Time does not stand still - people, customs change, entire villages disappear from the maps. The reasons for this devastation can be:

  • change natural conditions- loss of water, flooding, landslides (in mountainous areas);
  • military action - the massacre of people or demographic crisis(against the background of the fact that men defended their homeland, the death rate exceeded the birth rate by several times);
  • enlargement of villages in the 60-70s. of the last century - the inhabitants of one settlement were massively relocated to another, and the authorities used the territory of the devastated village for military or agricultural purposes.

Also, the abandoned villages of the Nizhny Novgorod region annually replenish their ranks due to the unwillingness of young people to live in small settlements. As a result, old people die, their houses become useless.

Why are people drawn to abandoned corners

The lands that people have abandoned are gradually turning into a favorite place for treasure hunters, adventurers and hermits. Some curious seekers spend whole days in the archives, looking for information on the Internet, travel to the site of former flourishing villages. There can be several reasons for such fanaticism:

  • adventurism, craving for adventure;
  • the desire to get rich on the sale of found seed relics and rare things;
  • nostalgia - people return to the places where they were born and raised.

Nizhny Novgorod Region- one of the most remarkable parts of the country. To see the picturesque beauty, tourists come to the central corner of Russia from different countries.

Most of all, those who like to see something unusual and original are attracted by villages that were abandoned and erased from the maps at different times.

List of abandoned and forgotten villages

In the vicinity of the Borsky, Gorodetsky district, there are several dozen former prosperous settlements, from which only ruins and dilapidated buildings remain. In this list you can see the following names:

  • Mavritsy is a lost village in the Semenovsky district, whose history began in 1902-1907, and after 70 years the population began to decline sharply. The reason is that the collective farm in the village of Mavritsa did not make a profit, people began to move to neighboring villages. In the early 90s of the last century, Mavritsy was excluded from the official register of settlements, and today one dilapidated house can be seen on the site of the village;
  • Yamki is an ancient village, which was formed in 1690-1697. Before the outbreak of the First World War, the population of the village was just over 200 people, but after the closure of the school in the 60s with the onset of urbanization (relocation of rural residents to cities), the population decreased to 7 people (according to the population census in 1979). In 1983 Yamki was excluded from the official register of settlements, today treasure hunters and adventurers can see one building in its place;
  • Beaters - the village received a colorful name in honor of the musical instrument that its inhabitants loved to play. The settlement originated in 1834 and stood until the middle of the twentieth century, until a strong fire broke out in the neighboring village of Grachi. This was the impetus for the devastation of Kolotushki - in 1977 the village disappeared from official maps as an active locality. Today, you can find the place of the former location of the village only by the lower logs of the log cabins of houses that once stood.

The list of areas rich in ghost villages includes Arzamas. The most notable settlements from which the ruins remained are Fedorovka, Shorino, Ivanovtsy.

Appeared on the Internet new service, which collects information about abandoned objects in Russia. Objects are divided into the following groups: "Institutions", "Military", "Factories", "Construction", "Underground" and others. As it turned out, many abandoned objects are registered in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which connoisseurs of a certain atmosphere use for photo shoots, role playing and just for walking. The ProGorodNN portal lists the TOP 10 abandoned, sometimes impressive, and sometimes creepy objects:

Abandoned church in Lindo Desert village

Photo - russian-church.ru

Brick five-domed temple in the Russian-Byzantine style with a two-aisled refectory and a hipped bell tower. The church was built in 1852 in the Russian-Byzantine style at the expense of the merchant Smirnov. It was closed in the late 1930s and is now abandoned, but drawings of icons remain inside.

The estate of the Priklonsky-Rukavishnikovs in the village of Podvyazye, Bogorodsky district

The estate, built at the end of the 18th century, was owned by the Priklonskys and the Rukovishnikovs. This is an old noble estate, a unique architectural ensemble of the 18th century, a family nest of the richest nobles of the Priklonskys, millionaires Rukavishnikovs.
The estate is located on a vast territory, with a stable, a water tower, a winter garden, a main house and many other structures.

ZS GO №4, Nizhny Novgorod

The shelter is located next to the factory. Class A-2. The layout is standard.
It is noteworthy that the GO posters survived on the walls, since the fire that raged in the shelter almost did not touch them. There is absolutely nothing else here, unfortunately, they took everything out. One of the exits is almost completely blocked, the second is open. Hermetic doors, FVU, equipment - everything was cut into metal a long time ago and taken out.

Borzovka River, Nizhny Novgorod

The Borzovka River flows on the surface for most of its length, but part of the river is in a collector underground. In the tunnels of water just above the shin. The diameter of the collectors is 2.5 meters. There is a current in the left tunnel, at the end there is a grate blocking the entire exit, and some rubbish.

Adit No. 7 ("Holy Adit"), Nizhny Novgorod.

By a strange whim of circumstances, the place is considered a "holy spring". Perhaps the priests from the nearest temple had a hand in this. A couple of years ago, the water from this facility was much better and cleaner, but in 2011 an inspection was carried out, which ruled that the water had deteriorated and became dirtier.

Slaughterhouse, Nizhny Novgorod

The place, which has been abandoned for almost 10 years, was a "slaughterhouse" factory.
The structures are now very dilapidated, they are falling apart before our eyes. Laser tag is often played on the territory. Despite the fact that the object is under protection, the perimeter is simply dotted with climbs into the territory.

Red House, Nizhny Novgorod

The building is more than a hundred years old, about ten years ago they wanted to build a police station in it, but the construction was frozen due to a lack of budget. During World War II, a bomb fell on the building, but did not explode. Now there are only walls, with ceilings preserved in some places. The rooftop offers a good view of a small square and a nearby temple.

Flour mill, Nizhny Novgorod

A beautiful place on the embankment, a huge elevator. There are a lot of dogs here, and sometimes the authorities come. The exit to the roof is closed, but you can climb the side stairs.

Shelter under the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Two small shelters that should be one. At the end of 2012 brewed.

Kuibyshev water station, Nizhny Novgorod

Once this place was called the Kuibyshev water tower. The water pumping station was built in 1880 and lasted more than a century, until 1988. Today, this monument of historical and cultural heritage of the most peaceful purpose has become a rather dangerous place.

Chemical equipment plant, Nizhny Novgorod region

It's about a huge enterprise founded in the 1930s and declared bankrupt in the early 2000s, the territory of which is almost completely abandoned. There are more than a hundred buildings and a dozen and a half bomb shelters of various sizes.

Recall that we previously wrote that

There are many places in the Nizhny Novgorod region that both attract and frighten with their mystery. Perhaps all this is fiction, but in every legend there is some truth.

Lake Svetloyar

This lake is considered one of the most mystical places in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is located near the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district.

Scuba divers, exploring Svetloyar, found many anomalies: underwater slopes, in the form of stairs, steep slopes, this indicates that the lake was formed in parts. At the bottom, wooden objects from the 8th century were found, perhaps they remained from an ancient settlement. Strange sounds were also noticed: buzzing, screaming, echo. There is a legend that, before sunrise and full moon, righteous people are given to see the walls of a snow-white city with golden domes of temples, which is called Kitezh. The path to it is called the Batyeva trail.

The uninhabited village of Bochkari

In the Sokolsky district there is an abandoned village where, as they say, you can meet ghosts. In 2005, there was a fire that destroyed almost the entire population. As you know, an arson was arranged, as a result of which everything burned out on an area of ​​​​almost 600 square meters.

Now the village is abandoned, but what is strange is that a few surviving houses remained standing in the middle of the field. Nobody robs them and it feels like the owners went out for only a couple of hours. Locals say that those who took something from the village then died. Perhaps, in this way, the village "looks after" the remaining houses.

Abandoned house in Dzerzhinsk

Houses No. 4 and 4a along Samokhvalova Street in Dzerzhinsk were built in the late 80s. Whether there are ghosts there or not, no one knows, but there are active disputes.

According to legend, next to these houses there is a cemetery, which was closed immediately after the war. Sometimes on the second floor they see the lights on, and some screams.

Vilskaya glade in the Vyksa district

It is very easy to get to this anomalous clearing, there is even a path passed by cars to it. Its dimensions are great. Very often they see circles in the sky, UFOs and much more.

In the glade, the clock and all mechanical and electrical appliances stop working. In the 90s, a group of scientists came to explore the clearing and spent a whole night of horror. Some woke up with a burnt face, while others saw white circles in the sky. A few years later, all scientists died. People who have fallen into this clearing begin to behave inappropriately.

Uncle Lesha's toy yard

In the very center of Mexico there is an "Island of Dead Dolls". There, all the trees are hung with dolls and parts of their bodies. The sight is indeed grim. As it turned out, there is a similar place in Nizhny Novgorod.

There is a house on the edge of the slope near the metro bridge - its entire facade and courtyard are hung with colorful ribbons and old toys, and there is a carpet on the ground. As the owner of the house himself says, he did it for the children, so that they would be interested in playing. If a casual passer-by passes by, then this place will seem strange and even a little frightening to him.

House with icons

In the center Nizhny Novgorod on Nizhegorodskaya street there is a house, which is all decorated with icons, church lamps and crosses. Passing by such a house in evening time, you can be frightened in earnest. Carpets hang not inside the house, but outside, a dog barks behind the fence, church paraphernalia - all this takes on a mystical look in the moonlight.

The inhabitants of the nearest houses are already accustomed to their neighbors, but it is difficult to say what caused such decoration of the neighboring house.

Village "Anhydrous"

The village is located in the Kstovsky district. It is considered one of the most beautiful places Russia, people come there just to enjoy nature.

According to legend, strange lights are often observed there. Previously, the area belonged to Boris Godunov, and after Prince Felix Yusupov, who killed Grigory Rasputin. Rasputin came to the waterless and was interested in the place of burial of nameless victims, among the villagers this place was notorious. After that, strange phenomena began to be noticed.

How many mysteries and secrets are still kept in our area? It is impossible to write about all. All this is passed from mouth to mouth, sometimes in an exaggerated form, but it’s more interesting that way.


brick, Orthodox Church, built in 1864 at the expense of Colonel P. A. Krivtsov in the village, separated from the parish of Makariy-Prityk. A one-domed (probably originally five-domed) four-pillar building in the Russian-Byzantine style, built according to the exemplary design of K. A. Ton. There is no floor in this building, and many pigeons fly, sometimes they can even frighten, because the place is too quiet and calm. The church is pretty good...

In the 1930s, a spacious wooden club without any architectural decorations was built for holding meetings and various kinds of celebrations. In 1951-1952. the plant began construction of the Palace of Culture, which, however, dragged on until 1962. open new Palace was April 19, 1962, on the eve of the anniversary of the birth of the leader, so he was given the name of Lenin. After 53 years, the Palace of Culture is closed due to lack of funding, there is no security, ...

The church was built in 1844-1882. It is in bad condition. The only thing that survived was iron window bars and two-meter wooden entrance doors. Inside the main large hall, thanks to the surviving dome, there is no abundant vegetation, which cannot be said about the neighboring room with a completely collapsed roof and trees sprouting from under the floor. The roof of the nearby belfry also has a small gap. Get to the top...

Abandoned church in the village of Pilekshevo. Year of construction 1854. Poor condition. There is no roof in the refectory, but frescoes are partially preserved on the ceiling of the temple. Climbing the bell tower will not work, its wooden structures burned down in a fire. But there is an opportunity to climb onto the roof of the temple, a wooden staircase is leaning against it (a very unreliable kind).

Abandoned bell tower of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the village of Ichalki. Year of construction 1904. The church itself was demolished, and in its place a bridge was built across the Piana River. The condition is bad. Partially preserved are the internal wooden structures, but there are no stairs, which will make it very difficult to climb the bell tower.

The church is located in the village of Begovatovo, Arzamas region. Built in 1796-1798, closed and abandoned at the beginning of the 20th century. Style - baroque. From the outside, the object looks interesting, the cast-iron bars on the windows have been preserved, but inside there is almost nothing left. All church utensils moved to wooden house, where the service is held, so the church is almost never attended. The village where the temple is located is dying out. Therefore, recovery is likely ...

In the Nizhny Novgorod region in the village of Kovrovo there is a wooden church built in 1785. The church is relatively small, and its condition leaves much to be desired. As of June 2014, the bell tower and the limit itself were intact, the roof had collapsed in the refectory. Paintings can still be seen in the main building.

Church of the Nativity. Year of construction: 1828. Material - brick. There is a cemetery around the church, some graves date back to the 19th century. There is a residential building next to the church, the residents are watching it. You can go unnoticed, but even so, if you talk, they will quietly let you through. There is practically no information about the church, the only thing that we managed to find out from local residents was that it was empty about 20 years ago, no one could give an exact figure ....

An earlier video recording testifies to the existence of some intangible object in the building. But even before the video appeared, many people talked about the mysterious entity, and also complained more than once that they had a feeling of wild and inexplicable horror in the building, from which they wanted to run away as far as possible.

In the Kamensky House, rustles, creepy voices are often heard, and incomprehensible shadows are also visible. In the city, the house gained notoriety after a member of the stair installation team found a treasure. But the man who discovered the old silver utensils could not prove to law enforcement officers that he had left nothing for himself, as a result, he was sentenced to a term in the camps. According to the legend, the owners of the house cursed their jewels, and after death they returned to their house and treat visitors negatively.

The psychiatric hospital isn't a particularly pleasant place anyway, but it doesn't have anything out of the ordinary. But in the hospital on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region there is a building that inspires panic in all local residents. It is a two-story old building with a basement and a bell tower, it looks gloomy even in daylight, but at night there is hardly a daredevil who dares to just stand near the hull. According to local residents, a schoolgirl disappeared in the village several years ago. After a long search, she was found dead in an abandoned hospital building, as classmates said, the girl hanged herself because of unrequited love. Since then, patients and hospital staff have heard bitter weeping coming from the old building.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin comprises a large number towers, but Koromyslova is considered the most creepy and unusual. Two legends are associated with this tower. The first tells of a Russian woman who, with a yoke in her hand, drove away an armed horde. The second legend is much sadder. As she says, the workers could not manage to build the wall, as it crumbled the next day, so they went to the old man, who has a connection with the dark forces. He told them to build a wall on the blood of the first person to pass by the building, and the first person was a pregnant girl walking to get water. The builders walled her alive together with the yoke into the wall, because of this the Koromyslov tower was named, and since then the girl in white clothes has been a passer-by. By the way, it is a historically reliable fact that there are human bones at the foot of the tower.

Myzinsky bridge is one of the most important sections of the M7 federal highway between Moscow and Ufa, but it is considered an anomalous place and is notorious. Accidents occur frequently on the bridge. fatal, which, in principle, can be explained by the design feature, but at the same time, eyewitnesses talk about terrible white silhouettes that sometimes appear literally from the ground. In addition, suicides often occur here. In 2013, a divine service was held on the Myzinsky Bridge in order to clear the area of dark forces, but there were no fewer suicides or accidents.

Semenov forests for those who like to deal with anomalous phenomena are of great interest. The sanctity and unusualness of this area were described by the historian Melnikov-Pechersky in a book with the same name, but the observations of eyewitnesses defy any logic. After all, it was here that UFOs were noticed, and the forest itself becomes frightening and strange at night, shrouded in dense fog. In addition, an eerie and strange rumble is heard, it seems like the earth itself is groaning. No documentary evidence these facts, but there are a lot of eyewitness accounts.

There is some evidence that subway passengers saw a man in a helmet in a narrow part of the tunnel between the wall and the train through the windows of the car, but this is simply unrealistic. In addition, strange grinding sounds and the rumble of hammers are often heard in the tunnels of the subway, but this happens at a time when the platforms are almost empty. locals they say that it is the workers who died during the construction of the Nizhny Novgorod metro in the eighties.

On the territory of the Lyskovsky district there is an abandoned, but surprisingly well-preserved village of Shkavyrna. In the houses, things lie in their places, moreover, a lot of valuable things, as if the inhabitants had left the settlement for just a minute. As residents of neighboring villages tell, a woman lives in Shkavyrna, who always wears black clothes and picks up people. All who went after her did not return. In fact, there are anomalously many cases of missing people in this area, so looters try to push it away.

Approximately 20 years ago, a terrible accident occurred on a section of the road near Gorodets. The car with the newlyweds was returning from the registry office, everyone was cheerful and joyful, but at some point the driver was distracted, the car suffered, and it crashed directly into the truck. The newlyweds died on the spot. Since then, all the couple from Gorodets go to the accident site and tie a ribbon on a tree near it in memory of the dead bride and groom. However, some companies came to this place to take a walk and drink, which, according to locals, offended the spirit of the bride. As a result of this, for many years, a white-clothed ghost suddenly appears at this bend and scares drivers.

On the territory of the Krasnobakovsky district, fifteen kilometers from the village of Kirillovo, there is a large hill of land in the forest. Locals claim that the hill is the cursed burial place of a bloodthirsty warlord from other lands. As is known, during Tatar-Mongol invasion in these places there was a road for the army of Khan Shol. The khan himself died on the road, either from old age, or from a wound, and they buried him right in the forest thicket. According to the then tradition, a lot of jewelry, silver and gold were placed in the grave.

Many years have passed, the legend of countless treasures has been passed down from generation to generation, so there were a lot of people who wanted to get rich at the expense of the savage khan. But those who dared to dig up the grave died after that. Some villagers pass on the stories of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and therefore they try not to come close to the grave - it's scary.

The village of Bochkari on the territory of the Sokolsky district was badly damaged by a fire in the fall of 2005, there were even those who died in the fire. After the disaster, the surviving people left the village, leaving for relatives, and the surviving houses are still standing in the field.

On this moment the village is abandoned, but the strange thing is that no one robbed the remaining 15 houses, and everything in the village remains as if the inhabitants left their homes quite recently. There are rumors among the locals that people who took any things in the village were either badly maimed or died under strange circumstances. According to witnesses, a mirror appears in all accidents.

Eyewitnesses say that there are a lot of ghosts in the building of the Mordovian State Reserve near the city of Sarov. Before the revolution of 1917, the building housed the estate of a wealthy timber merchant, who was distinguished by his addiction to violence and a very harsh disposition, they say that there were even murders by his hand. But his business collapsed, and immediately after the revolution, he fled abroad, leaving the estate. And the souls of the people who were ruined by the timber merchant still roam the building.

On the territory of the Tonashevsky district, people have repeatedly seen an unusual anomaly - a translucent village, the roofs of houses and windows gleaming on the slope of the ravine. But there were no people and animals in the village. But as soon as you approach the settlement, it dissipates. After reviewing old maps, local historians actually discovered that there really was once a village called Malaya Kuverba at this place. But over time, it became abandoned, as the inhabitants moved to Bolshaya Kuverba. Old village gradually disappeared from the face of the earth and is shown only to berry and mushroom pickers. But they already know that the anomaly does not threaten them, so they are not afraid.