So, you can freeze the "extra" onion.

Only peeled, thoroughly washed onions are suitable for freezing. In the process of peeling onions, I always put them in cold water, so it becomes less teary.

Put the chopped onion in a bag with a slider closure. We expel excess air from the package, be sure to sign our blank. Such a note is essential. The fact is that the onion retains its special taste and aroma for a short time - about two months. It, of course, can be stored for up to six months, but the onion begins to change its structure and lose its specific smell. Therefore, a sticker indicating the date of freezing is an essential thing.

The remaining onion can be chopped in the usual way - in small cubes. You can use the freezer bag again, or you can pour the chopped onion into a food container.

Make sure this container is suitable for freezing. To check if food can be frozen in this container, you need to look for a snowflake icon on it - this will mean that the food container can withstand low temperatures.

So, put the onion in a dry and clean container, sign the freeze and send it to freezer.

Thus, in just 10 minutes we saved unnecessary this moment peeled onions and made preparations for future dishes. When you need to cook in haste or scrambled eggs with vegetables, it will be enough just to get the frozen onion in half rings. And send it frozen to the pan. When frying, you need to make sure that all excess liquid evaporates.

Having collected a generous harvest of fresh herbs, do not forget to take care of replenishing winter stocks by freezing some of them. For future use, you can freeze parsley, dill and green onion. We will talk about all the details of the preparation of the latter in the freezer further.

How to freeze green onions for the winter?

There are several ways to harvest greens using a freezer. We will definitely discuss each of them further, but we will start with the most basic - freezing greenery in its original form.

Sort the collected onions carefully, choosing the most healthy and whole feathers. Carefully rinse the selected feathers, and then dry them first with a paper towel, and then just in the air, leaving the onion on a napkin for a couple of hours. Finely chop the carefully dried feathers and put them in a plastic container or bottle. The latter takes up much less space in the chamber. A well-dried onion retains all of its beneficial features and is easily removed from the container if necessary, without merging into a single lump.

How to freeze green onions with butter in the freezer?

A great way to preserve greenery in winter can be to simply freeze with butter, while, in addition to green onions, you can add whatever your heart desires to the mixture, for example, the remains of parsley, basil, cilantro, other herbs and spices.

Take soft butter and combine it with finely chopped green onion feathers. Put the butter on one of the edges of a sheet of foil or cling film and roll into a sausage. Fix the edges of the film and store the butter in the freezer until needed.

How to freeze green onions for the winter in an ice mold?

Onions can also be pureed and frozen in ice cubes or silicone molds. It is enough just to puree the green onion feathers with a blender along with a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of water. After freezing, the cubes can be used immediately by throwing them into hot dishes.

In the same way, it is convenient to store herb-based sauces, for example, or chimichurri, by whisking with green onion other remaining greens, adding a little oil, lemon juice and hot pepper.

Chicken soup

Adding frozen onions to hot soups and gravies main way its use. Onions do not require prior defrosting, which is incredibly convenient: throw a handful of frozen feathers into the soup and the smell of spring scatters throughout the house.


  • chicken carcass - 1.8 kg;
  • sprigs of thyme - 3 pcs.;
  • laurel leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 80 g;
  • rice - 90 g;
  • a handful of frozen green onions.


Tie laurel leaves and thyme sprigs with a thread. Put the fragrant bouquet at the bottom of the pan along with the chicken. Fill the contents of the pot with water to cover. Boil chicken broth for 1.5 hours, periodically removing noise from the surface of the water.

Strain when ready and return to the stove. Put rice in it and boil the grains until soft. At the end, throw in a chopped chicken and a generous handful of frozen onion feathers.

green sauce

After blending with vegetables and other herbs, frozen green onions turn into a fragrant green sauce that can be served immediately with meat dishes or used to pre-marinate it.

Only strong, good leaves are stored fresh without any damage.

The bags in which the leaves are wrapped are placed in the refrigerator for about for 15 minutes, then they are stuffed with leaves, tied and sent back to the refrigerator for long-term storage.

It is advisable to determine a place for them in the vegetable drawer. In this form, they are stored not as long as frozen ones, but leaves are always fresh and ready to eat in salads.


Green onion feathers can be dried. Do it with electric dryer, in the oven or in the sun(hot weather in summer).

To do this, the feathers must be washed, blotted with a towel and cut into 5 cm pieces.

For drying in the oven minimum temperature about 50 degrees and a few hours with the door open.

If you dry greens, fruits or vegetables in the oven, then you need to constantly monitor it, because there is a high risk that the workpieces will burn.

For drying in the sun, onions are laid out on a baking sheet or tray and taken out under direct sunlight, covering the entire structure with thin gauze (from flies). After 2 days the bow will be ready. And in an electric dryer, it is harvested in the same way as any other greens. You can read more about this method here -.


To freeze the onion, cut into small pieces, spread on a cutting board in one layer and send in the freezer for 4-5 hours. Then the greens can be transferred to a bag and take on a new portion.

But if you don’t want to mess around for so long, you can scatter fresh onions in bags or containers in advance and send them to the freezer. You can read more about freezing onions here -.

Pickling and sourdough

In oil

Such onions are good to add to soups and salads, and ready in 3 days.

To do this, finely chopped feathers are placed in a jar and so much oil is poured on top so that it completely covers the greens.

Keep the mixture in a glass container in the refrigerator. Should be shaken before use.

If, in addition to onions, finely chopped dill, parsley, basil and any other greens are put in a jar, you will get a fragrant salad oil.

Basic Rules

How to prepare green onions for storage? For long-term storage, onions must be properly washed and all damaged leaves removed. If the greens are planned to be stored fresh, then they take only juicy healthy feathers, and if they salt, dry or freeze - you can take damaged, while cutting off all the defects.

The bow must be completely dry, so after washing it is put on a towel and allowed to lie down for at least an hour.

How to cut green onions? If the onion will be harvested fresh, then it is not necessary to cut it. In other cases it is not recommended to grind it in a food processor, as is often done with parsley or dill. It is thinly cut into pieces about 5 mm long.

If the feathers are large and wide, then they can first be cut lengthwise to make the pieces smaller. When preparing a soup or roast, the onion can be cut into 1 cm, and if a sauce is planned, then the smaller it is, the better. And just for preparation dried onion more large pieces: 5 to 7 cm.

How to store green onions? Tara in which the onion is stored depends on the method of harvesting it:

  • at freezing stored in a bag or plastic container;
  • For salting or canning in oil, it is best to take glass jars;
  • for storage dried onions use fabric bags;
  • for storage fresh use conventional plastic bags.

Where to store green onions? Green onions are stored in the refrigerator or in the freezer.

In a private house, jars of salt or oil can also be removed. to the cellar, A in the apartment- on the glazed loggia.

Cut greens quickly wither at room temperature and deteriorate, so fresh onions must be kept cold without air.

You will learn how to choose the right green onions and how to store them by watching the video:

Optimal conditions and terms

At what temperature should green onions be stored? For fresh onions optimum temperature 1 to 8 degrees. For frozen, about -8, and for jars of salt or oil - from 5 to 10.

It is very important that moisture does not get on the fresh onion. That is why, when preparing it, the packages are placed in the refrigerator, and only then they are stuffed with herbs - this allows avoid condensation.

The same applies to dried onions, which are recommended to be stored in a bag made of natural material - it will allow the contents "breathe", but at the same time will not give him dampen. And pickled onions and onions in oil are best stored in a dark, cool place.

What are storage periods green onions? Each method has its own terms:

  • frozen - up to 1 year;
  • dried - up to 2 years;
  • pickled with salt - up to 6 months;
  • in oil - up to 6 months;
  • fresh - up to 3 months.

Harvesting greenery

How to keep green onions fresh? As mentioned above, fresh onions are put in a bag and stored in the refrigerator. It should be checked every 2 weeks for signs of darkening and creases. If at least one of the leaves begins to rot, soon all the rest will join it.

And if the greens are harvested for the winter, not for fresh salads, it is much easier to store it dry or frozen.

Fresh feathers do not have to be stored for future use, because they can be obtained at any time in 2 weeks, lowering the onion head into a glass of water.

In a word, before harvesting, you should decide for what purpose decide to keep the bow. For fresh salads, it must be packaged in bags and put in the refrigerator, not forgetting to periodically check and discard spoiled leaves.

Also, onion in oil goes well with fresh vegetables, which will be an excellent fragrant dressing. And for soups, meat and stewed vegetables pickled, frozen or dried onions are suitable - none of them in taste ready dish will not differ from fresh greens.

You can learn how to grow green onions at home from this video:

Green onion feathers are excellent both fresh and frozen. To freeze this product, it is necessary to remove earthen dirt from the base and rinse under running water, cut off the roots (if any). Then green feathers must be cut into large or small parts-rings, put in sealed plastic bags or containers and put in the freezer.

Important! We freeze only clean, without signs of dirt and rot, green feathers.

Green onion feathers can be frozen with vegetables by placing it between the vegetable layers. It goes well with carrots, beets, cabbage, not a single solemn event or party can do without it.

How to freeze green onions for the winter (video)

About the benefits of green onions

Useful properties of green onions:

  • improves digestion;
  • helps to cleanse the body;
  • has preventive properties;
  • improves immunity;
  • antiseptic, kills most pathogenic bacteria;
  • strengthens the structure of hair, nail plates;
  • normalizes work internal organs;
  • strengthens tooth enamel and prevents bleeding gums.

The negative impact of green onions on the body

Green onions should not be abused if diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are present. Better to use as a condiment or food supplement, preferably boiled.

Frozen green onion feathers retain all the beneficial qualities and affect the body in the same way as fresh onions. Therefore, we listen to our body, because everything is good in moderation and the use of green feathers in dishes also requires a norm. Do not overdo it, your health is in your hands!

Green onions can be purchased at a vegetable store, on the market, in gardening associations, and at specialized food depots. But more often it is grown on household plots, vegetable gardens or at home. Undoubtedly, it is very useful product. It is actively used in cooking as an addition to a dish or as an independent dish, only by adding mayonnaise sauce to it.

The storage of green onions and their use in cooking depends on your taste needs and characteristics.

Dill, parsley, celery, onion… What kind of greenery is not used in summer to improve the taste and nutritional qualities of dishes! But autumn comes, then winter, and one can only dream of an abundance of greenery.

But far-sighted housewives, foreseeing a lack of vitamins in winter, are trying to prepare greens in all ways available to them. They dry it, salt it and freeze it.

Green onions are also subjected to this harvesting principle. Indeed, when frozen, onions retain all the beneficial substances and phytoncides that help fight colds and simply improve appetite.

There are quite a few available ways freezing green onions.

For any of these freezing methods, freshly cut green onions are suitable. Its feathers should be juicy, dark green in color, with no signs of rot or disease.

Green onions are sorted out, wilted tips are removed, roots are cut off.

The onions are washed well in cold running water and laid out on a cotton towel to dry.

A completely dried onion is ready for further processing.

Prepared green onions are cut into pieces 1 cm long or as usual.

They are laid out in small plastic bags, let the air out of them, if possible, giving them a flat shape, and tie them well or close them with a reusable fastener.

Since any frozen product cannot be re-frozen, you need to put as many greens in the bags as you may need at a time.

The green onions prepared in this way are put into the freezer and frozen. In this form, the onion can be stored for six months.

To flavor soups or second courses, onions are put without defrosting at the end of cooking.

Prepared green onions are very finely chopped and placed in molds for freezing ice.

Pour the onion with cold water and put in the freezer.

As soon as the cubes with green onions are well frozen, they are transferred to plastic bags and store in the freezer. These cubes are very easy to use. Five minutes before cooking, one or more frozen cubes with green onions are added to the dish, and then this dish acquires a "summer" taste.

Prepared onion feathers are cut into pieces, placed in a colander, dipped in boiling water and blanched for one to two minutes.

Then the onion is quickly cooled in cold water.

The onions are left in a colander to drain the water and then packed tightly into small plastic containers. Then cover with lids and put in the freezer.

When green onions are needed to add to any dish, it will be enough to cut off from a briquette necessary piece and put at the end of cooking in a saucepan.

Prepared dried onions are cut into pieces and fried in oil for 5 minutes. Then the onions are cooled, tightly stacked in small containers or portioned bags and frozen. Use such an onion as needed, adding it, without defrosting, to the dish at the end of cooking.

How to freeze green onions for the winter: 4 ways to properly freeze onions

How to freeze green onions for the winter Dill, parsley, celery, onions ... What kind of greens are not used in summer to improve the taste and nutritional qualities of dishes! But autumn comes, then winter, and

Is it possible to freeze green onions, how?

Of course it is possible. And from this, its useful properties are not lost.

I do it very simply: I take onion feathers, wash them, dry them a little, cut them with a knife or cut them with scissors and put them in a bag or pour them into a small container. This whole thing can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

I use frozen green onions for soups, add to vegetable stew. Of course, it won’t go into a salad, but I don’t need it, because I only eat thermally processed onions.

I also freeze dill and parsley, green pea, green beans - everything lives well until spring and gives me vitamins.

Of course, you can freeze green onions for the winter, this is the most profitable option and does not present any difficulties.

Freezing any greens for the winter, we save money without buying seasonings in the store, besides, you will have fresh greens all winter, which we can add to any dishes (first and second).

I even add frozen greens to Olivier and vinaigrette, and taste qualities do not change.

Rinse and dry the green onion feathers so that the moisture disappears, chop finely and arrange in bags, then put in the freezer.

Green onions, compared to lettuce or sorrel, are stronger in structure and do not suffer so much from freezing.

Therefore, it can be frozen, but only for hot dishes. You can’t put such an onion in salads, as it will be soft and slimy after defrosting. You should not defrost it before throwing it into hot broth or gravy, otherwise it will not be what you need.

We break off a piece of finely chopped frozen onion and immediately throw it into the hot.

Then the taste and vitamins are preserved.

You can throw a piece on a hot frying pan (for some dishes), but the taste and appearance is no longer the same as fresh.

You can freeze a lot of things for the winter and in almost 100% of cases, the plant will not lose its beneficial properties. But here taste properties And appearance often suffer from frostbite.

I would not freeze green onions, after defrosting, its appearance leaves much to be desired, the structure of the plant disintegrates, it becomes lethargic, slippery. You can, of course, use it for first or second courses, but is it worth it?

Green onions grow very quickly, even in winter they grow beautifully on the windowsill, you can plant the onion in a glass of soil, in sawdust, in sand, in the end, just lower the roots into the water, this will not cause any difficulties, but you can eat fresh healthy greens at least every day. And leave the freezer for other greens - dill, parsley, spinach.

Is it possible to freeze green onions, how?

Of course it is possible. And from this, its useful properties are not lost. I do it very simply: I take onion feathers, wash them, dry them a little, cut them with a knife or cut them with scissors and put them in a bag or pour them into a small bag.


  • Green onion feathers, without damage or other flaws.

How to cook green onions for freezing and how to freeze green onions in the freezer

Cut the green onion into small segments. To do this, use a knife with a thin and sharp blade. Also, together with the feathers, the white part is frozen, but only if these are very young root crops.

We spread the chopped greens in a special bag for freezing, trying to distribute it evenly.

We close the bag, carefully releasing excess air from it. To do this, we can use a simple cocktail tube. Insert it into the bag, close it and run the edge of your palm from the bottom up. Then quickly remove the tube and close the sealed valve.

We send the workpiece to the freezer of the refrigerator.

Sometimes inexperienced housewives are interested in whether it is possible to freeze green onions in the freezer without a special package. It is not advisable to do this, its aroma will be absorbed into other products. In addition, high humidity will reduce the shelf life of the product. You can use special containers for freezing, but then there is a chance that the greens will freeze in an inconvenient lump for use.

A few more tips on how to properly freeze green onions and other greens in the freezer:

  • if possible, use the "shock freezing" function, it allows you to avoid the formation of large crystals in the product;
  • frozen greens should be dried and ready to use;
  • Store frozen in airtight containers.

How to defrost green onions:

  • for fillings of pies, onions can not be thawed;
  • get it required amount greens and put it in the refrigerator, in a closed container;
  • when the workpiece becomes soft, it can be removed and thawed at room temperature;
  • do not defrost greens in the microwave or under hot water, after that it will lose color, aroma and useful properties;
  • in soup and other hot dishes, you can put half-thawed onions, or even add ice;
  • in salads and cold dishes, only a completely defrosted product is added.

The shelf life of green onions in the freezer depends on many parameters. Well dried, clean, undamaged and in an airtight bag - it will retain freshness and aroma for up to two years. In an unsealed container, the shelf life is greatly reduced.

How to freeze green onions for the winter

Perhaps someone will think that freezing green onions for the winter is not the most necessary preparation. But my personal opinion is that nothing will be superfluous in winter, so today I will show you how to freeze green onions different ways: cut in bulk, in ice cubes and with butter. You can use it in the same way as any frozen greens: add it to soups, main dishes, fill zrazy, make stuffing for pies and even okroshka. By the way, very soon there will be a recipe for freezing vegetables for okroshka - do not miss it!

Freezing green onions for the winter at home

  • Several bunches of green onions;
  • butter;
  • freezer bags or regular thick ones;
  • molds for ice or sweets;
  • cold boiled water.

How to freeze green onions in the freezer

First of all, we sort out the onion, leaving only elastic, fresh feathers. Whether they will be thin or already mature - it doesn’t matter, for us the main thing is that the onion is not sluggish, withered, yellowed. We cut off the dried ends. After sorting, wash in several waters, then cut off the white part along with the roots. Resist the urge to do the opposite - onion feathers are hollow inside, water will get into them and they will stick together when frozen.

We lay the bundles on a towel, blot on top with a paper or cloth napkin, collecting moisture. We do not crumple the greens, it is important to keep it whole.

Let dry for ten minutes. Greens must be dry before cutting. We cut into rings in the same way as if you were cutting for a salad, okroshka or soup.

We set aside about a third (or more or less, depending on the purpose for which you freeze), the rest is scattered on trays or wooden planks, flat plates in one layer. To prevent the onion from sticking, we tighten the surface with cling film. Then it will be very convenient to collect it, you just need to lift it by the edges and the greens will gather in a slide. Put the trays in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Frozen green onions are poured into bags or plastic containers and put back into storage. If it doesn’t matter to you how crumbly it turns out, you can pack it into containers after cutting and freeze them.

How else can you freeze green onions

Now about other ways: freezing in molds with water and butter. For the first method, we need small Silicone forms for muffins or cut plastic cups. Fill with chopped green onions, pour in cold boiled water to the top of the containers. Transfer to the freezer, freeze until firm. After a few hours, take out of the molds, transfer to bags. Be sure to mark what exactly and when we froze.

How to freeze green onions with butter

We need good butter, unsalted, better home cooking or high fat content. It should be softened, at room temperature. Gently mix with finely chopped green onions.

Then there are two options for freezing: in molds, in small portions, or as a sausage, wrapped in cling film. The first is convenient in that you can easily get as much as you need, the butter will soften faster (if on a sandwich). The second is good because no adaptations are needed - they formed a sausage, wrapped it and froze it. The disadvantage of this method is that frozen butter is difficult to cut. But there is a solution - freeze it so that it hardens slightly, and cut into washers, laying a cling film between them. I freeze in silicone molds, fill to the top, put in the freezer. As it hardens, I pour it into a bag. Cubes with water and oil can be made with the addition of other herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, celery.

Is there another way to freeze green onions in plastic bottle. Haven't tried it, maybe that too good option. But I think that it is important here how well the onion will be dried before freezing, otherwise it will stick together in lumps in a bottle and it will be problematic to get it.

Stocks can be made throughout the summer, in small portions, buying one or two more bundles. Or just make as many as you need. I hope that my tips on how to freeze green onions for the winter will be useful to you.

What can be cooked from frozen green onions

You can cook everything the same as fresh, with the exception of salads - greens after freezing are not suitable for them. Unless in a vinaigrette or sauerkraut.

The filling for pies is prepared in the same way as from fresh: you need to stew it in oil until soft and mix with chopped eggs.

For omelettes, vinaigrette, sauces, patés, snack pancakes and muffins better fit bulk freezing. You do not need to defrost, immediately put to the rest of the ingredients.

Freezing in molds, cubes with water or oil is suitable for dressing the first and second courses. Added at the end of cooking.

For boiled potatoes, fried or baked fish, meat, chicken, for sandwich spreads, frozen green onions with butter are ideal.

How to freeze green onions - three ways to freeze for the winter

Detailed recipe with photos and helpful tips how to freeze green onions for the winter in three ways: in ice cubes, with butter and sliced ​​\u200b\u200brings.