On last week it became known that one of the most beautiful Russian show business Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov had a new addition to the family. The fruit of their love was a little daughter, who was born on October 13 in one of the Moscow clinics.

The couple carefully concealed the interesting position of Yulia, but when there was no point in hiding, since the fans could already see everything. Then the couple announced the future replenishment in the family. On this moment the couple are reluctant to talk about their first child, and do not reveal her name. A the only photo girls, which the fans saw, was a photo of the legs posted by Yulia in in social networks.

The love story of one of the most beautiful and strongest couples in Russian show business, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov, began as fairy tale. She is already a well-known and popular singer in Russia and abroad. And he is starting his career, a young singer who came to conquer the capital of our country.

And then one day their life lines crossed, and they met at one of the concerts. After that, a brave young man, without thinking twice, invited Julia to a concert. In turn, Julia agreed without hesitation. At this time, a spark of love ran between them. And although both were not in a relationship then, this did not deter them. And they plunged headlong into the pool of love.

The relationship of the couple developed very rapidly, and after a while, the couple began to live together. But they were in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. This went on for 6 years. And only after that, Julia and Alexei officially legalized their relationship.

The wedding ceremony took place in one of the resorts of a beautiful country - Spain. And the marriage process itself took place in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. And as soon as this information was leaked to the press, they immediately started talking about possible pregnancy Kovalchuk. But this information was confirmed after 5 years.

After for long years marriage, the star couple still decided to get their first child. And although they carefully concealed this from the prying eyes of the press, nevertheless, everything secret soon became clear. And only recently, when there was nowhere to deny it, the singer announced her pregnancy. And the couple explained their secrecy with their reverent attitude to this event.

And now, quite recently, Julia, along with her husband, announced that they had finally become parents. They announced this through social media. It happened on October 13th.

At the same time, the first photo of the baby appeared, which was published by the singer on her page on Instagram. The black and white photo shows their daughter's little feet. This photo got more than 100,000 likes in a day.

Chumakov himself spoke about the pregnancy of his wife and the current state of health. “I see that Yulia wants to take care of a child, she is happy to learn the basics of motherhood. But the fact is that she is an active popular artist, so you won’t be able to do without an assistant, ”said the man.

As for the name of the girl, the newly minted parents do not disclose this information, the site became aware. But on one of the TV shows, Alexei Chumakov spoke about who the girl looks like. He also added that the daughter's name, as well as her first photographs, can only be seen after the christening, the exact date of which is not yet known.

05 February 2018

The daughter of the singer, whom she gave to her husband Alexei Chumakov, is just over three months old. However, the star couple is in no hurry to share details about their child.

Photo: Instagram

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov recently became parents for the first time. The couple hid the pregnancy to the last, which, however, was not difficult: Yulia, albeit on recent months, had a small tummy. She even managed to fly from Spain to give birth in Moscow, although she could easily not be allowed on the plane without a certificate, but no one even noticed her delicate situation.

Julia gave her husband a daughter. The happy event happened just over three months ago, but the singer continues to "play hide and seek" with fans. If she publishes pictures of the baby, then she does not show her face, and is also in no hurry to tell what name the couple chose for the girl.

Admirers are at a loss, and some suggest that the star's daughter was named Diana. Others are simply annoyed by such secrecy. Julia reproached that even royal families they show their children and, moreover, do not make a secret out of the name of the babies.

All the media have already covered this news that Chumakov (36 years old) and Kovalchuk (34 years old) became parents and they had a daughter. It is worth noting that the couple have been together for more than ten years and the child has appeared only now, the most important thing is that the guys are happy.

The child, as the couple says, was planned, but Yulia is not going to go into family household chores, and will soon appear on TV screens again and is not going to put an end to her career.

Yes, we can state the fact that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov became parents, this happened on October 13, 2017 in one of the clinics in Moscow, where their daughter was born.

When Julia was pregnant, she lived in Spain, but still came to the capital to give birth.

Yulia Kovalchuk has already shared her joy and the first posted photo of her daughter right from the hospital.

Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth? When, whom, as they called, the weight of the child? Where did you give birth

For several days in a row, all the media have been full of headlines that the singer and TV presenter Yulia Kovalchuk is the first child born.

Recall that Yulia has been married to Alexei Chumakov for 5 years and this will also be the first child for her husband.

The couple hid the fact of Yulia's pregnancy for a long time, and only a month ago they almost confirmed this fact officially.

And now the miracle that they have been waiting for so long finally happened - on October 13, 2017, Yulia became a mother for the first time, and Alexei became the father of a lovely daughter. The birth took place in Moscow, in a private prestigious clinic. Name, height and weight have not yet been released.

It was reported that Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a long-awaited daughter on October 13, 2017. She and her husband were waiting for a child for a very long time, it is possible that medical intervention was required. Julia was very sensitive to pregnancy, for a long time she hid this fact from strangers.

Indeed, such information appeared that the singer Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother.

Yulia and her husband Alexei Chumakov wanted a child for a very long time, but something did not work out, and now Yulia became pregnant.

The singer spent a lot of time in a villa in Spain, but still decided to give birth in her homeland, Yulia gave birth in one of the most prestigious clinics in the capital.

Happy parents have not yet given any comments, although Yulia's Instagram page is full of congratulations and wishes.

The parents have not yet announced what they will name their daughter, the mother and daughter feel well and will be discharged soon.

There was information that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov became parents on October 13, 2017. They had a daughter. According to reports, Yulia gave birth in a Moscow clinic.

On October 1, the couple celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary. They have been together since 2009. The birth of a child was a long-awaited and joyful event in the Chumakov-Kovalchuk family. While young parents do not comment on it. I think that according to the tradition that has developed in Russian show business, in a month we will know the name of the baby, and in a year we will see the first photos.

There was information that Russian singer, presenter and actress Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time. The celebrity herself has not yet commented on the news.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov hid the news of the pregnancy to the last. When hiding was already problematic, Julia shared the news with fans by posting a picture with a rounded belly on the Web.

Recall that Kovalchuk and Chumakov have been together for eight years. In 2014, the couple got married in Spain, and since then, fans have tirelessly followed the personal lives of celebrities, wondering when the baby will appear.

Information about pregnancy appeared in early autumn. Julia then announced that she would give birth in Russia, despite the fact that she often lives in Spain.

“I can’t imagine how it is possible in these important points communicate in another language, not feel and not see your loved ones nearby, ”the singer admitted.

Recall that Alexey and Yulia got married in 2012 after 5 years of relationship. Last summer there was talk that the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" in the position, reports the portal Rosregistr.ru. For a long time the couple remained silent, officially confirming that they would soon become parents only three weeks ago

“I really trust my feelings and believe that my body will tell me how to respond to the magic that happens to me. In addition, pregnancy is a universal joy! From the very beginning, I knew that I would not have capricious, speculative, inherent a large number pregnant girls. It seems to me that this only angers and repels the beloved man.

Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth in 2017: information about baby Kovalchuk appeared on the network

According to some reports, the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" gave birth to a daughter. Fans leave their congratulations to the new mom on social networks. Neither Kovalchuk nor Chumakov commented on the rumors about the birth of a child and did not confirm the birth of the singer.

According to Yulia, the pregnancy did not affect her everyday life. The artist explained that she did not have any whims regarding food or some other things.

Recall that Yulia and Alexey got married four years ago and since then rumors have appeared in the media that the singer is in a position. The couple hide the details of their personal lives from the press, so the couple did not reveal the gender of the unborn baby.

Note that the rumor that the artist is expecting a baby spread in the media and social networks this spring. The reason for the suspicions of the public was the rare appearances of the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" group, the choice of free-cut outfits, as well as some changes in her appearance.

As expected, Kovalchuk will not stay on maternity leave for a long time. Earlier, the singer said that, despite the appearance of a child, she was not going to give up her career. The singer is scheduled to take the stage in November-December.

Kovalchuk said that the child in their family is long-awaited, which is why they hid the pregnancy from fans for so long. Apparently, they were afraid of the evil eye.

Many couples have to wait for the birth of children long years. And celebrities are no exception. The main thing, as experience has shown Russian stars, eventually becoming parents, do not lose hope. And then the long-awaited miracle will happen!

10 years

Kovalchuk became a mother quite recently, on October 13, 2017. In one of the elite metropolitan clinics, a girl was born to Yulia and her husband Alexei Chumakov. “There are no words in the world... There are no emotions that can describe this new feeling. Now there is no time, but there is an inexplicable love and dependence. Thanks to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter!” - the 34-year-old singer, ex-soloist of the Brilliant group, commented on the joyful event. Alexey Chumakov supported his wife and was present at the birth of the baby. “A man must be in this place. You see the "holy of holies", magic. It's not disgusting, it's not scary, it's not terrible. The epicenter of all the most beautiful is the birth of a person, - said the young father. “I saw the birth, and for me this is the main indicator that magic exists.” The next day, Kovalchuk posted on her blog on the social network a touching photo with tiny children's legs in the hands of doctors.

Julia and Alexey got married in October 2013, but before the wedding they had already been together for six years. “Only next to Lesha can I relax, feel how wonderful it is - when you don’t have to solve all the problems yourself,” Kovalchuk admitted. “From the first days of our life, he took on the role of the main breadwinner in the family.” Having bought a house in the suburbs, the lovers almost immediately equipped a nursery in it. Both have been thinking about adding to the family for a long time: Yulia dreamed of two heirs, Alexei dreamed of three. But he preferred not to force things: “As a man, I feel responsible for those around me. And I must be sure that I will give them everything they need. There is no 100% certainty yet." Julia also believed that everything has its time. Although purely feminine, she was looking forward to the moment when she would be in the role of a mother. She admitted: “When Lesha and I talk about these topics, I agree with his arguments. But if earlier only work occupied my thoughts, now I’m thinking about how to combine everything.” And yet, for a long time, the couple did not have children. “This is a divine question, let's be honest,” Kovalchuk shared. We don't want to resort to any wonderful means. As long as we're fine. We are healthy and want children.”

The singer has been “attributed” to pregnancy more than once, and she had to refute the rumors. At the same time, Julia said that when she was in interesting position will try to keep the secret as long as possible. “I know how many different energies are attracted to artists. And it can be not only good, ”Kovalchuk explained. And so it happened. Julia hid that she was pregnant for a long time, and announced this only a couple of weeks before the birth. “A child is not just the most important thing, it is magic and a miracle, and I am sure that you will understand why we have not advertised this event for a long time,” the singer addressed the fans. The appearance of the wife's daughter was marked by the premiere of Chumakov's video for the song "The Sky in Your Eyes". touching video they consider it special for their family, because in addition to Alexei, Julia also starred in it shortly before giving birth.

Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov: “Fate tested us for a long time”

10 years

Natalya Podolskaya: “We decided not to predict the gender of the second child in advance” With her husband Vladimir Presnyakov and son Artemy Photo: Philip Goncharov

One of the strongest and happy couples domestic show business together for 12 years. Natalya and Vladimir met on the set of the Big Races program in 2005, they got married in 2010. And five years later, their long-awaited first-born son Artemy was born. Natalia admits that she always dreamed of a baby. “Yes, we waited a very long time for our child, we begged him,” she recalls. - And there were different moments, including moments of despair, tears, when I rolled on the floor and shouted: “Why then live if there is no child?” star couple sought help from the best European specialists in gynecology, Natalia underwent a course of therapy in Beijing, made a pilgrimage to the holy places of Russia, Belarus and Israel. The appearance of Artemy radically changed the lives of artists - naturally, in better side. “It didn't work before. Something was testing us. Although I actively worked on it ... In three shifts. But we always believed that one day we would have a child, ”said the happy Vladimir after the birth of his son. Now the couple is already dreaming of a second baby. “I hope this will happen soon,” says Podolskaya. - Of course, the kit is good. But when your child appears, you absolutely do not care if it is a boy or a girl. You are just insanely happy and happy. So Vova and I decided not to guess the gender of the child in advance.