.

Yulia Kovalchuk, ex-singer of the Brilliant group, recently became a mother for the first time. At the age of 35, Julia gave birth to a daughter, reports. This is the first child of Yulia and Alexei Chumakov, the husband of the singer. They have been together for more than 10 years, and officially assured their relationship in 2013.

At first, the couple kept their " interesting position". Almost recently, Julia shared photos from a photo shoot in which she shone with a rounded tummy.

Julia's fans already guessed the pregnancy of the favorite. Initially, this information was circulating in the media, and after a while, Yulia told about such an important event on her Instagram.

Julia admitted that she was sorely lacking time. After all, before she had the opportunity to just lie down, read SMS, take a selfie. Now every minute is worth its weight in gold. But Julia would never exchange these moments of maternal happiness.

Fans are in solidarity with the singer. Many support it, and some give it helpful tips new mother.

Who and when Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth, photo: in the near future Yulia Kovalchuk will please her fans with a musical novelty

Communicating with subscribers on her Instagram account, Julia hinted that she would soon please them with a musical novelty.

Alexey Chumakov, a newly minted father, shared the first meeting with his daughter. Of course, after long months of waiting, Alexei is happy to walk and spend all his free time with a girl. She was born on October 13th. So far, the parents do not show their baby, but Alexei shared that she looks like her dad, the same dark-haired and brown-eyed. The child's name and photo will be made public after the child's christening. Close circle, relatives, fans and subscribers in social networks congratulated the family on the new addition and wished them good health and family happiness.

The couple have a huge house of 500 square meters in the suburbs. Where the whole family lives now. Julia and Alexei also have a house in Spain, where the singer was in the first months of her pregnancy. Yuri assures that there were no quarrels and serious discord in their family. Even during the renovation, there was not a single scandal.

Who and when Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth, photo: real men leave all property after a divorce to ex-wives

Both spouses make good money, all the property that was acquired during their married life was registered for both partners. But if it comes to a divorce, all the property will remain with Julia. So Alexey officially stated on the program “Secret for a Million” with Leroy Kudryavtseva.

Alex is married for the second time. The first marriage was unsuccessful. After parting, Alexey left everything ex-wife. He believes that this is what every man should do.